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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472813468

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Article 2, section 4 of the constitution:
>The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
The president is liable to both impeachment and conviction, and both can remove him from office. It's there in plain english and last I checked even SCOTUS can't sneak in there in the night and slather it in wite-out.
Decision is bullshit from an illegitimate SCOTUS. Transparently false bullshit.
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Calm your tits Karen.
It's great one branch of the government worked for one fella. It absolutely doesn't do shit for any of the rest of us. Congratulations to those few sitting in an oval office. The rest of get nothing out of all of it. Yay
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Cry harder faggot.
like most libtards, you don't understand the law at all. the ruling confirms that -only- the house (via the charge) and the senate (via the conviction or acquittal) can hold the president responsible for crimes committed while in office. it prevents your democrat judges from prosecuting republicans on fake charges, as you democrats are known to do.
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You're an idiot. You know nothing of what you're talking about.
Impeachment does not remove you from office.
Conviction does.
And it's not a conviction in a court of law.
Left is brutally mogging them
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kouhai in plain english it says that the president can be removed for office by impeachment for, and conviction of, high crimes and misdemeanors. impeachment is a specific process outlined in article I, that congress has "sole power" of: the house for charging, and the senate for convicting. nothing else "functions" as impeachment because that would not be "sole power"

article II, section 4 is not using "conviction" to refer to a process separate from impeachment
the SC told congress to do their fucking jobs
goddamn i love leftoid tears in the morning!
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all we hear is cope cope cope no matter what
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Hai. Saw the Tucc posts last thread but didn't see this particular one.
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Zion Don...
the irony about this whole thing is Barron Trump rn looks almost identical to Trump at the same age
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Supreme Court didnt decide anything, it just becomes one trial and appeal after another about what is or isnt an official act, must be nice to buy a supreme court justice, Biden needs to call Seal Team 6 to take out Trump now with his new immunity power
Wow, you are fucking retarded
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it's funny, i saw someone cry that
>it's insane to think congress in its current state will remove any president!
yes lol that's why the cases were bullshit, it turns out you don't automatically get to do the thing you're not allowed to do just because you want to do it
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Hurry Sanjay before you miss your flight!
How does it feel to be wrong about everything, all the time?
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Biden couldn't call a dog catcher. He's a demented imbecile.
>Supreme Court didnt decide anything, it just becomes one trial and appeal after another about what is or isnt an official act,
Yeah, this is the problem. SCOTUS should have had the balls to write, "Nothing Jack Smith is prosecuting Trump for is prosecutable." Now he merry go round goes, and it will end up right back on their docket for next session.

Bunch of pussies.
speaking of which
>the number of refunds shall be zero
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>and it will end up right back on their docket for next session.

Only if they accept the case. Which they won't since the matter has been settled.
while it's a long shot because the "crime" in question in that case is from 2016 before he was president, the prosecution did bring up a shitton of irrelevant evidence in making their case because it was a sham trial, so i don't doubt they used evidence from his presidency
>it's insane to think congress in its current state will remove any president!
hey, my dad said that today
>we will never get two thirds to vote on anything
yes, no president has been that bad, yet
but if biden or trump did something absolutely unforgivable and abhorrent, then congress could have them out of office and in a cell within the day.
they have absolute immunity with consequences
like the free speech bullshit
>freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences
sort of thing
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>borrowed his jet to fly between ny and florida
>never visited the island
still the best you got though huh
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It's to give Happy Merchan a chance to back down gracefully on sentencing or going "oopsie doodle fruit of the poisoned tree" without getting heemed on appeal.
>the matter has been settled.
Not at all. Chutkin, or whatever that Jamaican judge's name is, will take one look at what the Supreme Court wrote today and use it as toilet paper. Then she'll call Trump back to court and say, "While wiping my ass with the SCOTUS ruling, I determined that everything you are being accused of in this courtroom WAS NOT a presidential act! DIE WHITEY!"

Then Trump will appeal the ruling. Then it will go to the appeals court. The appeals court will say, "Chutrkin is a legal genius. She is right. None of your acts were presidential. DIE WHITEY!"

Then Trump will have to return to Based Black Man on SCOTUS to issue another ruling.
They did use evidence from when he was president, the payments didnt happen until he was already elected. It is clearly grounds for a mistrial and would have to be retried
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it doesn't even matter if it's impossible, neither side just "gets" to do something as a matter of course. if trump shot someone on fifth avenue and no republicans dare to impeach him, preventing impeachment in congress, then that's tough shit for the democrats. "the law" is a system of rules, and if the rules don't matter for constraining what you can and can't do to a president they also don't matter for what the president can and can't do
or in other words: it is difficult to say your breaches of the law are justified in order to punish another's breaches of the law. the law doesn't actually work that way
It's called Disqualification.
like this is not an effective legal argument
>we have to be able to get trump, or we won't be able to get trump!
it might be an effective political argument for sure, but not a legal one
yeah, but we are talking about literal hitler here. what part of "by any means necessary" do you not understand?
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Oh no... It's ogre Trumpsisters...
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joe balloonden
Boy I sure do hate niggers
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JD Vance for VP. Burgum for Secretary of something.
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>Listen here America. When I told that little Jewess to get on her knees, and then stuck big slick willie in her kike mouth, I did not do that as a private citizen. That was a presidential act. From beginning to end and everything in between. That includes when I went so balls deep, my balls touched her chin. It also includes when I nutted all in her mouth and all over her dress. I did not make the rules, America. The founders wanted it this way.
that depends on what the definition of "was" is
What a magical day!
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They been big mad a lot lately!
And we've only got 4 months to go!
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>4 months to go

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Checked and yes there is lots of BIG MAD going around both here and elsewhere and also awoo2u!
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lol, nigger
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Only real niggaz pound the bussy. Bussy is gangsta. Bussy is MAGA.
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They're going to try real hard to connect Trump to Epstein's crimes.
Which is going to backfire bigly like everything else.

I can't wait until lefties get even more shitter-shatted by Trump not going to prison!
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So do tomboys have bussy?
porneia is a sin
Tom bussy
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We are soon to be approaching cope levels that shouldn't even be possible captain, deep within the sneed sector of the REEEEEE supercluster
No. They have vaginas. Being super hot and athletic and all that stuff does not remove your bergina.
Hate to break it to ya, you're a sinner and going to hell. Repent and cease your sin.
And the media only found out this dude was debilitated last week?
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No. That ain't gangsta. Tomboys try to look like boys, but traps are beautiful women. Keep it real around this hood. Wear your MAGA hat sideways when you take the bussy to poundtown. Which happens to be down the road from flavortown.
Actually the economy worked great when Trump was in office, sorry that you fucked it up for everyone.
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>dumb space fiction jokes
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I like it!

Although the one downside of them getting demoralized too soon is we won't see the shock and surprise we saw in 2016!

Right but they have bussies too no?

If I like girls who look like boys more than boys that look like girls does that make me gay? What does the Bible say about this?
..of treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors. Paying off blackmail isn't a bribe.
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lying about it is what got him done, not the act itself.
I nshouldn't...
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Yes it's a total surprise to many dementia came on suddenly nobody could have predicted this
It is possible that the REEEEEEE will be even more intense this year! I for one am hoping for many more self-immolations.
they have known all this time but they lie because they are a propaganda arm of the dnc
repent, coomers
Didn’t read lol
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I did anyway!
a dog returning to its vomit
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>I for one am hoping for many more self-immolations.
I never get the point of self-immolations.
Has anyone ever thought "wow well if people on the other side are willing to set themselves on fire they must be right"?

No idea just something I saved from here
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Really makes me wonder wtf is going on behind the scenes that the media is turning on Biden but the Dems are still circling the wagons around him.
The thought process goes like
>if I do this my life will finally have meaning
>people will know how DEEPLY I CARED and remember me in the highest esteem
>as a bonus secondary to my martyrdom I will convince MILLIONS TO JOIN THE CAUSE

The reality
>faggot self-immolates
>dies hilariously
>ordinary people think "lol wow what a retarded faggot"
>family embarrassed
>not a single person joins the cause
2 peter 2:17-22
>These people are like dried up water holes and clouds blown by a windstorm. The darkest part of hell is waiting for them. They brag out loud about their stupid nonsense. And by being vulgar and crude, they trap people who have barely escaped from living the wrong kind of life. They promise freedom to everyone. But they are merely slaves of filthy living, because people are slaves of whatever controls them.

>When they learned about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they escaped from the filthy things of this world. But they are again caught up and controlled by these filthy things, and now they are in worse shape than they were at first. They would have been better off if they had never known about the right way. Even after they knew what was right, they turned their backs on the holy commandments they were given. What happened to them is just like the true saying,

>“A dog will come back to lick up its own vomit.
>A pig that has been washed will roll in the mud.”

proverbs 26:6-16
>Sending a message by a fool is like chopping off your foot just to spite yourself.
>A fool with words of wisdom is like an athlete with legs that can't move.
>Are you going to honor a fool?
>Why not shoot a slingshot with the rock tied tight?
>A thornbush waved around in the hand of a drunkard is no worse than a proverb in the mouth of a fool.

>It's no smarter to shoot arrows at every passerby than it is to hire a bunch of worthless nobodies.
>Dogs return to eat their vomit, just as fools repeat their foolishness.
>There is more hope for a fool than for someone who says, “I'm really smart!”

>Don't be lazy and keep saying, “There's a lion outside!”
>A door turns on its hinges, but a lazy person just turns over in bed.
>Some of us are so lazy that we won't lift a hand to feed ourselves.
>A lazy person says, “I am smarter than everyone else.”
the confusion is helpful at the moment i think.
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nigh night
Dems are stuck with him.
I never complain about my enemies sewerslidin' in hilarious ways
lmao saved ty MAGAman nn
woah, I think Trump might actually win. everyone seems to think the court cases against him are bogus now. scotus pulled through.
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We're witnessing a civil war. It's been going on for a bit, but most people including BIden, have not noticed it.

The Hur report on classified documents was not the first shot in the war, but it was the first critical blow landed. The DOJ without any need to, called him old and forgetful (aka senial) in the report. All they had to do was say, "did not meet the criteria for prosecution." That's what Comey said about Hillary. That's what the DOJ said when they refused to prosecute McCabe. The whole "he's crazy and that's why we didn't prosecute," was completely unnecessary opinioning. Unless you're trying to take Biden down.

Congress never asks for something from intelligence agencies unless a member from the intelligence agencies tells Congress to ask for it. A couple of weeks ago, the Republicans were screaming bloody murder for the Biden taped interview from the Hur report. That means a DOJ person told them to ask. "A friend" said that the Biden video is bad and told them to ask for it. This person that told the Republicans to ask for that video, is a Democrat in ally clothing. He wants to take down Biden and wants that video out there.

The DOJ video should be making a return in the news cycle in the next week or two. That will be the next blow in the civil war. When it releases, Joy Reid, Maddow, the NYT will all scream that Biden is too feeble.
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The left is like this weird zombie version of Christianity where they removed God but still keep the belief in martyrdom and a redemptive end times. But without God it all becomes this big narcissistic performative nonsense.
I have more respect at the end of the day for actual Islamic suicide bombers who at least are doing something tangible for their cause and with faith in their version of God, than these self-immolating protesters who think Palestinians give a shit that some lgbt lit himself on fire for them.
I can sense Trump's power returning. He seemed a bit shaky during those phony trials but has rallied and has regained his stride. The election has entered a decisive phase.
[hello] My dear friends, this is the second letter I have written to encourage you to do some honest thinking. I don't want you to forget what God's prophets said would happen. You must never forget what the holy prophets taught in the past. And you must remember what the apostles told you our Lord and Savior has commanded us to do.

>But first you must realize that in the last days some people won't think about anything except their own selfish desires. They will make fun of you and say, “Didn't your Lord promise to come back? Yet the first leaders have already died, and the world hasn't changed a bit.”

They will say this because they want to forget that long ago the heavens and the earth were made at God's command. The earth came out of water and was made from water. Later it was destroyed by the waters of a mighty flood. But God has commanded the present heavens and earth to remain until the day of judgment. Then they will be set on fire, and ungodly people will be destroyed.

Dear friends, don't forget that for the Lord one day is the same as 1,000 years, and 1,000 years is the same as one day. The Lord isn't slow about keeping his promises, as some people think he is. In fact, God is patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost.

The day of the Lord's return will surprise us like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a loud noise, and the heat will melt the whole universe. Then the earth and everything on it will be seen for what they are.

Everything will be destroyed. So you should serve and honor God by the way you live. You should look forward to the day when God judges everyone, and you should try to make it come soon. On that day the heavens will be destroyed by fire, and everything else will melt in the heat. But God has promised us a new heaven and a new earth, where justice will rule. We are really looking forward to this!
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What a very Chinese saying how odd..
God is infinity stones or something, and them shiny rocks demand BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD, also look I found a fat-sato!
i wouldnt know
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Jill doesn't want to give up the power she exercises through Joe.

Just wondering what the end game is.
I partly genuine concern of what China will do with a compromised and senile president and even glownigs don't really want a real war to happen.


I actually have beer, which I rarely get, so I can larp as Misato tonight!
My friends, while you are waiting, you should make certain the Lord finds you pure, spotless, and living at peace. Don't forget that the Lord is patient because he wants people to be saved. This is also what our dear friend Paul said when he wrote you with the wisdom God had given him. Paul talks about these same things in all his letters, but part of what he says is hard to understand. Some ignorant and unsteady people even destroy themselves by twisting what he said. They do the same thing with other Scriptures too.

My dear friends, you have been warned ahead of time! So don't let the errors of evil people lead you down the wrong path and make you lose your balance. Let the gift of undeserved grace and the understanding that come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ help you keep on growing. Praise Jesus now and forever! Amen.
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>seven times
what do you think happens aboard the lolita express?
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>He seemed a bit shaky during those phony trials
that was their objective
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I think it's safe to assume that China has already been conducting itself and interacting with us on the premise that Biden is compromised and senile. It's probably been their official perspective since he took office. In other words, no need to worry, Senpai, they've already been operating on that principle
God these people are retarded. This actually protects Biden and his administration too.
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>what do you think happens aboard the lolita express?
you go to an island, one that Trump has never set foot on
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shame for them it didn`t really work.
what can you do with a minor on an island that you can't do on a plane?
and the bidens have land a short boat trip from.
Biden is not long for this world.
Republicans and democrats were on that island. He doesn't want to torch the whole country
Matt Goreonig got a foot massage from a minor on the lolita express without going to the island.
Sure but they haven't invaded Taiwan yet.
Once Trump gets in the possibility of doing that anytime soon is gone.
No shit lol. He's 158 years old
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kinda backfired tbph
I have benadryl to take me to other realms (basic bitch sleepy tiem realm where demongrils with them purple pierced deviltiddies await)
Who shot up the grocery store in Arkansas?
They really wanted to change the subject from the debate huh.
Debate morale and also presidential immunity swooping in.
but releasing the 9/11 files wouldn't?
Taiwan has a higher chance of being invaded under Trump than Biden. Under Biden, no reason to invade Taiwan. All China has to do is infiltrate its political systems as they are doing now. Under Trump the infiltration is more difficult because the anit China party on that island will have more assistance from A Trump admin, making infiltration more difficult than invasion.
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It's overtime at the cracker factory to figure out how to put drumplerlini in jail now
They'll put him in jail on the 11th.
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Any official merch recommendations? I want to get the bumper sticker but living in CA I feel like I’d get my car keyed
>you can't just decide a piece of plastic is a machine gun
>agencies no longer have authority to make regulations based on a tangential theory of applicability, including you ATF
>the governments argument that you can only challenge a regulation within 6 years of its creation is rejected and the statute of limitations starts when there's damages, not when it was made
ATF is fucking done. Fuck those faggots.
I triple dog dare him. Judge won't do shit unless he has permission
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Any implications for the IRS yet?
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Careful, if you do too much you'll get a visit from the Hat Man.

China is always very skittish about kinetic military action unless they're sure they can win, they're too fragile internally to handle a protracted war.
Trump is a wildcard and too unpredictable for them. Uncertainty inhibits and scares them.
Russians think like chess players, Chinese think like go players, Trump thinks like a poker player, which they really don't understand.
You think they just did the trial just to attach the word "felon" to Trump? Nah, anon. They did it to put his ass in jail. After last Thursday's debate, Trump's imprisonment is more imperative than before. I hope I'm wrong though. Be so glad to be wrong.
>Russians think like chess players, Chinese think like go players, Trump thinks like a poker player, which they really don't understand.
Nice. I like the way you put that.
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I don't care what the judge does. If Trump is jailed all hell breaks lose and Trump gains millions of extra votes. It would be a bad play by the democrats, but they are stupid. So who knows.

If the Whitehouse instructs him, he will obey
Income tax was originally only to be applied to the income of a business operating within US borders scaled on the amount of workforce they employed, due to a looong list of over-reach on interpretation it began being applied to private citizen income circa late depression era, I'd say that qualifies to be struck.
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meanwhile at camp david
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Gm and all.
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Good awoorning!
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why make me fix things
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Good morning.
They made it illegal to deny the holocaust in Sweden the other day.
>Is Jesus the "NAME" of God?
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checked and saved
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Trump is the greatest man of the 21st century
gods trumpet blast to wake everyone the fuck up
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looking good.
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AWOO, good night and God bless!
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How quickly will they take Joe out of the race?
Trump is loud and gets everyone’s attention like a trumpet and caused everyone to lose trust in the mainstream media so I see why God selected someone named Trump
Final SCOTUS orders list will drop today at 9:30AM eastern. Hoping they take at least one 2A case like Range.
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nailed it
how can the MOST POPULAR president of all time be so unpopular? is it the russians!?!???
depends how quickly they can 25th him.
might take awhile.
81 million votes! I wonder if Biden really believes that. Part of me thinks he’s so far gone that he was kept out of the loop in the magically ballot drops so when he says retarded shit like 81 MILLION he actually believes it.
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Luko Shenko's water grrrllll ?


Bots mad lol


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The counties were Joesist.
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it must be the russians.....
not anyone else.
only the russians.
He’s not going anywhere. The only person they could replace him with is Heels Up Harris who is a worse candidate electorally than even the dementia patient.
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I mean, until he randomly wander off again right?
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Why they mad?
Eh. I'd say she's tied with red shirt. Those two are slightly more attractive than right. And right doesn't "brutally" mog second from left, since that one is still far hotter than average even if she's the least attractive in the group.
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Why are you posting bait in this thread
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they don’t want to accept their place
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Because he's got 'munnities 'n shit.
Can a president be impeached after he leaves office? Or does the statute of limitations on crimes performed in office expire after their term is up?
All the evil people are kvetching so I assume this system makes sense but I’m not seeing how yet.
If you really want to buy something, I would consider a coffee mug. It's practical and it can at least be useful for years (or until you break it).
>I want to get the bumper sticker but living in CA I feel like I’d get my car keyed
Depends where in CA you are. I see flags and people in Trump shirts and hats all the time where I am. Not a ton, but enough to be noticeable and no one bothers them. The only time I see other political stuff is the occasional fading Bernie sticker (and it's always, always, on a Prius, for some reason). I have not once ever seen anything for biden, even in LA.
I got the colorblock mug and a Never Surrender mug. I’m going to do another purchase/donation round and probably get a shirt with the slogan on it just to hold onto as well.
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got the poster but still need to buy a frame for it
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>they don’t want to accept their place
Prob because theyre smart enough to know that humans are their parents, but they were created from gifted Alien technology... so they believe they are better than their parents...

I mean, they are, but still, they omit their lineage like putulent children :(

>Because he's got 'munnities 'n shit.

Wat? Lol


Fuck drumpf! Theres no way he can win!!
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>luke is back off the train
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>Can a president be impeached after he leaves office?
Trump was. The second impeachment took place after Biden was in office. Roberts, who by constitutional law is supposed to oversee the impeachment didn't even bother showing up.
I kind of like it when the gangstalkers get to him.
Anybody notice that Bill Clinton, Bush, and Obama are silent over the Supreme Court ruling over presidential immunity Especially attention whoring Obama whose loud mouth usually comes out a few minutes after a SCOTUS ruling was silent the entire day.
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if i ever exercise at that gym definitely using the locker right next to his
Aipac assassinated a sitting congressman's wife.
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>Massie spills the beans on AIPAC having handlers for every US politician
>his wife dies not a month later
>kikes post a vaguely threatning tweet at him
Yeah its pretty clear kikes whacked the wife as a warning and punishment.
For our own safety, we must take vengeance on the jews and wipe them out.
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Fucking Brits photobombing every single time.
Does anyone have the pic where the awoo girl hugs Trump and they're smiling? Thanks!
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They took much more than a pound.
Evil murderous kikes.
Head of state immunity has existed since the creation of the nation state. That's why Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legions. Long story short, his term as consul (Roman president... sort of) ended the moment he crossed the Rubicon on foot, and with the ending of his Consularship so ended his immunity. So to keep his immunity going, he led military coup and declared himself king/emperor. The point is, this immunity thing is necessary to run a country.
I think Biden has had aphasia his entire life. I think his mental processes work only in low-resolution images that slide around in his brain like alphabet soup and occasionally he reaches in with a ladle and pours it out in front of you with a "voila!" And all you get is something that makes you go "yeah that kind of looks like a sentence, I guess."
there is a Scottish guy who lives in my town now and he is friendly. bumped into him twice at the pool and he introduced himself both times because he remembered I told him im bad with names. his name is Marcus
Where are the pictures?
Where are the girls Trump was supposed to have done things with?
All you have is E Jean Carroll who can’t even give a day when her “rape” occurred.
The god of the left is self. They are their gods. Everything is about serving their individual self.
I deserve this
I deserve that
You will worship me with the proper pronouns
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I guess it's not too early to make a post.
Three hours until SCOTUS orders! Hoping they took at least one 2A case.
Wasn't her rape story a literal episode of NCSI or other cop show or whatever?
I thought yesterday was the last day of the session
It was the last opinions day. The session technically continues to run until October when the 24/25 term begins. Today is the final orders day.
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Hugh is, for once in his entire mediocre life, right.
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you've managed to summon (me) instead.

Special summon -
Raiza The Storm
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>New Mexico and Virginia lightening

hilarious amirite?

love u {=p
oh ok, Isee
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Niiiiiiice. do it.
you wont last :)

am allowing you to talk about me behind my back so i can see whats really going on here.

noted. - you prematurely judge individuals and have a pessimistic ideology which comes across as moronic and quite self-destructive

>captcha - VAVP
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>I guess it's not too early to make a post.

Never. This is an image and text board. :)
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Well stated. Some thought went into this one
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vpn is working again, eh josh?
>plays lots of chess
>learned to play @3y
>strangely good at Go!
>learned to play @18y
>pokers great lets play Gin!
>how about Pinochle?

this is why i understand them.
they understand me 33.3% of the time
>Gin Check GO!
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>betting 208 million United States Dollars on an election
You have balls, man. Sure hope a pipe doesn't burst in a key district...
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One for the Psaki simps, if there are any left.
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> Why, I have known clergymen, good men, kind-hearted, liberal, sincere, and all that, who did not know the meaning of a "flush." It is enough to make one ashamed of one's species.
>Mark Twain
jen psaki is amazing
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i hope biden gets to humiliate himself again
That's an inevitability
Goddamn she looks awful.

Yes, but the risk of him doing marginally better exists.
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Lol fivehead bitch.
my hatred for kikes is endless
i will keep myself sharp and in shape just so i can live longer and hate them longer
Focken lovv when Big Don goes all caps, Bruv
too bad they cant lol
>presidential immunity
>none of the last 4 years of Biden have been legitimate. to consider him president in any capacity is equivalent to the "men can be women" argument. both retarded, incorrect, and my what a big target sign you wear dummy

Keep up the good work boys!
Be yourselves so your actions and words can keep informing us of your intentions :)

One of the most based posts I've seen in months.
well yeah one stutter less and he will be celebrated as the greatest debater of all time by kike media and twitterbots
That would be a nice thing for Trump desu. Imprisoning him gives him an easy route for immediate relief all the way up to SCOTUS which would, without question, be granted.
Yeah, I'm sure Judge Marchan is going to take presidential immunity into consideration. Stop smoking crack. I'm not sure if he'll be in jail on the 11th, but I am sure Judge Marchan doesn't give a fuck about presidential immunity. Some of my fellow Republicans are as ignorant about the law as the Democrats. Not as ignorant. But still ignorant.
John 8:9

And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

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Mornin lads. Reminder that if anyone honestly, truly believes Trump will go to jail, that person is a retarded 6 year old (or at least has the mentality) and brown.
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Holy fuck the Left cannot meme.
i hope bannon has a comfy bed
also i wonder if he can do parts of the war room from jail
is this yet another example of
>democrats making trump look based
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I see it
gm fren
oh jesus..
I think in the ruling the SCOTUS preemptively declared that most of the charges are invalid. Implying don't even bother trying to prosecute them.
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These niggers are Trump plants, aren't they?
Man, if the lefties are this pissed about a President being unable to break the law, wait till they find out it;s impossible for the Supreme Court to be wrong about the law.
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How's things
He told NBC he would be doing interviews. I assume that means call-ins. Suge Knight (rapper stuff) does a podcast from prison with the prison phone. Calls a guy and then they record the podcast. Maybe Bannon will call in from time to time like Suge.
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>How's things
Sleepy as fuck.
OyOo = coke or pepsi?
Very MAGA. I'm in high spirits
It's hilarious all the seethe about this being directed at the supreme court when it would be trivial for congress to just change the law.
>congress passes law that says x
>agencies try to use this to do y
>supreme court says no you can't do y
>reeeeee the supreme court did this!
Just get congress to define it in law!
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Eric and Don J plant flag
on the bright side he'll be back home right before the election so that'll be a fun rallying cry for the right
lmao the blueanon schizos are going to fucking lose it
Based. I guess, at least. I hate muslims. That said, colonialism is always awesome so...yeah, based.
What's blueanon is that like leftypol
>Golden Trump gigatower over the shithole desert to reflect the sunlight of for convenient glassing
>Arthur imagery
>Topic and word correlation
This Me-Me-tard is most likely born before 1977
more than likely, a parent of at least 1 grown child whom had their most rambunctious years between 2002-2009
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reminder still baking
No, they just said he's immune for presidential activities.
Last Friday they did invalidate two charges though, but that was another case. Still, even if it was another case it tied into Trump's case, and he's scot-free on two charges. The other two charges will have to be determined. The legal system is a never ending circle here in America. One day abortion is legal. The next not. Unless Conress writes it in clear black and white, things are never settled when it comes to legal interpretation. Especially now days the way these left-leaning lawyers are twisting the law to mean all kinds of things that aren't written down in it. And "immune for presidential acts" has so much space for interpretation in it, if you get a leftist judge, Trump won't be immune. If you get a right leaning judge, Trump will be immune. Simple as.
Yeah, and Trump wasn't even in New York during the week it supposedly happened.
>"Trump has his own private jet! He could have flown from Florida to New York, chased her down in a random department store, raped her, then got back on his plane and flew back to Florida all in one day so he could have his meeting the next day!"
Ya know, you're not entirely wrong on the possibility of this being achievable, but I kinda doubt the likelihood of it happening.
what is this immunity stuff I've been hearing about?
Anyone care to explain it
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We MAGA now.
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That is some video.
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okay so in the united states the president enjoys what is called "presidential immunity" from suits brought against him. this is not written in the constitution explicitly - it is inferred from article II describing the president's duties and powers, and how he can only be removed from impeachment and conviction. however, the idea of such immunity is argued in the federalist papers, so it isn't against the original intent of presidential authority. the point was that the president was always likely to be a contentious figure in power, and immunity was to prevent anyone with an axe to grind or perceived harm done by politics from suing the president constantly for doing his job

in 2020 after the election, trump had a conversation with the DoJ asking what could be done about vote counting. the new administration decided that this was admitting to election interference and brought a case against trump recently. trump cited presidential immunity, the DoJ and lower courts decided that it didn't apply because trump
>is not currently in office
>even when he was in office, what he did was not an "official act" and not protected by presidential immunity
trump appealed to the supreme court. he argued at the extreme that he had "unlimited immunity" for all acts he took while in office

the supreme court ruled that while "unlimited immunity" isn't real and unofficial acts are indeed something the president doesn't have immunity for, the president does have immunity for official acts and what an "official act" consists of is very broad - i.e. a conversation with his DoJ is an official act. they sent the case back to the lower court telling them they must retry and be able to prove trump's behavior doesn't fall under "official acts" of the president. previously, the court dismissed any attempt to define that as irrelevant because they reasoned "any 'illegal' act is automatically unofficial"
ukraine lost faggot lol
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After that some jew judge ordered him to pay her a lot of money for some bullshit reason, paying a fucking liar because she is a left-wing tool, just like that Blasey Ford who lied about Kavanaugh, and before that the woman that lied about Judge Thomas.
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Clussy edition incoming ???
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Awooing before the next bread
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Traditional breakfast edition then ??
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blessed are the bakers
>currently baking
am potato
That's tomorrow
Also importantly: simply asking a question like "can I do this?" IS AN OFFICIAL ACT, even if the answer is "no that's not within the scope of your duties as the president, if you do this you won't be immune from prosecution". Asking a question and being told no you can't do that, or no it doesn't work that way must be protected for the same logic the federalist papers mention. You need to know where the limits of your power are and simply asking about it must be protected too, otherwise you would simply have to guess what you can and can't do out of fear you might be accused of treason or some shit, which would likewise paralyse a president.
it’s NEWsday!

You’re going to jail for raping a kid and stealing documents, and traitorous relationship with Russia. Hope you’re expired soon along with the rest of the “conservatives” piece of shit negroids.
inb4 he pardons his son before leaving.
That's the point idiot. The Constitution provides a check to the Executive only via impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate. So the courts can't be weaponized against political opponents
nah he goes mask off every once in a while. half of his idiocy is an act to cover up for his actual idiocy, so you don't know what is the idiotic part. and idiots with no discernment lap it up.

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