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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA. The glowies on /k/ope and the r3dditor leftards on /uhg/ must be melting.
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but who's surrender?
that is the question

Ukraine surrendering publically.
Putin/Russia trying to freeze the lines where they are so Russia can catch its breath and start paper-hanging buying power into the petro-rouble through BRICS devices.
You have to dig deep into the cope fields to get any different result from what's expected in reality
well the attacker doesn't "surrender" they just stop attacking.
liberal intellectuals
>chines propaganda rag says their geo-political opponents will all collapse in two weeks
thanks for the update ivan, back to the front now.
To the last Jewkrainian
>The glowies on /k/ope and the r3dditor leftards on /uhg/ must be melting.

I would like to think that but they are too stupid to even process it, they are tranny NPCs
everyone knows that, but there's still like 5 years of THD left
we haven't even gotten to the point where EU countries allow ukr recrooters to come to their countries and take any hohol they like back with them yet
Well please go back to Asia OP
>Some random has seen it in his crystal ball
Asia Times is Hong Kong based and very likely Chinese government influenced.
Just browsed your website it's full of thirdy cope
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Any day now.
Fucking racist
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ukraine is strong will never surrender
And?. If they mention water is wet, does the statement become Untrue?. You can argue scepticism to the source, it however appears to be the case by all other collaborative reports of the Ukrainians losing horribly.
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Ziggers are going to learn very soon that the game is up and putin will havr to unconditionally surrender. 1 million brave Ukrainian soldiers, no heroes, have been deployed on both flanks of Ukraine and the mousetrap is about to slam shut. Glory to heroes! Slava ukraine!
Kopers on suicide watch
Cool credible source.
ziggers have been saying it's over for Ukraine for two years now, still waiting
>Asia times
Lmao lost
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Bullshit source Ukraine can still win
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Ukraine was given multiple chances. it chose war.

its ogre
>Chinese are biased
But nafo says China and Russia aren't friends
They showed a trailer at the last Xbox show, it's still in active development. Looks pretty nearly ready.
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You russians, jews, pajeets, chinks, niggers and muslims are still coping about pussia losing ground during its grand summer offensive?
Reddit servers need to be seized, ever user and mod arrested for treason.

your next, latvian
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Kill yourself fucking KIKE!
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What's up with the front page of reddit being a complete leftist circle jerk? I don't remember it being this bad 4 years ago.
Germany was the one getting attacked in 1918 polack
>other guys on the sidewalk
>a hundred cars passing by
>"we need this guy or else the entire front will collapse!!!"
>don't get the guy anyway
It's so fake it's not even funny.
hohol gives himself away yet again
what happened? Is the war no longer profitable for the Ruso-Ukranian jews?
You mean citizens of other European countries, surely. Some native Estonians look suspiciously like hohols who are dodging draft.
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holy shit new draft video just leaked
Total unconditional Ukraino-Russo-Slavshit death. Jewish tactical victory.
Go forth and bring me salt
The mousetrap will snap shut, post WebM
This war, from the hohol and western perspective, has been going on for 2+ years rejecting all Russia's pleas for peace based on one single assumption and one assumption only: they believe that they can stop, basically freeze, the war any time they want and Putin would happily stop the war whenever they want even if he's at the gates of undefended Kiev.
The funny thing is they are actually right.
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I'm so scared kek
Retard gives himself away yet again
Because if Putin refused the only possible result would be NATO shit stomping every Russian out of Ukraine and dumping their corpses in the black Sea.
why is american chasing some random white dude
>BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA. The glowies on /k/ope and the r3dditor leftards on /uhg/ must be melting.
The west fucked Ukraine over badly by forcing them to fight to the end in a war in which it was impossible for them to win from the start, rather than just simply have negotiated with Putin at the onset on much more lenient terms.

Russia's main demand at the start was Ukrainian neutrality, meaning Ukraine would not join NATO. The annexation of territory and other things weren't that big of a deal and Russia would have been far more flexible on that at that time. Unfortunately for Ukraine, their western handlers don't give a shit about how many Ukrainians die, how much territory they lose, and how much their people suffer. Just like Russia, the west also mainly only cared about that issue of Ukrainian neutrality (or rather them remaining as a ZOG vassal state). Keeping Ukraine as their vassal is the only thing that matters to the west, and they are happy to fight until the last Ukrainian if necessary in order to preserve this.

But Ukraine being a vassal of the west, and the potential for them to join NATO and for NATO to thus place military bases within close proximity of Moscow itself poses an existential threat to the Russian state. Just like how the west was willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to keep Ukraine as a vassal, the Russians were also willing to fight to the last Ukrainian in order to eliminate this existential threat.

There is no give on either side and the Ukrainians are caught in the middle and have suffered terribly in this struggle between great powers.

What is going to end this once and for all is when the Ukrainian military just completely disintegrates and collapses. Western backing has managed to stave off this from happening so far, but it is only delaying the inevitable. Russians are never going to back down from eliminating this existential threat on their doorstep.
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its gonna be you sometime in the future
No they won't and they wouldn't sacrifice anything besides money and equipment on any of you fake artificial shitholes. You're all nothing but made up fake countries for America's MIC to keep sucking trillions of dollars out of American taxpayers.
You can't talk your way out once Russia rolls deep into your country. Ukraine did the only thing they could have done.
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This is it my fellow glowtroons, Russia is going to surrender to ukraine, and it's all real. i guess that's what you get with a 100:1 K/D rate against ziggerinos.

All they had to do was restore the water to Crimea, close the bio labs, amd stop shelling seperatists and they would not have been invaded.
pretty simple
source kikenigger?
Kike golem butthurt belter malding lmao.
how's the protest at the Russian embassy going?
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Just two more weeks
Do you think if Ukraine was led by a Ukranian (or really, anyone but a Jew) and if that leader didn't have so many connections to western intelligence agencies... They'd have chosen this path? Zelensky was elected on a "peace with Russia" platform, remember.
ping pong ching chong
NATO will do shit. They don't want to get nuked. But you and other butthurt belters may go to Ukraine and fertilize the sunflower fields there. Mazel tov, goy!
Sure thing lmao.
did you miss that the US is a rudderless mass currently hyperinflating.
Had a student at our school, was Ukrainian. Did go back even when we told him not to do it. Nobody heard from him since.
They all look American.
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> Ukraine did the only thing they could have done
They were about to accept the peace deal of Istanbul when Perfidious Albion intervened and insisted on them fighting a war they could never ever win. They could have resisted the false western promises. But they were greedy and stupid.
>who's surrender?
Israeli reading comprehesion everyone
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You claim to be against kikes but curiously every kike flag in every thread is always on your side. Show your real flag kike.
We really shouldn't have a russian embassy
How Ukraine can lost while they have k/d ratio 1:6, huh?
Even mainstream academics nowadays reject the thesis of Germany as the culprit
See american.
>Retard gives himself away yet again
They can't help it. It's so easy to spot these niggers.
Most wars end in surrender, very few end in the total obliteration of the opposing side, what a non-statement to make.
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I hope they make zelensky's execution public like the grainy Saddam video, except in 4K
>We really shouldn't have a russian embassy

Fuck the EU

putinbros.. just two more weeks!! we got this!!
>Asia Times is owned by Asia Times Holdings Limited, a Hong Kong company

So it's Chinese propaganda. All of the independent media in Hong Kong, like Apple Daily, has been shut down by Beijing.
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Ukraine is so far into the debt grave at this point, that they'll literally have to sell their country to break even. Bets on a solid third of Ukraine becoming Russian clay again? I think it was always gonna be this way, the "resistance" from Ukraine has been paltry at a best and NATO needs Russia to gain strength so it can convince westerners to shell out more wealth. America needs to abandon NATO then nuke Switzerland, Beijing and Moscow.
>Germany attackers
pick one
NATO says that China and Russia are most definitely friends, although really it's more like a master-slave relationship, with China the master, and Russia the slave.

China will ally with Russia when it's in their interests to do so, but they will also leave Russia isolated if it's in China's interests.
You're not a NatSoc if you support a puppet government made of jews and put in place by jews. That was literally the problem the NatSocs were dealing with.
didnt the pope call for surrender or peace talks some months ago? when a puppet like him says that, i was sure the media would also turn tail, because now israel is on the forefront of "happening"
Nobody even talks about Ukraine in America anymore, hell, we're already forgetting about Palestine. It's over, they lost.
Cry your niggertears somewhere other than /pol/. Nigger.
Really dequarius?
Reddit has been a gigacuck echo chamber for ages....
>initiating a world war
>over Kiev
Fucking lol, lmfao, hahahahahahahahahaha, ow my sides
There's a presidential election coming up
Ukraine payed to be the US' dog for shitting on Russia's front lawn by getting half their men killed, their women fleeing elsewhere, and cities destroyed, for an otherwise easily avoidable war. Was it worth it? I'm genuinely curious how this can be a win for Ukraine, even *if* they by some miracle started pushing Russia back to the pre-war borders.
No they will spin it somehow
>haha, weak ass R*ssians accepting a surrender!

I mean Britain did it over Danzig, so...
>their women fleeing elsewhere
None of those women will ever EVER come back. Half of them have married and popped out an anchor baby by now.
God Jews are pure evil. Evacuate Ukraine, send all Ukrainians to die so they can come back and take your land after it's over, and laughing in your face about it while it's happening. I'm glad their whole plan for the future involves them getting genocided themselves, because they absolutely will bring it upon themselves with their despicable inhumanity.
But it's not a question. The Ukraine clearly will unless the US puts troops on the ground(but they won't commit until the war with China starts).
>source: dude trust me the article
WW1 was fought in France and Belgium in the western front you faggot.
They just let him go? I guess resisting really do pay off
4chan is a free speech website, snowflake
If they were brave, they would have murdered every US dipolat, glownigger and agitator that stole their country from them in 2014-2015. If he was brave, he would have assassinated John McCain as the faggot was palling around with Azov WHILE CALLING EVERYONE AT HOME WHO OPPOSED GLOBOHOMO A NAZI. TOTAL LIBERAL DEATH.
Amy Klobutchar and Linsey Graham were there declaring war on Russia also.
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Yes but now enough about russia
>let me tell you why you can't criticize rusniggers
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>Asia times
I noticed OP literally cropped the author's name (Stephen Bryen) out of the screencap


The guy's got some interesting takes. In 2017, he established that North Korea was on the verge of conquering South Korea in a fatal blow to American interests

But my personal favorite, when I want to see if someone's a real asshole I look up what they were saying in January 2022. And Stephen Bryen was clear: Russia will not be baited by American warmongers into attacking Ukraine, because Russia is Europe's closest ally and honors the Minsk treaty as sacred
>anchor babies
Most European countries don't have birthright citizenship. It isn't complete clownworld retardville like America where you can shit out a kid and then magically get to stay forever.
I hope everyone dies, that's what you get trusting NATO kikes.
Imagine dying for that jew the CIA installed.
I don't think they could get nuked in 1939
>Asia times
We should sanction every turd world shithole that still has contacts with Putin.
kek, then it just becomes occupied land and the next palestine for 50 years.
Did you miss the part where I said they'd marry and then have a kid? Presumably you gain citizenship that way. I used anchor baby in a more derogatory sense rather than a literal one.
> source: vatnik opinion on chink clickbait site shared by mod-financed milblogger
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war never changes...
>In March 1978, Stephen Bryen, then a Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffer, was overheard in a DC hotel offering confidential documents to top Israeli military officials. The F.B.I. found Bryen’s fingerprints on the documents in question, and he admitted to having obtained them the night before the meeting with the Israelis. Bryen was forced to quit his job, but was never indicted. He was later brought on to the Defense Department as a deputy to Reagan Administration Assistant Secretary Richard Pearle.

Jesus Christ
This is the guy telling you Russia and China (and North Korea) are on the verge of total victory over America in every theater
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I thought fag mercenaries from reddit were gonna fix it
the banderist flag should be banned in Lvov

Ukrainian government should PAY Poles for living in Lvov. Polish should become regional language in Ukraine.
>literal Mossad shill
absolute state
just another washed up failed glowie assmad at the US now getting kickbacks from moscow like scott shitter.
Mental illness, neck yourself
We will only accept hohol surrender when following conditions are met:
1) genocide of hohol men, they are the jews of Slavic people and deserve it
2) The gay west can have their women I guess, they're all niggerlovers anyway
3) We will have their children and we will raise them proud Russians
Tu eres el marrón que se doxxeo asi mismo jajaja narizón patético.
>Cries about racism on a racist board
>Gets called out for it
>4chan is a free speech website chud
Yeah, erho we're gonna say tacist shit, nigger. Kys or hang out in your hugbox on reddit, faggot.
Whats up with those russian cope posts? You're in for another 20 years of grind
>Russia is a puppet state
Puppeted by which nation?
Bulgarian commie scum gets the rope.
What are the chances that Zelensky gets Gaddaffi’d? I really want that faggot kike to get dragged through the streets
How so? They're drafting children now and the only Ukrainians left will be jews and Africans
ukraine had the highest % of kids being given up by parents to be raised by the state. You dont want them.
Zelensky seems more likely to get Assaded considering the US already tried to evacuate him and he said no
Libtards will believe the earth is flat if Trump or Russia says the earth is round.
Ah yes to die for isreal
Meant for
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wagecucks be like
I want my cheap Russian food, gas, oil and other products again as soon as possible and deport the pigs back
sounds like you're in for another 10 years of genociding yourself and your genetically identically "brother nation". Have fun, and see you in one of the webm's soon, I guess.
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brown people have a need of massive hyperbole
>Question marks and periods
Just admit you're Chinese
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No refunds
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struggle session cargo cult nigger religion called seethe at the west i suppose
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kek this is my favorite its 100% anime retard
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>asia times
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"everything changed" after the US presidential debate when the nato establishment realized they have zero chances of retaining control over america and that trump WILL be the president again and he will demand the war end before he is even sworn into office. zelensky knows the money train is over.
Wow. I knew this when it started and I'm just a high school drop out. I could have saved them a lot of money on advisors.
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I thought jews were on Ukraine's side? Are you a jew or an arab or a different Israeli?
Oh wow so that nobody who stole the video and tried to get clicks made up bullshit? Its fucking over for Russia. Thai Hoa Handmade numba one. Kys you fucking faggot
whatever I’ll clap once I see Kiev burn
save for Lavra
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Does this mean we can finally get /k/ back from the Jewish Redditors holding it hostage?
Not sure what you are laughing at. The entire goal of this shit is White Goy Slaughter for Jews and they've succeeded at it 100%.
Because Germany made a preemptive strike on the alliance that had formed against it. All sides wanted a war. England, France and Russia were as culpable as Germany and Austria.
give it up, it’s basically “r/noncredibledefence embassy the board” at this point
What did people exactly think when ukraine went against second strongest military in the world?
nobody in this war is white, including and especially hyhyls
well, they can be honorary ayyrians n shiiet if they really want to
Literally implied in the screenshot you retarded nigger
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Here it is, heres the nato/us/uk approved '10pt ukrainian peace plan":

"Russia can sit with its hands folded quietly, while nato and ukraine (the winners) decide its fate,
and when decided, Russia will accept the decision, bow, and exit the room in silence"
and now, for the decision:
>restoration of ukrain to 1991 borders
>Putin is arrested, tried, then executed at the hague for 'war crimes'
>Russia is de-militarized, balkanized and divided into small adminstrative zones under nato command
>assets of former Russian federation are redistributed across europe as reparations
>Russian people are collectively punished for 'voting for Putin"
this^ is the literal, actual (((10 step plan for peace))) ukraine and nato have stated are THE STARTING POINT for even considering the first word of negotiation with Russia


ukraine can literally go ass fuck itself
thats its future
Wew lads, when russhills go offline for their metodichka update, the threads last forever.
Entante (fr+ru) was formed because prussniggers did not prolong our germ-rus alliance. And you did not prolong it because you knew Russia would prevent Germany from chimping out and you wanteв to chimp out hard.
>Putin's powerful slap
you're right, it should be whom's, shouldn't it?
i always forget whether it should be who or whom.
They were drafting kids jews and africans 1 year ago already
i dont understand drafting. if i got drafted i would just use what i am taught to forment insurrection and rebellion within the military, find other drafted soldiers, kill our enlisted officers, and become well trained terrorists.
That's probably not too far from the truth. They are subtly rearranging the chess pieces, Ukraine is now a lost cause, war with Iran is back on the menu.
nice fan fiction, faggot
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what is the purpose of the ukraine war, just constantly killing all young ukrainian men? creating videos for murderous sadism and gloating about it at as you lose? interfering in american elections to guarantee more ukrainian death?
still more dignified than soldiers in diapers.
Oh good! Does this mean I can flash BLHeli updates on my ESCs again?
no you wont. you are a tough guy in your own home you wont be one in the real world. stop with this rambo bullshit talk. millions of ukrainians where drafted and we never heard of them fighitn back and killing there commander and such.
the amazing thing is that despite the biggest ukraine fluffer media admitting it's really bad, faggots here still argue russia is being curbstomped...
>no you wont. you are a tough guy in your own home you wont be one in the real world. stop with this rambo bullshit talk. millions of ukrainians where drafted and we never heard of them fighitn back and killing there commander and such.
because they are bitches/cowards. i know 100% for sure i would be fragging officers. my father did it in vietnam and got away with killing/injuring dozens of scumbags officers. it would be a family tradition at this point for me.
>you are a tough guy in your own home you wont be one in the real world.
He said, while hiding behind a memeflag for safety.
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>just constantly killing all young ukrainian men?
why occupy an uncooperative nation when you can liquidate its entire fighting age male population with the government in place actually doing the work of feeding them into the shredder?
here is my geological falg you cunt. you still will do shit because fear will take over.
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It's revenge for the war in Georgia in 2008.

The previous president of Ukraine in 2014 who started the war was the minister for propaganda.

He also has close ties with the Georgian president who was invaded.
Russia is 80% Russian and has just sent hundreds of thousands of east asians into the meatgrinder and is deporting a ton of them as we speak, whiter than u mohammed
>Asia Times

Kek. Are you serious nigga?
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The Jews get away with killing half a million White's
>tHeY aReN't WhiTe!
Oh look, more cope.
Who do you think will fold like a chair once it's jewish masters stop the support.

>incompetent leadership
>stupid plans
>WWII era doctrine

Gee, who'd have seen this coming.
I wonder if they will leave /k/ after the hohols surrender
That's what you said about the vaccine yet I'm still pureblood.
There's lots of ways to fight back not everyone has to go Full Metal Jacket. I can just forget to lock the door to the armory when he does. Woops.
they litterly could of avoided all of this by just signing the istanbul peace deal but zelenskies glownigger owners did not want that and now a jew is slaughtering the ukranian population in a conflict they were never gonna win, its a fucking tragedy
I heard that they will surrender in two more weeks.
Genuinely surprised the ukie men don't carry grenades around for moments like this.
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>What are their names!??!?


Mikheil Saakashvili was the governor of Ukraine's Odesa Oblast and Goergian president until 2013

Oleksandr Valentynovych Turchynov
From 1987 to 1990, he served as head of the agitation and propaganda division of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Komsomol (Communist Youth League) Committee.

They are both from Oblast!!!!!
they arre just gonna do an Afghanistan Vietnam /k/ope
>Yeah but we hurt muh Russia yeah we killed the demographics of ukraine but look at russia
>we are the good guys btw support us my vassels
and thats how its gonna go
>you still will do shit because fear will take over.
Thanks for showing your flag, but my life sucks enough that I'm not losing much if I go down fighting draft officers. I spent five years at a job where you have brushes with death all the time, I don't freeze up.
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Sorry to break it to you buddy, but your dad is full of shit
or NATO (the USA) is gonna sacrifice some other slavs like the poles or some shit to continu the fight
/k/ is permanently trannyfied, it will always be useful to make that board unusable.
Gotta love how you niggers hate /k/ because they know something about weapons unlike you 3rd worlders who have never served in the army.
lol who gots the Igor killed the company commander video
>Kys you fucking faggot
for pointing out the hyperbole/asian/female brain/brown turd connection as it exists in all this bs propaganda?

nah come here and i will kys lil faggot, you will learn to respect me or the taste of my precum or you will suffer little girl i will split your faggot sack and run your nigger leg through it you maggot food fuck nugget
NAFO globohomo furry troons are based you are right
/k/ is a shadow of its former self, even r/CAGuns is 100x more based than those NAFO troons now.
remember that thread where we argued for days over a israeli "jdam" that was clearly shown using rocket propulsion (and thus not a jdam) but brown turdlings screeched jdam for days despite being corrected? thats far more annoying than a /k/tranny furfag sucking dicks when im not looking at him, you gotta balance practicality with principle son.
He's free to call you a racist, and you're crying and saying he should go somewhere else, lmao

Also why are you mentioning gayness? I guess you think about gayness a lot?
If Ukraine surrenders to Russia it becomes the enemy, just like Belarus. It's not about saving Ukraine, its about destroying Russia. Surrender is treason.
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>The problem with /k/ is that they know about weapons
ofc silly me
stop dodging the draft in Latvia, sergay
you can do more damage with a bag of suger a little bottle of lsd or a pound of fentynal then any explosion or gun can ever hope to do
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Kek sure thing mister Rambo. Or you will whine like a little bitch because you get thrown to prison and lose your rights for your food stamps if you refuse. And you will never get the expertise to rebel or smuggle weapons when you start being a whiny coward immediatly in the foot camp.

Most liikely scenario for you in a draft is that you get a call to your local school's gym for an assembly. You're scared shitless when doctor says you're obese but still fit enough to serve so you feign some kind of "mental illness" like a rainbow hair tranny. You don't get drafted that time but on the next assembly you will be crying to the doctor like a bitch again. Rinse repeat until you dodge the service until eventually in 15 years you get a full release. Then you come back here to whine why people don't love their country anymore, after years of you being a welfare leech and refusing to become a real man.

Draft dodgers have always existed in Finland as well, and 99% of them are either hippies, faggots or both.
no i dont member that
Russia is winning so hard they’re preparing to throw emaciated North Korean leprechauns into the meat grinder whew
>lose your rights for your food stamps
if this was real niggers would self deport

sorry you missed it.
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>Draft bad!
>Russia good!
>/k/ bad because they say russian tanks bad!
Yeah clearly you are the experts.
>American education
Did you “graduate” high school Gonzales?
>whiter than u
Ivan was half mongol half byzantine, Mendeelev was a Tatar, Pushkin was a nigger, Stalin was Georgian and Dostoevsky was a Polack
There is no such thing as an "ethnic Russian"
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>nice fan fiction, faggot
its literally verbatim in the link, direct from the ukrainian government website, you faggot /k/ike bitch
Counterpoint: with jews, you lose.
Special interests involved in the propagation of war just move on to something else, they will immediately pivot into a different conflict or start a new one. They pathologize war and cannot exist without it, while not being personally involved in the war themselves much less fighting it. The biggest proponents of war are weak little cowardly shits who have never even been in the military, but they want everyone else in it. It's hard to describe how sick and depraved these people are, but I am a very strong proponent of punishing warmongers with an expeditious and judicious death for the purposes of protecting national security and the wellbeing of all citizens. If you find yourself trying to 'sell' or justify a war, especially to your own people who are bewildered why we should instigate, escalate or be involved in a war, then you should find yourself on trial for death. I believe in this very strongly.

Only in a place like Weimarica or Jewropa can you find yourself in prison for insulting a sodomite, but can be considered an honored statesman for instigating the senseless death of hundreds of thousands to millions of deaths a year for a war that amounts to absolutely nothing.
A few months ago top chink military experts were saying Russia cannot win. I also read today from western news that both sides cannot win. Who to believe?
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>Asia Times
why do suck the cocks of people that litterly have official guidelines to exterminate you with mass immigration? inb4 but muh Russia o i'am talking about the actual real threath our globohomo WEF WHO glownigger controlled blackmailed pedo politicians
Gee I wonder
You win retard of the day award! Well done
Half of /uhg/ and /k/ will end up committing suicide, fucking lol
So where did the billions sent to Ukraine went and why were millions killed?
How big is Zelensky's secondary villa?
>Forced service as a meat shield to the jews is le good
C'mon at this point you aren't even trying
lol Muh trump russia is still a thing in your tranny minds kek
Sure, and how can the 3 Baltic countries avoid being destroyed by Russia? And Georgia? And Moldova? Chechnya? Dagestan?
Why shouldn’t Ukraine decide it’s own fate you stupid nigger
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Russia is trying toi push their niggers through our border as we speak. Why do you niggers ALWAYS project? NATO bad but Russia is 5 times worse in every single aspect.
>muh jews
>But Russia good
>ukrainian govt website
thanks for the laugh
ghost of kiev urself
it's been like that since 2013
Zelenskyy didn't flee because him and Putin are kicking off the White genocide in Ukraine. The war is a ruse cruise, it is nothing more than a controlled genocide. Putin and Zelenskyy are both Chabad Lubavitch.

Think about just how supremely evil jews are - conducting a genocide of your people while pretending it is a war, and extorting billions out of you to "help" the Ukrainians Zelenskyy is throwing into the meat grinder. jews get rid of a huge chunk of Amalek AND get filthy rich doing it.
sign the fucking peace treaty dont destroy yourself for mutt intrest that is a dieing empire anyway its foolish beyond believe dont copy the ukrainians dont kill your people for geopolitical ends that wont benefit your people at all
Lol that's the most retarded, out of touch with reality political drawing I think I've ever seen. I'm kind of impressed actually.
Oh, the same deal Stalin offered us before 85 years of Russian occupation.
Nah. We'll fight too.
Number of times Russia has attacked baltics= 3+
Number of massacres Russia has committed in baltics= 10+
Number of times NATO has attacked baltics= 0
Number of massacres committed by NATO in baltics= 0.
>Never mention russia
>russia good twice
Nope try again retard. America isn’t the world
yeah its the vodkaniggers doing it not the official replacement migration act that your country signed stop being a fucking delusional butthurt belter for a second and think you fingolian retard both are not your fren
>muh hohols
>draft bad
Standard talking points of /leftypol/, aka russian trannies.
Only browns support russia
Sorry but Im not going to support an "anti nazi" operation where brows get to kill whites
Also anti semitism is illegal in russia
good goy thanks for your sacrifice
Unironicaly yes, they are doing it you dumb fuck. Follow the news, Russia has been pushing niggers through our borders since February.
I didn't mention anything about transgenderism, it seems this is a topic you think about very much?

Good to see that it hit so close to home
and look what the Americans did to their so called allies like the ukranians they are gonna do the same to you their country is ruled by crazy ass supremacist jews that want to see you dead and your retarded white hot hatred for the vodkaniggers will make that very easy indoctrination is a bitch
Ukraine has been attacking russians non stop since 2014, moron
challenge impossible>>472875622
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>Both are not your fren
open those slit eyes and read again
Nafo tranny
Right and that had nothing to do with globohomo destroying the government of Lybia.
I hope they rape your ass this summer
nah the official plan of genocide of europeans that you are seeing will never effect them
Why did /k/ mods let it become a NAFO colony?
And rightly so
>thinking about homosexual rape
Flag checks out
nothing personal its just when I see how ukraine wants to kill off thier population I get irate, sorry.

Blessed be the peacemakers for they will be the sons of God.
That’s very true. There are way too many shitskins on this board
recruiting is at an all time low, money just too good for a no pay janitor
Good post

It's crazy how so many people on 4chan just drink vatnik propaganda without questioning it

Putin's soldiers could rape the sisters and mothers of 4chan vatniks, and the 4chan vatniks would thank them
>you need to support a side goyim
what about no what about what is bad for globohomo is good for me thats not taking a side
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We already know you fags enjoy gay rape. No need to point that out every chance you get.
>muh "globohomo"
>translation: "the jews are the reason i can't get a girlfriend"
Actually the reason you can't get a girlfriend is because you blame all your problems on Jews instead of fixing those problems
It’s compromised on the mod level not just the jannies
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Two more weeks a zissters??? )))))))))
This was the plan the whole time
It's a money laundering and population culling scheme
Ukrainian surrender is inevitable
they mutts will do you dirty like the did the ukranians thats called winning
You win uneducated retard of the week
great counter argument how are those recruitment numbers going rajeesh
>replacement government is installed
Do the elites dont gather at Davos every year and applaud when they say "you will own nothing and be happy?"
over 1k Russians are dying per day. to the last zigger until ukraine surrenders
>Indians are taking our jobs.
>The jobs:
Has someone informed the poor cuckrainians that they're counted as Russian casualties when they die
>we never heard of them fighitn back and killing there commander and such
because they killed them first

The Central Powers were attacked, and the ottomans especially were roped into it unwillingly.

Even their kinda ally the dervish state was absolutely the attacked one in east africa.
And Jews are the reason your "gf" has a penis
Explain to me how Germany was not the aggressor in ww1 monkey
that video is full of holes
Some do, I saw a webm a few weeks ago where a ukie pulled the pin on a grenade when a drafter wrestled him to the ground.

It's the one where the dude keeps screaming "I need tourniquet!" Over and over and his legs are messed up.
Why are you in Ireland you filthy nigger fuck off back to where you came from
someone post the dildo on the biker's helmet
>he can't counter my argument

Vatniks and thoughts about homosexuality or transsexuality.

Name a more iconic duo.
France and Russia mobilized before Germany retard.

Furthermore the war in Serbia was none of Russia's business to begin with.

Finally the ottomans never even wanted to declare war.
Better don't talk about 'dirty' when you yourself are dirtskinned.
did Shwab not say that? faggot shill
why do you hate facts?
But Assad is fine and is winning, and the ukie has little chance of winning.

Assad will probably own all over Syria if the west gets into ww3.
lol! imagine dying for nothing. could have surrendered dombas from the start and avoid bloodshed
>democracy means faggots on the other side of the world get to own you
If you're not against the Jews, you're against humanity itself and nothing you say means anything.
See here: >>472877700
How many Bacha Bazis did you tip-o-the-spear in Afghanistan, you chimo faggot?
Whats funny is the nafo troons screetching about "invading soverien nations" while the USA has a base in Syria. No good explaination why we are there but muh freedoms. I would bet Russia is giving them missiles right now.
/k/ is just faggot teenagers
10 post faggot cant argue facts
it just copes and seethes
what do you get for shilling for the WEF?
>You gotta rub shoulders with pedophile animal raping faggots
No, I don't.
/k/ was all for TZD before it was cool on other boards because 3rd worlders tried to gaslight them into thinking that russian weaponry was superior to western regardless of the fact that it is all based on stolen western technologies from 70's but the west never stopped improving them.
I don't see the point in judging people by their ethnicity

If you want to keep posting about gayness then maybe you should go to >>>/lgbt/
Yes. I'm free to tell him to go elsewhere too, nigger. 4chan is a free speech site. I'll be a racist and if you don't like it you can leave. Or kys. Niggerlover.
>Russia : 21 space misson
>USA: 6 rockets blow up within minutes
NATO (USA [Blackrock <Jews>]) will never let Russia take Ukraine after all the money they've dumped into military aid.
what the fuck is wrong with angloids, actually? I know its always just jews, but is it always -- actually?
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>I don't see the point in judging people by their ethnicity
Pfft, then you're even stupider than I thought
>No please leave my safe space, your opinions hurt me, REEEEEEEEEE
copium times
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>Asia Times
The angloids and kikes are basically the same thing, they like to work together. They also heavily push anti-Russia sentiment and propaganda in this shithole, along with the swedes who are pretty much anglos/kikes, and they have brainwashed tons of finngolians into hating Russians senselessly, just look at that seething finngolian faggot tranny above, this country is full absolutely mindbroken retards like that.
Found the hohol diaspora.
I was ready to put a bullet through the skull of anyone who would've tried to vax me, I'm ready to put a bullet through your skull too.

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