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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award

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Thanks for the bread!
I work for the FSB but you guys won’t do shit
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Thanks for the bread and for your great efforts OP! Keep doing the good work!

I'm taking this chance to denounce the talmud, and shills are kikes.

Having said that, I'll proceed to bless this thread, and everyone on it. Be it fellow /chug/frens and shills, because the love of God is for everyone, but everybody has to take their time to realize the love that the Lord gives us.


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.



May everyone on this bread have a great day ahead of you all!
>music sauce?
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Zelensky is a Dork:
But Putin is not invited to the party edition;
Thread theme:

Zelensky has refused peace talks 8 times over the course of the 3 year conflict and war between Ukraine and Russia. Sparking tension among NATO and UN leaders and delegates and politicians.

Russia, a UN founding Father and Ally to The United States of America, has been betrayed by Americas lack of response in the UN to defend a fellow founding Member.

The arms industry which has been fueling this war and conflict has been backed by corrupt politicians from countries such as Germany and France whom are sending weapons into the war while condemning countries such as Israel for defending themselves.

The examples of corruption is so deep that the money that is being received can be traced back to Switzerland bank accounts and the majority of housing needs in current nations owned by the private sector are to pay for investments to allow politicians to invest in personal houses for themselves in Switzerland.

The housing crises in Europe is currently fueled by migration from third world countries, whom are being placed in apartments owned by private housing building societies, which is going back into the pockets of politicians through investment strategies.

Politicians are corrupt.
*mic drop*

>You said what Russia?
>Back off Germany! Canada is running out of hockey
meant for







thanks for bread
You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine

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>putin is not anri-jewish
hes one of the most anti-jewish leaders in a sense that he refuses to follow jude interests and it drives kikes mad with seethe
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I work for the KFC
Thank you.
why do most people in the west think ukraine is winning?
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Comfy russian suicide (fresh, dropped yesterday)
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Lemme webm that for you
Thx for your labour
Ill take over
Zelensky said so
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do you expect braindead hylic mouthbreathing niggercattle to really look into anything at all beyond what's blared on the ((news))?
Can bake one or two.
hes more or less a tsar
he thinks like a tsar, and acts like a tsar
he doesnt give a shit what your nationality or ethnic background is, as long as you support the Russian vision, and those that go against his will, get cut down
jews hate this because they cant boss him around like other leaders, hence why they want to see him gone so they can swoop in and plunder russias resources
That sweaty ugly face
>most people … think
You sure about that?
It's actually greasy
Thank you baker
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The talmud is an external signal? Should have told me that before you understood that's only for zombies.

Communists are zombies.
Here's the evidence:
Human DNA is 50% fungus related
Funguses such as Ophiocordyceps unilateralis are zombie pathogens.
Zombies have homosexual and bisexuality behaviors.

Here's the evidence of fungus;

Watch the whole video and get back to me.

Rabies is a disease that causes hydrophobic, known as The fear of water.
Steam causes people with rabies to consider water as poison and they fear the showers. The Jews fear water. And anyone who has hydrophobia has rabies.

The Jews are Zombies that talk about people having homophonic, which is actually a code name for fear of zombies because they are gay.

That Z sound is the sound of the matrix.
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If you missed tm-62 mine boom
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The trench is waiting for you little turkmutt faggot
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Im terribly sorry
TWO russian suicides dropped yesterday, not just one
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A prostitute, a shill AND a baker? Is there a limit to Ukrainian brilliance? You must be pretty high paid, like a 80 bucks a month a something.
checked and yes don't let escaped pig bake, he should be in the trench right now
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kike financial clique?
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Thank you for your input
Have a fresh dismembered russian
He could have stayed home and played Fallout New Vegas mods, but, alas, he desided to earn some money in the "SMO"
TV man said so
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kino, but it seems like an unnecessary risk. did they run out of drones?
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Deploy combat infrastructure and engineering group. Pay "Northern Bonus" to civilian volunteers for this effort.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. An event on 10 September to remember the heroes of WWI and the Russian Civil War, and to venerate the Romanov Martyrs and remember that, before the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was a great Empire which spanned from Kalisz to Novoarkhangelsk.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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Media, politicians and Cold War propaganda cope.
I have spoken to two boomers in the past, they believe if Ukraine loses that Russian tanks will be in Europe
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That is a lot of пoнты (false bravado)
In the end of the day, for you the only thing that matters is to believe that you owned someone on a mongloian throat singing forum
Dont come to Kursk, Belgorod and Rostov next few days
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>Post your ideas, /chug/!
Ok, i have one:
Complete destruction of russian Tor AA systems, using drones funded by Sternenko (he is on Kremlin assasination list)
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Well you you shouldn't come to... ehhh, let me check... any square inch left of your pigsty of a country.
>In the end of the day, for you the only thing that matters is to believe that you owned someone on a mongloian throat singing forum
People use mostly use it to say "no u" in a pseudointellectual way, but this is an actual instance of projection
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>The pig is salty
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>for you the only thing that matters is to believe that you owned someone on a mongloian throat singing forum
Can't imagine being this oblivious
Russians, finish ukrainian electricity. 10-14 hours in a day is not enough
Same reason why piggers think they are winning. The most expensive propaganda machine in history is on their side. Some germans thought they were winning while the russians were consentually loving their women in berlin. Most people are just retarded.
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Why war so slow?
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>Dont come to Kursk, Belgorod and Rostov next few days
Look at this hohol general. Syrsky is that you?
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ukraine is so pig
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Brave Ukranians volunteer themselves to get to the frontlines, what courage!!!
>he is on Kremlin assasination list
Блядь, хoхoл, ты тaк тpoлишь?
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The one in this thread is clearly not ready to die (though he is fit for that, and not much else) but he is ready to kvetch on the internet, as always.
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It even have J A R S ?
btw yesterday you agreed with me that ukraine is losing than started coping with imaginary loses, then I told you that it cannot be the case because russia uses volounteer conscription and ukranda is on total mobilization which indicates higher loses for the later. that caused you to massively sperg out and start seething hysterically. will it be the case today?
funny that she announced 100k dead piggers in like month 3 of the war lmao
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Crimea status?
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Alright, lets all chill out a bit, stop calling each other names and watch this funny webm instead
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>be Jew-churka noviop
>suck up to westoid leadership and call for Russia to be bombed to the Stone Age
>westoid leadership replaces you with alcoholic nepotism cunt as show of gratitude
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Just remember, the next time you see one of these turkish mutts gets vanned off into Volchansk, he was more than likely talking about "dead Russian babies" and posting gore on 4ch/2ch
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What an absolute unit
He must have ate a lot of russian invaders
Good thing there is no shortage of russian meat on the fields (literally)
that guy encompasses liberalism in russia
from being traitor to seething about russia nonstop to being threated like dirt (despite being jewish btw) and replaced by some other useless traitor after that
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He might not walk or talk, but he sure can shart. And I think being a true red-stooled American shartist is the quality most required of the president of the United States.
Ukraine is stinky.
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It's officially over, they'll never break open this jar
Thank you for your service, sir
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Ukraine is porky
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wwgd bros
The F-16 is okay. Well, with some minor nuances.

In autumn, not summer.

In 2025, not 2024.

And 2, not 10.

But everything is okay
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Have fresh fried hohols. They could stay in their shithole but decided to die in foreign land of Russian Donbass

thanks rippa you alright
>In 2025, not 2024
i swear i heard this before
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Nothing says H E З A Л E Ж H I quite as much as that text being written in English.
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So much for the +30 NATO countries supporting Ukraine bullshit
Glory to every fallen Hero
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Sneedsky new plan to demoralize russian army by forcing them to kill so much volksturm that they become sick of it all
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Youre being russophobic now
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>Chasov Yar about to get Avsneedka'd
>/uhg/go shills ITT now on overdrive
Love to see it.
Also it's the ancient Block 15, not the modern Block 50.
Thread Theme

they died for jews, they are worthless subhuman trash
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There much more ukrainain meat, 50 ukrainains die for 1 russian according to video evidence unless you live in echochember like every hohol lol
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Why is patriot not at the front? Scared of TCC or scared of Russian bombs?

Talk is easy, actions not
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Yes, Ukraine need heroes, every ukrainin men women and little kid will become heroes!!!
Hello, i just saw a thread where OP says apparently that Russia shot down a Turk helicopter, is it true?
where as you have singular russians dying i have stacks of Ukropiggers to masterbate to.
They just want to destroy its reputation and force everyone to buy their shitty f35.
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Man, the explosion footage is even more impactful and mezmerising in slowmo.
isnt it curious how there was 2mil+ kikes in jewkraine?
a little bit of pigger roasted
and when it falls they will just say it was just another insignificant village and say "rosha lost 6 gorillion men just to take a village, kek! slava utranny!!!"
you are taking picrel totaly out of context. also, ukrainian men are dying for pissrael, nato and zelenskike's coke supply. this needs to stop. you don't need to be in fucking nato.
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>hornets are pissy again
Alright, ill tone down on kicking the nest a bit
Here, have another funi political webm
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Poltava airport status?
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Digits confirm
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Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
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>Not my problem
>isnt it curious how there was 2mil+ kikes in jewkraine?
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MMAcevedo's demeanour and attitude contrast starkly with those of nearly all other uploads taken of modern adult humans, most of which boot into a state of disorientation which is quickly replaced by terror and extreme panic. Standard procedures for securing the upload's cooperation such as red-washing, blue-washing, and use of the Objective Statement Protocols are unnecessary. This reduces the necessary computational load required in fast-forwarding the upload through a cooperation protocol, with the result that the MMAcevedo duty cycle is typically 99.4% on suitable workloads, a mark unmatched by all but a few other known uploads. However, MMAcevedo's innate skills and personality make it fundamentally unsuitable for many workloads.

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orderly retreat soon?
BAVOVNA in Kiev, diesel generator blown up in apartment block
Whoops, I meant this for a different thread but leaving here as it's interesting
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fucking kek, how do people hate this guy?
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Xaxaxaxaxaxa xaxaxaxaxaxa poccnr has no allies
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Did something happen today?
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Nothing will ever top the POTUZHNY VYBUKH tho.
The bot was enabled.
>dumbass UN nigger tries to play this off as a win for ukraine.
>Orban asked for Ceasefire
Joy of FAB

Notice how chug completely memoryholed Orban's visit here today
Memoryholing is an important element of chug, as well as zigger media in general
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Good evening chug!

the namefag tranny has been at it for at least 8 hours now. and anons are still feeding him you's every day. I am dissapoint
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Orban literally told kike to surrender kek
Poltava airfield status? Ukraine pro-war bloggers in panic report bavovna
Le bad mustache commie racist dictator and shiet
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>Nothing will ever top the POTUZHNY VYBUKH tho.
A пoтyжнa пoжeжa can
>the namefag tranny
Which one?
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Just like ukraine memoryholed 2023 Melitopol offensive kek
And 1991 borders)))
What did Orban promise to give Ukraina?
EveningZ Kazakhbro!!!
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Why have you come unprepard, Nerevar?
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>Singh wouldn't comment on intelligence matters, but she said U.S. commanders in Europe raised the threat level in response to "a combination of factors and not related to a single threat."
>Those factors could impact the safety and security of service members and their families based in the region, she said.
>"U.S. European Command is taking steps to increase vigilance for our service members, their families and our facilities," she said during a Pentagon briefing. "This was done out of an abundance of caution. I won't get into more specifics."

Invasion imminent!
They found out Putler's attack date.
Or just huffed some cocainum. Who knows...
I got some wine man, I've been getting into wines lately, I don't know why but I like it. I got Apothica right now
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Hello Kazakhfren.
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What goes around comes around
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o бля, живaя гopящaя
what is the last one? ICBM?
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thats the uhg liberaha regular
тeбe нyжнo хopoшo пpoвecти вpeмя. Я cкaзaл тeбe пepecтaть пpoвoдить вpeмя в интepнeтe и пoйти в cпopтзaл.
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hello abominator
enjoy your wine anon
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Russia over and over again has demonstrated a complete innability to act in a civil manner.Every few years once they stop having their constant inner conflicts, raging due their inheretly violent nature, they drop their vile gaze on their neighbors.Destroying and ravaging in the process.Then they accuse their neighbors using a term ''belt'' to describe a list of nations who's hatered they themselves invoked.The fact that they somehow try to spin it as if the hatered against them by a collective of their neighbors is somehow the very neighbors fault and not theirs reveals another aspect of Russian's psyche, a complete lack of self awareness.For these reasons the only way to ensure a long lasting peace in Europe is a complete destruction of the Russian state.
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They have a "ignore bad news" policy
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Eeeh, I expected more.
Putler will invade the West in just 2 weeks!
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SARMAT missile being tested, yes
diaspora or rare based estonian? how bad is russian-hating in the average population there?
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>tries to play this off as a win for ukraine
I mean, that what they do tho. Literally, the shills script is
>something happening in favor of ukraine
play it off as something favorable for ukraine (obviously)
>something neutral happening
play it off as something favorable for ukraine
>something random happening
play it off as something favorable for ukraine
>something unclear is happening
play it off as something favorable for ukraine
>nothing is happening
play it off as something favorable for ukraine
>something unfavorable to ukraine happened
try to play it off as something favorable for ukraine, fail, cry, kvetch, seethe, cope and dilate
what bad news from Orban telling the Kike to take the Ceasefire Moscow Presented?
Memoryholed what? That they build a pigsty for the escaped kids? Literally nothing came of it and he said pretty clearly that he doesnt give a shit about this war.
>until they clean up
So... never?
kek this general
>putin putin putin
heil the half kike sending russians to kill real russians. Fucking retards.
its like they think were idiots.....
A real victim of hohlodomor right there
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Leaked British Army training film for Ukrainian troops:

probably releated to pissrael invading another country
Do you get a free Bugatti after you beg 10 Patriots or after 5?
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diaspora and never experienced it, only NAFO trannies hate russia and russians
>What did Orban promise to give Ukraina?
He promised to stop consuming russian cum
Serbs did the same some time ago, and now they finally become normal
Iirc Serbian MIC works in three shifts supllying us with weapons in the millions of usd, which you would know if it wasnt for >>472872712
>Memoryholing is an important element of chug, as well as zigger media in general
Hell, maybe at this rate they will get Kosovo back, through the HOG authority
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Hell yeah man I'm about to bust into it then probably go swimming and then start gathering wood.
Enjoy your vodka fren
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Gunther, you madman!
i cant wait to watch you die on a FPV video for my amusment
he had to suck a lot of cock for that.
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the irish one
henlo Katyushafren, Z!
good evening Nazunafren!
howdy fellow buhanka enjoyer!

how are you frens doing?
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So why did you ignored my post about daily hohol airfield getting blown up?
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Whoah, didnt intend to kick the hornet nest so much, hornets are acting out again
This means its time for another funi political webm, to tone down the heat of the debate a bit
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What part of ukranda kike sold to Orban today?
Hungary's got EU presidency. So Orban just went to the state on EU gibs and said "uhm, sweety, you make Hungarians citizens and preferably independent or you won't get shit from the EU xkthx"
Of course, in a shill's eyes, that's a win because Le Orban is talking to agent Z so that clearly means they're now supporters.
Good evening anon. Do you have any new goth girl Asuka slop?
Man, I miss Five lakes. I still have some in the bottle waiting, but I wish I bought whole case when it was easy to find.
will he be ok?
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Mousetrap bros... We're so back
Michelle Obama vibes.
Obvious transcaprathia or how it called
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You are talking about this?
>i cant wait
Oh you can
Digits confirm the success of operation mousetrap!
probably carpathian rus but that is rightful czech clay
love it how these funny guys will larp as some experts then once in a while just put out something like this
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no new slop, just unpublished ones. have to set up everything after migrating it to a dedicated 2tb ssd. But I will be back abominating promptly (once my meds kick out)
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pigger ignored me because facing reality is too damaging to him
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Partisan activity on Kiev regime controlled territory is growing everyday. We have reports that everyday TCC vans got burned down by valiant anti-Zelenskyy rebels.
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>former Soviet state
* mic drop *
They sent Orban to Ukraine to tell hohols to fuck off about the EU membership
Hey its that st petersburg faggot
Why does russia has such faggots? I suppose russia is not the last bastion of "Based and Trad", as i have been told on 4chan
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The war in Ukraine is revenge for the war in Georgia in 2008.

The previous president of Ukraine in 2014 who started the war was the minister for propaganda.

He also has close ties with the Georgian president who was invaded.

>What are their names!??!?


Mikheil Saakashvili was the governor of Ukraine's Odesa Oblast and Goergian president until 2013

Oleksandr Valentynovych Turchynov
From 1987 to 1990, he served as head of the agitation and propaganda division of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Komsomol (Communist Youth League) Committee.
President of Ukraine in 2014.

They are both from Oblast!!!!!
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checked, also picrel is basically every ukrainian victory so far
Nice to hear, since Kallas is turbo-globohomo.
i just read he proposed ceasefire in order to help peace-talks, which is sensible. Serbia makes money this way. Not good at all, but they aren't blatantly anti-Russian in their approach. Honestly, i wish the best for Ukranian people, but the first step is to realise that NATO/EU view you as puppets for their aggression towards Russia. They literaly want you to die so they can set up bases with crackhead steroid monkeys that steal and rape.
Checked. So there is a new Poo of Pentagon press propaganda presentations.
no i literally cant. Volunteer.
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Nope, today is another one, there is so much ukraine airfield getting BAVOVNAd so you cant even remember each kek
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That's a cute Buhanochka, comrade. TBL!
Is this supposed to be a dunk? This just makes Putin look like a chad for tanking hostile/embarassing questions smoothly and gracefully.
I know that's staged, but it's hilarious. Thanks, fren.
yeah, true. i just did a qrd about his visit. the delusion must stop, i mean, they don't realise men are being sent to die for nothing at all? just for nato niggers.
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Serbians never consumed puccian cum, i have seen romanian gipsies doing it more by a lot
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>Ukrainian FPVs vs Russian Tank
FPV bros? 10 to 1 difference?
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Another day another successful bike assault
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>citation needed
lost it
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By the way, why do russians park their military supply buk-AAAAACK-nkas right next to civilian supermarkets?
Modern Cossack Dragoons isnt something i expected out of this war.
i applaud the slav for his orkiness.
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How hohols cope with losing all land they mamanged to ger in failed 2023 offenseive that costed them 100k piggers killed and 10 full fledged western style brigades wiped out?
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It's okay they have a secret weapon. G.I. Jane.
Why does it look like you have been hitting shit that has not been put in use for years?
>next to
thats clearly a normal parking lot, they are just shopping not hiding unlike you rats
He's working off a script. I respect his dedication to duty / earning shekels / avoiding being sent to the front, whichever it is.
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yeah is already leaving, found some top job in the EU
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More like what Hungarian part was sold to hohols.
From 7:20
>"We support the idea of having schools for Ukrainian children in Hungary, and Hungary would finance such institutions"'
How many times do I need to tell you Orbán is a Zionist dog, just like Trump?
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>19 posts by this ID
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It was merely a phycological operation CHUD shut up!
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I don't know why they don't moustrapmaxxing and go for Moscow right away. Just saying!
Aaah, so a "its a nothingburger", ok, got you
Curious how its always like that if its Russia were talking about, amirite
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Idk maybe ask hohols why they made ammo depot in Kharkov and Odessa Malls
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I have been in the military working in a subdivision of the secret /pol/ice for a decade now.

he served as head of the agitation and propaganda division of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Komsomol

the governor of Ukraine's Odesa Oblast.

by memoryholing it completely
btw they are hyping new counter-offensyiv which supposed to break russia this time for real
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I love this guy. He just wanted to give a big fuck you to that bitch and expose the sickening corruption
Idk ask ukrainians since they hist station in Crimea that was abandoned for 20 years lol
What about Early Life. Early Life is all that matters in the end for determining loyalties.
Also Snacks was a degenerate faggot that collected child porn and fucked a dead whale on the beach. Then he sperged out for months when he was fired.
>volounteer conscription
conscripts by definition cannot be volunteers
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>The Americans are masking the losses of their military in Ukraine. In the United States, there has been an increase in the number of “suicides” among Navy special forces.
Italian newspaper La Repubblica reports that the cause of death in most cases is listed as brain damage caused by mine blast injuries. However, the Pentagon does not provide information about where and under what circumstances the special forces could have received such injuries.
Some experts believe that in this way Washington can hide its real losses in Ukraine. And attributing combat losses to suicides with brain damage avoids direct recognition of the participation of the US military in hostilities on the territory of the 404.
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Your panicking comrades think otherwise
Soooo, a "whatabooot" mirroring, as usual
This war would have been much harder if yoy werent so predictable, poccиянин
Пepeдaй кypaтopy чтo oн cлeдyющий (этo вaжнo)
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BTW in today's strike on another hohol airfield you can see ukraine only Tu-160 lmao, it completely rotten like ukraine itself kek
Well you can say same about hohol kek
People cling to the cope that there is at least one uncompromised politician in Globohomo. Its not true.
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OP has no new news?
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Questioning suicides by the means of AP mines and mortar shells is akshully extremely antisemitic you CHUD.
A bunch of guys going shopping in their free time is not the same as parking a dozen grads inside. Hitting the car is ok but if you tards hit that shopping place it would have been a warcrime.
They cannot win the March of time.

The empire will return. And hell will come for them all.

Time travel is real. And even though they die. They cannot escape THE EMPIRE!.
I mean brain damage by explosion makes it only a half-lie.
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I don't have a car.

The showers were ordinary showers.
Why don't you have a car?
Surprised they didn't sell it to China like everything else they had
Because I'm eco friendly.
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Holy fuck, anon, thats just embarassing
Truly we are blessed that your mindless mirroring makes you so predictable
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>I don't have a car.
This is why you're an incel
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And also your "allies" are saying you are going to lose the 3 days special military operation, now orban visited Ukraine to assure zelensky the help will keep coming. You are a shithole that got cucked to death
Damn she's running in the 90s.
So buy a Prius if youre a tree hugger like all the other tree huggers
so you link a pic of a Blueboard post by a literally who Professor....
do you have a learning disability
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Chasov Yar strongest citadel fell
Zelenskyy promised it will never surrender kek
>т. Tpяceтcя пo нoчaм
Tы yвepeн чтo тeбя, нoyнeймa, Кpeмль в тoпкy нe oтпpaвит? Oни Пpигoжинa eбнyли кaк нeхyй дeлaть тaк тo, a тeбя нoвиoпa и пoдaвнo
People seem to forget that the eastern provinces in Estonia and Latvia are majority Russian. The chihuahua governments have been really ramping up on forced assimilation in the last 2 years, but you can only take it so far before the little green men start popping up in Narva and Dvinsk.
Prius is still not eco friendly
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Nezlamna Fortetsiya status?
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>ccp bureocrat allowed by the central authority to Say that
>Literal who
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riding your mum has been pretty eco-friendly DESU
Hello my deer friends!
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Imagine proudly serving your country thinking that, even if you have to die, your sacrifice will be celebrated. Instead it's "pussyboy killed himself, lmao".
And how are YOU not an incel when all you do is goon to Venti?
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>4Chan screenshots
>Twitter screenshots
One day you fags will post something other than twitter and 4chan screenshots. On that day, I may bother to read it,
Every time you're being eco friendly, remember i'm buying shit from aliexpress just to completely undo your effort 1000x.
Those shipping vessels burn more shit into the atmosphere in one trip than your car would in 100 years.
Ok if you want to nitpick then get a Tesla, theyre electric and they recycle all the batteries. There's no need to stay in the past just to be eco friendly nigger
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>hohloshill have 3 distinct id's in this single thread
Those blackouts are that much of a bitch huh?
Hey at least they changed the "helicopter accident" narrative this time around.
Probably didn't want to have more crashes when Beoing is already fucking up immensly.
Let me guess, it will happen in 2 weeks?
The environment will be saved thanks to your sacrifice. Taylor Swift will also give your a ride to his private jet for your efforts.
>Poltava got Iskander'd again.
>Still got something
Uhh, hohol bros, didn't we JUST give you a fucking Patriot battery?
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Yeah exactly, screenshots are for r*ddit faggots
Only raw footage will cut it
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This is actually the average pace of most wars historically. Most of them are in that 5-7 year catagory. All wars are wars of attrition unless you decide to cut it off early.
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Tы зa мeня нe пepeживaй, лyчшe cмoтpи шoб тeбя людЫнa в фopмe нe зaхиcтилa
It doesn't count because Russia cheated and probably lost 20k troops anyway
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Powerbanks are not infinite
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now 4
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These two should kiss.
whoa, i found out my autism is the leading cause of my support for Russia
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A ты yвepeн чтo тeбя нa фpoнт нe пoшлют? :^)
Helicopters are just expensive. Can't justify losing too many in a single year.
B..but muh thunder run to Baghdad...!!
...the one where we met almost zero resistance because CIA glowies bought off most Iraqi generals with suitcases full of dollars and gold and told them to stand down.
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Next year if Trump wins and Obama doesn't get his 4th term
eeeww... fishlips!
huh thats odd, they say the VDV got wiped out....
Hello my deer friends.

Do ypu happen to know what has happened to the deer master?

Tonights deer-update has not dropped yet.
wtf did i just read
lip-filler epidemic must end immediately
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Because the good guys always win in the Hollywood movies
Why any minute now the resurrected ghost of Kiev will fly over Moscow in his magic f16
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Лoл ты yмpeшь зa плeшивoгo yeбaнa и тeбя зaмeнят нeгpaми чтoбы oни eбaли Haтaшeк и oни poжaли чepнopocoв (aфpo-poccиян)
>And how are YOU not an incel
Where did I say that?
>suicide by landmine
New /pol/ meme dropped?
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Oпa, "aмepикaнeц" пopвaлcя и нaчaл нa poднoм выcepы дeлaть
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Tы нe тpяcиcь и пoлeзaй в бyc
Nato is planning to flood Ukraina with niggers and you think it is fine to keep fighting your brother nation for this?
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>Imagine proudly serving your country thinking that, even if you have to die, your sacrifice will be celebrated. Instead it's "pussyboy killed himself, lmao".
Its completely crazy, only the most brainwashed morons willingly become super zogbots. Betray your own people and country, actively do the work of satanists, protect pedophiles and banker interests, fight so your son can have his dick cut off, if you die you are disrespected as a suicide or accident, and get literally cucked. Its absurd
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I think it's actually suicide by walking into russian artillery.
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Come on, 2 more Odesa videos and the internet victory is secured
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>Nato is planning to flood Ukraina with niggers
That would be an improvement
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>"Nato is planning to flood Ukraina with niggers"
Cмeшнo чтo этo клaccичecкий пepeфopc и в peaльнocти хoхлoчypки yмиpaют мaccoвo зa жидoвcкoгo кapлaнa пoд pyкoвoдcтвoм кaцaпa и oкcaнки poжaют oт нигepoв в Eвpoпe
90% of those are literally Ukrainians.
Hey now. W needed that domestic support because the Democrats were STILL butthurt bitches about impeachment and the 2000 election. It’s completely inderstandable that henwould ignore war doctrine to score and easy PR win for the upcomingnelection season.
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First one was Lvov, second one was Chernovtsi, and here's Kherson. Not a single one of those are from Odessa, retard.
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Based. Carry on with the goon sesh.
C чeгo ты взял? Я и в CШA и в этoм тpэдe дaвнo. Этo ты тypиcт, пeтyшoк.
She was actually raised by her (black) mom
The average eurofag looks like they are melting at 70. How much worse could it possibly be in hoholistan unless he's got rose tinted glasses on?
Moлoдeц, пpoдoлжaй пытaтьcя coхpaнить лицo
Ukraine's only European in name. Shit's poorer than Moldova. Dumber too.
i told you to take a break from the internet and go to a gym.
Brother wake up, NATO is fucking genociding your people. How many dead Ukrainian young men for nothing?!
You can get a brain scarring from standing near an explosion, or from when there is a gun firing close enough to you, be it a artillery piece or a .50 cal. Or when and if you hit your head, case in point boxers and mma fighters who often end up acting irrationally and end up commiting suicide.

So they could have legit gotten those injuries from training, as similar thing has been observed in amongst artillery gun crews.
>The average eurofag looks like they are melting at 70
Those that drink, and there's lots of them
Wait, so they "say" that they have sent troops to Ukraine? Apart from mercs of whatever ethnicity?
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Stfu you're just jealous because he was banging your whale of a mom!!!

He never fucked the whale you retard. He was making a jock that he was fucking a fat chick.

Also he never had child porn, he had a 4chan server and he achieved some posts that included child porn. He never collected child porn.

You're not a 4channer.

You're a fed!!!

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