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Slavic woman berated for romantic involvement with an Indian man. Now with slightly improved video.
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timmy didn't do shit.
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POLAND THE MOST FUCKIN KEKED COUNTRY, some canadian had to come to poland to tell a white polish WHORE what he thinks about her interracial dating
Was it really a Canadian? Would make this even funnier
the word on the street is its some canadian with polish roots
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Chuds will never do shit
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they just did
This dude actually got murdered by some white dude
Poland the Saviour of the Huwhite Race btfo
Lmao at the pajeet wimp avoiding conflict and pretending he has a phone call.
Based Canadian brother o/
No we won't, enjoy your draft .
If this nigger was murdered he was literally asking for it. Like literally.
Hes not polish or canadian, hes an american from california who is friends with john minadeo aka handsone truth. He used to go by the online name aryan bacon.
This is the same Canadian guy from the video from Galeria Krakowska and the American soldiers?
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ah yeah, he is Canadian Bacon, right? Poland will remove him after this video. I'm surprised them let him stay after the video in Krakow
Pajeet is just helping her with her glovo order and some incel polak is bothering them
Poor fucking Rasheed, he went to call his boss about some incel running his sell
Based, fuck pajeets
Rasheed should fuck off back to India and never set foot in Poland ever again.
Look at him. He's a 6 ft tall chadpreet. This is some angry manlet pol user probably.
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>You are a white woman and you will mix up your genetics with this shitskin?

If a white man dated a muslim girl they both would get killed by their muslim relatives
This is the same guy. He’s doing God’s work. We need to follow his example.
I saw a pajeet who was selling vegetables on a table down my street last week. Like it is Mumbai or something. If I see him again I'll kick his ass.
that takes some nutz. respect brother
Based retard
He didn't even defend his woman like the benchod pussy he is.
white ppl r pathetic I hope the guy kills himself after that
Why isn’t kurwa men doing it
There are Poolan mudsharks walking the streets of every city
seriously what is that whining cracker ganna do? hes probably an incel angry at others for getting more pussy than he ever would all the losers on 4chan congratulate him soo pathetic
Shut up pajeet, go shit your self to death
Uh. No you leaf faggot
That’s HT when few GDL boys went to shoot those vids and pics in front of Asswitch
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I thought Poland was le heckin based and redpilled. Wtf happened?
morale of the story don't fuck with Timmy's bitch
Why are you simp? He is spinning plates. He has 3 other bitches.
I agree with the guy but these guys should contain your flipping out. Don’t give zogbots a reason to be able to hate you with a hate crime.
I have zero respect for any woman who willingly dates a pajeet man. That's really fucking sad.
reminder >>472866498

>You don't get anywhere shaming women. You laugh at them and mock them.... don't lecture women that will cause them to do the opposite out of spite. Just laugh in their face and say "Holy shit thats one ugly disgusting couple, and your kids are going to look so fucked up....then laugh and walk away." she will remember it for life and it will pain her
You can tell he’s a nerd by his voice but he is a nerd that is standing up for his people. A more honorable man than most. How many women a man gets or has had means nothing to me. These ho’s aint shit and anyone that thinks they are is a simp ass faggot.
So you respect 0 white women? Stop being melo dramatic.

He just embarrassed some whore in front of an entire store lol. Even the whore knows what she is doing is wrong and feigned ignorance.

But they often haven't put 2 and 2 together in their head before as nobody says that kind of thing out loud.
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Pathetic small dick white. You will never be as strong and masculine as Indian men.

Why don’t you just kill these shitskins in Slavic countries. What’s the worst that they’ll do to you. 5 years in prison? In America you’d get life and be raped and beaten by packs of big buck faggot niggers daily while the prison guards look the other way if you don’t suicide by cop, so it’s understandable

But European prisons are fucking hotels
Has the same voice. Stop trying to deflect Sukdeep and show your flag.
I understand if it was a rapejeet. But this is just a curryburner and a Jeet. Some insecure incel is mad because he's getting none of it.
In what country this happend ?
What is the whitest country ? Im confused, because the chud sounds american... and they aint white.
No she is just some gold digger using his poojet money and fucking a white Chad in his back. She is well dressed and she took him to a home depot style shop to renovate her whole flat with his beta bucks.
it's poland
Nothing he said or did was wrong. The woman who assaulted him should be arrested
Yea, you get the white pass, he sounded american and made everything confusing, because they are literally niggers.
Oh, yea he got shot outside of a club like 2-3 years ago. I remember because it was funny as fuck.
no he didnt you lying low iq cracker
Wasnt just a compliment, there was a webm going around, the nigger assaulted the couple.
They really are cowards lol.
Cope. She could have chosen a wealthier Polish microdick beta but she rather sleeps with an Indian sexual lion.
The fuck is a canadian doing in poland.
10/10 quality otherwise.
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>Canadian Bacon
Heil Canadian Bacon o/
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her nipples got hard as he yelled at her
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Lmao pathetic jeet cope
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It's over friends. White women are exclusively getting plowed by brown men everywhere. We need artificial wombs now.
Bro you sound like changs when it comes to white guys fucking Asian women. You can't win it all. It's just karma.
>Biological weapon
kek , truuue
White women really have no standard
I visited in 2014 and I saw zero niggers in southern Poland (Krakow, Ciche, Zakopane).
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Yes you are oh so masculine, Sanjay.
>quick deploy the damage control niggers
Yeah we could totally see the high T pajeet lion hiding behind his woman lmao
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KEK, post it
Make racism great again. Abolish fictional "white guilt"

I must jackoff now to interracial porn, thanks 4chan.
Your argument is not very strong considering she chose this Indian over millions of Polish men. Are you saying he is wealthier than every available Polish man?

You are just coping because Indians provide such powerful sexual energy to your women.
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Fucking kek. Poles need a burger or leaf to correct their women.
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Chad status
good morning sar!!!
I gotta say there's nothing hotter than watching a white woman overcome with lust. Completely surrendering herself to black cock and begging for his cum.
haha alright big guy, lets get you back to india ok?
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Imagine Poles fighting for centuries for the right of an identity and nation, then surviving WW2 where they got absolutely bludgeoned. And then the women do this. The British cope is that we got complacent and fat, but you guys? You all fought so hard for an identity then to watch as your women give it away so easily like it's nothing. Feel sorry for them.
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Cringe. These women do this exactly for this reaction. It makes them feel special, like they're doing something forbidden and exciting, and it's their "love" against the world. The better way to deal with this would be to ignore them, short of the real more practical solution that western men will never choose of keeping women sensible.
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why do you guys hide behind women when you rape them so much?
Nobody voted for it. And we won't vote for it when we come and find you and bury you alive
I don't know if you're as stupid as the rest of the Indians but you sound and seem really stupid. The white people around you are going to eradicate you and your friends. It's going to happen.
why doesn't this retard do this shit in his home country of usa/canada? there wayyy more interracial couples/sex going on there, and just immigration in general. flies to poland to publicly seethe at some girl dating a jeet?
Pride, Wrath, and Envy is a deadly sin, white people.
retard has a million pajeets to scream at in canada, but flies to poland instead to berate a random one on the street. bravo
He knows he'll get his ass kicked. Polish men are known to be docile, hence the spit roast from WW2
Lost it, changed my hard drive and my memes and shitting on england folders are gone now.
dude was acquitted of murder but still got 10 years for manslaughter
something doesnt add up, if it was just a compliment he would have gotten murder
All Polish women know that Indian men are genetical dead ends and weaklings with low T and man boobs. The only Polish women who take Indian men are gold diggers and single moms. They would even choose black niggers before pajeets.
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He actually called him pajeet kek
This is based Poland, lmao. Speed running to muttmerica status. Serves you right for bring zog best goy
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>plz send bob and vagene
>polish girls
>OMG Yes!!
>jeet just walks away and lets his woman handle it

Jeets are the most cowardly race. They're the kings of acting tough then when conflict actually happens they back down and run. Even whites are less cowardly and that's saying something...
Codex Pajeet anon, I kneel.
Based, shame all currymuncher lovers
You might be one of the best posters on the board.
These boomer wannabe shitposters have no clue how to respond.
look at that streetshitter, doesnt say anything, doesnt do anything, just on the call with his "HeLlo diZ is Steve FroM MikroSoft Sapport"
cowardly monkeys
>and shitting on england folders
I remember this
That delusional nigger in the vid, all hoped up on currant year, tried to get reparations and sheeeit from some white girl and her boyfriend shot the aspirin engineer and niggers were crying about it on twatter
Just lmao

All I'm seeing is a sexually repressed incel seething about pussy he wasn't man enough to seduce himself
>Him was just complimenting and sheeit
>He dindu nuffn
This was a divine appointment
Timmy is going to use proper grammar and help you fafo
I got excited that it was happening then saw it was in some Eastern Europe shit hole
Wamp wamp
Remember when Seinfeld talked about Babu Bhatt
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>terminally online incel pajeet living vicariously through some random jeet on the internet
Yep my buddy actually knows him personally and hes autistic asf
He's married
Even as a socially retarded person I know the right move here is to stand in front of your woman. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to let some faggot lay siege to your partner. I would lose all respect for Ranjeet.
The nigger actually physically attacked the guy's girlfriend because she didn't go for his nigger supremacy act.
All white women are traitors, why is this a surprise to anyone. White women have zero loyalty to their race, 40 years of brainwashing took care of that.
So glad I have yellow fever, I understand chinks aren't everyone's cup of tea but at least good women would never be caught dead with an ugly nigger, gooks would die of shame.
Based Aryan bacon. This is the same guy that confronted those American soldiers in Poland.
Some Kek worthy moments
>Polands the whitest country possible
My sides
>He calls the poo ranjeet
>They know he’s upset but don’t understand because they don’t speak English
It’s some North American /pol tard not even a polak
Just absolute kek
The foid was flirting with him and wanted to gargle his BBC but the twink started seething and chimped out
>ian cranston

>barry washington chimps out
>assaults dude and others
>dude shoots once, killing him
>he gets 10 years because muh racism

meh, hard to confirm for me, plus i cant be bothered to verify low IQ social media posts.
most canadians and americans are virtually identical when speaking
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This is the single most based video since Christchurch.
>All white women are traitors
>So glad I have yellow fever
You're built for the BBC too twink xD
Dropping red hot pills kek
Yeah it did. I remember the threads. Anytime you say fuck timmy gon do remember the nigger who invented that got his brains splattered all over the pavement by a white guy.
100% this. Some beta bux future cuck like all shitskins who think they deserve white women. Always ends the same no matter what. Shitskin cucks will never win
Hello sars please do not redeem canada and go back to bakhrat you bloody benchoids fuck you bitch bloody bastard bitch
So based. Only thing that wouldve made it better is if he slapped that woman in the mouth for touching his camera.
City fags are permissive cucks

Just imagine all the hot throbbing steel hard BBC sliding in and out of white virgin pussy that night. The black sperm injected directly into the womb ensuring a new generation of mixed race humans.
1 dead nigger vs millions and millions of mixed race mulatto BBCs XD
this isn't the first time this exact thing happened, There's a video where a some mullato manlet is walking around with a white gf and another chud is shouting at them for race mixing while he just takes it like a bitch and white woman defends him then a liberal white man comes to their rescue, Someone please post the video
>This dude actually got murdered by some white dude
link anyone?
If you got dark skin you are a cops bullet sponge. fuck taquil gon do?
Literally me
I can’t watch catbox vids. Server can’t be found. Is this a verizon issue? Is catbox blocked for anyone else???
>Most white country

This man is clearly insanse
He's talking nonsense
It was a different BBC
The Timmy BBC is still around and bulling
merhaba mehmet abi nasilsin!

Found the video, Shitskins never do shit
hello jewish man, kill yourself, white women have the lowest rate of interracial marriage among all races, and are the most loyal.

You're claiming white women are traitors, pretending to be white yourself, and promoting disloyalty and suggesting people fuck asians and niggers in every fucking thread.

You are a jew, and we don't care about what you say, kys.
Did the tribe extend Euroweek to polish adult females now?
He literally got shot in the head dude. Timmy literally murdered him and is serving time.

Timmy literally, actually murdered that nigger.
I don’t see much of a difference between this guy and the Mediterraneans that claim to be white.
>/pol/ goes shopping

Kek, pretty based
1 random BBC dies in Portland while the Timmy BBC bull makes 8 mulatto BBC babies with white women a week (and still does)
I don't think I could hold back knocking the shit out of some roastie grabbing for my phone, my adrenaline spiked just watching this. I've been holding in violence a long time bros.
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>Some insecure incel is mad because he's getting none of it.
He’s a westerner in Poland so he’s swimming in pussy and isn’t an incel
he’s just based and probably went there to get away from western degeneracy and spoke up
Extremely based
Christchurch is for newfags.
Every shills is pro-chrustchurch
Every shills says we have to rely on a "low quality video" every single time someone complains

Compare the following
1. Brass vanishing in mid air
2. Texture of the pavement having white spots that do not vanish as camera shakes
Proof that video is good quality enough to spot CGI brass vanish behind a vanishing line like 9/11 planes
2024. Vanishing lines still confuse retards.
Funny, but how spineless he was to hide behind her and literally run away
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Compare the following
1. Brass vanishing in mid air
2. Texture of the pavement having white spots that do not vanish as camera shakes
Proof that video is good quality enough to spot CGI brass vanish behind a vanishing line like 9/11 planes
2024. Vanishing lines still confuse retards.
This having shit skinned imported into your country to rape it is assault
He was defending himself against global homo rape
Leave the Ukrainian slags alone kek they are less than any pajeet or negro. They are basically skin walkers. That stupid retard doesn’t even understand anything that he’s saying and he’s yapping on and on.
Damn nigger, that chud sounds mad as fuck
He goes by Canadian Bacon. He moved to Poland. Think he was having legal issues but im not sure
He only got 10 years for it too. That's what a black life is worth. Sucks to suck.
Timmy gon spam fake shit
>This having shit skinned imported into your country to rape it is assault
>He was defending himself against global homo rape literally I am raped by big brown cocks pressing against the insides of my supple twink boy body DX OH YES I MEAN NO HARDER HARDER UGGGGGGHHHHHHHH DX
Wow he’s eating Doritos. I’m so threatened.
pajeets act as if they are Conan the barbarian invading hostile land, killing all the warriors and taking all the women.
in reality they meekly await the Jew or traitor at the gates for permission,work menial jobs and of they are exceedingly lucky,a blown out toasty roasty doped up on enough anti depressants to kill a horse.
the be a pajeet is to be cursed as fuck
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... white women are nothing but scum!
How will Polaks ever recover
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Look at that smug little twink cart around his pet BBC for the bull XD

You can just tell how horny he is XD
pajeet you have been watching way too much cuck porn
Pick one. So he’s one of the 6ft aryan jeets right? That’s why he couldn’t handle a confrontation and walked away rather than defend his woman?
what is this cope Abdul, I fucked more sandnigger sluts in a lifetime than you and your entire lineage, they don't even take it in the ass like gypsies, you can just fuck their pussy knowing that some incel Abdul like you will eventually marry them once your mommy gets you a marriage arranged
just saw my first BMWF couple irl at the farmers market last week. these whores have no shame, especially the ones who travel to western europe to fuck niggers and brown people. our future is mixed race thanks to western "civilization"
One of my grade 9 students is dating a nigger like this. And to think I almost fucked her myself.
How does he know they're both husband and wife? He could just very well be an accquintance.
Yes because poland is a pussy desert for westerners
Shits disgusting and they’re both leeches
6' is the minimum height for a man, and it doesn't guarantee Chad status.
>hello jewish man, kill yourself, white women have the lowest rate of interracial marriage among all races, and are the most loyal.

You are mistaken, did you miss the part where I stated I only fuck asian women because they would never touch a nigger? That would bring catastrophic harm upon the reputation of an asian family, asians would never ever ever be associated with blacks. And that is the exact opposite sentiment of the vast majority of white women (democrat, supportive of diversity and mass immigration). Look around you fool, white women love browns, it's rebellious and gets them off in an otherwise drab world since everything is given to them on a silver platter.

I never said anything about marriage. White women won't marry niggers because niggers are bad fathers, even retarded white women know that. But that does not preclude white women from gobbling miles of nigger cock in their 20s and subsequently settling down with a beta cuck white man (e.g. you). And white women see nothing wrong with this arrangement.
Only 40 years
I respect a coal burner more than a curry stirrer.
>If only you knew how reddit things really are
>You are mistaken, did you miss the part where I stated I only fuck asian women because they would never touch a nigger?
Lying coping twink XD

Their twink fathers are BBC goon sluts. They would rather see their daughter bring home a BBC instead of a socially awkward pig skin twink XD
Yeah they put you in jail for defender you and yours in the jewnited states
Pajeet was the top tier pajeet, he was king pajeet, but he’s still a skinny little bitch that runs and hides at first sign of confrontation leaving his woman to fight his battle.
I find it funny that pajeets were the straw that broke the camels back and now even lefty predditors hate pajeets. Pajeets might unironically get genocided in the west within the next 5 years.
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I actually feel bad for both of them, one is a sexless brainwashed incel and the other is to coward to defend his woman. Both are pathetic.
>TFW the bull leaves and now you have to take responsibility of his kid
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bacon is backkkk!!!!
Meant to reply to this
>just saw my first BMWF couple irl at the farmers market last week.
How hard did you goon when you got home? Or maybe you even jizzed in your pants right then and there XD

That's one for the books X)
No it was the same nigger
Cope nigger
He is still locked up.
I wonder if his fiancé is still with him.
Why are disgusting poles the only non-indian people who have sex with us? Why not swedes or japanese girls? Why fucking bloody poles??
beggars can't be choosers bai
Cope. To this day the Timmy BBC gets multiple white women pregnant per week X)
Poles are your best choice considering how your women typically look like. Don't be so ungrateful.
Don’t try to fool me, I am well informed on the subhuman status of poles. Both the nazis and commies kicked their shit in for good reason.
Holy fuck chang
Get a life
>he is a nerd that is standing up for his people. A more honorable man than most
he's not standing up for his people, this faggot is from canada! why didnt he stay and scream at any of the millions of pajeets here?
retard got "muh based poland" on the brain and decided to go simp for the biggest race-traitor sluts in europe
It’s not the future bro
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stop being a virgin, you guise
Justin would throw him in jail personally if he tried this in canada, there is literally a second set of laws solely to prosecute whites. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Justin somehow arrests this guy for international hate crimes, they will expend millions of taxpayer dollars to smack this guy down if they can, supporting the invasion is their #1 priority.

There will be a reckoning eventually, the sentiment is picking up steam but we need to get through Justin, then cuck Pierre, and hopefully the next guy will be radical enough to protect true Canadians.
>what is this cope Abdul, I fucked more sandnigger sluts in a lifetime than you and your entire lineage, they don't even take it in the ass like gypsies, you can just fuck their pussy knowing that some incel Abdul like you will eventually marry them once your mommy gets you a marriage arranged
Nice fantasy. In reality if you ever put your hands on Fátima then you'll get beheaded and she'll get stoned to death.
No he gets ravaged by worms every week
kek that was an incredible post, hope we get to see more of that anon's work some day
He obviously moved there because Canada has no future
It's definitely not the "future" in europe, but most definitely the future in america since you guys are very relaxed about interracial couples. Europeans aren't, and this is especially true for really conservative nations like Russia in which you could potentially be murdered by someone for doing that. (There was a case that got posted here that happened a few months ago and it was some african guy who was with a udmurt IIRC)

Unless europe culturally shifts to become more america-like then that could be a real possibility.
>Don’t try to fool me, I am well informed on the subhuman status of poles.

There's just no foolin this guy.
men who share your race sleeping with high a higher caste women will not make you stop being a retarded loser.
Creep. I wish I knew what school you’re working at so I could report you to the administration and the authorities.
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kek based. bully pajeets they deserve it
you sure love the word "cope"... that's three times already in this one thread! you seem to be having a blast here on /pol/, have a great time bro
>Muh America
Cope eurocuck
The only thing protecting parts of Europe is poverty other wise you would be swimming in shit
You commie governments beg shitskines to come to your shit holes but they know it’s shit and use them as stepping stones to get to the gibs
I don't care about any of this, anon. I'm just saying that OPs video was based AF.
Seethe plebbitor
We are everywhere all around you
And you terminal faggotry is coming to an end
Because there is a lot of coping in this thread lol
If think this dude can’t get pussy in Poland your retarded and that has nothing to do with calling out beastality in public
I wasn’t talking to you faggot, why do pedos and degenerates always jump to defend each other? You gonna jerk him off too faggot ? If the fathers of these girls knew grown ass teachers were abusing their positions to try to fuck underage students, they would get their asses beat mercilessly
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Based Chad. Fuck shitskins
You gotta admit its not unreasonable that this might be staged, and if it's not, I can see how a trend could start appearing lol.
holy shiieeeet is that a hoholina??
what a fucking disgrace
>Prosze to zostawic
Kek, what a stupid fake blond bimbo whore. It's probably her mom
Ya,,,,, that has /pol/ written all over it.
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might've been ai generated as well lol
hoholina confirmed...
Is this the guy who told off the zogbots at the mall?
I am not european, but i imagine it wouldn't be much different from where i live depending on the nation i am born into. Don't you see my flag? Anyways i only said that because it's more likely to be true for america since you're a single nation and it has a bajillion of aliens coming in from mexico and south america because of Biden's carelessness. And europe is an entire region with alot of nations, which is a bit hard to infilitrate everywhere within such a short time. Poverty does actually play a really great role in making white people have larger families in really shitty countries in europe because they're too unintelligent to get a single job that helps their entire family garner wealth and has to do what indians do: Make a bunch of children so they can maximize the family's income.
This is a good possibility.
Someone studying linga could pull ot off after a couple hours easy.
Yes, I heard he's actually really brown. Like a typical amerimutt.
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replaying this video, yeah her accent is very ukrainian
it might be a hoholina
As soon as someone starts trying to grab your phone, you fucking punch them in the face.
coping poo lmao
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lol no doubt about it
her fren is what gave it away
Niggers are paper tiger.
not in Judeo-Poland. if you're white, you will get 10 years in prison for defending your property
actually ZOGLAND is the most jewed fucking shithole in Europe
people here have no respect for their own blood, women are ugly ass fake blond whores fucking niggers and men are bunch of scammers
literally white pajeets
the only good Poland was under German Empire
Haha poor polish girl didn't understand. She looked so confused. Imagine some mad autistic foreigner starts rambling in another language. What the fuck this dude's wants?
He'd be more effective if he just started laughing at her calling her gross while recording
>allowing niggers to eat
Lots of seething shitskins in thread you scared chang
>her fren is what gave it away
proszey to zostaywc - she prolongs the pronunciation of these words, all hohols do this. i think that's her ukrainian mom
We need a way to mass sterilize jeets
lmao so there's not even any polish people involved in this video
>She’s not even attractive
Lmao that’s the cherry on the cake
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Come at me SAR
polacks are white niggers, but i'm 100% convinced the heroes of OP vid are Ukrainians
Ukrainians have a specific accent where they "drag" Polish words
lol "Timmy" shot him in the head.
It's legal during Pride season.
Talking about bio weapons and pajeets... Dude how retarded and out of touch could you be? You want to say something say it like a normal human being, don't go around pretending everybody in the world understand your 4 chan memes.
Lmao cope
fuck..well spotted
that poonigger is likely a tech guru ceo and very rich in hohol standards
u just know these whores are gold diggers
holy shit its like bollywood
i dont cope - i dont give a fuck about this retarded zogged country and i'm packing my shit and leaving when war breaks out
my zogged gov can send the pajeets and niggers they imported into the meat grinder if they like, but im not dying in trenches like cretin zoghols
ask any russian here, thats a hoholina confirmed
Their civilization is supposedly 9,000 years old and no one's learned how to punch?
Sense they are spilling over into the rest of the world I agree
We don’t have many poos in the states but Canada and the UK are fucked
The commies really did a number on the west
this is a based pole
India's population is literally becoming sterilized because of themselves. Their population is beginning to decline (although slowly) because of how toxic it is to even live in the nation with all the smog and poop-covered streets. Look it up lol their birthrate could drop to japan levels in the next 80 years
someone post the hd version? my autism prowers are kicking in
yeah not a looker but at least she is thin
Shut the fuck up shitskin
you mad, faggot?
>brown amerimutt calling out a hohol curry lover in Poland
our zogged government transformed a 99% slavic ethnostate into a multi cultural shithole
and it's going to get worse now
i took the honkpill
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>They're getting called pajeets straight to their face now
Fucking based. The revolution is happening. Pajeets on suicide watch.
>I don’t care about my shit hole country but
>But but it’s really a holhol guys
Just lmao who gives a fuck if it’s some ukire hole any way
Woman don’t have boarders faggots
This needs some like, nice metal or techno music.
Only niggers talk shit to a men infront of her woman, no matter what he is. I would have gone berserk against this dude no matter who he is.
>truth doesn't matter okay goy
only a filthy jew would shit out a post like that
fuck you nigga!
calm down tyrone
Shut up you coping polak
You weak little fagots have to rely on Americans to defend your shit hole country and its resources
You no better than that pussy poo hiding behind that cunts purse
Your all faggots
poland is still whiter than the rest of europe combined
consider urself lucky
wtf is wrong with this seething troon
are u okay?
Being thin in currant year adds 2 or 3 points easily in currant year
Shitskins are getting nervous when they see a white man confronting their fantasy
Irl because they know it’s wrong
>“What’s clear to me is that if my son was white, he would be alive today. You don’t have to be Black to know that.”
checked and true
>be glad for getting BLACKED 10 years later than the west
stupid ass nigga ..
but is it that bad now? i cant even keep up anymore
Fuck off you coping Polshitters
You should feel shame
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>American accent in poland
Is it this fucking glownigger jew again? Holy fuck jews are so absolutely desperate to make white men throw incel rage tantrums IRL over white women that when it doesnt happen they go ahead and do it on our behalf lmao.
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Based Chadjeet.
>We don't need tech support
Audible kek

There is ALOT of cope and seethe in this thread
if only the pajeet actually just grabbed his women and went on with his business...
im half black and if an autistic came up to me like id like literally just ignore them. continue to follow me and then it becomes a problem of harassment and eventually self defense.
act like that in front of my girl and id literally just school him about how whites are doing the same thing with latinas and asians, and even some blacks behind close doors before warning him about getting some help for being autistic because half the population has a iq under 100 and are impulsive af.
id feel sad for the guy and carry on.
how is it coping u retarded jew
all im saying is that is one of many hundred thousands of hoholinas in poland
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Happy ending
And then the albanian mob drives past.
The fate of all NATO countries
Also the same guy. He’s a leaf going by as AryanBacon. Guy used to make hundreds of these back in the good ol’ days.

>tfw when I’m indian and dating a blonde aussie women
>whole country collectively shit their pants but doesn’t do shit about it
Take the meme flag off moshe
the video was being streamed live, there is compression involved. its why the backlit socks look blue and remain blue until they move out of frame then are white as they are redrawn coming back into frame. we know it was not fake due to the reaction of the system and its suppression. post a link to it. fake shit is never suppressed, go ahead, post a link to the full video.
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pretty sure thats in ukraine though
>sars plis to belief he is of the many bitches sars
lol. lmao even.
fucking chad

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