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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Quick Rundown
Beryl is a bat out of hell. There is much uncertainty in the path given that much of it is dependent on intensity. Well, this has blown every model out of the water in terms of intensity. What does this mean? Well, the more intense it is, the more it will feel the upper steering currents pushing it northerly. This would imply a stronger storm would be more northern and thus more of a threat for the GOM. Further out it's more uncertain than in other situations.

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


>Twitter Feeds

>Preparations and Safety

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jumping the gun a bit to make this a general thread already, no?

>over 300 posts
>on page 10
I don't think so.

This is a one-time bake, I am not OP after this one.
>a hurricane doing hurricane stuff in hurricane season
World ending wew lad
>b-but it's earliest ever!!!
We only have accurate hurricane information from like the mid 60s onward
Not just the earliest my guy, the earliest cat5. Jamaica is about to get smoked.
>Hurricane Dennis
>Cat 4 July 8th, 2005
Wow, Beryl beat a 19 year old record by about a week. So impressive.
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Fuck this nigger. i hope get killed by the hurricane.
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Rolling for max destruction
Our god is an awesome god
He rains from heaven above!
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Rollin' for CLP5
upset your porn threads arent hitting today, moishe?
There’s going to be a LOT of cat 5s this year, isn’t there….
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morning gentz. whats the latest? is Florida going to make it?
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>morning gentz. whats the latest? is Florida going to make it?
We'll make it past this one, but the other 15 or so may have other thoughts on the matter
These posters are paid shill election tourists

This is why Space Elevator no longer posts here and soon /AHSG/ will be forgotten too. Kikes just have to ruin anything enjoyable or doesn't pertain to Colored's genitals
fuck those kikes, we're not going anywhere
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doomer faggots just wanna watch the world burn. they are the same cry babies that sit here and whine about not wanting the happening anymore when the shit goes down. seen it here a million times now.
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>soon /AHSG/ will be forgotten too
Nah, Floridanons love these comfy threads. We ignore the carpetbaggers and bask in the gloom of potential doom
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based fellow flanon. fuck these kike ass carpetbaggin' coin clippin' sheqel grabblin' (((you))) harvestin' foreskin chewin' hand rubbin' oy veyin'
I only miss living on the east coast for muh 'canes. Something very comfy about falling asleep on the couch with the weather channel on hurricane coverage. Especially when they start the doomer synthwave music
i bet i can find you crying during the beginning of covid lockdowns not wanting the happening anymore. you know its true cupcake
ask me how i know you're jewish? but here's a (((you))) i'll bite.
>boss tells me to wear a mask
>i refuse
>keep working
>boss tells me to get tested
>i refuse
>keep working
>boss tells me to get the clot shot
>i refuse
>get fired
>file unemployment
>start own business
shit, i'm happy covid happened. got me out of my wage cage. you sould like a fag and your shits all fucked up
We are having a splendid day, enjoy sunshine brothers.
that's off the table now, it's just going to hit mexico
dang we have the weather controller here. hey, weather control guy, make it hit israel
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me thinks you are new calling me a jew..
me thinks you will kneel when the pressure is on.. many such cases
>me thinks
nobody cares what ye thinks. if you're not a kike you sure act like one. either that or that's an awful lot of projection. nobody has shit on me.
>growing food
>have generators
>have tools
>knowledge and skill to fix shit
>neighbors and i work together on our part of the town regularly
ah you're a mod arent you? you're all fags and niggers tongue my anus
mod you say?
you sure you are not a newfag? if i check your post history i am going to find 0 twinkle toes shit right?
are you in Florida? if i ask you to post hand you will do that right?
fucking lol i just fixed a tower that looks exactly like that a few weeks ago, nigger has roaches. wife was so fucking pissed. it was a furry troon i think. the fucking computer had roaches living in it.
checked. twinkle toes shit? wtf are you talking about nigger? why would i take pictures of myself to put online? that's some girl shit right there, moishe
bleh. i have seen some nasty shit myself in my day. /g/ has some memorable pics
The fuck are you on about?
I'm just annoyed by LE EARLIEST CAT 5 bullshit
Like we know what was going on in the Atlantic during most of human history
Europeans didnt even know what a hurricane was until they got to the Americas
i was here for the tumblr wars where we played fake mr fix it. man i miss old /b/
you cannot post hand?
you sure you are that beast calling everyone a jew and nigger?
so you are White?
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Would you say it's Berylling it's way through the south Caribbean?
yeah i have pink nips, and? you can tell by the IQ the difference between whites and others. there's no way to hide it here.

>le ebin gaytrix background
so Whites not capitalized? you sure you are White? me thinks i need to see them dainty nubbins..
Oh no Mexico is going to get wrecked,,,Keep up the good work DARPA
that machine will curb anything you can bring butter cup
>just give us i mean get rid of your sons foreskin
>post hand
again, for the thousandth time, no.
>Mexico in severe drought
>ack run to USA we are climate change refuges!
>Mexico flooded by Hurricane
>ack run to USA we are climate change refuges!

no matter what happens, we lose
im running an nvidia rtx 4070 on 32 gigs of ram and i'll never use half of it
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mexicans have been here for a long time. what we're getting now is all of central and south america and haiti
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you see, i am a vanilla gorilla.. if you ask me to post hand i do it, no problem.
i speak German.. my last name is German. i can tell you what specific text is written on specific pages on pro-White literature. can you do the same?
lots of wannabes and imposters here. are you in Florida? do you have any experience with hurricanes?
i think you may be living in a fantasy regurgitating what you have read here as if it is your own life.
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kek this neighborhood is like an hour and change away (im in the woods, this is in a browning up area near the woods)
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Is this the largest storm of all time? And will it hit Tampa?
It's the return of Cortez
The evil of the Aztecs never ended
They segued into cartels
>dox yourself
no nigger lol
(((YOU))) do it if it's important to (((you)))
i think everyone reading this thread knows whats goin on here.
kek i love when i've been here long enough to see my memes from past years
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>jamaica direct hit
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dox? from posting a hand? ever done any dox? i have been posting this one lately.. i enjoy licking the tears of the cry baby tattoo pussies. how about just a small patch of that pearly White skin you say you have..
Weather conjecture and faggots arguing with each other because they secretly want to fuck. Truly just another Tuesday morning.
>check for updates
>new track puts it closer
so should I be concerned or not? I live in Merida
tattoos are for fags.
Rolling for Total Tulum Destruction.
Only if it's Gilbert 2.0, which is unlikely.
Fuck off ralph.
Haha, it's over.
well alright alright.. that is more like it.
i have to be careful, i'm a household name out here. kek. i was born and raised in florida. lived in texas for a bit.. moved around the country for a few years as an adult, but florida is where i'm meant to be. it's my land.
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real Whites not attack other real Whites anon
yeah we do, but in a brotherly way. i wouldnt waste my real good advice on a noid, it's like casting pearls before swine.
what are the odds this thing turns sharply north and steamrolls swfl again
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Where's mowerfag at
What are the odds it cuts off it's bands and becomes a tornado named Brian?
Oh man i remember him. I thought he made it.
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i was hoping for a sudden northward trend, personally.
During Ian, remember the guys who had all those ducks and chickens?
He ded, didn't make it.
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Never forget piganon.
Sure looks like it, Jamaica is fucked.
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Ben confirms.
Last week's geomagnetic storms brought on this baby.
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>they’re gonna know
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Goddamn I must have missed that. Poor bastard.
Are you getting ready Jamaica anon?
About 14.88%
This was supposed to be a glitch.
It was pred programming?
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Never forget duck anon
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The best time of year is back.
I think high pressure will keep it south but some models have it going into Texas/Louisiana or just barreling into Mexico as a weaker hurricane.
That's who I mean.
He kept posting, desperate to know how to protect his little quackers.
I think he finally moved them into his shower stall and car.
But not enough to save them.
Then he just disappeared from the threads.
I hate it when an anon gets killed in the midst of a thread. Other such cases.
yeah did piganon make it?
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Has Frankie chimed in on hurricane barrelroll yet?
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Amen, brother. /AHSG/ will never die as long as hurricanes come and Florida Man still draws breath.
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i am going to home depot soon, need to make my patio slightly more comfy. anyone need anything?
Not necessarily. Katrina took a hard right at the last moment
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Hell yeah brudder. We floridafags want to be pummeled by le big wind
no I'm at work. traffic was ass this morning
haha i think i remember those posts!
Gee guys I wonder why there keep being stronger hurricanes? Guess it's just one of those things!!!
Good luck and Godspeed
Keep us posted with what's happening Jamaica anon. Are people freaking out yet?

Yes. Did you know Frankie follows e-thots on twatter?
We need some more /FAG/ - Florida Anon General threads
beat it commie
>LE EARLIEST CAT 5 bullshit
You understand that the "in recorded history" part is just implied, right anon?
Are you the anon that asked me for my hand in the other thread?

This a sex thing??
I'm in Louisiana and am legally allowed to be in this thread, mon ami
i ask any anon that is suspect to post hand. are you suspect?
it's probably you saying global warming and gay shit like that kek. is that what you meant? >>472859667
i mean, climatards have been crying wolf about fossil fuels causing the apocalypse for like forever. i remember global cooling and peak oil.
thanks for keeping us posted on frankie
I posted with the blond hairs. It's me, anon, it's me!
That's a shitskin thing to do. Us blue eyed white people can tell regardless
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I'm just asking questions. What's wrong with asking questions? Hey look at this cool picture I found.
Burgers for the grill.
I'll carmelize the onions.
I've heard that supermarkets are a mess. if covud was anything to go by people are in there scraping shelves clean only to not bother cashing half of it
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shit skin?
nein. i am suspect of many here that cannot post hand. it tells me a lot about people and their intentions here.
you see how anon posted hand above? there should never be any issues with anyone posting the back of their hand.
honesty is the best policy, if you have nothing to hide, posting your hand should never be an issue.
mmmm now we are cookin
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I like that one where it tears straight along the border and through to LA
Maybe it could even redevelop over the pacific and loop around to fuck up San Fran, or nail Hawaii
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>I've heard that supermarkets are a mess
Glad it's not just us that panic buys. This dude did a pretty good breakdown of what Jamaica can expect.
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we stand at the ready
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>sciencefags can’t accurately predict a hurricanes path
>let’s totally listen to them about something 6,000,000 times more complex as manmade global warming
The absolute state
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It's gonna kill all da BUMBACLOT ain't it
BTW, in this portion of that video, the simulation shows the storm breaking up pretty good, which would mean less steering to the north? I'd be interested to hear CM's take on this.
(correct time) https://youtu.be/UQlHnULk9RA?t=755
Bomba clock!
‘im be a real rude boi
The situation looks pretty bad for Jamaica right now. I remember when Dorian hit the Bahamas and the grim videos. We need to start compiling Jamaica live streams before the storm hits tomorrow.
Dorian was a special case, that mother fucker sat there and grinded EXP for a few days
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>Dorian was a special case, that mother fucker sat there and grinded EXP for a few days
Very true. It's good for Jamaica that this one is moving quickly, but those wind speeds are still going to be brutal. Anyone know the projected storm surge for Jamaica?
>It's the return of Cortez
>The evil of the Aztecs never ended
>They segued into [s]cartels[/s] Carlos
Which way, Hurricane man
I'm so blond that my armpit hair is transparent.
This crazy mother fucker has an ocelot as a pet....
The Ralphamale will be the last one standing in the mexican ruins BISH
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my chin hair is red, my facial hair is black, my sideburns are red, and my hair is dirty blonde and my eyes are split and change color like the ocean line off the coast. i would say they are blue gray green with one being different that the other. how fucked am i?
i am climbing up the top sails.

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Just a little bit of extra energy and that bitch uturns harder straight into my asshole in tampa
hello, whats the most recent updates, i heard there are now 5 cats instead of 4?
Yeah, sounds like gray eyes all right, they "change color" depending on the surrounding colors and lighting, but it's more like an optical illusion. Your eyes have collagen but no melanin.
Cats have 9 lives
Yes, we now have 5 cats
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life is good
whats the latest numbers for pressure and max/sustained wind speed?
not sure, have not been paying attention.
someone will post new info soon, stand by.
ty red sperg, standing by
He was a LARPer, but at least he claim clean when his cousin exposed him. The ducks were fine.
We never got an answer to this one so far as I know.
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These Jamaica niggas are fucked kek
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Does this mean no more Hedonism 2?
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11AM update. Jamaica will be getting hammered by this time tomorrow.
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My God you can see the individual waves towering on the resolution here of Beryl. It broke wind records today for the Atlantic!

The resolution is 10 meters
Good. Those stoner fucks need to learn to take a bath for once
what sort of cat are we looking at? will it drop back down to cat4 or is it going to actually cleanse the land?
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Cat4 landfall. Cat3 by the time it leaves the island
It should pass quickly over Jamaica with devastating winds. I haven't seen any storm surge numbers, but there will be coastal flooding for sure,
From which resource are y'all getting these images?
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She's beautiful. Like God's wrath made manifest.
I googled the filename and found the tweet, where the guy who bought the satellite image posted on flickr
jamaicans are finally getting washed then?
Are you masturbating to the images??
The interesting part about this storm is that no one has any clue what happens after it passes over Yucatan. See the model spread >>472863348
EVROPEAN here, when is the storm going to hit and how much? I want to see mexico wiped out.
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Thread theme: Key Largo (1948)

Texas is on the table for landfall
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I need that hurricanussy
i am a complete amateur at this, so i dont understand to the full extent of what 'landfall' may do, i have a basic understanding that hot air from the saharas meets cold water or something, and basic sort of knowledge would indicate that moving over land is bad for something that relies on water. but lets say it half moves over the peninsular, would that fuck it or break it in half or something weird? or is that what people dont know?
It simply slows down in windspeed, aka it weakens. If it weakens enough, it stops spinning and just turns into a bunch of storms.
We've been running /ahsg/ since 2016 at least
She's trending north, lads.
what you're actually needing to watch is solar flare and hole activity, and the size and impact period of each. and no, I'm sorry, I can only point you towards it, I can't tell you the workings.
Yeah, Houston anon here. Everyone expects it to weaken after Yucatan. So hopefully just a TS if it hits us, but who knows at this point.
the water from Venezuela is cooler out of the rivers. yes.
so the jamiacans are getting washed at like 85%? so the predictions for it hitting the yucatan, what is the uncertainty? they're unsure of if it will continue to be a hurricane or if it will be storms? sorry for the questions, easier to get concise information from other spergs than watching a ten min youtube video.
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>hole activity
I've always wanted to experience a hurricane in person
where would be the best place to do so: airbnb or hotel? an airbnb seems like it would likely be more dangerous if the storm is really bad but maybe more enjoyable... though the idea of renting an airbnb stresses me out more than getting a hotel room, because it feels more personal I guess
maybe a hotel or condo near the coast would be cozy idk
any input from experienced storm enjoyers would be much appreciated
haven't we entered a solar minimum though? how would that impact hurricane formation? based on my previous post about hot air and cold water, surely it would cool the air?
yeah islands get slammed, probably heading to mexico but who knows it might turn north, lets call it 20% it goes north
I'm moving out of Florida by the end of September. I'm really hoping for TTD before I leave.
Total... tropical death? Trinidadian? What are you trying to say, anon
It's gonna hit Corpus Christi according to the Saffir Simpson projections I'm looking at
they need it anyway so it is a natural miracle. i watched a documentary on natgeo about a hurricane which turned north and span opposite to how the coriolis effect would've expected to, i think it was 2011? hurricane mitch maybe? didnt it rape the us east coast?
Yeah I'd believe that, seems reasonable
those deserts are flowering for the first time in a while
de-desertification is positive right
I think it'll plow through the Yucatan and remain a hurricane. It's one structurally sound hurricane. Almost perfect
My fiancé got a job out of state. I work remote. I also am looking forward to mountains. Keeping my house here though.
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>I'm moving out of Florida by the end of September. I'm really hoping for TTD before I leave.
>enters the chat
The significance of post Yucatan is how organized the storm stays. If it breaks up and heads west into Mexico, no big deal. But if it stays organized and turns north, there is no predicting at this time what it will do as far as strength or impact location. We are just going to have to wait.

It is concerning to me as well
TTD = Total Tampa Death
No, not my brethren in Mobile!
Depends on a few factors. If you're on the coast of Florida, for example, you DO NOT want to be one of the retards stuck on the barrier islands in a low-lying building.
RIP Pine Island Anon
In a quaint wooden cottage on the beach so you can relax and enjoy the waves.
there's a bunch of shit that has to be accounted, including the use of fire for engines, electrical lines, and surface cover that humans can and do affect. solar wise, there's a cycle every 11(?) years where we move from minimum to maxium back to minimum. On that wave path, we're suggesting a lower high, and a longer zero at the moment. 2019 was a near zero flare year, the first in our records. So we're actually maxing on the wave right now, probably. Another thing that is happening is the movement of the magnetic north and south, which is corresponding to a decrease in magnetic "shield" against the electro-magnetic side of being inundated with plasma sheets that may run from the sun out to and beyond us. Those electro-magnetic effects, in addition to the extra ionic elements, are changing all kinds of stuff in our, to give a poor analogy, "atomic electron shell" we call atmosphere and near-space.
Which branch are you in?
and nothing of value was lost
could stay cat one, highly doubt anything more then that, but it's alto going to weaken if the eye goes right over Jamaica
personally i think its gonna level off a bit and slow down over the yucatan, but gonna pick back up again once it passes. probably a 3 or low 4 when it hits south texas and head inland to get everything wet.
>t. absolutely no weather training but i like watching storms and have predicted the last few
if anything i think corpus christi might get the worst of it on american soil.
im hoping it washes haiti away.
Post gore of the hurricane damage or prune the thread!
I don’t see this NOT hitting Houston. They’ve gotten to uppity, and have had a correction in years at this point.
Come to Quintana Roo, you have multiple choices from beach side luxury hotels to stranded on an island soon to be flooded tier, plus a bit of added language barrier difficulty if you choose a mostly mayan town. If any hotel knows what they're doing they'll send you to a refugee, except for the family owned ones.
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the very special forces, satan.
so the yucatan is going to be what is essentially a storm break or a nautical groyne for mummy beryl?
i am going to read more on this before i reply as quite frankly, i do not understand what you just posted
does it actually have the potential to pick back up again when the water is warmer and has lost a load of momentum over a landmass?
60-70 percent confidence it stays within the cone. Source:
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when you say cone, do you mean jamaica is getting washed at 70%?
Yes they do it all the time
don't worry, nobody really does, we're only now being able to test and see correlations. there have been some causation links that look pretty legit. solar maximum being one of the things that brings earlier storms. the truth is, there's a literal universe of material coming at us, that we've been ignoring almost forever, except in what is written off (often probably rightly) as astrology.
whatever you piece together, may be the actual first time we've made sense of it. but one thing is certain, the old models were incomplete, even where they're getting pretty good at path trace based on water temp.
it's ogre
Hows the preparation goin on the island?
I love going there and banging me some hot grandmas rando stranger sex.
it's interesting how retards look retarded. I wonder why.
Faster forward speed means bigger surge. Plus kingston is in a southeastward facing bay, so maximum surge possible. The big killer will be the cat 5 surge riding in with a cat 3 storm the jamacians kinda ignore. 20 ft is possible.
Brosky... Get us some footage.
>captcha JMY - JAMAYCA
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No, 100% Jamaica gets hit. There's some chance the eye misses Jamaica. Same for Yucatan peninsula.
Sounds good to me
Jamaicans? They are doing absolutely nothing and it is going to be a total surprise to them.
facetiously, Jamaica will no longer exist by this time tomorrow
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>Plus kingston is in a southeastward facing bay, so maximum surge possible. The big killer will be the cat 5 surge riding in with a cat 3 storm the jamacians kinda ignore. 20 ft is possible.
Kingston better be evacuating or it's going to get ugly
Smoking ganja all day does have the side effect of not being able to focus on distant events. They will start prepping when the rain is coming down sideways.
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ohhhh just a little bit more down so Honduras, and Guatemala get fucked but up enough so El Salvador doesn't get too fucked.
Man they are gonna get clobbered by surge all along that coastline.

Atleast if they hightail it inland altitude will keep them safe ( but more exposed to the wind haha )
are they going to full blown bathed or just a little shower? i am hoping that beryl decides to wash the nation completely, no one isn't bathed
Rip, they are going to get as fucked as Puerto Rico in Irma, but no big daddy USA money to fix everything
Mr. Beast just built a bunch of stick-frames. I can't tell if it's charity or a wicked mouse-trap.
I just need it to avoid the caymans, for reasons
In jamaica? Ohh you know hes gonna livestream them all drowning.
Its wild man, a whole tropical island with the best beaches anywhere in the world and like 4 Jamaicans know how to swim.
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They don't look like they are preparing
Storm surge/winds will kill Jamaicans in the next 48 hr. They will get lots of rain, but that's tertiary.
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that's an unreasonable scale. you can't jump from 0 to 78 feet and expect to see something. you'll need a map with more divisions, or with a skewed division towards lower elevations having more demarkation.
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>Which branch are you in?

Formerly of a branch that works closely with radar
Massive flooding. Deadly wind. The island is going to be fucked. If they weren't such lazy retards (niggers), they would be heading to higher ground right now. Or at least start hiking up blue mountain
traffic is beyond terrible
I don't think anyone took it seriously enough till this morning
already got some canned stuff yesterday.
I... I just don't see it survive.
Ahh, the good old oil facility at 2ft above sea level in a hurricane zone. On the south side of the island, the hurricane side. Not the north side, the side that basically never gets hit ever.
I understand why they drive on the left, but I don't understand why they still drive on the left
>They don't look like they are preparing
Nowhere to go, might as well enjoy their last days. Plus they're all high.
I did not even consider this.
Container ships floundering.
wew lads.
Gonna be some late deliveries.
At least its not a nuclear power plant
Waiting for the short bus.
JPS powerplant is out there too btw
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Fairly standard for a port anon. Hard to move a freight ship up the mountain. But, you bring a good point. Let's hope they can either keep minimum supply, or empty it.
That was in Bahamas, I'm pretty sure. Maybe his next move can be moving Jamaican refugees there.
keep talking dirty to me
anon, if you're white i hope you are okay, if not take pics
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I noticed you ignored the scientologists. Perhaps a smart move. Those guys are loony.
>free shoes university
>gonna stock up on gas
>get a chicken tender sub from publix
>mow my lawn

Aw yeah. It's Florida hurricane season. Might go to the flood retainer lake and fistfight the alligator we have living there.
Dude, he's been bulking up.
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there has been an infestation of invasive species, such as snakeheads, of which i like to refer to them as the niggers of american waterways
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>first hurricane of the season and im out of state
>no buffalo tendie pubsub with livestreams
As he should. Told that right nonce that he was an embarrassment to his kind.
Don't make it weird, anon. Jamaica is a Commonwealth realm. You're taxes will be going to the nigger survivors.
>no lookner
It's a nothingburger.
So will USA probably, if it goes strait across the island, they will be extremely fucked. Think about it the ENTIRE country will have just been slammed by a cat 5 eyewall, I don't think I've ever seen that before.
commonwealth is basically meme, has no power. now being a burger i should imagine you would wish to import and save the negroes who no longer have any weed left and have been freshly washed.
It has been downgraded to a cat 4. Literal nothingburger of a storm
source please
the thing that happens every year is happening again this year !!!!!!!!!!
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>The Guardians will keep Florida safe, son!
>155mph winds
Cat 5 is 156mph and higher
>the thing that happens every year is happening again this year !!!!!!!!!!
It doesn't matter how many times it happens, every time is different. How many times are you surrender monkeys going to eat a snail or a frog and keep expecting it to taste tres bien?
yeah this is now a nothingburger. abandon bread
what s different ? some water is going to go on florida keys , it s going to rain and have some wind , it s always the same shit
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based!!!!!! every year it is fun again
go eat snails
Now that is a true patriot, he embraced the hurricane like a Chad.
you re right , it s pretty fun to see some monster trucks in the strreets helping people , and some canoos and airboats on the roads , i like it
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And it's great fun every year.
I hope Houston gets hit hard again this year. I want some storm parties and barbecues.
I want to get my chainsaw and clear trees out of the roads for my fellow Houstonians.
>what s different ? some water is going to go on florida keys , it s going to rain and have some wind , it s always the same shit

It must be terribly boring to live in a tiny country where nothing ever happens other than some farmers protesting. Hurricanes are a force of nature, they change the landscape and destroy lives, but our people bond and band together to support each other and rebuild to make things better than they were. Thank you for the Marquis de Lafeyette, but other than that, I hope your country continues to be overrun by Africans.
yea. especially when the water is warm and the gulf has been fucking HOT this year.
>its kinda the reason its been a hot year already. and a wet one.
the real questin is how much potential is it going to lose over the yucatan, and i think its more likely to nip cancun instead of side-swiping belize.
.gonna be a fun one thats for sure.
you mutts are another species lol
you got more nogs than africa , wtf are you talking about ?
Just admit it we are having fun and you are not.
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>you got more nogs than africa , wtf are you talking about ?

We're also somewhat larger
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having your wooden house destroyed is having fun ? i hope you have a LOT of fun this year XD
I got 6 feet from Harvey so imma pass on that anon.
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we will
i agree , not only your country is larger , your people are larger too , morbidly larger XD
harvey was hysterical.
ike was a blast.
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You'll never understand the strength and resilience of the American character, faguette. We overcome, you surrender.
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hell yeah dude !
shooting the storm like every fucking year , this shit is getting old
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based this is me
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>>The Guardians will keep Florida safe, son!
Georgia keeps Florida safe anon. All this chest beating but when Desantis says run we take your tired, your poor, your drunk Floridians without question. I don't think we get enough credit for all the refugees we care for every season.
>verification not required
I'll always think of them as the Indians desu
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Is someone baking?
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>I don't think we get enough credit for all the refugees we care for every season.
Get Fulton County voting under control, and we'll give you all the credit you can handle. Doesn't really matter, you're still our Confederate brothers and we'd do anything to keep you safe as well.
what doe these antennas do?
nobody knows , it s been 20 years and still , nobody knows
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People don’t realize how big the US actually is
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>what is HAARP
They bounce radio waves off the ionosphere to control weather patterns and steer hurricanes. Like what happened on 9/11
We need a new baker. I’m out
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i know, im playing. im just jealous you get all the damn action
i did it in american trucks , it s as big as your mom
Im baking. No split plz
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>i know, im playing. im just jealous you get all the damn action
Hang on a few years, they promise we'll be underwater and you'll have the southern Riviera and more hurricanes than you can shake a drumstick at

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