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>Quick Rundown
Beryl is a bat out of hell. There is much uncertainty in the path given that much of it is dependent on intensity. Well, this has blown every model out of the water in terms of intensity. What does this mean? Well, the more intense it is, the more it will feel the upper steering currents pushing it northerly. This would imply a stronger storm would be more northern and thus more of a threat for the GOM. Further out it's more uncertain than in other situations.

>Sats and visuals

>Info and Data


>Twitter Feeds

>Preparations and Safety

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Oh please let these digits spare me.
Uhhh Hurricane Hunters are you ok?
>195mph wind gusts
who else thinks those are rookie numbers and we're gonna see Beryl pump them up?
i can see another eyewall relacement coming over that hot water with no shear. tomorrow night 200mph max sustained?
i hope florida gets a big one so we can have tnd squads again.
>speed now 19kt
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threadly reminder KFC is white mans meal and Popeyes is swarthy spic meal
they ded
Anyone know how I can help Grenada? With monetary donation or actually go down there to help the recovery effort
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I see a merchant
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Looks like a Knight to me
Northern turn confirmed
NOLA confirmed fucked
im hopin it gets closer to sub 900
looks like a little mushroom man with arms in the sky screaming DAMN YOUUUUU
It's the 2nd of July anon, just be happy we got something, let alone a cat 5. Now let's see what happens to her.
This mofo will go in between Puerto Rico and Dominicana
Does anyone know about a cozy live stream I can fall asleep to of the storm? Always wanted to sleep to real hurricanes
I totally see it, good catch anon!
>170kt flight level winds
>plane can remain stationaryflying into the wind
Didn't fly so good when I tried it in the simulator
Rolling for cat 2 by Thursday
Stfu, jeet. This shit is hitting Tampa as a cat 6 on the 4th of July
Not going to Jamaica. It's going to Santo Domingo and Puerto Rico.
How's Jamaica gonna be holding up
Rolling for Katrina-tier chaos and infrastructure damage
There will no longer be a Jamaica after Wednesday
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Sorry bud, nowhere at the moment to stream this one from.
So you're either going to have to use past hurricane livestream/ audio for that tonight; or wait until tomorrow night, for a possible glancing blow to get a Haitian livestream (kek); or more realistically, wait until Wednesday morning and through-out the day into possibly the evening, for any Jamaican livestreams.
After that, it's a crapshoot.
I still think it's going to Cuba.
Prove me wrong, breakaway glowniggers with your claws on the levers of the weather weapons and air mass manipulation arrays.
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Only a cat. 5... How long has it been stuck at cat. 5? Two/ three weeks?
based garyposter on a vpn
Estero FL here. Can report that there’s been a bizarre tension among everyone lately…people seem to know that at any moment this hurricane could track north and become the Big One. Ive seen some people already stockpiling water and food the last time i went for a pub sub.

im scared, bros.
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Welp gentlemen, we're starting to go off track here.
Trending north? Oh fugg, get ready for chaos
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which one of these mad lads is doin this? kek
Say goodbye Florida
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Gise Net!
Damn fucking Hurricane better not come here
Adios island Mexicans
Place yer bets!
Please God slap us with another Katrina, it would be so funny.
>it's wobbling north
It's fucking over USAbros.
Houston is fucked. Check em
$50 that it won't even touch Jamaica
KEK it might happen.
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For me, it's Raising Cane's. The white man's chicken tendies
I'll take it hits puerto stinko for 1000 alex
Hurricane tracking expert here.

Houston is gonna get blasted.
welp, we might be in for another EWRC... thingy. You can see the convection build up outside the lightening in the inner core. with how well this has been hidden, something tells me this will be a quick procedure.
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2024 is gonna be the best hurricane season yet
Eyewall Replacement cycle, it's when the inner eyewall gets killed and the outer eyewall takes over. Basically, it just becomes more stable and better resist things such as shear, like the tut.
NHC bumped her up to 165 mph
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no no no no
why are pajeets so bad at ai?
Eyewall replacement cycle. The eyewall will get bigger
Guess I really didn't help you with that last reply.
And shit, guess there was some livestreams of Beryl already.
My Bad.
(Beryl) This one kind of sucks to try to fall asleep to cause there is people who keep talking in it
(Beryl) This is kind of better, but there's some annoying beeping in there

this one has a shit-ton of views, so might be good for asleep too, but looks like it is just one really long loop.

This one is actual footage from the very powerful and historic Hurricane Dorian (so vastly better imo), but not as long, and the change in intensity and locations may make for something bad to try to fall asleep to.

Here's Reed Timmer being a dum-dum and himself, because why not
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Welp, I just discovered the Hurricane of 1906, now you will have to know of it too.
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New NHC advisory, Officially the strongest hurricane in July.
Early Warming Recall Compression… Texas is fucked.
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checked and kekd.
mein neger
*strongest hurricane in July so far
Word on the street is it's going to hit cat 6
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Awww she's smiling at us ^_^
As long as it brings a shit ton of rain to Central Texas, I'm ok with this
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It appears that Baryl is growing larger in presentation, maybe we are already close to the result.
Santo Domingo bros
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north north north north
I swear if i wake up in the morning and this thing has done something silly im gonna lose it
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Can confirm, it's further north than the NHC positioning apparently. 14.2N vs 14.4N It is now outside the NHC cone
Goodbye new Orleans, we hardly knew ye. Katrina 2.0 here we come.
Need some excitement after the disappointment of Lee last year. We never did get our straight up the Chesapeake meme.

Thanks for always being in these threads with good info confederatebro, these are my favorite threads of the year.
Is there a comfier movie than Key Largo that features a hurricane?
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silly goose...
canada geese...
A fucking leaf.

Can't even handle 1 cat, let alone cat 5
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Now the HWRF is starting to get the idea right. Maybe 20 MB lower in this situation, maybe even lower, important thing is this thing has it going NW to N so... Interesting things might happen in the future. Not predicting this, just saying a powerful storm in the gulf is starting to look more and more into the picture
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Getting stronger, breaking records and going further north, what a champ.
I hope it makes it to Jamaica at full power, because doing anything after that is a bit of an uncertainty.
Erase Jamaica as the first fine appetizer happening for this hurricane season. Hopefully it happens during daylight, night hurricanes are gay.
Extra Warm Robot Clussy(tampa will be destroyed)
If this thing does make landfall and go over Mexico, how do you think the chances are of RI upon entering the gulf? I'd wager the storm may be too broken up to reform strongly, no? Conditions favorable or too far out to know?
I guess what I'm trying to say is is it over if it makes landfall upon Mexico or does it still have a chance to barrel roll the southern coast?
I still got my money on HAFS-B
Best performing model so far, although HWRF has been kinda close.
i wish i was from the future and i said it was gonna stop in its tracks and turn north after further intensification and directly hit puerto rico
Gulf conditions as currently forecast are decently favorable but not super ideal for rapid restrengthening
>muh climate change isn’t real the oceans aren’t getting hotter
Can’t wait for Florida to get battered. Fucking retards buying ocean front property because the oil barons convinced them weather was fake.
Say it with me:

>switch to nuclear
at this point, I'm bitter and I don't think that people deserve a technology as great as nuclear power.
dont worry, the russians will cook it up like they did hurricane carla back in 61. their microwave stuffs there now why not, right? remember the cuban missile crisis? that's goin on right now by the way.
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checked, but retarded. bck to plebbit troon
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As a Floridafag, I say bring it on
I'll live on the beach and tie myself to a palm tree during the worst of the worst hurricanes if I have to.
>doesnt generate his power with his own steam power fueled by coal, in a machine no bigger than a train cart.
carbons good. hurricanes are good. i'll be here in florida laughin at you troons stuck in your apartments on the 44th floor so you can eventually jump.
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Alright, time to post a map, the 4 options starting from south to north
It weakens like global models says and it pulls a Florance and fucking dies. Straight in Belize, game over.
It goes into the main body of Yucatan, mostly becomes a TS and probably at best makes landfall in southern Mexico as a cat 1.
it just grazes it and moves it into the gulf, depending on how strong it is, it could hold most of it and maybe go down a category or two but maintain most of its structure. from there could land anywhere in northern Mexico or southern Texas. I would expect RI in this situation and think back to Hanna where it's a deep pressure, but winds are probably still picking up, probably 24 hours till landfall once back out in the gulf
It completely misses and goes through the Yucatan pass and enters the gulf as probably an either a strong cat 2 or some major hurricane. Waters are hot in the gulf and since it's moving at a decent pace, it doesn't need the deep hot waters to have extreme intensity. I would expect RI in this situation It also would indict a more northern/eastern landfall. Anywhere from Corpus Christi to New Orleans. Would expect a landfall anywhere from Cat 3 to even cat 5 depending on how conditions turn out. A very severe situation

So, in terms of likelihood, let's go over them based on current trends
>1/15% (going down)
>2/25% (going down)
>3/30% (going up)
>4/30% (going up)
With the northern trends and the fact, the storm is as strong as it is and it's currently going through an EWRC instead of 12 hours from now, which will allow it to better handle the tutt even better than it probably can now, leads to more northern solutions down the line. Of course, the big more immediate factor for all of these is interaction with Jamacia. it can go south, though, or north. It is even odds for any of those given the trend. Important thing is that it requires very small changes to make the path entirely different at this stage of the game.
rolling for 2.5 see >>472825707
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it looks like it's intensifying if you look closely. but, if i had to guess on one of your hypotheticals, i'll play the reddest most north eastern track
Daily reminder that Jacksonville is the most powerful country in the world
bros it looks like beryl is shidding and farding southward. it's an ass
checked kekd based. he was quite the statesman and warrior supposedly
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Nah, she just took a fat hit and let out a big puff of smoke
bro shes fuckin zooted
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someone do what has to be done
it needs a blunt
>category 5
God damn that's fucking NUTS
Don't ask me how but somehow it is looking better. at some point an EWRC will have to occur right?
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she's smiling :)
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Rolling for a very gentle 1.
You are fucking Jew! You can't use the power of digits as they are invariantly antisemitic. Watch this Kike faggot, roll for the ultimate 4
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You should try to get the puffs of smoke (outer bands) in there too if possible
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you fuckers missed this apparently.
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Well that's an interesting trend now.
not bad anon, not bad

doood relax brah that's too angry, we're trying to chill with our zooted stoner gal Beryl; she's grown out of her metal/punk phase
And even more interestingly
These things never actually seem to hit the Dutch Antilles... nice.
Well it's very dry so...
fuck that's coming straight to corpus
The trend north is what's important. Could hit anywhere from Brownsville to New Orleans honestly depending on how things turn out.
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Whoever lives there is getting fucked each year? Must be a gold mine for those can afford to have hurricane insurance.
True... idk man this one gives me Harvey vibes and it's freaky
Gigachad is realizing they've all been wrong since the beginning
Nah, Harvey was just still, this thing is sure as hell going to just move on through. Whole different monster, more like Ike, but if Ike was 3x as strong.
Just waking up. Hello everyone.
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BTW we do have radar on Beryl's core.
Fair, it's just there's areas here in the corpus area that took literal years to recover like Port Aransas that got the direct hit, and that was only at cat 4. Really hope Corpus doesnt get the direct ass raping this time
Just to mention, recon takes off in 30 minutes.
checked. Anyway we don't know what the future holds for Beryl, it's just looking more and more likely to be a US problem in the future.
so those little circles, are those showing convection in real time? or just some nasty rotation and giant torando type things?
Whens the last time Jamaica was hit by a major Hurricane btw?
should be an illuminated sign at night
the whole point of the lyric is that the flag was visible at night
That's just thunderstorms popping up around Beryl
That's just heavier precipitation in outer rain band squalls.
Mostly tourist resorts, cartels and those employed by them

Ike should have meant the retirement of the saffir-simpson scale. I have relatives that lived in NO during Camille and Betsy and Ike was worse by every metric according to them despite living much further inland and above sea level when Ike hit. Ike spent much of it's life as a Cat 4 and that's the sort of damage I saw when I went there after it nearly destroye my mother's house well north of Houston. Cat 2 my ass, it was spread out over a much larger area after interacting with Cuba but the total angular momentum of the storm was still the same as it had been as a category 4 if not higher.
i'm starting to think all that radar stufff we came up with in the 40s isnt being used to look into clouds. that radar barely penetrates. i wonder if it negatively (or even controls it) effects it or something..
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Nobody here is aware we are about to get hit by a Cat5 hurricane
Radar needs direct line of sight to function but (news flash to some), the curvature of the earth prevents stations from seeing past a certain distance and the further away from the radar site, the poorer the quality gets.
Godspeed tacobro
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looking forward to some comfy rain after the remnants make their way inland
well understand how far away Beryl is, that's 250 miles south, over a mountain, and it's still able to see the very top of the ring. Also the further out from the radar you are, the higher you have to be to be detected. So basically Beryl is approaching the Stratosphere.
Give it a rest already, most people on that island won't even realize that a hurricane passed by when they wake up in a few hours.
That's crazy. Well, you are aware, do something for yourself and your close ones. Warn someone that has any brain cells left and stay safe.
You'll get some retards who drown in the high surf at worst.
People here wake up in one hour
buy all the water and be king taconigger for the day
Y'all are still barely gonna notice anything besides a few stray squalls and rough seas on the south shore.
I don't care how bad it is. We're still not letting you in.
They're already in though.
They're born Americans.
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We all know they're second class citizens. They can't even vote.
That’s because we just had a big one retard. Old people and Yankees always freak out about every storm anyway.
To provide a comparative analysis of Hurricane Beryl on a historical scale, let's first obtain detailed information about the storm. I'll fetch the expanded details for Hurricane Beryl.Hurricane Beryl is currently a Category 5 hurricane with maximum wind speeds of 266 kph (165 mph). On a historical scale, Category 5 hurricanes are considered extremely severe and are rare, representing the highest level of intensity for hurricanes. Historical Comparison Scale (1 to 10)- 1-3: Minor hurricanes (Category 1-2)- 4-6: Moderate hurricanes (Category 3)- 7-8: Severe hurricanes (Category 4)- 9-10: Catastrophic hurricanes (Category 5)Given Hurricane Beryl's Category 5 status and maximum wind speeds, it would be rated at 10 on this scale, indicating a catastrophic hurricane. Key Characteristics of Category 5 Hurricanes:- Wind Speed: Greater than 252 kph (157 mph)- Damage Potential: Catastrophic damage to buildings, infrastructure, and vegetation. High risk of life-threatening storm surges and flooding.- Historical Examples: Hurricane Katrina (2005), Hurricane Irma (2017), Hurricane Maria (2017).Hurricane Beryl, with wind speeds of 266 kph (165 mph), is among the most intense hurricanes recorded.
Recon delayed till 4:40 EST. So oopsie daisy.
Chat GPT answer son of a bitch
Shit, a hurricane in the Caribbean in the summer. Truly the world is ending.
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>Truly the world is ending.
This bitch STILL just keeps looking stronger
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This bitch is still intensifying
Very healthy looking eye. Has continually exceeded all expectations yet some retard keeps underinitializing the intensity on the models.
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I want to sleep but i also want to see what Recon finds
The dilemma of Hurricane season
cat 6 incooming
What is Recon?
Here we go again
Hurricane Beryl Discussion Number 15
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL022024
500 AM AST Tue Jul 02 2024

Beryl remains an impressive category 5 hurricane this morning.
Satellite imagery shows a well-defined eye, expanding outflow,
and a prominent outer band. Overnight NOAA Hurricane Hunter
aircraft data showed the minimum central pressure falling to about
935 mb, and the Tail Doppler Radar measured 170 kt of wind at about
500 m. This supports the initial intensity of 145 kt for this

The hurricane is moving quickly to west-northwest at an estimated
290/19 kt. A strong subtropical ridge centered over the southern
United States will continue to steer Beryl west-northwestward to
westward across the central and northwestern Caribbean for the next
few days. The latest track forecast has been nudged slightly to the
north and lies closest to the corrected consensus aid. There is
still increased uncertainty in the track forecast beyond 72 h, with
the model guidance showing a large spread as Beryl emerges over the
Gulf of Mexico.

Beryl's intensity forecast is also rather uncertain. Model guidance
all indicates that the hurricane will begin to weaken later today
as Beryl encounters moderate-to-strong vertical wind shear. Later
on, factors such as the possible interaction with the Jamaican
elevated terrain, dry air intrusions, and the structure of the
vertical wind shear will all play a role in the rate of weakening.
The models show quite a wide range of solutions, with guidance
between a strong tropical storm to a major hurricane while it nears
the Yucatan Peninsula. The NHC forecast lies in the middle of the
aids, showing Beryl as a major hurricane near Jamaica, reaching
Yucatan as a hurricane in about 72 h before emerging as a tropical
storm over the Gulf of Mexico. This is quite an uncertain forecast
beyond a couple of days due to the aforementioned factors.
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Northern update, eye is still north of the cone.
>The models show quite a wide range of solutions, with guidance
>between a strong tropical storm to a major hurricane while it nears
>the Yucatan Peninsula. The NHC forecast lies in the middle of the
reconnaissance aircraft
5:00 AM AST Tue Jul 2
Location: 14.6°N 66.9°W
Moving: WNW at 22 mph
Min pressure: 935 mb
Max sustained: 165 mph
Thank you.
delete rasta
ahsg discord:
nigger had their hurrikangz, now it's the white knight's turn
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Good luck, TUTT
Goodbye Puerto Rico.
You had a good run.
D I g I t s and it crosses Mexico and hooks back in to Phoenix Arizona at full strength.
who said anything about it even hitting mexico?
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insane ensembles
>995 MB
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>185 MPH
>185 MPH
>185 MPH
>185 MPH
>185 MPH
Someone go tell Ghost he's got a week to move his trailer before Beryl blows it away
Breathe man breathe. I've been a 727 fag with you for quite some time. I'm still fully waking up but those are not the surface level winds right? And what's the percentage again?
A hurricane just flew over my house
That's pretty neat! So we're at Wilma or Dorian levels. Those 1 mins or instantaneous from the drop probes
following storms with you lads is comfy. is anyone willing to give me a qrd on which statistics to follow in order to "understand" these storms? i understand that the lower the pressure in mb, the more intense the storm, but thats about it
928 mbar
May be a glitch but it also looks like the plane got like slingshotted around the eye as well
1 mins
Hold on anon, we're going through a historic recon run, just watch either one of these websites, first one is faster though

most of the pressure readings were lost in the eye, that was the one they captured.
Your mother is a negro loving whore and you're mad about it.
Are there betting positions on storm tracks?
basically refer to >>472826338
Very cool. We'll get to see a chart topper live. What's the number to beat, 190?
Well Allen was 190 but that's contested and some people said Wilma reached 200 after recon left. But 190 is the record. ALSO 196 KNOTS ABOVE THE SURFACE. (Also probably didn't make it to the surface because it's still flying around.)
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It’s so fucking joever for Jamaica kek
Not to mention the 'surface' in these conditions is likely 80ft+ waves crest to trough.
oh yeah, IVAN BABY
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Wow, this fucker is still at cat 5 with 165 mph winds.
No, try 185 MPH >>472834574
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Based model, it's like Dorian again!
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The true (estimated) 1 minute sustain surface winds may not be quite as high as you think but still VERY impressive!
It's at least 185mph now possibly 200+ in some spots if some of these dropsondes are to be believed.
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Nice, so we could see an upgrade at the 8am update.
This is Historical anon, just appreciate it.
refer to >>472835679
200 KNOT winds found just 300 feet above the surface.
F to pay respects to Jamaica
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Now we coolin
Bro I do appreciate it, but I also know to temper my expectations. You don't think all the other (proper) meteorologists can't see the same thing you are looking at?
Also this:
>We also got a wild dropsonde from the northern eyewall. It didn't reach the surface so it can't really be used for intensity purposes but just look at some of these values in there. Nearing 200kt gusts in spots! Powerful core for sure
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Oh nooo.
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And this
Anon may have been right about a glitch
we'll get more passes anon, we'll get the true story
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It will skirt or landfall.
She's a big storm...
We need 15 more mph to reach Dodge Hellcat top speed.
>we'll get more passes anon
Gee I would certainly hope we get more than ONE pass. So much for getting some sleep anytime soon.
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Time to roll up your last spliff and smoke that jerk chicken my jamaican brothers and sisters
>passes ovee Jamaica
>ganja makes it lazy and saps its energy
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Air Force plane just took off for recon too and so far the AF missions have been providing more reliable data so that bodes well.
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It's a nothingburger. Just gets a bit windy at the coast.
It's hurricane season, of course the only thing plentiful during this time is booze. No sleep for a storm that never sleeps.
Yes, we shall see, though if it records 160 knots, you better at least acknowledge it. I also will say the core RN is shrinking so... we should get some interesting results.
microwave is fresh
This is the next Katrina
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Unfortunately not, by the looks of it.
Of course I'll acknowledge it but I'm not going to pretend to infer and disseminate it until I have some reliable sources backing it up. Your memeflag and tripfagging only gets you so much rapport.
always go to gusts not sustainable wind.
in the reality of things, wind is to 50% on gusts strength
Biden must evacuate Jamaica before it’s too late
Donate to the Clinton foundation or whatever
Sun rises yet again on our girl
Back into the breach
Its not going to hit mexico
That's no longer a girl, that's a woman
Why do they take off from US VI instead of Puerto Rico?
This is Katrina 2.0
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Latest high-res models for Yucatan approach via
This is Biden’s Katrina
Clarification: These are midnight runs
New 6 AM model runs are coming out now
Great. Does this mean we're going to get MORE niggers in America?
>STILL strengthening
Probably so that they don't have to smell you
Cleansing would do amazing things for property values locally. Momma wants a new house
I think this proves that the computer models need a better understanding of Cat 5 resilience
Ok, so it's gonna be a 5 when it reaches us? Or will it weaken as the models say?
Latest pass
I don't think it really matters this thing is a monster
Air Force plane soon to enter eye as well
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Good Morning Beryl
I Am sorry fir your loss of The Yucatan Peninsula.
I need it to hit as a Cat 6 si it has enough energy to cross Nexico in the The Sea of Cortez for (reasons)
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So is this because of manmade global warming? Were the climatefags right?
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Nine oh foh baby
Still low 930s mb pressure
This is God's punishment to Mexico for being
Understandable, as long as it makes landfall on Tulum first, they need to be gone.
Gotta love the NHC just straight up lying lmao
Your wish
Is my Command.
Why didn’t we listen to Al gore?
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Better go up at 11am.
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Beryl starting to run into the long forecast higher sheer.
And IR satellite suggests that her western side is possibly beginning to erode.
So a literal nothingburger? /pol/ gets so worked up over nothing
this is a blatant attack on starbase
He doesn’t know
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maybe, maybe not
There's still plenty of time and warm water out ahead of it before she runs into any significant landmass. Lots of things can change/develop over the next 3-5 days so stay tuned.
Jamaica still looks to get raked pretty hard on Wed too which should produce some kino footage.
O fugg I just remembered, if it hits Houston it might make it's way into Colony Ridge and flood out all those aliens. Please God let it come this way
Goood morning islandbros, isn't it a wonderful day to live in the oce- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING BERYL GO ON A DIET
Beryl is on an elimination diet of exclusively islanders and mexicans
>man made
Please wipe the Globalist publik edge-u kashunfrom that thing you call a brain.
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You there bro? How are things looking?
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Based CEMI
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haha funny prank
now turn...
Stock up bro, get some water and stuff. Buy discounted weed.
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Tampafag checking in for the first time this year. I'm ready bros. I crave this season. End Tampa with a cat5 then send that shit to Toronto
RIP islandbro, I know some people who have family on the hills/mountains? and hoo boy that's not gonna be fun
Yea, she is passed her peak. Windshear is gonna kill her soon
Good Night sweet Prince.
Definitely have to give the girl credit for still managing to hold on strong in the NE eyewall at least.
>So a literal nothingburger?
And that's a good thing.
Prayers out to you Jamaicabro. You guys are alright, unfortunately our weather manipulators think otherwise. They are coming for all of us.
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Two more seasons bro, I blame the stargate in Sarasota.
Eyewall collapsed.
Reforming stronger and faster than I have seen in 50 years of storm chasing.
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Look at that perfect spin, owari da...
We getting a new heading for the storm?
For you
"Dead" ahead.
Just threw it's center fore 300 K and reformed 100 k astern on its course.
Have never seen that.
Why is not Climate change man-made or i mean a result of the the pollution humans make on this Planet?
Climate change is Asian made, not human made
Because humans are fleas.
The earth will one day shake them off and go on cooling and warming as it did before they came.
Man made climate changnstryre is a grift.
Suicide now then
climate change is from stopping the upper atmosphere pollution were did. This huge push to stop climate change, the experts showed they are retarded (again) and turns out all the pollution was cooling the planet not warming it

Man could cancel all environmental laws with only the loss of a few hundred thousand useless eaters in cities over 50 years.
One fart from mother nature in Alaska ended the entire Roman Empire.
New bread




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