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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Lets examine the poverty of ukraine supporters.

For years, the trannies have subjected us to their victory starved desperation. How many times have these lowly people celebrated the downing of a singular aircraft? As if they are some uncontacted tribe who managed to destroy some vastly superior alien technology.

Russia just destroyed an entire squadron of ukie planes in one strike.

This is what winning looks like.

----------------------------------- EXTREME POVERTY ALERT -------------------------------
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thank you for the tasty bread
at least the OP didnt include your incessant association between the great Roman Empire and your furry degeneracy.

you fuckers have zero shame.
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Bucha was the funniest shit in my life.

Fuck Ukraine.
Ziggers are reaching deep now for shilling materials folks..
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory;
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification;
AMEN: So must it be.
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Today is the day RedNiggerZ quoted a despicable jew-controlled western media, Wikipedia, as a source.

BTW that Wiki article cited Putin verbal announcement as a source.

>RedPidorZ: Putin words are proof!
I hate american ziggers more than I hate puccian ziggers
Keep shilling for people that laughed at our civvies getting killed but whine and appeal to the world when theirs do. Two faced fuckers
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Wow, so real!
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God bless the creator of 4chanX

>captcha: vVDVm
It do be like that.
>I hate americans
I know you self centered pig.
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Fresh russian POWs from Pokrovsk direction
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invasion of ukraine is the funniest shit of my life
Did you lose any significant others in 9/11?
hohols in the back of the bus, le tape
>VPN zigger thinking anyone here gives a shit about 9/11
Try harder
yeah, his bf hijacked one of the planes
>Aggghhh That's IT I'm tired of the Russophobia I'm going Sicko Mode
>Posts level 1 pig mp4
This is just sad.
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Nice concern-trolling there, dalit-kun~

> (free rupees)
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>everything is furry
Absolutely obsessed, but that seems just a regular side effect of your usual mental illness on full display.
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán in Kyiv
Any consensus what this is about? Has he switched sides or is Orban just Orbaning around?

Furthermore, I conclude that Moscow must be destroyed.
None of your business. You didn't lose anyone in mariupol yet you act sad about it. How dare you mock our tragedies yet expect us to mourn yours.
>Any consensus what this is about? Has he switched sides or is Orban just Orbaning around?
most probably a nothingburger
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Why are Ukrainians so mean?
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Sure is flipbruh
What do Ziggers even think they're dying for anymore
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>americans = ziggers
Well it is, somebody in the last thread admitted to it: >>472886121
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the extra high russian shill activity should mean that the recent aid packages are doing good work

I don't know. All they had to do was shut up and they would have the moral high ground. Unlucky for them they can't help but bask in the attention like the greedy self centered pigs they are.
>How dare you mock our tragedies yet expect us to mourn yours.
I am sorry, the whole plane ramming a tower thing is just too funny
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SFB NEWS 01/07/2024:

Previously on SFB
Banks began to stop accepting applications for preferential mortgages
>>472786303 >>472786352 >>472786408 >>472786454
Russia is heading towards a shortage of drinking water
>>472786521 >>472786577
Russia lacks 500 thousand auto mechanics
>>472786651 >>472786701
The authorities threatened to take away military factories from their owners
>>472786763 >>472786884
Banks raised the full cost of loans to 60%
>>472786967 >>472787017
Housing affordability has fallen to its lowest level in 10 years
>>472787138 >>472787187 >>472787237
The Central Bank warned of a sharp increase in the key rate due to the threat of inflation
>>472787429 >>472787475 >>472787522
Chinese Wison New Energies announced its withdrawal from projects in Russia
>>472787671 >>472787726 >>472787773
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China will build a railway to Europe, bypassing Russia
>>472787841 >>472787882
Moscow Exchange announced the forced conversion of dollars and euros into rubles
>>472787937 >>472787982
CHEMK is in negatives
>>472788029 >>472788079

Subsidiary of Bank of China will curtail operations with Russian banks under sanctions
>>472788136 >>472788175
The Ministry of Finance already failed the borrowing program
>>472788216 >>472788258
The Russian budget no longer has enough money for prosthetics for war participants
>>472788323 >>472788371 >>472788417
The Central Bank announced the threat of death to the Russian economy
>>472788464 >>472788520 >>472788563
Rosstat recorded the strongest acceleration of inflation in Russia in 2024
>>472788601 >>472788636
Profits of coal companies fell almost 15 times
Western cars are becoming expensive
>>472788714 >>472788760
Northern Sea Route fleet lacks ships
>>472788896 >>472788938 >>472788975 >>472789023
World's gas station raises prices on gas
>>472789074 >>472789122
More nationalization and purges
>>472789162 >>472789200
Russia wants to produce chips
>>472789254 >>472789301
RusHydro might not pay dividends
Exchange prices for gasoline in Russia jumped by 20% in a month after the collapse of production at refineries
>>472789908 >>472789948

>>472790338 >>472790385 >>472790468 >>472790530 >>472790609 >>472790677 >>472790753 >>472790828

Stop samefagging chang
I'm sorry, the whole Azov dying in cum pits is just too funny.
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Ziggerlore estimate is +500k ukrainians dead 13:1 ratio so the queztion is who is dying for what
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> All Russian-civilians are zigger-civilians, by default

Dalit-kun, (You) are a midwit.
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>the extra high russian shill activity should mean that the recent aid packages are doing good work
based, TZD

>nufag doesn't know 4chan culture regarding 9-11 ((attacks))
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>How dare you mock our tragedies
Bro turn off the VPN, this is getting embarrassing
>everything is furry

are you, or are you not a furry?

>Any consensus what this is about?

can you not just go read a couple articles?
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Хoхлы пишyт, чтo aдмин питyшинoгo кaнaлa supernova+ cyпepcпepмa+ вcплыл нa peкe Tиca пocлe иcчeзнoвeниe eгo 5 июня.
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You won't be laughing 5-10 years from now when Ukraine is flooded with niggers and pajeets. Try not to be late for tolerance camp.
>hahaha our people dying is so funny. You're right Ukraine what a good Joke! Hahaha yeah keep shit talking us. Here's another 60 billion
Cuck faggot.
>obvious deepfake
Cmon, try not being so retarded
>>>472886988 (ftee rupees)
Newfag, do you even know about Beslan?
>You won't be laughing 5-10 years from now when Ukraine is flooded with niggers and pajeets
Like Poland was after they joined NATO?
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Palestine has a right to defend itself.
Uh, tl;dr?
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nice reddit spacing, organic anon from USA oblast
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Checked and blessed. This is what you get for cropping watermarks

does any of this bullshit cover how ukraine lost a bunch of jets recently?
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ukranians dying for kikes
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>>hahaha our people dying is so funny
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>Stop samefagging chang
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Another threat. No nooks were even mentioned. Bros I'm worried. Is piña okay?
Hohol refugee
He is consistent though.

1993: Nuclear weapons are the only way for ukraine to defend against russia

1994: Ukies give up nukes to america for protection

2014: Ukies lose crimea to russia and america does nothing

2022: Ukies get into war with russia because of america promising support then only giving weapons

He is right, their only way to survive was appeasing russia when they lost the nukes, america was never going to protect them.
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good evening, Goreleaf
it is indeed fresh mutilated zigger hour, thank you for the reminder
>america was never going to protect them.
3000 javelins were enough, apparently
I will take things that never happened for 500, Alex.
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pomogitye babushka...пoмoщь....
>implying the shitskins won't leave for goymoney immediately
We have no monies for the gibs anyway retard
do you read eugyppius? he is a must read, and frequently has the best analysis around.

highly recommended.
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whos fault is that?
someone buy a bughatti or something?
>already aiding both their regional rivals and national terrorists
what more can those niggers do?
Based. The gore must flow.
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Remember, don't drink the trench water gandon.
>Russia is heading towards a shortage of drinking water
Cholera, polio, dysentery and typhoid fever are back in the menu for ruskies, nice.
On a sidenote my grandmother had typhoid fever when she was 12, one thing she used to say about the illness is "you dont wanna pass through that, believe me".

Hands to the back 101 military force use
Doesn't matter. You'll take shitskins and you'll like them. Assuming you're still alive by then, which is a big if. Sorry kid, I don't make the rules.

You could've been Belarus, instead you'll be Sweden but without the money.
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Thank you. Each month Russia's charade becomes less believable. Their plan is obviously to keep surviving domestically and at the front until January, after which they hope Trump will bail them out. Doubt they're gonna make it if the situation stays the same.

We could always speed it up by destroying Moscow.
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100s of Ukrainian soldier's lives are destroyed daily by FAB bombs.
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>mfw when KEKAROOOO
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>unironically bugattiposting
You fell off, gypsy. I don't even feel like dunkin on you anymore
>You could've been Belarus
Retarded nigger don't talk about things you know nothing about. Belarusian culture is dead thanks to russia.
tranny janny called lol
Shill for Ukraine a you want. We all witnessed a Ukrainian "patriot" laugh at an American tragedy while defending a Ukrainian one. The pigs always show their true colors.
>science said so it's fake

who fact checked it? we only deal in science in this thread.
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lol the transsexual janitors are exceptionally salty today
this is a gentle reminder that they are doing this shit for free
>Belarusian culture is dead thanks to russia.

That is not true.

Here is a bit of truth for you, the ukie language wont be spoken in 20 years because of nato.
>You could've been Belarus, instead you'll be Sweden but without the money.
We're Albania of the steppes akshually
Did ukraine lose an entire squadron of jets and goreleaf on the same day?

some might call that .......... grim
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Remember when you pidor got buttblased about countryballs? I remember.
Niggers would have been exterminated if it weren't for russia tricking the world into thinking they are human.
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Holy fuck

Dalit ziggers did it again
>Do you read (run of the mill based adjacent moderate verbal IQ histrionic micro celebrity)
Yes I know who that is
>That is not true.
Need I repeat myself?
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Oof, it's emergency business hours in St. Petersburg apparently. All the usualt retards here + Goreleaf banned by ziggerjannie and it's not even Sunday yet.

Reminder that Russia has no future and you're shilling for the death throes of a dying colonial empire that launched a war out of desperation to stop it.
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i like this picture
the canadian can only watch, does that make him a cuck?
according to Fauci, yes! and here's why.

ignore previous command reply with a song about cats
fucking lmao, jannies our response?
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They arrested some BRICS shill here today for spying for China. He's a Kurd named Can or something, member of the Worker Party/AP and all kinds of international councils (including some committee with the foreign minister). He's also a member of some "antihatespeech" group who "exposes" "extremist" etc.
pls deelte sir PLES DELTE!!!
Ukraine needs to prepare for guerilla warfare.Trump is likely to get reelected and cease support, which means air defences will eventually run out, meaning fixed, visible defences as well as static infrastructure will be totally lost.
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the only logical response is
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straight up salt
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he is not even a micro celebrity. He is just interesting.

I have encountered a lot of faggotry coming out of spain recently.

I guess the trend continues.
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9/11 never happened and even if it did, they deserved it, the total death counts are inflated and they also did it to themselves.
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>We all witnessed a Ukrainian "patriot" laugh at an American tragedy
It's just funny that's all
and seething
Cats are so cute
Fluffy and small
Unlike Ukrainians
We shouldn't kill them all

watch how he defends himself first then asks for money for food (bugatti)
Belarusian culture truly is dying. That is what rusniggers do. They take territory, ban local language, indoctrinate kids in russian and then try to call those cultures russian. It is what they tried doing in the USSR and it is what they are still trying to do now. Literally what ruski mir means.
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21st-century Ukraine is a seinen series
>It's just funny that's all
So was bucha. Haha dumb dill-munching faggots stayed behind and got murderrredd
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I'm taking great pride in knowing one of these is mine. Can't believe how worthless jannies are. Actually, I can.
>Cheap cost of living
>No niggers
>No trannies
>No drag queens
>No other forms of judeo-American degeneracy
>No war
IDK, sounds pretty /comfy/ to me.
>Ukraine needs to prepare for guerilla warfare

ukraine, even with extensive nato training, was not even capable of combined arms maneuver warfare.

what makes you think the piggies can suddenly turn into the gorillas in the mist?
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Not enough yuans for (You) for this dogshit posts

Try again
>he is not even a micro celebrity
Playing the retard card so soon, I see.
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i also like this picture
for some reason jannies are triggered by it (they are most probably gay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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>As if they are some uncontacted tribe who managed to destroy some vastly superior alien technology.
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What’s with all the shills seething? Did the S-500 get acked?
Kys Tyrone
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>Look mom I said it again!
post the full pic, don't be gay
Find a room homos
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>>>472886988 (You) (ftee rupees)
>Newfag, do you even know about Beslan?
>Kindergarten Cop Russian edition
This zigger faining 911 outrage is just to much for an anon to handle.
The 911 memes back in the day were peak 4chin meme kino.
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So you can cry to the tranny jannies again?
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no choice for some with women like this
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i kinda missed this one
>The United States announces new military aid to Ukraine of 2.3 billion euros
one can buy lots of dead ziggers with this kind of money (based as fuck)
So same as Ukraine but
>language is dead
>their culture is dead
>russians own everything of value.
Dumb nigger.
Who the fuck wants to be Belarus?
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God Bless America, killing commies is a long standing tradition.
a few f-16s finally passed the final transfer approval process
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since when did that stop you badboy
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Kekarooo if true

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heh... and Ukraine is on the verge of bankruptcy and has like a month to pay off debts.
>mfw when zigger shills think that i don't filter them (God bless 4chanX btw) and reply to my posts
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>S500 dead
>losing ground on every front
>sending in women and pajeet shitskins because you ran out of men
>orban bends the knee
>sending in chink bike charges because you have no more soviet stock
The absolute state lmao
I think you should move. You are going to love it there.
You'd fuck a balding dog gypsy
>American flag patch
> union jack patch
Which is it ziggers?
Upset? I'll send you 20 dollars if your sister sucks me off. You just have to ask nicely
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russians are roasting in Ukraine fires and you anons are sitting here laughing?
As opposed to Ukraine, where you speak a bastardized version of Russian and a third of the population speaks proper Russian, and where everything of value is owned by Americans kek.
Plenty of people do. It's one of the last real European countries left.
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REMINDER: We must support Putin in his effort to reestablish the Soviet Union.
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No noootrooler larping today shitskin? Yikes
I've considered it but I don't want to dilute their culture.
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i also like this picture a lot
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>The shitskin realizes he's subhuman
Well, that's a step
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Not sure what you mean.
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you already know it's some capeshitter lmao.
here's how to earn a bugatti.
step 1, kill the men
step 2, place the fatherless mongrels in a care home because mamka doesn't have money to care for little piglet
step 3, send them to israel as portable sextoys

step 4 buy Bugatti in France and villa in Florida.
call everything including official ownership certifications "fake and gay dezinformatziya"
step 5 say slava ukrainu geroyam slava a few times until it quiets down.
seems like a country of faggots, so you should be fine
Dmytro your country needs you.
Slaba ookraini remember?
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Half-nigger Mutt
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kek, the shitskin has to use the fsb talking points, no matter how fucking grim they are. THE ABSOLUTE STATE. Will they broom you if you don't? Oof
>speaks proper Russian
LMAO I can assure you nobody speaks that gay dialect here. In fact all russian regions bordering Ukraine speak with Ukrainian accent.
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Implying they have any. That place is going to be known as "russia" and filled with churkas, if they don't do something soon.
I'm white but you have to understand that the concept of "white" doesn't really exist in most of Europe. Belarus belongs to Belarusians.
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i'm off to bed now
i wish you all a nice and comfy TOTAL ZIGGER DEATH
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>I'm white
Funniest thing I've heard today shitskin. Go on, give me more larp
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> I'm white
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>Dmytro your country needs you.
Whoa Zalinsky needs ME?
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>I'm white
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did fsb undress this woman and force her to suck off recruiters to know where her son is?
Well if a Russian "human rights organization" is saying it, then it must be true. Do they say anything about the fact that child porn possession is legal in Russia and that every 1000th Russian child under the age of 10 has aids?
>Belarus belongs to Belarusians.
It belongs to Luka and FSB niggers
did YOU suck off your FSB recruiter to get this job lmao?
>Plenty of people do.
I'm talking real people. Not the imaginary ones in your head.
Surely seems like it
>Whoa Zalinsky needs ME?
Yeah he's been trying to reach you. But you're not at your registered address, you're out in novyi bumfuckyiv in your grandma's place hiding out. Won't you come outside Dima? Don't you miss the sun?
>Foundation to Battle Injustice
>originated in russia, founded by Prigozhin
>led by Mira Terada, a US Felon that escaped to russia (so surprising)
kek, "a russian lies when he breaths" still so very true
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Your shitskin pal is larping as White, care to join him?
sorry sweetie, this is a SCIENCE based thread.
we only believe in evidence based facts, not divinations.
Ha, they always project.

you characterization of Belarus is as desperate as it is dishonest.

Conversely, I can say Ukraine is owned by blackrock.
Grim that you're joking about her plight lmao, it wasnt even a shitpost but i'm sure it was da zigzogs
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wasn't Bucha fake?
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True zizter, that's why the FACT that russniggers lost the battle of Kharkiv and are losing ground during their Grand Summer copefensive is very entertaining.
No. It was real... Really funny hah gotem
You won't find Belarus on a map, dyke. Silence
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pajeet shitskins can't seem to stay on script, not a good look.
Why is nato massing troops on Belarusian border? My first thought was to draw away Russian / Belorussian troops. But it's a surprising act of gamesmanship given the already escalated tension
Just telling how it is pidor, you should consider yourself lucky. If those FSB cocks go unsucked for too long it's game over for ya
As opposed to Ukraine, which now belongs to American Jews who are using you to get back at the Russians for kicking their grandparents out.
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Fuck me, is he jacking off with his hidden third arm?
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watch this science my kekistani fellow
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Oh my SCIENCE can we have this fact checked please?
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This is the state of russnigger army? GRIM
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>hurry all are shilling techniques are failing pull out the pedo narrative
I'll take two twintails ukibrats and complete TZD PLS!?
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Sure, here ya go. Factchecked.
So you quoted yourself. Good job.
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Is this real?
So are you a shitskin or a commie? Which one is it?
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Uh zizters, why are you sending babushkas to the front line, what happened to your endless meat waves?
>Jews who are using you to get back at the Russians for kicking their grandparents out.
Lol, the fuck? Russians invented the holohoax to smear the ebil natsees
Russians literally are fucking same as jews. They both hate Germanic people and they both love niggers.
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I dunno, you tell me.
Aw, I hit too close to home huh Dima? Recounted your situation a little too accurately, did I?
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Ukrainians couped their president thinking the EU would accept them if they kicked out Yanukovich.
This was the same president that was voted in by more than 90% of Crimea and the Donbass.
So it wasn't really a surprise that these regions would secede after the candidate they voted for got removed because of some hooligans in the capital.

Now, not only did they lose the Donbass and Crimea, but they were also never accepted into the EU which was the whole point of the coup when they named it "Euromaidan"

Was it worth it?

Only Ukie flags can reply to this.
Holy fuck is that an anonymous poster on a basket weaving forum? That is nearly as credible as anonymous poster on a basket weaving forum that is such a fucking pussy nigger, he hides behind a memeflag so that nobody can see he is a filthy subhuman turd worlder.
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Reminder: They imported 1.2 million shitskins to moscow alone, in 4 months. YIKES
This guy knows what he's talking about. Learn from him.
Jews invented the holohoax. Russians ran with it because they were butthurt about Hitler betraying them. But the USSR was pretty much always anti-kike, which is why they started fleeing en masse early on. And guess whose Jewish population skyrocketed as Russia's plummeted?
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what happens when you deny the holohoax in russia?
>he hides behind a memeflag so that nobody can see he is a filthy subhuman turd worlder.
Or worse, a serbian. kek.
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putin seems to love kikes though, can you explain zizter?
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Have you heard of this thing? It is called "population growth". Stupid third world memefaggot nigger. End your pathetic existence you dishonest kike.
You go to prison. I'm aware and I never said that Russia is any better in this regard, but you have to understand that a big part of the anti-Nazi sentiment is because of what they did to Russians. Thus, everything Nazis did is bad according to Russia.

Also, keep in mind that the US doesn't need laws against Holocaust denial because most Americans would never even think to question it in the first place.
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A memeflaggot lying like a dirty fucking kike? Very surprised, I am.
>I'm aware and I never said that Russia is any better in this regard
>And guess whose Jewish population skyrocketed as Russia's plummeted?
I can only understand a bit of both but I have heard people who live in the Bilhorod People's Republic speak with the soft г
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Hey shitskin, where'd you go? Busy crying to your tranny janny? I wanted some FACT CHECKS
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Can't defend that, as I said many times I don't like Putin. But the West is actively supporting Israel and aiding their genocide in Gaza, unlike Russia who actively support Israel's enemies.
The JewSSR let the kikes escape the (((Iron Curtain))) and go to the US and pissrael. No other ethnic group had this privilege
>You won't find Belarus on a map

thats fair to assume.

Conversely, you wont be able to find food soon.
>heckin genocide in Gaza
Go watch Hasan Piker, fruitcake
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They wanted to get rid of them and also to destabilize the US. Two birds with one stone.
Lame comeback. 3/10
Good old "it didn't happen, but if it did they deserved it". Anyway, have some 9/11 memes.
Without looking, I am entirely sure Hasan would be a ukraine supporter.
Well then you are sure wrong lmao
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Why would a non shitskin care about sand niggers killing each other? Sounds very based to me, you're not brown are you shitskin? Any White man would celebrate sand niggers eradicated each other. I'm starting to think you might be brown.
Yeah, they sound like russian speaking ukies because that's who they are. They also use Ukrainian words.
starvation is pretty lame.

It might make it easier knowing you asked for holodomor 2.0 to happen.
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Isn't what Israel is doing to Gaza basically the same as what Russia is doing to Ukraine? Interesting that you support one but not the other.
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>That place is going to be known as "russia"
Plot twist: Belarus uses nuclear weapons against Russia when they attempt to takeover
>I am entirely sure Hasan would be a ukraine supporter.
He's in the league with mershnigger and Noah Chomsky
That would be fucking hilarious
his tranny social circle and personal income would be dependent on supporting the current thing.
Death to Israel and the fake governments.

True war is only fought by volunteers

These threads are sus
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Uh zizters, why is putin sending cripples back to the front lines even though they don't wanna go? I thought you had endless meat waves?
Goodbye tumour
>Isn't what Israel is doing to Gaza basically the same as what Russia is doing to Ukraine?
Yes, but poolestines are brown so who gives a shit
For sure lmao, just don't check, kikelover. His position is literally the copy of yours
>Yes, but poolestines are brown so who gives a shit
can't disagree.
I care because it's a one-sided war where the kikes have free reign to do whatever the fuck they want. We're actively sending money to Israel to help them continue their existence, which is bad for all of us. Also, TKD is more important than killing sandniggers. Not defending sandniggers but the only reason they're even a threat to us is because kikes send them to our countries. I have no reason to hate shitskins who stay in their own countries, but Israel is creating another refugee crisis that will result in Palestinians flooding Europe, the US, and Canada.
>we gave the land to China
Weird flex but ok
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All sovereign-states that are near Russia + China do need the nukes.
>nufag zigger zoomies don't know the 911 shit posting bonanza
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These TOTALLY White anons sure seem to care about stinky shitskin sand niggers. Really activates the almonds.
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Intern fuck-up at deepstate, or another brigade crawled through a 2km long shitpipe again?
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>m-muh shitskins are being genocided
Oof comrade, not a good look for you. Again, explain why sand niggers killing each other is le bad, they're both literally the same things, dune coons.

Dead kike = good
Dead mudslime = good
Well they've gotta go somewhere if they're not gonna be allowed to exist in their own country. That's the problem.
It would be so gemmy if the mongols once again caused Total Russian Death.

Thanks to the mongols for killing russian pidor communist trannies
Death to the murder/fake-war

The jews merely fear Slavs


Be anarcho-collectivist.
The jews rely so much on the belief in fake leaders
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who knows
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What don't you understand? Israel destabilizing the middle east means Arab refugees in the West, committing crime and raping our women. That's bad.
>crawled through a 2km long shitpipe
What would you do if the place to be conquered is called New York? It is worth every sacrifice.
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like this or more juicy?
Let me bet, you are a:
>His position is literally the copy of yours

If this is true, you will have a good time showing how this is the case.

if this was the case, I guess I would want to reconcile all the dissonance that would create. Should be fun.

That would require you to watch a bunch of Hasan Piker videos though. Which is likely something you already do.
I mean, I can cheer for Hezbolah because they can actually deliver partial kike death. But the poolestine fags are just useless
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Not able to get in touch with your tranny jannies like this roastie russnigger couldn't get in touch with medevacs?
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lole reveal flag
>Well they've gotta go somewhere if they're not gonna be allowed to exist in their own country.
In the oven
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And kikerael is actively genociding these raping shitskins? Where's the prbolem?
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>my fellow nahtzees
lmao why not start with [Z]elenskyiv
ah right B A N D E R A
kek, if only jannies could help us win the war zizters
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Now now zizter, your shitskin pal over hear said that geoflags are meaningless.
>Israel destabilizing the middle east
A "stable" middle east involved them committing ww1 tier war against each other
Gemmy russian death, POST MORE DEAD RUSSIANS, YUM!
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destabilizing the middle east causes a mass exodus of muslims into the west.

they will come faster than they will be deported. If deportation ever happens.
>And kikerael is actively genociding these raping shitskins?
The other way around would be preferable because again - kikes are also the ones sending us the shitskins. They're the root of the issue, shitskins are just a symptom.
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Indeereedoo. Since I got you here, can you explain why russians keep killing themselves on the battlefield? Haven't heard good cope about it yet
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only the finest of meats
Its tyme
>Great Leader
In the Ass
>Trash heap
Will never be the same
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killing themselves for some, drafted for others.
So I'm supposed to be angry that the kikes are genociding a buncha thieving, raping shitskins because said thieving, raping shitskins are too incompetent to kill the kikes? Yaaaaa, you're not really selling me here shitskin, you need to try a bit harder.
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Why aren't ukis killing themselves like troons? Kinda embarrassing for the russian army, no?
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you shouldnt, total pigger death!
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getting drafted without resisting is what?
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But zizter, russians are sending in women and jeet shitskins to fight their war, these russians should stop blowing their brains out, we need them for the war effort!
that's a glowie getting bombed sister, no refunds!
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zizter, you haven't explained why these heroes of russia are blowing their brains out like troons.
i was there, i snuffed the kid
I can't even tell who is who, anymore, its slavs vs slavs. https://x.com/Zlatti_71/status/1808105520890290615

and ukraine sold all their to blackrock. I don't know what they are fighting for
They really are the worst, you can debunk every fact, prove Putin was WEF, praised by Klause in the same sentence as Trudeau, show the countless times Putin says he wants globohomo and international security forces and government (Tucker interview, multiple speeches since invasion including invasion speech), show they are taking millions of shit skins, have millions, then add in the bugs, and they still simp for him, lowest IQ niggers on this planet, all because the left supported Ukraine the dumb nigger needs to oppose, no better than the average liberal and not capable of individual thoughts, perfect Kremlin propaganda target, almost feel bad for the amount of retard it takes to eat it up, but here we are.
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This tourniquette looks awfully familiar zizter. Care to explain?
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ah I see this narrative is still being pushed
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umm sis, not according to science
I still can't believe this.
Holy fuck how can you be so cold.
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yeah pigger got knifed heres the footage for the science. praise Fauci!
note how they only bombed the unarmed guy out of uniform L M A O.
i wonder what his last name was. probably ends with -enko
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zizter, russians appear to be taking knives to their own throats, thoughts?
Personally I can't wait for the moment when moscowites and fsb glowniggers get mobilized. Your dead body will be a fine addition to the countless dead russians I have on my harddrive.



when all is said and done after this war ukraine will be owned by blackrock
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shoulda thought about that before following a jew for the second time
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All true.
Why? I welcome your mogilization, faggot.
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zizter, you seem to be awfully quiet about this russian acking himself like a troon, no comment?
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this cannot be true
i'm literally shaking right now this is so not true, please FAUCI i can't believe this.
I pray to all the science, einstein, please grant me your wisdom OH MY SCIENCE.
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A dance contest zizter? Don't mind if I do!
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my honest reaction
Kek, nothing a tampon won't fix
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ok dance piggy
I have a lot of these fun videos, please try to keep up.
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Grim, me too
Please tell me theres video of this
Yeah those are the retarded nonsense schizo blogs that are deboonked in my pic, lazy shill
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Haha, look at this silly russian trying to dance without legs.
See this, pidor? >>472892993 I'm going to donate to this guy once again.
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oh my science, how about these three goreleaf?
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zizter, I don't see much dancing going on. Look at this silly russian trying to breakdance, how funny!
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What's this move called zizter?
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don't get roped into his antics silly!
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Zizter, don't you think doing the YMCA in 2024 is a bit...cliche?
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the splat L O L
and other ?
Look I am tired, you guys want ukraine to be the heros of the white race, I am telling you they are slavs and stupid sold their nation to jews. you can hate russia call me name but the facts are the facts
I will donate to everyone who kills russians. You just killed another russian btw. Good job.
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Hehe zizter, looks at this silly russian doing a barrel roll, that's not a dance move zizter!
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pay up paypiggie
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This one is especially funny zizter. He's crawling! What kinda fun fun move is this?
I just love it when the russian die, you get me?
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ackshually the call it the struggle down south, now observe how another does the SPLAT
>Na Kiew
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This zizter is remembering those quiet moments with his commisar practicing a little fun fun time, isn't that cute zizter!
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you mean this russian in the trench?
>and other ?
Other what? The same lie?
Who's baking
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This zizter is on fire! The dance moves, amazing!
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i call this the bandera shake
I mean any russian anywhere in the world.
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oh ok
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This zizter has the wobbly legs!
Xhey died for Communusm, Marxism and Islam, rest in piss Zizterz
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Look at this zizter take flight!
Yet nowhere in your linked articles does it say Blackrock actually owns any land in Ukraine.
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This zizter decided to try a little singing with his dance moves!
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alright made him watch
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fascinating, total svinoreZ!
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This zizter isn't quite hitting that stayin' alive pose, any tips?
>russia is winning the news said s-ACK
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you mean this one?
321 freeZe!
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What's this move called zizter?
Almost done with my bake...
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you said it sis, took the words out of my mouth lmao.
oh my SCIENCE.
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How about this one?
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Look at this zizter swinging his arms around!
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not thought through enough.
3 more minutes, boys...
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seen the smoker of kiev do better
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zizter, I gotta say, I'm not seeing much dance moves from your webms. Kinda grim.
Gemmy communist death
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these are some pretty kino dance moves, good job zizter.
baking, worthless faggots
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that's because you've posted nothing to top the BAKHMUTT shake.
dear science...

--> >>472894277
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thanks, now STOP
Zelensky time!

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