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>Quick Rundown
Beryl is a bat out of hell. There is much uncertainty in the path given that much of it is dependent on intensity. Well, this has blown every model out of the water in terms of intensity. What does this mean? Well, the more intense it is, the more it will feel the upper steering currents pushing it northerly. This would imply a stronger storm would be more northern and thus more of a threat for the GOM. Further out it's more uncertain than in other situations.

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Previous >>472846582
Based baker.
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>Let's just get this out of the way
Sup anons
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total rasta death edition
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And this
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Anyone know when we get new updates?
why does everybody hate Tampa?
because Ybor
Since we're all here, I have an announcement to make regarding the status of the great city of Jacksonville...
Everyone loves Tampa. We just get teased every year with no direct hit. I want to experience a direct hit.
As far as I know they haven't been hit by a major hurricane. Last season, there was a hurricane that looked like it was going to hit and we were rolling for TTD but it switched course and got blue balled. So we are owed some TTD.
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if a tornado is the finger of god, what body part is this?
Because it's full of niggers.
The eye.
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I dunno man
A tornado looks like a dick and a hurricane eye looks an awful lot like a bumhole
She is getting fucked by some wind shear right now, sadly. Curious if after the shear and landfall over the peninsula if she will have enough time over the warm gulf to intensify.
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>Curious if after the shear and landfall over the peninsula if she will have enough time over the warm gulf to intensify.
That is the million dollar question
Here's on for Carlos.
Hurricane doing a beryl-roll.
I am taking a rest, see you tomorrow.
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Here is Accuweather's current projected path
Good night Bulgaria anon
you need to be at work by 5am?
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rolling for unexpected tampa direct hit
niggers and kikes
also hope this is live tomorrow
Category two buckos. Suck my dick, cosmologist anon.
Such is life in Bulgaria
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As a former HH65A pilot, I'd like to have a word with you about this bastardized image of a Coast Guard helo
This thing is going straight up the Chesapeake!
I fell asleep before the morning update, did it go over 165?
I have this feeling that houston is once again fucked.
Because we are invincible!
yeah it hit 185
already been a very wet year in houston, and they never handle rain well
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isn't that every city?
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Just got done cleaning up from that Mexican wind storm…I’ll be happy for some rain tho
lol why would you calk that and not just overlap the ridge panels. suns just going to bake that calk and peal it off eventually
because cucks are mad we never get hit thanks to the native injuns building their burial mounds here
whispering eye
Lol I’m not a roofer dammit…I did overlap, and put it underneath…it was under the overlap originally so I just tried it redo it.
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put a strip of aluminum flashing over it if you want it to last a long time
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5PM advisories are out
Did Ray Charles caulk that with his feet?
estero FL here. theres a weird tension still in the air. everyone looks scared, as if we are all collectively thinking that this storm could take a turn into the gulf and be the end of us.
hell i even saw some guys arguing over water bottle packages in Publix earlier.
>still a cat 4
Kek. What an absolute nothingburger
Rolling for complete bypass of Yucatán and direct houston hit.
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Latest HWRF showing a much stronger storm reaching Jamaica compared to yesterdays runs. There's been a persistent under initialization of intensity leading to an underestimation of how well it can fight the increased shear.
I didn’t even know Estero survived Ian
Does the "top left"/NW part of the storm contain the strongest winds? As in, if the eye goes over the southern edge of Jamaica, does that mean MORE damage will be done to the island since it's getting the top left part?
What have you done anon?

I think it's the NE but I'm not sure
Checked. Houston is fucked
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based tax evader
Me? Check your own digits. It’s over for Houston
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>tfw houstonian
been a while since we've had a comfy hurricane day, I'll welcome it
Harvey wasn't even a direct for Houston. The last hurricane that was a direct hit was hurricane Ike. Houston is over due for one
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This was the latest fly through and should give an idea of the wind speed in the different quadrants

Funny thing is that I am in Houston. I just hope we don't get a windstorm. My neighborhood has never flooded, so I'm not worried about a rain event.
Florida bros.... You have confirmed zero on your weapon optic this year.. Right?
Nearly always the NE when there's a nearly symmetric circulation.
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Looking at the geography of Jamaica, it's going to be a water world once this beast makes landfall.
There's a shitload of buildings that are built into valleys along with a lot of dirt roads and this is going to dump a ton of water in there.
Then a good chunk of it will wash towards the already flooded Kingston that's getting fucked by the wind.
It's going to get interesting.
Rolling for Houston hit because it'll break the heat out here on the llano
Could Beryl hit Jamaica as a CAT 5?
It'll be a windstorm dude.
The lakes need it, my boat ramp is still closed.
Bluestate niggers still don't realize we don't scare easy. Beryl could be made of fire and throwing 50 cals instead of lightening and we'd be out in our yards returning fire.
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i have not been shooting in forever.
but.. i can still sling lead on target with the best of them.. i will get over to the range at some point here soon.
been wanting to shoot.
outside reading right now with Florida hurricane cat at the ready. still nothing to report, all is calm..for now.
RIP. Such a wet spring and we're the same, fire bans and all.
No Jamaican has started preparing yet either. If they were smart, they would set up shelter up on the Blue Mountains
Maybe not. I figure we'll know for sure after the Yucatan.
you get hit by that crazy windstorm in May? I live downtown, was pretty wild

I'll never understand why northerners are always so scared of hurricanes. unless it's a particularly vicious one, it just means a lazy day of drinking beer and reading books
Torontofag here. How fucked am I?
>fire bans on 4th of July
Yikes. Must suck living in a 3rd world shithole
>living in Toronto
You’re fucked no matter what
extremely, but for many other reasons
>you get hit by that crazy windstorm in May? I live downtown, was pretty wild
Not too bad and it was weird. I am south of I-10 and that seemed to be some sort of demarcation line.
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Warm skies with a 100%of attempted rape with smelly hindu peepee.
Have you ever been to Jamaica?
They're on Jamaican time.
>If they were smart

Yeaah that's not going to happen for melanin rich reasons.
We got to remember that nigs exist on nigger time, which is just existing in the present.
The future nig that has to die in a freak storm, is someone else and it's not the present moment nigs problem what happens to that guy.

When the storm hits, these guys are going to go on a historical looting spree.
They'll rob every shoe store blind and some of them might even steal a generator or two.
It's going to be a shitshow.
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No days off for Floridians if any digits occur.
I wake
I'll bite. I don't go in that shithole to begin with.
Time to pull your dick out of your uncle and prepare for the evening.
Jacksonville Beach area is pretty but i personally do not venture into that area unless passing through. >>472875481
Give us the good news of TTD!
news of total gridlock in mandeville with people trying to get gas and supplies
How's the chalice situation looking?
Stay safe mon
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Nigger time mixed with island and Jamaican time is a recipe for disaster
so the model was right after all
Prepare for 100k hurricane fugees
all from india
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Dialed in and ready if needed in 904

Swamp storm cat says Jamaica is gonna get REKT. Yea, she is very vocal and lets her thoughts be known
Hawk Tua girl taught all these white girls what to do just in time
ohhhh verrrry nice.
she is pretty. that is your Bengal eh? coool
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not sure if you were here earlier, will repost this

This, says the same thing/
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Yep, it's her. I crashed out early last night. I had her out back near the creek a couple of days ago and she treed a racoon lol
If Harvey didn’t flood you this won’t
>it’ll break the heat on the llano
It’ll just turn it into swamp ass. It’s all I’ve been getting the last 3 weeks in OKC
He's a handsome boi
I visited Tampa once and I thought it was pretty nice.
No, I'm in Texas. Not whatever third world niggerhive you're in.
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ugg i had to trap them here for a while. they are like mini grizzly bears when you are up close and personal. they would come back into my screen porch and fuck up the screen and get after the outdoor cat's chow. they are smart but a pain in the ass. the neighbors keep feeding them like morons. if you ever need to trap them use marshmallows. coon bait they cannot resist.
pic attached is some milkweed for the butterflies and a pineapple plant i am bringing back to life.
I miss bottle rockets so much. Give me bottle rockets and black cats and I am a happy camper.
Nice, the coon she treed has kits in a big brushpile along the creek. I've heard the little ones chirping but haven't seen them yet. I had a momma coon last year that would come up on the deck and steal cat food while I was sitting not 5 feet away watching. Big thicc girl she was.
Titties would be the big hurricane hot towers.
2 full days over the gulf, if shes together like katrina, well 2 days got her from cat 1 to 175 mph.
A fucking hurricane in hurricane season?
How do you not believe in climate change yet?
Welcome to the new normal I guess.
Jesus christ, the surge into kingston will be 25ft.
>cat 4 in June
You’re a retarded climate denier
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What are we eating tonight gentlemen?
I don't mind raykins too much in FL. Unless they're rabid they tend to stay away from humans. Sometimes you'll see a mama foraging for food during the day but that's about it. Cute little things.
And when does Cat 4 hurricane season begin typically?
More or less, idk what you were so worried about
Gentlemen, has anyone has ever been so far as decided to run an analysis of Florida landfall locations and which pubsub was on sale at the time? I think this could be some promising research.
Just imagine how many white women are on the island waiting to be raped by hordes of starving niggers. I am surprised flights are not full coming into the island.
Hurricane Beryl will scour Jamaica clean of all niggers, leaving it to become a new white man's paradise.
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>will lose strength before impacting Mexico
Dis zum bullshit
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update: it's hot as shit send the fucking rain now
having a hungry man again eh?
probably a salad. still waiting on my last grill part. it was delayed until hopefully tomorrow.
Didn't have one last night so I decided tonight was the night.
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Graphic is about a month old but you get the idea
this could prove to be valuable
>i dOnT kNoW wHy yOu wErE sO wOrRiEd
dang that's coming right through my neighbor. Probably skirt thr coast and make land fall north of corpus.
My parents live in brownsville and it looks like it's going to go right up their asses. They have good windows but the roof is what i'm worried about.
Wife made me meatballs lathered in tomato pesto sauce. Shredded cheese for toppings along with hot garlic bread.
Yeah but Maria was well forecast to affect PR ahead of time
Just like Beryl has been forecast consistently to pass well to your south.
Good stuff. We are going to probably make swedish meatballs tomorrow night and see if our kid goes for it.
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you guys ever do crockpot meatballs with grape jelly served with toothpicks?
i just put them on my list. i love those things. so good.
pic attached is a meal i made in the crockpot a couple weeks ago.
YOU should get a crockpot. throw some cheap ingredients in, set it and forget it.
easy peasy
I've only had them at parties but never made them myself. I remember gobbling those up as a kid.
I do have one and we do use it. My mom gave me hers. I just made the hungryman because webhave one night where i don't cook and I wound up making dinner. Tonight i'm taking it easy.
You can also soak the meatballs in a mixture of current jelly and yellow mustard.
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Nothing is rated to stand tall in the face of god in the North.
Shouldn't you be dodging street signs, coconuts, and the children you abandoned? Pot roast is good.
Is that beef? And all of that in the crockpot together for how long? And did you use broth? or water
Pretty sure I've been to that Publix shopping complex before
I've had crockpot meatballs but never with grape jelly.
its corned beef because it was cheap for a big hunk of it.
probably about 2 cups of water, 6 quart crock pot. i want the 8 quart, need more space for the cabbage.
about 5 hours on high
haha, thats great
the last i looked on ventusky dot com it looked like the hurricane was going east of houston
Now that's a mans meal. Good and hearty
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>ventusky dot com
Stick to the big boy models please
cool thanks.
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NHC update should be out soon.
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Just noticed that ventusky is linked in the OP but still it's only a fancy visualization of models found on tropicaltidbits where you can swap between the various ones albeit it iirc the site lags behind a little.
>going east of houston
Still within the range of possible outcomes but uncertainty at this point is quite high.
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Speaking of models here's a graph for intensity models and error means for Beryl so far

oh, you are going to need to set it for 6 hours. (one hour to heat up and get going) but the actual cook time is about 5 hours on high. so figure 6 on high, throw in the cabbage if you are making that part for the last 30 minutes to hour of the cook on top.
so veggies, then meat on top, then cabbage above that, at the end.
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Further context to add:
>Thanks to the invaluable @Weathernerds satellite & ensemble track overlay, we can see Beryl is already verifying in the northern end of the EPS ensemble envelope.
>Which does makes sense - ensemble members that are farther south are also too weak vs. observations.

>As latitude is generally self-correlated - a farther north short term track also remains farther north at Yucatan landfall - we can likely rule out the southern & weak tracks from the EPS.
>The northern tracks also align with hurricane models bringing Beryl close to Cozumel.

southern groceries are just simply better. publix, winn dixie, HEB
the meat is fine but those potatoes are more neglected than my illegitimate children
not to mention those wack ass carrots
do better
they are red potatoes and the carrots are normal carrots that i skinned and hand cut. do you ever slow cook anything? i can leave the potatoes whole but they take up more room in the crockpot even though they are small.
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Stepping away for a bit but here's some fresh content another anon made in last night's thread.
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and w/ blowing some outer rainband smoke included
Jamaicabro, you got your shit bolted down and ready for tomorrow?
Good luck Jamaica stay safe. Us Tampa anons can only imagine what you are going through.
just a reminder they have created this storm to distract from the whole biden shit show
desu I'm biased against crock pots
I'm sure you enjoyed it
no we have a big fuck off glass window that no prep was done for so I'm rawdowding a minimum cat 3 with an excellent view
I fully expect it to get obliterated but it wasn't on me so fuck it we ball
Stay safe man and update us tomorrow if you are able to.
>no sauce even
The fuck, why.
Literally the only reason to have bagged spaghetti is because you can conveniently carry around an inherently messy dish without having to worry about the mess.
Just absolutely wasted.
And she's using a fucking BPA (and their xenoestrogenic analogs) filled Ziploc bag too.
I'm getting legitimately angry.

Well we've got titty nimbus' (Mammatus clouds).
Tornadoes are all pricks and dickheads.
Guess a hurricane could be construed as an anus, with the eyewall being the protruding prolapsed part.
>no sauce even
At least it isn't ramen
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oh anon........
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I'm thinking power will shit the bed around 12 tomorrow
will keep my phone tethered to a charger till
only text updates because hiroshimoot blocked uploads from Firefox or something and I'm too lazy to use chrome
why don't you just buy a generator?
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I've been looking at the updates and haven't seen much new. This is from accuweather radar. Shouldn't be too long until Jamaica starts experiencing an uptick in wind and wave action.

Yes, I will be looking for your updates in the morning. The good news is that this one is moving fast, so it shouldn't last too long
you got generator money, nigga?
I do but I cba
I'm assuming you're on the south coast. I've been to Ocho Rios a couple times. Beautiful place.
What will Beryl do for the cruise business - anything out of Kingston?
It's Jamaica. He might as well paint a target on his house and leave his bike unlocked and unattended outside. Generators are loud AF when the power is out.
Just don't turn it on. Keep it in the shed and smirk at all the poor niggers don't have one.
At least nail tarp or some shit behind it, so that glass shards don't get absolutely everywhere (I know that I tarp isn't going to last for shit in straight on 100+ mph winds, but if that's not the case and it's something like some other debris hits its and cracks a portion of it, at least it'll be somewhat contained
You at least have another room that you can hunker down in and move shit into (food, clothing, sleeping items, ect..), so you don't have to worry about glass getting into everything... right?

Fuck glass.
It fractures conchoidally, it's sharp, and fucks up everything in even the smallest forms. And it gets everywhere once it's broken.
Solar generators work fine. plus you can even just get some small solar panels to keep you internet and phone running the power usage would be minimal.
kek thanks for reposting fren
Kek. I envisioned Jamaica anon in his shed alone, wiping down his generator with a WD-40 soaked rag and smiling to himself.

True, solar would be a good option.
Fuck you Tampa bro here. I love it. You're just jealous because we are the only place to have an Indian blessing against hurricanes.
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yeah sadly
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He is a great man ahead of his time.
And like all great men, extremely misunderstood.
Rolling for New Orleans
those (((seminole))) arent the real ones. the real ones didnt surrender, and disappeared in south florida, ol hickory said fuck that shit and turned around and left.
go away
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I chuckled
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steaks, green beans
might have some eggs later too
looks comfy
Rolling again, Byrel will be the new Katrina.
Houston is fucked. This thing is entering the Gulf of Mexico as a hurricane. It's proven everyone wrong
it is, fren. God bless Florida.

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