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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472841614
Ultra MAGA.
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yes, i would marry a female conehead if presented with the opportunity within a church sanctioned marriage.
i would also marry a lady twilek (those oversexualized bitches with the tentacles on their heads from stah wahs).
its not that im into weird shaped skulls or aliens or whatever the fuck, i just think that the less hair a bitch has the less time she needs to waste on taking care of it, hence my advocacy for a tomboy pixie cut as the absolute max length.
if they have a good skull for it, buzz it down like kristen stewart in underwater or go full persis khambatta, i wont call you “cueball” for it. then boom, 7+ hours more free time per day because you arent worried about your fucking hair and i dont have to wait on your ass to get in the fucking car so we can go to fucking sbarro already. men dont care (about hair i mean, we do care about sbarro) so stop wasting your lives and try the tomboy cut at least (and tomboyism. your hair can reach your ankles for all i care if youre a toned tomboy, hot damn)
anyway still voting lake and trump, go all berds, happy tomboy tuesday (no tomboys are to be posted until after midnight), gm and nn frens
*Ultra MIGA
>Here’s an idea for how the Democrats can snap out of the nightmare brought on by Thursday’s debate and emerge with a startlingly attractive ticket. Call this a game of electoral fantasy football, as it’s unlikely that the necessary real-life players would go along with the plan—but if they did, victory in November would be almost certain.
>First, Biden resigns before the convention. >Second, Harris succeeds him as president. >Third, with what would be the unanimous assent of the Democratic Caucus (which is all she needs, if she needs even that), Harris appoints Barack Obama as her vice president and registers him as her running mate for the 2024 election.

>The return of Obama—still very popular and the de facto head of the Democratic Party—would generate enormous excitement among party leaders, donors, and the general population. Other Democrats, who might have run for the top slot at a brokered convention, would lay such plans aside. A Harris-Obama ticket would almost certainly defeat Trump.

>This scenario would not be unconstitutional. The 22nd Amendment states, “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice,” but it doesn’t forbid a former two-term president from running for vice president. True, as veep, Obama would be in a position to return to the Oval Office for a third term, should Harris die or resign. But this wouldn’t be a problem either. The amendment reads: “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.” It does not forbid subsequent succession to the office.
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looks like a good place to awoo
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Wow Biden really pissed off the zionists I see. Good for you guys, should be an easy win now.
even CNN now shits on joe biden does it means that he will be replaced?
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yeah its funny that biden pissed off his core base. Now they'll likely stay home
Nope, its too late. They literally cannot replace him. Doesn't matter though since they are going to cheat to win
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you've been speaking to two anons with 56 personalities each
Biden literally said "end quote" in his speech last night.

Nigga is gone. But for MAGA sake i hope he remains on the ticket

This shouldnt even be this close, the fact the biden is still in striking distance means the demographics are so fucked. We need mass deportations immediately and this is a single issue for me and trump better not fuck around we have one generation before americans...white and even black... will not have a say in their own country anymore
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He was actually quoting Sotomayor at the end so it's pretty whatever.
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Buden boofed the rest.
>His metamorphosis into a Carpet Surfer

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Good morning sar.
>Nigga is gone. But for MAGA sake i hope he remains on the ticket
Completely agree, if the dems keep Biden as a candidate Trump has this in the safe.
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females are a fucking mistake
It would be too obvious this go-round. Biden’s way too fucking unpopular now, especially after the debate.
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>33% green
It's okay they're throwing away their votes anyway.
>Mr President we're ready to assassinate the former president on your order
>Who's that? Who are you? Where am I? Are you Corn Pop?
>*Shits in his diaper*
Even if Nige loses the payback against conservatives will be worth it.
Biden is a pussy. He won’t do it
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I dunno man, Canada uses the same Parliamentary system you do and Justin Trudeau became Prime Minister with about that percentage of votes. And a 70 year low approval rating on top of that. Don't get too cocky.
First Silicon Valley and Wall Street start to support Trump, now the media is attacking Biden. The establishment has their candidate. Trump is the Uniparty. He is the Deepstate. He covered up their secrets, breaking his promise to declassify key documents. He continued the wars. He deported less than Obama. He kept troops in harm’s way “to protect Israel.” He’s taking their money.

He made the deals. And, you are what he sold.
Nobody else would have a chance either, even if they decided to push Biden aside. Who’s it going to be? Newsom? Kamala? Big Mike? Good fucking luck to whoever would decide to step into that spot.

That would also only leave them with about three months to campaign, and it would also appear as a huge act of desperation on the Dem’s part, making them look extremely weak in the process.

Better to just call this one a wash, as it would have been Joe’s last hurrah anyway, and try again in ‘28.
yeah but ur brown + fat + stinky lol
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Some random glowie might of his own initiative though and the media are signaling that they will protect him.
feel that fear setting in?
>lololol retard stupid fuck
presidential immunity it doesn't work like that :)
We can have that discussion when he fires the entire federal gov and fills it with loyalists.
I know there are few niggers in Poland, so I'm going to use this opportunity to help you learn a bit about the bioweapon infestation you guys are now allowing in.
Nigger women stink, are insanely loud, and believe they are entitled to stomp all over any and everyone. They have vicious tempers, and will attack you for shit someone else did last week just because you have a similar haircut.
Correcting the grammar of a nigger woman is an insult right up there with calling them a nigger to their face while throwing a Hitler salute while spitting in their face.
I sure hope you are smart enough to figure out that the Vice President of the United States being a nigger woman, and having her grammar and speech dictated by a white man is the absolute highest insult, and that being a nigger woman, she is too stupid to understand that she is incapable of properly passing along an idea more complex than "fried chicken watermelon grape drink weed eat mah pussy now."
Kamala's entire day revolved around berating and attacking her speechwriter. That cunt would wake up in the morning and rehearse lines during brickfust to use on her speechwriter if she knew she had to give a speech and it was being delivered to her. She would intentionally have an audience present to watch as she summoned the speechwriter to scream at and threaten him.
If she berated her scriptwriters in private, as any professional would do for bad lines or terrible writing, how we would know?
Her actions were so shitty and public that they leaked multiple times from what has historically been a rather quiet area for leaks.
That is how you know it is bad.
Report it.
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Now post the rest.
Trump is gonna support Israel so hard!!! And guess what, niggers? If you decide to riot again Trump is 100% ready and able to hit you with the LAW AND ORDER tweets again.
And trannies, don't even *think* about staging protests against Trump because he PROUDLY instituted pro-tranny bathroom rules at his properties before it was cool to do so.
The swamp? The swamp better fucking look out because Trump is fully prepared to make it bigger. Let's see how the swamp likes having a few more creatures swimming around.
And to all the liars out there who think Trump is a racist, just wait until he gives the illegals a pathway to citizenship. What will you be saying then?

Common sense tells us that Biden went too far with his leftist crap, and now it's time for a moderate, left-of-center Democrat like Trump to show them how it's really done
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Trump lost to a literally senile old man?
Canadian system is very different. Greens only get like 1-2 seats max here, they're irrelevant. Voting for them is literally throwing your vote away because of the first past the post system.
>The media talking about assassination in such a glib manner
you guys are really just shooting yourselves in the foot you know.
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Why would the CIA allow a old fuck nuke everything and waste everything for their agenda for?
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democrat women think they are assassin's. sad
>point out that 0 interest business bailout loans benefit only decrepit boomers at the expense of young white people struggling to form families and have lives
>get called a communist
So if you think business shouldn't get literally free money (stolen from other people who actually work), that's communism.
it's getting to the point where men 100% should absolutely ignore these communist insane cunts and focus on reality. namely working out, and mass deportations.
>Trump better not fuck around
You are going to be disappointed.

Trump deported almost no illegals in his 4 years.
>but I kept hearing about all these deportations!
No, what Trump and Kushner did was trick you with "deportation orders" because Trumpfags don't research anything.

Step 1. Let the illegals in
Step 2. Release the illegals into the U.S.A.
Step 3. Issue a "deportation order" for the illegals they just released.

The deportation order only means that if the illegals get arrested for a crime there will be a deportation order already on them and they can be sent to a detention center.

Trump played you all like fools. The Trump doctrine is that illegals deserve a chance, and as long as they don't get caught committing crimes they should be allowed to stay.

Trump was extremely weak on immigration and border issues.
uhhh sister...
it's both RVs and pre-debate...
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>bateman posting without my permission
Let's see Paul Allen's digits.
Well that would be funny if that happened. Trump is a cunt and a nigger who sucks kike sick while taking it up the ass from putler.
There is an extreme amount of seething today. The niggerbrains are extra angry about the scotus verdicts and debate.
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over 100 dead in india lol
>The stampede happened in a village in Hathras district, about 200 km (125 miles) southeast of the national capital New Delhi, where authorities said a large crowd had gathered on an area of open ground in response to a call from a local religious leader.
>An unidentified witness told broadcaster India Today that there was a narrow exit at the venue: "As we tried to exit towards a field, suddenly a commotion started, and we didn't know what to do."

Just the fact that people jump to this conclusion is hilarious. They want to kill Trump. Yesterday the "left" spent the entire day saying stuff like this.

As if the law is all that's stopping them from killing Trump? lol.
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>15 to 20 times Biden acted like a complete fucking retard
Is that all? Somehow I feel like he's lowballing that number.
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I love when you laugh at the dead, Maki. It makes my heart and several other organs feel warm.
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>Now post the rest.

I don't know if Trump ever had any desire to "drain the swamp" but after he became president it was clear that he was merely trying to be the top guy in the swamp. He didn't actually want the corruption to end, he just wanted to be a beneficiary of said corruption.
Trump never fought back. He never resisted. He didn't have to, as his base was a bunch of 90 IQ qtards trusting the plan
>suddenly a commotion started, and we didn't know what to do."
did someone yell there was a White woman taking selfies ahead?
That’s not enough.
That’s just confirmed by White House staffers. The real number is vastly higher.
democrats always overperform polls
it makes you wonder why the polls are taken at all :^)
him gooning out behind jill while she talked for him at his post-rally was the chef's kiss
>the MM shill who's still obsessed with mentioning kushner in every shill post when no one's heard from the guy in 4 years and him nor ivanka have anything to do with the '24 campaign
Can't they get these guys new scripts to at least talk about something that's happened since, I dunno, midterms?

Nah, democrats have their voting base under a spell. It's literally anyone but Trump 2.0. Their entire campaign is 'stop trump'.

Even if it is against established rules, they can force biden out, bring newsome in as vp, and then harris/newsome would be an accepted alternative. That's the safe play because some people would throw a fit if the "black woman" was removed.

they are so fucking retarded
>its evidence now.
still think it's a game?
>election stolen = no immunity
Time to arrest the vile treasonous vermin?
>Oh yeah lol, he's been brain damaged for a year and a half minimum
>No we didn't feel it was necessary to tell the American people this until it was impossible to hide, why do you ask?
alley cats kill vermin for food and head scratches desu
Never gonna happen.

You must not remember the government shutdown where Trump was only *days* away from being able to layoff a bunch of leftist deepstate (administrative state) and then he completely cucked and gave in to the democrats

>be President Trump
>be in the middle of a government shutdown
>it lasts longer than any of the recent shutdowns
>reaches the point where the president can finally start getting rid of Democrat deepstate actors
>Democrats are helpless to stop this, and their corruption is in danger for the first time
>Trump ends the government shutdown so nothing bad happens to democrats

Trump pulled the rug out from his supporters so many times that it's almost impossible that he isn't controlled opposition.
They can change it. If this were the Republicans then, it would be too late.
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He rode into the sunset with his payout. You weren’t pissed when the Clintons or the Bidens were getting paid, we’re you?
if only someone could have alerted them of this
Is that why you refuse to feed them?
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This seething swarthoid troon thinks we don't remember the Romney wing of the senate conspiring with he democrats.
It was actually another Kushner deal.
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Man, I wish it was Caturday.
No, I refuse to feed alley cats because they become parasites. Give them one scoop of food and now they're dependent on you. However, my cat has plenty of food to eat.
reminder: Lara Trump runs the rnc. It is Trump's party now.
the ronmeys were btfo
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You’re fighting your own shadow on this one.
Holy shit you're naive.

Trump is Kushner's (and Bibi's) bitch. Kushner doesn't need to have any official position or even pay public lip service to Trump, as he is still Trump's master.

Do you really think that Trump won't be taking orders from Kushner just because Kushner won't have an office in the White House?

Think of all the times Ivanka came out and supported Democrat policies and got Trump to go along with it. Do you really think he'll stop listening to his daughter?

The only people who won't benefit from a 2nd trump presidency are his voters (again).
kvetch about it
evidence now :3

shitty criminals plotting seditious and treasonous acts.Incrimintated by their threats of violence.
Election interference via intimidation.
>It's trump's party now
So....mass illegal immigration, unchecked leftism, and blind support for israel.
Sounds a lot like the democrats
Kushner running around grifting and being a greedy Jew was ironically a better foreign policy than the Biden plan of sending a crossdresser to tell the Saudis they want a gay pride parade in Riyadh
Keep screaming into the abyss about the fucking Romneys. It’s expected that they’d be sidelined. It should’ve actually happened much sooner.
Ew a fat brown pirate replied to me.
that's where you're wrong kiddo
In a weird way, it’s kind of a good thing everyone recognizes California is an absolute crime infested toilet, otherwise Newsom would pose a genuine threat. But there’s no way people in neighboring states or Rust Belt would embrace him. I’m hoping they keep Biden
holy shit it's so fucking over for Trump
New killer Biden ad
>nerve struck
they take poles because well....they're filling voids
>The failures didn't win
I remember when Romney endorsing Cruz caused him to lose 10% of his support lol, Romney is unironically more toxic than David Duke. Without blogposting too much I was at a dinner like 8 years ago trying to explain to a GOP strategist just how badly that guy's presence impacts the party's ability to organize and raise funds. It seems the LDS church finally got the memo.
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karine is FINALLY holding a press briefing
she hasn't held one in two (2) weeks
Mike Johnson gave demoshits everything they wanted but we love that nigger adopter.
Wasting years to do something that should’ve been done at the beginning isn’t a victory.
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is that why you're still seething at me about it?
I've moved on..
oh hey i bet you liked that moveon shit when it came out, huh?
bet you did
anon you need to remember that he is
1. brown
2. fat
3. poor
4. a groyper
that means he can't move on (partially because moving is hard for a fatass like him)
Did Joe is Joe have a meltdown this morning over the immunity case?
You don’t have a clue.
yeah they're being pretty brown at me rn
he needed a fuzzy hat, a binkie, and a lightshow. not the stage!

>DJT the headliner/crushing it
>joblow - opening slot - late/missed his set
Oh boy, I can't wait for the follow-up to cheap fakes.
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they didn't give it to him, he already had it lol
why isn't he using it, i wonder?
You guys are stepping on Trump’s outreach.
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They dragged him out last night around 7:45 to shout about it and not answer any questions. And they covered him with orange skin bronzer to make him look like he's not half dead.
>Biden trying to copy trump's spray tan
I'm more offended about this than is reasonable, fuck that wannabe orange nigger
friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah voted for and support child genital mutilations and child hormone blockers. TOTAL FREEMASON MORMON DEATH
yussss :3

you're raising on a busted flush and are easily milk-able.
keep bumping the thread though, sage is disabled here
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yeah i wonder how they expect americans to react to that
>hey remember that CONSPIRACY THEORY the republicans were telling you about biden's mental decline?
>remember how we published article after article refuting it and saying how mentally well and fit biden is?
>well it turns out they were right and we were lying to you all this time lol
I believe that Newsom would be a formidable opponent for Trump, he is younger and way more energic than Biden.
The democratic party prefers the confused old guy, each one their own i guess \_(-_-)_/
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I did not sea this coming.
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Not Joe. Joe is Joe.
self-governance is the way of the alley cat.
Oops, you meant Morning Joe. I thought you meant Sundown Joe
Non-stop ads in the shape of live footage of how places like LA or SanFran look with his face attached would hurt Gruesome.
Anon and this polling result have something in common.

Neither one has a date.
it goes up every year desu
keep bumping
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They should replace Joe with Kamala for fun.
Interviews with people who left California would be good too.
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>Serenaposter thinks he's still welcome here
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Why do you guys still make these threads when the rest of the board don’t want these threads here? Why do you guys keep making threads that nobody asked for, on a board where youre clearly not wanted? Trump is Israel First, and a neocon shabbos goy.
>red team vs. blue team!! Our red Zionist is beating the other Zionist, America is made great again!
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thanks for posting that.
lobbyists should be barred.
Do it. Let’s see them lose harder.
You might be retarded.
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sorry but I'm going to need a confirmation from the si eye aye
>>472852766, >>472852865

that means that all the lobbying happening right now will be prosecuted in a proper court.
chevron is far reaching and covers that.
hahahah thanks for calling attention to it.
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Yep, you’re retarded.
at least he's white, something you will never be lol
My lineage goes back to the Lord Privy Seal to Charles II, peasant.
kek, keep telling yourself that.
that's why (you) are fucking malding over it right now.
kvetch about the immunity next thread
no problemo <3
Is there still a gag order on Trump?
back in the retard chamber mr no clout!
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this guy was infamous for campaigning in absentia throughout 2020 how on earth did you think they were going to respond to this? you'll be lucky if you ever see biden again lol
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wow your bloodline is that noble and you are STILL a failure?
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4D chess trust the plan
wait HAHAHHAHAHA there's no way
and yes there's a partial gag order
Yes, but it was modified slightly. After reading the opinion it seems to me that the verdict will have to be thrown out (or, rather, not entered - at least in my state judgments of guilt are not entered until sentence is imposed) and a mistrial declared. SCOTUS said that in prosecuting a president anything related to his official acts cannot be in any way questioned and they did that in the New York persecution.
This is even more implausible than reforming the HRE in Hearts of Iron 4.
Someone informed explain how that immunity ruling connects to that case.
because some of the actions in that case happened while trump was president
it wasn't all pre-presidency nonsense
(u) wonderful anon

[they] are scared. they fear the chevron. that's why they're attacking the idea so heavily.

they are vermin stuck in the trap.

>no escape
>no deals
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He needs to do EVERYTHING. An old school "til they drop" press conference, a 60 Minutes interview, answer questions from the press corps when going to Marine One, The View, calls into Sirius XM stations, be seen out at an Orioles or Phillies night game. Literally everything.
no qanon larps either.
that shit is just a jim watson distraction.
>Here's how Barack can still win
he's a fucking pedo
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they really want prove reality isn't real hahahahaha fucking neolarpers still believe biden is doing cartwheels in secret
trust the plan libtards lmfao
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Yeah, to play this off as a one off bad night he really needs to be doing constant appearances. The fact that he won't says that the situation is bad enough that they can't reliably predict his behavior anymore. I mean that fucker is so brainblasted he's started dressing like Trump, that's some weird psycho shit.
I thought it was about about that NDA with stormy daniels during the campaign. What else is there?
Next op obviously.
CNN is trying to pivot if running a mostly fair debate wasnt an indicator. They did the calculus that Dems were going to lose even pre debate badly, and might be in deep existential shit as a party afterwards. Theres people having actual realizations at the gravity of the situation they find themselves and it broke when the DNC was scrambling to even think of a path forward immediately post debate. That night CNN was getting torn apart internally by panicking donors and operatives whos horrible plan just disintegrated.
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I propose this for next OP after learning even the New York inquisitors realize they've lost.
>Orange Man.... Good?
>"gag" order :p
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god this election just got way funnier
probably in theory. i doubt its enforceable unless he started doxxing jurors or someshit.
Right in the kisser?
Biden might be going for some kind of Air Force One gambit where the voters are confused and don't know which one is which
isn't mirroring the dominant personaity well established dementia/schizo behavior?
the nigger news was doxxing jurors
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What's her problem?
Noooo why is my id pajeet
She's not great, not terrible. Way better than RBG and considering the circumstances probably among the best options Trump had. She's yet to cast a deciding vote as far as I know so I'm reserving judgment on her.
Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it a lie.
This. Keeping Biden on the ultimate gift to Trump. Removing Biden would be nothing but a net loss on Trump's chances. Especially if they get someone who knows how to speak, is young, semi attractive and isn't on a cognitive decline like Biden is.
>Removing Biden would be nothing but a net loss on Trump's chances
I disagree with this. Had it been before the primaries, yes, but the niggers have already voted.
Can someone explain to me why Trump supporters are completely detached from logic, evidence, & reality?

This is a serious question. If you reply with "I know you are but what am I?" I will ignore you, or perhaps conclude that you're a brainless bot. But probably, you're just another projectionist Trumpie moron.

If you reply with factual evidence that Trump supporters are bound by logic and fact, then we can have a conversation.
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she's a woman in a position of power
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I think removing Biden might send even more people over to Trump, the Democrat party might never recover from this disaster they cheated for.
If they don't go to Trump they'll probably go to RFK Jr. There's no real fresh talent to pull on for the Democrats.
funny.....no larp
It’s ultimately because they have the most impersonal relationship with him.
hey can you please define
>factual evidence
US presidents cannot order an assassination therefore it is not an official act of govt.
Neither is sending a pallet of cash or operating 20 shell companies to launder money.
The data guru of Nevada has spoken.
>Plebbiteer attacks thread and pretends to want a conversation.
How about you eat a dick, and scuttle back to your echo chamber, fatass?
>nigger adopter
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I think you're a nigger and a faggot and if you combine them you get niggerfaggot.
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There will never be a drone, F-15, or even LE waiting to prevent pic related. Despite what biden claims.
While that's true we'll just get a boring low turnout election that Trump wins easily. That chaos of Biden stepping down would be so wild and crazy would make it 10 times more entertaining and would end with a Trump win anyway.
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So true! Meme magic shadilay my fellow gamergaters and Kekistanis!
I know you are but what am I?
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That's what makes it great, kiddo.
Seven years later and you and your pedo buddies are still flailing.

That's actually a very good question. What it is not:

1. Because Trump says so.
2. Because I want to believe it.

Here's what it generally is IMO:

1. Something that is observable by a broad base of people.

2. Something that has been scientifically verified by people who have proven themselves to be capable of predicting and proving things in their fields.

3. Something that is reproducible given the boundary conditions.

Probably lots more.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/lsvwqgomkk

WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

It's international "F Britain" Month!
I'm still wondering what Biden did in Nevada that made it more red than Arizona in four years, Vegas must just be pissed about the lost revenue from Bidenomics I guess.
catholic cunt whore filth open border supporting whores of human trafficking babylon. her entire religion has been morphed into a human trafficking pedo cult thanks to the Jesuit order.
I'm pretty sure Reid at this point would concede the presidency and demand the DNC redirect all funds into the Senate and House races, all while telling those candidates to distance themselves from Biden/Harris completely.
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If he's never sentenced, he isn't a felon.
I suspect they will hold out until the convention to see if the winds shift, but if nothing changes by then then that's exactly what will happen. The July donation numbers for Biden are going to be catastrophic, the man relies almost entirely on big corporate types buying influence, and it's clear there's no more influence to buy.
And the sentencing has been delayed.
oh hey thats true isnt it
the media can't say he's convicted if the final sentencing never happens
then it becomes libel on the medias part in a very real legal sense.
That plus the corona hysteria killed Vegas.
damn, I was really hoping for a jailhouse address to the RNC
They're actually planning on virtually nominating Joe way before the convention to stop all the talk about replacing him
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The script will flip, it'll be the left saying it's a 2 tier justice system
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Sentencing delayed due to new ruling from SCOTUS.. wew lads. The plot thickens.
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I'm no lawyer, but didn't he already get convicted? That technically does make him a felon.
Rats trying to jump off the sinking Joepedo
CNN started to try to go back to their roots over a year ago, but CNN had already whittled down its viewers to the old leftists a long time ago, so their viewers don't appreciate any move towards the center.
It would take years, but it seems CNN really does want to regain its reputation as news channel for people who care more about policy than politics.
imagine not being able to tell Joe Biden is an asshole just by looking at him. I don't need his political aides to tell me the obvious.
Your question is shit and impossible to answer. People vote to have their interests represented in governement. That's really it. Can you conclusively prove that democrats solutions to every issue are objectively superior? If not then you can kindly GTFO.
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...which is hilarious because voting on a party platform (that nobody reads) and nominating a Presidential ticket are the only jobs of the convention. If they nominate sniffy joe ahead of time the DNC in Chicago is literally pointless.
convictions are only valid after a final ruling by the judge.
they have literally hit the pause button right before the moment it would become offical.
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i told you i told you i told you
also karine is doing a press briefing today for the first time in two weeks! it's funny, in the past few months reporters have asked
>why can't we speak to the president
>why isn't the president holding press briefings where reporters actually ask questions
>you claim to be the most transparent administration in the history of america but biden has less media appearances than any president in the modern age
i can only imagine those types of questions will be asked at every single step today
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>the media can't say he's convicted if the final sentencing never happens

Everything has never happened.

It's the Gell-Mann Paradox
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>1. Something that is observable by a broad base of people.
hey lots of people supposedly observed biden to be mentally fit prior to thursday. why is there a contradiction?
also: there are a lot of stupid people in the united states. they would say i^i is not a real number. does that make it true, simply because lots of people say so?
>2. Something that has been scientifically verified by people who have proven themselves to be capable of predicting and proving things in their fields.
hey lots of people who were institutionally verified to be capable of predicting and proving things in their fields wrote articles saying how mentally fit biden was prior to thursday. why is there a contradiction?
also: people are notorious for being agential, and the more clever one is the more easily one can lie (socrates talks about this). is placing the criterion of truth in a relationship with social power in an age of propaganda and mass media wise?
furthermore, if this is just an appeal to abstract "expertise," i am happy to tell you i have a degree and must be considered an Arbiter of Truth
>3. Something that is reproducible given the boundary conditions.
hey what does
>boundary conditions
mean? most discussions about truth and facts, especially in this scope, are about abstract or even metaphysical concepts, like the exact meaning of words. these are not things reproducibility has any bearing on, and while one might argue then this has nothing to do with facts and truth, it also makes such things impossible to communicate due to the boundary conditions of language (if words don't have absolute meanings, how are you able to discuss absolute truths with them without introducing fault even in total good faith of all participants?). can empiricism solve the quandaries of the social, or is it simply going to dismiss the human condition as irrelevant?
I believe the technical conviction occurs when the judge hands down the sentence. Until that happens Trump is found guilty by the jury, but not convicted by the state.
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>anyone who challenges my beliefs is from REDDIT GUHHHHHHHHHHH
Scotus ruling
Conviction requires a unanimous jury decision
>4:4:4 is not unanimous
not trusting the medias view on any of this.
CNN did change ownership so it's believable. Their real problem is their onscreen talent is poisoned. No Republican is ever going to trust Tapper, Cooper, Blitzer, etc. again.
anon you are a disgusting phone poster you have to go back
he ain't wrong
polling shows that people believe trump more than the media.
so it checks out
Shill bros...what happened? I thought the sham trial would be the end of /ptg/ and the breakfast breads would forever disappear from the spotlight however the exact opposite occurred and /ptg/ raised almost 999 million tomboys. /ptg/'s support is growing by each day, I don't think deleting and pruning the thread is an option anymore...are jews and traitorous abc agencies inbred retards? WHY WON'T THEY DO SHIT?!! Perhaps they should have focused more on Trump instead of a japanese basket weaving forum.

/ptg/ is a pretty cool guy tho and perhaps maybe, can give the shills some advice on the seige against Trump.

Any ideas /ptg/???
>he DNC in Chicago is literally pointless.
This part of the statement is unconditionally true.
I'm basing my assumptions off what the GOP insiders proposed during in 2016, especially after Access Hollywood (i.e., redirecting all RNC money away from Trump and telling the House and Senate candidates to ignore Trump). No reason to think Reid would think differently from those RNC counterparts if he was still around in this cycle.
I knew there wouldn't be. His campaign had a plan.
if nothing ever happens then everything never happens!
lolol it will only become more glorious over time
>fine wine
Best october surprise they got kek
The Press knew about his condition, seeing as how they saw the little note cards with pictures. Bastards are just trying to feign ignorance to cover their own asses.
According to a new poll, Trump is now leading in New Hampshire

Can he really win that state?
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How did Turanpu acquire the White House? Through Jihad.
That would have been absolute kino.
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Good morning, /ptg/!

TRUMP 2024
We're beyond the looking glass at this point so anything is possible.
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>>472855799 checked
>if nothing ever happens then everything never happens!
You obviously understand the Gell-Mann Paradox !!!
Good job, fren !!
As I said before, it won't be long until they and some shills here, jump to the Trump train.
What meds does this poster need? Hes always on edge and having paranoid delusions.
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hey with election newfags i might get more epistemic arguments! :D
>Oh no there's really no plans they're really fucked.
Trump is going to wipe Iran off the map and protect Israel. You don't know how eager I am to deploy there. MAGA
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Especially when they plebbit space and parrot the MSM talking points, sweaty!
Reminder that I am still baking.
There is no medication that can cure a drug abusing half jew half asian schizo.
Yep, the media is content to be 100% in the tank for Dems right up until it makes them appear complicit in a Dem coverup, at which point they will pretend to be just as offended as the public and actually start doing their job for a week.
no but he can come really close. His floor is 45% in NH
This, but unironically
Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard
>nooooo you can’t post on a phone. You have to sit around on your fat ass in a computer chair on 4chan with Fox News playing in the background like me
Who is Biden’s “inner circle”?
>they will pretend to be just as offended as the public and actually start doing their job for a week.
i think they ran that well dry desu
His cunt wife and her assistant.
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>Bastards are just trying to feign ignorance to cover their own asses.

>they will pretend to be just as offended as the public

Sharks are being imagined
What do you mean there's no plan? Of course there's a plan.
The Paradox!!!
captcha knows where they're headed.
same for what the government says
What do you mean we can't have KJP say a few platitudes to congress and all is well?
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would vote for trump ends wage slavery
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I heard Todd is porting Skyrim to my Legend of Zelda Game Watch by Tiger Electronics from the early 90's.
She's better than RBG "the us constitution should not be emulated". She's better than what 'biden' would have picked if Trump hadn't squeezed her in at the last second. Other than that I wish we weren't stuck with her.
especially during election season
all phoneposters get the rope
Ron Klain, Obama and his wife.
What if we don't speak this elvish language?
they know damn well they are pissing americans off too, and they do not care.
they need to be first in line at the trials.
>Chief Inclusion Officer says trust will increase because utes want to believe the govt.

Sounds like more propaganda.
The only defense that can be made is that the Biden family and innermost circle denied access to Biden from the rest of the staff. Having read a lot of White House memoirs, it's not too uncommon for a Chief of Staff to be the only person who actually speaks to the president 95% of the time and a regular aide can go months without any access.
Remember to bring lots of niggers with you. Finland is a nigger worshipping country.
More niggers is what we need.
lmfao how new are you
that's been the position of this site for years faggot
>wahh wahh let me post on my phone ;___;
>i'm just like the rest of you
fuck off nigger
Trump is pro wage slavery though. The talmudists need goyim cattle as a slave class to do their bidding. Trump is friendly with and is always pandering to these talmud-believers, whose beliefs tell them that goyim exist solely to serve their Jewish betters. If Trump were a good honest guy he would shun these types of people not pander to them.
Whew, luckily it was just Trumps fault.
hey you can't post that image at me when formatting STILL isn't done
(it's okay i don't blame you politics is much more fun than writing right now and will be for a while)
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who they angry at?
The President had 15-20 occasions of obvious dementia in just the past year and a half?!

I'm sure CNN demanded immediate answers about why the American people were intentionally deceived, and apologized to viewers for misleading them!

The scripting is all so obvious.
How tf did trust in government go UP during the Clinton scandals?
>to distance themselves from Biden/Harris completely.
these Dems are not the same ones Reid dealt with. Any candidates that want to distance themselves from Biden really only have to go further left, and that will kill them in any race that matters.
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yes i'm sowwy i really do want to because it is increasingly relevant to the democrat problem right now
because he got peach mints
He's a vatnik, but...

The parliament has now accepted the DCA occupation contract. We now have both soldiers and 15 bases of a terrorist country inside ours.

The soldiers of the occupier are immune from finnish laws.

This is the worst kind of treason.
I don’t care. U niggas jealous that you don’t have a phone because no one will call or message u, and no bitches will be hitting you up on your phone? Instead, you come to 4 Chan to talk about Donald Trump at your computer desk. MIGA.
True. The 2006 Democratic Party doesn't exist anymore.
I hope this is bait.
The impeachment and the special counsel.
People had a lot of trust in institutions and it looked like they were at least trying to get the lying prick.
All you deepest fears are my greatest hopes, therefore supporting Trump is entirely logical
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Man the editorial page is brutal for Biden in this Soros owned paper.
can't speed up a spud
>Who is Biden’s “inner circle”?
"Biden" has no idea.

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