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Previous: >>472888579
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>The ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>Destruction of multiple Su-27s at Mirgorod airfield
>Hohol forgot to hide tattoos
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives

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Excellente soda breade Éireanon, thank you kindly.

GenTLEM?ENM, Iam absolutely inebriated. I will askl honestly to the next twelve questions BUT mnO MORE THAN TWELVE. PIcke yon requestés CAREFULLEY.
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A penis has erected itself in New York
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where did everyone go???
why are you not sleeping
its the retarded jeet who always wants to bake and refuses to use the designated shitting thread
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What the fuck is this shit? 2000000 hryvna? I can't do anything with that crap!
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>Trump is going to end all aid to Jewlinsky if he doesn't negotiate peace with Russia
they are fucking to get FUCKED in this peace deal lmao
Still doing a no bonfire\no death run.
Picrel is where I've decided to end it for today.

... halp.

Anyway, tomorrow's election in Bongland.
Is anything exciting gonna happen?
CAN anything exciting happen?

I know that whoever fucking wins, will do the same exact fucking thing, as their predecessors, but still...
He looks so proud to have betrayed his blood and soil, and protecting pedophiles and bankers. The release of death is too good for him, he should suffer in agony for years to atone for his sins
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Yeah, I know it's tzhe one dumbass indian whose kid died in the womb due to a covid vaccinationes. I'm a veteran around here, y'know?

I'm not sleeping because we had a good haul and there was a match o footie todaY. One thing leads to anothers and I'm out dr unk on the streets after 15 free tequale shottes from our friendly neifghbnorehood pub. CAlled in a favour, you see.
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Goodnight Chug
yes, but theres a caviat
2mil monpoly money AFTER the war in 2026
want to make a bet how much that would be worth if currency would exist at all?
Once Steiner's finished his F-16 training in Denmark, and the first 12 F-16s arrive, everything will finally be okay.
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gute nacht
shlaf gut
Goodnight eirefren, sleep well
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> Grenade returning air vent was used in WW2!
>A very deadly trick used by the builders of German bunkers in Normandy.
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Sleep well, my potato-nibbling friende.

Christ. The hryvna is already beneath the frog's ass, if you excuse the hungarian experiession. Last time I was at home, legal and illegal money exchanges wouldn't even accept the hryvna as legal tender. It's worth nothing, hell - even the forint is doing better than it right now. Christ, Christ, Christ. What a hellish world we live in.
training on the famous swiss simulator huh
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No allies?
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What are the best Telegram channels for Russian drone stuff besides Sudoplatov?
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to the last hohol
I'm gonna sleep, too, but maybe I'll check back here again this month.
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why the fuck does Vitya's stand says KYIV. It should say Kiev. Come on, big man, you should KNOW better.
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch operation to destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Expand military engineering service to ensure supply lines remain stable.
4. Pay benefit equivalent to "Northern Bonus" to encourage participation in infrastructural efforts in the liberated areas.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
But you're not hearing me man. Imagine if we adopted true freedom, reconnected with nature at the same time as advancing like you're talking about. And then we took over everything and everyone and bent the whole fucking universe to our whims and our needs, all while enjoying the benefits of being truly free? That could be our destiny brother
I check Intel Slava Z mostly,

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Holy shit its creepy, I have almost the same setup for playing war thunder, IL 2 and DCS. I'm probably a better pilot than him since I have 100x his hours, ukraine is really lacking trained pilots that badly?
i think it's enough to just know the russians are using plenty of drones
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Faulty image namé. "Trap" implies it can foole the average MALEl,. This is, quite clearnly, is an AMBUSHÉ. I can tell that even therough I'M drunk, come on Mr. Rotato Austria.
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Mein fuhrer... The f-16s we sent to ukraine were iskandered
Even if the money had value, there's nothing left to buy.
Niu York bros... is it true?
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Seems like volksturm have to do without them
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Checked. Digits confirm.
I dunno. I wouldn’t hedge all your bets in Trump’s support. I think what will happen is he’ll get in and the aid packages are going to be smaller or non-existsnt and the Ukranian military will become nominally more effective but what will happen is that Zelensky will go to other european countries and try to get aid to circumvent the US so he can continue his payday.
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I wouldn't knoqwm, I never dealt with hryvna - or at least not so since 2016. Prior to that me and my cousins in Szabolcs County used to use that and forints to buy cheap fuel and dry goods from the ethnic huns in Zakarpatska. Not anymorem, though,. Christ, nowadays even the ukro gang out here in zuidhollande wouldn't accept hryna. Those cunts only deal in euros, not that I blame them for it - us huns wouldn't accept forint either. There's a reason we're all here, you know.
This or the arms and money will still continue whether he disapproves of it or not
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General syrsky, codename agent Sneedsky is doing his part in ensuring THD and russian victory. Why the ukrainians put a russian man who made a soviet oath commander of the military is a strange choice, especially when he has a track record of sending hohols into meatgrinders that accomplish nothing
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> Germany (finally) finds out that the US opposed Nord Stream 2!
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The rest of the EU won't give him shit without France promising to pay them back at some point in the future. Macron's snap election meme has unironically jeopardized Operation: To the last hohol.
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I would go around in school telling people I was goth. If they went, “What? Nuh uh” or “No you’re not.” I would tell them I’m either ostrogothic or visigothic and then laugh to myself and walk away. Great fun. Good times.
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Back home, Tuomas, we have a saying.

Aki hülye, haljon meg!
(Those who are stupid, may they die!)
Imagine going to hell willingly for a fagget jew just to spite the russians
>Macron's snap election meme has unironically jeopardized Operation: To the last hohol.
UNACCEPTABLE. Total Hohol Death must continue, we must apply more pressure on agent Zelensky to complete his mission
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>Russian soldiers independently designed and built the ZVeraBoy buggy to fight drones
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>Bloomberg reports:. The Russian Federation has sent attack submarines to the Irish Sea at least twice to conduct military operations. Preliminarily, we are talking about submarines of the Halibut and Varshavyanka projects.
Oy vey
Muzzle-loading muskets and rifles fixed into anti-air configuration? What the fuck is this? I hate that recent armour development went "Man, armour on small personnel transport doesn't work... So lets save money by not giving them any panels at all!
it's just the usual British hysteria, during the Syria thing they had conniption fits when the Russian aircraft carrier sailed through the Channel,
they pissed their pants when Russia started doing long range patrols with the old Tupolev's

it's tedious really, I ignore it.
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General 200 is Russia's 2nd greatest asset right after Agent Z
You see, Ivan, if it worked for our grandfathers, it will work for us!
Volksturm slayer of Volchansk
I'd go this route.
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Now that's a propa wartrukk
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Ukraine stands no chance, With a double agent at the second highest (and actually most important) position and a master necromancer. Soon the dark horde will wash over the continent, muh democracy is doomed
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>Russian military destroyed the observation post of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the elevator
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> And yes, the airfield again. This time in Poltava itself (coordinates: 49.62226, 34.49717. An Iskander with a cluster warhead arrived. This time the target was a Mi-24 helicopter and airfield equipment with personnel. The distance to the border is at least 115 km.
Looks like garbage
No wonder they call Russian orc their tech is just aping and putting together pieces of actual technology
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ooof hate to say it but that thing is not gonna work they should have strapped multiple saiga 12s instead of ak's
>Mein monke we got another empty airfield))
I'm surprised no solar powered drone surveillance gliders in this war yet
Remember when they were happy about the imminent fall of Kharkiv?

They actually celebrated taking a field yesterday day.
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>Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato — The Telegraph
max kek!
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2 more weeks and the kharkiv lines collapse
It's empty now kek
>former soviet state
drops mic
>yesterday day
hello ESL pajeet
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It's empty and a decoy
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>acknowledges mentally ill cope
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NEW YORK is getting penetrated hard... without lube.
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Cool, we are at war now, (((experts))) say.
monke going down big boom tech tree

Them shits look a lot like reactor containment vessels
So what is the most corrupt state in NATO besides the US. Turkey, maybe?
It didn't happen and they deserved it?
>"Man, armour on small personnel transport doesn't work... So lets save money by not giving them any panels at all!
Where were you during the 17th century?
>Man plate armour on soldiers doesn't stop cannon fire... So lets save money by not giving them any armour at all!
they're grain elevators
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I think I wasn't borne yet at the time. What are you asking for, mind you, New Zealand wasn't even a country yet at that time.
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does anyone have that population graph pls
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>New Zealand wasn't even a country yet at that time.
It still isn't.
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>Guy from Kiev says they have no electricity for up to 20 hours a day for over a month.

>Just think about living like that? What will the winter be like?

>There are many such videos, it’s systematic across Ukraine.
FUGG man... imagine living like this?!?!?!
I miss when people were doing map doodles
Probably Turkey or Greece, but most importantly what are we even classifying as corruption? Is it politicians stealing money for themselves? This is not even the worst form of corruption
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Ah shiot, you're an austrolayoian. Sorry man, I am a bit clattered it is 3am here and prime drinké time.
If they lose all power we wont be getting any new vids from their side.
aieeee new york sisters our response?

>w-w-we dont need it anyway!
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That's what he gets for staying there to play fucking Elden Ring instead of evacuating through the stampede of the early war.
>What will the winter be like?
There will be a bunch of stories about hohols dying of carbon monoxide poisoning from heating their apartments with barbecues.
>bread so tasty
>and circuses so entertaining
>he would rather stay than abandon it all and evacuate
Bread and circuses are helluva drug
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>He looks so proud
that isnt pride. thats fear and tension like you know a gun waits for you behind the curtains if you fuck up this show.
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Russians always do this just like with they attack on Kharkiv but then Ukraine steps in and pushes them out because Ukraine moves the defenses back and once Russians get in there they swarm them and get destroyed
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In all seriousness if the Russians really have what the CIA says they have why don't they hit the Ukrainian front line with the microwave brain laser they had in Havana
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Man, I fucking LOVE Tifa.

You tell me, Igor. It's hard to uproot yourself - easier to suffer when it's comfortable compared to the alternative. People function like that.
Because they signed a bunch of papers promising they wont do that kind of shit and unlike muttistan the russians actually care about those papers.
Havana was just retards doing drugs from questionable sources.
my bad I meant the one that shows agegroups and sexes in a big vertical blob.. im not sure what those types are called
because anyone that believes 60's sci fi propaganda like that needs to have a lobotomy.
Did this happen at night?

This is the first time gains that big are recorded during nightime in a long ass while
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You know how non-hybrid cars now stop the engine when you come to a complete stop? As I was leaving the Russian supermarket, I had a transmission failure. Had to power off the entire vehicle and fire it up again, it’s a BMW, that was weird…
Population pyramid
pump those numbers down we need to achieve 35m by the end of this year
that Havana nonsense was just part of the anti Russia hysteria psyop that ran for a decade prior to the SMO

but I think the fancy stuff the Russians have is EW and ways of taking out satellites,

you can't fly anywhere near Kalingrad and expect to use sensitive instruments, the whole area is jammed with EW,

taking down satellites is the precursor to WW3, a bit hard to undo,
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whatll it be? choose carefully, mate.
Hey, where are the real posters?
2 hours is too much.
>trusting CIA
moi negro, if three letter agencies are truthful than our dirty russian hackers qre LITERALLY the best in the world, so good so BEST they can hack the most secure election ever in the world in world's most securest country. But they are also so completely, utterly dogshit they can't cover their tracks and all sources point back to russia.
Like, even our military is so utterly worthless we send jail inmates armed with shovels using meatwave tactics to loot toilets and washing machines (they are paid in nutella) so we can jerry rig some missiles (we have run out of any missiles 20 centuries ago), so that's why the entire civilized (read: pozzed) free western world needs to pitch in and sent ukraine high tech ammo and armor, including abraps, shells, and F-16 or alt-F4 or whatever you call it. Because Ukraine is winning and has been winning since this conflict started.
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Refined, of course. Anything else is a child's pick.
I just came here to check out. Sorry if I caused any ruckus. How are you?
This is the site for military news.
Hearing Russia launched another zerg rush at Kharkiv

Why do they keep sending russian conscripts into machine gun fire
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it's around 24 million atm, 10 million left, a few million now live in Russian territory,

apparently they produce enough bread for 24 million atm which is a good way to measure population,
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>om nom nom
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It 3:30am, you retard. Everyone with a drop of sense or sobriety is asleep.
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sorry, mate - i couldve choose

>come as you are.
Makes sense, unless it is strictly US posters.
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im doing alright
just havin' a ciggy and gonna play games
how are you fren?
You should not use retard because it is not a good look in terms of politeness.
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um, ackshually its 8:30pm, sir
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The invisible fourth choice? You're going to play me like this, Gunther?
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beep boop
i think that old faggot should be the first sent to die in a trench
>You should not use retard
lmao do you know where you are at, newfren?
Summer here in Finland is ending but it will take two more months.
I don't know what to do in terms of personal life.
It's easy to ask when everything is in order.
I thought I was able to leave this country already two years ago but didn't. It's not that easy. Unless you are a 'doctor' or someone.
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im at my second bottle ot wine and you?
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Hello Pekka, are you new?
I know American English enforces this language but be stronger.
No I'm not new.
I like that!
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/chug/ has always been chiefly euros, safe for the few honourary westerners and other people. Remember, we're all hungarians here.

Call me in the mornings, I'll give a shit when I am sober.

Listen, it's not MY fault that your grandpa figured running off to the Americas is a good idea. I got cousins running around Edison, over in New Jersey or New York - fuck if I know, but they still won't tell me that it's 8:30pm!!
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new york penetrated... what about stinky? stinky needs to be cleansed too - by tongue if necessary.
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>as you were
>as i waaaant you to be
>as a fren
>as a fren
>as a known enemyyyyy
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I lost tracke. We hjad a good haul of 1100 euros tonight so I1m enjoying myseleves. I ate so many lemons you'd not believe, they come free with tequileae shottes.
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next NATO-generalmaid for US commander in chief.
Thank you for responding. I remember your posts. There was also one guy from Sweden with specific knowledge from aerospace.
I respected every single one of you.
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>it's not MY fault that your grandpa figured running off to the Americas is a good idea
oof, how did you know? he had to leave, he was wanted after the war
>t. saarland diaspora kraut
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>Did this happen at night?
Probably, Russians are making big moves during the night now.
It's a new tactic because Ukraine's drones lack NV.
Why would Ukraine invade Belorussia? I don't get it.
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>Russian soldier runs with a bomb strapped to a mine to an enemy position.
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Everyone's in the americas is either a nigger or an Old World expat's descendant. It was a 50-50 chance. The identity of "Canadian" or "American" is made up.

I'm flattered you'd even consider me worth remembering. In the end, memories are all we have.
Go to Rusich and ask, they'll probably show you show you something. Sparta does alot of those drone vids and I clicked there sometimes but it's all in Russian so I don't bother
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Very well, I shall take your word for it
Of course I do, this is why I wanted to check in to see if ... yeah.
keep your chin up, bud
we are all gonna make it

im just saying this is 4chan so just expect to see "retard" and "nigger" every other sentence is all
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all boomer to the front first. ALL OF EM. ALL. NO. EXECPTON! NONE!

>and world peace woul immediatly break out.

different century - same shit.
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I wonder what was in that wreck that warranted such a bold move. If this isn't staged, hats off to the bomb-carrier for having the balls to pull this off.
4chan is older than you think it is, there is a way to avoid these words.
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i only have that second bottle left. and its already half empty... so i wont loose track tonight. :(
are you gril? you sound like gril
vog-25 they used to upload 30-50mins drone videos all kills idk if they're still active rn but definitely check out their channel
My english is retarded and of old form, that's all.
its all good fren
you know better english than i know french
i used to be able to hold a convo in french but not so much anymore
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shouuldve edited some troons and niggers into that edit.
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All good, Tuomas. I understand. I'm honestly flattered - it's this sort of camaraderie that keeps bringing me back here.

Nice Tifa, once again. And hey - don't be sad. Don't be like me. Drinking too much isn'T coole, it's juste a cope. Discipline is manhood, passion is a false mistress - or however else the saying goes. I used to know this shit by heart back when I was a hardline fascist. Besides, it's probably german wine you're drinking - wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Don't you feel insulted by the French in Quebec etc? Montreal? You are still an American with English education and English language.
They just want to threat and draw Russian troops away from Kharkov is what I think. There's no way they'll open a new front there. It'll be a huge PR loss for them to attack over the border and Belarus won't do anything unless they're attacked or Poland intervenes
there is scope for some imagination!
I used to work in London and they wanted to get me to Canada - Vancouver or Montreal but all of their 'supervisors' were french and hired by their friends.
Imagine a French supervisor hiring an Italian... what is the English language?
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Just like Bakhmut and Avdivka.
Ziggers never learn.
Hope they are ready for a big surprise
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i lived in quebec, the french are nice if you put an effort in to speak french
if you go there and disregard their language or customs, they will shit on you

and dont ever call me an american, thats offensive to leafs
Just like Paris... I don't care, I have retired. I call people English speaking or not. I'm not English speaker but I have travelled this planet enough.
montreal and van are gay
if you ever go to quebec, go to Quebec City
its the last bastion of old europe in canada
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is this guy an actual soldier or just a YTer? How does he get all the weapons???
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nett, inselschwuchtel.
I don't know I wish my cards were better and I could travel on this hellhole planet.
leveled the whole fucking building
Wagner group butchered, and Monke almost facing a coup
16k serfs dying for nothing, and murz, a popular millbloger killing himself
Maybe he was delivering some buffalo chicken BAM
i wish to travel too but no monies
sadly i must remain in this shithole til things get better
i know someone supplying drones and drone equipment to hohols. how can i send this information to russia ?
>post it here
yeah no
Your shithole is better. I am isolated.
Anyways even when I had 30000 cash I never had the time to travel, would loved to go to Japan.
I spent my time at work and spent all my savings relocating back to Finland.
True war is only fought by volunteers
Consider that Europe is only giving aid to Ukraine because they are vassals of the US. They know they are bleeding their countries dry.
Really makes me wonder what the US has on Europe to force this level of compliance. It has to be worse than the cultural and economic destruction of those countries.
anti tank mines make good demolition charges don't they!
it's a supersized hand grenade!
I think they used satchel charges in WW2, literally a satchel full of explosives and a fuse, chuck it in a bunker and run like fuck!
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Even if you got those details to the ruskies, what could they possibly do? One guy supplying trivial amounts of electronics isn't worth the novichok injection.
Most publifications forget and are forgetting the fact Russians have used military satellites since 1950s.
And now they are making some retarded facts about warfare.
said person is not just a middle man supplying DJI shit he bought from aliexpress bro. he's an electronic warfare expert supplying the control equipment too and teaching them about jamming and anti-jamming etc. He brags about it when he gets drunk, and i've seen proof.
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kek - no, its imported spanish wine. dont worry. when i drink its usually 2 bottles red wine at max. sometimes its a stronger wine so i had times i didnt remember it the next day - but no one harmed except my liver.

discipline is a nice trait to much of it is self-defeating too.
Thank you for making this up with your AI machine.
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never trust someone or something "giving" you "choices" - its rigged by them.
i wouldnt say canada is better
we just went from 38 million to 41 in just 2 years, all poohjeets
my country has been sold out and has become and indian colony
count your blessings that you dont have to deal with these people on a daily basis
Deutsch sturm stuffels are making an advance.
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Still but a speck in the grand scheme of things. If you're not just making memes, I presume you're man's efforts seem much greater to him than they actually are - remember, the only thing lethal aid managed to achieve for Ukraine is prolong the death throes of ukrainian citizens.
just european nobles in the US ordering their peasants to die for them and the jews
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Good evening sers,
Any news besides holols zrading with the microdistrict? Have the shills receded?
just give the man the link to the FSB report page and be done with it
I think you are delusioned. I don't want to type that long or hard but the fact I think if I wanted to apply to Canada without my parent company it would be impossible.
One guy, 2015, he was from NZ, we were at London and the HR told him to say specific words - and they told him to enter from the US border.
So what happened, he forgot his words, he entered from NZ and he said that he's crossing US to Canada because the company said so.
He was banned for 5 years entering US.

He of course got to Canada at later point.
These are VFX companies. London were the main operating point.
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Tell me about it Tuomas. Most people over here forgot about the war months ago, but prior to that? I've heard every story, from ruskie meat wave assaults upon Festug Bakhmut, washing machines, toilets, baby-rape and "it's okay honey, I allow it, just wear a condom". Westerners gobble this shit up like you wouldn't believe, particularly becauses it gives them something "wild and crazy" to talk about during their bi-daily overpriced caffé trips.

Discipline or not, in the grand scheme of things it barely matters. Pointed applications of discipline may change the course of history, but otherwise? It's just a measure to keep that inevitable self-destruction at bay.

Ah, yes, Esau's gambit. A classic.
Good evening, it's 10 PM EST so the shilling has dropped to normal levels. There are a few new clips
The "u" in /chug/ stands for "Ugric."
>New Zealand wasn't even a country yet at that time.
maori nation was and is just a fantasy.
Yeah I remember those. I remember Bakhmut.
Thing is - this is better than the false news.
I don't support Soviets more than you but even then...
It's about military information and intelligence and being fair.
Fair to every party.
I'm not afraid, I have been dealing with Satan all my life. It is without labels or books.
>It is without labels or books.
Is this a calquing (word-by-word translation) of some Finnish expression?
so thats why basically no ukro shills are active... kek. eat it - you voted for that!
Sorry my fault. I have been dealing with Satan all my life. It means the life on this planet is not the paradise.
>It means the life on this planet is not the paradise.
No, certainly not. I heard Finland used to be a pretty nice place, though.
Where are you from then - Illinois or Texas? What part of those letters are Ugric to you?
I am from Finland and most Russian people are my cousins. They look the same.
The "u in /chug/ stands for Ugric" joke is because you, a Finn, were speaking to a Hungarian. (He has a Dutch flag, but he's Hungarian.)
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Congrats. How'd you figure out my true identity?
No I speak Finnish and my friends are speaking Russian. My third language is Germany.
Only phones are laptops are now viable in Ukraine. You literally need a generator for PCs and gayming consoles.
You have never travelled anywhere in your life. Regardless of politics. Sorry buddy, you are the loser here.
good movie!
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a Hungarian on my soil well i never.
when was the last time the draft got edited

The last time the draft got edited was in 2016, when the Selective Service System (SSS) updated its regulations to make it easier for men who were born with intersex characteristics to register for the draft. This change was made in response to a lawsuit filed by an intersex man who was denied the right to register for the draft due to his intersex status. The lawsuit was filed in 2015 and was settled in 2016 with the agreement that the SSS would update its regulations to include intersex individuals. -end AI

what about before that

Before 2016, there were several other changes made to the draft. In 1980, the draft was reinstated after being suspended in 1973, following the end of the Vietnam War. The new draft regulations were designed to make the draft more fair and equitable, and to ensure that the military had a diverse and representative force. -end AI

so the only time the draft has ever been edited has been on the horizon of war

Yes, that's correct. The draft has often been updated or changed in the lead-up to a major conflict or war. This is because the needs of the military can change rapidly during times of war, and the draft system needs to be able to adapt to these changes. For example, during World War II, the draft was expanded to include more men and to cover more age groups, in order to meet the military's needs. Similarly, during the Korean War, the draft was increased to allow for more soldiers to be drafted. -end AI

safe to say ww3 is on
Because you've said as much many times. Thank you for the Happy...Honved, I think. ("Honved" is a military rank as well as the name of the army, right?)

Hey, I wasn't attacking you - and I like Hungarians and Finns.
Ironically all soldiers wear plate armor now.
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Ooee kut, pikkie, ik hou van kapsalon! Ik ben een ECHT nederlands, niet buitenlander!!
Of course, you are like an African.
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oh dan is het goe, maar ik heb toch well meer zin in een pannekoek.
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Funny, I never figured anyone would bother to pay attention to my ramblings save for a select few. With that said, you're clever - yes, Honvéd is indeed both the rank of private in the HDF and the actual name of the HDF in our native tongue. Granted, in modern vernacular, a honvéd is everyone who serves in the Honvédség.
Dankjewel, aljstublieft. Pannekoek of panneNkoek??
? - its not my fault you fin incests get paranoid.
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will they have to adjust their standards to get enough cannon fodder?

i.e. McNamara's Morons?

Checked. I've always been fascinated by the Central European milieu, for some reason. What can I say - who can resist sausages, goulash, and strange and unlikely combinations of letters?

You might perhaps be amused to hear about the very first time I heard anything about Hungary.
Oh wow.
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pannekoek kzit nie in een stad
I am so sorry.

every time the draft has been edited has been on the cusp of war correct?

Yes, that's correct. Every time the draft has been edited, it has been on the cusp of war. The draft is often used as a tool to fill the ranks of the military during times of war, so it is not surprising that it has been edited more frequently during times of conflict. -end AI

whats the length between the edit and war

The length of time between when the draft was edited and when the war began varies depending on the specific situation. However, based on historical data, here are some rough estimates:

World War I: 6 months (1917) - The draft was edited in May 1917, and the war began in July 1917.
World War II: 1 year (1939) - The draft was edited in 1939, and the war began in September 1939.
Korean War: 1 month (1950) - The draft was edited in June 1950, and the war began in July 1950.
Vietnam War: 2 years (1959) - The draft was edited in 1959, and the war began in 1961.
Iraq War: 1 year (2002) - The draft was edited in 2002, and the war began in 2003.
It's worth noting that these are just rough estimates, and the actual length of time between when the draft was edited and when the war began may be different. -end AI

crazy to thhink ww3 is only a year away
>Esau's gambit
the name sounds familiar - bit idont get it. is it a meme or historical figure? (im out ot remake tifa screens until i continue the remake video.)

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Sarah and Rachel discuss Ukraine:
PS: Left or right?
My hand is more appealing
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Go on, my man. I'm always flattered when foreigners end up learning about my irrelevant little homeland.

Pannekoek, ik snip snap het. Niet panneNkoek, N beteken neger. Dankjewel, aljstublief!!
>eed a generator for PCs and gayming consoles.
sounds reasonable - and this wont include the network itself.. only the local machines..
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> A detachment of the Chinese PLA in Minsk during a parade rehearsal.
>They are expected to take part in the parade tomorrow.
China and Belarus seem close.
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Esau's Gambit, it's shorthard for jew chikanery in which the jew plays both sides of a conflict in order to save its own hide.
When I was a wee lad - it must have been before I was ten - I was reading a book. It mentioned that, in the interwar period, Hungary was ruled by an admiral. (To be fair, by this time I'd seen references to someplace called "Austria-Hungary" as one of the Central Powers of WWI.)

Having had read this, I looked at a map of Europe - and then I looked back at what I had just read - and then I looked once again at a map. I decided that either this "Admiral" (Admiral Horthy, of course) was some sort of lunatic - a tinpot dictator who liked the idea of being called an admiral, despite ruling a landlocked country - or the whole country was populated by lunatics, and they collectively decided to call their ruler an admiral as a kind of joke, either on the rest of Europe or else at the expense of this "admiral."

I was very upset.
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makes sense that they are now bringing in the cuckservative leaders. but they are already backtracking, plus who's really gonna go? i ain't going. i am not dumb enough to fall for the little carrot they are now handing people.
I'm guessing that there's internet because if it's over cable, the internet provider has generators for emergencies (well, they have them here). So all you need to do is power your router somehow.
They seem to have mobile 24/7.
Mad max as fuck
I remember reading that NATO had stipulated that all F-35's had to be adapted to carry the new B-61 dialable yield gravity drop nuke by 2024,

this was before the SMO and it gave me an uncomfortable feeling, they've been building up to this conflict for at least a decade,

when the PS2 game Black came out it had the Ukraine as a battlefield for a future war, I think that was the Pentagon liaising with the games industry to implant the idea of war in the Ukraine and normalise it,

Putin vehemently opposed NATO expansion into Georgia and the Ukraine in 2008 when G W Bush announced the intention to do so,

this has been coming a very long time, I've been watching the propaganda psyop all the way.
Oh yeah I forgot to post about this -
Mutual European Defense Zone, previously known as Finland.
I think the capability to deliver B61s was always part of the spec for F-35s. Maybe they decided to upgrade all the F-35As in service with non-US operators of this aircraft with the necessary equipment to allow their F-35s to deliver shared weapons.
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Oh, that one's a classic. To be fair, the old regent-admiral was one of the period's most interesting people - he got his title under the old monarchy, ended up being something of a gentleman-adventurer and polyglot who toured the world prior to his antics in governance. A very popular figure who was a welcomed to every high-society party with glee. Fun fact, his hungarian was so distinctly "un-hungarian" due to how he learned german sooner than his own native tongue that it became a point of contestion and, later on his life, a point of endearment thorough his career.
In 2050 Finland will not exist because it is going to be Mutual European Defense Zone.
The leaders of Finland decided to give away the government.
you got me at everthing nut the ps2 game. thats too out there but i do believe cod is a thing for a reason
the only purpose of the F-35 is to perform a sneak first strike on Russia, it's frankly useless for anything else,
Yes, and he was a Lutheran in a Catholic land. Later on, as I read more about him, I came to quite like him.
Do you know Rafael from France? They have trained some of their best pilots to drop nukes deep into Europe and also into Russia.
it's a known fact that the Pentagon liaises with the gaming industry and Hollywood,

why would Black be set in the Ukraine if the Cold War ended in 1991?
The level of U.S. government debt cannot be maintained, something must be done, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said
well France has an independent nuclear weapon programme, but all the other NATO members 'share' Murican ones,
The French pilots are trained to do this drop.
I'm sure UK ones are doing it too.
And the label doesn't say 'hohol' or 'russian'.
>gravity drop nuke
it have no range how it useful. does usa gave up on rocket technology for suicide pilots?
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Ukrainians may lose electricity for 22 hours a day in winter
The co-founder of the Energy Strategies Foundation said that in the best case, there will be no electricity for 12 hours a day. However, in his opinion, the problem may be more serious: electricity will be available only 6 hours a day, and during peak periods of winter — only 2-3 hours.
it's not just US debt, check out the debt to GDP ratio of every G7 member, of the OECD,

everyone is at or above 100%, they also play around with the reporting, public debt is actually quite modest compared to private debt, the who neo-liberal thing was about reducing public debt and opening up the private side,

so when the USA has 34 trillion in public debt, that's dwarfed by the private debt.
If this was the case in Finland, I don't know what would my strategy will be.
Maybe let them come in, retreat for two weeks or even more.
At the same time, normal people would suffer and die.
But this is how it goes.
oh I agree, think how long the build up to both the Iraq wars took, they were only going to fight a 3rd rate army, yet they spent getting on for a year on the build up,

I remember 2003, all the politics, all the protests, but they had so many men and so much equipment out there it was obvious that it was going to happen, nothing would stop it, all the logistics and expense, the sunk cost, has a momentum that no one can stop.

imho the only way WW3 doesn't happen is if the Western financial system enters a crippling financial crisis that pulls the rug out from under the West,

a GFC 2.0 too big to bail
War is hell. More care should be taken to avoid it, but that requires diplomacy
Yeah but Iraq war was a quick thing because the border was so short and most of the military were xxx.
Ukraine (don't make me wrong I don't give a fuck if some former soviet country kills another). has huge border.
And it seems like the generals are not able to fight even after all the 1,000,000,000$ donations.
America zhould go to war with canada
I think I would love to see a total collapse. I'm not a russkie or anything but I would love to see a collapse because this planet deserve it.
hard reset.
Russiabs fucked up the QUOTE ON QUOTE feint and there is no two ways about that
I don't know. I don't care.
Most news sites are giving wrong information though because social media has brainwashed everyone.
well it's like a JDAM, a glide bomb, they drop it from a high altitude whilst standing off from the target, like a FAB, and the dialable yield means they can turn it right down to say 0.3kt to take out a military installation,

this is wht the Muricans have a boner for WW3, they think it can be fought using precision bombs of just the right yield to do the job,

they think they can avoid nuclear winter, they associate that with the overkill of the Cold War with massive and not particularly accurate weapons taking out large areas,

they're mad, all of them, especially the schizo's at the Rand corporation and all the neo-con think tanks,
they think they can fight nuclear wars.
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Nice logo
iraq was a joke, they had completely destroyed their army on the first week
Finally some new fucking videos
I'm ok with financial collapse, but nuclear war is pretty much game over, I really don't fancy that in the slightest.
I do knoow and do care. Dumb russniggers forgot that they're bug people and didn't encircle kiev. Thjs isn't medieval times. Wars are decided beforee they're fought. Chinese suck American dick because that's a war they know they'll lose
Would that be worse than Tatcher's ideas? If we are able to live more than 50 years from now I think we can see everything.
yup, but it still took them a year, each time, to get all their ducks lined up,

WW3 is a much bigger project, it has a run up of a decade or so.
What I mean ~ 50 years and then on. Because I am sure it will be hellish for them.
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don't think they're going to make it in a decade things are happening now not ten years from now. as the west is being bankrupted.
>they're mad, all of them, especially the schizo's at the Rand corporation and all the neo-con think tanks,
>they think they can fight nuclear wars.

Let them have it. I want to see Russia using penetration weapons to blow their sub bunkers with all them getting cooked or squashed inside. Or them using a Tsar in the right spot to provoke a global earthquake to get them squashed in their subs.
well I've only got about 20 years left, but I'd like to think life on this planet goes on after I'm dead, it's so fucking retarded, 4.5 billion years to get to today when a bunch of hairless autistic apes destroy the world because they're too fucking retarded to get along.
I will bake one thread.
I understand this. But this planet was created by extraterrestrial force. This is why we fight each other. It's not exactly a bar talk.
They have their bots watch over but ... nothing ever comes out of these reports.
>4.5 billion years to get to today when a bunch of hairless autistic apes destroy the world because they're too fucking retarded to get along.
Who knows... In the end Satan's prophecy is true as really no one has been able to stop the imminent collapse. The few opposing ones are basically slaves, and everyone else is pointing their efforts in going that route.
oh empires and civilisations rise and fall all the time, it's a drama for the elites because they lose their wealth and privilege, but for normal people life goes on with a few adjustments,

the financial economy will implode, we'll be eclipsed by the East, fossil fuels will mostly be exhausted by 2050-2070 at the current consumption rates,

we just slip into what we refer to as a dark age, prolly quite comfy, local, no rich cunts trying to run your life from the other side of the world,

after 500 years a new civilisation emerges, it's happened loads of times already.
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I hate niggers (ukrannies)
New thread
x fantasies is one thing but humans incapable to "destroy the world" it is enormous amount of hubris.
not destroy the world, destroy a habitable world for humans, basically burn down our only home.
What is the discount on these war bonds?

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