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▶Prev: >>472916833

▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Total Zigger Death
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fuck your cities lmao
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>people are racist on /pol/
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How is Total Hohol Deairbasization coming along comrades?
>Your cities
Uh Oh Ivan, you acknowledged Ukrainian sovereignty. Report to the commissar for punitive brooming.
anything happen
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To the zigger who is going to say it was Ukraine who started the conflict by bombing gorillion of donbwaese children
Nowhere nearly as well as total Black Sea fleet submarinization.
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I love dead ziggers.
It didn't do anything
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And of course we can have Putin admit the shit Russia did too
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>average Z supporter
ATTENTION ALL RUSSIANS LIVING ABROAD: Please call your relatives and ask them to start gathering food, water and supplies. When Russia loses this war there will be major civil unrest in all cities, major poverty and major logistics problems which will cause food shortages. Please ask your relatives to prepare for the worst. They don't have the visibility to the Russian frontlines and cannot tell when the collapse happens so preparing should begin immediately. Please Russians, just warn your relatives or else they might starve to death when things get bad.
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I love dead jews
Russians living abroad should go join Rus. volunteer corps or some shit
only Good Russians join them, so understandly there's not many.
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Sweet /k/ope, thank you comrades. Judging by these responses I am now convinced that the ukraine lost 6 gorillion planes in the attack and in fact shit's so bad Kyj@ev is being rebuilt underground to avoid the constant FABbing.
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In case a zigger tries to blatantly lie
Can you show us these destroyed airfields
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23457th battle of Vuhledar
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so basically, crest is taking in up the ass all morning
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I have but one complaint about you comrade: since you are a rapefugee in another country, why do you sit your ass off all day in this godforsaken general instead of trying to find a way to provide for your family? Waiting for gibs to fall on your laps in what a nigger would do comrade.
HROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFS comrade????????????????????? kek, 2 and a half years into this gay war and here you are, demanding hrooooooooooofs comrade.
Russia strong! Russia has bombs that can kill malls, Armata and missiles
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still, TZD
So, no sauce?
Reason why your copy pastas are so stale.
how come it took 2.5 years to strike an airbase 150km from the front line? if those su-27s were operational surely the mighty russian forces would have struck it already. surely you didn't hit a base with inoperable, cannabalized su-27s because you needed propaganda. russia would never do something that petty.
what destroyed airfield were you talking about though?
What if they resurrect L. Czolgosz and tell him Drumpf is oppressing the poor

The irony is that Palestinians are doing nothing more than using the same tactics that zionist colonizers once used. Zionist colonizers used terrorism against the British, Palestinisns and non-zionist jews in the 20s, 30s and 40s and Palestinians use terrorism against zionist colonizers. I don't see anything wrong with the latter.
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>N-NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you HAVE to provide a little gay drone vid if you want to have a discussion in this godforsaken general
Or what comrade? My /uhg/ comrades will judge me? Woah!
The very fact that you felt the need to disprove Total Hohol Deairbasization confirms it comrade. Also, no F16?
Unironically, your own reaction is proof Russia is losing
First week of the invasion these attacks wouldn’t even make it front page news
Yet Russia has so much winning over these 3 years that Russia just hitting anything is enough for you to spend times 8 hours posting shit here
If Russia is winning I am Greek
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kill vatniks, behead vatniks, roundhouse kick vatniks into the concrete, slam dunk a vatnik baby into the trash can, crucify filthy vatniks, defecate into vatniks food, launch vatniks into the sun, stir fry vatniks in a wok, toss vatniks into active volcanoes, urinate into vatnik's gas tank, judo throw vatniks into a wood chipper, twist vatniks heads off, report vatniks to the AFU, karate chop vatniks in half, curb stomp vatniks, trap vatniks in quicksand, crush vatniks in the trash compactor, liquify vatniks in a vat of acid, eat vatniks, dissect vatniks, exterminate vatniks in the gas chamber, stomp vatniks skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate vatniks in the oven, lobotomize vatniks, mandatory castration for vatniks, grind vatniks fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown vatniks in fried chicken grease, vaporize vatniks with a raygun, kick old vatniks down the stairs, feed vatniks to alligators, slice vatniks with a katana.
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>still, TZD
Israelis could wipe out your entire sandnigger race by moving their little finger, lmao. They don't because then your sleepers in europe and america would start allahakbaring in airports
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Going only as rusika could plan it
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kalimera comrade gipsybro.
Cmon baldie can you at least show us where these destroyed airbases are
Remember this chink the next time a zigger lover sheds crocodile tears for wartime sunbathers hit by Russian AA shrapnel.
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>Take that, Putin!
>Makes a claim
>Provides no sauce
As you cum/chug/gers love to say "Trannies don't get the source" which is why you never have any.
All those dead ziggers were probably killed by a squad of guys with drones. And GLAVSET doesn't want me to believe in 6:1....
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the point is: I don't really care comrade. I have no firsthand info, nor any interest in actually looking it up. This is not my area of expertise, which instead is: rubbing salt on the wounds of my /uhg/ comrades and kick them when they're down. Can the ukraine release footage as based as pic rel?
>complete delusion the post
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It's in the news comrade, xoxols deemed important to cry and shit and piss about it, it's enough for me #believeallxoxols
So what if Russia did that?
I rather Russia control Ukraine than the US.
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Slava Heroina and Heil Hitler!

"We are going to win this time surely fellow aryans"
which subreddit is that from?
the one where this general came from
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Holy crap.
Must be shift change at the fsb.
They just poured in here.
If it is in the news, then it should be very easy for you to provide sauce. I remember how your lot paraded the first downed Abrams for days and days, I'd figure a blown up airbase and the craft on it would be worthy such a display.
Unless, of course, it didn't happen. How can you tell a zigger is lying? Their mouth is moving.
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haven't seen this many motorcycles before
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>no u
the mental capacity of an average muscovite sympathizer
ukraine is reddit nigger faggot the country
you are pederasts fighting for a jewish president
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God damn people in Ukraine just walking around like everything's normal getting bombed
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>fire hose of falsehood
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>your lot
I have no lot comrade, and I didn't parade shit. I did however insist that the ukraine is a fake made up country AND rightful USSR clay, maybe you remember that part. Still, why would the ukraine claim there are destroyed planes AND dead comrades when there are none? All the while outright denying ever getting hit and minimizing their casualties? hmmmmm?
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Thank you my fellow American for contributing to the Russian samovar fund with your taxes :D
How's the weather in Langley today?
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> i have no lot
>literal fsb script we've seen since day one
For the love of god get somd fresh materials.
Who controls Karelia again my friend
South bama ivan.
Will Puccia finally beat Ukraine or what do YOU think will happen if Ukraine does default on it's debt?
Why doesn't SBU wipe out pootin, dugin, gerasimov, etc. in a similar manner to dugin's daughter
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>all that z-shill uproar
That naval raid on Hoвopociйcьк most have destroyed something important. Even named shills got activated.
holy shit that's brutal
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Ah, the Italian cultist of Stalin. Guess it is that time of night for you to show up and start spewing your torrent of failed ideology and head canon history.
Have fun living in your own little delusion, and remember: Russia exists because Kyiv settled that wilderness.
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Good to know that I'm living rent-free in your head, you bald fuck. :) :)
Jesus fucking christ
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How about this comrade?
Congrats for making me actually look at the news tho, you owe me one comrade.
actually it flopped
they are here because of dnipro
We've arrived at the point where wiping out key pro-russian players could potentially decide a thousand years of world history. Pro-russian fifth columnists in the west need to be acked before its too late
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come and get me comrade, I'm pretty buff these days.
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Ukraine is winning so trust me bro
Please call your relatives and tell them to start preparing for the civil unrest Russia will face soon. When Russia loses in this war the stores in Russia can have very bad shortages.
He thinks I'm you. Yet another successfully buckbroken idiot, lmao.
Finally. You could've just said two planes were destroyed.
>It's the same type of doom posting unelected dictator posting was before this one and no ruble no gas etc
They just need something to shitpost with, that's why Putin makes these vague statement
It's the same mental condition as QAnon, hell, it might be the same people falling for this
In short, everything will be sorted out, nothing will come out of this, no conclusions will be reached, a week after a new bandwagon of imminent Ukraine collapse will bloom
>in a similar manner to dugin's daughter
They can't give orders to FSB.
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ah mb comrade, I should have been able to tell you weren't him because of lack of coffee autism.
My furthest living relatives are in Nizza comrade.
Glad we got that sorted out. Now back into autohide you go.
Kill zigger generals on leave by setting up amappo outside their front door
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No comment on the sitting on your ass collecting gibs situation comrade? Understandable, I wouldn't want to comment either.
Ah shit, I filtered by pictures, not by unique ID - I'm actually getting a 3rd Finnish module at the end of July. Hardly sitting on my ass, considering that I'm required to fulfil the obligations put by the Employment Office and always report on time regarding my job search (while I was waiting for module 3). Believe it or not, it's hard to get a job when employers expect B2 Finnish from you and when the war in 2014, initiated by the gay ass country you simp for deprived you of finishing your degree.
i can't imagine the pain, fuck man, i would rather be dead at that point
it's the final payment for the contract-mobnik. no raises are negotiable
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>that pic
Use updated version, retard
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it took you shills so much time to make a counter-meme? grim
>I-I'm studying fingoloid
I know exactly 1 xoxol in Italy, boyfriend of friend of mine. Of course he's a lowlife criminal and a drugs dealer (and also abused my friend, who totally deserved it btw), but at least he brings money home.
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As a Frenchman, why do you care about the Russia Ukraine Civil War? As an American I dont give a fuck about Ukraine, plus Zelensky had President Trump setup and for that he and them cannot be forgiven.
>my friend, who totally deserved it
Do you talk shit about all your friends behind their backs? Typical commie character
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Well your taxes are enjoying it lol. Honestly a better use for taxes than for gear rotting in warehouses for eternity.
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No, she really does and I usually tell her to her face and we laugh about it. It takes a certain type of person and mindset to stand xoxols.
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I know he's most likely rage farming but I'm really curios to see if he has the brainpower to articulate why Ukraine defaulting would be more than a nothingburger.

And you screwed yourself nigger, no burger will keep untranslated slavic moonrunes to rage bait here, so you're just a VPN pidor. Keep /uhg/ busy or you might get drafted
>As a Frenchman, why do you care about the Russia Ukraine Civil War?
Bcuz he lives in Europe, which is currently under attack by an expansionist neo-totalitarian regime led by a deranged tyrant "president" who poisons and kidnaps en masse on a daily basis. Also said neo-totalitarian empire sends saboteurs and assassins into EU constantly.
Okay, thanks for your stories, faggot. How's that relevant? You satisfied with my answer or is there some sort of point you're trying to prove?
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The term is vodkarunes, anon.
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I think it's pretty retarded to apply peacetime logic to wartime.
>y-you're gonna default
and? does anybody actually have any faith the ukraine will be paying anything back? don't make me laugh.
Someone posted this on a video game general to 'win' an argument, fuck you if you're here.
Why do you admire the pidor empire that went bankrupt and imploded (DESPITE massive gibs in money and Bush legs from America + Europe)
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>Russia isn't advancing because I can't read!
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he is a pidor btw
>He is a pidor btw
I was already going to vote for Trump, but now I'm gonna REALLY vote for him
I've only seen this used when playing wartunder desu~
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>Russia isn't advancing because they can't read
You made a typo there, anon.
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It's relevant because despite being a lowlife criminal, he brings money home and you don't. Not even trolling now, but seriously do something with your life other than waiting comrade, that tends to dry pussies and destroy even genuine love. You're in fucking the binland, build a cabin in the woods or something, anything, as long as you don't just sit there learning fingoloid and waiting.
Because money is a means, not an end comrade. It went bankrupt fighting the good fight against angloid imperialism, but it wasn't broken in spirit and 30 years later here we are.
You are right - pidors should stick together
>I'm gonna REALLY
ESL nigger, no native english speaker uses that retarded word order roflmao
You must be a citizen of the United States to vote in the elections, Ivan.
Fair nuff. I don't remember where I picked it up. Somewhere on this hellsite, might have been /b/, back when it was good.
>angloid imperialism
Russia never gave up it's colonies, ask a Dagestani or a Tuvan.
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satanist anti-Christ janitors deleted my rice both in uhg and chug
It's over anon, maybe next thread, there is no way you are a burger and can read cyrillic and if you are, provide us a picture of your power plug.
Who qualified you to give advice? I have a plan, my wife supports me in it and I'm sticking to it. Stick to your usual shtick of pretending to be a communist, at least it's not as embarrassing to not have read communist theory than give advice as a deadbeat father.
>Because money is a means, not an end comrade
NATO's money is why a tiny drop of its (mostly demilitarized lmao) power is enough to cube 200,000 mobniks

>it wasn't broken in spirit and 30 years later
And 30 years later russoids piss in stairwells and walk along fences over puddles. And get assraped by churkas. Putin's russia is the rotting corpse of the so'yviet union trying to strangle its escaped slaves from the grave.
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You're an "American" so I will try to explain. Imagine if you have a gang in your neighborhood, and that this gang is always threatening you, your family and your possessions. You've had some issues with them like missing stuff and your kids buying drugs from them.
Then the gang members start getting old and some of them leave the gang until in the end there is just the old gang boss. He is old and fat but still thinks he can order the others around. He starts a fight with one of them that just got out of jail. He gets his ass kicked and complains why everyone hates him in the neighborhood and why they kick him when he is down.
The fat old man is puccia.
>When less than three weeks of US military budget can cripple Russia
Maybe we can afford that health care after all?
>You must be a citizen of the United States to vote in the elections, Ivan.
Most of Biden's voters were illegals and dead people
No they weren't.
You could pay higher taxes, introduce universal healthcare and perhaps abolish the federation system. That could help, potentially. Multiparty system instead of your usual two-party system could also potentially improve it. Just a thought.
Being considered Russian is a compliment, not an insult
So why has the ukraine failed to push out the Russian Kharkov probing operation despite numerous ukrainian disastrous offensive maneuvers? Russia now controls more ukrainian territory by the day, is that winning?
US life expectancy is higher than most countries that have "free" healthcare like russia. Also less HIV infected homos.
Yes they were
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Ass is finally in the ass
Prove it then. You make a claim, you back it up with evidence.
Can't do that because Zelensky needs another Bugatti and mansion in Florida
What if Ukraine used Jeune Ecole commerce raiding against poccia's ghost tankers fleet. If pidor tankers started getting claimed by Davy Jones one after another, they would start routing oil through siberia to chinks. And fuel tank carriages are extremely flammable, making easy targets for SBU smookings. Like the tanks that exploded inside the Severomuysky Tunnel
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LMAO here take multiple (you)s since you made me genuinely laugh out loud, I hope they pay you good rubles.
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ahem....ding ding ding...TZD
>What is "things that don't exist", Ken?
I'd be quite happy if our tax code wasn't full of enough loopholes that you might as well be crocheting a hat instead of funding a government with it.
My nation is an overgrown forest, choked with dead fall and undergrowth. Needs a good fire to cleanse the debris so new growth can sprout.
I'll be content with the life expectancy when it's #1 in the world. I would like my nation to be the best in things that matter, not just military budget and school shootings.
Damn, I meant for this, I hope the you's are worth the same though.
Why do you think that your nation has to be destroyed? Loopholes can be closed and dead trees are beneficial for the forest, are they not?
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>my wife supports me
GRIM comrade. No but really, my advice stands: you made your plan some time ago, it doesn't necessarily hold now. It's been a while already, if I were you I'd try and shake things up because your situation looks unsustainable from here. Again, not even trolling comrade, you should know by now I'm rooting for you.
Why do you not believe official number very officially verified officially by the official ukraine?
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>What is "things that don't exist", Ken?
Well, if you keep getting infiltiated(more) or overrun by pidorussian commies your life expectancy will significantly decrease. So I don't think wasting some money on keeping them at bay is a bad thing.
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fuck off with that long-debunked garbage, subhuman
Hello kevin ngyuen. Eaten any kong phu recently?
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>fuck off with that long-debunked garbage, subhuman
*bursts into treats*
>he continues to give advice

I have completed two previous modules, third one is soon, then preparation for proficiency test, then application to a Finnish university. Despite your very online rotted assurance that every Finnish flag that hates is me, that's not true. Plenty of people from Finland here.

Yah, I know that you're a deadbeat father but again, consider sticking to your guns, rather than venturing into an area you clearly know nothing about, like, navigating an intimate relationship. Not trolling you, comrade.
The forest is not destroyed in the fire. Hell, there are species of evergreen trees along the west coast that need fires to go into full reproduction mode.
A forest that becomes overgrown with creeper vines, filled with fallen branches, choked with dead shrubs, and littered with more leaves than you'd think possible, it prevents new life from sprouting.
Yes, a forest fire is destructive, but that destruction provides fertile ground for new growth. There are even some species of evergreen that require fires to become properly fertile, waiting patiently for the flames to pass to spread far and wide.
I do not want my nation destroyed. Merely cleansed of the rot choking the life out of it.
Thank god for filtering.
>cia lives rent-free in ziggers heads
It's so funny. it's actually pretty sad.
Fair enough. What do you consider the rot in this case? Genuinely curious.
From dipping into your evidence, I can see that many of the links are straw clutches at marginal irregularities that state such low numbers that they wouldn't have effected the outcome even if they were all for Biden. Note that in all of these, who was voted for is not stated.
The only reason that this 'election steal' gained any traction at all is that President Trump spent two years priming his base to believe that the next election would be fraudulent.
All of these cases are straw clutching and were rightfully dismissed by the courts.
based, now spread it so jews can justify another round of genocide while normos applaud them xDDDDDD
Vatniks are hilarious

You tell them the truth and they just throw a tantrum

See this thread: >>472930825
>We can ignore widespread fraud because my guy won, and his pointed judges allowed it
Okay we both agree it was stolen, gotcha
I was listening to some ex-cia agent podcasts from cold war and I understand why pidors fear CIA so much, hecking based and cute commie deposers
Ziggers are dying
La la la
Russians are crying
La la la
Babushkas getting poorer
La la la
Women becoming whorer
La la la
Everyone is starving
La la la
No one is caring
La la la
According to your handlers these are russian cities full of russians.
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Whatever comrade, I'm not you, I hope you actually know what you're doing.
Many of the judges were Republicans. And as stated, none of the produced numbers would have changed the result in any case.
This is a simple case of Trump's base being energised to hyperfocus so heavily on the procedure being fraudulent that any irregularity seems like an attempt at fraud.
Lest we forget, Trump tried to pressure one of the Republican representatives to 'find more votes' for him when he looked like he was going to lose the state, this is all recorded.
Marxio. When you cook pasta, do you add salt before or after the water is already boiling?
Russia would still have some influence over Ukraine if they just didn't go to war against Ukraine.
I know what I'm doing and whenever you feel like giving an unrequited advice, remember that you're a deadbeat father and generally slimy and unpleasant person, if your online attentionwhore persona is anything to go about. I hope your child will have a better and more reliable father figure than you.
It doesn't matter in taste terms comrade, just the water takes longer to boil if you put salt beforehand, so usually I put it after it boils.
wtf is monke doing in the op?
Being senile and bored.
Tax code.
Lack of term limits on everything except President.
Supreme Court being completely outside the people's control.
Rampant MIC corruption.
"Lobbying" being bribery with extra steps.
Failure to ensure basic requirements for citizens.
Failure to maintain, much less invest in, infrastructure.
Lack of police accountability.
Lack of education investment.
Failure to separate Church from State.
Alphabet soup agencies that act with impunity.
The failure of maintaining the quintessential foundation of the nation "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
From a scientific perspective the water is at the same temperature anyway, so whether it's boiling or not shouldn't matter, salt simply increases the boiling point, and as far as I'm aware the act of boiling isn't what cooks the pasta, it's the temperature of the water, no?
struggling with gay thoughts when handling anything slightly phalic
Ok. Thanks.

What do you do with the small broken pieces of fettuccini in the bottom of the bag?
That does seem reasonable as a list of grievances.
Russia winning isn't going to fix this.
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Does transgenderism make support Ukraine or does support for Ukraine make transgenderism?
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>that's right goy, Russian commies are the ones infiltrating your country
I try to pick things most everyone could agree with, even if I need to thump some Bible beaters over the head with "Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion." You can believe whatever the FUCK you want, and have it dictate your life however you see fit. The moment you say *I* have to live my life in accordance to it? Fuck you, muh freedom!
Now show us an image of manly russian man Sasha Shpak
Sisters, why have they stopped talking about the borders of 1991? Why is our hero Zelensky talking about negotiations?
Yes, which is why I am an advocate for TZD, and have made it a monthly ritual to spread "Give Ukraine ALL THE DAKKA" into five hundred words and mail it, via snail mail, to my Reps and Senators.
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You might be right comrade, but it's just habit for me. I mean, you have to wait for the water to boil anyway unless you have a thermometer, so the faster it boils the faster you can start actually cooking pasta.
throw them away comrade.
Suuuure comrade, whatever. Xoxols are really weird, they prefer to get told that their country is fake and made up AND rightful USSR clay instead of frenly advice. ok.
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You are not my fren and I didn't ask for your advice. Are we done or are you going to drag attention to your self more, you pathetic larping loner?
Oh. I thought maybe there was some secret sauce to make or something.

Have you heard of pizza Berlusconi? You should visit and try it.
Look, I just really don't care about:
and whatever else you're using to steer discussion away from the illegal occupation of Ukraine's territories and the ensuing TZD. Every Russian inside Ukraine must perish in the most horrific way possible and every other topic is completely irrelevant.
USA is at state of cold war with PIDORussia since the end of WW2. What do you think pidorussians are doing? They don't even hide that they hate USA and want to destroy it.
Please let your relatives in Russia know that it's of utmost importance to start preparing for Russia's defeat in Ukraine. It is important to have food, water and supplies for months once the civil unrest starts. Being unprepared when civil war starts is something no one wants. Please warn your Russian relatives!
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Rusnigerian new wunderwaffe is mobile coffins
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What are you doing, rusniggers?
>just get conquered to save lives bro
I refuse to believe that any American is this demoralised. You have to be a pidor with a VPN.
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I'm aware, but let's not pretend that Russia actually has any influence in the US. That's just Jewish deflection, same as "China controls Biden".
you may not like this, but this is the nuclear superpower that NATO fears
Ukraine can be conquered by either Russia or America. It's not a truly sovereign country and never will be.
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Aren't you supposed to be ignoring me comrade? Why is your filter failing you so much today?
>secret sauce to make or something
You don't make sauce with more pasta comrade.
>Have you heard of pizza Berlusconi?
Lol wut? Is that actually a thing? comrade Basedoni completely ruined italian reputation abroad (but actually it's a good thing).
>smoking in a fighter jet
>oxygen mask donned
No shit russians planes burn and crash every two day.
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The zigger mind can not comprehend an existence outside the master/slave dynamic that has been etched into their genes.
Ask a Pole whether he wants to be part of Russian World.
The two are not remotely equivalent.
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>can't understand based
I just gave you what you craved: attention. Simple, comrade. What's the matter, wrong kind of attention? The kind that lets you contemplate how much of a loser you really are? Don't like your reflection in the mirror, deadbeat?
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<-- meanwhile on fronts
Hohols, New York secure?
But HOLY SHIT, did you know THERE IS A FAGGOT, somewhere in Ukraine??????
It's over, I support Putin now
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Why do the Russians bomb Belgorod children?
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Soviet planes cannot be based

They still don't understand it is nearly impossible to conquer a motivated, sovereign nation.

Their mentality makes them believe that Ukraine is being defended by guys forced to fight against them + NATO soldiers because they can't believe Ukraine doesn't want to join them.

Russians truly believe they are the best country, and i think they genuinely can't wrap their heads around the fact that Ukrainians would literally rather die than join them.

Even if the Rusians would win the conventional war, they would face an asymmetrical war of titanic proportions.

There is no victory for them in Ukraine.
its so cute how they make these videos like they're proud of their little creation.
>w-we took a turret off a BMP-1 and are using it like a little artillery piece that the big boys use, are you proud of me putin? :DDD
Not a zigger. This is just reality.
Most Eastern European anons old enough to remember the Cold War will tell you that life was better back then. Their countries were ~99% white, there was no LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ propaganda, no niggers, no Western degeneracy. They had actual culture. They may not have had as much material wealth, but they had each other.

I'd rather be poor and surrounded by people like me, than slightly less poor and surrounded by brown shitskins who wouldn't hesitate to kill me.
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Because the machine spirits know that the greatest threat to Russia are Russians. If Russian = 0, mission accomplished, Russia is finally safe.
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If only you knew how wrong you are. Just know this comrade: just last night my comrade gf asked me to make another baby because, her words, "you're a great father". I understand bringing up your dependance on your wife upset you comrade, sorry about that.
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Just like how it's based and trad to have a culture of punitive sodomy in your military?
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He complained about our food and said we only ate reindeer meat so local pizza hut made a pizza in his name.
Chanterelles, reindeer meat and red onion. If you want to balance the saltiness of the reindeer meat you can add pineapple also.
It's weird how detached they are from reality. One would think the Soviet/US failure in Afghanistan would have taught them something.
This but unironically.
Invade Canada next daddy uwu
>Muh anal rape
It's proven to be an effective punishment in Russia, that's why they do it. Maybe niggers in the US would behave themselves more if they faced this punishment for their chimpouts. The current system of maybe arresting them and then putting them back on the streets the same day clearly isn't working.
This is confusing to watch, looks like it’s really close but also not. How big is that explosion suppose to be?
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Is this how it is supposed to work, rusniggers?
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>you can add pineapple also.
It was funny until this part comrade. I want your country out of HATO by tomorrow morning, thanks.

Propaganda is pretty powerfull, and Russians are masters of the art of propaganda.
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Is fuze older than 1950s an unknown technology, rusniggers?
It's the niggers and shitskins, who are raping rusmutt sissies though. They take dat BBC in the barracks on the daily. Not the other way around.
> rusniggers
What's your problem?
I understand your frustration. Have you ever tried pineapple on pizza? It’s not bad, I promise.
The swedes are monsters though. They put kebab meat and bananas on their pizzas. Further proof that they are muslim monkey rape babies.
>What's your problem?
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He is from Czech. Hardly he saw a lot russians or negroes in his life. But still screeching. Weird.
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Most old people look back fondly on when their bodies still worked, this is not a phenomena unique to ex-soviet satellites, it's called being old.
It’s over
>societally safening and effective anal rape
we must ensure the destruction of the russia and no future for pidor sheeple
Which girlfriend, Marxio? The one you used to cohabitate with or the one you're currently cohabitating with? Either way, grim as fuck. You barely function as a human being.
Your kind still infests our land, maybe there is just few thousands of them but even that is too much
I guess he is displeased by the propensity at which russians act like niggers.
It's amazing how Putin changed Russia from G8-member to Chinese vassal in 10 years. This has to be somekind of a record ?
Pidorashkas like you.
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do the stanky leg
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those quality north korean shells again. i wonder why they have to use those when they build 10 million a year as they claim? really makes you think
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>Have you ever tried pineapple on pizza?
Comrade... I am italian, I quite literally can't, they are gonna rip my passport to shreds if I ever try anything like that. In general however, nordics cousine seems really unappaling and I can understand where Basedoni was coming from.
my more uxorio gf comrade, who I've been together for 12 years and counting, remember?
>You barely function as a human being.
And there's the projection kek. Who could imagine that all it took to break you was giving you a pat on your back? Cheer up comrade, things are gonna get better once the ukraine is finally liberated and things get back to normal.
Russians are niggers that look a bit like European. Everyone knows that.
you are superficially italian at most
the primary factor in your life is your general contrarianism and loserdom
you are superficially german at most, ahmed
Rusaians living here are basically nigger tier. Agressive alcoholics that act like niggers. Lowest of lifeforms in Czech republic along with gypsies
Very good Russian. Very good. I encourage all ziggers and Russians reading this to become good.
>Most Eastern European anons old enough to remember the Cold War will tell you that life was better back then
>they were not standing out, and didn't got any problematic relatives, so they didn't got harassed by kgb
And I will tell you that best time of my life was in the '90s, while ziggers will cry that it was the worst era in entire russian history.
>Rusaians living here are basically nigger tier
The premium russians are in Israel
When ww3 starts, if you had an opportunity to do so, would you Kill marxio as a fifth columnist
>my more uxorio gf comrade, who I've been together for 12 years and counting, remember?

Well, my understanding of it was you split. I guess I was wrong. I guess congratulations on keeping the bare minimum. Again, if your online persona is anything to go by, you're a slimy twat. I just hope your child, again, has better and more reliable father figures than you.

>Who could imagine that all it took to break you was giving you a pat on your back?

Nah, I know my worth and I'm far from breaking. I'm just letting you know my real thoughts about you and giving you that sweet attention you crave, by posting here for hours on end.


Says the guy who thinks that every Finnish flag is me and I have no life outside of imageboards. Projection much?
Nah I want him to dig a trench while (((based))) russia shoots korean shells at his position.
And now the Czech Republic is known as the porn capital of the world. Tell me, was it worth it?
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An airbase yesterday, a major city getting Kalibrated today. NOT LOOKING GOOD FOR HOHOLS. LOL
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picture that makes uhg >>>/k/ike cry and kwench oyyy veeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy
President of Finland said that Russia is China's bitch and now Russians are angry to him. Idk why because Russia is China's bitch.
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Ok, so why don't Russians just go home? They're being butchered by the Jewish Putin and the Jewish Zelensky, so they should just go back home and depose the Jewish despot sending them to kill their brothers. This is only logical.

Stubb is also either a vampire or a demon disguised as a human, so you should be careful when listening to his opinions. Him being elected is a clear showcase of the average normalfag having absolutely no ability in reading people.
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>Russia is China's bitch.
i heard from russian on telegram that china basically owns siberia now
ooooooooyyyyyy veeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
why not have ukrainaaa permanent child rape station for based jewww oyyy veeey must make war tooo make more corpses for jew oy veeey
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UAF shouldn't be parking their military equipment near civilian infrastructure in Dnepropetrovsk.
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no, my comrade chefbro really is german, you can definitely tell when he tries to make a joke.
Contrarianism is a quintessentially italian trait comrade fyi.
My /uhg/ comrades wouldn't do shit: at best they would cry to daddy govt to take care of me.
>Stubb is also either a vampire or a demon disguised as a human
The selection of candidates this year didn't seem very stellar to be fair. It was either bike cuck or the thirdie whisperer faggot. At least he's somewhat less abhorrent.
Niggers and jews don't like it when other people tell the truth.
Belarus, Hungary and Kazakhstan too
>2 successful hits for the last 30 days
>ratmeans get pounded multiple times a day
Zig zogs cant even compete and F16s with long range missiles have not arrived yet
dam radę ci przeczytać co wasi "ziomki" banderowcy w tym samym Telegrammie o was pisali w czasie konfliktu na temat zboża

cała ta situacja pokazała że prawicowych partii w Polsce nie ma

w Polsce nie ma swego Front National jaki jest we Francji, a ma być
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>The selection of candidates this year didn't seem very stellar to be fair
Worst election I know of.
>actual faggot with a history of supporting criminals and working with Russia, specifically to undermine Finnish national defense
>soulless sociopath globohomoist who once said he doesn't see himself or his family as Finnish, but European
I miss Niinistö.

He is literally either a vampire or a demon. This is not a metaphor.
the way we've viewed russian society is an ethnocentric compliment lol
Places like Algeria have more civil society and actual citizens that arent jusr subjects of rulers.
>Russian flag speaks Polish and talks about "banderites"

Ah yes, the buryat shaman who wants to celebrate.
Like comment and subscribe if you endorse TZD
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Hurry them along. I'll tell Putin to make room in the Moscow display for the latest
>Game-changing Wunderwaffe
>the vatnigger tries to usurp the cloak of italy to distract from the lack of personal substance
o kurwa
>I miss Niinistö.

Wasn't he mocked in the nineties often? That was the impression I've gotten when I was reading about Finland in the nineties.
*slurps pure sodium disodium*
>Ah yes, the buryat shaman who wants to celebrate.
It's the resident soviet jew, also known as the EU memeflag
>resident soviet jew

QRD? I seem to have missed it.
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>As an American I dont give a fuck about Ukraine, plus Zelensky
>I guess I was wrong. I guess congratulations on keeping the bare minimum.
I graciously accept your concession comrade.
>I know my worth
You have to go back to r/femaledatingstrategy
>I'm just letting you know my real thoughts about you and giving you that sweet attention you crave
You're larping like this is some sort of payback, the day that you're finally giving me hell. Let me reassure you comrade: I am not affected in the slightest by what my /uhg/ comrades do or say. It's not like I will start looking at myself in a different light because you called me deadbeat or wished for my comrade daughter to have a different fatherly figure. I know I'm a good father and a good partner, that angle is not gonna work.
Projection, comrade. I suspect you reacted this way because my words have some truth in them, and it's a truth you're not ready to see (GRIM).

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