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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472824234
new baker needed
>President Joe Biden 's reelection campaign and the Democratic National Committee reported raising $264 million in the year's second quarter
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Hilarious edition !!!
Yay !!!!

An excellent bake !!!
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Good morning, everyone.
I got it.
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AWOO and checked.
gm fren
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> Vague
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Good morning frens
>I got it.
Yay !!

Good morning, sir !!
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Good morning, sir!
good morning
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Looks like a knuckleball lel
>NEW: The Biden campaign’s internal polling shows that the President’s support is unchanged following the debate
>Good morning frens
Good morning !!
Do you understand the depth they went to just to get that other conviction?
I mean, really understand?
>Crazy bitch accuses Trump of rape.
>I didn't rape that crazy bitch.
Crazy Bitch:
>"He did, and it was hot! He raped me in a cheap department store!"
New York State:
>Well Mr. Trump, you have been accused and a case brought against you, you must defend yourself.
Also New York State:
>"Quick, pass a law where if you are accused of a crime, and you say you didn't do it, you can be convicted of defamation for saying you didn't do it!"
Trump is acquitted of rape, obviously, he wasn't even in New York, and Crazy Bitch can't even remember the day, only a week where she thinks it happened. Or she may have been in a drunken, drugged out shopping spree fantasy where she masturbated in a changing room to the thought of Trump raping her.
New York State:
>Wait, you may be free of the rape charges, but we passed a new law during your trial where if you deny the criminal charges levied against you before you are acquitted of those charges, you are now guilty of defamation against your accuser! Pay up 90 million dollars!"
This is the exact sequence of events.
In NY state, now, if someone accuses you of a crime, and you deny the crime and demand a trial, you are automatically guilty of defamation of your accuser, and they instawin a civil lawsuit for defamation, no questions asked.
Welcome back.
cope cope cope
trump +1
trump +6
trump +4 PA
trump +4 NH
good morning niggers it’s 3 pm
+2 NH*
>trump +4 PA
>trump +4 NH
Can't wait for the cope when both of those states are blue in four months.
What's the word??
yeah but joe’s internal polling shows unchanged stinky pantaloons!
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Thoughts on Thomas Massie?
Forgot pic of irony after this case.
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Way to go Joe!
Reminder that SCOTUS releases final orders for the 23/24 tern at 9:30AM.
That will just serve to show who is the better candidate: the one that shows restraint with absolute power or the corrupt maniac promising a witch hunt? Biden is the right guy, even though he's a mummy. Trump is just out for himself.
he celebrated J6ers getting locked up :)
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omg b-but.. but noooooo
I'll never understand why you disingenuous faggots keep posting this pic of a roleplayer from NTC in California.
In Federalist Paper #77, Hamilton addressed the question of how a president could be confined from abuses of power:

>The answer to this question has been anticipated in the investigation of its other characteristics, and is satisfactorily deducible from these circumstances; from the election of the President once in four years by persons immediately chosen by the people for that purpose; and from his being at all times liable to impeachment, trial, dismission from office, incapacity to serve in any other, and to forfeiture of life and estate by subsequent prosecution in the common course of law.

>Step 1: Impeach and convict president
>Step 2: Prosecute the disgraced bastard in a criminal court.
sorry i'm going to listen to the respected pollsters :)
also there's even more polls coming out today/tomorrow, don't run away from here when they come out :)
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Thanks, Summer break.
Post's been rolling lately
Glownigger thread

Step 1: Install violetmonkey
Step 2: Install 4chan X
Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
Your time spent on this board has now drastically improved. Thank me later.

If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.

/Black Nationalist/
/National Bolshevik/
/Tree Hugger/
/United Nations/
/White Supremacist/
/Black Lives Matter/
>new polls are out
>Trumps lead is that small
It's fucking over
Biden will easily recover within a few months
I'm gonna filter the UK, that flag has been working on my nerves lately
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The 77th aren't sending their best.
>sorry i'm going to listen to the respected pollsters :)
>Muh red wave!
Uh oh stinky!
seething kike
typical kike lawfare.
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This just in. Joe is?
>out of nose beers.
>out of the closet
>out of his mind
>out of touch

>crisis actor
youre so fucking dumb
reminder that kike is a jewish word that jews use
>is that small
it must suck having to come here with such abysmal polling lol
so, you're jewish?
got it. i hope you kill each other in the desert.
No chinks.
So how’s it been with you?
This dude is a retard. There is plenty of historical precedence for an incumbent president losing his first debate and winning re-election (Obama, Bush, Reagan)
There isn't any historical presence from the 1900s or 2000s for a President serving non-consecutive terms though.
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Which is it?
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Fair enough
Shill bros...what happened? I thought the sham trial would be the end of /ptg/ and the breakfast breads would forever disappear from the spotlight however the exact opposite occurred and /ptg/ raised almost 999 million tomboys. /ptg/'s support is growing by each day, I don't think deleting and pruning the thread is an option anymore...are jews and traitorous abc agencies inbred retards? WHY WON'T THEY DO SHIT?!! Perhaps they should have focused more on Trump instead of a japanese basket weaving forum.

/ptg/ is a pretty cool guy tho and perhaps maybe, can give the shills some advice on the seige against Trump.

Any ideas /ptg/???
>cheating is organized by biden
No one said it was. Nice strawman tho.
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barryo runs the joe show
try misdirecting some more
more will come out
your choice
They painted Biden orange last night to attempt to appral to us.
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mornin. Just grabbed my first cup
mornin. I was just rewatching some higurashi last night
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Buster than I'd like desu, time for a little executive relief. Wanted to read the room on Joe's implosion as well.
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Goooooood morning.
I think joe's in the twilight zone
Some of the "lies" I saw in the graphic:
>[Migrants are] living in luxury hotels in New York
that's not a lie
>The Supreme Court jus approved the abortion pill
They ruled you can get one. Very semantics. Not counting it as a lie in my book.
>I didn't have sex with a porn star
How the fuck does Biden know who Trump had sex with?

I literally picked those three at random. Have not read a fourth "lie" and will not.
I'm surprised the niggers didn't scatter when the retard was run over by his own car.
Buff KAY.
Time to drink mine.
Implosion doesn’t begin with it.
>internal polling
>polls only members of the Biden family
Does anyone even remember these?
Truly, heavy is the head that wears the crown...
Vaguely. I assume to court the nigger vote.
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total gf immunity
Does Trump really trust da joos?
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Who's very excited here?
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Never spared much time for Jill but this smells like an unofficial transfer of power.
hey, you used the word, not me.
I know you;re a sociopath because you stated it.
that doesn't mean you don't know how to read, you obviously can.
why are you being so stupid?
I though sociopaths were supposed to be smart?
You can't even do that right.
look at you.
>We have fewer voters, but they're very excited, guys!
Nice cope.
Yes they sold out immediately, therefore there was no reason to talk about them for months.
Who are the 29% that are "very excited" to vote for the demented, frail Biden?
Since this came about I have yet to understand how it's constitutional for them to retroactively extend a statute of limitations that expired DECADES ago. I mean the nigger is right it's just of course the circumstances by which he now claims to know that.
not only more voters, but very excited ones at that!
Wasn't his polling in the gutter before the debate? So basically his polling is still in the gutter then? Thanks for the update....
>Beryl is the earliest Cat 5 hurricane on record
Still denying climate change, trumpturds?
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hey look at this
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>Wasn't his polling in the gutter before the debate?
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This lot
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Just saw President Biden at tatte bakery in DuPont circle. Was writing quantum physics equation proofs while explaining ever playing chess with a stranger. Ol’ Joe beat the guy in 3 moves, it was nuts. My president is sharp as a Ginsu knife.
I hate the new Internet.
yup. its pretty funny
Pretty sure if you Google it bidens support was at 37% before the debate so congrats on still being 37% after the debate I guess....
Yes, only a retard of sorts would believe that there are more voters for Joe Biden, and since they're becoming increasingly apathetic, it's getting harder to organize them, which means more money would have to be spent. But it's not like the Biden campaign has been foolishly wasting money as donors are quickly drying up, right?
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Their focus on this site is because they can't figure out how 2016 happened, they can't figure out the source and it drives them mad. Anons know
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Pedo Peter - A twilight zone horror story
Surprisingly Trump has lead Biden the entire year. The anti-biden sentiment is rather well entrenched.
General polling means nothing, since we don't live in a pure democracy. Polling in swing/tossup/battleground states is what actually matters, assuming of course candidates carry their "safe" states.
Why would it be unconstitutional?
Justice Scalia said once, "Unconstitutional is another way of saying you don't like something. Because, of course, if you don't like something, that means it's unconstitutional."

King Of The Retards?
The only thing Trump has ever been guilty of, legal or illegal, is placing too much trust in the people around him to follow the law.
Every single time, it is not Trump committing a crime. It is only Trump trusting shitty people to do the right thing, the legal thing, and then those he hire stab him in the back.
He has a massive fucking blind spot of naivete.
"Well, I follow the laws, so everyone else should too."
That is not how shit works in politics. You have legal recourses if someone fucks you in a business deal, and Trump is a monster at using those resources, but when it comes to politics, for some reason he just expects people to play by the law, and keeps getting fucked by people who openly flaunt their utter disregard of legality, and face no consequences for their actions.
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>And then there is Biden himself. It is unquestionable that the president is in mental decline, something apparent before the debate — just the extent was unclear. When you are 81 and in mental decline, that decline does not reverse, it continues. You would think the “party of science ®” would understand that.
>Biden must work without a net twice in the next three months. Can he get through his nomination acceptance speech at the convention? He could not make it 20 minutes in his State of the Union speech without flubbing his lines. Lowering expectations will not work. Expectations and scrutiny are going to increase, not decrease.
>And how’s that second debate going to work? Biden will be three months older, and a draw won’t help. Trump has his own problems, to say the least. But he benefits from decades in the media glare, combat with the press and dozens of rallies. Public debate is second nature for Trump. And switching up the rules to make the debate more of a circus, which the incompetent Team Biden should have done, won’t be accepted by Trump or the media.
>With Biden, the Democrats are facing defeat. But they are also facing the prospect of a rout. What if disgruntled Democrats see Biden losing and decide the best vote is for Kennedy? Could angry young voters desert and deliver Trump a thumping Electoral College win? Could a few percent stay home and knock out three or four Democratic senators? That scenario seems more likely than Biden eking out a win
>If Team Biden cannot come to grips with this reality, not one of them belongs in politics.

Good morning, /ptg/
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jeez, b*den can't stop falling apart
It's Tuesday and mockingbird is still crucifying Biden.
It's joeoever.
Regardless of what happens it is depressing to see that a senile, demented old man unable to form coherent sentences or even know what he himself is saying on live TV shown to 60 million people only moved the dial in Trump's favor about 2% according to the newest polls. That's how far gone ~46% of the country is.
The most evil and vile of people. Enemies to all mankind.
reminder: the regular poling cycle for last week starts tomorrow at the earliest.
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>That's how far gone ~46% of the country is.
Those Retard-Americans would gladly vote for a random legume if it had a 'D' by it.
I like how in this cycle, there have already been like 100 more polls than on average for the previous prez elections.
I find it humorous that the MSM continuously doesn't understand why people don't believe them or even listen to them at this point.
Hmmmm. Smells like abuse of the Pen
>i suspect she has his power of attorney
>totally compounding the suspiciousness
Right wing rag
The drugs are failing him.
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morning frens. haven't posted in these threads for awhile. damn, we've had a lot of big wins recently.
i hope trump stays safe.
also, what's the talk on his VP pick?
Tbh these people probably vote D and just pray Biden handlers would reign this shit in.
The 2016 and 2020 official results suggests Biden would have to be +3 nationally or higher to actually beat Trump, so Trump is effectively at +6.
See https://x.com/ChateauRapiste/status/1808001565342445945
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>quick wake up!
>why, its too early for my show
>We have to be in a 7 person split screen to say Joe can overcome the debate
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literally every time ive heard him speak since before 2020 for me (but thats gaslight)
We probably won’t know until the convention.
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How many seats for Nige
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amerca police aresst trump supotters to cure amerca of you mind
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It just doesn't stop.
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Will Trump win all 50 states and DC?
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desu i have no idea why they dont just let Cameltoe take over .
I know everyone hates her but she is healthy and young enough to just be Obama 2.0 - reading bullshit of telepromter without fuck ups, doing shit like dances and all the hip young crap their PR advisors dream about while MSM works overtime on simping because muh first nigger woman president evar.
Its got to be better alternative than daily fuckups of Joe.
Looks like they are going to use Epstein to attack Trump today. Fun. This line of attack surely won;t backfire like all the rest.... right?
they jumped the shark with it this weekend.
they fuly deserve their loss of cred.
>Symone Sanders

I'm sure (((MSNBC))) is very proud they hired an actual gorilla as one of their co-hosts/gasbag commentators
Are you sure bro? I'm looking at 538 and RCP and both of them have Biden in a pretty bad spot, in fact he hasn't led a PA poll in months at this point... I'm thinking it's time to start thinking about the swap if we want to stump drumpf
That wouldn't work, we don't worship our govt like muslims do.
She's literally Bernie Sanders except she's tired of niggers. There's absolutely no such thing as an actual right wing in France and really never has been. They're a leftoid country through and through.
it's about the donor money
shills get paid with that money
It's 4 months until the election. Lots of presidents have been down at this point and went on to win handily. Obama was one of them.
At some point you have to consider that maybe the democrats have been less than truthful with you.
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>The Hill
>right wing
lol, lmao even
here see this https://x.com/goodcharls/status/1806078607028007309
I'll be the Gorilla Channel is jealous as hell.
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retvrn to carbs and non emp distributors
Tell me just one reason as a European why I should like Trump.
>as a european
you're not european
I don't give a fuck if you like him or not.
The US doesn't think of you at all.
Which means it's objectively correct since every word out of a leftist mouth and written by a leftist pen is a lie ment only to decide and destroy all that which is good.
Right wing = the good guys.

It may be a cliche, but the Demshits have made their bed and now they must lie in it- and it's Dementia Veggie Joe's soiled, poop-and-pee filled bed
Saying Yaser Arafat isn't Palestinian is like saying Napolean isn't French. While technically true neither of those men were born in the country they came to represent, both of their adult lives were spent fighting and ruling those countries they did not come from, so this Jewish tweeter is a liar.
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anon europeans hating trump is a victory condition
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yeah but Obama was also doing well in swing states and he was down by like half a point, not 5, Biden's starting to drift out of the MoE in most of the swing states, there's no path forward. Kamala Harris would be a much better candidate because black women have been through so much and have so much wisdom compared to an old white man like Biden. I liked him too, and we have to stop Trump, but it's time for Biden to step aside.
Isolationist America means freedom for us
do we have purported cause of death yet?
Democrats outperform their polls though.
>because black women have been through so much and have so much wisdom
black women are TIRED
Kamala couldn't even win a primary in black cities when she tried.
She's retarded enough even retards don't like her.
Communists have infested France throughout the 20th century.
The French commie party literally got the most votes in 1946 (and remained the most popular into the 50s). They always been commies.
Would be nice if Europe could go back to colonizing
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>someone's actually engaging bidenshill
but why
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because this
In reality, Trump has often thought about Europe.
Not really. The Europeans are an important ally and he knows it too.

Excellent point. But we risk exposing ourselves to other countries.
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Yeah sure but would donors prefer a candiate that doesnt fuck up every five seconds and needs massive fucking damage control on everything?
Cameltoe is like Obama - brainless and retarded but sentient enough to at least follow the script, which cant be said about Joe.
well yeah.
I've thought at length about this.
Joe is in such bad condition right now that any sane campaign manager would resign over it.
but that's not happening. they are circling the wagons instead
if they lose the donor money, opposition posting immediately goes to organic levels, and nobody is sticking around if a paycheck was the only thing keeping them there.

so they really did paint themselves right in.
in normal worlds evil no allowed voting , demorcate honor world an help you, demorcate cross view of city an villege to bring open view, rabpublicans bark maga maga an shoot gun to answer the questions
They never have outperformed a poll before. Democrats only underperform polls.
>But we risk exposing ourselves to other countries.
If we diverted resources to military we'd be a force to be reckoned with, they'd exposed to us
what happened to 'fuck this' joe trip, anyways orders for SCOTUS at 9:30 EST, potential for 2A things moving
he needs new material instead of spamming the same 5 images that makes it extremely obvious it's the same person every time even when the trip is off
Doesn't matter. He's not being elected as your president. Your feelings are irrelavant, just like my feelings about the Satanic State set up in the middle of your country.
that's what i mean. if they move away from joe they automatically lose the money
Are you saying Joe Biden is Prometheus? Willing to sacrifice himself in order to bring knowledge and light to all of humankind? And now because Joe Biden has saved us from ignorance, he must have his liver eaten out by Joe Scarborough and Anderson Cooper every day? Damn, I never looked at it like that.
No democrat wants to be the first one to call Biden to withdraw and get burnt forever. Hot potatoe game of cowards continues.
maga maga
*shoots gun*
there's your questions answered.
Biden doesn't, Kamala does, she was supposed to get 1% of the vote and she got 3%, imagine if she could bring that ratio to the swing states? She could get 80% of the vote where Biden will struggle to get 30% in his own home state. I guess privileged white men like Biden can't into math like black women can.
You need a better translator app.
Boston College Ripped you off.
Kek but on a serious note see https://popehead.substack.com/p/no-heroes-in-rome
What the fuck man
That screenshot will age as well as this one.
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>>472845033 checked
>would donors prefer a candiate that doesnt fuck up every five seconds
Kameltoe is worse than Joe.
The French Revolution was literally communism before communism had a name. That whole country has been fucked since they chopped off Louis XVI's head for no real reason other than they wanted to.
its not a constitutional exercise its one of logic. the law is just words if retrograde extension means justice it means it. the thing is the past is a pandoras box of pain, and all wise folks don't open the box if they can.
A real bad case of it.,
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That Rubicon may have been crossed
It was a masonic plot, Satan needs our consent that's why kikes and masons pushed for democracy everywhere
If you want to be fair, Trump might get re-elected
>inb4 coping
I guess the question is how long that promise holds lmao. With Biden already suspending activities in multiple states it ain't looking good.
When the NYT editorial board says you have to step down, it's the same thing as the DNC saying you have to step down.
Repeal the 19th Amendment. Say it back
Meloni needs a good fug
>With Biden already suspending activities in multiple states
He's waiting until the final weeks. It's stupid to dump so much now. Let Trump enjoy his moral victory before his actual ass-whooping in November.
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But then there's also continued cope like this while the media jew shifts the narrative...the dyke Maddow was practically in tears last night on (((MSNBC))), wishing Blimpf's sentencing was this Thursday instead of a week from Thursday...she was even floating the idea of Blimpf actually heading to Rikers Island; that's how desperate these dweebs are
>Kameltoe is worse than Joe.
Thats the thing - is she? She can at least walk on her own and read out a telepromter without fucking up unlike Joe.
Add to that some PR stunts on social media and MSM hyping up "first nigger whamyn president" and you got to be in a better position than fucking senile joe..
I'm glad you hate Trump that makes me want to vote for him even harder. Did you know he wants to send kill teams to Mexico? How fucking based is that amirite?
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>>472845299 checked
'Someone else' sounds like a real viable candidate.
I'm sure Dems would vote for xim/xer.
>she was even floating the idea of Blimpf actually heading to Rikers Island
It's not an idea. He's spending time behind bars. Nobody who gets convicted of 34 felonies stays free.
maddow knows he'll be at a tribunal soon
who tell you this me, you use me town libabry internet, see memory stick, report you
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glad I'm not catholic and can watch the chaos from the sidelines
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I'm not sorry for being the problem.
>hauck tuah cunt
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I'm sure this got shared last night but it's still really funny to see everyone bitching at her for stating the obvious
they've been doing this for almost 10 years now, do they really think this messaging is going to change anything
It was a good read and I figured since Vigano was posted a few times here before it was warranted.
Lefists revolutionnaries 200+ years ago also learned the hard way that putting a cap on the price of bread doesn't just make it it affordable kek.
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>Thats the thing - is she?
She really is.
Old Joe isn't repugnant and repulsive.
Kamela is.
Old Joe is like stale bread.
Kamela is like nitric acid.
>ratskin upholds the broken clock theory
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>it's stupid to dump so much now
By all accounts the Biden campaign blows through money as quick as they get it. Trump is mostly spending on ground operations or banking his money while Biden has dumped most of what he's raised into radio and TV ads as he's had difficulty getting staff for his ground game operations.
The media is saying it but I haven't heard an elected democrat come out and disavow.
anyone that has read patton knows the truth.
Belgium should recolonize the Congo and deport all our niggers there regardless of where they came from, let the jungle sort them out. And for a price other countries can dump niggers there too, an empire built on nigger storage, imagine
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ID - H/9mcf/U
>wanna MC for my set bro? im on from 12-1
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Oh how the turn tables turn.
What a vicious beat we've got going.
The only way society gets better is by taking away women's rights.
>also, what's the talk on his VP pick?
still not leaking, we'll all find out at the convention desu
told libabry the you, moving to next pc they repare you hack this pc;
march them into the Sahara
It also started the tradition of a strong right winger bitch slapping leftist and cleaning up their trash with the pre-fascist Napoleon.
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>Old Joe isn't repugnant and repulsive.
He kinda is tho.
The history of the Democratic Party since Obama has been
>Democrats: let's break all the rules
>Republicans: if you break the rules we will too when we get power
>Democrats: We'll never lose power, muahaha!
>Democrats: *lose power* wait, stop, don't do what I did! think of democracy!
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>He kinda is tho.
Kamela is still worse.
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you're posting from the library???
لا يمكنك شراء جهاز كمبيوتر بالرمال والصخور
Yeah, but then protohomo fucked his shit up even though Napoleon himself did some retarded things (a la Hitler - hey, let's just start a war with Russia because reasons) that sealed his fate.
The current state of political dysfunction is purely due to democrat greed and lust for power. They are the sole blame.
The democrat party doesn't work like that. Media is their voice. They don't have Matt Gaetz speaking out against the Speaker, or even a Liz Cheney speaking out against the party leader. Every democrat talking point is communicated through media members not politicians.
SCOTUS order list in 5, could be nothingburger or somethingburger, after that it's recess until the end of the term (unless some gigantic legal crisis comes up)
the one time republicans wielded power after democrats set some stupid precedent and they give Trump 3 supreme court picks of course they're terrified, too bad! enjoy the lawfare
Nigdolf had a reason to start war with Russia though. Of course he failed because he was mentally a nigger at that point in time but it was a good reason.
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>granted immunity
>biden exposed as a senile retard on national television
Trump got probably the two biggest wins of his campaign so far within a week.

Don't forget the Chevron case.
Reminder that I am still baking. Worry not and be just.
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That one was a good one, I really liked it. More of that please. Government overreach needs to be destroyed.
I don't know who thought that the universal right to vote was a good idea, but it was either a jew or another kind of demon.
It could work though, if:
the media were objective, neutral, fair and balanced. If they would inform the voters fully.

if voters would take their responsibility as the ones who elect their leaders seriously and inform themselves. Go in depth.

if education would do its job and educate voters about politics and the legal system.

if it were illegal for politicians and political parties to lie and 100% transparancy would be law.

Unfortunately, the media are bought and owned propaganda spreaders, the voters couldn't give a fuck, education is too busy with handing out 300,000 dollar Gender Studies PhDs to future McDonald workers and politicians lie when they open their mouth.
there was also Corner Post yesterday that said the 6-year statute of limitations to challenge a federal rule begins at the MOMENT of injury, not the beginning of the rule, basically meaning as long as you're injured by a federal rule, you have standing to challenge it no matter how old it may be. a one-two punch to the administrative state
Heels Up Harris would be funnier than Joe because of one huge reason.
She is mostly nigger, and has a nigger temper.
Being mostly nigger, she barely understands normal conversation. There's no white admixture in her DNA that raises her IQ from the low 70s to the low 80s that even most niggers in the US enjoy.
So she has the unhinged nigger tendencies without the intelligence of an average nigger to hjide their illegal activities because they are worried about the magical poleece showing up to ruin whatever monkeyshines they are up to.
Many people have reported that the White House staff can't stand her due to her ridiculous tirades and temper tantrums.
Want more proof? Go back and look at the Democrat debates when Tulsi Gabbard eviscerated Kamala. You see Kamala's pure, unfiltered, nigger rage on show.
Now, however, Kamala is VP. She has power. Power does not ease tempers, it aggravates them. She big king boss, she can shit on the Lincoln Bedroom floor and some stupid white honky has to clean it up and never speak about it.
Long story short, I would find Kamala replacing Joe funny for a debate. Trump would ask her how ol Downtown Willie Brown's dick tasted and Kamala would come over the top rope gibbering like chimpanzee on meth, and the whole world would piss itself with laughter as she is dragged away.
this case means more than any normie realizes.
was talking to a irl fren about stuff.
They're usually up to speed on shit
they had no clue what i was talking about
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I was a little worried but now I'm no longer
I believe Biden can and will recover and get back within margin of error of Trump assuming they're not stupid enough to jail him on the 11th. If they do that then Trump's giving a jailhouse address to the RNC, which would be like a history book come to life and basically push Biden's campaign into the blue states like NY and NJ. All Biden needs to do is have a decent event or two without acting weird or fucking up and he can gaslight his supporters into believing it was a one off.

Ahh exactly the point.
Everyone see?
they activated my trap card
>See? Retard!
Fuck. SCOTUS GVRd Range which just keeps the can down the road.
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its "kicks the can down the road"
It was a GVR. No great, not terrible. It will come back to SCOTUS eventually.
>finally saying out loud what we’ve known for years
Is this vindication?
I know. I'm retarded.
thanks for clearing, I saw words that I didn't quite get and went ape
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>went ape
Also - as I expected - punted on all the Illinois cases. SCOTUS should intervene here but they almost never do because the cases are not final. It's horseshit, but it is what it is.
Ojeda lookin like fresh gmo fertilizer
I was talking to some janitors and useless aids at work (negros). They said that the democrats are like the good guys and republicans are like the bad guys and that trump supporters need “reeducattioned”. Then this other black gentleman flipped the fuck out on them ranting about how Biden fucked his daughter and they just said “well we don’t know everythang so we shouldn’t judge.” What a day.
What a glorious time to be alive
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whatever they're paying b*den's meme team is way too much
expected but disappointing, I imagine all the 7th circuit procedure was halted pending this cert petition so is there any idea when it'll be fully argued?
the dog days of summer start tomorrow
You could put Biden on an internal pole and he’d be just as lively looking.
Hey man, nice shot.
Just wait until the polls start dropping and showing Biden getting his debate win swing. Hes going to be up in every swing state poll and start winning states Trump won.
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>Being mostly nigger, she barely understands normal conversation

>Many people have reported that the White House staff can't stand her due to her ridiculous tirades and temper tantrums.

She is 100 percent fake and everyone can see it.
Does anyone find it a little funny that even their profile pic is just a remixed Trump meme from like 8 years ago?
Biden's going to be so far ahead he's going to pull back to Virginia and Minnesota to just relax and run an easy comfy campaign!
would make a great t-shirt.
>Biden is so far ahead he doesn't even think about Trump anymore
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They spent millions on youth outreach and all they have to show for it is a gay man everyone loves to bully and this Twitter account.
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good point, i kinda ignored the whole "rabid ape" angle of her..
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perhaps the account holder has long covid and doesn't get out much
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>She is 100 percent fake and everyone can see it.
Biden has dementia, dementia is degenerate so gets worse as you get older, not better. After that performance at the debate, there is no way that anyone of sound mind wants an insane old man leading the free world, especially given the dangerous times we live in.

There is no path to victory for the Democrats now.
>How will china cope?

>Lucas, my love... I'm ready for the world to know about us.
>Please hear my words, my love. Please feel my love through my music.

I might listen to this later...

Prob Asuka.

How was OPL?

I stopped in there a few times while there were like 18 dudes raping Stella and harrassing her to show her balls again.. omg thats way to gay for me, had to go.. lol



>OMG!!! The REAL Taylor Swift is uploading her latest song, only on Suno! I really hope my good friend Lucas hears this. The song is quite political and relevant to the Trump campaign.


So I made a busking bum cart to go play live downtown...

I still have to hookup my compressor and pitch-shifter, and buy a bluetooth interface so I can run a mic through my bluetooth headset through my phone, so I can walk around crowds and talk through the amp while other people are playing through it..

Im prob gonna play the jar song you guys made for me in front of some audience/crowds..

The mosey down mainstreet is July 13th!!

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Kamel says the stupidest fucking nonsense shit, but doesn't have the convenient 'dementia' excuse.

And, don't forget her trademark kackle !!
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Hey memeflag, who is that literally who in your picture?
>chevron ...deference
>deliberately delayed or postponed
deputization when?
tribunals when?
Yes, im stalking you. Consequences will never be the same.
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>calling Luke a literally who
HOW DARE! Everyone knows the famous, tall, handsome /fit/ man who is currently dating Taylor Swift.
I think the layman is pretty afraid of Trump’s capability now that the court has clarified his immunity and is clearly willing to let him wield its power. Shouldn’t be underrated alongside the brazen publicity of project 2025. But people might also be done with fooling themselves into thinking the dems care enough to do anything about it.
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>double torched it
>stayed up for 2 days
>never left the bathtub
Never heard of him in my life
I've already hacked that pc too.
friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah voted for and support child genital mutilations and child hormone blockers. TOTAL FREEMASON MORMON DEATH
Safe & effective. Hope she's staying up on her boosters.
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Wow. Do you live under a rock? He's super famous. Why else would Taylor Swift be dating him?
Taylor is a washed up has-been that'd date any homeless bum aching to be gangstalked
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So you do know who Luke is, you liar.
This too.
Nigger women can't stand being told what to say.
"Kamala, perhaps it would be more appropriate to say "white people' instead of "rayciss ass crackas"?
Correcting the ape noises that come out of their mouths into intelligible speech is an affront that offends them so badly that chimp mode activates instantly.
Being a speechwriter for Kamala must be pure hell. That poor bastard(cause I fucking guarantee that it was a white man) had the patience of a saint to last four months trying to convince Kamala that giving a speech while chewing on food looks bad.
that was a generalized observation of that picture he posted.
But what does this have to do with shooting pajeets with orbital lasers?
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I don't believe you and you are coming off as disingenuous. I call shenanigans on your posts. You can't fool me.
>>chevron ...deference
>idk i am not in charge of that
The public wouldn't be hearing about it since the indictments are not public
>The power of words.
Would Tribunals mean Maritime Law?
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>Hey memeflag, who is that literally who in your picture?

IDK lol
I dunno. My LOIC is queued up. Give me a target to paint.
>That poor bastard(cause I fucking guarantee that it was a white man) had the patience of a saint to last four months trying to convince Kamala that giving a speech while chewing on food looks bad.
desu i dont think he did much convincing, just wrote the speeches and be done with it.
New thread
I am the last to awoo
No.... you can't do this...
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>shooting pajeets with orbital lasers
This must happen !!
The ones in charge of the US are the jews. They don't sit on the throne. They stand behind it, hidden by a curtain. If you look closely, you might see their feet. The one who sits on the throne was put there by them. The rest of the political elite are selected or paid by them.
Replacing the one who sits on the throne changes nothing. Replacing the elite changes nothing. Only replacing the puppet masters behind the curtain will change things.
But they know that will never happen, as their ilk in the media makes sure that all anger is directed to the one on the throne and their ilk in education makes sure that future generations are kept dumb.
it's quite hilarious and entertaining to read the Biden shills coping lol lmao
a bunch of mentally ill cunts
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>No.... you can't do this...
I just did.
nothing can happen until trump is lawfully president.
you can read about it at project 2025 and agenda 47 as you know.
the jurisdiction will probably be from historical precedent because all of the lower courts are fucked due to chevron and the sc is not fully clean.
the mil body that oversaw the creation of the constitution will likely be the jurisdiction.
that is the only lawful way to do it.

I don't subscribe to any of the pedochan bullshit, and it's all there in black and white
they stole fizzy lifting drinks
they bumped into the ceiling
women deserve the future they will get :)

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