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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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This literally what’s going to happen if Trump gets back into office. Death of democracy.
Democracy is been dead for years now
>Death of democracy.
It's already dead you're just too stupid to notice.
>Death of democracy.
We can finally get some shit done now!
vince is a Faggot
Every law in America discriminates against and steals from the majority to prop up minorities. We don't have a democracy.
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And? A lot of very reasonable people would see it as a necessary evil which is required to stamp out a greater evil currently threatening societal destruction. That is how it was seen in Germany.
very unlikely. Trump wouldn't do that. However if he falls victim to a false flag launched against him like he did with covid, they will try to drag him down again so a Democrat could win in 2028. Then all of a sudden the Democrat can then be exactly what they accuse Trump of being in your twitter post.
You promise? Pinky swear? No takesie-backsies?
Democracy was always a mistake on a large scale.

Its only good for small groups of people or towns where if the choice they voted on turns out to suck ass. You can heckle the fuckers that did it and theyll try something else nexttime.

Democracy on a large scale is trash. Id prefer a king or dictator because i dont even know whos voting for retarded shit. Its allhidden
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Please let it be real this time. I hope he burns you all.
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Democracy does not exist in a mult-cultural society
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Even by low Liberal standards you failed. NO dick for you.

Enough letting liberals exist.
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>Death if Democracy
Democracy has always been a scam. All democracies become oligarchies because those with the most money/power are able to control the flow of information and essentially run the country through the laughable veneer of "democracy." Just read plato, retard. He lays all this out thousands of years ago, lol.
The US is a constitutional republic
Democracy is mob rule
These are absolutes amyways. Forget idology this is the way to get folks to fight for thier own slavery.
We are awake now, nice try
Stupid nigger that's the opposite of what's going on now. The power of the executive branch to interpret and influence law has been significantly reduced, if not outright revoked.
>this literally what's
nigger grammar
literal nigger or jewish
so fucking tired of jew obsession with nazis
i mean trump is gonna crash the economy eventually and then society will heal.
Ended up greatly, right? Germany now lives with the ghost of WW2 and the prejudice of being a nation that's started two world wars. Dictatorship is never a reasonable answer, it's just absurd that a country that has a whole history of freedom and liberty to even consider such a thing.
Democracy is how you ended up with human shit covered zombie and nigger infested cities.
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I really just like watching the leftards and establishment boot lickers cry. It's gonna be great!
>all of the guilt is Germany's
Spoken like a true jew. Where is "the guilt" of the genocidal jewish race?
Democracy is best form of government ever devised by man. But only the real, sortition based kind.
Republicans are the problem. Doubly so because they've ruined the term democracy.
Don’t tease me like that OP.
No takes backsies!
Simmer down now, yall. The system has been fake for a long time now. The AIPAC person assigned to the winner will be the exact same person currently "advising" Biden.
we've been in a perpetual state of national emergency since march 9th 1933 if I'm not mistaken, it has been a charade this whole time.
This anon gets it
democracy is fascist, which is why the united states is a republic instead of being ruled by the mob.
The mob is majority non-white.
Mob will rule death to all whites.
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democracy is a Jewish scam
A deomcracy - a proper democracy - is one that bombs Naziggers to hell and back until they're nice again. 50 years under Soviet rule is awful, but they brought it on themselves. That'll teach them to get ideas of Empire
Except not all Whites are going to just sit around & take it. There will be a stand, a showdown - I guarantee it
Good. I’m tired of acting like we should play ball with people who want us dead. Take every last shred of power away from them.
Does anyone know this guy? Found it in a book collection amongst a load of copied documents. Screenshot cause I don't post my photos.
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>ZOG empire
STFU. Fortress Europe was meant to protect it from judeo-bolsheviks pouring in from (((Russia))) after they genocided the native population and stole their wealth in the $ trillions. Fuck your ZOG (((demokracy))) bullshit psyop
He was the 'Master Gasser' of Auschwitz. Craziest gasser of them all. Rumor was he knew the right mixture of foods to eat to simply kill jews with his rancid farts.
> Death of democracy.

Your democracy is a fake and gay sham, you know that right? You fucking occupied nigger
haven't these dumb fuck libshit Ameriturds run out of tricks yet?
Interesting find anon
>being this mad you go straight to spouting ze Nazis
I mean if you can't trust the writings of someone who invaded the largest country on Earth in the middle of winter while playing around with meth, who can you trust?
>le natsoc bad
I am so fucking hard right now, let's fucking go 0/
That's literally what Democrats have been doing for 50 years. Trump was already in office and he was nothing like that. Democrats are exactly that.
When you have 95% or so in DC voting democrat as we do right now I'd argue we already have a one-party state.
we don't have democracy you retard. never have never will. and no i am not arguing that we are technically a republic. what i am saying is that we are run by retards.
Why didn't he do it the first time?
wtf I love Trump now
>Ended up greatly, right?
well it potentially could have if not for the whole invading the rest of europe thing. had hitler focused on domestic affairs and repairing relations with other nations, he probably would have been remembered more fondly. germany didnt start ww2 simply because it was a dictatorship, it was more because their head of state was a retard who sincerely thought that he could conquer all of europe. its the whole benevolent dictator vs corrupt democracy question.
You're a total faggot and a simpleton at that. Go back to watching boomer BBC propaganda documentaries or (((History Channel))).

>Hitler the traitor
>Hitler the secret jew
>Hitler the Rothschild
>Hitler the maniac madman
>Hitler the occultist demon
>Hitler the sadist rapist
>etc etc ETC

Cheap elaborately concocted (((hollywood tabloid))) conspiracy bullshit psyop perpetuated by those afraid to face the fact that the world has begun to realize the reasons behind the war - to defeat judeo-bolsheviks (rebranded simply "communists" & their golems) as they'd just genocided 40 million Whites in Caucasia and were infiltrating all of Western Europe & inciting communism to stage yet another takeover and (((red terror))).
>The hysterical women and soiboys screaming "fuck your constitutional rights" during covid are now worried totalitarianism.

Aint' that a shame.
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Nice, I always liked Buddhism
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>I am the good jew!
>NO I am the good jew!
Oy Vey! The Goyim know! Quick - let's have a civil war!
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I mean, if we're lucky.
You're still a faggot though.
Look at how fucking retarded these browns are. Fucking Christ, niggers, go back.
This. OP is fag as per.
Why the hell isn't Trump pushing back on this? Saying what its really about, saying he's not doing anything evil. Then again he is a sociopath so probably IS going to turn us into Nazis but I mean this ruling changed nothing.
Hitler wasn't out to invade the entirety of europe retard hasbarat he was out to unite german speaking lands and destroy communism
I have maps etc. Box had a book called
>d_day liberation of Paris and loads if documents, letters, journals. It's good shit.
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>this entire post
lmao prove it

>I'll throw mindless insults at him
>that'll prove him wrong!
>Everyone knows you win the argument when you do that, right?
I don't care about the democrat's democracy.
Yea came in a box set type thing with a book about d day. Excuse the pink sheet and unmade bed. Not long been up.
>Kike civil war
If it actually came to the point where the Kikes are literally killing each other,
you better believe we will pick a side.
The side that makes the most Kikes die.
Before we turn our bullets on them.
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Perhaps it was part of an old soldiers collection. The ID might've been taken from someone he killed in his tour of Europe to genocide German men women & children. Sad
good. tired of "democracy" aka women and shitskins complaining
democracy works great when you dont treat women and shitskins like people (they arent yet we currently pretend they are and it is the cause of all suffering)
>no partnerships aka parasitism
Many think we should blitzkrieg them all
yeah sure the biggest kike lover is now hitler
So Trump should do the sneedful and set up a dictatorship with Barron Trump as the successor.
I'd join the Trump Waffen
Nah, I think it was sold as such. However there is a letter from a leaf soldier to his wife that was written whilst out on the water going to land on the beach. Tell me if ydgaf and I'll stop. I'm just happy to share some new stuff. The letter is double sided so can't post all in one pic. Sorry OP for being a cunt in your thread.
>the reasons behind the war
to deport most slavs to asia and repopulate their land with germans?
Lurk moar boomer faggot
That IS very cool btw
>Trump will gas the jews
"democracy" means democrat policies like open borders, DEI, globohomo agenda etc
I am enjoying the contents. Even this letter, while it says little and is written for writings sake it still made me feel for the guy. Literally about to land on the beach. I also have the spy report saying they knew the beaches had artillery and machine guns. Bastards for sending them to land still.
>page 2
You think the fall of Russia to a jewish genocide regime was a fucking joke? Fuck (((you))). Start listening to their reasons for the war in the new AI translated speeches on YT. It's NOTHING like ZOG taught us
it is literally the opposite, but ok stupid golem
>Signal corps message book
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>Death of Democracy

Wasn't it the Germany people who willingly voted Hitler into power? Also if the Weimar Republic is the democracy they should have held onto than no thanks and even the German people didn't want it anymore.
I found that interesting too. I also wondered how many men on all sides had no one to write to because their families were all gone.
He was facing a harrowing ordeal for sure and it's a historical document as well.

At least we're not speaking German
I'm trying to find him.
What's his name? Rand Moyer?
Keep that document, that's amazing.
Why shouldn't we be a one party country? What sense does it make to constantly be in conflict with ourselves other than to distract us from those who actually have power? It's the fucking jews again!
Democracy was just casus belli for one group of aristocrat's to grab power from another.
It has always been bullshit
Give me a break. These liberals and their hysterics are ridiculous.
>"no, you can't target political opponents by pretending they've committed a crime by doing what every president in the history of the US government has done."
>"wow, this is just like nazi Germany!"
Oy vey.
Good, Democracy is gay and jewish.
at some point the leftoid shills and twitter threads need to be addressed on this board and dealt with, it's been nearly 10 years now.
Queer Status: Smeared.
This is America, not Germany. You are obsessed with the past, the past of a very different country, unaware of the new and fresh horrors offered by American zio-fascism. Not waving a swastika, but Old Glory in all her red, white, and blue.
We got jewish satanic corporatism on its way to technocratic. Only a tyrant can fix things but it won’t be Trump.
Does anyone else have their tinfoil hat on another level beyond this? Like are THEY so in control that they’re luring us into “overreacting” again so they can implement total control?
Republic is going to kill democracy
>I wish they would stop making Trump sound more Based than he actually is.
When do we get to join the secret police and start executing all the traitors? Call me, I want in.
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based, i can't wait. fire up the ovens,
and thats a good thing
I found him

Kurt Meyer (* 23 December 1910 in Jerxheim; † 23 December 1961 in Hagen), alias "Panzermeyer", was a police officer since 1929, a member of the NSDAP since 1930 and of the SS since 1931, where he was an SS brigade leader and major general of the Waffen-SS since 1944. Meyer was sentenced to death by a Canadian military court in December 1945 for the murder of Canadian prisoners of war in June 1944. The death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in the spring of 1946 and finally paroled in 1954. From 1959 Meyer was the federal spokesman for the mutual aid association of members of the former Waffen-SS (HIAG).
Finally. JFC shoulda done it in 16.
well played anon. i knew was ss from the writing. thanks, bro. i did see his name too but thought id ask anyway. new ip on wifi
Wow that's awesome and saved that for a good web search tomorrow
You can't kill a corpse that's already rotted away
The son of a factory worker and a midwife[1], he attended elementary school in Schöningen and Offleben from 1916 to 1925.[2] From 1925 to 1928 he completed a commercial apprenticeship in Minden. Meyer joined the Hitler Youth (HJ) in May 1925 and switched from the HJ to the SA in April 1928. When he started working for the Mecklenburg-Schwerin state police in October 1929, he left the SA. On September 1, 1930[3] he joined the NSDAP (membership number 316,714), where he worked as a local group leader. On October 15, 1931 he became a member of the SS (SS number 17,559) and initially belonged to the 22nd SS Standarte in Schwerin.

After the Nazis took power, Meyer left the police in May 1934 and became a platoon leader in the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LAH) in the same month. In 1936 he was promoted to SS-Obersturmführer and head of the 14th anti-tank company of the SS-Standarte. In December 1934 Meyer married and had five children.

In 1939, during the Second World War, Meyer led the 14th anti-tank company of the Leibstandarte as SS-Hauptsturmführer during the German invasion of Poland. According to an Allied investigation report, Meyer shot 50 Jews near Modlin during the invasion of Poland.[4]

In October 1939 Meyer moved to the Leibstandarte motorcycle riders; in 1940 he took part in the Western campaign. In September 1940 he was promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer and took over as commander of the Leibstandarte's reconnaissance department. Meyer also fought in the Balkan campaign and in the war against the Soviet Union. According to a lieutenant colonel who was taken prisoner by the Allies, Meyer reported during an officer training course that he had burned down a village near Kharkov and murdered all of its inhabitants.[5
In May 1943, Meyer was transferred to the newly formed 12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend" as commander of the 25th SS Panzer Regiment. Meyer was part of a group of instructors who transferred from the Leibstandarte to the "Hitlerjugend" division, which - according to historian Peter Lieb - "symbolically became the first political-military child of Hitler's former bodyguard."[6] Lieb calls the division "probably the most National Socialist-indoctrinated unit of the entire German armed forces."[7] In July 1944, Meyer himself called on the division in a daily order to be "fanatical soldiers" and described them as "bearers of faith and attack" of the National Socialist idea.[8]

After SS Brigadeführer Fritz Witt was killed on the eighth day of the landing of the Western Allies in Normandy, Meyer took over the leadership of the "Hitlerjugend" division. He was promoted to SS-Oberführer on August 6, 1944; shortly afterwards he escaped the Battle of Caen with around 5,000 of the original 22,000 men. They were caught in the Falaise Pocket. Meyer escaped with around 1,500 men and was awarded the Swords to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on August 27, 1944.
Democracy is a one party state. Jews run everything. We need strong dictators again to destroy the rot.
Meyer was captured near Liège on September 7, 1944, posed as a colonel and was taken to a prison camp near Compiègne. Possibly assuming that he had died, Meyer was retroactively appointed SS Brigadeführer and Major General of the Waffen-SS as of September 1. After he was identified, he was flown to Great Britain; from November 17, 1944 to April 24, 1945, he was a prisoner of war in Trent Park. There, in December 1944, Meyer advocated that the German troops should continue fighting, as the victors wanted to "exterminate" the Germans.[9] After the failure of the Battle of the Bulge, Meyer had a change of heart: he suggested that he be sent back to Germany to convince Hitler of the idea of an armistice in the West. The historian Sönke Neitzel wrote in 2005 that it was tempting to see this plan as just an attempt by Meyer to escape captivity. However, Meyer had realised that returning to Germany would not prevent him from having to face trial soon.
amazing stories i can imagine. its the only nazi thing in the collection. theres another page, will post after ive eaten. five or so mins
Trump is too old to be a dictator. You would need someone young who can rule for few decades.
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My boyhood dream was to be an SS officer. Maybe dreams do come true.
Kill yourself you subversive fucking faggot.
I never swore allegiance to no fucking democracy, you imbecile.
As if the current checks and balances work. The "rule of law" is utter bullshit
Thank you very much. He was right that the allies did want to exterminate Germans.

Eisenhower's death camps

Justice For Germans
There's another 2 pages to that letter if you want to see them.
Fun fact: Huey Long's bodyguards shot that evil kike over 60 times.
this shit never turns out as cool as they make it out to be, ever.
Basically this
I'm curious why he signed it from dad when he was writing to his wife. Was wondering if I cant read his name correctly lol the rest is understandable
Germany didn't start WW1 you dumb nigger
God I hope so. But not likely considering how much Jewish cum is running inside of Zion Don’s intestines.
what are the stamps for?
>Democracy is best form of government ever devised by man.
Nothing more perfect than perpetually dividing a nation over trivialities.
I believe it was a bank deposit stamp or a costa coffee slip. I tried translation and the word bank came up.
National Socialist
German Workers' Party
Reichsleitung Munich
Briennerstraße 45
Telephone: 54901.58344.56081
Postal checking account Munich 23319
Mailing address: Munich 43-Letter box 80
Issue 1935
Honour roll for the heroes who fell on November 9, 1923 at the Feldherrnhalle and in the courtyard of the former War Ministry in Munich:

Felix Ullfarth, merchant born on 5th July 1901
Andreas Bauriedl, upholsterer born on 4th May 1879
Theod. Casella, bank official born on 8th August 1900
Wilh. Ehrlich, bank official born on 19th August 1894
Martin Fauft, bank official born on 17th January 1901
Unton Hechenberger, locksmith
Oskar Körner, merchant born on 4th March 1875
born on 28th September 1902

Honour roll:
Karl Kuhn, senior clerk, born on 20th June 1897
Karl Laforce, engineering student, born on 28th October 1904
Kurt Sieubauer, servant, born on 27th March 1899
Klaus von Pape, merchant, born on 16th August 1904
Theodor von der Pfordten, district court judge, born on 14th May 1873
Johann Rickmers, retired captain, born on 7th May 1881
May Erwin von Scheubner-Richter, born on 9th March 1884
Lorenz Ritter von Stransky, born on 14th May 1899
Wilhelm Wolf, merchant, born on 12th October 1898
All intrigues
party contributions 19.77 aid contributions
£1'S DEA&T
Party Hehrad
Par Contribution
Party Contribution
Mizz 6
30 30
In the Central Publishing House of the NSDAP
Frz. Cher Nachf.,
the central organs
and the fundamental
National Socialist
literature of the party are published.
People's Observer
and the work of the leader
"My Struggle"
provide the intellectual equipment
of every party comrade.
(You). Are a legend, anon.
The word bank is there but it wasn't what I assumed. Thank anon
what the fuck i never knew that story before
Thanks for uploading the pics, amazing historical document in great condition
no i mean wha are they for? i dont understand why you put stamps in a little book? is it to prove you paid postage on another package or something?
Wow. What an incredible find - ya did good lad. Perhaps is that "Ted" and not Dad? The top of the T could be at a sharp angle & somewhat incomplete. Otherwise it's baffling. To me, these are all definitely artifacts
Wait, is that the names of the men who were shot when they were walking with Hitler to protest?
Adolf was just keeping his campaign promises.
It looks like contributions or his sub payment to the party
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a constitutional dictatorship is better than an unconstitutional democracy.
especially if the voting population is retarded.
which it is. even if they weren't rigging the elections, there's no democracy for retards.
the normie left and the normie right are both retarded. every race is retarded. every economic class. every caste, every profession, every institution. every generation.
the people making the argument for democracy being the best are the saddest retards of all.
localized democracy works as an administrative function. musical chairs democracy at the federal level with a fucking unelected byzantine deep state indistinguishable that works for the highest bidder (lobbying) is fully fucked. there's no recovery from that.
we have foreign adversaries (israel) wearing foreign military uniforms serving in the fucking senate.
the federal government is over.
them appealing to buzzword good feelings about "democracy" as a sacred institution after 2020 is beyond pathetic.
Yes, it's in the beginning of Mein Kampf
We need a dictatorship
Ah yes, Ted could be the name. And no worries, the book is available to buy however I'm not sure how many documents come with it. I've seen one other for sale on amazon but they seem to have less documents in than my copy.
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This is a very angry man that only care about himself. Be careful what you vote for.
No worries. There are loads of documents in. I haven't unfolded them all yet but there is a big map of the positions of panzer groups etc. Letters, journals, telegrams about the plan, some propaganda leaflets too. I will try and make a thread in the coming days and see if people are interested.
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I'll look for it ... I'm up way past bedtime, almost time to get up again!!! Don't know why I do this kek
you are the traitors, dipshit.
>democracy is a Jewish scam
It's like history repeats itself...
>Democracy is best form of government ever devised by man.
I always wished Trump was like the left pretended he was
I'll be looking out for it!
ID keeps changing because I'm on mobile.
Lmao I know that one, bro. Get some rest and keep an eye out for the thread d day experience. Will probs do it later in the week. About to get ready n start the day. Take care
good pic
Sweet bro, should be a cool thread to be fair. Think I will photograph everything and edit it all nice before I make the thread just so I can be prepared.
>Id keeps changing
I love mobile data switching cause its more anonymous lol. Anyway, have a good one pal, I'm off for the day.
Thanks fren I'll deepscan the catalog. Great share :)
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*yawn*. If the democrats are in control they could go full Nazi right now. So why don’t those pussies do it before the MIGA boomer does it first? Answer this right now libturds. You won’t because your fears are all fake and gay.
>the personification of national socialism
>im 5’10” & 3/5 with sky blue eyes and broad shoulders
if i was alive in the war the cops here would nick me for being a nazi lmfao.
Democracy is for infant children. Its not politics, its petulance
Saving these, anon. Gonna read on the bus to town. A nice addition to the booklet.
lITteRaLly hItlER
I wish Trump was like Hitler, then the kikes would get sent to camps, and the niggers would be exported back to Africa.
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How's he going to get into office? By... an election?
Doesn't even have a blue checkmark.
>literally what’s going to happen
nothing that cool will ever happen again
It would be better than what the left is trying to do which is turn this country into a NWO-subservient pay pig for “climate change” which funnels dollars into their coffers so they can continue using American taxpayer money to replace government officials on a global scale with ones they control.
Globalists, Marxists, NWO, and progressives are all cultists who need a dose of lead to the brain.
Trump hasn’t talked about taking away the democrats, but they talk about taking him out daily
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Stacy had to change her panties after watching that
I'm going to need a longer bus journey
god I wish
but it's going to be another four years of hand rubbing and gay nothing happens shit
Thank God we love in a Constitutional Republic you nigger

Democracy died back in 2020 when the Democrats rigged the elections.

Instead of teaching math and science in schools, the Leftists are programming students to attend gay bars and nightclubs.
Is that a real leaflet or a phoney?
>plot twist
That was the head teacher
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Check my numbers tho
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>Death of democracy
Like this?
democracy died when Lincoln took office
> democracy (tm) dieded this century
What empire? Your empire is completely gone because you sided with ideas that opposed national socialism.
doubt it
it looks like computer typeface on an aged paper background. shit like underlining and the numbered list bulletpointing is what your expect from word processor formatting.
There wasn't a first.
Imagine if it became public knowledge that commies attempted a bloody revolution in 1918/19 in Germany, and that Hitler was mainly elected on his economic promises (which revealed true when he got elected) and his defense of people in the streets against the communists who were terrorists murdering civilians left and right.
The image of "Hitler got elected because he was a mean jew-hater!" is retarded, Hitler was actually frankly moderate on the jewish issue, he simply wasn't blind. But everyone around him, particularly Himmler and Goebbels, was far more anti-jew than he was.
Holy shit, that jewish leaflet read like 4chan bait.
Jesus fuck.
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Trump doesnt even have 0.6% of the charisma that Adolf had.

Adolf was literally acting at the behest of Aryan prehistoric spirits.
Trump is just a rich boomer....
Hitler was elected though
Weren't US presidents already immune to the prosecution while in power?
What exactly is the scenario that would have been previously prevented?
all this prevents is Trump from replacing the kiked FBI and DOJ with normal people who treat the law fairly and then prosecuting obama and bush for their numerous illegal activities
>muh biden bill
this already happened nigger
Nazis were genocided 100 years ago and their entire ideology demonized to nonexistence.
Why do some "people" behave like they are a living, breathing thing in 2024?
Because judeo communists, the arch-rival of the National Socialists, are in global control today.
It's like the Devil screeching about Christ 2000 years after he died.
This isn’t what’s going to happen. Trump is a Zionist. He’ll send every white person to the war in Lebanon if it meant getting a check from Israel.
Reality is still real so nazis are still right
>if it meant getting a check from Israel
>the guy who donated all of his paychecks back to the government
fucking tds faggot
not being the nazis is the quasi-religion of todays west
Retard what’s $400,000 to a billionaire. It was a good political move. We are at the end times now. Why do you think so many billionaires built bunkers halfway across the world in places like New Zealand. They’re going to take everything and leave us to die/kill is.
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Sorry but
Only The Blood will do.
Until and unless the people have full and complete rights to vote on every law, treaty and regulation with the “lawmaking” offices advisory only, there is no democracy anywhere.
Democracy only works for and benefits a homogeneous population when only men vote. What we have now is pure degeneracy.
Partiocracy and donorocracy aren’t democracy.
>the blank cheque wasn't Germany's fault
Some Texas prosecutor announcing that they are seeking death penalty for Obama for droning US citizens without trial would have been funny as shit
Just like in his last term right?
Like the meme says:
"Democracy is by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded."
Perfect society is where people are "moderately free", as in people get to do what they want as long as it's not retarded. America is perfect example where people are TOO FREE so they do retarded shit. Russia or China are the opposite as people aren't as free as they should be and most feel and live miserably while government watches over them so they don't become even slightly retarded, but take my word, government cannot watch over everyone so they still become retarded, only in different ways.
Fuck democracy
Long live genocide of niggers, kikes and pajeets
>That was the head teacher
as in he taught the kids how to give head
he is too content and weak, he is a billionaire who just wants more power to play his retarded games.

Hitler came out of ww1 & prison with a new and fresh attitude
>Democracy is best form of government ever devised by man.
Fuck no it isn't. Republics are. Read Plato, you stupid bastard.
jesus christ the progressives have gone insane. I was dumbfounded at work today my coworkers who I thought were normal have all gone batshit insane. they were talking about murdering all the republicans and arresting Trump because their words "anything Biden does is legal now".

I didn't realize how stupid people were until today but this has opened my eyes. the majority of people are too retarded to vote. democracy can't work when the average person is this dumb.
This but slam a gigantic fuck off eagle behind them and this is exactly what is going to happen next.
Aristotle observed that democracy can not work with diversity of the people in a country/state.

so what do you fucking homotards want?

choose one of you liberal fucking mongoloids
christ I hope they get what they want.
Democracy can't actually exist with mass media and women voters anyway. Let's all stop pretending.
"We need to have Seal Team 6 KILL Trump, arrest ALL Republican representatives, prevent Republican voters from EVER voting again, disband SCOTUS, send in the military to arrest ALL who oppose us and put them in reeducation camps, make Biden President for LIFE and we must do this to protect DEMOCRACY, because Conservatives are all NAZIS!"

Liberals are so scared and silly right now.
Covid should've been an eye-opener.
Thats too bad, democracy is good because it protects butt sex world wide
Lol this gullible goy retard really believes what we were taught in (((History))) class. He never bothered to ask questions or do any kind of research. The perfect example of a vaxxie.
Americans are not at all "free" they have a media pushed illusion of freedom and that's all it is, that's all it ever was.
Western economies are no different to a very long game of Monopoly, this game is currently playing towards an end game where the winner will be crowned as the owner of all properties. This started accelerating in the 80's with Thatcher in the UK and Reagan in the US "liberating" the markets and effectively allowing the stripmining of Western civilisation. As soon as people become wealthy enough they will take over the institutions and use them to stifle competition and eventually outright outlaw it.
We've already seen this play out in very stark terms via the death of main street USA, now only corporations can afford to play within the system at a very fundamental level, entrepreneurship is basically being abolished for all but the chosen few.
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What kind of American are you?
Say it with me, the US was never a democracy...it is a Constitutional Republic. You Boomers and zoomers are retarded af.
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>>472818986>> No it's not you retard. With the Chevron act repealed we can go after Agencies and CEO's that have been pushing hidden commie agendas that have destroyed America. If you hadn't noticed it the past 40 years till today the "White" population is less than 10 % globally. The elite's strategy has been divide and conquer; sponsored by X,Y, & Z. DO some traveling around the USA and you'll get a clearer picture. Don't be a salve stand up for your constitutional rights; don't like it get the Fuck out.
Pretty sure I swore my allegiance to the republic every day for 12 years through public school. Why would I stop now?
Italy had a fascist leader but everyone loves Italy. Germany was unlucky in that regard.
Trump was already in office for 4 years and spent most of his time tweeting and playing gulf. He did few things for Israel but that's really the only thing I remember of him doing.
Death to democracy? Pretty sure West Germany ended up with it only 13 years after that pic, and eternal US military occupation ever since.
Now Taliban ended Jewmocracy and kicked the ZOG out, now that's a good example.
And he'll do the exact same thing if he's elected again, with 4 - 8 years of a completely ordinary presidency. Everyone just wants to be part of "le resistance" again, they're fucking salivating at the thought of Trump winning so they can "clap back" whenever he tweets something totally innocuous like meeting with Trudeau. A million fuckers all trying to be the first one to respond with some epic comeback.
The people may be dumb and gullible, but most of them are not retarded. They always knew to a high degree what was good for society or what benefits their own group economically.
The problem is that people today are psyoped into oblivion by uncountable malevolent actors around the globe and and among themselves while there are no cultural or religious guidelines left that would provide any security or stability.
This creates a high level of lethargy and disorientation in the people, which ironically furthers the decline of a democractic society into a death spiral.
So which branch of the military should I join?
Did they miss all of the politicians they voted for who openly campaigned on bringing charges on their opponents and then carried that out?
>if trump gets elected, democracy is dead!
>if trump gets elected again, democracy is dead!
>Presidential immunity prevents Trump from changing non presidental bodies
Go team retard
He was, but the dems were running this whole time that being out of office meant he no longer had that blanket immunity on the grounds of "we said so". SCOTUS declared that, no, he is still immune as long as it's an "official" act of the Presidency and they need to actually provide a reasonable argument as to why it's not to charge him.
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Hell yeah nigga, I want to vote drumpf even harder now!
Democracy = A country run by Jews
Trump = Zionist
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Yes; sacred martyrs


No it won't. That's the problem!
Instead trump will whip the good goys up to go die in Ukraine and Israel.
Italy and Japan are doing just fine, you know why? Because they didn't suppress jews, and jews care about that more than anything. Unfortunately we are ruled by them, which is the only reason Germany is haunted by its past. They are literally an occupied country.
>Death of democracy.
we're a republic

>Death of democracy.

How is it the death of democracy if that's what the majority vote for?
The fall of Germany wasn't because of some internal collapse due to bad state ideology, it was destroyed by 3 empires in the largest and most deadly war in history.
good. democracy is failing. I've never gained one good thing from democracy. Just a bunch of fucking indians. I want a refund.
Already happened. The Trump Court destroyed separation of powers. They crowned their king, and they retain the right to take away that crown if they want, their definition of immunity is intentionally vague, so they can narrow it down if anyone threatens their power. Traitors prosper, and none dare call it treason.
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Democracy deserves to die. But that idiot lacks any redeemable qualities, and is even more fucked in the head over his relationship with his parents than Tucker is.
Fine by me. Democracy is a horrible system. I'm tired of being ruled by a mob of retards.
>This literally what’s going to happen if Trump gets back into office. Death of democracy.
I fucking wish
>their entire ideology demonized to nonexistence.
That’s the problem. They’ve tried to do this but the truth keeps coming out. History is written by the victors. Then the victors decay away and the lies they told are stripped away. Only then is the truth finally exposed. His spirit is rising from the grave as we speak, and that scares the shit out of everyone in power.
the stamps are proof of his paid party membership fees on the left.
on the right hilfskasse, it was insurance fees for members
I wish
I hope you die Agent Coxack
These guys are hilarious... Yes, the nazi party was at the same level of the republicans, what of it?
Shut up
It’s happening because he was in office prior and somehow still has influence through CNN.

If 4chan didn’t exist this wouldn’t happen. 4chan is the reason they repealed Roe vs Wade.

Anyways, if Trump goes back things are going to go to shit worse than now, mostly for the people who are the poorest.
Awesome reading ... and absolutelyprophetic

Meyer went on to say " . . . Germany in five years or less will be (((Communist))). The English, he explained, had NO idea of Russia, it's brutal system of "life" and it's people. They would sweep away all of the Western culture as we know it, and would set up in it's place their own half developed animal-like existence, which could only mean the complete disappearance of Western Civilization . . . he said this was the reason why the Fuhrer had led them into the Russian adventure (campaign). The Fuhrer had realized this peril all along, and his one idea was to save Europe from the menace of (((Bolshevism)))"
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Friday March 24th,1933 judea declared war on Germany.
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there is no democracy in a world where children between 18 and 28 years of age, with no knowledge of the world and prove to being manipulated can vote

there is no democracy in a world where people without children who give no fuck about the future can vote

there is no democracy in a world where anyone can immigrate into a country, get naturalized and advocate for their own interest, at the detriment of the country, through vote
Who was the President of Judea. Who was the Defense Minister of Judea. Where is Judea’s capital.
The only thing that will fix america at this point is a far right one party state
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Hitler issued silver coinage [real money] and expelled the kikes.
I might be retarded but is that why they named names in the Adobe lawsuit when usually muh corporations are ppl let's em get away?
america was a one party state for 70 years and the democrats had no problem with it.
>mexican intellectual
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Quick reminder that a crypto kike named douglas EVIL gave the orders to firebomb dresden
You're in a death cult. Fine for your, but when you go through your death throes you're not taking anyone else with you. If you try you're going to be wiped away and flushed like a shit smear.
Trump is a do nothing faggot either jewish grandkids. He literally won't do shit other than push another clot shot and give green cards to jeets
Quick reminder that jews assassinated the wife of congressman Thomas Massie.
Damn, well get a clean world without niggers, jews and retarded kids so I don't have to pay taxes to either? Trump ftw!
am i banned?
Oh fucking please spare us your bullshit
And every problem was resolved, Germany was on it's way to exiting the Great depression, homelessness and poverty being eliminated, suicides falling, moral boosted, wealth returning, great social construction projects beginning and putting millions to work, starvation ended, the greatest economic miracle of all time occured, debt and interest on currency and thus loans ended, the jews influence on the people waning and thus the people healing.

Democracy is death to the nation, death of democracy is life to the nation.

The parties that existed before, like in America, were all the same and run by an rootless clique of jews. Ending them was liberation of the German Volk. The jew couldn't allow this, and brought America, England and USSR which they controlled via democracy and communism against Italy/Germany/Japan using White lives as cannon fodder.
Still Tony
What he's describing is literally Chevron Deference, which is hilarious given the context of recent events. Immunity for official acts serving the constitution just means Trump can't be prosecuted as a criminal for things he did to fulfill the duties as president, Congress and courts can still block him.
Based af. But what makes you think that would happEn? Trump seems pretty loyal to the American constitutional system and even played ball in NYC at the kangaroo court when He could have just laffed and walked away. That’s an honest injun. And besides He didn’t do this the first time around despite all the child rapists and cabal members on the left and right and you useful idiots parroting their “rhetoric” - so what’s the reason this time?
I could have sworn that the president having immunity for things he does while in office has always been the case since the founding of this country. That's why impeachment exists, as a check on the president's power by congress. Why is this suddenly an issue now?
You want to say who cares, even when there's protests the US govt never listens. 1 million people took to streets to protest against the Iraq war before it happened, still happened though. There's not much difference except Trump will try and be dictator 4 lyfe
Hitler's strength was that he tapped into what every Aryan person knows in their heart but is afraid to say out loud.
Every day I wish we got the libshit boogeyman idea of Trump and not the useless fat ziocon boomer he really is
Good, America isn’t a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic and should really get back to that
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No, dipshit - democracy is Majority Rule, MOB RULE.
When you are sailing, or flying, you don’t have the crew and all of the passengers navigating the course to the destination, you leave that in the hand of qualified experts, real experts, with merit and qualifications. Not saying that our “qualified” representatives actually have any merit or are even “experts” at all, most politicians haven’t even taken political science 110.

Do yourself a favor and take some courses in political theory, political science and especially philosophy and LOGIC

Racialism is racialism. It is both for your kind and against foreign kinds always or it isn't racialism. This Leon Degrelle seems to have somewhat judao christian morality in that he believes being racial against foreigners is wrong. That is what Christianity, the concept of racism, social engineering and everything that comes from jews teaches so that they can exist as subversive parasite within our homelands and so that we never eliminate our enemies, rather the jew can have our enemies eliminate us.e mist be against foreigners and all foreign influence. This world should have been white ages ago, but hasn't because our people believe there is something wrong in being racial against others. We should have eliminated the uncivilized races thousands of years ago.
The united states has never been a democracy because it it one of the worst forms of government.
Democracy always descends into oligarchy, usually within 50 years. That includes the U.S., and why Andrew Jackson made fighting the oligarchy and corporatism his campaign platform.
Why can’t you answer the question
I hope so. A world without jews or criminal loud mouthed negroes or muslims? Sounds heavenly.
How about a world without you?
Race is nation, nation is race. Their racial collective had declared war, and being subversive elements within nations this is far more destructive or formidable than a foreign State declaring war.
>omh he's literally hitler!!!
Literally go fuck yourself.
You fell for the bait

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