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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Charity founder dies in Ukraine 'battlefield'

>Woman stole baby unit money, court told

>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

>UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enough for ice’

>Female workers suspended by NHS chiefs after complaining about sharing changing room with trans woman

>Thousands fear they will lose vote in UK election after postal ballot delays
You know what these subhumans did to little white girls who had ideas they didn’t like?
> they would strip them naked, pour gasoline all over them, and tease them with a lighter
Exerting their dominance over their white English slave girls
Meanwhile what these shitskins do to white girls who try to stick up for themselves:
> A girl who is considered to be the property of one of the gangs can face extraordinary violence if she should try to leave or to tell the police what is being done to her. Sara Swann, who has worked extensively with the victims, has told of a girl who had her tongue nailed to the table when she told a grooming gang that she would go to the police.19 Another girl was threatened with having her face blown off with a gun, whilst another girl was pinned down and a kettle of boiling water held over her face.
Bold of you to post this anti Muslim rhetoric on /pol/
George Galloway - 1
Mick Clennell - 0
Somehow I really doubt that.
Z1nG cannot Z1ng post, but emuZingger can spam ?
> meet the subhumans who you let capture your white sisters and turn them into sex slaves
> they would brand their name into her body with a knife and have her gang raped over 200 times a day for £13 a head
> they would feed her dog food and piss
Are you gonna let them just get away with that, white man?
Vote reform uk
Glownigger thread

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If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.

/Black Nationalist/
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/Black Lives Matter/
Reform won
emuZinggler what is the solution?
Yes because the victims are 13 year old whores who willingly began sucking paki dick for kebabs, weed and iPhones.
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I think pic related is probably a more realistic outcome of this election than a Tory wipeout

There are probably a lot of boomers out there who like Nigel, but when they think about what Labour might to do their pensions, they will reluctantly vote Conservative
Glowie hands typed this
Alright occupy, still cowering from national service lad?
Kek I wonder
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They’re just kids… they should know better but some don’t? Doesn’t excuse shit
Vote Reform to take are country back
Do these retards really think everything is related to brexit
I served and am pro national service.

Doesn't excuse it, no. The nonces get shot and so do the women because they're more trouble than they're worth now, unfixable
> The men explain that some of the grooming was initiated on the instructions of older relatives. Other young men were seeking kudos. Some clients were paying customers- perhaps £10 for sex with a 14-year-old white girl. Others were being repaid a favour.
There's still hope out there.
Not exactly disagreeing
Reform is the gateway drug, once they get enough power we'll be able to leave the echr, change the hate crime laws then set up a new union of fascists
I've been getting shit fucking onions aswell have to keep chucking them. Heard it was cause of a shit harvest from last year though, and they keep this shit in oxygen deprived warehouses
> “The pimps even use pregnancy as a form of punishment... girls who were made pregnant by customers and then forced to have backstreet abortions.”
Sounds like English girls make submissive sex slaves. This small gang alone enslaved and raped more than 370 white girls! And that’s not even the record!
All the shops have been pushing shit veg recently
listening to electric wizard and bleaching the bathroom down

done all the kitchen and tidied my room

love unemployment me

got therapy at 3

not sure if i should go out for an expensive coffee or make a mokka pot
Over A MILLION white girls raped in England?!?
Thats the population of Birmingham - your second biggest city? An ENTIRE Birmingham of white girls sexually enslaved and annihilated :O How can “Englishmen” call themselves men?
autism aussie living in 2014
The quality of food all over is plummeting. Maximum-yield farming practices destroy the soil.
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>once they get enough power
with 7 seats Reform can get us out of the echr and enable us to deport millions of foreigners. It's true.
Vote Reform.
My girlfriends sisters best friend was the first white victim of honour killing in the UK lol thankfully my lass hates foreigners
Damn son - it’s been that long and still no response from “Englishmen”
What WON’T you let them get away with?
This is true, too many indians in this country now one of them opened another corner shop right next to mine and is stealing all my customers
Told you last thread lad it's got bugger all to do with me, let the jeets rape english girls. I. DON'T. CARE

K m8 tata
How tf can she be a victim of an honor killing if she’s not a nigger? Lemme guess: she was dumb enough to mix with a subhuman and he killed her to hide it from his Muslim family? What a dumb white bitch
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net zero migration is dependent on how many people leave, to determine who can come in to replace them.

And if we're honest who's leaving? white blonde haired blue eyed middle class families with the funds to leave for a better life in CANZUK. 500,000 whites out, 500,000 browns and blacks to replace them. Thats Reform's net zero migration policy
Bang on the money there mate
Burn some cow dung candles to invite prosperity back into your shop.
It wasn't Brexit. Remember the hippies complaining about food waste? Well supermarkets stopped putting best before dates on stuff so now they can sell stuff closer to the expiry date because they expect you to decide for yourself if it's going bad or not before you buy it
> lets his white sisters get violated by shitskins
> pic related pisses in a white girl’s mouth, forces her to swallow it, then rapes her with a pair of scissors
> still doesn’t get a violent rage
Check balls
It's almost like people leave because our government and taxes suck, if we get a better government less people would leave
My 9 year old sister with learning disabilities due to a heart problem stunting her growth asked me yesterday when I picked her up from school "why is my class full of foreigners" and shes starting noticing the jews too all of her own volition
Might make a hot chocolate, thought it was meant to be July ffs?
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you have to vote and give legitimacy to paki rapists in order to deport paki rapists
its true
vote Reform
Its not really a solution that should be tied to people leaving. UKIP had multiple manifestos with a hard cap of 50,000 TOTAL a year. And on here (kosher right wing) are gaslighting people in to thinking its not possible
13C is lovely im still in shorts
lower your tone when addressing me if you live in a povvo labour safe/swing seat

only torychad constituents allowed
Those 400k leaving are indians who go back home to marry their sister then bring her back in with them.
Also, consider birth rates. 1 indian comes here and quickly spawns into 20.
Terence Howard Eric Weinstein interview is fucking wild
I can't believe Terence is actually a genius
fucking mad world we live in
They aren't my sisters. I grew up in Telford and we used to see these Paki shaggers freely getting into Paki cars which is why the Police most of the time never did anything. One of the victims from Telford put out a book where she described her and her mate sucking off Pakis in a churchyard. They were dirty traitorous slags who got passed around by the brown filth they were mixing with.
Fuck sake mi lass is late on her period, filled her up two week ago when the condom broke I didn't realise so she took morning after pill panicked so now she's gonna be pregnant and cos she took that pill its gonna be born a 3 eyed retard with mongo strength and 8 fingers
Based perpetual shorts wearer
That's because boomers don't understand what inflation does to their pensions. They didn't learn when the inflation their generation caused fucked over their parents generation, they won't learn this time when it fucks themselves over too.
Rogies needs to get are Jerry on.
They should be lynched
A cap is definitely possible, there policy depends on how far right Nigel could go, or whoever would replace nigel after he retires, they've got to play it safe this election though
Now suddenly a cap is only in the realm of "possibility". We're going backwards
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the pakis we put in power are going to leave the ehcr for us and get themselves deported
its a hard pill to swallow, some went willingly and i even called them paki shaggers when i was a kid. but they are still a victim to the rot of this country.
i ask myself though, where were the fathers and brothers to defend them?
One of the reform lads was saying about shooting people on the beach the other day but I think he's gone now unfortunately.
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this is what happens when you brown-nose minorities and do tours in the media begging people to believe them they're not racist. voters give up and just decide to vote tory again, nice one nigel
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who do i actually vote for? Labour is going to win, Tories are dead, Reform are pro are gays, jews and pakis, and the rest are even more retarded.
The boats would stop if you just sank a single boat and Swiss cheesed the passengers with a GPMG.
I wouldn't bother
We're going forward, if reform gets near their predicted seats it's a victory for the right, politics doesn't change overnight
im writing pakis out keep britain white on the paper like I did in the locals last year
Think there's an argument to be made this is the most humane option tbqh
How's it a victory for the right when the left wing party is going to get 40%+ of the vote and a massive majority you donut
>How's it a victory for the right when the left wing party is going to get 40%+ of the vote and a massive majority you donut
The tories are left wing and im tired of pretending they're not
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>British people of all faiths and races
Vote Reform lads. 7 seats is all it takes to get are country back.
How is this any different than the mongs in the tory party talking about le gradual shift and please believe me the rwanda plan will happen? Nigel has gone around telling everyone Labour has won so why not vote with your heart, but not even the manifesto mentions even an ambition of a 50k cap? You are being played like a fiddle
who won in your constituency last time?
I agree, which proves my point even more including the tories and lib dems, the left wing will get 75%+ of the vote so there is no right wing victory even if reform magically get 18 seats (pro tip they'll get 0)
The reform accounts on twitter are begging nigel to step aside and let this paki take over the party
Labour was always going to win, you can cope about it as much as you want but ultimately it's a victory because the tories will be ruined this election
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I can't see Starmer lasting 2 years, the infighting will kick off when the reality of the economic situation is shown to the new cabinet.

I can easily see an election in 2027 or earlier.
My bum's been sick again.
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this anon gets it
things dont change over night
thats why we need more paki seats
yet mongs still give funny brexit man their attention and money
its hilarious(its really not)
it so over
Hope Corbyn comes back and leads the UK to become a socialist ethno state (because all socialist countries are ethno States, only capitalism promotes the importing of cheap foreign labour to undermine the markets)
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How does prime minister Rayner sound?
I'll be watching election night coverage on Thursday evening

Will you?
Id fucking bust so many loads deep in Laura Kuenssberg
I believe the manifesto is pretty bland too but I'm not delusional as much as we hate it you've got to work within the democratic system we have rn, we're never gonna have a revolution over night
slag supremacy
it's been conservative since 1950.
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im so excited for the future lads
we're finally shifting things to the right
the wokists are finally losing
we're taking are country back
Probably watch it on GB news, bbc is so boring

kek, she could be PM by Christmas if the unions throw their weight around.

Fucking hell imagine her going to meet Trump or to a NATO summit lmao
Reform know they won't form the next government and Nigel said as much, vote with your heart, and they won't talk about a hard cap on migration. In 2029 if the prospect increases of forming a government, they won't suddenly say hard cap 50k, it will be even more milquetoast and bland to le appeal to the centre. You are the delusional one here.
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you watched the wild thornberrys when you were a kid didnt you? dont you want to go back to that Britain? when things were much more British?
well, now you can literally vote for nigel thornberry if you vote REFORM
then you vote tory to keep labour out or you vote someone else to contribute to zero seats
Just stfu and vote reform
Dgaf, do it.
If Jerry's actually a genius i'm checking out of thought because I have no idea about anything
I dismissed Terence Howard as a schizo retard but he's actually smart as
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I still see old mods around but every other youth cult died out.. why is this?
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It depends which way the party is pushed after the election, we have no alternative that's anywhere close to viable
There are three new parties this time though, reform, social dems and the christian peoples alliance...? turnout for 2019 saw 53% go tory, wondering if since then and the addition of reform and so on it'll change. area as big on UKIP when they were around in 2015, they took second place.
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(No, it's not illegal to say how you voted on social media or take a photo of it, your ballot wont become absolute for doing this)
I knew a couple who were full on lefties, once their kid was the only white kid in the class they sold up and fucked off to a small Cambridgeshire village.
The Labour party doesn't work like that. They don't topple their own leaders. They have a different mentality and the party has a different structure. It's far more Democratic than the Tory party who have a bunch of Gammons in a back room who like the power of being able to change the MP.
I miss UKIP. I remember in the early 2010s during the surge they'd set up shop in the middle of high streets where there were by-elections and the people there were actual nationalists and ex-BNP lot. Old colonels with moustaches and semi-skinheads, elderly women from the women's institute with cardigans and the like. Get in to a discussion with them about what they all believe and they were all on board and hated the pakis and liked tommy robinson.

Reform is totally different. Weird sikhs and hindus and fat women too scared to even talk about ILLEGAL immigration
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are you guys subscribed to the Lotus Eaters podcast? you should if you arent. some real knowledgeable stuff being shared on there
remember. its not a race, its a marathon
vote reform
Back then there wasn't as much woke nonsense, it probably won't change until the equalities act is abolished or significantly altered
Blairites openly sabotaged Corbyn for 5 years and two election cycles mate, despite him having a commanding position amongst grassroot members. Peter Mandelson, Alastair Campbell and the dark hand of Tony himself control the Labour Party
I head them say you can be a spiritual woman even if you have a cock, they a re retards
The only based lad on there is Beau Dade and they'll rid of him soon enough
Imagine living in a city.
Fucking grim.
the black men are going to deport themselves once they destroy the WOKE LIBERALS
Vote Reform
Take are country back
>I grew up in Telford and we used to see these Paki shaggers freely getting into Paki cars which is why the Police most of the time never did anything. One of the victims from Telford put out a book where she described her and her mate sucking off Pakis in a churchyard. They were dirty traitorous slags who got passed around by the brown filth they were mixing with.
It's not only the slags themselves, but it's also their parents.
The fact is that that after the "grooming gangs" story broke in Rotherham, the vote for the BNP went dramatically down.
Their own parents and neighbours didn't give a fuck that gangs of paki niggers were getting sucked off by their daughters for the price of a sherbet dip, a can of tango and a packet of cheesy wotsits.
im under the assumption most of this lot are indians who despise pakis and bangledeshi niggers with a passion
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we have to take back are country before the right wing take control and deport all of are black friends
dont be racist. its not british to be racist
I’m just thinking - there are pakis who get more action than the white incels on here?!? The fuck
Albeit with underage girls so I don’t think that counts to be honest - the only other action they get is through rape, prostitution or incest (also don’t forget goats)
you lads think SNP will finally be done for?
Z1nG wonders if the Greek coastguard are running a candidate?
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Imagine living in the countryside. Fucking grim.

Probably, labour is gonna set up more devolution to separate areas and push the narrative more local rather than national
Fucking hope so, annoying cunts.
Market town master race, thank you very much.
Illegal entry into UK dominate election tok-tok - Leaving EU don increase di kontri immigration?
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Just had a Green party leaflet through the door and one of their policies is "demanding an immediate ceasefire to the gaza conflict"
trade offer:

You get: To live as a minority white in a studio flat above a takeaway for £2,000 a month in the city, with condensation from the whafts of grease, body odour and sweat rising up in to your grubby hole of a residence

I get: To live in solitude in a slow paced, tight knit community of elderly white people and sometimes will have to drive a bit further out to the local GP
what do you expect from retards who also seem to think nuclear is bad but windfarms good?
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Well, they all look retarded so their existence is a simple one.
>"allamudilllalala, lovely to touch de bob and vageen, oh lubbily jubbily oh bud bud bud allah bok bar allah bok bir. lovely bootiful white bob and vageen. ohhh praise allah bok bar
what about nuclear windfarms?
Its not that surprising from the Greens. Its also completely reasonable unless you're a zionist kosher right resident on brit/pol/. A broken clock is always right twice a day.
First canvas experience today, someone came to my door from labour. Asked if I will vote, "no". Asked if I have ever voted, "yes".
I explained I will not be voting due to it no longer being organic. Jeremy Corbyn was prevented from gaining power by the british establishment and MI5 therefore any vote into a system is no different to a vote for conservative in the account you're engaging in a rigged system that is not ever going to represent you. This delegitimizes the fake democracy and then it's far more open to change rather than giving it power.
In the end we were both on different sides and we never we're to agree on an outcome, though we are certainly dissatisfied with the current situation. I think it'll get worse, I said I was very hopeless. He thinks it'll get better with Labour. I hope he's right, but I doubt it.
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>another candidate leaves Reform
>Reform: "We apologise to the constituents. She was a last minute addition and we didn't vet her properly."
There's a lot of this going on. I'm really starting to wonder how many of Reform's BAMEs are either political/media plants to sabotage the party, or Reform being so desperate to say "we're not racist" that they just grabbed the first brown person they saw on the street and put them up as a candidate.
Calling this election early has really fucked it for everyone.

After the election, I wonder how many Reform MPs will immediately defect to the Conservative party.
Green party manifesto
>Everyone reverts back to medieval pagan peasant quality of life
>We call come together at sunset to dance around in straw skirts to channel inner peace to the middle east
>Everyone goes to Brighton for a big gay orgy once peace has been achieved.
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inbred or just *f*a*b*u*l*o*u*s*?
Aren't they both women, women mps always suck it's a blessing
They'll probably sooner defect to the Lib Dems at this point. The same issue happened under the Brexit Party in the 2019 European Elections. Nigel Farage once privately said his party in the EU parliament consisted of absolutely moronic weird women and minorities.
>knock on the door
>hello sir will you be voting on Thursday?
>can i ask if you have voted before?
>and why have you made the decision not to vote this time?
>will i hope you will consider voting for Labour, have a good day
Are any of the bames actually in seats that reform are predicted to win

Just don't get sick, I haven't been to the doctor for years.
Sick of seeing jeets absolutely everywhere. Can't go anywhere without seeing these street shitters stinking up the place. This country is lost
>Jeremy Corbyn was prevented from gaining power by the british establishment and MI5

Jeremy Corbyn was prevented from gaining power because
1) he sat on the fence about Brexit so much his arsehole is the size of a fencepost
2) he's boring and condescending
3) he's a pacifist, wouldn't commit to using nukes, and would ask everyone just hug it out to sort out their differences
4) is suspiciously quiet when it comes to certain islamic terrorist groups
Cousin shagging kid. Alhumadildo.pbuh.
5 Carling a day keeps the doctor away
So he’s still a liar then.
Was only this year there was a car accident and he tried to claim it was a malicious attack against him. Always the Jew.
No. Whatever happens will be a clear mandate for another independence referendum.
You’re not at fault for having doubts, he has given people plenty of reason to question if he’s lying again.
Bit confused by this for a minute thought it was ai. Just doesn't look right.
Shitskin detected.
Does he just take the first people who show up? Does he kick out anyone who argues with him, so he's only left with those few?
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Vote Reform? I don't vote for Woke.
My local area was 40% indian in 21 census. Now I'd estimate it's 70%. Warm summer evenings there are 100's in the park. To say the country is lost is an understatement, they've done as much damage as possible to demographics within 5 years to ensure there is literally nothing that can be done. Most new builds are indians or wogs where I live.
It's probably about 70% white this country at a push now, we cannot underestimate the sheer volume over the last 5 years, it has been a clear democide. They all group together so there is no integration. They already exclude and make local whites uncomfortable. Dominos are falling fast, many whites selling up. And this is just in my 2 mile radius, this is nationwide, continent wide almost.
It’s unsurprising that the entire population of Birmingham was raped by shit skins. Have you seen Birmingham lately? It’s our second most fucked city and is majority browns.
He doesn't have the UKIP village hall army anymore. It's a dictatorship.
Sounds boring and terrible

No, you could rent a room in a shared house for like £600/month or £700/month in London if you look hard enough

>I get: To live in solitude in a slow paced, tight knit community of elderly white people
Why do you want to live around old people? You a granny shagger or something?
lol. Is it not the right kind of Indian? You’re the white kind of Indian right? And they’re a lower caste. Just remember you’re all subhuman and you could do better if you weren’t such a contentious sort.
Zingga, look at the birth rates. Also, look at how they label the birth rates.
Thought it an odd choice to put on their leaflet tbqh. It could have been saved for a side-note but no it's right in their among their policy bullet points.

He looks like he's about to stab the camera man.
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>village hall army
The cities are lost. Spend a day in practically any major/medium city, and it's obvious.
I was in Birmingham for work a while back and it is quite literally "spot the white person".


Why would anyone want to live in London?
Net zero is like carbon footprint offsetting. Lying about how much shit it is by blaming someone else.
The only way to solve Englands problem is deport the following:

Anyone with more family abroad than here.
Anyone with 3+ offspring, including dead ones.
Anyone who commits a crime, including illegal immigration, should be permanently barred from the island.
Anyone that doesn’t like these rules can go somewhere they do not apply.
>No, you could rent a room in a shared house for like £600/month or £700/month in London if you look hard enough
Paying £700 to live with other people and share the same shitter and shower and oven, sleeping on the floor or sofa? And thats not grim to you, you're not trolling are you? You think thats a good deal?

>Why do you want to live around old people? You a granny shagger or something?
I'd rather live next to 87 year old grandmother of three dorothy than ten 30 year old romanian fraudsters and nigerian drug dealers mate, most people would. Less drama, less Saturday night in-and-out traffic past your door with some skank getting in to a fight with her roadman, no drugs, no police interviews at the door the next day, yeah its a good and comfortable life.
Yes, having a 95+% white high trust society, a decent amount of independent local businesses, good community, low crime, low pollution environment is absolutely boring and terrible.

I'm sure living in a mouldy HMO with 6 other pakis above a Home Bargains shop is much more exciting
>When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.
Which British city is a white British city?
It's not that bad laa, I was in stockwell/brixton a few weeks ago
That’s how the Warsaw ghetto started.
Please stop being so hateful. Nothing wrong with home bargains.
The only way to solve the problem is deportation
UKIP had activists all over the country regularly having small meetings/events. It took decades to build up.
You fit dey tink, say, di record surge for immigration dey mostly driven by pipo wey arrive for UK illegally.

You dey very wrong
Plenty more. But the major cities, London, Manchester and Birmingham are gone.
It’s what happens when your only “profit” is interest, it’s why usury is parasitic.
Dunno, Cardiff was alright when I visited a few years ago, but was only there for 2 days.
Durham, maybe?
Struggling to think of any others.

No thanks, I don't care how good the ethnic food is or how nice the hipster IPA is to drink but I don't want to live in an area where BAME paramilitary groups parade down the high-street.
Sunderland is getting way worse, there's also negros in the city centre
>known snake oil salesman comes back for the 4th time with a new scheme he swears is for your benefit & he won't abandon it
>brit/pol/: heh u know what this guy talks a lot of sense actually
I suppose the world has changed too much for that. People move around between rented properties, parents let their kids run wild and never take them to anything or pass on their skills and values.
I'm guessing his activists were mostly village pensioners with nothing else to do?
I’ve been saying this. They come that way because they’re certain it’ll get them free house and food. As soon as there’s word that doing that results in death instead of a free ride, they’ll stop.
>sleeping on the floor or sofa
No, I said "a room". A bedroom. With a proper bed. A double bed if you want.

>share the same shitter and shower
Some houses will have multiple shitters and/or multiple showers.

>I'd rather live next to 87 year old grandmother of three dorothy
Because you're a granny shagger.

Ah yes, the "white high trust society" when we had excellent characters like Jack the Ripper.
The only other option is civil war to deport criminals because normies can’t distinguish criminals from virtue signaling opportunities.
>Ah yes, the "white high trust society" when we had excellent characters like Jack the Ripper.
kek need to be a bit more subtle lad
A lot of the old UKIP troop are long dead. It was this group of Mary Whitehouse hardcores they called the Blue Rinse Brigade. We should have listened to them
Plenty more, why not name them? Kinda funny to imagine any other race admitting their capitol/major cities are majority foreigners. Where else does this happen, except, in Western cities? And, why?
>And somehow, Emperor Farage returned
Yeah I agree; he's a cunt. Says what a lot of people want to hear, but half arses the job, blames everyone else, and fucks off for a few years until it blows over.
vote reform and ignore these disgusting shills
I'm not spending all day listing still predominantly white cities mate.
He might not be able to vanish after this election if he actually gains his seat
People have some utopian vision of an all white society. In fact it's basically the same except that the criminals are 100% white instead of being 80% white.
That's my point. They're dead but they didn't get their kids into it? Why not?
Majority white, but well on the way. Every non bamemaxed city is London of the late 90's
The most white supremacist people on earth are browns arguing over who’s least brown.
wow a whole bedroom to myself for just £700 a month and sharing a kitchen with raj and mohammed. i'm so glad i don't live in the countryside
I do not understand how brit/pol/ isn't a socialist general considering everything that's going on in Europe and American. Capitalist ideals are driving mass immigration, cultural destruction, social breakdown etc. It is all driven by greed, the only reason that people haven't been allowed into india tier poverty in the UK is that people still need a level of comfort for a revolution to be outside of their comfort zone. In any other age, heads would be rolling but we have televisions, tik tok and dominos pizza on finance.
>David George Floyd knelt on the neck of this country, killing it, by introducing a ponzi scheme of state pensions
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>£600-700 for a ROOM in a HMO in London.
My mortgage for an entire house, with front & back garden, driveway, kitchen, dining room, living room and 3 bedrooms, is less than £600pm.
And you're paying that much for an Ikea mattress, black mould, and a sharing a kitchen with Bogdan and Abdul.
But, how diverse are those cities you listed? And, how diverse will they be in ten years? I wonder how diverse Asian, or African countries will be in the meantime?
None. All are occupied.
I don’t need health care when I’m not surrounded by mouth breathing pustules such as yourself. I’m also not going to get stabbed by an Arab or mauled by a Nigger.
He'll collect his MP salary and do fuck all. Just like he did when he was an MEP. Lowest attendance of any MEP.
Uncanny Kashmiri Valley
People are too fat to rise up. The obese revolution.
No-one is arguing whites don't commit crime but the crimes British people commit are mostly petty like stealing a sausage roll from greggs or speeding, most of the violent crime is done when drunk. On the other hand minorities commit much more violent crimes and form into gangs, I'd much rather have the occasional mars bar theft from tesco than having stabbings in the street every day
it’s because they scape goat the jews instead of capitalism
Real capitalism has never been tried.
Do we really need to live within a society where the only reason we're kept out of poverty is the fear we'd revolt as opposed to compassion and humanity? If it was more cost efficient, we'd be in cages. But in a way that's where it's going as houses get EVEN smaller than they were. Quality of life is degrading year on year. Disposable income is becoming a myth of the past.

The UK has functioned on a capitalist, global financial level for many years now. We've seen GDP increase, we've had the population explode over recent years. Is your life any better for it? Are public services any more efficient or effective?
Greens are going after the Muzzie vote since many are unhappy with Labour.
Capitalism is a big problem for Britain that's why we need fascism
A video on twitter of albanian? Women emptying out all the stuff they have stolen, piles of sweets and stuff. Some poor shopkeepers must be bankrupted.
Its a false choice, I can hate immigrants and I can hate capitalists who import them. You can chew gum and walk at the same time.
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Mumberg cooking me fish for din dins but she bought the fish from asda or Morrisons a few days ago and it was reduced so now when she's cooking it it smells funny cos it should have been cooked the day she bought it
Food dun't last as long as it did a few years ago, innit
fuck off with this weird baby talk you little freak grow up
Yeah it's a big problem. Capitalism is cool and masculine, survival of the fittest kinda thing. Reality they're just fighting against their own interests. Socialism has not been tried. It has only been attempted by already unstable countries where a man with an idea and hope is given too much power. I guess you could look toward the likes of Norway but their economy is based on unrenewable resources so it's not clear what the future holds for them, but the way they spend it is brilliant.
Some of us don't want to shag grannies

>Ikea mattress
Just a normal mattress actually
>black mould
>sharing a kitchen
It works, it's fine
>an entire house
Of course living in a city like London comes at a premium, but in return you can build a good career where you earn a lot. Then you can move out to some commuter town, buy a house, and either work remote or commute into London a couple days a week.

Healthcare is just one thing that's lacking in the countryside. Really, everything is lacking. Social opportunities. Work opportunities. Those are probably the two biggest downsides.

>the crimes British people commit are mostly petty like stealing a sausage roll from greggs or speeding
Ah yes, the petty serial killing of Jack the Ripper, or the petty organised crime of the Kray twins and their gang.
It'll probably be fine.
He's done you.
kek fatty mommy forgot the tendies again
Do you have an early life section?
i dont do this pokerface aloof larp on 4chan, im sincere
I said they are mostly that doesn't mean all, but how common are things like jack the ripper and the kray twins
Imagine seeing that animal at border control and not telling him "Sorry mate, can't let you in. Your face is an insult to the King and His Lands. You can stay in France, you'll fit in just great."
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Never going to happen here is it?

>Female French voters swing sharply to the right
>In 2019, 25 percent of men and 21 percent of women voted for National Rally — in line with traditional patterns. This year, however, the poll found that 33 percent of women had voted for Le Pen’s far-right party, outpacing 30 percent of men. That’s a striking 12 percentage point increase from women voters over five years.
>The closing of the gender gap sets the National Rally apart from anti-immigration parties in other big EU countries.
>In Germany, the Alternative for Germany party received 19 percent of men’s votes and 12 percent of women’s votes, according to a June 9 exit poll. In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy received 30.5 percent of men’s votes compared to 27 percent of women’s votes, according to the Demopolis Institute.
Corporations are the biggest benefiters of socialism. The state subsidises and bails out so many private companies. Only the lower level, small businesses are capitalist. Once your company gets to a certain size, your safe because the government build you a huge safety net.
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Most people have an early life section. Accidentally playing the role of cheerleader for american corporations is embarassing
>corporations are enforcing divisive government propaganda
They are doing it for the good of humanity, not their stakeholders. But god forbid it gets a poor reception, they'll change on a dime to protect their stock pri.... wait....
Profit is an evil word.
>no israel
Why pay Dave Smith £15 an hour when you can pay Mohammed and Raj £5 an hour?
*national socialist
good point. thanks.
i filter them as they come up. i even filter the 4chan pass nigger that thinks i can't filter him.
(((you))) are either a jew programed bot, or a jew. Now, the other readers can see.
>Just pay your Indian landlord to live in his HMO
>Just slave away as Marketing Coordinator at Sheklestein & Co to build your career
>Just buy a house in Deanoville and pay JewBank £450,000 for the privilege of getting the train into London twice a week
No thanks
You thought you're talking to adults here? It's 95% literal children living with mommy, why do you think they talk shit about immigrants but literally do nothing? Those kids think all serious moves were created through Internet and not creating a social net.
That fucking kike's at it again lads...
>As PM, Starmer will have to revamp the asylum system. Here are four ways to make a start
>(((Enver Solomon)))

Some interesting comments underneath it though.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a load of reduced salmon fish cakes that should have been eaten the same day and then I ate them three days later and then I pooped myself.
You defend the private enterprise that regularly lobbies governments to open the borders for cheap labour instead of forcing the CBI to raise wages for native Britons. You are the jew here. Every free marketer/libertarian is a Jew or fellow traveller of the Jew
Posts like these prove that British people deserve to be replaced with people who at least shit on the streets, instead of shitting themselves.
You forgot “no shitskins” which makes it all worth it.
Yeah but you didn't die.
Well there's
>Peter Sutcliffe
>Fred and Rose West
>Harold Shipman
>Lucy Letby
>Ian Huntley
>Levi Bellfield
>Steve Wright (Suffolk Strangler)
Etc. Not to mention paedos like Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris.

I think this exchange until about 1:58:30 is the key takeaway. Going to have to listen to it a few times and deep it because it intuitively feels like a weak point from Weinstein.
This, Drs are for people who live unclean lives.
Ah of course, it's much better to stay in your parents' house in some random village filled with old people, so you never have a life, friendships, a girlfriend, or a career.
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All our cities are concentration centres.
This is true. Also they were really tasty.
One time I ate a pack of yellow sticker sausages from tesco. 5 months later I had a 19" tapeworm removed from me during a colonoscopy after complaing about weight loss and stomach cramps
If theres 1,000 pakis and niggers in a room and 100 of them are child rapists and murderers, but in the next room theres 1,000,000 White Britons and 1,000 of them are child rapists and murderers in that room, who has the problem statistically?
Go stand around in Birmingham or Leicester or Croydon.
I promise you, you'll be mugged/beaten/stabbed by a Mohammed begore you get killed by a Fred West.
>or the petty organised crime of the Kray twins and their gang
There were fewer per capita murders in this country when the Krays went down than there are today
Doctors and nurses are primary vectors for disease. They touch sick person then they touch you, you get sick from the germs they transfer. Also, doctors have no interest in treating you. It means less money for them.
Don’t forget that the country’s policies are decided by cities.
>”far right”
>why do you want to live around only white people

Stupid fucking question.
Don't eat the rancid fish.
Mate, I'm in my 30's, am married, have kids and a career...
Believe it or not, you can do this without picking other men's pubes out of the bath plug. But you seem to enjoy that side of things, so whatever makes you happy lad.
>Charity founder dies in Ukraine

A charity that supplied drones. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving cunt.
Debating the same crime statistics all day is futile. The majority of posters know what the situation is. The rest are either larping or mentally ill.
I wonder who is classified as a more jewish PM, Starmer or Disraeli
majority of doctors that aren't gplets do private as well, which is their main income source
>They all group together so there is no integration.
Racial integration was always a fantasy.
Not true. I think, with enough respect and determination, even a Frenchman could integrate into a white country.
Occunonce is here to play
Occunonce is fucking gay
Occunonce will get stoned to death some day
and then we'll all shout... yay!
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Electric car owners now have to pay the congestion charge in London
Does anyone here know the mechanism they're using to push out the browns and blacks in to neighbourhood? Are they being shipped in? In the space of about 18 months its radically accelerated in my area, random hijab old women spawning on the street inexplicably in an area where the average house price is £330,000. They look disorientated and confused, the third world trot, getting in everybodys way in the supermarket because none of them have any spacial awareness. Are they being dropped off by the home office?
>one fairy tale stabber so note-able for generations as the only example

No one talks about him any more because Muhammads the rippers happens several times a day now.
> You got some motherfuckin' nerve calling me on Shabbat, on some lil' bullshit ass nigga. Better calm that shit down and come round here and show me some fuckin' respect before me and my Jewish niggas come up here and beat your ass nigga
When you try and call Starmer on Friday after 5
100% of a few criminals, is preferable to 20% of criminals causing 500% more crime.
lel. they're going to be paying the luxury car tax this year as well since most of them are over 40k.
>They look disorientated and confused, the third world trot, getting in everybodys way in the supermarket because none of them have any spacial awareness
Couldn't have said it better. They are so fundamentally different it's quite incredible. We had a new muslim family, well 3, move in to a house. The woman walks up and down the path for 2hrs a day in burka, in the sun, I assume to do 10k steps. Just up and down the 20 meter path. That is the behaviour of mental illness regardless how you cut it. There are large parks she could visit but I guess she isn't allowed. Fucking mental, they are just so alien to us. The scowl and give everyone dirty looks, neighbour said she looks evil. Damn right. Because she's looking at us in disgust, that's why.
>Jack the Ripper
>murders 5 women over the course of 3 years

>Khalid Masood
>murders 5 people and injures 48 more in under an hour
White boys just can't compete
Wasn’t Jack a Polish jew
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You're not even subtle, redditors.
If she's allowed in the garden they're moderates.
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How many of you have been to an Orange parade?
Famously, no one knows
One of the greatest albums of all time.
Good taste
Shame the Lifehouse project was never finished
Well yes, not definitively, but there have been repeated investigations in recent years which have homes onto likely suspects
>You see through Farage's bullshit, you must be a redditor
Standard brain dead take along with /pol/'s favourite:
>You don't like muslims, so you must be a jew
Why would anyone ever live in London or buy an electric car
Statistically you’re making shit up, it implies a higher percentage of whites would rape, and also implies whites aren’t a minority.

Anyway, in your example whites would self police and reduce the rapists. Whereas blacks and browns would argue over who is worse, and breed armies to kill each other over it.
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which one of you was this

Redditors on r/Leeds "noticing" things

I love how the only visible economic activity in our cities these days involves masked BAMEs riding stolen eBikes delivering goyslop to obese NEETs
A corner with two shops, A shop with two corners? Two corners occupying the same point in spacetime.

A conundrum indeed.
I dont even acknowledge them anymore. There was a recent Stonewall survey conducted in the office and ever since theres been a massive surge in bame diversity hires. Hijabs everywhere, nasty looking malevolent and selfish people. One fat indian in her nasty dress insists on triple parking everyone in the car park despite only being hired two weeks ago and being told about it multiple times. They're sloths, they dont hold open doors or people, they dont socialise, they have no banter or any social skill at all. Truly awful people
>spawning on the street inexplicably in an area where the average house price is £330,000
Chicken feed.
of course it wouldn't be possible for ranjit to get his 800 cousins some of whom might have visas to post for the deliveroowog signup selfie. no sir.
Sort of.
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>as they are riding illegal ebikes
He tried to warn us.
Why didn't we listen?

>You don't like muslims, so you must be a jew
no one ever says this
I miss the days when we had bants with France. English man, Irish man, and Scotsman jokes changed forever too.
So, let me get this straight. You believe, capitalists, whose ideology is about acquiring more capital, aka, profit. Those guys wish to import uneducated bames, and put them up in expensive houses, or spread them around to countryside towns, where, even adequate paying jobs are hard to come by. How, exactly do capitalists gain by doing this?
on the plus side, every day the climate grift becomes obvious to more and more people
By what mechanism does slime mould seek out food and multiply.
I've had it said to me repeatedly in outerpol. Mainly from Mutts.
Because I want employees I can trust and I want other Europeans to afford to feed their families and live good lives…?
I'm Gen X - this album was basically the theme song to my youth - I had it right up until a vehicle crash. Left the CD (that replaced the original cassette) in the wrecked car.
By the time I remembered, it was gone.
Moon was a force of nature
Entwistle was multitalented - I actually have some of his artwork (yes, signed) in deep storage. I'm afraid to give it over to someone to be matted and framed. To me, it is priceless.
>1 minute ago
got any signed gary glitter stuff?
He's the lesser of multiple evils.
I don't care if he's lying, I don't care if he's doing it only for financial gain.
I just want to watch the woke seethe and burn.
It creates an over supply of Labour lowering hiring costs. It was a deliberate Tory policy post Covid in a desperate attempt to lower cost-push inflation.
No sir - apologies.
I picked up the artwork I do have at a Who concert in the Schlayer-Halle in Germany in the late 90's
All my collected artwork was packaged into big tubes and sealed - it has come with us across two continents, and has been through (by my count) one flood and two burst pipes
All of it is absolutely pristine - untouched. Past Me was pretty fucking smart for storing it so well.
Ironically, if I had had it matted and framed, it would have been lost.
Most likely it was several people but it was such a rare occurrence it became a fairy tale.
They are engaging in economic warfare against their fellow Whites.
Collectivists and socialists will use this as a cudgel against anyone who wants to engage in the free exchange of goods and services
What should be happening is the free exchange of goods and services, while keeping invader barbarians and zerg OUT of our countries
But they will excoriate you for being "racist" if you oppose your own replacement

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