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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trump has been busted. This is not a drill.
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Joe Biden is literally a pedophile
I eat dogs
That’s hot
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MIGAtards be like "my billionaire zionist is different!!"
>No criminal charges
>You literally made this same thread an hour ago
>No bump
we know Michelle Obama.
Not gonna work. Trump has won the election due to bidens debate performance and there is nothing you kikes can do about it
No one is going to believe this Steele dossier 2.0 shit. Everyone who isn't a hardcore leftie is tired of these lame TDS forgeries. To the point where if the left actually did find something real at this point nobody would believe them. You faggots are the boy who cried wolf.
that font size is for ants
Kind of wild how this never came up in the last few years and literally millions of dollars worth of investigations.
Almost like it's bullshit
Desperation is a stinky cologne.
that's hot, love is love you fucking bigot
Wasn't Katie Johnson the girl who accused him back in the aughts? With Epstein? And was such a terrible liar even before anyone knew about the massive sex trafficking she still couldn't convince anyone? You know, after Trump talked to cops about Epstein being a creep and kicking him off Mar-a-Lago...
Is this connected to Epstein?
Fake and gay.
my father shits in my asshole while i am asleep without my consent and uploads the footage to onlyfans
>pre 00's scandal pics
Link? I can’t find anything about this case even in the MSM so I’m assuming it’s wacked out and frivolous as fuck
Why wasn't this brought up when Trump was on trial? Why did it have to wait until Biden made an ass of himself during the debates? Pretty convenient timing. Only way Biden is going to keep power now is if he take a cue from SCOTUS' ruling and suspends the election.
>Joe Biden is literally a pedophile
I'm proud of all our pedo politicians. I love our corrupt system that money buys.
My father made your father rich by paying for it.
Still voting Trump
Is this the same girl that recanted her entire testamony like 10 years ago?
This. Trump's lawyer said Trump cooperated 100% with the investigation, better than any of the other suspects. And he only took business flights on Epsteins plane.
Given all the pics of him with Epstein and Maxwell it's hardly unbelievable is it?
Biden’s a cunt the who does the same too. You thought the girl from the video was a gerontophile? Those exist but she backed away. Well, crisis averted. I can remain in the US and can be semi-openly queer forever more. Amen. The end of an era, boys. I fucked your fathers.
Says people with no potential motives. No conflict of interest
Did said 12 year old lesbians also shower him in gold?
Washington politicians & finance is full of them. Joe & Donald are not alone

Oh so because someone is protected and/or has crafty lawyers doesn't make them "innocent". Especially with the ruling class(es)
Considering he banned Epstein from any of his properties like... 2 decades ago, I'd say ya
at least if this is real we'll get a taiwanese news animation of it
Post proof that isn't just Trump claiming that and I'll believe you
Why is it a civil complaint? Why didn't she go the police?
20 pushups.
Train the whole militia. Seek Jesus.
Yes. aka "Mossad"
Because "good" lawyers bargain & steer criminal matters into civil court
I think James Patterson did the research for that. He's a very famous author. You might know him.
If you get charged with a crime you can't just "steer it into civil court." So why didn't she just go to the police and have trump charged with a crime?
If kikes don't have anything on Trump then why does he bend over backwards for them?
>Known germophobe not wearing a condom
Did Tyra Banks also rape 12 year old girls?
I'm ridin'
Backwards implies Trump didn't launch our movement forward. If anything Trump bent forward and saved the dying rightwing parties.
>Known germophobe not wearing a condom
Well 12 year olds are almost guaranteed virgins.
This is as fake and gay as the mattress pissing hookers story.
nothing burger happened near his election and was DNC attempt at slandering him and they are now regurgitating the same bullshit
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Also it's important to point out despite flying on the plane he never went to Epstein's sex island. Everyone just assumes this and it never gets corrected.
What amazing timing that this gets "released" now
its old news. they are digging up anything out of desperation right now. i 100% expect an assassination attempt on Trump this time around .
Know how you know the tide has turned? Fake shit like this doesn't even get traction anymore. This tweet was at 3:14 and literally nobody is talking about it
did Bernie Sanders write this? Its not bad
Fake and Gay
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Everyone knows Trump is a pedo
Very week. Needs more effort.
They openly admit it now too.
you already posted this

>i 100% expect an assassination attempt on Trump this time around
Did you forget about the time they tried to shoot air force one with a missile?
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Oops forgot pic
>being a pedo
Does it mean he now gets the democratic nomination aswell ?
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trump would never force 12 year olds to perform lesbian sex
he would pay them enough to do it voluntary xD
conservatives don't actually care about pedophilia. they are soulless demons
Do you work at the same place all our election data ran through in 2020?
The kikes want him to win retard. Why do you think all of mainstream media is "expressing concern" about their guy? They just suddenly realized he has dementia? They've been covering for him for years.
Because it didn't happen.
Because OP is a faggot.
Always remember this when Trump is dictator post -2025.

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