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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472870678
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death to aw***s and aw** postars
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TRUMP 2024
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Totally average and probably underage.
Are they going to be able to keep him in court every day til then or does this free him up to do rallies?
>Blimpf's sentencing delayed until September
>Lisa Rubin absolutely seething on (((MSNBC))) with Katy Tur

It's really falling apart for them, isn't it...this is amusing as fuck
I think it's cute that the opposition posters are now trying to do this weird reverse psychology angle of talking about joes options here as if somehow trump needs any help.. lol
nobody gives a fuck about any rino or dem here., and can smell your disingenuous posts.
keep getting laughed at hahahaha
Nigger, I read the court documents and I'm honestly shocked about this, I am at a lost of words.
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American appeals to active military to STOP fighting wars for Israel.
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you will burn in hell, faggot

>questionable age
burn in sulfur, pedo-nigger
Ok, so I said this debate night.
How about some RNC money goes into a Lolbertarian vs RFK debate. See how he performs under pressure, and get some tape. If it's good, consider a debate if they stick with Biden, sometime around late October.
Just walk off the stage if they put Biden up in September, it's an insult.
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No, to fucking delay this until summer is over is huge...Blimpf can now have rallies all summer long, including in these states which are typically dark/light blue and starting to trend neutral or even light red

This is true and big now
Oh no...
SCOTUS will regret this
>I map without thinking what my opponent can do
I love marines, but there are times you have to be more subtle and send a spook team instead.
Oh no no no...
Yep, the rats are fleeing the ship.
If anyone is curious, here's the court documents on the Epstein files.
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I hate niggers.
trump has nothing to gain by being on the same stage as RFK jr
Can someone explain to me what Project 2025 is and if Trump actually endorsed it? I found the 920 page pdf and don't really want to read it.

The main cliffnotes I saw were

>abolish EPA, Department of Education and maybe a few others
>ban porn
>ban gay marriage and trannyism
>support sovereignty of israel and taiwan

I still can't find anything about Trump talking about it himself. The news is overpacked with boogeymanning trump and the heritage foundation project 2025
i think it's weird how I posted this right before you pasta' d >>472876240
you're so transparent it's funny
get wrecked glowfaggot
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(it's probably edited somehow)
hows that helium leak coming?
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You will have to work twice as hard for half as much as the generation before you, and your children will have to work twice as hard for half as much as you have now.

You can thank the gullible christcucks for ignoring the founding fathers warnings by handing over control of the money supply to a bunch of transnational jews who want them dead or permenantly enslaved
I want old joe to steal all the DNC campaign money in retaliation for dems dropping him. Let it be Total War

We are so back. Rolling for all parties involved in this conspiracy to be sent to prison.
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friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah voted for and support child genital mutilations and child hormone blockers. TOTAL FREEMASON MORMON DEATH
God i hope the Biden's do go scorched earth with the campaign money if they try to replace him.
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The Hill going even further than asking him to step aside lol. In all seriousness if the cognitive issues are as bad as they were on debate night all the time, then he absolutely should resign or be 25th, I mean this is a genuine national security issue. What if the Russians attack outside of the hours of 10AM and 2PM?
fuck this hellhole
>It's so bad not even migrants want to live here when they get 5000 a month for nothing
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And someone needs to remind their donors that there will be No Refunds.
>pls don't vote me out when you elect drumpf
>its the christians fault!
metal gymnastics
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anyways this was his statement
>Donald Trump is going to win the election and democracy will be just fine
>After the first presidential debate, lots of Democrats are panicking about whether President Joe Biden should step down as the party’s nominee. Biden’s poor performance in the debate was not a surprise. It also didn’t rattle me as it has others, because the outcome of this election has been clear to me for months: While I don’t plan to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win. And I’m OK with that.
>There are winners and losers in every election. Democrats’ post-debate hand-wringing is based on the idea that a Trump victory is not just a political loss, but a unique threat to our democracy. I reject the premise. Unlike Biden and many others, I refuse to participate in a campaign to scare voters with the idea that Trump will end our democratic system.
>In 2025, I believe Trump is going to be in the White House. Maine’s representatives will need to work with him when it benefits Mainers, hold him accountable when it does not and work independently across the aisle no matter what.
>I urge everyone — voters, elected officials, the media, and all citizens — to ignore the chattering class’s scare tactics and political pipedreams. We don’t need party insiders in smoke-filled back rooms to save us. We can defend our democracy without them.
Stephen Kek BTFO
I'm honestly worried that if Trump gets on stage with RFK that it will kill RFK's support and they might go to Biden.
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Literally none of those policies is wrong, except for Israel. Being anti-Taiwan is the most obvious red flag of someone beholden to the CCP.
which god?
please i'm not ready for madame president
He should just toss all the campaign funds to Hunter and see how fast he can put it up his nose.
I am not in the know. How the fuck did he get the "?" flag?
Trump isn't going to do any of that shit except the last 2, which is a given anyway.
At best he will support cracking down on trannies in sports which is already happening in red states anyway.
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>support sovereignty of israel
Reminder that Israel is the #1 financier of child trafficking and pedo porn.
>drumpf is the next hitler and will destroy american democracy as we know it
>"I'm okay with him winning lol"
interesting messaging
Just 4 years was enough for him to corrupt the SCOTUS. This man can't be the president for another 4 years or not a single American establishment will survive.
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(he's one of the few democrats that reject that type of rhetoric)
What a coward
why is everyone ignoring the fact that Donald is in the unsealed Epstein files?
Promise, not a single institution? Now I am really going to vote for him.
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>time for (((Deadline: White House))) on (((MSNBC)))
>hosted by menopausal xoomerbitch Nicolle Wallace
>not even thirty seconds into her monologue, she's already becoming unhinged

Gotta love it
I think it’s cute that the regulars here think that genuine glowniggers are here around the clock to get them to change their vote and it’s not just bots/sock puppets to keep the thread afloat.
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Remember to trust the law experts on their SCOTUS decision like we trusted the medical experts on COVID.
I don't think Trump has officially endorsed it. But the idea of it is to avoid what happened last admin with the government sabotage against Trump by having a plan in place day 1 that eliminates and replaces those people with new people who are supportive of the President's vision. Tough to say how much Trump is sold on the idea though, since he doesn't really talk about it.
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I love our awoo posters. We have the best awoo posters. Fantastic.
maybe dont blaspheme next time, this is a god fearing thread
I mean, it's true and that's the underlying logic of saying he's too mentally deficient to run again- he still has 7 months in the big seat and there's 2 wars going on right now that the US is heavily implicated in
Does she still claim to be a Republican like she did in 2016?
you and everyone here knows the funding for you is at stake if joe dips
Kek, i do think Hunter would be the spiteful one and make a push to fuck with the warchest.
Joe is not going to step down unless he's physically removed.
Jill may be enabling him, but dementia patients are not aware they have a problem and are too stubborn to stop doing anything (anyone who has a relative with dementia knows this)
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I think the walls are finally closing in on the anti-Trump cabal. Something has definitely shifted in the timeline (perhaps CERN's doing). I know you can feel it just like I can, can't you?
Once Joe's out of office, Hunter and the rest of the family lose their income. Might as well take the money and everyone retires.
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A new id but the same me.
Remember this is what Truddy's importing in recent years was halfway about.
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As far as I'm aware she dropped her membership with the GOP after 2020, but I dunno if she formally declared herself a demshit
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>(anyone who has a relative with dementia knows this
Fuck do I ever. It already makes somebody who is a terminal boomer into a even bigger stubborn boomer.
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yes, actually.
All I feel is the peppermint schnapps I shot down after lunch.
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I'm sure the DNC would pick up the slack in the interim if Joe dropped out. The people who really need to worry are the staffers at Biden's ground offices, those checks might start getting kinda light next month as the donors jump ship.
Her and that one spic woman who claimed to be Republicans back in 2016 are the RINO-iest RINOs to ever RINO on major networks. It's a wonder this bitch pretended all the way to 2020.
the US government cannot actually post on this websites because, if any agencies got caught doing it in any official capacity, it would cause a shitshow that even the Democrats would be concerned about
glowies can, however, read and lurk. which they do.
the shills who post here are either "grassroots" volunteers or people who work for political/anti-extremism NGOs
they use VPN services to brigade, troll, and generally disrupt the website
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Yes, I can feel it, but I don't believe in what I'm feeling. The enemy is too dogged and determined to give up easily. Don't relax.
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You guys think this will beat Trump? About the best Madame Vice President can do.
>Hoonta spends all the dems' money on coke and whores
It will never not be hilarious that MSNBC's "Republicans" are disgruntled Bush and McCain veterans.
I think we won't have a second debate or see much of Joe anymore until the convention.
It's gonna be back to basement strategy like in 2020.
some of it is sock puppet shit
the regulars have been caught multiple times
now they dont even really hide the fact that the id swap
so they are delaying the trial to be exactly 3 weeks before the election

how is that fair? theyre putting all their chips on trump being indicted by judge merchant and sent to federal prison. but the supreme court ruling will make that very unlikely…
which would be unironically less of a waste than spending it on the campaign
Project 2025 is based but its LGBT Q+Anon
Is it bad if sentencing is closer to the election? A lot of fruity lefties really want Trump to get 30 days in prison at minimum.
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C'mon, Kamala, I'm already voting for Trump; you don't have to sell me on him.
Ok, I won't, will you please look into this?
Jews just admitted to killing JFK.
no, fuck you
family had to get my mother to simply stop driving and it was an all out battle.
we disabled her car - she'd call a repair guy out
removed the car from the driveway - she'd report it stolen
Finally had to report her to the state and Dr did as well
Even after that, she'd flat out tell us she didn't care she had no license or could kill someone on the road.
Infuriating, like talking to a brick wall.
true, they'll probably fuck over the people on the ground first just to keep the media machine going... but that would only last a few days with reduced or no cash inflow.
the kicker here is that because of the way they ran their primaries, none of the contenders have any media capital other than already being losers.
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I think they've given up on trying to hold onto the WH and instead they're gonna put everything they've got into winning the house and senate so Trump can't do shit his 2nd term.
what is your most kino scenario?

>Biden drops out, Kamala runs
>Kamala loses to Trump
>Biden dies after election day but before the inauguration
>Kamala becomes President for a month and has to attend Trump's inauguration as President
It will be interesting to see how much Joe's funding drops in July.
if he's going to be their guy then he 100% has to debate again, making up an excuse not to after what happened last time will absolutely not fly
doesnt help that all the boomers are going through this in one way or another right now.

they all see biden and get the flash backs
These girls look like adults to me, they have sizable tits.
It won't. Tens of millions of small dollar donations are pouring in because everyone sees what a threat Trump is.
Kamala being the first woman president is NOT funny. That would be terrible. So even if the rest of the scenario is funny, I would hate it.
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Pedes, I need your help. My son told me today that he thinks "America needs to send a little less aid to Israel".

I thought he was a conservative patriot like me, but this obviously goes against everything the Trumps stand for. I will not tolerate blatant antisemitism in my home.

What would be a suitable punishment? I was thinking a trip to the Holocaust Museum might be in order. What would Trump do?
>Trump has to burn all the 45-47 merch and replace it with 45-48 merch
that "if necessary" line does not suggest Merchan is planning on there being a sentencing.
Kek, but in all seriousness Biden got a boost in June due to Trump's conviction and Biden's poll bump from it.
Mr.Goldberg will still send in millions via small donations but donations from normies will drop im sure of it.
So you rather let pedophiles thrive
world war three
elections canceled
trump voters thrown in camps
young republicans sent to the front lines to be drone bait
anti-christ comes
3.5 years of peace
the return of jesus christ
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>how is that fair?
fairness is a retarded concept only the right adheres to
no, they should be placed against the wall and shot by federal agents
Joe lives long enough to be convicted of treason on live tv.
you start thugging so I can fuck you in the butt
>ll the 45-47 merch and replace it with 45-48 merch
kek, funny because it's true
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>it's all falling apart

Watching normies see what we have seen for 5 years and come to the horrific realization that either

>they've been ruled by a dementia patient for 3.5 years


>the dementia patient isn't in charge and they have no idea who actually is

Is just amazing. They have to choose between two catastrophes of their own making. Both require them to admit and accept that they willingly bought into and amplified the lies about how "sharp and fit and vigorous" Sleepy Joe was. But one requires them to also admit to themselves that they voted for an obvious figurehead and perpetuated the twin lie that Biden wasn't a meltbrain and that they knowingly voted for him because they were told to or else.
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jesus hates imposters.
Then why won't you read the court documents, it's about the Epstein files.
hey why dont you capitalize his name?
He will 100% make excuses, they are already blaming CNN and pretending Jake Tapper is MAGA.
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I'm dead
If they actually go for the 30 days in jail meme for the last three weeks of the election then I predict that would backfire horribly on them. Imagine three weeks of jailhouse addresses from Trump, culminating in a victory speech from his cell, in uniform.

I'm not sure Merchan will play ball now either, it's pretty clear that Trump's the next president, and it's not a good career move to be the guy who jailed the president over flagrantly political shit.
because this is an imageboard, nigger. go to reddit if you want to goon on punctuation
If DeSantis or Haley were the candidate, I doubt Joie's dementia would move the needle in their direction.
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Whoever the fuck that Jamie Barnett faggot is who typed up that opinion piece for (((The Hill))) demanded that Dementia Veggie Joe actually resign so we can have President Cunt Kamala is truly a cuck's cuck- of course, he also had to mention that we've also have the first 'first husband' in U.S. history, and one who's a jew, at that

What a fucking cuck
How does it feel to have victory served on a silver plate? If polls keep going on with this trend Biden is going to lose even in Virginia.
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We can thank retards like you who will never break out of the right left paradigm.
fuck, marry or kill?
does he?
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Its ok, trump collected almost $500m in may
9000 hours hand painting animation cels and such, you know.
does it matter, trump is a faker but at least hes being more honest about being a shill for niggers and jews. both are capitalist shills, we need to dismantle capitalism if were going to get rid of all these spics and pajeets
he hated pharisees (read: jews); that's why they killed him.
Ghost donations made in other peoples names without their knowledge
No, and they now can't even rule a valid sentence on a trial and case that are now null and void.
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mentally ill christcucks folks. Jesus ain't coming back. you worship a dead kike on a stick.
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WW2 amerimutt zogbot tells Fox News, "I feel like a foreigner in my own country."

Shouldn't have sided against the Third Reich, you decrepit faggot.
they killed him because he called himself yhwh
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I don't trust it at all. They're going to lie and cheat again. And I hear nothing of how that gets stopped, see nobody organizing shit.
Heard of no litaney of cases where votes were going to be made secure.

So I'm on, train the militia. Do 20 pushups.
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Absolutely seething browncel

>we trusted the medical experts on COVID

kek, speak for yourself, leaf. How are those suicide pods going up there? Are you guys ok?
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Christ is King faggot
gott strafe amerika
>he hated pharisees
St. Paul was a Pharisee, though, and Jesus Himself was more aligned with the Pharisees than the Sadducees. Nicodemus was also a Pharisee, and as a member of the Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea was either a Pharisee or Sadducee, and they were allies of Jesus, so it's not entirely black and white.
hm. it says right in the bible that the pharisees did that to him.
so not only are you an imposter, you're a lying jew, too.
>Christ is King, faggot
spic brigade logs in to say christ is king. clockwork
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I regret to inform you gentlemen that Ukraine has fallen.
Jesus is Christ, Jesus is King
Christ is King is a sub definition listing. You're acting like a loud dictionary, not a proclaimer.
The name Messiah includes the meaning King.

Tell me who is Your King.
saul the half jew roman was an early example of a plant.
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Good awoofternoon my dudes
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Whiter than you
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gotta admire joe trip showing up after facing repeated embarrassment over this last week. gotta start earing that .02 cents per (you)
>Biden remains in the race and gets the nomination, everyone is upset about it
>Biden dies immediately after, like right there on stage
>Kamala becomes president, shuts out all of the Biden loyalists
>Biden loyalists attempt to throw it all away and fracture the dem party into a zillion pieces
>while everyone is fighting over whether the ancient jews or mulatto palestinians get the keys to the party Trump waltzes into the white house
>everyone bitches and cries forever while being sent to internment camps
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Daily reminder, that this is every city in 2024 muttmerica:




Jewsa's one of the most dysfunctional, third-world shitholes on earth.

Can you imagine living in a country like that? top fucking kek.

The bizarre bit, is they not only insist they live in a "developed country", but that the rest of us should be more like them.

Mutts are truly mental.

Never ally with mutts, they are the horrible golem of the jews.

It's been dead for awhile, all that's left is for the corpse to start decaying and the brown insects feasting on the corpse to continue to multiply until only bones remain.
He will flip NY state.
also, jesus was an essene
so that means he wasn't baptized by a jew.
they sure are killing a lot of people over in europe. why don't they just call the whole thing off?
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I am covered in the Blood of the Lamb. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. None come to the Father except through Him.
>(((They're))) going to lie, cheat and steal again

I dunno where things stand with Blimpf's daughter-in-law running the RNC and these dweebs like Charlie Kirk getting all excited how they're gonna have all these 'poll watcher' volunteers on election day to keep their eyes on any jewish chicanery, but I wouldn't be taking any chances regardless of what's in place

Blimpf has to be in double-digit leads in all or nearly every swing state heading in November for another election theft to be thwarted
Trump can refuse the 2nd debate because he has covid47.MIGA
The ballot harvesting Dems do could easily make this race closer, i wouldn't say it's silver platter yet.
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what is happening in this pic
There's no proof Paul was "half" anything. He was a Jew who happened to be a Roman citizen.
the only way NY flips is if they actually run Kamala. As it stands we're going to see a ridiculous amount of swing states in play, New Mexico and New Jersey are coming onto the field.
Jesus was given the 8th day circumcision like all Jews under the Law of Moses. He was baptized by John the Baptist. John was a Jew. They were cousins.
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Swing state polling post-debate.
apparently biden was impressed by the man's tattoos
I don't believe that the 2020 election was stolen, Trump was just incapable of managing the covid emergency and was booted out, the majority of people didn't vote for Biden but against Trump.
That is why Trump has the advantage now: When you are the incumbent the other guy being bad is not enough to win the race, you also need to bring results to the table and show that you can do other 4 years in government.
Don't get the 20 pushup thing.
he quoted daniel 7 13-14

>“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

matthew 26 64-66
>“You have said so,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

>Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?”
Great, now don't give IDF a chance to infiltrate your shit by lying to your face with pilpul. Christ is King is definitional, not proclamation or a statement of personal Faith.
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It's a bloodbath
Based Jill and Hunter keeping Biden in the race
>Jill didn't want Kamala as VP because she called Joe a rapist and a racist
>Hunter probably not too happy about this either
>if Joe drops out, Kamala has 99% chance of being nominee
If the GOP was serious about stopping election fraud they’d send people to anywhere there is a predominant nigger voting pool
Suddenly loves América
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>Christ is King is definitional, not proclamation
This is incorrect. It can even be confrontational.

I like Mike.. Reminds me of my dad. Most people are stuck in the left v right paradaigm. But left wing people at least currently seem more retarded. And some of them are even pushing the narrative that it doesn't matter if Biden is well, he has a "good cabinet"

"we're not just electing a president... all these people NOBODY VOTES FOR actually do a lot of work, Anon. " like, yeah, have you heard of the deep state?

I honestly think it's a lost cause. You simply cannot get through to people. You would need to completely expose their shilling and lies. But that seems unlikely. Abandon ship.
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They think Zyklon Z give one solid shit about the bodies he's throwing at the wall?
Even stupider than I thought they could be.
The city of Galveston is majority White again. Lol I can’t sneedven America is saved
Fucking stamps are going up another five cents. There should be a moratorium on postage increases for like 20 years.
there is absolute proof that jesus was ..an essene.
not a pharisee. not a saduccee
the essene called john the baptist acknowledged him. he was part of the population that got wiped out by pharisees and hid their shit in the dead sea.
you're full of shit, as always.

you niggers claim to know your bible but can't seem to infer those basic facts.

>become unintelligible
Stamps should just be tied to the rate of inflation
I wouldn't mind so much if the USPS wasn't full of incompetent assholes.
But sadly, it is.
that has nothing to do with what we were talking about

they killed jesus for claiming to be god, for quoting the son of man line from daniel.
Sea is water!
Atmosphere is gas!
Christ is king!
All of these fit into the definition.
Jesus is King is identifier. It's a transfer from a theoretical, to a Person, from idea to object, the identity.
Kind of this.
Honestly anon the only time I send a letter is to pay my landscaper, who will only accept cash or check because he thinks credit cards are evil or something, I never really looked into it all I know is he's not Mexican and he does a good job.
Total chinese death is not negotiable, /ptg/ family.
Malaysian law enforcement and naval personnel boarded Chinese salvage vessel MV Chuan Hong 68 found to be operating illegally again after previously stealing scrap metal from WWII wrecks of HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse.

The Malaysian govt has yet to provide details of the ongoing case after the ship was detained last year.

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Jesus is not the King of most people
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This is fucking hilarious.
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Electoral map based purely on post-debate polling.
claim jesus is a jew again, i'll laugh at you again
simple as
based tax evader
do you not know how to read ids?
lol so?
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Electoral map polling+turnout differential (trumo overperforms the polls/fewer democrats turnout/more republicans turn out).
dead kike on a stick.
Hence the reason Christ is King is able to be fork-tongued.
Christ means Messiah in Greek. It doesn't have to mean Jesus unless you already have that faith, and the statement is used as a work-around to avoid having to speak of the faith in Jesus as the Christ.
Hence, pilpul.
Jesus is Christ. But beware, even the demons knew he was the Son of God.
That differs a bit from this guy's map based on the CNN poll.
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Good thing we have separation of church and state so everyone has the freedom to enjoy whatever religion they choose.
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I told you guys it was happening.
Aint no way Colorado is red
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New polling also has Trump up in New Hampshire.
you got included in that because you want to be associated with the biblespamming ethos. >>472880098 like this nigger
you can share in the derision.
this is political thread.
maybe I'm jaded, but I would believe Washington state before colorado.
Everyone should be able to choose. Those that deny Christ will choose death.
no, i btfo of you and you ran away like a bitch, lol
I ordered a large piece of raw black obsidian that was delivered by the post office and those fuckers shattered it.
You even know how much force it takes to shatter obsidian? And it was sent as "fragile" as well, and they STILL fucked it up.
You didn't watch the debate.

Not really. The US Constitution was written for Ciristans and militia.
There are social traits in a people raised in each religion, which are distinct. Other religions cannot uphold this level of privacy in office. Our representative republic won't work with other faiths, and especially not without Militia.
You can hate that, but it's true.
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Senate map polling
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>Washington State turning from dark blue to light blue to light red by November

I'm stunned, WAwoo...I'm absolutely stunned
Gotta turn some of those Rust Belt States red.
lol still failing at being even a good sociopath?
look at you. you don't even need to imagefag or tripfag and you glow like the sun in a way specific to you!
>will choose death
they choose correction
the word used for torment actually means helpful correction

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Senate map if Trump's "coattails" (people who turn out to vote for orange man) defeats all the democrats who are 5% or less ahead of their republican opponent.
>The US Constitution was written for Ciristans
No it wasn't.
To do what?
nu-/ptg/ is ani me flag gots. Trump will lose to Bi den and Kama la and DeCukkititis. Poz flag got seeth ing and the Ka ri Lake lost : )
>Trump up 15pts in Ohio
>They vote for Blue Senator
lol, would you like to offer evidence of your case or are you just a little bitch when you lose?
I have received boxes of electronic parts that looked like they were dragged behind the truck, with an absurd amount of tape holding them shut and a nice little note of apology.
It was written by Christians. Democracy can only be practiced by Whites.
>“You take polls around Labor Day and begin to decide where you’re going to play,” McConnell said. “But we know where we’re going to play for sure right now: Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland.”
Note: McConnell is deliberately blowing cash in more difficult races like Maryland and Pennsylvania and refusing to send cash to places like michigan and arizona, where the democrat is weaker.
Reminder that I am still baking.
Sorry anon, the first holiday in the US was a day of prayer in Jesus name.
It's cool to play with the 1st, but the reality is that the Bible was used as core to Oath for a reason.
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Based on my psychological terraforming of the hearts and minds of American children for almost ten years now, I'd like to reiterate not to mess with gamers as they are most certainly not over.
Too bad no one at all from Maine visits this thread to give a qrd
I will laugh if MD gets a R senator
christ can you imagine if biden only wins the coastal states.

talk about out of touch
See >>472879447
>It was written by Christians
It was written by Christians, deists, agnostics, etc.
>Democracy can only be practiced by Whites
That's your real motivation here, not religion.
Maryland can go Red. Hogan is very popular and has already won two Statewide races for Governor.
Its the only reality honey.
Is Chicago center trying to vote for Biden? After Lightfoot and the Magnificent Mile Riots?
evidence for what, exactly?
you've already proven to the thread that nothing you say means anything because you're a narcissistic sociopath.
Anyone can go look on the archives so I'm not wasting my own time posting images of you being a dickhead, lol.
More realistic map. Colorado has been going hard left. New Mexico might be winnable for Trump though in the best case scenario, idk.
It won't, 55% of registered voters are democrats. It is basically washington DC in state form.
There are alot of inner city blacks that wont be voting at all this time after being flooded with illegals. They see buses of illegals being dropped off and taking over their parks and community centers. Getting free hotels and pocket money from NGOs.
It is entirely pointless to spend money in a 48-40 race where the democrat is leading when you can go to Arizona which is 44-42 in a 2 way and flip it.
Central Maine fag here. I fucking hate Jared Golden, he changed the way our voting works just to get into office. Everyone here hates him, nobody wanted proportional voting. Our power company CMP (Owned by a spanish parent company) pumps millions in profits out of our state a year, and our electric bills are hundreds a month. CMP also wanted to build a corridor THROUGH Maine to bring power from Quebec to Massachusettes. We voted NO because fuck off, and then they lobbied the State to just get the permits anyway. Our state is fake and gay
>he hated pharisees (read: jews); that's why they killed him.

that was your original argument
it was wrong

they killed him for quoting daniel and applying the 'two yhwh' theory to himself >>472879480
>Christians, deists, agnostics
Count the actual count. the number of deists was about 7, and they were 18th century deists, not 19th century French deists. They believed God worked in the world, and Jesus was the highest teaching. The number of atheists was, possibly 1.
147 signers of the 3 major documents of the US Federal, the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederacy, and US Constitution. 8 of them were not weekly service attending Christians.
Before we talk about every County Council, City council, State Court, etc. etc.
Remember, each State was a Country. MILLIONS of officers, all of them oathing on a Bible.
>in a 48-40 race
Well they don't think it is. And Lake pissed off alot of people. Im not surprised shes not getting help. She SHOULD be getting support.
the pharisee thing
he chased them with a fucking whip he hated them so much.
this is what I mean.
Do you even bible you fucking dickhead?
There have been a great number of wins in the past two weeks. Timeline switch.
retard, that is a concession then
At least you got the note, I guess.
I still occasionally get opened mail, letters with foot prints on them and magazines with covers ripped off.
As far I'm concerned they could shut down the USPS and nothing of value would be lost
10 pushups. Get /fit/ can't afford to give Jurisdiction to fakers anymore.
Some of our opponents are training everyone in their nation by Conscription, and then sending them here. A huge advantage to stand in a room and know you can kill if needed.
national socialists suck cock.
and so do you, jew.
have a great day!
like, they wanted to kill him for many reasons,
but, they killed him for very specific reasons
>Biden stays in
>loses election
>denies losing election
>media: "That's not what Joe meant, he has dementia!"
>they killed him for very specific reasons
The reasons so specific they couldn't even condemn Him under jewish law so they had to go to Pilate?

Try again
you cant shame me for being an imposter and then act all disingenuous like you are now and think you then retain a judges immunity?

dont judge lest you become the one being judged.
Maine will go red for the at large votes too
you lost
national socialists lost.
seethe about it
DNC is derelict. Their candidates are complicit.
The entire purpose of this country being established at all was to escape religious persecution in England, don't be stupid.
Freedom will always be our common bond and if it isn't then you aren't an American.
You didn't answer the reality of the politics, you spoke of the wish of policy.
>Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor. By now it was early morning, and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness they did not enter the palace, because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover. So Pilate came out to them and asked, “What charges are you bringing against this man?”

>“If he were not a criminal,” they replied, “we would not have handed him over to you.”

>Pilate said, “Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law.”

>“But we have no right to execute anyone,” they objected. This took place to fulfill what Jesus had said about the kind of death he was going to die.
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Guys, I'm going to frame this picture. What are the ideal dimensions? 8.5x11"? 6x8"?
i cant lose if i hold only to the truth
you say so
For web use or wall?
I think you trim the passcode shit on the wall, and then make sure you have it updated.
Trim to gold door with 1inch of stone (in picture), for a wall shot. Nigel looks a bit too gleeful to be the center. Gonna have to keep it in context.
Can't tell you size without more equipment, sorry.
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This scenario is why im wary of tulsi VP
>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

>“Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

>“Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”
>jews lying
imagine that
What is illinois's problem yo
Got absolutely bombarded with news, today.
Biden is DONE.
thats a concession!
everybody should fight about dead kikes on a stick more often. very entertaining.
Ewwww yuck
Wall. And yeah, I'll trim it.
anyways, anon, the idea that jesus was killed for claiming to be god by quoting daniel is not my argument i created.

it is a widely held belief by many fundamentalists.

you can look up books and videos and shit all about it.
Oh I see. The problem is Jesus is God.
You could offset just cut the right 1//6th out, start at Nigel's shoulder, puts Trump center while still giving surrounding info.
Make the center just right of Trump's left (on him) ear.
I eagerly look forward to every jew converting in the coming White Christian theocracy.
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Good thread about how thoroughly Judge Merchan has become an Unhappy Merchan by letting immunity-subject information into evidence. A mistrial is guaranteed now. Trump has wriggled his way out of the jam.


All politics is local! This is what happens with a strong downballot presence and Seattle/Tacoma/Olympia Democrats finally pushing people too hard. If it was Trump alone railing against a still popular Jay Inslee he'd never make any headway, but starting with a more moderate Seattle government, the ballot initiatives, and good downballot WAGOP candidates, Trump can put us over the top.
Look Mossad, I get that IDF is lacking officers, and the US has good schools and good foods. But can you please quit with the D&C shit to recruit?
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Once upon a time that lipstick lesbian was viewed as an eventual POTUS candidate for the Dems.
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Great news on the wolfbros, though I imagine a lot of chucklefucks will have a shitfit over it.
I've been praying into the South Sound magnetic anomaly (Logos engine) since 2015.
Americans are unironically retards.

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