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Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>The ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Footage of repelling a night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk
>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>Destruction of multiple Su-27s at Mirgorod airfield
>Hohol forgot to hide tattoos
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”

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kill them all poot !
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based /chud/
russian jealous of the ukraine for only democracy in europe
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hey /chug/frens, I figure you've seen picrel but I was explaining how to read it to a fren and wanted to share; stay based and understand reality
Fuck off we already have enough schizos
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wheres the uss roosevelt? already went glug glug glug?
"The hatred Ukrainians felt towards the Polish authority was directed against not only the oppression by the Polish government, but the necessary conditions for any authority, whatsoever. In the fight for their freedom, they couldn't distinguish and accept that, which constitutes the necessary condition for the existence of any government.
They wanted to be a part of the Moscow State (Russia), use it for protection and not pay any tribute (taxes), while having diplomatic relationships with neighboring states."

(c) Samarin, middle of 19th fucking century, on the consequences of Hmelnitsky's revolt.
Nothing's fucking changed. Just replace "Poles" with "Russians" and "Moscow State" with "EU".
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>Comfy morning in Dnepr
>Repelling night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk
>2S6 Tunguska destroyed by two Lancet strikes Kharkov region
>Hohol Marvel
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Who's winning?
I am once again appealing for THD.
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>"The non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves" Midrasch Talpioth 225
Why are Russia and Ukraine both ruled by Jews?
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air base
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>already pre-copium on F-16
>Oleksandra Ustinova, a Ukrainian politician heading up Ukraine's arms and munitions commission, told U.K. newspaper The Times last month that the U.S. was making "excuses" for too few pilots being trained to fly F-16s. Ukraine will have 20 fully-trained pilots by the end of 2024, Ustinova said last month, adding in remarks to Ukrainian media that the training of personnel was the biggest problem.
The entire might of NATO could only get 20 half baked pilots.
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Why does it explode in the air?
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What's his problem?
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have fun when the demons scramble your mind
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kindly stop posting sir
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>NATO training
Those are zesty niggas.
Ok, you're really close man. But Baal worship altogether should be ignored unless you're just trying to contact the beings we once called Baal (there's multiple, Baal means Lord) but you shouldn't worry about that until you're stronger. You need to advance yourself first before you get involved in that shit or you'll just start acting like a primitive caveman and bow before them, which neither me, you, or them truly wants bro.
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Airburst maybe,,,? Cluster?
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>could only get 20 half baked pilots.
they got 20 old suicidal boomer pilots who want to go in a blaze of glory and leave a fat paycheck to their family.
hohols won't fly these planes.
According to (((Bloomberg)))
>Chinese and Russian companies are developing an attack drone similar to an Iranian model deployed in Ukraine, European officials familiar with the matter said, a sign that Beijing may be edging closer to providing the sort of lethal aid that western officials have warned against.
>The companies held talks in 2023 about collaborating to replicate Iran’s Shahed drone, and started developing and testing a version this year in preparation for shipment to Russia, said the officials, who asked not to be identified to discuss private information. The Chinese drones have yet to be used in Ukraine, they said.

Can't say I feel sympathy towards Chinese desu - they should have done it 2 years ago. They're only joining now when it's obviously clear that things are heading towards overwhelming defeat of globohomo alliance and unconditional surrender of ukraine. Let's hope that cucktin lets them properly bleed out in Taiwan before providing real help too. They need to learn a lesson on what friendship supposed to be desu
Why the fuck would I care about retarded Jewish magic. Go discredit some other thread NAFOfag
Interesting name.
they just chilling over there in china while their enemies kill each other
the chinks have truly inherited the earth and will have their place in the sun
>(((Israel))) Retardie
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>Chinese Shaheeds swarming Taiwan very soon
looks like Geran-2.
I think it's too low to have been shot by AA.
was probably shot by machine guns.
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they're called the ruschinks, not the chinkchinks
russia will be saved by the chink breeding programs for pandas, instead they will get russians to fuck and then they will release the russians back into the wild and the russian population will double in 10 years
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Husband of Viktoria Nuland is Robert Kagan
Head of Soviet Ukraine is Lazar Kaganovich
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Motherfucker, I wanted to post that milf, fuck you.
They did their part with the shadow fleet, 200+ tankers with crews experienced enough to conduct ship to ship refueling at sea doesn't just pop out of thin air.
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Serbia and the United States are historical allies, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said

The allies at crucial historical moments — Serbia and the United States — share a long-term partnership and cooperation.
Serbs are the definition of dindus, dont say I didn't warn you kek.
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wtf i love niggers now
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why are eur*peans like this
Kaboom day?
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are you the hun shill who "argues" with me about communism?
Kinda sad that the chinks deciding to adopt pandas as their cultural mascot is the thing that saved pandas from extinction.
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Greatest ally
>repelling a night attack by sea drones
i wouldn't destroy them, i'd salvage them
He's the namefag "Mossad literally pays me to post rice all day". And used to post "Death to all Russians" in Hungarian with an Asian girl pic.
Kosovo is Albania.
It takes half a decade to learn a jet and multiple mission types for it.
It'll be a fucking shitshow.
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animals going extinct is sad, yea
most animal extinction is because they run out of land
at least in china they try to make efficient use of land
here in the US everyone has their own plot of unused land for their house, and whatever's left is an empty parking lot, and that's sad
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>nyyyu yyyrk geting its shit pushed in this quickly
god damn
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Is this confirmed?
yea but there was also a hun who argued with me like a faggot about communism a number of times and nothing makes me more mad than when anyone has even a single creeping negative thought in their brain about china
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They put something in the salo to make you forget I don't even know how I got here.
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West0id sisters explain this/!??!?

I though Globohomonomics and loyalty to liberalism and Zionism meant infinite GDP growthth?!?!?!?!?
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is china communist?
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yeah pretty much when it's on display in a hoholoid copemap
idk, but japan recently became the largest foreign holder of US debt
probably just a coincidence
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I love china
I hate russia
and no, you we're arguing with me, I just post my catchphrase in each thread and then vanish
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Imperial Japan revival when?
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i want monke to speed things up
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The Ukrainian authorities are not ready to compromise with Russia on the issue of ending the conflict, including in terms of changing the country's borders, said the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Ermak, who is on a visit to Washington.
According to him, Kiev is ready to listen to any advice on how to achieve a "justed peace," but compromise is impossible on a number of issues.
"We are not ready to compromise on very important things and values, so we demand the complete withdrawal of Russian troops, reparations and joining NATO," he said.
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Is water, wet?
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digits decide
with the summer break here i'm considering doing like a week or two vacay and traveling to ukraine for a bit of war tourism, not to volunteer of course, i'm not dumb, just to visit some bombed out cities far behind the front lines and get pics for some blown up tanks and buildings, what do you think friends?
seems like an exciting vacation and much more interesting than doing boring shit like flying to egypt on some shit to sit on a beach for a week
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they will get the kuril islands back from you AIDS monkeys
Ukraine is drifting into bankruptcy

>Ukraine has a month to avoid insolvency, i.e. bankruptcy. If it does not succeed, it denies the market's assumption that Ukraine will not survive.

>Over the course of two years, Ukraine's creditors have agreed to suspend debt service payments. The annual value of the repayment freedom granted by both state and private lenders is 15 percent of the gross domestic product. The payments would be Ukraine's biggest expenditure right after defense spending.

>However, the moratorium on payments by private foreign bondholders such as French asset manager Amundi and American Pimco is set to expire on August 1. So Ukraine has a month to avoid default.

>The International Monetary Fund hopes that Marchenko would negotiate on cutting the debt. However, reaching an agreement in such a short time is unlikely. If Ukraine fails, it will be a message of the market's faith in Ukraine's survival. If the market believes that the West will support Ukraine and that the country will survive the war, there would be no problem in extending the grace period or granting more loans. In the longer term, a lack of faith would be a disaster for the country's recovery as well.


it's yvir. in a month the ukraine will be fini
Sefirot is demonic. To understand why it is demonic you need to understand Orthodox phronema.
There is a main trick that devil has, to replace God. There are two main ways to do so depending on persons disposition, a funnel that leads to "everything is God" and a funnel to "there is no God, and possibly nothing exists", Animism and Solipsism in their widest definitions respectively.
Sefirot is a funnel towards animism, repent.
Do it, but enter from the Russian side.
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We have the high ground
All that shit doesn't matter man. We're all moving towards global enlightenment of the self rising above dogma. The Jews are very problematic for this, just like hardcore Christians or anyone else and the evangelicals are the definition of cuck. Just forget them all and focus on yourself bro I mean that. You know why we don't celebrate our birthdays? Because we haven't figured immortality out yet and it just means we're closer to death. I'm turning 30 this December, that's my problem over everything haha. Enjoy life man, become strong, physically and mentally. Trust me, politics will eventually become clear as to this becoming the goal brother, I promise.
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The only country that experienced true undiluted communism is Cambodia, the rest is always a one-party state with varying social benefits for the populace.
Disregard this entire post.
Orthodox Christianity is the way.
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Fuck. Right off the bat you won.
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yt's fyyckyyng ovyyyr
pretty sure thats not really possible it's not like ziggers are gonna let me just uber over the border and visit their occupied zone
That might be my favorite photo all year
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Yup. I agree, moy drug.
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How long until we get a cathedral slapped onto a tank and have it play hymns as we praise the almighty God Emperor of Mankind?
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Thank you for bake, Krautfren! This bread looks great, a welcome surprise upon returning home from Night-wage-slavery. I can't complain too much, I worked for about 4 hours out of the 9 I got paid for.
>we're almost at 17k
Where does the time go?
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I wonder how many qts are railed by our Supreme Leader Kim.
Huh, guess commie flaggots can actually score
first of very few if any subsequent
>no transhumanism with robotic parts
Not yet... not yet...
The Bundeswehr is running out of assault rifles. He is simply unable to supply every second soldier with a conventional G36 rifle from the Heckler arms concern & Koch. According to available data, the German armed forces now have about 50-60 thousand rifles for 200 thousand soldiers. According to the interlocutors of the publication, many G36s are practically beyond repair due to severe wear and tear. In an interview with reporters, one of the high-ranking officers stated that Berlin "is hardly able to defend itself in a ground battle
I didn't even read the question, hope it's good
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japan defeated russniggers once already. they will do it again if an another war breaks out between the two
it looks like an interception
Why Serbs are the niggers of Balkans?
japs are vassals of us just like europe
when yelen or other kikes tells them that they are overcapacity, have economy which is too strong and need to sacrafice themselves for the states they prostrate themselves before the kikes and do so. Its already happened in the past, and not a single time, but multiple with japan.
thats vassals fate.
I don't feel like repeating everything I said last thread but you're weak if you choose that path. I am strong anon, I don't mean to be arrogant but both physically and mentally I can overpower you. Strive to be like me, forget any church. Satanism is the way and if you need a filter from where you're coming from all of fucking Asia can help, it's called Buddhism and Hinduism. They will lead you to us brother. I encourage you to right now drop everything and denouce weakness.
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the concept of 'germany' comes to mind and all i can think about is hundreds of kraut girls killing themselves sometimes with the help of their parents after getting knocked up by mongol chvds in and around the fall of berlin
simply delightful
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>I didn't even read the question.
>weapon gibs not popular anymore with normalfags
>time to threaten a bankruptcy
they will start spamming stories about kids starving, mark my words
>proceeds to stomp 1 gorillion Imperial Japanese forces on Manchuria, mere weeks
>Japan surrendered because they were more scared of the Soviets invation than literal nuclear bombs
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Last time they fought, Japan lasted all of
>11 days
against Russia.
Japan took over twice the losses the Russians did.
>jewlensky, you cannot defeat me!
>no putin, you are underestimating power of my volksturm
oh okay my bad
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>Russia actually attacks once for realsies


Kek the prolonging of the war is basically a cat just toying with a mouse
China hasnt been Communist since Deng
their declaration of "Socialism with Chinese Charactistics" is their declaration of National Socialism, and highly Corporatist like Salazar's Portugal.
Deng proclaimed, "it does not matter if the cat is black or white, as long it catches mice" and also note that Deng was persecuted and tried for being a "Fascist" then became leader of China, shaping it into his "pseudo-Fascist" vision

Carl Smidt, author of The concept of the Political and an ex-party member for the NSDAP, is highly regarded in Chinese academia. they dont even put much focus on that faggot Mao anymore, instead replacing "Maoist Thought" with Confucius.

Capitalism is rampant, but highly regulated and controlled by the state ei: Corporatism. unlike marxism/socialism that advocates for class conflict, corporatism advocates for class co-operation, this is what they Chinese have been doing since Deng

They are only "communist" in party name and the few symbols they use, thats pretty mush it
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based serbs
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why japs so bad at war?
>they will do it again if an another war breaks out between the two
that's the atlanticist promise made to japan
their leadership are nationalists who believe the results of ww2 are still in contention and they're allow the americans to hollow out their country into a husk because they think that's the only way to get their rematch against the soviets and chinks
unfortunately you can't fight a war with a hollowed out husk of a country, so its all on america to do the heavy lifting
any good news? doesnt matter what related
>Kek the prolonging of the war is basically a cat just toying with a mouse
theres a theory that putin and xie decided to drag that shit as long as possible to deplete west and damage it economically
It's AI slop
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>not hollowed out the most thoroughly of them all
you sweet naïve little boy
You are demonically possessed, you have no strength in you. Jesus Christ is the way and the word.
Funny that you mention Buddhism
All of your ways are studied by me, demon, and I've felt the horrible touch of ultimate relativism it always leads to
In the name of Christ Jesus depart from this poor soul
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>People posting mediazona casualty claims
>only 50k way off from the 500k - 1 mil Ukies claim
> sourced by obituaries
>look up vids from Russia where soldiers officers generals return from the dead even after an orbituray because war is hell and sometimes you get separated from your unit (one guy got „killed“ 3 times , still alive today givin interviews
>look up mediazona owners
> like lead not even based in Russia anymore so basically anti Russia with an interest to inflate numbers
…. Shills can’t even get a simple win eh ?

So what real number is like 15k ? Many more wounded I guess but dead not even 50k compared to 400-700k ukies or even more
And "russniggers" beat Japan once.
"Destroying the country's energy system is a legitimate military necessity" NATO press secretary Jamie Shea said in 1999 during the attacks on Yugoslavia.

"And if at the same time the civilian population suffers, then this is solely the fault of the country's leadership."
---- Washington Post
I've always told you russians and albanians are the spiritual brothers as both of them serve all*h
This is true, if we are talking about the "elites" who have been in cahoots with the anglo, french, and german powers far more than with russian.
The people are pro-russia since always, yes, but the ruling class is not.
In the 90s the serbian ruling class felt betrayed by their western partners in crime
not surprising
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If they teach Russians to make anime in exchange I'm fine with it.
>theres a theory that putin and xie decided to drag that shit as long as possible to deplete west and damage it economically
No shit.
But the biggest issue is with "denazification". You have to kill off a large number of alpha males from the population to pacify it for at least a generation or two.
And there's no fast & easy way of doing that. Israel tried with Hamas but that just blackballed them from the whole world.
Russia has to slow and hide true Ukrainian losses so they don't capitulate too early.
>I am strong
Lmao. Top kek even.
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Hey mikola grab that surplus gear from grey shop and the old Mosin and lay in the field there so we can film u as Russian KIA with Moshe , this will turn the tide
> japan defeated russniggers
Kwantung Army got assraped by the Soviets in Manchuria, you dumb nigger fuck
They'll defeat them purely psycologically with the power of anime!
They are a dying people, the modern world (and the mortal hug with america) defeated them. They are not Meiji Japan anymore, and least of all Showa Japan. They are just another one of america's castraded vassals, outskirts of an empire, there to be plundered once the center fall into a crysis.
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you'll end up in one of those "conscription" trucks, buddy
>Funny that you mention Buddhism
I find it interesting how Buddhism is the new weapon of the demons in the West. Everything but Orthodoxy is getting pushed hard.
Isint hohol marvel from the atart of the war???
I remeber this vid
yeah...another day without any crime-qt posts. send the nukes
Vovan and Lexus pranked Hillary Clinton by pretending to be Porkshenko (ex president of Ukraine)
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quiet you
don't get in the way of fools killing themselves
tenk yu usä
u r my bes frend
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>So what real number is like 15k ? Many more wounded I guess but dead not even 50k compared to 400-700k ukies or even more
Russia is taking casualties, just not in excessive amounts like Ukraine. Last month, Putin talked about a 5:1 ratio in Russia's favor.
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I just learned that the Lancet uses a jetson tx2.

Can someone here tell me what it uses for visual id of targets? Is it YOLOv4-tiny and DeepSORT?

How about for visual navigation in GPS denied environment? Does it do road and building segmentation combined with yandex maps and a particle filter?
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You win.
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>be putin
>declared enemy of the new world order
>criticized by entierty of WEF
>banned rotchild, soros, schwabs ngos in russia
>banned troons
>banned blm
>split from imf/blackrock lead political system, working on destroying it
>rabbis call you a bad goy for invading ukranda (oy vey)
>fight neo-khazaria lead by kike who also named it "big israel"
>in small israel itself war breaks out, host hamas kike killers in moscow
>kikes are seething declaring you a very bad boy, tell them they are enemy now
>on the houthis good boy list so one of few countries which are allowed into red sea
>closest ally of iran, nemesis of the kikes which makes them seethe supre hard
>probably something else I forgot
but yes, putin is jewish
oy vey goyim trust me your greatest ally!
better join jew jewlensky who is based ARYAN nazi!
Bugattis aren't cheap
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By NOT turning Kiev into another Grozny two years ago, The Russian government proved the Western narrative incorrect. They proved they aren't some vicious genocidal invader, and made every possible play for peace, even when it was militarily counter-productive to do so. I believe that was a morally correct, but tactically incorrect decision. Like you mentioned with Israel, they did the opposite and got a lot of backlash and hate as a result. The big difference with Israel is that they are actually slowly gaining support, simply by how cringe the Pro-Palestinian protestors from far-left circles have been. Personally, I'm now happy to let the kikes kill ever Palestinian man woman and child if it makes woke faggots sad. Zionist media did an excellent job of simply putting microphones in front of those people's faces and let them openly talk about how much they hate white people.
i'm not going to russia, that was never an option, i will at most visit kiev through the polish border and then venture a bit outside of it, but thats about it, i'm just trying to have an exciting adventure, not commit suicide
They should make a ship container that stores and launches shaheads quickly
ukies deaths are in the millionS
they need more migrants, that's why globohomo isn't working
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>I though Globohomonomics and loyalty to liberalism and Zionism meant infinite GDP growthth?!?!?!?!?
Japan has been e-begging muttistan for capital injections or help stabilizing the Yen for years now, and mutts have told them to fuck off.
>"Perhaps some help may come if you cuck yourselves"
Japan says yes and does all required cucking and then some!
They even do this when it is clear they will lose all access to the Kurils, lose stake in oil and gas pipelines, lose access to cheap fossil fuels etc as a result.
Amerimutts still laugh in their face when the Nips ask for help.
And now there are more US soldiers there.

Kissinger already said as much.
>Being an enemy of the US is dangerous, but being a friend is fatal.

Well, they get what they deserve
> is the new
It's not new. For example, that bug-eater Noah Yuval Harari is a Jew, a homosexual, a vegan and of course a Buddhist.
This kind of 'Buddhism' has been pushed hard by the yids since Blavatsky, and she died at the end of the 19th century.
recently jewlensky coped about 6:1 russian casualities, and knowing that all ukie lies are projection, putin was underestimating casualities
I'll fucking kill you nigger. You think saying the name of the pussy on the cross has any affect on me? Sacrifice your holly king it doesn't do shit. You'll still be worship the son of a roman soldiers illegitimate child from a lying fucking whore. Joseph, that cuck, believe that bitch and now you have a whole religion based on the lies of some desert dwelling slut. Just drop that shit and start worshipping yourself, I'm telling you, everything will become clear and you'll stop needing someone to look up to like some bitch.
Kek, nigger, study quantum physics and then study Buddhism. See how ancient the 8 fold path is, 8 the number of eternity, 8 the number that doubles sides because it has no end so it embodies all
do we have a new female poster yet?
they must be somewhere
Schizo ranting about natural numbers (and not even the interesting ones) doesn't make you strong. It makes you sound like a crack-smoking nigger.
I can identify as one if that helps you.
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>pushed hard by the yids since Blavatsky
Yeah, by new I just mean modern. Now it's getting integrated with worshipping quantum physics as a religion too.
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Popular hohol Twitter
There at least 1 Hololina... I can feel it!
new newspeak have dropped
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I have internal bleeding in my nose and throat
I split blood for no reason
I also feel very tired
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Who is it talking to? Is it just screaming into the void?
Why so hard on his nenka usraine
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this. they prolly lurk
>they dont even put much focus on that faggot Mao anymore, instead replacing "Maoist Thought" with Confucius
they still teach MZD thought in chinese universities as a part of communist ideology, which is a mandatory module
the reason why MZD thought is not emphasized now is because its made for revolutionary action, whereas confucianism is better for the stable growth of a society
confucianism is dogshit at provoking a placid population into fighting back against people enslaving them, which is why MZD came up with his own philosophy in the first place

that's what i'm implying, japan has no hope
their leaders are stubbornly 'nationalist' and encouraged to be so by the americans, but in exchange they're whoring the whole country out to a degree unimaginable by the koreans or any EU country
It is clear, I can explain it very plainly.
The structure of existence as far as it has been revealed to us humans, in humility, seems to be something like this. The Father holds infinite Logoi of all that could be, the Son as Logos manifests Logoi which creates contextual reality in sequential order as opposed to God who is uncaused and self caused hence I AM THAT I AM. This is why objective reality exists, because God as a personal being brings context into nothing ex nihilo.
Devil has two main heresies that he uses and ALL opposing religions ultimately fall into one of them, now observe it is a very funny trick.
Either they say that the entire created order is God and contains God, therefore there is nothing outside of caused sequential existence. If this is the case therefore morality can not be sourced from a personal being and in fact all morality is relative because reality in itself is sequential and deterministic, and within determinism morality will only arise as a reaction to best cope and react revolutionarily with deterministic reality.
Or the opposite, and there is no reality outside of your ego at all. Boltzmann's brain level solipsism in which you completely doubt existence of anything other than your personal experience at which point nothing matters at all since everyone outside of yourself might as well be simulated.
Follow most patterns and they will always go into one or the other ultimately. There is also paganism of course where they instead directly worship demons.
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Guess ill take it from here
u r the piss kieppah
ur te legend
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Also knowing that average person is now considered ultra-right I hereby procliam myself hyper-right. Take that jews. Got mitt uns.
My kot died. I’m so fucking sad right now.
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you guessed right
>The Yuzhmash machine plant in Dnipro this morning. Beyond Kiev, Ukraine's air defense against cruise missiles and ballistic missiles unfortunately only exists on paper.
yit's yivir
Throat bleeding is often caused by tearing the lining from excessive coughing if you smoke cigarettes or drugs. I've been coughing up the occasional blood since High School, not always a big deal. Usually my nose only bleeds if I've picking the boogers too much.
Look at how he recoils, actually demonically possessed.
Jesus Christ is knocking at your hearts door, there is no need to be possessed by demons, they have no power over you.
Any context here ?
Cuck warfare is over ?
it's over
uwu daddy
Why european politicians are that stupid?
>women on /pol/
you mean troons?
Most of them are boomers.
Nice git. Have they tried printing some more?
its just ukranda intecepting missiles
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>Kiev is ready to listen to any advice on how to achieve a "justed peace," but compromise is impossible on a number of issues.
"We are not ready to compromise on very important things and values, so we demand the complete withdrawal of Russian troops, reparations and joining NATO,"
See how reasonable the Ukrainians are. They've dropped their demand that Putin and other Russian leaders be prosecuted for war crimes in the Hague
And here we fucking go with that shit. You're even bigger cowards than the religious types. Why are you so scared to look at the truth? Why do you need to see only in front of you? Because you fear the idea of something being bigger than you.
And that's cool man hahahaha, we'll make your ass tough like the Marines say right? There is more beyond you. Start studying vibrations, bioelectricity, the pineal gland, your visions relevance to atoms, emotional perception relevant to your sight, the unified field, and levels of oxygen relevant to atoms. Hint: water is capable of holding different fields within it. The ocean can host different levels of beings.
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>Popular hohol
120 centimeters of pure hate.
It was 1.1 mln hohols last year confirmed by hohol tv...
i'd jump on a landmine for a gf
Clinton is not european, thank fuck. Not that we can rejoice about what we actually call politicans at home, granted.
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life suck
until it blows
its probably nothing serious since you're still posting here and not spasming out on the ground choking on your blood, but do get it checked out so its not throat cancer or something nasty
also you're tired because your a fat ass, go buy a kettlebell and do some exercise at home
Though to be fair there is no reason why national socialism cannot be a route to some level of communism.
Communism is a post-scarcity utopia nobody even got close to, so it's always in name only. A distant goal.
It is not guaranteed China has abandoned this goal.
Of course there is one problem, that the Chinese are acutely aware of: it is difficult and dangerous to try molding people into communists. That is the chief weakness of the system. Most people will not truly be comitted to the ideals of communism, and it would take generations to breed people who are innately more altruistic, especially in an environment where you also have to contend with outside influences, like western media.
So either way realizing any sort of workable communism is a very long-term project and only feasible once the groundwork has been laid by whatever means.
>So Ukraine has a month to avoid default.
More like: has a month until it defaults.
Not once
Chalchin gol
Mandżuko 2 weeks offensive
Also you were fuckin japan from 1938 onwards by supporting mao tse tung
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>putin was underestimating casualities
Why would Putin lie on Russian national TV about the severity of Ukrainian casualties?
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Sorry to hear about your kot fren
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well you can do both if you go to the ukraine
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Linking to the (((e-goy-omist)))...
>Kek, nigger, study quantum physics and then study Buddhism. See how ancient the 8 fold path is, 8 the number of eternity, 8 the number that doubles sides because it has no end so it embodies all
fucken based
oh god...coomer heaven
I would say its punishment for making weebs
I understand liking anime but building your whole persona around is fake and gay
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Is there a particular hohol genetic line that produced these specimens?
The best deal would be for the situs quo to be admitted, the territorial control signed in to new borders and Ukraine to be admitted in NATO right away to ensure russia does not come down to gobble up more clay down the line. The best possible deal however will not be supported by either side as russia will never sign pease with Ukraine in NATO and in tern Ukraine will be unwilling to give up clay.
>focus on yourself bro
Fellow Quantum of Conscience watching man of culcha?
He loves saying that.
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and some cant even run away
i was expecting to see the video cut to these foids having their guts spilled out at the end
i am disappoint
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Me behind beechanka checking her ass







thanks for bread
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Very sad, my condolences.

Not to be cliche or unsympathetic with
>Oh just get a new one
BUT- I'd bet your local shelter has several Kots that are waiting for somebody just like you.
that's it. ty fren. bbl
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finally some fucking action took long enough niggerasimov
Mix of kike and hohol (bandera genotype)
Nigger, I threw out that bitch a long time ago. That's the beginning of the process for all who heard that word. The Bible is numbered the way it is for a reason, you're under the spell of a code that has been programmed within you. Your brain is a computer, I can change you with numbers right now. Numbers are exact in a world of chance, they hold power within them, since numbers are the blocks of all things. You think I'm weak? Hahahaha, looking at you is like looking at a pig going to slaughter.
>Follow most patterns and they will always go into one or the other ultimately.
This is what I came to as well, it's what ultimately lead me to investigate Orthodoxy because I saw these patterns
And also how the idea of Theosis is present in those religions in a perverted form.
>There is also paganism of course
Most paganism goes into the first category I think.
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Descendant of Bandera who unironically was a 158cm manlet.
I dont think that Russians are able to rape hoholinas so hard that their guts would spit out...
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Bugatti Tourbillons aren't cheap, you know.
He looks like hitler from wish after courier throw him 1 mln times of the car
>My kot died. I’m so fucking sad right now.

sorry for your loss.
i hope kot was happy kot
It is honestly hilarious in a way that the devil is incapable of creating any new tricks.
Paganism falls into animism but at least Buddhism does not try to attach entities, paganism on the other hand wants to to worship demons while you are at it.
How long your cat lived?
> Who is it talking to? Is it just screaming into the void?
I think he is about Ukraine
The G36 is reaching the end of it's life as a product.
The German army is seeking to replace it with a new rifle since 2020
>unironically preaching satanism in here
What riled the hook noses up so much?
>The missile did not have a payload of deadly nerve gas
Damn shame, waste of a missile. Fill the next one with Sarin. And aim for Brussels.
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Total Buhanka (AI) Love

hohol AD has been really shit for the last few days for some reason. probably ran out again. NATO niggers are talking about a no fly zone in western ukraine by placing their AD on polish border. if they have the balls to do it i have no doubt niggerasimov will do nothing in response. belousov seems based as fuck however so there is hope. thank the lord that useless nigger shoigu is finally gone holy shit i can't believe it took two years. in a few months belousov has already achieved more.
Combine them you fucking fool.
>Russia suspends participation in the OSCE PA and stops paying contributions - the decision was made by the Federation Council . The inability to continue constructive dialogue within the organization is due to the restrictions that apply to parliamentarians from Russia.
>The State Duma, like the Federation Council earlier, adopted a statement on the suspension of the participation of the Russian delegation in the work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
G36 > gay4
But i wish we got back fn fal in 7.62x51
5.56 is just homosexual piece of shit
>doesn't end with her corpse
Severely disappointed. It's the only reason I watched the whole thing.
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sorry for your loss fren
RIP to the little fella
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This was an anti-air missile that malfunctioned.
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>Dnepropetrovsk More footage of the defeat was found
MOAR clips was released!
Pandas are niggers of bear species...
They even cannot take care of their youngs and humans must do it for them...
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>its just ukranda intecepting missiles
100% interception rate.

Panda anon
how about sending all women on the moon, seriously?
zelensKIKE looks like aged a decade in weeks lel.
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Buy another to get happy again
I have a dog that is also on edge (old fart is 14 years old)
There could be more, but Ukrainians are forbidden from posting videos on social media.
F to you my fren.
Stay strong
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Vovan & Lexus pranked Hillary Clinton.
>Russian strikes targeted Ukrainian aerospace manufacturer Yuzhmash today, based in Dnipro.
>Yuzhmash produces spacecraft, launch vehicles (rockets), liquid-propellant rockets, landing gears, castings, forgings, tractors, tools, and industrial products.
it was well intercepted
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What's that say?
I found her 15 years ago. She was wild then. Don’t know how old she was then. She gradually became tame and comfy. Whenever I sat down she came running like a maniac to jump up in my lap and cuddle.
I have never watched anything in this nature. Documentaries bore me, I prefer to either read or ask for help. Anyone can do that fren.
> My kot died. I’m so fucking sad right now.
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>It is honestly hilarious in a way that the devil is incapable of creating any new tricks.
It really is funny. The situation with heresies inside the church is the exact same too. I think St. John of Damascus said that all heresy is rooted in confusing ousia and hypostasis.
I heard about this one Russian prisoner who apparently gut out his then girlfriend after hitting them into submission, with his bare hands, locked up forver.
"crazy stepson..."
because there are different estimates and he takes most conservative one
russians are very sensitive to lies due to destain for ussr legacy
f, Satan
unless it's another case of stale pasta in which case FUCK YOU
Its a bitch
Her name is maja but everybody call her śmierdziel (smelly)
No way!
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also never 5get
I'm so fucking tired of seeing women
hehe XD. i hope she lives many more years happy together with you
on insta they look all like that. it's insane
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stop it
I think its the last one... She is stopping to run and started to smell even worse (its scared of bathing as fuck and we dont know why)
Aren't you the ones who said there is one truth? This is true. But it isn't yours. Youre Gods, why can't you see I'm trying to help you? The dude you keep calling god is real. He's an asshole, he wants to own you and he flooded the world. He lives in the ocean, look up how the horned serpent flooded the world then study the Mesopotamian serpents. All the Gods are serpents. It just means advanced ocean "dinosaurs, as you call them" making creatures, including you and mermaids but existing or different wave lengths. The serpent cast down is the friend to man, and it just means being the persecuted one. They're all down there, all planets have a founding species.
oh maan :(
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trannies try to imitate women and that's a bad thing
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>MOAR clips was released!
You mean MOAR meat to capture. These traitors won't get away with this.

Resident Evil shit
It will be even worse for him
>dad gets pressganged into service
>dies (MIA status)
>newly widowed single mother can't support her children
>this NGO for fighting poverty comes forward and the mother signs a contract
>they proceed to steal the children
every single ukie politician and their western benefactors deserve to be skinned alive
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. - John 14:6
Also it went completly deaf at start of this year and is half blind :/
But no pain and still walks... Does pee the floor so its still fine funny dog that dont know how to bark becose cannot hear herself XD
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>russians are very sensitive to lies due to destain for ussr legacy
It's weird how I know that. From my understanding, most Russians also recognize their own media as their government's narrative, and not necessarily objective journalism. Here, many people unironically think

>Media funded by the Russian government and Russian corporations, is Russian propaganda.
>Media funded by Western governments and Western corporations, is somehow NOT Western propaganda.
there's double cumulative charges tech
they are used to penetrate multilayered armor that is intended to disperse the cumulative plasma stream
sad, bro. dunno what to say.
thats probably the closest a tranny can come to being a woman - only a woman would be stupid enough to try this shit in mexico.
Nothing im already ready
Dog lived fine life
Remeber be happy buy next one so there is always smth barking around
ukraine is bankrupt since 2014
When these two pranked our former greco-bulgarian gypsie prime minister I felt deep shame and thought only we could be this retarded but then they got George Bush, Clinton, David Cameron and many others that are basically the elite of elite lmao
The world is run by retards for retards
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unlikely, as this would cause a huge competition on leisure adoption market and the whole scheme would break due to massive breach of the silence protocol

more likely mass pandemics of medieval diseases
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Kids starving???
Like in africa???
Not my problem PIGGERS
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Annudah Hoholdomor? I think nobody will give a fuck.
wasn't this debunked and stalin actually shut down the process?
>there is some poor hohol being chased by drone in some nasty dirty trench while some hole larps as soldier for some attention of instagram.
you don't know what communism is
>Communism is a post-scarcity utopia nobody even got close to
china is a post-scarcity utopia right now

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