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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472863754
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>Joe Biden is a person
Thank you KJP
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UPDATE: they swapped it out for the american flag!
>press sec is invoking beau biden on behalf of joe
lol he’s fucking boned
Dems for 4 years
All aboard the Hunter train
Cocaine Campaign!!
Chek your KEEEYS!!
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>Thanks Anon for helping me hook the water up to my RV
>I'm so lucky to have a stepson like you
For me, it's the NE congressional district. If that one pans out, he could lose the whole rustbelt and still win (with a tie) with that NE district, NV, GA, and AZ.
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god she is so fucking bad, at least the ginger bitch could talk, why the fuck does she keep looking down, you're COMMUNICATING
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The Guild will hear of this.
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>Lesbian dragons

>Karine is filibustering at her own press conference
Unironically at this point, Biden might as well stay in.
>if he left last year, or even early this year after SOTU speech he would have been revered in the media and the Democrat party as a hero of heroes
>now, him leaving only because the media, and polling, and fellow Dems gang up on him, makes him look like a loser who set the house on fire and is ducking out
>You will never sneak out at night at camp to go play pranks on lefties with Clarence Thomas like leaving pubes on coke cans
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there are some extremely funny possible EC outcomes this cycle
Is it bear picture day yet?
>Maddow and Stormy Daniels promo in the corner
If they lick each other's boxes, I might watch. Otherwise, who gives a fuck?
OH boy howdy..
Captcha: ORKWA
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>durr durr i can't multitask
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Uh huh. Judgement is still pending on whether you actually have a mom or not.
Better watch your step.
>we understand...it was a bad night
lol why even say this karine
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>okay anon, sonya is grazing, go kneel down behind her and i'll push
his brain is only going to continue to melt, people don't "get better" from senility, it's only downhill from here
what happens when he can't even read a telemprompter
>did he get evaluated by a doctor? get a medical scan?
idk about the dem mind but this would not be inspiring confidence at all, she sounds on the backfoot about Biden’s health
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Agreed. The funniest one with the most seethe from dems would be if he only won PA and GA. He could lose NV, AZ, WI, MI, and that NE district and still win. But I don't think it's likely. A way more convincing win will probably happen.
>thanks Karine, I was just wondering if you or the administration had any thoughts about the recent muslim attacks in canada where one of them knocked two lezzos out cold?
Well you certainly can't. You can't be smart and straight.
Woosh, you get a thousand dead indian babies eaten by feral dogs on your lawn.
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>media keeps calling Trump a king
the impudence, he's at least a Sultan
Pretty much. Any legacy he could've had in the Democrat's mythos (FDR, JFK, LBJ, Obama) has gone down in flames. He will be spat on like they're spitting on Ginsburg's legacy now.
holy shit she is a terrible spokeswoman!
karine your job is to make him look good!
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i'd prefer the landslide in any event
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dixiebros get ready
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how dare you
She's genius level for Haiti. Went to school with a chick from that cursed island. Wealthy family and all, bottom of the class while she was probably a top student over there.
trump will go up in the polls depending on who he chooses for vp, also if they are from a particular state that helps even more
>they literally can't nominate anyone other than kamala who polls even worse than joe
dems literally killed themselves from affirmative action, pure pottery
>is anyone hiding information from us
this is only going to get worse
hate to say it, but imo a spic from a battleground state is the best bet.
he is very jimmy carter coded and trump is going to Ronald Reagan his ass
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Yes, I am the most daring member of /ptg/. Thank you for noticing and praise me some more.
Remember kiddos, the DNC is treacherous. They lied to you about Biden's condition for 4 years. They're not to be trusted with any candidate.
That's the only thing you need to remember from the Debate.
I feel like people have forgot Trump's VP pick still hasn't happened despite all this drama recently, i wonder if they are internally polling which VP does better.

I still think Youngkin and trying to flip Virginia is risky but if it pays off you can win without any of the rustbelt states or you can afford to lose Georgia or Arizona.
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>Guild charter, Rule 81, section b, paragraph iii
"Thou shall not use your mother as an excuse for failure to post new bake @300"
Also, there will be a convention bump. But that will go back to normal a few weeks later. This year though, it's a commanding lead, so that won't even matter.
>he did a photo op!
jesus christ
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God I fucking hate Colorado.
>inb4 “it’s da cali transplants!”
Nah, Colorado “libertarians” were always closet dems.
They can, but there will be real issues with campaign funding taken in by Biden Harris. And there will be issues with delegates issued by state parties.
If he leaves and Trump beats Harris then yeah Biden will get shit on pretty hard. Libs won't criticize the indian, i mean black lady for losing so they will aim it all at the old mick.
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it’s not happening after the election but it’s well after the convention, get fucked!!!!! Also
>why is the president’s son involved
>Why is Hunter involved??
It's just a holiday with family drumpfies
>why is the president's son involved?
lol nice
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wait lmfao did they actually delay the sentencing
(she's saying it's a condition)
Is Youngkin a boring moderate?
This is a good take too. In Biden's mind, if leaves Kamala is next, she will probably lose, but the media and Dems will praise her for "stepping into a situation that was set up by Biden and taking on le fascist Trump". Biden might as well just ride it out.
>if such is still necessary...
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a crackhead is running the US government
dog bless america
Or a nigger from Michigan would probably help. But I don't care for diversity hires. Unless he finds a nog on the level of Justice Thomas, I'd prefer a White man.
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>he had a cold and a bad night
>which is why he went to waffle house to gladhand immediately after
just in time for a fresh nominee to call him a SENTENCED felon
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both prosecution and defense wanted it delayed, there could be a chance the whole case is tossed and retried based on the Supreme Court decision lmao
>unironically le based black man who made it so I can apply for a CCW in my state
I kneel
Oh no not the october jail time surprise
> if such is still necessary
Not entirely.
He has a spine, but he's a bit bland about it.
Ben Carson is from Detroit.
>Biden might as well just ride it out.
Yeah, well, included in this discussion of an election, is actual fucking duties. Ongoing.
The DNC put us at risk. That's undeniable to anyone who isn't lying to themselves.
>Woosh, you get a thousand dead indian babies eaten by feral dogs on your lawn.
Actually, good point.
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Typically yes, but he got elected to cleanse the VA schools of woke and fuck over the teacher's unions.
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>tfw commiefornian

Me and my parents are voting Trump, but communists have ensured this state will forever remain a nigger, faggot, and spic ruled shit hole.
I think Biden's team probably wanted Newsom but got strong armed into taking on Harris due to the BLM politics at the time.
They have really tried to make her more popular but people just don't like her.
this presser is going rough, she’s totally on the defensive
it’s gonna be great, where’s Joe trip to tell us drumf is going to jail?
friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah voted for and support child genital mutilations and child hormone blockers. TOTAL FREEMASON MORMON DEATH
Run more RNC candidates, and only vote for them. Literally don't ever down ballot on a DNC candidate.
Where’s the annoying Polak who spams nazi shit?
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this is milder than any day with sean or sara or kayleigh
I’m tired of the Newsom meme
The man is hated in his own shithole that is actively being destroyed by him, he would have zero pull in a general election
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i will laugh so fucking hard hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha
fucking imagine if they lose the
>convicted felon
line because of SCOTUS hahahahahahahahaha
the entire media is finally against Biden and they're asking so many qustions
>why was Hunter in the meetings?
>what medication is Biden on?
>has he had a brain scan?
wait, what the fuck is this? I mean, I know what it is. But why did Merchan do this/ I'm confused.
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they're going to lose that line regardless, in fact, the delay is probably to maintain the line since it can't be appealed until after sentencing (unless the judge actually does toss it based on SCROTUS)
>both prosecution and defense wanted it delayed, there could be a chance the whole case is tossed and retried based on the Supreme Court decision lmao
Alvin and the Chipmunks did say they thought the claim was without merit but for some reason agreed anyways.
>has he had a brain scan?
Legit question. We've got so many tools that get ignored. RFK should get one. See how much brain is actually gone now.
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Am I balding /ptg/?
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yeah but unlike the Trump briefings these concerns are founded in reality
>come September sentencing
>”in light of Trump V US handed down July 1st 2024 by SCOTUS, this judgement is hereby VACATED and to be tried again at prosecution’s discretion”
It will be the funniest shit ever
>I get the question
>but the Idea
If he’s incarcerated, it’ll be dragged further into the next term.
I remember when we got told Hunter won't be in the white house.
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It's getting harder to do just that. Most conservatives are leaving for Nevada, Texas, and Florida. The few that remain are watching the tradiitonally conservative areas now becoming democrat strong holds. To make matters worse, the fucking electorate here decided to vote yes on the "Top 2" candidate system years ago. I don't remember what the california proposal was and which year it was voted on; I just remember telling people to vote no and they all said I was wrong and that we would get more choices. It didn't matter how many times I explained it to them that the ballot was purposefully written to be confusing to understand and that I read the actual legal text for the proposition, every fucking dumbass around me voted yes and now they can't contemplate why we don't have more candidates.
why does the white house even hold these dumb as shit press conferences, has a single question ever been answered in their history?
Ben, stop shitposting you have to get ready for the next episode
A brand new SC ruling means a lot more to consider, and considering this is Merchan, he's probably formulating the best way to make the conviction stick with the least likely overturn on appeal. If he did it quickly, it is more likely to be eviscerated on appeal. That's the doomer take, at least. But this nonsense will be gone at appeal anyway, so he's just delaying the inevitable.
This press secretary conference is like a fucking Twilight Zone episode. Every question attacking Biden, saying that Kamala has higher polling than Biden.
Who is Ben?
They are about to lose the ONE CASE that they managed to get him on in NINE YEARS of trying because SCOTUS said half of their evidence is inadmissible. Unlimited Fox Works has begun.
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>today is the day the dam starts breaking
it's really something to see
A room full of empty souls, wondering why they are in this hell...
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Dementia Veggie Joe's dykenigress press secretary's presser is being covered live by the BFTCNN(Big Faggoty Three Cable News Networks), but I have it on mute because I can't listen to this fucking mongreldyke speak for more than a few seconds at a time, much less look at her...so how's it going, /ptg/
he could use this as a big undo button since obviously the conviction has backfired
just blame the roberts opinion, hands tied sorry, nothing i can do, case dismissed we have to save are democracy at the ballotbox
You can kind of understand why Biden is resistant to listen to Dem leaders and media kikes
>"bro, don't run in 2016!" Joe would have beaten Trump in 2016
>"bro, drop out, you're doing poorly in the 2020 primaries!"
she's growling and telling them they're smart, but now you need to know she's had experiences, and feelings, and at times Biden's asking questions like
>what do you think
because that's deep shit.
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I love a woman
>will this be a 'big boy' press conference?
this is so humiliating
Perhaps. And while all this is happening, we can kick back and laugh at all the Ls the dems have been taking recently.
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Dem internal polling leak
>Biden has been able to strengthen the way others [Nations} see us [US]
Into what view, hey, it's stronger, stronger is better?
its great :)
>you called it cheap fakes, disinfo... do you regret that language
>not at all, independent fact checkers in the press
it’s joever for these guys
My life is paid to these faggots to keep my children safe. Nothing great, except the feeling of void.
>OP quoting Ken quoting 'colleagues' quoting 'people familiar with the matter' quoting senior white house staff.
unalive you're shelf
Legit question: why don't they put Biden on some kind of meds? I'm sure they can get their hands on some ritalin, alzheimers meds, etc that he can take when he has to "be on".
Fuck, half a red bull and a B12 shot would help.
>this is a give and take
premise that you don't have the right to pin her.
It's actually quite remarkable to watch the press try and save their credibility by firing all artillery at Joe now, asking the questions they pretended weren't real for 4 years.
who says he not?
He's been medicated at maximum capacity since 2020. There's so much another coffee pill can do.
man I haven’t watched one of these in a long time, has the press always been this brutal to sleepy joe
hey karine i'll explain it for you! you are using cheapfakes as an excuse to cover up biden's failing constitution! explain!
He IS on meds.
That's how bad it is.
Yes. Sorry anon you have that slow beach line erosion going on. Get tight haircuts, don't dress like shit and go with a 5 o clock shadow. Getting use to that style now and accepting it will take the sense of dread away when the top of your crown beams out like a lighthouse.
no. not in the slightest. and this lady has always been this evasive and manipulative.
she's currently comparing journalists to herself.
No. This is what they did to Trump every time, but for once, are doing it to Biden.
>just woke up
>trump sentencing postponed


good morning, faggots
>independent fact checkers in the press
Joe's not going to let the press save themselves from going down with the ship.
It's been softballs and puff pieces for four years.
This is new.
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He's on a special regimen.
>SCOTUS said half of their evidence is inadmissible
Oh, I see now/. Saw that Team Trump is saying the Hope Hicks testimony, the tweets Trump tweeted as President, and other shit shouldn't have been allowed into evidence because those were related to Presidential acts, and SCOTUS said Trump can't be prosecuted for that. Man, this is awesome. I wasn't expecting the SCOTUS ruling to effect the NY case. So based. So awesome. So MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>this is give and take, I'm paying you to be in this room speaking for the government, just like you're paying me!
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Can he appeal before being sentenced?
no, the media in general have either ignored him or let the fact that he is senile slide. its like how they never were critical of obama either. it took a republican winning again for all of a sudden they realized they were journalists
reminder that there has not been ONE question from the press about 'le scotus being a le threat to democracy'
dems have lost the narrative
What's funny is that Trump literally doesn't have to do ANYTHING for the next 4 months now. Just run ads, hire poll watchers and voting staff, register more voters, and walk into the White House. The campaign rallies are just icing on the cake now.
i just woke up, i need some coffee and a bong rip, i only read headlines
yeah, not one question about SCOTUS reaction, it’s all about Joe’s competency
Trump should consider going door to door in battleground states.
this is getting way too cocky imo
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this isn't a story that can just go away, which is hilarious because not since the clinton sex scandals has this been the case for democrats
Well, the convention, VP pick, the VP debate, and the last Presidential debate. But I agree.
>it was a bad night
how many times has she said this now
That's why there's a risk of a false flag, war or assassination.
Because there's no way the deep state will sit back and let Trump win.
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Soto is unironically a knock off Ginsburg only way more willing to virtue signal. In some interview she said she sometimes sits in her office and cries because decisions aren’t going her way
His lawyers filed a motion to dismiss/postpone/vacate the case based on the SCOTUS decision.
>it was a bad night
okay but they know there's another debate in september right
they might have just gotten away with this if there wasn't round 2, but now it's impossible to avoid
he's going to have to define and destroy kamala now, jill is too weak to stand up for her husband against this deluge
Agreed. I think Trump should have a round-table discussion with RFK, some median between the Trump and RFK, and a host.
Maybe do Hot-Ones.
maybe we should host the next debate at a waffle house given how well biden performs at those venues
Of course hes already on fucking meds. He prepped for 7 days at camp david for this debate also.
is it worth going back and watching the whole thing?
Aim for the DNC. They cannot be trusted to put up valid candidates.
>he lived to see the total annihilation of Joe
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sweet, we have the full PDF
Get it while it's hot
Page 1:
>Key Takeaways Part 1
● These findings represent a snapshot of the landscape in the debate’s immediate aftermath. It is possible that they can shift in either direction in coming days, and we will continue to monitor closely.
● In tracking of whether voters feel more or less favorably towards Biden based on what they’ve heard in the past week, the share of those feeling more favorable hit an all-time low, with a magnitude of drop similar to the one we saw after the Afghanistan withdrawal.
● In terms of horse race, post-debate polling shows that in the 72 hours following the debate:
-----○ Biden’s vote share in the two-way horse race declined by -0.8pp.
-----○ Similarly, Biden’s vote share against Trump in the multi-way also declined by -0.8pp.
● In what has been a generally steady race, these declines represent the the largest single-week drop since horse race tracking began in late 2021.
● They also occur in the shadow of what had been a challenging position before the debate:
-----○ Prior to the debate, Biden’s vote share was already 4pp lower (8pp on margin) than his winning vote share in 2020.
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nah, if you tune in now she's still singing the same tune lol
>we want to turn the page on this
whitest man alive
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clyburn is already on record supporting kamala, and his word goes, same with pelosi
It's not. I'm saying Trump, himself, can let the campaign run the campaign at this point, because he doesn't need to shift the narrative to himself to win. He doesn't have to take major risks and can run the campaign as he is without any big changes.
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go pro cameras=dead freemason mormon families
>KNOCK KNOCK, this is the United States Secret Service
>Oh my god! Did I do something wrong?
>No, it's just the president will be knocking on your door in an hour to ask for your vote and we need to secure your house of guns and other potential threats before he can walk up your drive way and say hello. Now please bend over, this cavity search will be over in a jiffy
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The more time passes since last Thursday evening, the more credence I would give to these (((polls))) re: Blimpf/Dementia Veggie Joe, but I still think we have to wait until next week to get a clear picture...this is now about Dementia Veggie Joe losing percentage points to where Blimpf has a high single digit lead or even a double-digit lead in most of the swing states, not necessarily about Blimpf gaining in percentage...Blimpf probably could inch up one or two or even percent, but his ceiling is probably just past 50% and it isn't gonna get higher than that; most people know who he is and what's he's like, and the people who can't fucking stand him(which is many) will not change their minds about him, but their minds *can* be changed about Dementia Veggie Joe becoming completely fucking incapacitated in front of their eyes

I'm gonna give it another week and see
Someone has surely provided Trump with Hur's Biden tapes, right
it would entirely prove that these are not 'one-off incidents'
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>Does the president of the United States have a condition that prevents him from performing his duties??
>We're gonna turn the page on this..
oh deary dear..
The next debate will turn those Biden-leaning states into Trump-leaning states. I wouldn't be surprised if a few more Biden-leaning and Biden-Likely states transform into Trump-leaning.
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Sounds like we need a debate a month.
Hopefully the Hurr tapes will be the Wikileaks of this cycle.
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>have a cold
>don't take medicine
Imagine if Joe (Jill) had stepped down and put Hunter up for candidacy
No, i doubt they will be leaked unless Dems actually want Harris to run instead.
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>Thanks Anon for helping me hook the water up to my RV
>I'm so lucky to have a stepson like you

How did he fit all those pickles into the minibar??


Mocca Shenko!" :P
Top Kek
Even with the delayed sentencing, Merchan can not prevent Trump from requesting an interlocutory appeal from a higher court. By the way, Merchan's unconstitutional gag order on Trump is still being fought on appeal

hey, what causes image names like this?
unless you're taking anti-virals there's not much you can do beside treat symptoms.
Anon, yes. The camera and being on the ground is enough most of the time. Have him walk an area with Trump signs, no harm in that.

Round-table with RFK to discuss the US and what the US should look like. Don't have to agree, just present ideas. Not attack each other, literally just talk about the good old days, and what the US is currently capable of.

Then a personality interview, seriously, Hot-Ones, for an abridged session.
holy shit this is brutal, it's like a press conference during trump's tenure
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yeah but new york courts
>if such is still necessary
>holy shit this is brutal
>the press is actually attempting to do their job
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This is going to be so fucking funny
>a-a-a-are you asking trump that
>does president biden at 81 years old have any form of alzheimer's or dementia or any other cognitive disabilities
>deliberately coughing to prevent that question being clipped
oh she didn't like that question
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>excuse you, it's OUR constitution, and it's certainly not failing
so true!
Based on this Presser he's not dropping out.
so anons were talking about his like...EARLY in the am today...
and now here we are!
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I truly hope that Labour doesn't get that super-majority in Parliament. You guys don't deserve that. I hope Reform pulls off the impossible and gets a large share of the vote, enough to prevent a Labour super-majority.
>with the uh, uh, uh, uh
There is a difference between the WH and the Campaign.
WH has to make a face. Buuut.
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based on this presser he's going to make it as embarrassing as possible for the party and press before he drops out
I think the shills are shook by the donor money angle
that is literally their paycheck we're all laughing about
Of course not.
They can't let Trump win at any cost. We're about to see things that will make the 1960s look tame by comparison.
The kinda sad possibility is that Joe thinks Hunter is actually his deceased son Beau, who was a charismatic and capable guy who was being groomed for politics.
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>rule of law
I honestly believe Karine does not have access to the president or senior staff, she's just given a print-out of a script every week
I could easily be White House press secretary at this point,
>anon, is Biden a vegetable?
>thankyou for that question, we're turning a page on that, I hope to circle back to you soon but as you know, I can't speak to matters that I don't have a read-on. Trump is Hitler. Next question.
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>Joe! takin rails up his hooter
thanks anon but the concept of a super majority does not exist in UK politics and is entirely a meme imported from your country
based on this presser the Biden family is circling the wagons while the Democratic Party is deploying all of its assets trying to pressure him to drop out. The press has been running "drop the fuck out" articles all day.
Right off the resolute desk.
the press swallows it every day so why not?
kek at filename
for the past 4 years they got away with it, but now the penny's dropped
And just like that another bag of cocaine will be found on the White House floor

The case was a shit show. I bet it's so bad that any blue state appeal court judge will throw it out. This might be why the delay in sentencing.
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the tories have to be utterly devastated so that nige can replace them with a semi functional opposition
She's coughing through questions like a kid trying to get a day off school.
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>boulder creek trains guy went troony mid video
What is happening to youtube people
Why are so many freaks doing this
that's probably the case and I hope joe dies thinking beau fucked him over when the tribunal convicts him
Reminder that I am still baking.
>we get it
>i get the question
>i don't want to leave you like that
>we're together, we're the same
>we believe

I think round-table with RFK. Don't debate, just have a talk about the USA. Dive into personal stories.
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We're getting the band back together and brain damage car accident nova is in too

and i hear you
>white house spokesperson
>hacks up a lung directly into the microphone
she's legit retarded
>journalist just asked do we need to put Biden in a home
this is some twilight zone shit lol
Probably right, the jews who run Biden's admin just got her there for diversity.
at least there was some humour in hillary's campaign meltdowns, this shit is just sad
He's been on so many meds he had veins visibly throbbing in his head during the 2020 debates. There's nothing more they can do, his brain is returning to potato.
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they've turned the white house into a retirement house
we're turning a page, anon
kek, someone call visiting angels
>I think round-table with RFK
Anything with RFK is a risk. He needs to coast off his name (and leftist VP pick). His voice, is sadly, horrible enough that might turn off potential dem voters who would go with RFK instead.
Some chink android phones, I have one that does it.
I think Trump should focus hard on procedure. Michigan, Wisconsin, and PA are all run by dems. Can't just expect phone calls to likely voters reflect the ballots that get counted.
he had a bad night!
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It's a classic ^-^
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It's fucking Joever
because the whole question is enough of a soundbite. the entire set of questions is No Confidence, how do you avoid that?
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Anyone kind of hoping at this point they try to do A Fraud again? I want to see the reaction to an L-shaped curve of 80 million popular votes in 3 counties now that everyone's watching.
i see, thank you
oh jeeze, we're at the bottom of the barrel today
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>does Dementia Veggie Joe need to be put in a home

Who the fug asked that question
But giving him some respect, puts a black-eye on the DNC for not running a real candidate.
It turns the discusion of Split USA into a discussion of DNC is fucked, the USA is fine.
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That awoo has no eyebrows and it triggers me.
2017: peeteegee counter-raids trooncords during Gasover
2024: Trump campaign staff counter-raids Biden campaign calls during Itsjoever
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that press briefing was her worst one yet
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I think this. Just don't even acknowledge RFK Jr exists. Just like debate night lmao
God Emperor Trump
Some legal scholars have argued that since Merchan alleged Trump committed federal election campaign crimes, Trump can appeal to the 2nd Circuit. In addition, any violation of one's constitutional rights can technically be appealed to a federal court.

Straight Down the Middle - The Trump Verdict - Ep. 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u23t__ysVjU

Straight Down the Middle - The Trump Verdict: Q&A Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bYGxQnwGes

Straight Down the Middle - Selective Prosecution and Jury Unanimity - Ep. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eB3cV__BOBE
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reddit isn't gonna like this
I swear I just heard someone in that room say 'you can tell it's over'
she should be fired for how awful she fielded those questions
it was a real pathetic showing, if this was their attempt at damage control then you’re going to be talking about President Kamala in a couple weeks. Not even one question about SCOTUS immunity, it was all about the debate and biden’s capability
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Some awoos are special
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Trump has nothing to prove anymore on any debate stage..
Biden is a down-ballot nightmare. How do you explain you work with a group willing to lie to the american people, and put them at risk, for extremist policies?
jen psaki is fucking ashamed of what just happened
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Agreed. Just have a
>trump is a cool guy who loves the USA too
The DNC was so irresponsible as to put up an incompetent candidate, their down ballots must be corrupt too.
who the fuck cares what reddit thinks

>nigger being incapable of doing anything useful
sounds about right
reminder that stephen king let the make the gunslinger a black man, he insisted on it.

what could have been the best fantasy adventure since LotR was a one shot piece of diversity shit, and be bragged about it...
I don't have much to say other than RFK may be able to get more support from people who would never vote for Trump by giving him more attention, but maybe not, considering his voice is basically a charisma black-hole. But who knows? Trump will never give him the time of day anyway, as he probably should since giving any candidate the time of day could have unintended consequences.
Trump literally just needs to keep giving the same rally speech for the next 4 months with no surprises.
baker is kill
Why won't you fight our wars in the middle east you filthy Goyim?: Since when did you all become Mudslime lovers? Put your sons and daughters to the task and help us build Greater Israel.
If Trump said that he wanted a third term, would you support him? In this hypothetical scenario, God says that he'll stay in perfect health up through 2033, so that isn't an issue.
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>their down ballots must be corrupt too.
i think this is whereit will end up by november.
If the main event is fucking trash, how good are any of the undercards going to be?
it's just like the trials. their best card is junk
I agree, it's a risk. The nation needs risk-takers. It needs some leadership.
At the least, your ground teams should be using RFK as a foil for anyone the DNC could have picked, if they weren't so corrupt.
I looked at the court case files, and Jesus. It's not looking good for Donald, if it's true, I'm not voting for him, please don't be a pedophile.
yes, i think trump should be president for life.
I think that given the circumstances she handled it pretty well. What exactly is she supposed to do with the material she's given? The only thing that could have saved that press briefing was if Joe came out to do it himself like Trump occasionally did.
reminder to promote libertarian voting to libshits
>and Jesus
blasphemy is a sin, even for shills
I care when the salt mines are open
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Going by the reactions the party outside of the inner circle has been lied to just as much, so if I was a governor or congressman I'd be claiming I voiced concerns but was assured by people I trusted that things were fine.
I feel like RFK Jr will only get like 2% of the vote in the end. The last couple of months haven't been great for him.
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American appeals to active military to STOP fighting wars for Israel
The evangelicals need to be goaded into demanding old timey Christian assistance laws for destitute pagans and Jews, for example demanding that Bibi Netanyahu be baptized publicly before any financial aid can be given to Israel.
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>We're about to see things that will make the 1960s look tame by comparison.
>the Biden family is circling the wagons while the Democratic Party is deploying all of its assets trying to pressure him to drop out.
What a glorious time to be alive.
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I prefer God Emporer Trump as well. Has a nice ring to it.
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He needs to take his foot off the gas with showcasing Biden’s senility. Rally a ton, go around states on events, drum up support grass roots style. Let Biden officially cinch the nomination, make it where there’s no hope of a switch, then go in for the kill with senility attack ads and with debates.

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