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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Almost 1.8m people owe £50,000 or more in student debt

>Charity founder dies in Ukraine 'battlefield'

>Woman stole baby unit money, court told

>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds

>UK weather: Britain to be blasted by Polar winds and become ‘cold enough for ice’

>Female workers suspended by NHS chiefs after complaining about sharing changing room with trans woman

>Thousands fear they will lose vote in UK election after postal ballot delays
>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds
findom fetish getting out of hand
Slightly less demoralising bake, I vote this thread
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>anyone remember daves failed eu reform deal? I do
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kike Starmer will always put jews first
it was amusing.
hello EU, we uh, need to reform.
>le non sil vous plait
um ok, well, bye then we're leaving
>le merde, maybe we should reform.
Any criticism of the new total domination Labour government will be denounced as anti-semitism. They are now bulletproof.
Endtimes soon, lads.
Before Brexit he went around to all the countries begging for a deal on reforming the EU on the inside to satisfy leavers but it was pathetic

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>Twice as many Britons want tax rises as want cuts, survey finds
How else can they home the browns? Houses are expensive.
Reject Election Fever
Get ahead of the disappointment of their underperformance. It doesn't really matter.
If you write sage in anywhere other than in the options field then it doesn't work you spastic
>CON 24%
>REF 16%
>LAB 36%
>CON + REF = 40%




>Lower taxes
>lower immigration
>high growth

Reform stand for
>high tax
>high immigration
>low growth
>keir Starmer

Optimal seethe will be them getting a massive share of the votes, but only winning one seat.
We will all be Starmer’s shabbos living in Starmer’s shtetl
all fields, you utter fucking foetus
Keep bumping my thread in that case, invalid
New an innovative BAMEs showing up in my local area.
The poll will be released in a hour or so

you're actually touched, lmao
weird little cunt
Zero seats
Only BAMEs can save us now
palpable seethe
You come across like you're on ritalin
I'm voting labour so I can see more of Angie
Skiddy knickers
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ordered the coke tracked 24 in time for election night lads
ffs is election night really that good?
Good. That means Muslims will be last.
The only remaining Tory supporters are the Hindus
Literally EVERYTHING is going to Change™!
u fucking know it m8
All the polls are showing Reform LTDers are returning home to the Tories

Most sensible people know ONly CONSERVATIVES have a CHANCE of Winning and HOLDING Labour in Check

VOte COnservative get Conservative

Vote DEFORM LTD get LAbour
Why are we seething now? Last thread was fairly well behaved
>HOLDING Labour in Check
Oh, policy would be different?
The namebames were angry we weren't talking about them
Agitators on both sides are browsing this thread
Just agitated my anus
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Scotland be like
This general used to be infested with namebames and now there is only a couple left. What happened to them all?
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What dyou think of this wallpaper lads
I like it but you wouldn't want much of it.
They hide their names and coordinate offsite. They all talk to eachother it's sad as fuck
Also just agitated my jack eye.
Yeah I was just thinking of a feature wall
Takes one to know one blocko
There's bad faith actors in this very thread
Deradicalisation workshop
A feature wall? Is that for the special executions
Fuck off james
What coloured walls would go with teal? I know people here are lads of culture
Reform sweep incoming. Stuff it, labour gammon.
Aye found one

> a+hh94dM
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Do you want to stop the Tories? Then you can vote tactically to stop them.

Is it even a magic eye picture?
Ive been staring at it for 5 minutes now but nothing....
Grey. Grey walls grey carpets and sparkly grey sofas
A bright yellow, like Daffodil yellow. Or copper.
Piss off Graeme
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Most Brits of Indian heritage disapprove of Rishi, pic related

While most of them approve of Keir Starmer
Teal can go with basically anything it's great. Slate, copper and white would be good.
Cons are (or were lol) the implicit white party, Labour the implicit BAME party
Daniel is monitoring this thread rn
They're genuine sad cases that lot.
They don't get yous now so they had to go anon
Hi Dan, how's you day been so far?
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Here, use this as a possible guide.
White, grey and silver paint is the easy way, yellow, gold, purple and pink for loud.
Seethemongs won
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I am voting Reform purely to spite paki sunak. I don't know any of Reform's policies or even care, I am in this purely to spite paki sunak.
Fuck off Pete
I would say the dividing line between Labour and the Tories is wealth, not ethnicity. Which is why both parties these days are ethnically mixed.
I'm thinking either white or copper, cheers lads
I hate it when the botnet owner is so bad he has them all saying the same thing with the same punctuation ffs. Plus there's not one single instance of "do a flip faggot" in that whole screenshot. Who is paying for these amateurs? It's embarrassing.
this is by far one of the threads
>Where is Farage’s Iron Cross?
Le double breasted suit is Hitler???
Holy shit he thinks his opinion matters. Ahahahahagagahaga!!!!
Cauldron is going to lose his mind over this.
does anyone else think
Nah, BAMES still overwhelmingly vote Lab, even the jeets, MPs are not indicative of who the party is attracting. Not sure about whites but Brits I think mostly vote Con
Hope you enjoy your P45 on Friday, CCHQ will have to lay you off
>sar u r not redeemd
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>and he wears florid, double-breasted suites like a quare
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are you ready, brit/pol/?
the joshbot cometh
Good luck, Romania.
Military technology is 50 years ahead of civilian technology. The joshbot already cameth.
Only 2 days to go for real threads to be back for a short while. Due to the state of things for the GE so far (boring) I am already decided for voting intentions.
>fucked up
>explains to me how badly I fucked it up
>no anon I'm not saying we will lay you off
I'm just one mistake from getting the boot ffs
How’s Keir starmer going to deal with marine la pen and trump they will butcher him, Britain will be a laughing stock
Keirs not even left wing he's an establishment puppet
won't be long before he's standing in front of the lectern telling everyone to.stop complaining
He'll stall until 5:15pm on friday then have until 9:45am on saturday to think about it
Nah, Britain will be memed as a shining oasis of Sensible Centrists, Adults Back In The Room (now let in all the refugees fleeing France and the continent)
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Ethnic minorities support Labour at this election (pic related) but Labour are probably doing better with white people than the Tories in this election too


Quite a lot of people of Indian background support the Tories, according to pic related. And the Greens are quite popular with those of Bangladeshi/Pakistani heritage, probably because they are more pro-Palestine than Labour are.
Good point, the left in his own party are going to crucifiy him. It’s now their turn to realise everything is rigged
You're under review.
Learn from your mistakes.
Fuck the student debt, it was a decision they made to go to university and they were glad of the public money to do their 3 or 4 year course in fucking interpretive dance and "find themselves".

Now they find themselves with a load of debt and no prospects because of their shitty degree that's worth fuck all. KEK.

No way in hell taxpayer money should be given to them to make life easier.
>Keirs not even left wing
Labour does bettwr with wogs every election, and yeah whitey has hd enough of 14 years of tory spasticism.
Sure, but still, the majority of BAMES support Labour, and likely will continue to do so as Gaza ends and Rishi leaves
corbyn was a lefty
the one we deserved
>CON 24%
>REF 16%
>LAB 36%
>CON + REF = 40%




Think you are forgetting Germany and Netherlands for this point, but it will be a long wait for this to come to pass (EU politics is slow and Trump hasn't been elected yet).

My immediate concern is how the UK will likely become a dumping ground going by both Labour and Tory policies, and my own future plans (leave or stay, etc).
They'll do what the Tories did to Boris and will find a reason to get rid of him, I'm sure of it.

Meanwhile, Rishi will be loving his new life in fucking California or whatever with his millions of dollars.
He was a retard, just a bit different to the usual kind and he would’ve been funny in charge
Nah it won't want to live in Jaywick on spacker bennies
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My student debt is written off after 30 years. Free money innit. Get up there you cunt.
I saw a reddit post by some cunt got a degree in cinematography and the pandemic happened in their last year so they had to go do something else now they're 100k down the shitter.

>What coloured walls would go with teal?
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I like this question from an interview he conducted back when he was a writer for Socialist Alternatives
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His brother makes me laugh with all his conspiracy theory shenanigans. He'll be forgotten in time too.
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Starmer is/was a top lawyer. They can "deal" with anyone. They're very tactical, ruthless and strategic people.
Still voting reform
They are gonna discover that he stole all the tools that his dad made and hes gonna go to prison
Tories have no money because the donations dried up, he's doing it for free.
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On SkyNews just now:
>F: "there are still male-only spaces
>F: "you have to look at why they're excluding women. a club discussing art or sport has no reason to exclude women"
>M: "but there are women-only spaces"
>F: "gender-specific space are fine if they're challenging established power structures"
Some women desperately need to beaten severely and repeatedly.
and how much will you pay.back over that period?
Fair enough, why the fuck do students "need support" now then? Just live a soul crushing life with a shit job that won't change the world while living under a government of cunts and then jobmaxx when your debt is gone?

Smells like profit to me.
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you'll never get in power again. I'll keep voting for alternative conservative parties until the day I die just to spite you cunts for what you've done to Britain.
HEARTY KEK. I didn't go to university because I needed to work right out of school, I've not done too badly overall and I don't have 3+ years pissed away for nothing.
>why the fuck do students "need support" now then?
Because one of the first things the Blair Ministry did was to repeal the 1962 Education Act and implement the current 1998 Teaching and Higher Education Act, which introduced tuition fees for higher education.
Him and his family are such vile cunts, should have mailed them direct to Uncle A
>Voting makes you eligible for jury duty
Nah I'm not voting.
Has anyone considered that Trump and Biden are both symptoms of the same infection, playing off each other to achieve changes to the American legal system neither could achieve alone?
>They can "deal" with anyone.
Except for a certain ex-television presenter with a proclivity for tracksuits and tasteless jewellery
Moved to Nottingham last weekend lads

Having fun, spoke to a lot of birds and I’ve been out clubbing already.
Lot of Dutch wogs in this football team.
>the united party of the oppressed
The globalist cult really is just a brutal corruption of christianity, isn't it. The worse a person is, the more virtuous they are. No need to repent or anything like that, they are holy just by existing.
Prisoners are oppressed. I suppose that's why lefties are always trying to get murderers and rapists released.
>They can "deal" with anyone.
That's just American politics in general isn't it? Two cheeks of the same arse winding up a bunch of morons over inconsequential wedge issues while robbing them blind and providing fuck all public services.

I don't know a great deal about yanks but that seems to be how it works. I'm sure Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have probably tag teamed slags together.
Waheey, movingtonottingham anon!
Good to hear the move went well.
I get that, but why do students suddenly need all this help? Surely they could jump the queue and go right into an amazing executive level job with their degrees?

Ah no, you need a degree to teach or be a doctor, you don't need a degree in fucking sports sciences to be a coked up assistant manager of a branch of Enterprise though. Utterly pointless.

It's a similar story I've heard from enough graduates without a plan... "Yeah when I went uni I fort I cud jus get a gud job but its well hard."

Time and money we'll spent then, and now you're bleating because you need to pay something back? Nah.
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>EV drivers in London will have to pay the congestion charge from 2025
Fucking kek. People in the comments trying to defend it.
Im never gonna do jury duty. Got summoned on two seperate occasions over the years and went through their circus of turning up every day but never picked. I should add at these times that i believed in the system and that adolf was a bad guy. Those days are gone now.
Kinda. I don't think it was always this bad. Remember when they had an actual unironic honest to god no shit for realsies film grade actor as President for a while? That was fucking wild wasn't it. I wonder who the producer was on that piece.
I bet the Don has pumped Killary while Bill was having a wank in his armchair. Explains why he maybe never locked her up
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"Massive-skulled India" as someone once called him
Isn't jury duty stupidly easy to get out of?
Just ask what race/colour the defendant is, and say "well he's obviously guilty/innocent then".
You'll be sent home immediately.
Do you have any prejudices anon?


Okay off you go
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>Some women desperately need to beaten severely and repeatedly.
they already did the whole "we will respect any government that wins in the usa" thing and they sent david lammy to meet with republicans just in case
That thing will actually get more pussy and be able to ride a bike, even swim.
Surely jury duty is great? Get paid and declare that the white guy is innocent and the wog guilty
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>Moved to Nottingham last weekend lads
Why though?
All vehicles add to congestion. It wasn't called a pollution charge, even though that was originally supposed to be the reason behind it. Crafty fuckers.
Get paid? It's only a max of £65 quid a day, and a fiver for lunch.
Got bored of village life, just hit 30 and wanted somewhere where I could party more and meet some fanny and it’s turning out a good move
Fucking retard
You can buy quite a lot of cider for £65. 12 angry men the whole trial and go on the piss for weeks WAHEY
Dyspraxia is no joke. Never finished my bike riding test at primary school and the gym teacher at secondary thought I had it too. I even got sent to “parachute club” with all the window lickers.
>Surely they could jump the queue and go right into an amazing executive level job with their degrees?
Obviously not, stop being a fucking mong. A degree is in no way designed to parachute you into a senior role, because a senior role obviously requires personal experience in the field. You don't tumble out of a legal degree ready to be a Chief Crown Prosecutor, an engineering degree doesn't automatically qualify you to be a senior engineer, etc. By design, you go into your field from the bottom. And when tuition fee for a 3-year degree is equal to (or more than) a typical graduate starting salary, that's you fucked for the foreseeable
Sick of this shite from mongs on here, constantly seething with spite about graduates, and then wondering how it happened that every field is dominated by people who hate them
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This made the trannys at resetera seethe https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/07/02/keir-starmer-labour-trans-single-sex-spaces/
Another shit batch of veg, all the potatoes were black in the middle
Old bloke i work with was put on jury duty last month. Said they had him sitting in a canteen for a week and never put him on a case and was bored out his mind and stressing over losing wages..
Civil service nudge unit is on purdah
Look it up I'm right
dyspraxia isn't even an issue most of the time in later life because you train yourself to work around it. hence why I'm amazing at shooters and fast paced argpg games. you learn to compensate
>meet some fanny
take them back to the store they should give you a refund
>“parachute club”
You what?
Now a nice family of pakistanis can move into your old house and start slowly taking the whole village over by getting their mates to move in as all the elderly die off. Well done.
Are people’s finances that tight? Bring a book or play on your phone?
At least I’m surrounded by fit birds
Starting to suspect corporations are all complicit in pushing woke propaganda in media to distract the hoi polloi from real issues
That's not the fault of young adults though is it. If you own a company and you hire graduates because they're better you're essentially outsourcing your competency assessment to some random university. Christ there's too much here I can't get it all down in to words coherently, let's do bullet points.
- only hire people with degrees > more people need/want degrees
- suspends transition from school to adulthood, keeps unemployment down, gives individual 3 years of hedonism
- money, why does university care if you're good enough to have a qualification, they get money if you try, if they make it too hard fewer people give them money
- theoretically makes on the job training easier as young adult has been briefed on the field already
- for government increasing number of degree places looks like a way of getting something back for university grant funds, i.e. more people with degrees, instead of giving a university 100m to study alloy research or whatever you make them take more students, who you fund, you're still giving the uni 100m but you're getting graduates in addition to whatever the results of the studies are
- nebulous ideas of social mobility, Blair's big lie, the idea that if you get a degree you'll be better off than your parents, system expanded so now you're better off than minimum wage workers but that's it (who introduced minimum wage?)
Individuals have choice, so do trains, but if you lay down the track in a certain direction that's the way the trains go.
Heard this shit for the last 14 years
What are the “real issues”?
Freddos cost 25p.
>Woman 'in pain' before death at slapping workshop
>have diabeetus
>look for a cure
>pay some Commiefornian Chinaman to literally slap you
Fucking lmao. But never forget these people can vote.
Imagine being ordered by the government to lose more than half your daily wage to go sit on your hands from 9-5, and possible get stuck on a case that stretches out for months.
I get the feeling this issue is going to haunt starmer throughout his reign
Shit in the rivers for one
The man is 2.2k nitter links deep and he still doesn't know what the real issues are. Sad.
You laugh at these people now but who do you think we got to eat the new and unknown mushrooms to see if they were safe to eat back in the day?
Sure, but the state is mandating you be racist, not a common occurrence
52 hours until exit poll shows reform supermajority
>these people can vote.
Well, she can't. Not anymore, at least.
Elon Musk making X (formerly Twitter) unusable for anons is the real issue
Nah mate they are already rigging it in favour of labour, 10 million postal votes Apparently most ever
Rather be able to pay the bills and eat than be the one person out of 12 to want the murdering bame locked up whilst the other 11 feel bad for it cos whiteys fault.
The real issue is an anon just unironically used the word supermajority in reference to UK politics.

If they drag me there by force, I will shout to the defendant, "Dont worry mate, i will elect myself head juror and sway this lot to get you off". Unless they are a BAME in which case i will shout, "You are going down you subhuman piece of shit".
Just say you hold biases ffs
>thinking corpse votes aren’t harvested
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>I'll put that one down as Labour, she probably would've voted for them anyway
Take 9 months to come to a decision
Clearly you don’t have the constitution of a true Frank
I thought we just fed them to pigs.
Really? Did you have a job to move for? And what part did you move to? Posh- city centre etc?
From what i know of that place it survives on students and is brimming with bame slaves serving abd cleaning up after them.
They should put Farmer Palmers phone number on each bag so that at least we could call up and vent at the cunt while hes out driver his tractor. Although I reckon we are getting last years harvest from freezer / cold storage as its happening all the time
Is this cringe that I'm feeling?
Is this the cringe that I've been searching for?
Is this cringe or am I stroking?
This must be cringe
'Cause it's really got a hold on me
A hold on me
Made it to 71, she almost certainly voted in a dozen or more general elections
how the fuck do juries still exist, picking 12 retards at random to decide like its still the 14th century and cattle rustlers and witches are on trial
The funny thing was, I'd eaten an entire packet of Jaffa cakes earlier that day, haha.
Don't worry fren ai will soon be here to make our unbiased decisions
absolute madlad
Declare that you could never find a defendant guilty under any circumstances because you do not believe in the legitimacy of the state to prosecute and punish them.
Job’s a good’un
As I understand it the procedure is rub some on your skin, wait a day for reaction, rub some on your lips, wait, eat a little bit, wait, then if no reactions it's probably safe to eat. Animals might not have the same digestion system as us, even if pigs are similar there might be something harmful to us but not harmful to pigs. I think that back in the day though you would just give a handful of it to the village idiot and see what happened. Not in a nasty way, that's what he's for. Like emperors and kings used to have food tasters at meal times.
Oi josh, try these mushrooms.
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Just boof them
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every every EVERY brown thinks this, whether they admit it or not, whether they are a "good one" or not
I wonder how many BAMES can vote Labour knowing this
Reform's dead innit
Is crack good to use during a cut, or for fasting, just using it a couple times obv so not getting addicted
Read this earlier, that woman was a genuine imbecile.

>Mrs Carr-Gomm had Type 1 diabetes, meaning she had to take insulin every day to keep her blood glucose levels under control.

>But Mr Atkinson told the court that she announced on the first day of the workshop that she had stopped taking her insulin, which Mr Xiao “congratulated” her on.

>“He did nothing to alert others to the risk. He simply congratulated her and allowed a Type 1 diabetic to commence fasting without insulin," he added.

>Mr Atkinson said other participants interpreted Mrs Carr-Gomm's deteriorating condition as a "healing crisis" - a term used by the defendant as the process of the Paida Lajin taking effect.

>The prosecutor said the decision to intervene had to come from the defendant as the participants "relied on him and his interpretation of what was happening".

>Mr Atkinson said her condition worsened in the early hours of the Thursday - four days after she had stopped taking insulin - and she died of diabetic ketoacidosis.

>He told the court Mrs Carr-Gomm's life could have been saved if she had received medical care, including the administration of insulin, and "no-one was better placed" than the defendant" to "make sure that this happened."

Words fail me.
they're not wrong though
no point in crying over it
its just survival of the fittest and they've got every right to do it if they can
they saw an opportunity to jump on us and they took it
we've done the same before, we'll do it again
only losers with loser mentality cry about it
either do something or shut up
its that simple
Reform've given up haven't they
All that means is they should be pushed back with lethal force.
Do you mean fisting anon? You and your bf will have a whale of a time if you smoke crack and fist him
Bookmaker odds say different, much much different. I would trust there judgement than the corrupt MSM pullling every trick they can to either discredit them or say they have no support on the ground. Friday morning gonna be a massive slap on the face to those establishment cunts. Will be like June 2016 all over again
Ah so we’re allowed to fight back then?
No that's racist.
Step 1: Install violetmonkey
Step 2: Install 4chan X
Step 3: Add script to Filter 1pbtID
Your time spent on this board has now drastically improved. Thank me later.

If everyone knew how to filter 1PBTID using scripts and configured 4chan X, the board would be usable and organic. Unfortunately many midwits are technologically illiterate even on this most basic of levels, as well as phone post.
And don't forget to add the 4chanx flag filter.
/Black Nationalist/
/National Bolshevik/
/Tree Hugger/
/United Nations/
/White Supremacist/
/Black Lives Matter/
Need to create more of these and label them “eugenics centres”
How many countries have whites been kicked out of, fairs fair.
Did everyone pay their Tv loicesense this year?
vote reform, together we can wipe out the tory scum.
Let labour fuck up.over the next four years then vote farage for pm.
I just wish normies realised this.
did you get a refund on your circumcision
I'd kick you out of the country, but I'm guessing you're not white.
Did you think of that on your own?
No, crack is best used as a stimulant to help you lift more.
Reform won't exist next cycle, Nige will give up after 2 years leaving in the hands of that millionaire jeet and Tice who no cunt likes
its a stupid argument, it was a minority rule, europeans never replaced the locals with mass immigration but maybe we should have
No. They still send me letters to let me know that they are missing me / my money though and try gettig me to sign up to their protection racket. Imagine paying that money just to stop them threatening to invade your home / privacy?
He is a dodgy cunt desu.
>Sure, but still, the majority of BAMES support Labour
But like I said, everybody is supporting Labour at the moment

Back in 2015 or 2019 it may well have been the case that a majority of Brits of Indian descent, for example, would have backed the Tories.
Where are all the whites in India, they got kicked out eventually, they even kicked out Indians that they thought were too British. They will get the same.
They'll say it's only a tiny extreme minority that think that way. It's a line that has worked throughout all sorts of stabbings, bombings, shootings, mass machete brawls, and acid attacks. Oh, and the rapes. Can't forget the rapes.
It was a club for the special kids and we’d all have to play with a multicoloured parachute and dance.
>violent blacks are a minority
>meanwhile London black vs all stabbings erry goddamn day


If you look back at the old polls I’m pretty sure that BAMES have always leaned in that direction, and this year is actually one of the lead narrowing with a jeet PM and Gaza.
>waaah I will just give up like a little bitch
Why don't you just kys then
Yeah I get that but I still struggle desu. Driving instructor thought I had learning difficulties. It’s honestly just a lifetime of humiliation.
White people haven't replaced them in their own country though
Shank pandemic. Shankdemic if you will
Most pakis will be begging to leave after 4 years of labour.
That sounds like a pretty good time tbqh
Idi Amin kicked all the Indians out, but they somehow ended up over here instead of back in India. Never quite been able to square that one myself.
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No and what's this, you trying to fight back with stickers? 3 years inside and no pics of your kid as per globohomo hivemind.

Still voting anyone and anything that is not Labour or Tories.
how so? I thought pakis love labour
Saw this guy posted here last night and i have been binge watching him all day.
Turns out he is a murderer too lol, who would've guessed?



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Dinner is political
>"oh but my mate steve umbongo is a proper decent bloke, he would never do something like that"
do you supplementmaxx? are you givingupcaffeinepilled? these things help a lot

arabs and countless other shitskin variants are mutts, part white, part black. we constantly colonised them throughout ancient history lmao. even the bible itself is the story of white man moving through the ages and building civilisations off the backs of tribal darkskinned natives and interbreeding with them. which is why jews hate white people so much. jews themselves are mutts. but the closest to white that a non-white can get. and the "blessing" will only be passed to them if they remove us from the world one way or another (muttification being the go-to)
Labour has let them bankrupt every city they live in, there'll be nothing left for them to rob after 4 more years.
It's human nature to want your people to succeed even if other people fail. White people have forgotten that.
It's like you just peeled the pie crust away and threw it in the bin.
The tory party is dead and they did it all to themselves. 14 years of bullshit and the last 5 have just been simply political suicide. They deserve everything thats coming to them
Some might say he was…making a scene
Tbf, there is more than enough grounds to shift them all back to Uganda, more than safe now. Fucking post imperial hangover nonsense
WW2 done our empire in, convenient excuse to depart from the stench
"Educated" out of them you mean
That's about 4 fray bentos worth of filling.





>29% CON
>35% LAB
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>set up corner shop/vape shop/phone shop/takeaway/etc.
>am now legitimate business sers
>am now tory small business sers, not working labour sers
sounds a bit gay tbqhwyl
If it gets half as bad for pakis in the cities as it was for us during the empire they will be running back to pakistan. There's a reason they don't teach them our history. They would realise how easy the slaves had it.
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>tfw 13 do 50 even in London
>There's a reason they don't teach them our history. They would realise how easy the slaves had it.
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>CCHQ in charge of awareness
Fucking W E W
There is no depth of shit they couldn't survive in. They want to turn the world brown as much as the people that sent them here. It won't be that easy.
>ambushing the BAMES as they come back from their “drill” concert
>it is an invasion after all
Those who will never pay taxes want taxes hikes.
For this reason, EVERYONE should pay taxes and demand to know how it is used.
>With regards to the people proceeded against for the offence of homicide during 2021, the following figures apply:
>White 67 (29%)
>Black 134 (58%)

>London is 53.8% White, 13.5% Black as of the 2021 census
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>just seen a picture of fish & chips
Want fish & chips with curry sauce now lads
>curry sauce
Be on it
They want to be white more than they want us to be brown so they are going to be dissapointed.
Not when the other kids find out you go to it kek.
Nah I haven’t mate. Caffeine is the only thing that gives me energy.
Those facts are racist and my upper middle class white friends at my peruvian poncho weaving and drum circle sessions will tell my why on my next visit.
Fucking amazing that we're expected to take lectures from some indignant nigger when their kind shit up our cities like this. Fucking sick of 'em.
Do you actually trust the polls, i think reform could easily get more votes than the Tories
Don’t know why you had to take it there but you did.
People go on about nukes as if we aren't in the age of biological warfare. That's what your pakjeet neighbours are. Nukes and WW3 would be less of a head fuck
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>>curry sauce
>Be on it
I just like curry sauce on my chips, I'm not a BAME.
caffeine doesn't give you energy mate. trust me. it gives the illusion of energy temporarily but over a long period of time drains it through upping your cortisol and adrenaline. you're probs in a state of constant nervous system overload which makes your dyspraxia worse. switch coffee to green tea. trust me. after a month you will feel amazing and more coordinated than ever
Reform could get as many votes as there was for Brexit.
Well it’s worth a shot. I do like green tea. Appreciate it anon.
Should give russia one free nuke as long as they nuke Birmingham
Are you deluded hahahaha

All the polls are now suggesting the tories will be getting 25% and higher

While Reform are stuck on 14-15%

ONly a vote for the Conservatives ensures Conservative politicians.

Vote Conservative

The Conservatives will be much more Conservative in 2029 trust me on this and give them another chance
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Educated by marxism or something, where that natural instinct has been warped and twisted so the leftists think they are on the same side as the poor oppressed ethnics. Like they are an honourary ethnic, and therefore they must destroy their evil white man to save "their" people.
Basically what the bloke in Avatar did when he joined the blue monkeys.
All the Boomers will be dead by 2029. Triple locking their pensions won't get them any votes.
the toilet ?
Ignore that pillock. Chipshop curry sauce isn't the same as that filthy BAME slop. It's proper english stuff, specially formulated to go with chips.
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>restaurant that serves little portions and does poncey little squiggle of sauce across the plate
No desire to ever go to those kinds of places tbhwy lads
A patrician of the white persuasion has mushy peas
indians fucking LOVE inequality of course they'd vote tory
I put sour cream in a ramekin yesterday
>less than 48 hours until voting begins
>no thread makers
It has never been so over
Reminder that rabbit eats gook dumplings.
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>It's proper english stuff, specially formulated to go with chips.

>A patrician of the white persuasion has mushy peas
Why not have curry sauce *and* mushy peas?
0 seats for those who party at a time while everyone is locked up at home and isolated away from other family and friends (not that Labour are any better).

>so over
That's some proper Roman Emperor decadence
shite new:
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It’s outrageous. If you’d followed the trial you’d know why.

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