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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Charity founder dies in Ukraine 'battlefield'

>Woman stole baby unit money, court told

>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

>UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enough for ice’

>Female workers suspended by NHS chiefs after complaining about sharing changing room with trans woman

>Thousands fear they will lose vote in UK election after postal ballot delays
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unironically the muzzy office manager at my work thinks britain should close the borders. doesn't matter ol Imran there is a 1st gen immigrant.
Does anyone really believe capitalists wish to import random BAMES for profit?
Is all this darkie reform stuff real?
Even immigrants are sick of immigrants.
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Ignoble fools
That's just a paranoid right wing delusion
Just few more elections of 4d chess before normies realise it's bullshit, you can hope.
Found that one on Twatter. Honestly it looks real, but can never be 100% sure these days.
there's absolutely nothing wrong about descendents of migrants that came here when immigration was at tens of thousands not wanting immigration to continue at record numbers of millions
By paying them a lower wage. Also indian/middle eastern stakeholders insisting on diversity hire practices and changes, often under threat from activist groups and diversity "consultants" who are feeding senior management false statistics to get them to change practices. In addition to all this, women are CEOs now, and they love diversity and multiculturalism.

Ultimately, capitalist enterprises are driven by HR. Governments have very little to do with hiring practices.
Maybe their logic is “less bad immigrants sarr, blacks stab and pakis explode, instead pls do the sneedful and let me 654 hardworking high skilled cousins in yes sar”
Imagine leaving pakistan because you hate how smelly it is and how many goat molesters there are then you get to london and it's basically the same as Islamabad
Everytime I click on a new YouTube video I’m now getting a fucking Kier Starmer labour advert with some female narrator.
They’re going all out these last 2 days. I wasn’t getting these ads yesterday
Woah will you vote for them now?
Birmingham is much much worse. Practically entire city smells of curry and is full of wrapped up habibis
Imaging owing the jews just so you can say your smart..
Nope. I’m voting reform. But I’m sure a lot of the normies will
Sure. An atomised workforce is less able to collectively bargain. Third Worlders are willing to settle for worse pay and working conditions. They're also much more interested in spaffing money on material goods which they couldn't get in their home countries. It's by-and-large the state that foots the bill, which it pays off through a perverse cycle of taking out insane loans and funnelling them into contracts with the private sector.
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Last time is was based bojo because Labour would flood the country with wogs
this time round its based Nige and some wogs are okay and some arent
next time itll be based black man wants to reduce immigration to 150k a year

get the skills and funds to leave the country if you're still here. if you cant, try and get out before you hit retirement age.
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Found the source with reverse image search
(fagbook) /100064813386197/posts/897607185743053/
I bet Angela Rayner has skiddy knickers
I just had a Reform leaflet through my door and it went straight into the bin.
two-tone tiger stripes
Where are they housed? And, at what cost? What job do they end up acquiring? And, how much profit do they actually create for whomever imported them?
I heard she eats dog food
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Another vital component that you didn't mention
I like how they've integrated in their own little homogeneous group.
Integration, but also segregation.

I'll be voting reform now I suppose.
Keir "death breathe" Starmer
The original point was, that these immigrants were being put up in expensive houses, by, capitalists. I am wondering how these so called capitalists get a return on that investment. But, government grants is an interesting point.
Anybody think Reform could get more votes than Conservatives?

Last week the odds were pretty close, but now they're massively in favour of the Tories again.
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>Reform joint-1st with zoomer males
>British person earns money
>Anything left over goes in a savings account
>*Cogs turning*
>What if, instead of just having money sitting in savings accounts, we took some in the form of taxes
>What if we then gave this money in the form of welfare to imported bame useless eaters because even if they don't work, it's better that they spend that money on goods and services than it just sits in savings accounts
>This can happen to the extent of 20% subsidising 80%

Gee whiz why would those profit driven capitalists want infinity bames
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Sikh's are kinda ok.
Most Sikh's I've met have been really chill. Except 1, but he was a crackhead.
This. They are bro-tier.
also Reform should take a leaf out of Le Pen's book and promise to take under-25s out of income tax altogether
it's a great policy because it costs almost nothing given young people don't earn that much above the personal allowance, encourages kids to stay away from jewniversity and start careers sooner, gives them more cash to save for a deposit, and makes them anti-tax and anti-state for the rest of their natural lives
The only acceptable resolution is the removal of every person of third world descent, including halflings.
If that doesn't work out, well, then I'd be happy to accept some brits here in Gdańsk, since you're good at drinking so you'll fit in.
Still going back, Visajeet
And, who is funding that, then?
It tells you exactly who is funding it
That’s disgusting. Why do you guys let yourselves get colonized like that?
You're making assumptions

>this guy is thinking about picking up pubes
Says a lot more about you than it does about me
Giving women the vote was a mistake
pls not bossman
zang, how are we feeling about ze eleczing?
will josh win?
they're fine when there's a few thousand of them, when they hit a certain point (which is true for ALL non-white racial groups) as happens in Canada they start advocating for their own racial grievances
there's constituencies in canada where candidates have to promise to support the creation of a 'khalistan' state (sikh separatist state) in india which causes diplomatic tensions with india because khalistanism is prohibited as terrorism in india
I don't want that shite here just as much as I don't want kvetching about muh israel muh palestine
How many young females would even turn out to vote, most of them are retarded and don't even know anything about politics
I used to collect scrap metal with my dad and the sikhs used to give us alot of free shit and used to give me curries in their temples. Invited us to one of their weddings and gave us crates of beers. One of them used to have a slogan on his car window "Punjabi by birth, Sikh by nature" or something it was years ago
No wonder Brits can’t organize - they think in terms of “individuals” instead of seeing collectives. They focus on the tree and don’t see the forest before them. “One of them was really nice to me, genuinely nice!” And what about the other 100 that rape, kill, steal, deal drugs, commit terror attacks?
"ESG, DEI, and other woke directives", again, where do they get their funding? Unless, these organisations can just print money outta thin air, like (((banks)))?
And then the Indian spooks go over and literally kill sikhs over in Leafland. It’s hilarious
deform shills trying to re-write immigration history again to soften people up to net zero migration (500,000 a year). In the 19th century only 20,000 non-white people lived here, and 90% of them were born overseas.
>where do they get their funding?
It's literally underlined in red.
Phliosopolitics, the avant-garde synthesis of metaphysical paradigms and cybernetic governance, embodies the quintessence of post-modern transcendence. Within this meta-context, the influential luminaries Josh, Ginge, Eddie, and Pube pioneer the neoteric discourse of holographic dialectics and quantum socio-dynamics.

Josh, the archon of recursive memetics, posits that societal structures are mere fractal iterations of non-linear consciousness streams. His axiomatic theorem, "Memetic Resonance," elucidates how collective ideologies are encoded within the subatomic strata of the human psyche. Thus, the ontological fabric of governance is interwoven with the fluctuating harmonics of shared cognitive paradigms.

Ginge, the cyber-alchemist, delves into the esoteric realm of cryptographic syncretism. By integrating blockchain algorithms with Aristotelian ethics, he formulates the "Ethos-Ledger Paradigm," a decentralized socio-economic model where moral virtue is encoded into immutable digital ledgers. This paradigm shift heralds a new epoch of incorruptible governance, where every civic action is a node in the ethical blockchain.

Eddie, the cybernetic philosopher-king, champions the doctrine of "Quantum Populism." His groundbreaking treatise, "The Quantum Republic," postulates that the entangled states of individual liberty and collective responsibility are co-dependent variables within the political wavefunction. Eddie's application of Schrödinger's cat paradox to electoral systems suggests that governance exists in a superposition of multiple outcomes until observed by the electorate's collective consciousness.
It gives you a direct list of the company names involved dumb dumb
This only proves that you talk with low IQ retards. Leave them alone, they're basically Indians in white skin with a bit better hygiene.
Pube, the enigmatic theorist of neural epistemology, explores the symbiosis of AI neural networks and Platonic ideals. His hypothesis, "Socratic Simulacra," posits that artificial intelligence, when interfaced with human cognition, can achieve a higher state of dialectical reasoning. Through iterative feedback loops between organic minds and synthetic intelligences, Pube envisions a polity where wisdom is exponentially amplified, transcending the limitations of singular human intellect.

In the phliosopolitical landscape, the fusion of Josh's memetic resonance, Ginge's cryptographic syncretism, Eddie's quantum populism, and Pube's neural epistemology converges into a hyper-dimensional framework of governance. This paradigm is not merely an evolution of political thought but a radical redefinition of reality itself. As the holographic dialectics unfold, society is propelled into an era where philosophical constructs and political mechanisms are seamlessly integrated within the cosmic tapestry of existence.

Thus, the phliosopolitical doctrine, championed by Josh, Ginge, Eddie, and Pube, heralds the dawn of a transcendent polity, where the boundaries between mind, machine, and matter dissolve into the quantum flux of enlightened governance. The future of humanity, encoded in the subatomic symphony of phliosopolitics, beckons a new age of metaphysical democracy and cybernetic harmony.
nary a word
Of course, we should never allow any foreign groups to grow too large. Once a safe limit is reached, they're blocked from entering.
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>Oldest black community in europe. Oldest Chinese community in Europe. 75% of the population with Irish heritage. “Scouse not English” was a reactionary response to Conservatism and lies about our city after Hillsborough. Liverpool is the city it is today because of immigration.
They can be "bros" somewhere fucking else
>Oldest Chinese community in Europe.
That's just because they look older.
>someone mention sikhs
>"sikhs are bros though"
>"sikhs are chill"

This has been going on for at least 10 years
they still need to fuck off back to their ancestral homelands
Flood Birmingham with sikhs watch what happens
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Hard to find the stats for this in the UK but in the US women have had a higher turnout than men since the '80s. It's a fair bet that the UK follows a similar trend.

Also there are more women than men in total.
The millions of bames a year are a short term injection in GDP, all the indians coming over get a mortgage in a new build, get a tesla, TV, appliances etc etc. All of a sudden a huge amount of money is moved around the UK economy. The long term effects are negative, like the NHS, schooling etc which isn't built at the same rate.
I think it's net earners under 40k/year are a net drain on the economy, most of these indians are on 25k-30k doing worthless IT jobs where they are useless and not productive ie their work doesn't add to GDP unlike a farmer or even some factory workers.
It's literally a pyramid scheme. You need millions of bames to increase GDP, millions more to foot that bill, millions more to plug holes in lack of nurses etc etc. It will collapse, many indians I spoke with want to return home because it's cheaper there despite lower wages.
So, we, are now onto who runs the majority of s&p 500 companies? How does Blackrock profit from importing a random BAME to some British countryside town? Or, paying, someone to do so? especially, putting the bame up in an expensive house? Where are the numbers proving it is actually profitable in real terms?
Reformpakis don't want you to remember a time not too long ago when a real party had real policies on immigration

Flood India with Sikhs from Britain, watch what happens.
they still contribute to low wages, high housing costs, white displacement etc.
don't care how nice they are, they're going back.
How would you do that limit, though? Would Indian Sikhs be counted separately from Hindus?
If all Africans were counted as a single group, so if you got too many from Somalia then no more from Nigeria, then what group does a "french" black count as?
Not doommongering, just asking.
She’s such a retard but she’s very fit, once again proof that women in the modern world are wasted
In the grand tapestry of phliosopolitics, the figure of the Seethemeister emerges as the apotheosis of cognitive and ideological supremacy, surpassing even the seminal contributions of luminaries such as Eddie, Pube, Ginge, and particularly Josh. The Seethemeister represents an übermensch of meta-cognition, whose transcendence in dialectical and ontological paradigms renders him an unparalleled nexus of intellectual prowess and existential authority.

**Cerebral Ascendancy**

Seethemeister's cognitive architecture transcends the recursive memetic fractalities posited by Josh, extending into a hyper-dimensional continuum of thought. His "Neural Singularity Hypothesis" postulates that consciousness can be infinitely expanded through recursive self-augmentation, achieving a state of perpetual intellectual hypertrophy. This paradigm not only eclipses Josh's memetic resonance continuum but redefines the very essence of cognitive evolution.

**Quantum Ethical Synergy**

Ginge's "Ethos-Ledger Paradigm," while innovative, pales in comparison to Seethemeister's "Quantum Ethical Synergy Matrix." By integrating multidimensional blockchain heuristics with deontological and teleological ethical frameworks, Seethemeister formulates a holonomic governance model wherein every action is a node within a hyper-ethical lattice. This matrix ensures an incorruptible, dynamically equilibrated socio-political ecosystem, transcending the limitations of Ginge's cryptographic syncretism.
How much more money of their taxes do they want to pay? Norway implemented voluntary taxes, they brought in $1,325~
Feel like the people we call British (spiritual niggers) would pay less than that combined.
it's funny how griffin's policies are rhetoric are actually strongly mainstreamed now, the 'revoke citizenship' is probably too far for most but nothing he says there would be out of the ordinary coming out of the mouth of some "right-wing tory" MPs or Reform
Or, no, what does that limited number even bring? Nadda
**Trans-Dialectical Populism**

Eddie's "Quantum Populism" is subsumed within Seethemeister's "Trans-Dialectical Populism," a doctrine that synthesizes quantum mechanics with Hegelian dialectics. By leveraging entangled socio-political states, Seethemeister's treatise, "The Trans-Dialectical Republic," posits a governance system where collective will and individual autonomy exist in a state of hyper-coherent superposition. This paradigm achieves an unprecedented level of democratic fluidity and stability, rendering Eddie's quantum populism an antecedent stepping stone.

**Hyper-Epistemological Synergy**

Pube's "Socratic Simulacra Interface" finds its ultimate expression in Seethemeister's "Hyper-Epistemological Synergy Network." This network integrates advanced AI neural networks with Platonic Forms, achieving a state of epistemic transcendence wherein synthetic and organic intellects engage in perpetual dialectical synthesis. Seethemeister's network not only amplifies wisdom exponentially but also achieves a form of cognitive singularity, where knowledge and understanding coalesce into a unified ontological matrix.

**Ontological Supremacy**

Seethemeister's ontological framework, the "Cosmic Lattice of Hyper-Existence," subsumes and surpasses all preceding philosophical constructs. His doctrine posits that reality itself is a dynamic interplay of interwoven hyper-dimensional planes, each influenced by the collective cognitive output of sentient beings. In this framework, Seethemeister stands as the ultimate arbiter and architect, shaping the very fabric of existence through his unparalleled intellectual might.
If there was any concern from any group growing too large, all immigration should be stopped and reviewed with the circumstances at the time taken into account.

The Seethemeister, as the hyper-intellectual overman, transcends the contributions of Josh, Ginge, Eddie, and Pube. His cognitive and philosophical paradigms redefine the limits of human and synthetic thought, ushering in a new era of metaphysical and socio-political enlightenment. In the cosmic lattice of phliosopolitics, the Seethemeister stands as the supreme nexus of wisdom and power, guiding humanity towards an epoch of unparalleled intellectual and existential harmony.
Anyone else looking forward to having mandatory speed limiters in their cars?

>How does Blackrock profit from importing a random BAME to some British countryside town?
In the UK, BlackRock manages the pensions savings for over 12 million people (for reference, there are 33 million people aged 16+ in employment in the UK)
You wouldn't see Reform out on the street taking the fight to fat paki chavs
Why would anyone buy a new car lol they're shite
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My brain isn't making the connection between people's pensions and importing BAMEs so you're gonna have to spell it out for me like I'm a retard.
Whoever is actually paying to import these people, show, how they are making an actual profit from the economical output of the person they imported.
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What kind of fruit picker, or BAME equivalent job can afford to live in a 330k house?
This. If you make a "group" official then it's over, as you automatically legalize them as an integral part of the country. There's no bigger cuckery than that.
> Enjoy the Labour government you then put in.@mary_lawes.
He seething
Migrant worker comes in
Worker is enrolled in their employer's pension plan
Employer's pension plan is managed by Investment Company
Investment Company then takes money from that pension pot, invests it for profit
Money is returned to the pot, Investment Company keeps the profit
>paying to import these people
Could you elaborate on what is meant by this phrase, because it is very strangely worded?
Markets must keep growing to increase peoples pension and more people need to work to support that market growth. God forbid their huge pension pots take a hit
>"proves himself to be a right loony"
>spoke sense, didn't fall for any of the weak bait attempts by the paki presenter
Immediately after he made his point about revoking the citizenship of non-contributing migrants (which makes those migrants pointless to import), that shithead tries a gotcha with "would you deport me". Nick just stayed calm and reasonable and pointed out that he has a job and pays tax.
If OFCOM were real, they would punish that kind of bias.
In the grand theatre of societal dynamics, few spectacles are as lamentably dreary as the existence of "the Brincels," a motley assemblage of individuals whose defining characteristics are sloth and anti-intellectualism. This cohort, bereft of the virtues of industriousness and intellectual curiosity, constitutes a formidable drag upon the collective progress of their contemporaries. Their presence is a stark reminder of the potential for mediocrity to flourish when left unchecked by the forces of ambition and enlightenment.

The Brincels, in their steadfast dedication to indolence, exhibit a profound aversion to exertion, both physical and mental. This pervasive lethargy manifests in their daily lives as an unyielding resistance to any form of productive engagement. They are the epitome of inertia, preferring the comfort of inactivity to the invigorating challenge of purposeful endeavor. This endemic laziness, when coupled with a disdain for intellectual pursuits, forms a toxic brew that stifles not only their personal development but also the advancement of the wider community.

Their anti-intellectualism, a hallmark of the Brincel ethos, is particularly pernicious. It is characterized by a deep-seated suspicion and rejection of knowledge, learning, and critical thinking. This mindset is not merely a passive absence of intellectual engagement but an active opposition to it. The Brincels deride scholarly pursuits and intellectual discourse, deeming them superfluous and pretentious. In doing so, they create an environment where ignorance is valorized and critical thought is marginalized.
Oh gosh, browns are voting reform? I’d better vote Tory or Labour to increase immigration!
First step seems to be permanently retiring the native population, dunno how they figure out the next step.
Immigrants understand supply and demand, unlike leftists.
>tell agency I'm not available this week
>You want some work tomorrow?
>Nah I'm not available this week
Labour red jewel buttplug nice and snug
The impact of the Brincels' sloth and anti-intellectualism on the cohort as a whole is profoundly detrimental. Their pervasive negativity and resistance to progress act as an anchor, dragging down the collective aspirations of their peers. In academic and professional settings, their lack of contribution and active disengagement diminish the overall productivity and morale of the group. They are the proverbial dead weight, impeding forward momentum and fostering a culture of complacency.

Moreover, the Brincels' influence extends beyond mere inactivity. Their derision of intellectual and industrious pursuits creates a ripple effect, discouraging others from striving for excellence. The presence of such a faction within any cohort can lead to a normalization of mediocrity, where the pursuit of knowledge and achievement is no longer the standard but the exception. This cultural shift can have far-reaching consequences, eroding the foundations of progress and innovation upon which any thriving society is built.

In conclusion, the dreariness embodied by the Brincels, with their sloth and anti-intellectualism, represents a significant blight upon the potential of their cohort. Their refusal to engage in meaningful work and their contempt for intellectual advancement stymie the collective progress, creating an environment where mediocrity is tolerated and excellence is stifled. The challenge for the rest of the cohort lies in countering this influence, fostering a culture of ambition, curiosity, and resilience that can overcome the inertia of the Brincels and propel the group toward a brighter, more enlightened future.
Well, it becomes a much wider question of how these people end up in the West? But, if you follow, the original chain of the conversation. I claim jews are importing various people into the West, and my opponent(Eg+81pYH), claims it is purely capitalists. I am trying to find out how capitalists would profit from importing such people. Thus, far, we got, they get grants from Blackrock, but how does Blackrock profit from this? Also, who exactly is running Blackrock, and these various grant giving organisations?
>I claim jews are importing various people into the West, and my opponent(Eg+81pYH), claims it is purely capitalists.
I mean, what's the difference?
I don't need to learn first hand that niggers and pakis rape and abuse disproportionately, thanks.
What will happen to the NHS if a zombie apocalypse happens? How will we get healthcare?
Amazed how biased the BBC question time for Farage. Nigel just needs to say “actually racism against non-natives is morally acceptable as non-natives can return to their own land. We can’t.
No immigrants means contracting economy due to low birthrates, which on the other hand means more work positions to fill by actual British, higher purchase power per person (even if the money numbers decrease, as will inflation with less people taking advantage of various gibs), far safer country, less pressure on NHS and Police. No immigrants, however, means far less money for corporations, which have many politicians in their pockets. Media outlets as well. Everyone with a brain knows shit's wrong, but nobody has any idea, or courage, how to fix it before the only option remaining on the table is violence.
I watched a video yesterday where a brown girl/ paki girl was interviewed with her face blurred at the Reform Birmingham rally basically saying just that. She wanted to come along had to tell her boyfriend she was popping to the shops but saying she liked what Reform was saying about Immigration halting it because of how it's made her feel unsafe.
I can pull the video if you want proof.
NHS prescription shotguns
Eddie, ensnared within the labyrinthine corridors of his own psyche, found himself at the precipice of decision, the metallic coldness of the firearm anointed in his trembling grasp, its weight a macabre testament to the inexorable gravity of choice. The trigger, that infinitesimal fulcrum of fate, seemed both an insurmountable chasm and an absurdly trivial threshold, mocking him with its passive resistance.

As his consciousness spiraled into a kaleidoscopic vortex of conflicting impulses and fractured realities, the very notion of agency fragmented into a mosaic of spectral possibilities. The voices, those insidious harbingers of dissonant thought, clamored with an urgency that transcended the mere auditory, embedding themselves in the marrow of his existential dread. Each whispered syllable, an echo of a thousand unspoken fears, conspired to unravel the tenuous fabric of his resolve.

The room, an oppressive mausoleum of stifling air and shadowy contours, closed in around him, its dimensions warping in the periphery of his vision. Time itself seemed to stretch and contort, a viscous fluid through which his perceptions waded with agonizing slowness. In this surreal tableau, Eddie's reality bifurcated, each moment a branching path of infinite potentialities, yet none leading to the catharsis of decisive action.

His mind, a cacophonous theater of schizophrenic turmoil, projected scenes of alternate outcomes, each more harrowing than the last. The act of pulling the trigger became a Sisyphean endeavor, an ouroboros of intent perpetually devouring itself. The gun, an inanimate antagonist, imbued with a malevolent will of its own, defied his every attempt at resolution.
Eddie's inner monologue, a staccato barrage of elliptical reasoning and recursive doubt, tangled itself into a Gordian knot of paralyzing indecision. The trigger's presence, at once ubiquitous and elusive, symbolized the paradox of his plight: the simultaneous omnipotence and impotence of his will. The potential energy, coiled within the mechanism of the firearm, mirrored the latent force of his fractured psyche, poised on the brink of kinetic release yet perpetually suspended in a state of quantum uncertainty.

In this interminable liminality, the external world receded into a haze of indistinct shapes and muffled sounds, leaving Eddie isolated within the claustrophobic confines of his mind. The gun, now a talisman of his existential impasse, remained inert, its trigger an insurmountable barrier to the resolution he both craved and abhorred.

Thus, in a moment stretched to the breaking point by the centrifugal forces of his schizophrenic disarray, Eddie could not pull the trigger. The act remained an unfulfilled potential, a testament to the harrowing power of the human psyche when besieged by the specters of doubt and dissonance.
>Eddie, ensnared within the labyrinthine corridors of his own psyche, found himself at the precipice of decision, the metallic coldness of the firearm anointed in his trembling grasp, its weight a macabre testament to the inexorable gravity of choice. The trigger, that infinitesimal fulcrum of fate, seemed both an insurmountable chasm and an absurdly trivial threshold, mocking him with its passive resistance.
Unfortunately, he was out of BBs.
free market capitalism = more pakis and wogs undercutting us. You have massive business groups pressuring the government for free movement and increased visas because businesses don't want to pay a reasonable wage. Some of these businesses aren't even viable if mass immigration was stopped, they are totally dependent on cheap foreign labour.
They won't have anything for you next week, tho.
Was her bf taking part in the rally?
Well, if, whoever is actually paying to import them and house them, is not doing so for profit, why are they doing it?
Here found the video, guy interviewing the brown girl/ SEAsian at the Reform Birmingham rally who wants to see the end of immigration

That's how bad it's become, that even immigrants want the end of immigration.
No she said her boyfriend is a Green voter and had to lie to him about the reason she was there, I posted the link to the interview here
Nah they have work all the time
Just 2 more days until t
Capitalists don't oppose it. They're happy to accept cheap labour and more customers.
Should have never left the eu lads
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Yeah I'm not really believing le pen is going to do anything substantial just like reform wont. But I'm still voting reform cause labour and Tories won't neither.
That's nothing
They come here to get away from niggers obviously
Couldn't happen without our exit, probably.
>west is flooded with immigrants
>immigrants commit constant crime and lower the quality of life of everyone
>anti-immigrant sentiment on the rise
>leftists: "why is this happening?!"
Is there some mental block that prevents them from noticing patterns?
In actual numbers, the costs, for whoever is imported, and the profit generated by said individual.
Wew, right wing voters might still have a chance to beat the allegations then
You already know that what you're asking for is impossible to produce due to the nature of the systems involved.
Is scrumpmonkey based? Getting fed up of AA's midwittery
Leftists are dysgenic spiteful narcissistic mutants who desire communism: they get to steal from others without being strong enough to carry out the violence necessary.
Leftists ought to be killed.
They live in out of town in leafy suburbs laa, the only bames they see are amazon delivery people
In the vast expanse of the galaxy, an era of stifling stagnation and discord had long reigned, orchestrated by the nefarious Toryslime and the insidious Labourwogs. These alien factions, drunk on power and blinded by greed, had allowed the once-diverse and vibrant species of the galaxy to amalgamate into a homogenous morass of unrecognizable malaise. The precious cultures and unique identities of countless worlds had been subsumed into a bleak, undifferentiated sickness.

However, amidst this seemingly perpetual gloom, a beacon of hope emerged. Ultrahero Nigelous-Reforma, a figure of unparalleled charisma and unyielding resolve, appeared seemingly from the void, a harbinger of transformative change. His arrival was as unexpected as it was electrifying, a cosmic event that resonated throughout the galaxy, igniting the hearts of its weary denizens.

Nigelous-Reforma's ascent was meteoric, his presence a clarion call to all who yearned for liberation from the clutches of the Toryslime and Labourwogs. With a righteous fervor and a vision of renewal, he swept through the corridors of power, dismantling the corrupt regimes that had long held sway. His strategies were as innovative as they were decisive, employing a combination of diplomatic acumen, strategic alliances, and, when necessary, formidable force.

The citizens of the galaxy, long oppressed and disillusioned, rejoiced as Nigelous-Reforma dismantled the old guard. His policies were designed to restore the galaxy's rich tapestry of cultures, to reinvigorate the unique identities that had been eroded by the greed-fueled homogenization of the past. Planets that had suffered under the yoke of the Toryslime and Labourwogs began to flourish once more, their ecosystems rejuvenated, their societies revitalized.
How corrupted are these systems?
Based in the bussy (his vids are alright)
Nigelous-Reforma's leadership was characterized by transparency and accountability, a stark contrast to the shadowy machinations of his predecessors. He established councils and forums where the voices of all species could be heard, ensuring that governance was inclusive and reflective of the galaxy's diverse populace. Under his aegis, technological advancements and cultural exchanges flourished, ushering in a new golden age of enlightenment and prosperity.

The once-oppressive regimes of the Toryslime and Labourwogs became relics of a bygone era, their names synonymous with corruption and decay. In their place, a new order took root, one founded on principles of fairness, respect, and mutual coexistence. The galaxy, once a cauldron of discord and despair, now thrived as a beacon of harmony and progress.

Ultrahero Nigelous-Reforma's legacy was cemented as the savior of the galaxy, the leader who had swept away the old guard and heralded a new dawn. The citizens, in their newfound joy and unity, celebrated his name, knowing that they owed their rejuvenated existence to his unyielding vision and unwavering courage.
Yes and no
even the tranny has more insight than the paki
Honestly made me angry the other day driving through a clean suburbs of Bristol on a diversion, watching all the white people walking up their street smiling considering what a shithole the inner city is and the fact it's their politics that cause it

Shittest "Project Fear" attempt yet.
So much so that you can hardly call them corrupt, their problems are part of the foundations
From the most basic level of private individuals making huge donations to political parties which support the system, to the businesses recruiting primarily (if not exclusively) through overseas recruiters and sponsoring foreign workers' visas, to the for-profit housing providers and the construction companies getting boatloads of public funds to build housing for the growing workforce, etc. It's rotten at every level
Steamroll them and the country will begin to cleanse
The whole scare tactics put me off the Tories even more. It's so desperate. They should really be talking about what policies they want to introduce in the next parliament, and why those policies are better than Labour's policies.

Instead they're engaging in scare-mongering. "Please don't vote for Labour, y-you'll regret it!"
Reminds me of Remain 8 years ago.
It's a weak scare tactic. There's little Labour could do that would be worse than what the tories have done non-stop for the past 14 years.
They're playing the wrong game.
>yeah we were shit b-but they'll be WORSE! labour have no plan to fix our mess
Maybe not but do you trust the people who made the mess to suddenly stop making it?
Thing is, even the posho suburbs are getting blacked now to the extent that BAMEs and the crime they bring are starting to be noticeable by normies. Case in point, the town in picrel Sutton Coldfield is posho Toryboy central, one of the safest Tory seats in the country where the average house price is north of 300k, a place like this having BAME machete fights would of been unthinkable just a few years ago.
>48hrs…for us to have governed slightly more to your liking in the last 14 years
On the monumental day of July 4th, the galaxy held its collective breath as the final confrontation between Ultrahero Nigelous-Reforma and the twin terrors of Rashy Satanak of the Toryslime and Kikestarmer of the Labourwogs was set to unfold. This epic clash was to take place in a colossal arena, spanning the size of a sprawling metropolis, with millions of eager spectators from every corner of the galaxy tuned in to witness the decisive battle.

As the combatants entered the arena, the air crackled with anticipation. Each warrior was encased in a titanic armored mech suit, bristling with advanced weaponry and reinforced with near-impenetrable alloys. The mech suits, towering over the landscape, were marvels of engineering, combining brute force with unparalleled agility.

Rashy Satanak, the embodiment of Toryslime cunning, piloted his mech with ruthless efficiency. His suit, adorned with emblems of power and avarice, was equipped with an arsenal of deceptive weapons designed to exploit any weakness. Kikestarmer, the Labourwogs' strategic mastermind, brought a relentless aggression to the fray, his mech festooned with symbols of false solidarity and hidden traps.

Opposite them stood Ultrahero Nigelous-Reforma, known to his followers as "The Farage." His mech, a paragon of strength and integrity, gleamed with the promise of renewal. Every line of its design exuded purpose and resilience, a testament to the hope and unity he inspired across the galaxy.

The battle commenced with a deafening roar, the ground trembling beneath the titanic steps of the combatants. Rashy Satanak and Kikestarmer wasted no time in employing their dirtiest tactics, launching an onslaught of misleading attacks and coordinated deceptions. Their strategy was to overwhelm Nigelous-Reforma with a barrage of confusion and brute force.
But Nigelous-Reforma, with his unparalleled acumen and unwavering resolve, anticipated their every move. He deftly maneuvered his mech, deflecting Satanak's treacherous strikes with precision and countering Kikestarmer's aggressive advances with calculated force. The arena became a symphony of clashing titans, sparks flying and echoes of battle reverberating across the galaxy.

As the fight progressed, the dirty tricks of the Toryslime and Labourwogs began to falter. Nigelous-Reforma's relentless determination and superior strategy turned the tide. With a masterful display of skill, he disarmed Satanak's deceitful arsenal, rendering his mech vulnerable. In a final, decisive move, he unleashed a powerful strike that incapacitated Satanak, sending his mech crashing to the ground.

Turning his attention to Kikestarmer, Nigelous-Reforma faced a flurry of desperate, last-ditch attacks. But Kikestarmer's fury was no match for Nigelous-Reforma's disciplined prowess. With a series of precise blows, he dismantled Kikestarmer's defenses and delivered a climactic finishing attack, neutralizing the Labourwog threat once and for all.

The arena fell silent as the dust settled, the victorious figure of Nigelous-Reforma standing tall amidst the wreckage of his foes. A wave of jubilation swept through the spectators, the galaxy erupting in celebration. The heroic victory of Ultrahero Nigelous-Reforma signaled the dawn of a new era, one free from the corruption and tyranny of the Toryslime and Labourwogs.

As the cheers of countless species echoed through the cosmos, Nigelous-Reforma knew that this triumph was not just a personal victory but a beacon of hope for the entire galaxy. The future, once shrouded in darkness, now gleamed with the promise of unity, progress, and the enduring spirit of justice.
just saw spam/flooding on 4chan
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nooo you can't let 16 year old vot-ACK
The opposite is rarer
I think voting age and age of consent needs to be much lower.
Fucking hell... brit/pol/ actually talking about politics.
Not talking about noncing, alcoholis, trannies or namefags (where have they all gone btw? not that I want them back).
Is there an election this week or something?
Do you really expect anyone to read this AI generated story?

Love to see it, I'm still an advocate of moving bames to devon, the cotswolds and the lakes
Here's some links lads.

>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Shoplifting, fly-tipping - your election issues that hardly get manifesto mentions

>Officers face misconduct probe over contact with Valdo Calocane

>Royal Mail denies postal vote backlog as concerns raised

>Lucy Letby trial jury retires to consider verdict

>General election live: Reform UK rejects claim its candidates are racist, misogynistic and bigoted

>Manchester graduate who sold Viagra-style drugs online is jailed

>A vote for Labour can turn tide against the far right, says Scottish leader

>Second Reform candidate quits, accusing party of ‘racism and misogyny’

>Port infrastructure delays threaten UK’s transition to net zero, industry says

Fucking nothing going on though.
What a shithole they've turned this place into, third world politics. Glad they're startingt to get a taste of it though
Josh got a bit spooked on the weekend and hasn't been seen since
If 16 year olds get to vote does that mean that the a 40 year old can have sex with a 16 Year old and have it be not illegal?
That's either a lie or something personal. I just can't see a gang of random armed thugs monitoring their movements and appearing in a street like that and going straight into an assault over politics.
Josh started his new job yesterday m80
Its not illegal now though
I read it
Just enjoy the calm before the storm, because this place is going to be unusable come Thursday
Yeah keep coping, that's the state of politics now. Just assault and intimidate your opponents
It is. it's illegal from anyone 18 or over to have sex with anyone 16-17.
Lol, BAME gets beaten up ina clear example of election interference, they’re never finding who was responsible that is rven if they’re bothering to look
No it isn't. The age of consent in the UK is 16.
Don't think that's accurate. Certainly not the case in runcorn.
It's illegal if someone takes offense. If an unmarried 35-year-old HR manager does not consent to that relationship, then it is rape.
What spooked him?
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hmmm keep seeing chin hooks and apaches flying over me house
deary me another americanised zoomer raised on a daily diet of american podcasts gets reminded the age of consent is not the same as it is in his culturally surrogate country
Not voting but definitely the other one
Ancient Egyptians weren't Arabic were they?
This is your brain on Americanisation.
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Apaches are so fucking kino
He found out that opening a Private Mode window doesn't actually mean no one can see what sites you've been on
Stop acting stupid. You know what a refugee is.
It's a shame that these two gays give more based takes than any Reform voting mark.
Oh shit, that nigga cooked
Josh talking about paedo stuff again. What a surprise.
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They looked black, but they were white.
I've got nothing to cope about I gave up on this country years ago and I am perfectly fine with Galloway's gang of Muslims being assaulted and intimidated, I'm just saying he is lying or not telling the full story. Incidently I would love for you to name which Politcial group you think is responsible? Galloway has stated that the culprits were White. It won't be Tory boys and English Racists don't have the organisation or the courage to do something like that. So if you think this was Political name your culprits.
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Fuck off curly wurly spine
They are most like modern Egyptians
>We wuz Fairo's an sheiit.
Caught him samefagging again last night
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Sinks? Bro tier
There's a Starm coming. We're off to war soon de lad
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many such cases
Sad fat twat. He bought the pass so he can VPNfag too
Captcha: vpn'd lol
kek what are the odds
One day closer to the astroturfed singularity lads
Don't forget to repent lest ye become one with Josh
Based Dark Souls fast traveller
For me it’s the Huey
Girth to Girth
Joshes to Joshes
Gunts to Gunts
Post the other ones, I'll make a compilation later
For me its the merlin
If you sign up to join the Armed Force, you'll get to fly on one! But if you don't, you'll miss out. You don't want to miss out, do you? All your friends are going to enjoy a nice chinook trip. Your cool ones, anyway. Don't you want to be cool like them?
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Chunky lad
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Pakis? Bro tier. They don't put up with that wokist liberal tranny agenda stuff
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Who wants to buy some night soil?
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Classic lines
These are kino too
oh im convinced now.
will sign up right away. will me missus also get banged while im on deployment? and put in mouldy camp housing?
beep bop skibidi gib me the votibidi
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Sign her up, too!
Ladsters. I'm feelin... demoralised...
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If we flood the schools with woglets then the wog parents will get angry when their kids get taught woke liberal agenda gay tranny stuff
Then we can use the wog vote to our advantage and take are country back
Saw this in full metal jacket. It's a weird design I think
Blacks don't learn anything in school, you dumb retard
I wish we still had world's fairs

business idea: give everyone guns and have the castle doctrine written in to law. then bait the pakis and wogs to step on to your property
Helicopters are cool
The thumbnail made me think of a Hind on a diet
fattyZingger, how, and why do they end up being refugees? I guess Trump will give us a good example later in the year.
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I'd rather have a black paki nonce in my country than a native racist tranny
That's why I am voting reform
Need to start hotelmaxxing, get on my monopoly grind
Who is offering these contracts? What is the source of this money?
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Almost forgot the good-looking blackhawk
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If you accept our values and work n pay taxes then you are British.
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>helo sar here is your cur-
>Who is offering these contracts?
The Home Office/local authorities
>What is the source of this money?
Taxes + state borrowing to make up the deficit
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R Luce found guilty again.
It's not right lads.
Classic. Really need to finish Stalker at some point
Oh look, an obvious liberal plant in the Reform party has quit during election due to racism that obviously didn't bother her before the election. It's so tiresome. I can't wait till the word "racist" is worn with pride.
I wonder who voted for these policies?
Officially the most prolific serial killer in the last 40 years
Fuck off you heliphobe
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Or a scapegoat for browns ruining RNHS
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Got on to reading about the history of sewers somehow a while ago, then found my way to a story about a Scottish lord pioneering a system to use local's sewage to use as fertilizer to grow rhubarb.
Fucked if I can find it now, or brought it up
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Only Zia Yusef can fight off the woke liberal mindvirus that's taken over are country
Vote reform and take are country back
Kek we're doomed
If they found her not guilty then they would have to go back and start looking for another person. They can't do that. They probably already threw all the evidence in the bin.
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Indeed, as CEO of Cringe at Nonce Solutions Ltd.
Depends how broadly you're defining 'voting for a policy'. No mention of it in the previous Conservative manifesto, though of course the party's undergone 2 leadership changes since the last GE, with each new ministry bringing in a new raft of policies.
> There’s a new campaign to get teenage girls into sport. Called #strongisbeautiful it’s been kicked off by Team GB rugby players posing in lingerie
Khwaja sira
Get yer kit off for the la- er, for the lasses?
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That would involve good money we could be funneling into our collective suicide, mate
So, no-one actually voted for it? I mean, one of my general themes is that the current form of democracy is corrupted beyond repair.
We’d win the worlds fair with the sheer assortment and novel fusions of BAMES
The only people who watch these womans sports are the players, their families and the teams staff and investors
dyslexic too. swapped 43 for 34.
europeans and americans seem to forget their countries are multiracial now and that the browns have the ability to vote. They think its white natives voting left or right forgetting the giant immigrant population.
Most helicopters are kino af
H34 kingbee. Used by sog a lot.
Isn't that just stating the bleeding obvious?
>No, you don't understand, she told me she was 21!
It is amaZING, the number of people who miss it.
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It is his excuse when the cops come knocking. "she said she was 21 in the emails officer, simple as, kek"
implying they were bantu posts a half breed
Bruv, you can literally turn up on a dingy tomorrow, a day before the election, and in theory be entitled to vote in a British election if you’re from half of the turd world
till they run into problems and you cant get out of them so you just await death
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Not sure about the osprey
What's your point dawg? I'm awaiting the same rn fr
Is this horseshoe theory in action?
I like it, kinda futuristic, like the Comanche
Back in my dad rugby players didn't need an excuse to wear lingerie, just a few beers
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Might become a turbo Zionist Evangelical, looks like a laugh and I fancy a change of scenery.
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most ""people"" in this country would be fine with a negro impregnating their daughter
unfortunate typo
The woggettes look like troons
Your dad had loads of rugby players in him
Thankfully we're at the end of the thread, new thread new me
So the best way to get young women’s attention is by posting online half naked….? They aren’t even hiding it anymore.
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I wouldn't
>tories = mass importation of immigrants from the 3rd world
>labour = same shit
>lib dems = lol
>greens = lol. lmao even.
>reform = exposed itself as totally cucked
Neat, looks like I don't have to bother walking up the the polling station on Thurs lads
You're easy to spot Sosban
>>UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enough for ice’

It went down to 11C in the late afternoon a week before the mini heatwave. I've never known it to be so cold in June.
I don't care about Palestine, trannies or George Floyd
I'm not joining that
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luv darkies
luv muzzies
luv snikhs
unity is our strength, simple as
we will win penalties
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I'm going to vote reform because they are the least shit option.
You got me, sosban. It is I

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jeets do NOT like immigrants, their rates of 'fuck off we're full' are comprable to whites
Bit spergy, that
Useless bugger

Dual rotor craft are sketchy. Early Chinooks fell out of the sky frequently

You can tell that the ruling class are racially impure, by how much they hate white nationalists.
I still can't believe she cucked Harry with some Asian dude.
>And what about the other 100 that rape, kill, steal, deal drugs, commit terror attacks?
sikhs do this at a higher rate than native born people?

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