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Post anything relating to this years american election, clips of trump or biden supporters, debate moments, ads or whatever. As long as it's related to the election in general.
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Is this from this years debate?
ausfag I got no idea
Yes, it is from this years. Happened a few hours ago.
senile pricks
Requesting the deboonked clip (around 1:24:00 on CNN clip) and the golf argument
I hadn't heard Biden since the 2020 election.
Is he currently ill or is it age? Does he sound like he's perpetually out-of-breath regularly these days or is it a bout of laryngitis with bad timing?
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its fucking joever
god fucking damn it biden
i mean they couldnt give him some coke to liven him up a bit, jesus christ what a blood bath
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cheap fake
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>New York
How does anyone take anything that place does seriously?
NY is a piece of shit

Oregon is a piece of shit

California is a piece of shit.

Why are all of the left wing states all fucked up?
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Here you go.

>Why are all of the left wing states all fucked up?
Most of america is fucked up in general, right and left states. We live in a shit country.
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Love when Biden's grin is stuck there for 15 seconds too long
i think he had a cold.
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I say this as someone who would never vote for Trump and will be voting for Biden, I despise the fact that Biden is the nominee. This is embarrassing. He's a terrible candidate. But voting for Biden is like getting punched in the gut and voting for Trump is like a kick to the nuts. Both options suck, but I'd rather get punched in the gut.
Fucking kek
How the fuck can you consider reinstating the current administration?
Look at the state of your country, man.
god we are so fucked
t. never been to a red state
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This demented nigger shit himself.
Jesus christ, if he's this bad now imagine how he would be in FOUR YEARS 0_0
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This whole election is the biggest humiliation ritual so far for the whole nation.
Both sneed to AI it up
Biden shits himself at 1:16 mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqG96G8YdcE

you can hear it
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Trump campaign just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights
What the fuck
>6 handicap

Literally impossible to have a 6 handicap when you're too physically decrepit to drive a ball 100 yards. Here's Jack fucking Nicklaus bragging about breaking 80 at age 77.

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>it went so bad that they're trying to plant stupid conspiracy theories that they can debunk later to deflect from the real shit

He's been like this all along, this is just the first time the media hasn't been able to protect him. They're suddenly throwing him under the bus now because they know everyone can see what's been going on.
>freeze to death or set yourself on fire
It’s pretty grim. But empires come and go. Shit sucks but there’s really no way to know what the future holds.
Buddy we all lived through 4 years of Trump and it was remarkably better. Comparing it to being lit on fire is disingenuous. If you're going to have this much TDS you might as well just vote RFK
In Biden's own words we're closer to nuclear war now than at any time since the cuban missle crisis. What the fuck is Trump going to do that's worse than escalating a territorial dispute in eastern europe into nuclear armageddon?
So you think I have tds if I don’t love trump? Lmao. Google “irony” you dumb chimp.
No, you obviously have TDS if you legitamately think your life was just as bad under Trump as it was Biden.

Lie to me all you want but don't lie to yourself.
You have TDS if you think anything Trump did is remotely as bad as this.

Even the fake Trump that libs hallucinated who told everyone to drink bleach while masturbating to pictures of Hitler and Putin wasn't as bad as this because at least that person could finish a sentence without his brain bluescreening.
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I liked his beavis pose a few years back
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America what the fuck is going on with you guys.
Does it really matter who wins if they're both zio-puppets?
Decaying ruling establishment flailing desperately against a population that is increasingly sick of its shit but unfortunately for the moment can't find a better leader than Trump.

Europe's only a few years probably but that's just because the propaganda's better, using government force against dissidents is more accepted, and the people are just more cucked generally.
Someone put him out of his misery already
>beat it to death
Rotfl. The next president will either be Trump or Bidens vuce president by the look of it
What the hell is this. Absolutely pathetic
Anyone got the moment that was like
>"oh and by the way....."
>brain freeze
>awkward silence
>moderator jumps in to save him

don't remember when it was
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this is so cruel of her. why would she do this to her husband?
i know people who have TDS. they think things like the riots from the left is because of trump. they think the economy closing down due to a virus outbreak (which they think is real) is because of trump. it's like when abusive partners say "look at what you've making me do"
some of them are not even the ultra left type who are into identity politics. they simply don't even know the lengths that those people go to, and don't know their marxist tactics.
now they are in dismay because it's the first time they are experiencing a coordinated press attack going after biden and not trump. they believe that all the negative press against trump so far are just organic and true commentary by smart journalists and commentators who would naturally be negative against trump.
Fair enough then.
drinking coffee and shitposting, how are you?
He's been fumbling around like this for years, but it's gotten really bad the last two years. He was already old when they put him in office and US presidents seem to age at twice the rate of everyone else while in office.
Maybe ten percent more raspy than usual but other than that this is how he always is, other than when they drug him up for the SOTU or other big speeches. Why the drugs failed this time is a question we'll probably never know the answer to.
>Both options suck, but I'd rather get punched in the gut.
As long as they know you'll accept getting punched in the gut, they will keep doing it over and over again. They don't actually care about your reasoning or rationale, they simply accept it wholesale and will never give you a better offer.

The only demographic that really scares politicians are the undecided and unregistered.
Just stop voting and you'll get your message across really quickly.
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This is like "vote bloo no matter who thinking". Trump was good one-time for 2016 because his opposition was a warhawk.

They are both going to sell you out to Israel. You ameriniggers have more options than just those two.

>The only demographic that really scares politicians are the undecided and unregistered.
>Just stop voting and you'll get your message across really quickly.
Ameriniggers are really into team sports so they aren't capable of individual thought. Lesser of two evils is still evil, a race to the bottom.
why wasnt kennedy on this?
I wanna believe but Biden's mic is turned off when Trump speaks (see at 1:16:47) because the candidates' mics turn off when they're not speaking. See >>5601591
Because he didn't meet the participation requirements that were written specifically to keep everyone but Trump and Biden out.
That fucker also loves Israel and had a literal worm in his fucking brain.
Literal octogenarians running like 2/3rds of our governing bodies.
They are still playing games that worked in the previous century while relying on the propagandists to keep playing cover since they saw how a President could be defeated vs TV (Nixon v Kennedy).

Trump is little more than the populists gaining ground in the system, thus the violent reaction to his successes as it upsets the careful game they've had for the last 8 decades.

Biden is a desperation candidate that they can't rely on anymore but failed to build up a viable 'close enough' as the diversity hire VP is a black-hole personality.

TLDR: Slow march of consolidated efforts building a Jenga tower, we're just waiting for the collapse.
>thus the violent reaction to his successes as it upsets the careful game they've had for the last 8 decades.
I feel like Trumptards don't understand this.
Huh? That's the entire point.
The violent reaction is how you know you're making progress. There were no 'violent reactions' to Mitt Romney.
What the hell are the democrats smoking putting that senile old man up for president?

They needed to find someone in their 40s, like Obama was. They would win easily but it seems they prefer to lose? Insane
Is this by the same guy (intelligence organization) that did the video with Trump dunking on Jeb! with airhorn sound effects?
*had it removed
joe and donald still have their worms
he's been like this from even before 2020. of course it's been getting bad but NO JOKE he's been fumbling and stumbling since before 2020.

ask yourself why you didn't know that, ask yourself how honest the news have been. you can also ask (like I do) why the news in my own country (sweden) haven't been honest.
>he's been fumbling and stumbling since before 2020.
I knew about the inarticulate dementia, I was talking about the weakness in his voice, like he can barely get his breath out.
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See for yourself exactly how it was. Leave it on in the background. Don't be manipulated by either side.
He's not actually the president. He's just a wealthy elite they put into a fancy position so he doesn't pay for some revolt.
But yeah he's sick. Got alzheimer’s.
How did you make these?
Can you remake this without the music in the background?
Trumptards think he's doing this consciously.

It doesn't matter who wins this time, as long as they serve their jewish masters.
His time was up so the moderator was saying "thank you" to indicate his time was up. He stopped talking because he knew his mic was going to be cut.
hopefully the final boom
no they switched topics, to save him from looking bad
the real lowlight is the abortion response
Holy shit I skipped this part
That clap lmao
nothing wrong with trump saying that states should decide. then states that don't want it can forbid it, and states that REALLY don't want it can even make women that go to a different state to have an abortion into a criminal. and women that want to abort just need to move to a different state. having different laws in different places and people that like those laws living in those places makes a lot of sense.
timestamp of OP's video (including what biden said moments before). if anybody want to hear trump's response.
I was really hoping this would end with
>I don't know what he just said, I don't think he knows what he just said
American idiots. You can't just decriminalize drug use and leave it at that. You need to set up support systems for them as well
That's how it worked in Portugal
She's becoming redpilled. The pendulum is swinging back
Quiet shitskin, first world opinions only
I get that Joe Biden's TV debate was absolute shamefur dispray, but what does his son's lifestyle have to do with his ability as a president?
Apustaja is the most based frog though
If you look at actual focus groups of actual undecided voters, most think Biden won on the actual policy.
Cope chuds
this is why democrats have started to push the concept of "cheapfake": videos that aren't fake but cut in such a way that they present a "fake" version of reality. so uninformed voters will think clips like these are exaggerations.

it's funny because that's exactly what they have been doing to trump for 8 years now, for example "the fine people on both sides" video where the news cut away the part that trump added afterwards ("and i'm not talking about the neonazis, they should be condemned totally"). another example is that time they showed trump being disrespectful and dumping a lot of fish food in japan, but they cut away the part before that showing Shinzo Abe dumping his food first (meaning trump just followed what japan's prime minister did first)
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>'You molested a woman in public, had sex with a porn star'
>"I didn't have sex with a porn star"
What did Trump mean by this?
this guy is like the 4th fucking biden clone. he's not her husband
>focus groups
Oh lawdy.
Next you'll tell me that I Am Legends altered ending was superior to the original.
>Obama and Reid Hoffman have decreed that Biden's still the guy so the withdrawal talk suddenly ends and the shilling resumes

I'm so happy, my biggest concern after yesterday was that he would actually drop out and we'd be deprived of (at least) 5 more months of this.
I downloaded these two youtube videos using yt-dlp

Then I used webm for lazys to convert and cut the videos in half, then resize them to fit 4chans file size limit.
what is she doing with her hands?
Trump denies he fugged Stormy Daniels (Stormy denied it too before it became profitable for her to say the opposite) but no one really believes him and most people agree that banging porn stars in your 60s is a top tier chad move.
Do you still have your nuts?
I think anon meant how Biden was spouting all the other stuff like molesting a woman in public and Trump only clears up how he didn't have sex with a porn star
I’m still voting for Biden.
she wants the camera to switch to a shot focusing on him reading instead of both of them, i guess she didn't think her hands were in the shot
dyin' with biden, decent slogan
Oh wait, im a retard and didn't know that webm for lazys already has yt-dlp in it and downloads videos and converts them to webms automatically, don't be like me and just download webm for lazys.
accelerationism is indeed an option
protip: if you intend to just post the video as-is you can tell yt-dlp to download the VP9 webm from youtube, adapt audio quality and resolution to fit the filesize. no need to reencode it. usually works for files that can fit on /wsg/ unless the video is long.
i also use ffmpeg to copy the video/audio stream up to a certain timestamp, if i need to cut off the ending credits or whatever. it's lossless and takes less than 5 seconds to prepare the new webm.
intended to post an example but the trump video was longer than the max 400 sec allowed on /wsg/, i could have sworn it was 10 minutes allowed here but guess not. /gif/ is probably still 300 sec i hope?
i never understood why 4chan doesn't write the file length and dimension limitations below the post form at the top, it's the most obvious thing to put right next to "Supported file types are: GIF, WEBM" yet it has been missing for I don't know how long.
i also never understand what was the point in having these arbitrary limitations differing between boards for the same format. why not just make it 600 sec on both boards? why is /b/ max jpg 2 MiB and 4 MiB on /v/? who knows. bandwidth limitations aren't really a thing these days and if it were it would be a better user experience to just average the file size across all boards instead of making cross posting more difficult.
and while i'm ranting, why does 4chan seem to reencode webms with audio every time it is reuploaded, yet not webms without audio? why does many jpg files get bloated the first time you post them (increase filesize, not decrease). but then stays the same if you reupload them. who knows.
The rest of those aren't in popular conscious right now
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Cool story. I think I'll vote for Trump.
Here are the two places you can clearly hear someone giving instructions to the moderator.

Exhibit A: At 11 seconds. Jake Tapper says, "You have said - I'm coming right to you, sir - you--" Tapper stutters for a split second while a barely audible voice says something like the word "respond." Jake Tapper continues, "Well, you want to respond? I'll give you a minute to respond."

Exhibit B: At 55 seconds in this clip. Biden says "...while your wife was pregnant? I mean what - w-what are you talking about?" Biden pauses here for a split second, while during this brief pause you can coincidentally hear a barely audible voice sounding very similar to 44 seconds earlier says the words, "Trump respond." Then Biden continues saying, "You have the morals of an alley cat!"
Also the timestamp of the first earpiece instruction is at 2:15:01 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/live/hFHkVxhKbE8
Actually think Trump handled that about as deftly as possible, ironically one of his better responses; later in the debate he'd fall back into his Bully Trump persona and miss some easy layups on issues like the border and inflation. Big waste, as nothing Trump could say would make Biden look more unfit for the job than Biden's own words (or lack thereof).
You can tell Biden was getting bumped with uppers during the commercial breaks. He'd start off talking very fast, finishing sentences, completing his thoughts, and then taper off into the bsod staring into space as time went on. He must be building up a tolerance for whatever meds they are giving him, it seemed to work much better during the SOTU address.
>attacking trump for being a horndog failed miserably in 2016 but maybe it'll work better after 8 years of constant public gay sex
Remember that time in 2020 when one of Biden's old aides accused him of rape and - unlike Trump's accusers - had actual evidence and this was the response: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/06/opinion/tara-reade-joe-biden-vote.html
lmao this whole world is fake and fake
Oh I get it now. Nice try OP.
Keep trying glowies.
Biden probably hasn't been in charge of even his old folks home dessert menu. He personally isn't a national security threat, it's annoying when people focus on his irrelevant husk of a person and not his unelected and unseen aides and handlers.
The thing is, when the President himself is competent, he will be held accountable for his actions. When you have a situation like this, the unseen aides who are doing everything think they will never be held accountable, because Biden is their fall guy. He basically just does whatever they say, that's why he doesn't even seem to be aware or cognizant of what they're doing with things like abortion, fbi weaponization or the southern border. But he has given them the ability to use his authority to make appointments, write executive orders which he probably signs without reading half the time, and to sign into law or veto things. He is a manchurian candidate or a fall guy, kind of like the figurehead Byzantine emperors who were assassinated as soon as they were no longer useful.
I agree but what I was getting at was that rightoid seethers like in that vid who complain about Joe this, Joe that seem to be missing the issue that you're outlining.
Saying the president is irrelevant because the deep state is pulling all the strings from the shadows isn't a winning message from the left *or* the right and comes off as insane to normies whether it's true or not.
Ultimately Joe is responsible whether he has de facto abdicated his authority and allowed others to tell him what to do. So that is true. It's also true that if he is fired and someone is elected who isn't a manchurian pushover, such a person will be like most Presidents and good rulers of the past, restrained by basic common sense from making such insane and self-destructive policies because they aren't just a puppet and because they care at least about their own legacy. With this guy, it's entirely his own fault for abdicating and letting other people do whatever they want. Because he is a weak and ineffective incompetent leader, probably only worried about optics and other stupid things like that. He's certainly not concerned with making decisions that have America's best interest in mind or making the hard decisions, and seems to let much of it go on autopilot with others effectively at the helm - but with him as their fall guy so they don't care at all if it goes badly. Hopefully that makes sense.
right... cold...
Well just think, if Trump’s son did half of what Hunter did, do you think the media would ever stop talking about it? Saying how badly of a father Trump is? How if Trump can’t raise a son how can he run our country, etc. The media never talks about Hunter and it’s on purpose.
Some CNN shill who tried to rebunk the fine people hoax.
we finally beat medicare
"i have no choice but to be physically assaulted when i ask 1 of 2 men to please assault me"
>he will be held accountable for his actions
lol. yes, they'll lose power but has a single politician been held accountable in representative democracy worldwide in the last 30 years as it reaches it's terminal state of state-dependent mass-manipulated stagnant tolitary? Granted, I agree that in his case it's especially apparent and even if his politics wasn't total hell, would still cause one not to vote; however what you describe is just representative democracy at work, there are no accountability measures. Once someones out of office, they're off the hook. A motion should be made to direct democracy if it's to remain, and to substantially less federal power.
>you have the morals of an alley cat
Why are Americans incapable of voting for a third party or an independent?
Mind your business moron, also they can and also write in any candidate. There, fuck off faggot
Winner take all elections and huge national party machines with billions of dollars behind them make third party candidacies impossible.
There's been a few third party winners, but third party does not appeal to me personally, I WOULD never vote for a libertarian douchebag
Because third parties have been failures for like every other nation. Seriously what's the point of a third party if it's literally just a diet version of one of the other major parties? You see this constantly in Europe where these multiple parties simply coincide into two coflicting political groups.
Virtually all elected as republicans and switched parties later, and nothing higher than state legislature for people running as libertarians. Most recent was 2020 in a tiny district in Wyoming in a race with no republican candidate. 10 point margin of victory in an R+50 county.
You do realize Trump is essentially a third party candidate that took over one of the major parties right?
European third parties are mostly controlled opposition, and when actual dissident parties like AfD/FN/Reform rise up all the "mainstream" parties suddenly congeal into a globohomo blob to marginalize them.
Being a "republican" is about having access to the party machine, not policies. Trump singlehandedly staged a hostile takeover of a major politican party, defeated the internal resistance, and transformed it totally to the point where the party leaders of 20 years ago commonly shill for the other team now. Literally no one else in the country could have achieved that if they tried.
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>alley cat
sick burn gramps
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What a diffirence 12 years make
Pre-2016 elections were such a disgusting sham.
Is this from 2024?
It's from a couple days ago.
Two frauds vs the reality behind politics being thrown into the spotlight. Of course I prefer 2024.
So a bribe sent to a Ukranian gov't official, to force a prosecutor, who's filing charges against his son, to resign, is somehow creating no impact on Joe's ability to rule properly?
Me personally, it influences our foreign policy with Ukraine and keeps the total goyim sacrifice over there going.
funnily enough I'd put Romney and Obamas' evils well above those of Trump and Biden
>He's been like this all along, this is just the first time the media hasn't been able to protect him. They're suddenly throwing him under the bus now because they know everyone can see what's been going on.
He's been purposely hidden from major media attention and his party released troves of propaganda acting like any video clip of him acting old was deceptively edited, they used the term "cheap fake"
This live streamed public debate ruined that whole strategy. It's out in the open now and everyone is painfully aware.
Good post.
Fun fact.
If you watch the debate on YouTube and speed up the video to 1.25x speed, Joe sounds 100% normal. It raises his voice pitch and makes him no longer sound like a dying old man
The fact of the matter is, hunter started working for a Ukrainian oligarch while Biden was vp. The Ukrainian oligarch was paying hunter to make a Ukrainian criminal investigation go away..
Anyways, Joe Biden threatened to with old aid from Ukraine until they fire this prosecutor, he gets fired, and his replacement closes the investigation into the oligarch Zlochevsky just a few months after getting his job. An internal email between Hunter and his colleagues at Rosemont Seneca show they celebrated it, apparently thinking they were responsible for his firing, as they said "we did it!"
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Not to be a party pooper, but producers ALWAYS talk to hosts during shows, especially live. What you're hearing is the producers ensuring the show stays on track.
Good post
Rigged system
Where's the original for that video? Can't find it, but I know it's there just don't know what to search for
>we must go back to false personas, scripted presentations, and plastic performances!
manipulative video editing cutting it like that, on par with what the democrats love to do
>manipulative video editing cutting it like that,
What? That's literally the entire exchange, watch it if you want
why lie? did you really think i wouldn't look it up? youtube has a transcript feature so it takes less than 10 seconds to find it.
I'm talking about at the end of the world he'll be held accountable.
Whats wrong with trump. Why does he sound so low energy now?
Most people were still asleep to the depravity that was lurking at that time. That was pre-Obergefell and everyone recognized in public what men and women were at that time. Now it's impossible to hide.
He's been doing 100 thousand people gatherings every day for the past three years all over the country, he's been told he is Hitler when he acts non-solemn so he tones down his character, and democrats are trying to drain his remaining energy with fake lawsuits. Trump is an energy monster being able to do what he does at age 78, and he only sleeps 3-5 hours per night (that was in 2019 so probably 5-6 hours these days).
>he's funny because i say so!
the absolute state of democrats.
I'm really confused what you're arguing now, the webm >>5602541 is ripped straight from the debate, it's not edited
Also, it's ONE shot, where's the editing and cutting you're claiming exactly?
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this is like when Biden said a group of presidential scholars voted Trump the worst president of all time lmfao who gives a fuck about those people besides you?
the ending is a cut, it was cut right in trump's response making it seem like he only cared about denying the crap about having sex with someone.
Show me where Trump refutes molesting a woman in public
i don't want to waste too much time on you, faggot, but he says that the lawsuits are bullshit. you think he's going to stand there and speak details in public without his lawyer about ongoing lawfare when he's running for president? watch the url i linked you, slow down the video speed if you don't hear what trump is saying, then shut the fuck up.
isn't it the post right above it?
Low energy was the play this time. If he tried to maul him it would distract from Biden's inability to form complete sentences and hand him an easy excuse that he sucked because he couldn't get a word in edgewise. The ad that Trump's campaign released afterward (>>5601706) was literally just footage of Biden talking, they even edited out Trump's one-liners.

Frank Luntz's large focus group nearly unanimously said Trump crushed it, and he's not remotely a Trump shill.
>the most famous man in the world raped a crazy woman in the middle of a busy department store in NYC and fucking no one noticed
lol k

Just think, if Trump hadn't had the balls to stand behind Kavanaugh in 2018 then the "Crazy bitch accuses famous person of touching her butt 40 years ago" play would actually work and would be happening left and right today. It's sad they're even still attempting it.

Even after literally rewriting the New York laws specifically to get Trump all they managed to do was get a civil judgement so insanely huge that it made THEM look bad, and for bonus Soviet-ness rigged the appeal process so it was almost impossible to appeal. Then about ten minutes later Trump made five times that much money taking Truth Social public so he didn't give a fuck anyway.
im not even american you dumb rat. cant wait for you to make your choice between the whore fucker with whore wife and wrecked family and the senile faggot with crackhead son.
fucking disgrace I hope the vatniks or the chinks nuke you this decade
I love how the party of pride parades think being puritan church ladies is a winning and credible posture. If the evangelicals didn't give a shit about everything they threw at him in October 2016 why do you think a rigged NYC show trial judgement is going to change that now?

Also, should we talk about the time Bill Clinton got his ass ate out in the oval office?
>but he says that the lawsuits are bullshit.
He's talking about the porn star section of that argument there
man i told you to slow down the video if you have trouble hearing him speak. he says "cases" at 47:27, clearly he is talking about all of the made up charges as a bundle and he can't address the lies individually on camera in front of the whole nation while the lawfare is ongoing because that's not something you do unless you want to shoot yourself in the foot later. he shouldn't have talked specifically about having sex with that woman either but apparently he is very confident about.
listen to me you inbred mulatto, im not the party of pride parades and you dont have to explain yourself like a bitch to me.
im just saying that having the leader of your country be a guy who's known to be involved with prostitutes and porn actresses, whose wife hates him and whose family is a wreck is a bad look.
nor is it any better if he's an old senile corrupt man who literally can't finish a sentence and shits in diapers.

dont care what you have to say, im here to laugh at the old fools you're gonna vote for. dont lecture me on democrats and republicans, as far as im concerned youre a failed society and half of you are half black. your sons suck cocks and your daughters have cocks. worst of all its theyre also half black(referring to the people, not the cocks, you coombrained retard)
> appeal to authority
> you're literally the president
that was amazing. more thirdie seethe please.
he doesn't know that
Oh nooooo it's a "bad look" how will drumpf ever recover :((
robert de niro?
>muh morals
Remember that time Joe's daughter wrote in her diary that he molested her in the shower?
I have to say, I burst out laughing at the point where Biden was saying everyone loves and respects and trusts the USA.

>heavily scripted monoparty circle jerk
>real niggas doing real nigga shit

i think i unironically like out-of-his-mind-off-script joe biden. Dude probably really cared about this country at one point, he still cares about his family and his son which is unironically the whitest thing you can do in 2024 no matter how much of a degenerate fuckup hunter is. every time biden goes off script he says what he really thinks and feels. he wants to ban all these immigrants and probably do a lot worse, he is an old boomer after all that use to get into knife fights with gang bangers. But he's not allowed to do what he wants, he's a puppet so it doesnt matter.

look, im just not going to vote for anyone. Just not voting is all. i do not consent to be apart of the jewish grift called democracy. hahahaha!
Mandela was a literal terrorist and is considered one of the most respected leaders in world history.

>he still cares about his family
His family is his money laundering scheme. All the Ukrainian or Chinese bribes get to him via Hunter or one of other relatives, Beau is his all-purpose sympathy card whenever anyone attacks him for anything, especially military related (see >>5601515), and the one family member who can't benefit him financially - Navy - is forbidden from using the Biden family name.

>he is an old boomer after all that use to get into knife fights with gang bangers.
He went to Syracuse then worked as a lawyer for all of two years before starting his almost 60 year career as an elected politician. If he ever fought anyone physically it would've been in the 1950s.
I'd happily set myself on fire. As per your example, I may survive. Freezing to death is guaranteed. A good analogy of Trump v Biden.
It's questions like this that make me wonder. In a typical CNN-run debate, the democratic candidate would never get a question like this. This example as well as how they decided to set up the debate rules makes me think this was an execution of Biden by the media.
Maybe by communists, not by me.
So the moderators are too stupid to do it, according to you?
Could be, but also the week before there was a lot of attention from rw media on the moderators' history of extreme anti-Trump bias leading to an incident where a CNN host abruptly shut down Trump's press secretary for mentioning all the times Jake Tapper has called Trump literal-Hitler. So they could've been being deliberately evenhanded to counter the expectations of bias.
remember when hunter married his dead brother's wife so he could get a footjob from his 14 year old stepdaughter-niece?
Typical jealous third worlder that wants to see the suicide of an empire from the inside but can't. Sucks to be you, buddy.
biden didnt bend over backward and wash israel's dick when they were criticized by the goy for their palestinian genocide so now biden is eternally on the jew's shitlist.
>but he did eventually support isr-

doesnt matter. that isnt how jews think. the thing about israeli politics is you either are with them 100% of the time, or you arent and even disagreeing a single time is enough for them to justify burning the bridge, throwing the friendship under the bus, ect. They do this, because as a people... as 'god's chosen people', they are constantly looking for excuses to fuck everyone over. And they love fucking over their allies and friends because 'god's chosen people' cant be allies or friends with an inferior goyim. They only have loyalty to themselves and refuse to bow down and submit/pretend to submit once they feel they have sufficent power.
He also got her addicted to crack, according to her testimony at his trial

>CBS poll
>16% think Biden won
>1% of reps, 8% of inds, 39% of dems
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>Progressives try to cause this country to implode, implement the most suicidal policies they can imagine, stooping to new lows that have never been seen before while constantly making up the most gaslit and deliberately imflammatory lies every step of the way with reckless abandon while attempting blatantly to get away with murder
>they fail
>then try to blame their desperate attempts at extralegal lawfare and their lack of any deceny whatsoever on those who oppose them
>fail again
>ok guys, akshully BOTH sides are bad i guess
>and the country, which our side by itself exclusively has been hating and trying to destroy from within, is just bad in general, please believe me!

Nope, it's just you.
It's real. Why the quality is so horrid, I don't know, but sky news has an HD version of it.
"cheap fake" is what the white house press secretary said about embarrassing videos. She was trying to redirect attention to AI fakes but the question was about a real video. So now it's a short-hand to call an inconvenient real video about Biden a cheap fake.
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It didn't work in Portugal.
What does trump say on immigration anyways?
I see Biden's nonsense response, but not Trump's
See: >>5601611
Thanks anon, I had watched that, but I was looking for something in the debate.
It's 2024 and you don't know Donald Trump's position on immigration?
That's not what I said.
Some of those promises aren't even promises. A global health care system? Global? Do Americans really think the rest of the world is them? Just think about the words used. They don't mean anything.
Allan Lichtman (a man who predicted the past 10 election accuritely and invented the 'keys to the white house' prediction system), says biden should not drop out if he wants to win and that debates do not predict election results.

>biden should not drop out if he wants to win
Thanks for this brilliant insight, Terrible Hair Guy.
>random webm voice with british accent uses word
>thirdie misunderstands sentence, mistakes it for a direct quote, and blames americans
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Why do you need a repetition of what he's outlined at every possible opportunity daily for 8 years?

- build wall
- deport
- nuke the cartels
- some recent thing about green cards for college grads that people on the right hated but it's probably just bullshit to make him look moderate anyway
I don't know, he disappointed me with the lack of any action to stop the summer of floyd riots, Kyle Rittenhouse actually ended it. I will still vote for Trump.
I don't know, he disappointed me with the lack of any action to stop roe v wade from being overturned, Clearance thomas actually ended it. I will still vote for Biden.
The Mostly Peaceful Protests were bait putting him in a no-win scenario. Crack down and he's a fascist, let them burn the cities down and he's weak. Standard color revolution stuff.

>tfw riding your bike around town in 2020 and there are somehow big pallets of bricks sitting on the sidewalk in random spots for no visible reason
ok but he ran his first election all about his priority on law enforcement
He did, and he failed when tested.
>nooo why didn't he take the bait
- Portland, Seattle, and similar lefty shitholes burned to the ground, nothing of value was lost
- Seattle surrendered territory in its downtown to a local warlord
- Genuinely batshit ideas like "antiracism" and "Abolish the police. No seriously. Yes literally. Stop laughing you racist." became dominant on the left and turned them into a cult of woke insanity that has steadily bled support ever since
- Interplay with covid resulting in hilarious "Health experts say you shouldn't leave the house unless it's to loot a Foot Locker"-type propaganda that torpedoed the credibility of the media and "expert" class

Long term it was a dub for the right.
he says 6 handicap and then 8. wut?
Tbh exaggerating an 8 to a 6 and then retreating when called out would just be normal golfer stuff, but an elderly casual player being anything less than a 20 handicap is faker than the moon landing.
>LA riots 1992

Shut up moron
They should stop letting people above retirement age run for president
Once social security explodes there won't be such a thing as a "retirement age".
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You mean this? I always wonder who it is trying to make this stuff happen.
In 2020 he had some early signs of dimentia but now its extremely clear hes suffering from it, i think in 2020 it was reasonable to believe he was just nervous onstage but now anyone telling you he doesnt have dimentia is lying to your face, its a fucking embarassment.
I know this is a troll but I would vote nearly anyone over Trump I hate him that much and I hate /pol/fags for killing 4chan which is a site I used to love, but holy shit Joe Biden being the president is unacceptable dude. That debate made it so clear hes barely cognizent and unfit to lead. The Democrats are incompetent buffoons digging their own grave and willing to do anything and everything to make sure their nepotism-based party stays afloat even having a suffering elderly man in office. Its fucking depressing and they deserve to lose when they cant even beat Donald Trump who had some of the worst approval ratings of all time. Literally all they would have had to do is run somebody who speaks well and isnt 80+ years old and they would have beat Trump handily. But now its too late and theyre losing this election like they fucking deserve.
Summed it up, thats the only reason Trump won in 2016 it was rebellion against the ruling establishment. People were sick and tired of Clintons and Bushes and their friends. Of course then Trump wins and only helps out the corporate ruling class and does nothing to "drain the swamp" or weed out corruption and still bends the knee to Israel. So we're just beyond fucked, our ruling class is immovable and they set up a false democracy where they get to pick whichever candidate they want and we get to choose between 2 extremely unpopular geriatrics. Elections here are about as democratic as China's at this point.
I think Jill Biden and his other handlers lied to everyone because they wanted power. They wanted power and fame, and they'll do it at anyone's expense including the people they claim to serve. They are just nakedly greedy and ambitious. They want to feel like they are important, even though they are grossly incompetent when it comes to the requirements of the position. They come up with convenient lies that they repeat to themselves and others because they want the trappings of power, not even caring that they might bring the world into nuclear war. Think about it, that's how these people navigated themselves to the top of such an institution in the first place. It wasn't an accident. It's just like how you have the same pattern of women who will falsely accuse others and opportunistically play the victim card who tend to rise in the ranks of corrupt organizations and businesses. They are beyond shame, and everyone else hates those creatures and at least secretly wants them to be destroyed. Of course, DEI and everything else is there to help them do this. It's a rotten system.
I voted biden last time to try and get a student loan bailout - like the farmers, auto makers, banks, and hedge funds got. Now that it's four years later and I've saved up the total of my student loan debts with 0 support from that faggot, I will be switching parties and voting Trump. Cope and dialate.
>but what does his son's lifestyle
You truly believe, that it matters not in the slightest?
>shit of piece
Damn, always had an image of him as that calm, chill dude. :DD
I wanted to see how he answered the question.
It hasn't really changed. Even in Biden's 60 second short >>5605083 he hits all the liberal talking points like climate change, renewables, abortion, healthcare subsidies, and caps it off with the fakest script break I've ever seen in a desperate attempt to hide his frailty.

All this pandering reminded me of that one Onion sketch.

It's 2MB on /b/, 6MB here, everywhere else is 4MB. Sound only allowed here, /gif/ and /wsr/.
The max duration is 6m40s but I've seen plenty of WEBMs that break this rule like >>5595796
Haven't figured that one out yet but it might have something to do with the video stream only being a single looped frame.
And this info about the re-encoding is new to me as well. Don't see how it could be done without affecting the file hash but it's possible that they encode some additional metadata for tracking purposes.
I theorized that the reason every file saved from here has an epoch timestamp like 169xxxxxxxx.webm is so they can track the flow of information across different threads and pinpoint the exact time you saved it down to the microsecond. Most epoch clocks are only accurate to the second (10 digits) but 4chan filenames are 16 digits long, who knows why.
You can't rely on focus groups. Magatards can't focus so it never accurately represents them.
Non-american poster leave
>what does his son's lifestyle have to do with his ability as a president?
What makes you think that bad fathers make good presidents?
Did you think you can trick up by running it through a potato compressor.
Lmao this, I bet that guy even has his foreskin. Lol what a nazi!
>Haven't figured that one out yet
maybe mods whitelisting those files (their own files)?

>Don't see how it could be done without affecting the file hash
the file hashes are different every time, which is why it annoys me so much. the streams are the same but 4chan changes the surrounding capsule, so the file hash changes.
did he just watch some movie the night before and got confused and thought it was real?
that brainwashed cheer of the democrats after biden says something completely nonsensical... it just kept happening. it's like they never listened to him and just waited for him to stop speaking just so they could clap or cheer.
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New brandon ad just dropped
The absolute fucking state of mutts lmao
All Hail King Biden! He should put the Navy's Seal Team Six to work to take care of a certain orange felon. (In an official capacity of course) ;)
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From the 2015 swearing in, on the official C-Span site. URL is in the video.
>do you know how horny I am.... having a 13 year old girl standing right next to me
>...(inaudible, at least to me)
>Alright, well nice to see you guys... see you back home, I hope.
Meds. Now.
anyone able to isolate the levels?
we're so fucked
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I made quite a few attempts in Ultimate Vocal Remover and this is the best I could do. No matter what I tried, his voice blends in too much with the background noise. Someone with more patience than me can probably make it sound better and boost the frequencies in his vocal range or something, but I tried for a good 20 minutes.
Clott can be a cold asshole when he wants to be.
This is great. I've been so worried the last few days that he'd somehow find a semblance of decency and drop out, and this was almost certainly the last chance.
Trump is normally aggressive in debates but you could see how uncomfortable he was,
It was intentional, he was really aggressive in the 2020 debates and it hurt him so he changed his strategy. All he had to do was let biden fumble and keep talking. If he talks over biden he just looks like an asshole because Biden is actually willing to tell him to shut up live on stage.

Especially Trump going after Hunter's drug habit on Biden backfired in the debate when Biden said "he did have an addiction and he overcame it and I'm proud of him", last thing you ever want to do is poke fun at a grieving parent.
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>Two robots covered in makeup talking about golf
[[He]] was right...
and insightful
Really bad AI. He didn't stumble once in that whole minute and buying that requires just too much suspension of disbelief.
>Ameriniggers are really into team sports so they aren't capable of individual thought
and when's your 'football' season kick in again, you third world piece of shit? you know, the only time of the year when you get patriotic about your country?
>hurr im not a-
sure, guy. sure. lol
finally :D
>he overcame it
Hey, remember that time a few months ago when they found cocaine in one of the most heavily surveilled parts of the white house the day after Hunter came over for a visit but gosh darnit they just couldn't figure out who left it there?
>You ameriniggers have more options than just those two.
We literally don't. Excluding all the swamp creatures who just want to be president to be famous and get paid and are happy to spend 4 years reading teleprompters and signing whatever the CIA puts in front of them, there are maybe ten people at most who would make good presidents and they're all either too uncharismatic (Rand Paul, Thomas Massie, maybe DeSantis) or too young and inexperienced (Vivek, Gaetz, Vance) to realistically get there right now. The left has fucking no one. Bernie was as close as they came in recent memory but he bent the knee to all the same people who fucked him over so he'd be hopeless too.
bump. let's not allow it to be memory holed just yet.

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