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Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>The ukraine has a month to avoid default -https://archive.today/OVZkX
>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Hohol FPVs vs Russian Tank
>Cluster missile strike on Mi-24 Heli at airfield in Poltava
>You dont need hand grenade if you have AT mine
>Street combat in Volchansk soldier POV
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>Destruction of multiple Su-27s at Mirgorod airfield
>Hohol forgot to hide tattoos
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field

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Gaben listed Donbas as Russian. The war is over Ukrainians seethe
Made this for chug, enjoy

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Hungary bent the knee to NATO, just like Serbia before it
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For g*rman bake, this is fine. Good job.
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fuck hrüZZia
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those F-16s, if they ever even fly out of Ukraine, won't even last a day.
I, denounce talmud and if given the power I will personally hang Israeli prime minister.
This is pure Americana culture.
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Good morning I'm jew and a furry.
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this is the best bread youve ever tasted you punany eyed manlet
Did you forget to fart in your suit?
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Actually this is pure American culture
>The city of Dnipro is under massive Russian missile attack.

>The US still forbids Ukraine from shooting down the Russian planes launching these missiles as people die.

poor dnyipro. hohols should surrender already
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Do ukies actually think that they can win or is it just illegal to say otherwise? Also why are estonians so fucking deluded?

>The meaning of sovereignty: Ukrainian and European views of Russia’s war on Ukraine
Are you getting paid to shill this ugly mutant?
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Is it possible to get a trad wife in Russia or do all Russian girls have this kind of past?







thanks for bread
Honestly bro I started being a Satanist after my friend have the satanic bible back in high school and I realized it made the most sense. Fuck everything else, be your own God, and live life to the fullest man.
>Gave me the satanic bible
I'm going to fucking kill whoever invented autocorrect
You got tricked by the father of lies. I assume you chopped your dick off by now.
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Technically I don't have a full suit (yet), I only have a head, paws and a tail. So farting at this point would be no different from regular farting. But I am working on ordering the full thing, still need to imagine it better.
Ukraine is losing lots of territory but it's still a drop in the bucket. There's a lot of the donbass still under Ukrainian control... It's still going to take 2 years at this rate
finns believe they won winter war so it kind of like this
It's about lack of military leadership. Ukraine have been given more firepower than Vietnam (south). And yet the money just disappears somewhere...
>be your own God
>live to the fullest
What's the point when you die and suffer eternal hellfire?
Technically thanks for replying with your ai post but i don't care.
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Ukraine is a dictatorship where "defeatism" is considered state treason. Everyone is terrified to get tortured and murdered in SBU chamber for being a traitor.
They won't even need to fly, Mavericks will fire while still on the ground, right?
what a list
all those hohols are so fucking brainwashed.
Nope, I'm the dude from the last thread trying to help my bro from deutschland with women. It's been years since I read that, but that truth remains constant the more I go through life. Stop bowing to shit brother.
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Some people cannot be dissuaded from engaging in poor endeavors for no monetary value
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so is the one guy one jar really deaded?
Realizing that it's total bullshit and stop worrying about it kek.
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Thanks for baking.
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I will make you care, Negev is life.
>At the upcoming NATO summit, Ukraine will be told that it is too corrupt to join the Alliance. The Telegraph writes about this.
>“Membership negotiations will not be able to advance until the former Soviet state restores order, which will be a serious blow to Vladimir Zelensky,” the publication reports.
>Following the summit, the alliance will request “additional steps” from Kiev as a condition for negotiations on membership, a US State Department representative told the newspaper. The conditions will be included in the communique following the NATO summit on July 9.
>The publication recalls that “the United States is blocking the efforts of Britain and Europe to prescribe an “irreversible” path to Ukraine’s membership in NATO.”
With Trump in office, it will be time to single out "Br'ain" and make them pay for their actions. Heavily.
in what
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The eternal hellfire is the recycle of getting born again. And to this planet... shheeshh fr no cap
>hohols are so fucking brainwashed.
these things are said in public and the hohols keep marching off to die for that.
You can dull your senses for now but at some point it will be too late. And even then, it's retarded and has no point if you die even under your own worldview.
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Okay thanks for your attention but how?
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One phone call from President Xi would end Russia's war, Finnish president says

>Russia's reliance on China has developed to the point where Beijing could end a war with one phone call, Finnish President Alexander Stubb said in an interview with Bloomberg published on July 3.

>"Russia is so dependent on China right now," Stubb told Bloomberg. "One phone call from President Xi Jinping would solve this crisis." "If he (Xi) were to say, 'Time to start negotiating peace,' Russia would be forced to do that," Stubb said. "They would have no other choice."

>Xi and Putin are expected to hold talks at the 24th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which will be held from July 3 to 4 in Astana.

>Stubb said Beijing could also benefit from ending Russia's "aggressive and colonial war" in Ukraine.

>"It needs to protect the international rules which are linked to territorial integrity and sovereignty," Stubb said, adding that it would "show leadership from China."

>Stubb also said it is "out of the question now" to push for a ceasefire. "The only thing that Russia understands is power. And therefore, the more we can help Ukraine now, the faster we'll get the war to end."

tank mode on
Eastern girls all start drinking alcohol around age 12 and fucking by 13. I mean hard liquor. They start with girly drinks but the alcoholism of Soviet man and woman is powerful indeed so it's vodka by age 14 at the latest. They may not fuck niggers due to a lack of access to niggers but you can rest assured every alcoholic Eastern girl has fucked 20 men before she finished high school - many of them teachers, uncles, friends of their father. Daddy issues are rampant and they tend to like much older men. Like 15 to 25 years older men.
I like, your English is the same as mine. No insult but fact. Same rhytm.
Is there ANYTHING these "people" say that isn't a "NO U" projection?
>One phone call from President Biden would end The Ukraine's war
When you search for this shithole of a board in Pajewgle you get a lot of "research" articles about it...
Honestly man I think that higher realms of existence are possible and there is evidence for that, but there's no evidence for some pain realm of punishment, and that would make no sense to even exist. If anything we see the lower side of existence around us now in the most dense version of reality: they're called insects bro
>be Marcus Aurelius
>Emperor of Rome
>revered as god among men
>have some slave tell you 24/7 that you're not a god
Many confound being your own master to being your own god.
Many think that being your master is succumbing to vice and indulging in debauchery.
I have always hated this clown. No personal feelings.
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you know what one of the worst parts is? they're gonna die for land that's not even theirs.
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By being annoying for 75 years, you will just kinda get used to it.
Do you sound different in your native language too? In English I sound more angry for some reason.
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nice try becky macharowsky
Fake and gay
That looks like a feminine John Podesta.
As long as it is speculation and fake newa it's all good.
look ma i'm on research
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No but what I meant is that your phrasing is just like mine. No critique. Just an observation. positive? maybe I don't know.
Wtf is that disgusting thing?
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Who's winning?
>but there's no evidence for some pain realm of punishment,
That's actually the one thing everyone in the traditional world has evidence of. The existence of demons is very well known in all cultures, they are just called different things. Demons are already experiencing the future hellfire in a limited way.
>some redditor spent an entire week animating this
goodness gracious
>No critique. Just an observation.
Yeah, I know. I can't tell how I sound to other people in English or Russian, maybe it's autism.
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>One phone call from President Xi
>Good morning, Vlad
>Good morning, Uncle Xi
>I've sent you new shipments, Supreme Leader Kim will join the call momentarily
>Give a smile! Have a laugh! Kill hohols!
So how is that different from any western girl? The access to niggers?
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wait English, is more simple but the speakers expect you to be more polite and talk about around the subject, this is why especially americans think you are offensive because in Finnish and Russian you can say two words but in English it would take much longer.
It’s a pig hoof.
Fab manufacturers, every few weeks they unveil newer and bigger glide kits.
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>safety, peace of mind
>we're a family
>you could meet me

My red flags left my hands and now are in space.

We're a family is the biggest red flag ever desu. It's childless women that always say that that then quickly turn the workplace into a cult. Bitches will start stalking and harrasing you for not being committed enough to come in on a day off.
In English they expect you to talk about how you brushed your teeth last night but in Finnish and Russian you say what?
But demons are just spirits. We have no evidence for some hellfire, but we do have evidence for fun loving spirits that do whatever they want. They exist in the 4th and 5th dimension, were in the 3rd. They can be and probably are around us 24/7. You know the Greek meaning for the word Daemon right? They thought it's what happened when a noble person or hero died, and that's where the English word demon comes from. I hope with everything that I'll become a Daemon in death, it means I did things right and moved up a dimension or 2 instead of reincarnating here, which we have mountains of evidence for haha
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Longer version

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If you don't give baddies a good time, you're not White.
The only red flags that matter is that she's Jewish.
buy something nice u slut
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based and (you)pilled
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demons are aliens
m'lord liked one of my comments on his pics one time on IG
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Big if true
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>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
That's a pretty weird claim when Finland could alone field some 280,000.
And how exactly would that happen?
They don't provide weapons to russia though, only side by side golf carts and dirt bikes.
Is Stupido forgetting again that Russia is one if not the largest weapons producer ever and they make almost everything domestically?
Is he a CIA asset? Seems like (((Youtube))) is pushing him to make fighting in Ukraine (i.e. being a cuck) more normalised among young Americans.
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Yeah that seems to be the way, btw Putin has announced he’s importing millions of Africans kek
Very based.
You should start a movement to resurrect Americana Culture out of the cesspool of Jew and Negro shit that is being pushed down people's throats.
Mostly, yea.
>btw Putin has announced he’s importing millions of Africans kek
i see shills keep repeating this yet no proofs
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>pain realm of punishment
it's just he lower astral, in which reptoids and orions keep your soul after they guilt-trip you into going to the tunnel of white light. some years later they memory wipe you and send you back to this shithole prison planet to be their slave for another lifetime.
>veteran of assorted moderate rebels
>is he a CIA asset
of course he is
>But demons are just spirits.
And none of ones that were worshipped are any good. Only an evil, suffering being would act like they do. Eternal hellfire is just the Love/Glory of God manifesting in all of the created world and it will affect those who can't accept Him because of their own denial and wickedness very negatively.
I still haven't spotted a nigger so that's a lie.

280,000 entirely committed to turtling the homeland, how many could you spare to fight outside your borders
>ukraine independence good
>LNR DNR independence bad
Seems so, nobody with his intelligence level can actually believe this in good faith.
I made it in AI so the only movement I can make is in AI. But I do live in Tennessee in the country, plenty of culture around here if it's your thing.
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It's more likely than you thank.
What a game yesterday türkiye kicked the em favourite austria out, all of germany was on fire all night
i like watching those "street walking/tour" videos on youtube to see other cultures and cities and every video i see about russia is 100% white, with maybe the odd asian exchange student/tourist in downtown moscow
now compare that with a video from downtown toronto and you'll see niggers and jeets for miles
this also applies to any american city, except less jeets and more niggers
Do you like trains?
Statistics and fear mongering.
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Ukrainian Jet Status?
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Why the third dragonball?
Use whatever tools and people you have at your disposal. I'm not that crazy over American Country music but I believe it can be a starting point to reclaim your own culture.
>you'll probably get to meet me
Top kek.
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You're brown.
How the fuck do so many white women get pregnant by niggers? They're usually all on birth control or use plan-b or get abortions.
White pick up arist Chads fuck 1000 white women and father 0 children. Women from Poland and Latvia move to London and come back with a nigger baby within 2 years.
How do they do it?
Is this the Dragon of Kyiv?
Last night, I was a roach too.
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>Women from Poland and Latvia move to London and come back with a nigger baby within 2 years.
>How do they do it?
picrel, anon.
Well, that's the thing, I don't worship anything. That's the main doctrine, treating yourself as a God and not bowing to anything including law. The "Satanic" form of government is National-Anarchism because eugenics are inherently Satanic too since it means improving the physical form and mind thus becoming closer to a God. You can actually read this in the back of the Satanic Bible if you'll give it a chance fren. What's called the source is to us like the gnostic Abraxas, hold on I'm going to get a video for you that is built on Carl Jungs interpretation of it but everytime I go to YouTube from here it deletes everything I said, so I'm going to finish this first kek
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Did you read Kafka?
I don't read what others write.
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It's not the West who will use nukes first. Mainly because of arrogance.
>we can defeat Russia conventionally
Any non-nuclear member of that coalition at war with Russia gets 24h to withdraw and declare neutrality or face nuclear bombardement.
Most will probably drop out.
Some may not and end up getting willingly nuked, okay, thinking now England or France or the USA will use nukes to defend them or retaliate, setting up their own country for total nuclear obliteration to protect Estonia or whatever the fuck, who literally don't have an army or anything of relevance. In other words shit that doesn't happen. Nobody lifts a finger and they either bend the knee or get wiped out.
Now it's just the western nuclear powers who can again decide whether they want to face personal obliteration or bend the knee. England and France obviously will, because they don't even have offensive nuclear capability.
So ultimately it would only result in the easy defeat of Europe and isolation of the USA, without any noteworthy use of nuclear weapons (Estonia getting stone-aged is not noteworthy).
Moral of the story? Don't fight a nuclear power if you don't even have nuclear weapons.
Sometimes I think all this shit (Donbass breaking away) started because piggers couldn't make a unified literary standard for Ukrainian and make more useful stuff on it, but instead they just started forcing it in disfavour of a more useful language, and all because Ukraine is mega-corrupt.
>b-buh muh ruZZia!!!1
At least "ruZZia" doesn't replace national languages in republics.
Just my five kopeikas.
279,999 because I ain't going.
I swore an oath to protect Finland, not nato. Nato is a foreign power that should be reported to the authorities, but the authorities are influenced by them.
Here you go bro check this out
Plenty of scenarios where the west will use nukes first, for instance the sinking of a US aircraft carrier.
We have some churkas in my Siberian city plus some natives (my neighbour is one) but it's still 95% Russian.
Nah. If it was like they wanted it to be we would all be skeletons by now.
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>1st Lt. Cruz Tomblin (left) of the 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment deployed in Ukraine talks with multinational Soldiers with a Linguist in the field art Yavoriv, Ukraine, Nov. 22, 2018.
Some of these zogbots have been there for a long ahh time.
Always remember the 30s-40s version of NATO abandoned you to the Soviets
>don't worship anything.
You worship your own mind because that's the only source of truth for you. But it's not just you, most people after the fall of Adam do it to some degree, it's just a difference of wanting to do it knowingly or just falling to sin. The latter is what will lead you to hell. In trying to deny all law you have established another law, the only difference is that it's subjective and individualistic.
>Satanic Bible if you'll give it a chance fren
Sorry, I prefer not reading delusional demonic ramblings.
>Carl Jungs interpretation
He actually communicated with demons too, it explains why his pseudo-scientific ideology is so popular in the modern world. It's of the same spirit.
Always remember, the bri'ish bombed us because we retaliated against the Soviets, were also throwing a bitch fit when they gave fuck all to help during winter war and we decided to align with Nazi Germany because they were the only ones willing to help.
>That's a pretty weird claim when Finland could alone field some 280,000.
Maybe in twelve months, due to equipment shortages and the need to complete retraining. So about eleven months to slow to stop the Russians.
i envy you fren...
ive always wondered, how is the german population there? are there still enclaves of russland deutche? or are they all gone?
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That's so deep
Do you get along, the russians caucasians and natives?
Sounds like a dangerous mix
Don't know much about them. I've only taken a train once in my life.

Country music is pretty American but its' also very commercialized and may as well be pop music.

A bunch of zogbots from Tennessee died, I remember checking their facebooks and it was full of RIPs including comments telling them not to go to Ukraine. Seems they were idiots who went looking for trouble and found it. The three stars on the state flag represent the different regions of Tennessee, West, Middle, and East.
>gnostic radio
Gnosticism is purely subjectivistic modernist garbage. There is no continuous tradition so these people just invent their own religion based on their subjective readings of texts, of course it's all self-contradictory but it's still crafted to oppose Christianity and still allies itself with other religions. Really makes you think...
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what's up with /k/lowns all over the catalogue?
Kek what is this furry shit?
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do they wear funny hats or what is german population of cyberia
It's tough being a pawn of all sides in the same war, but you didn't have it as bad as romania and all those other axis satellites
also, by "native" what do you mean? Native here means "indians" feather not dot
fr no cap mate what's your ratio?
>Any non-nuclear member of that coalition at war with Russia gets 24h to withdraw and declare neutrality or face nuclear bombardement.
Nope, you would never use a nuclear ultimatum like that as it invites an immediate nuclear attack upon one self.
Oh, cool. Thought it was to do with Davy Crockett being a Sayian or something
i just mean germans in russia in general
are they still a thing?
> Satanic Bible
LaVey stole most of it from other books
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Sounds like how the actual bible was compiled.
Makes no sense at all.

Well, it's not us who the nukes are targeted at, but the elite and their installations.
That's the thing. With nukes there's a very real chance they hit where it hurts and decapitate your government.
They may be willing to throw other people under the bus, but not themselves and their comforts.
Hence instead of clean, logical and efficient nuclear wars we get WW1 all over again, because that kills they goyim instead of the problem.
so tiresome...
That's an interesting question, there's some Volga Germans and there's a German national district in my region, some people have German surnames like Frank, but they mostly emigrated back to Germany (IIRC Germany back then gave them official papers without much hassle), those that stayed are mostly Russified so I consider them the part of 90+%.
Caucasians aren't really a thing here, and natives are mostly docile.
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abraxas is an archon, not a daemon
Native chinks of Siberia. Buryats, Tuvans, Altais, Yakuts.
Belarus will be the first to use them and it will be in response to an incursion/invasion. They are not bluffing.
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>Buryats, Tuvans, Altais, Yakuts.
Would like to see more of them on Storm Z assault brigades.
Yeah I just hope this planet would get a real hard reset it deserves. No regards to your grannies or porches.
Despite the harsh soviet persecution they are still there
Germans had a huge positive impact on russia
The russian church was led by an german before Kirill
Are they psy-opped too?
We're pizdec
I worship more than my own mind, I worship me. My experience, my growth and my own power. The thing you call sin is the carnal nature, the one we deny. If you'd give the book a chance youd see what I mean, it is the other half of existence and experience that for some reason we try to deny, but being a God would mean experiencing and mastering both, you know? Becoming truly in touch with my side that wants to sit down and experience bliss beyond this, and my side that likes to snort coke, get drunk, and fuck latinas hahaha.
I'm not advocating gnosticism, only Carl Jungs the "teachings of the reluctant gnostics" or whatever the fuck the name is I'm sure I've got it wrong. He described the essence of God the same way we do, as being both "Yahweh" and "Satan" Good and Evil, Old and Young, Positive and Negative. Every particle has an anti-particle, you know? And the gnostics teach that god looked into the primordial waters and saw his own reflection before creation started, this is interpreted as positive seeing negative. Both coming together to make the universe, brother.
ah i see i see
how are they? are they peaceful folk or gas huffing degenerates?
the north eastern once are basically a us asset at this point, with direct US presence there
interesting, if i decide to move to russia i would like to find a german enclave to settle in
>That's the main doctrine, treating yourself as a God and not bowing to anything including law.
Placing your own ego and your own limitations on a pedestal and pretending that it is universal and divine is fucking stupid. Listen to the wisdom of the ages instead of whatever drivel this is.
>I'm not advocating gnosticism
You silly hylic
Think of it as a non-personal thing man. A symbolic thing of all power, that's why Abraxas is #365
I'm afraid it's nothing cool like that. We have some cool civil war memorials though.
>Israel turns to Kurds for three-quarters of its oil supplies
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They already are. Especially Tuvans and Buryats.
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>Tuvans, Yakuts.
I only have knowledge of those from the army, but I'm amazed how different they are to Buryats.
They like to drink a lot. Haven't really heard of some national hatred and incidents based on it aside from 90s Tuva (which is a newly annexed region, it used to be a part of Qing China).
Just like muh democracy. It's good until they disapprove it.
Is it true that they were fighting ISIS? Is it just different CIA assets fighting each other?
You are like century late
Negative, and irrelevant. Obviously you already have your arsenal ready to launch on notice when you make such an ultimatum. Any indicator of counter force first-strike results in immediate nuclear war.
You can make that part of your ultimatum, duh.

In war a nuclear power has the full right to assume that any attack on it by another nuclear power is nuclear before it hits, the moment it is launched, and retaliate accordingly.
That's why there has never been a direct conventional war between nuclear powers.
>but muh India-Pakistan
Mainly because they had like 5 nukes each at the time, that didn't even work and were of WW2 era design.
Plus the war was a border skirmish nobody really cares about. Neither could have accomplished anything with nuclear weapons.
>not even MAD or anything just "u keel 5 of my shitties I keel 5 of ur, Bhenchod"
>if they happen to hit and not malfunction
Many of them were deported into central asia, kazakhstan or kyrgiztan and most immigrated to germany in the 90s
Some also live in chechnya
Russian germans are not like germany germans at all be warned
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And total numbers for better understanding.
double standards are a main pillar of western hegemony
>Is it true that they were fighting ISIS?
>Is it just different CIA assets fighting each other?
yes and yes
I thought that was a nu-sѹence periodic table for a sec
And where does that get me? You have to understand personal advancement should no longer be treated as a bad thing, death to oaths of poverty, you know? Fuck all old doctrines of debasing yourself, that means nothing as we are our eyes and will be after this life is over. But also, take into mind the teaching of the Buddha and be attached to nothing because attachment leads to suffering. As in, do whatever the fuck you want and don't give a fuck about shit bro hahaha.
I'm really not, watch the video before you say something about it dude.
Did the baath party in syria try to assimiliate and discriminate kurds like Saddam in Iraq?
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Comfy morning in Dnepro
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>jericho fell in love with the ukraine and then he just fell
can someone do subtitles
>total numbers

these are regions not ethnicities.
Bashkiria is pumpin' out.
It's an ISBE. It's personal. It is a person.
T'was a joke. Good luck fucking those massive latina booties and not cooming within 5 minutes.
>those F-16s, if they ever even fly out of Ukraine, won't even last a day.
Isn't it interesting how most destroyed jets are destroyed on the ground?
It sort of goes to show that the most important aspects to aircraft survivability is to be moving, and ofc repairability/ruggedness.
Ukraine should get F35s.

After all, early batches are already getting retaired by USAF if I remember correctly, take a couple of those.
Made a low quality edit.
Yes so? It’s total casualties for Russia with each region shown as to their contribution. I never said anything about ethnicity. Tuva though is obviously mostly Tuvan so you can assume most casualties from that region are ethnic Tuvans.
>all the decent drone pilots are busy making snuff films
slava urini
all cultures here are, in a sense, assimilated
basically like the russian minorities, if I had to put it in a similar way
I literally know of kurds in the army and the police force
there are kurds that are native to areas to the west of the country
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>You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.
That cost 10 million USD.
>my own power.
Then it's a pretty weak and pointless thing you worship. You're subject to death and decay, if those things have power over you it's all meaningless. Gnostics hate the flesh but are still completely ruled by it, because the demons use our fallen flesh to lure us into temptation.
>Both coming together to make the universe, brother.
It's self-contradictory and subjectivistic nonsense. There is only one Truth. There is no evil by essence, please show me at least one example of "evil" that is not a cause of human/angelic will that fell away from God.
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>Do ukies actually think that they can win or is it just illegal to say otherwise? Also why are estonians so fucking deluded?
Looking at that chart it is hard to miss that after Estonia and Poland (who have their own reasons for always wishing death upon Russia), it seems Sweden is one of the most brainwashed or retarded people in the EU.
...while also being "the most democratic" (with Finland, Denmark and Norway, not shown in the survey).
But anon, dont you understand? They purchased things from other countries!
Well, if that is your opinion, then so be it. We all come to this question on our own, I just hope one day you learn to value yourself above all.
I'm a product of Blanquemiento (see the last thread I have a better phenotype than ever other Whites, fucking bless the Spanish and the Conquistadors) my friends my job is to breed with a White woman I breed with will be pure White, but don't think I'm not getting Latin ass on the side and breeding something for another man to turn White hahaha. We're colonials, conquering the Indios is what we do brother.
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2S6 Tunguska destroyed by two Lancet strikes Kharkov region
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Holy shit I haven't laughed that hard for a while.
Many thanks Fren.
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damn thats one of my favorite tanks
sad to see it getting rekt
Do belters see hohols as Russian?
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Intercepted missile?
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>Geran-2 strike
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Evil doesn't exist. Well, it does, but it's just as much a part of us as anything else. If I killed someone right now and then made love to their body (not to be edgy) that'd be the ultimate humanity in symbolism. Hate combined with love.
We all worship something that will come to an end except us actually. You worship the sun. Muslims worship saturn. Jews worship the coming of their star messiah. Most religions are just worshipping things in the sky, when we should've been looking within. There's only 2 religions that make true sense: Satanism and Buddhism, and then there's the only one that has actual contact with the other side: Hinduism. Combine these 3 and you're golden bro.
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obligatory post
8 confirmed T-90 destroyed
t. Oryx
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Hello. Kiev status?
Russia is out of missiles and now has to rely on necromancers' fireballs
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big kabooms now
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Can you make it with the following lyrics?
>And a little bit of nuggets fried
>Oreos with milk on a friday night
>A pine coffin that fits just right
>And the radio up
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>Do belters see hohols as Russian?
My esperience is that they project their own imaginary struggle upon the Ukrainians.
They are "yet another unrecognized minority oppressed by the evil Russians", naturally they all forget that the USSR in fact was their golden age and that the USSR for some reason encouraged preservation of regional identity, language etc.

So Ukrainians are "just like them".
Until they start hanging out with Ukrainians and realize that they pretty much are Russians, but less civilized and speak like retards.
Just look at their schizophrenic political position.

>We must help Ukraine with everything, including sending imaginary F16s.
>Ukrandan refugees welcome, and more sanctions on Russia!
>Ukrandans rauss! We will send them back to the front, don't even care about violating UN demands and possible fines.

They aren't even this eager to deport Somalian rape gangs.
Civilian target retaliation soon
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Unless we start seeing hard conscriptions of goyim in Berlin hohols won't have enough humans to fight for 2 more years

"They are missing over 10 million people. I estimate that [Ukrainian] losses should be counted in millions, not hundreds of thousands" - General Rajmund Andrzejczak, Polish Chief of the General Staff 2018-2023

"Millions have been killed" - Zelensky

Amputee data indicates up to 3M casualties for the Ukraine by summer 2023

"Only 13-15% of pre-war officers and soldiers are still in active service, rest are dead or wounded" - General Pacek, head of NATO DEEP, basically responsible for training of post-2014 Ukrainian army

Based on bread consumption statistics Ukraine's current population is 24 million. This is a 40% reduction of the pre-SMO population of 40 million.

By spring of 2023, the average Ukrainian had 3 dead and 5 wounded close relatives and friends - Kiev International Institute of Sociology
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I'll try. Give me a bit.

Right now I'm working on a Top Gun "Danger Zone" parody called "Hohol Zone"

It's rough, but here's what I have so far
>Air raid in Dnepr
>What the AD doing?
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Footage of repelling a night attack by sea drones in Novorossiysk.
successful patriotyiv interceptions
>We all worship something that will come to an end
I worship Jesus Christ who rose from the dead.
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Kinda reminds me of Banestar and that Trump song he made with Aladdin's Friend Like Me
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We are so back
They can't even hit a static target.
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And the one I breed with will be pure White* I swear to God me and the guy who invented autocorrect are going to have problems. This is nowhere near what I typed. And this is me before you call me some mutt. Blanquemiento works especially since the Spanish already did most of the work for us man.
>My Halloween picture because fuck showing my whole face here
jesus it's like a movie
Black sea fleet KINO




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Pretty kino intercept.
At least that's what it looks like.

The line is not a jet but part of the burning fuselage continuing forward.
Is this in Ukraine or Russia?

Also, it seems to be very low altitude for an intercept.
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Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Minsk, Belarusian Geraniums
I don‘t want to start a controversy just for the sake of it again but I think if I were kurdish I would want a kurdistan
Türkiye is built on turkish culture and tried to kill kurdish culture till the 90s
Same in iraq just with arabic culture instead
Syria is also baathist an arab ideology
None of these countries represents them in any way despite being a big part of the population
By US report it's around 63000
I.E. the sun child I.E. Mabon sacrifice I.E. Holly King I.E. the fool of Mabon who takes everyone's wrong doings. It's just a sacrifice to let you do whatever you want to combat your conscience bro. It was never real and they even moved dates to match older religions, and even lore like Odin hanging off the world tree
Isn't it Belarus day as well
I'd say that's around the correct figure now. Double it to get to permanent losses eg permanently crippled.
Gee, Russia, how come Putin lets you have two wieners?
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digits and I'll get a russian gf this year
Might be an FPV drone hit by a verba or similar.
AA crews really have no qualms about killing civilian hruks if they make interception 15 meters off the ground
>Satanism and Buddhism
Also there aren't religions but tools for useful idiots to serve the goals of the Satanic elite. They don't have coherent metaphysics and a singular teaching, it's all made up and has different "schools" like Islam. There is some truth in Buddhism because of its contact with early Christians, but it's not even close to being uncontaminated by demonic ideas.
>I.E. the sun child I.E. Mabon sacrifice I.E. Holly King I.E. the fool of Mabon
source: some youtuber, or my own fantasies. Gnostics can't form a coherent view on the Gospel because they pick and choose what they like based on their own fallen mind. There isn't a single heretical way of interpreting the Gospel that isn't self-contradictory and made up on the spot.
>nose piercing
well done anon
>here is some truth in Buddhism because of its contact with early Christians, but it's not even close to being uncontaminated by demonic ideas.
You're a dumbass. Buddhism had already spread across Asia by the time Christ began teaching.
>they make interception 15 meters off the ground
they do not steer rockets around
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Interesting choice of car..

>Might be an FPV drone hit by a verba or similar.
Blast wave strong enough to blow car doors clean off and send them flying from something like 60 meters away.
Unfortunately only the nose shows up in the frame before the explosion so can't say what it is.
But a Geran getting intercepted would not be impossible.
Greater Iran.
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I understand the point of looking for an unblemished trad girl but this level of pickiness is a bit OCD when she knows how to handle power tools.
Actually bro the teachings of the Buddha and or Satanism are the closest things to what were discovering through quantum physics now. Buddha knew shit, no one can deny that now kek.
My source is fucking youtubers? Nigger, you need to start learning about older religions. You celebrate their holidays. You might think Saturnalia (which lasts until the Orthodox celebration before you ask, Catholics celebrate the beginning you're celebrating the end) is Christian but it's much older. Easter is a human fucking sacrifice kek. It's the worship of the death of the Sun Child freeing you from responsibility. If you want to go even older it's the death of the Holly King making way for the summer. All that religious crap is exactly that bro, crap. I'm telling you that so that hopefully you can be free too. I don't like to see others enslave themselves (because that's what you're doing) to dogma so that rulers can control you.
Pahlavi iran discriminated them too, they were persian supremacists not pan-iranists
Now it‘s a shia state while most kurds are sunnis and secular
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24 missiles intercepted out of a salvo of 4.
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Exeed more like EXSNEED am I right?
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Today I go to bookshop and put all the holocaust books in the fiction section
hello british glownigger
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>Mom, I can add another triangle on my truck now.
What a contrast between the SAM crews and the civilians panicking on the ground.
Still, to Ukraine, pls don't keep your military stuff inside cities.
When your AD crews cause this damage to civilians (to protect militry targets inside the cities) they will eventually start blaming you.
This unfortunately may lead to a premature end to the war before THD has been reached.
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>Also, it seems to be very low altitude for an intercept.
It's hard to tell what's happened there. Could be a malfunction of the fuze
To give Mediazona an the BBC credit the actually stuck by their methodology, get pretty decent results, and have resisted all pressure to randomly just triple or quadruple Russian KIAs for political reasons.
why do russians love these chinese plastic cars so much
are they better than lada
You do realize that fielding men consists of more than just putting bodies in uniforms, right? They have to be fed, supplied with ammo, supplied with fuel, medicine, medical care, they have to be rotated out of combat, they need trained officers and NCOs and that's just the bare minimum to be even considered a ifghting force. If you want them to be anything but cannon fodder, they need heavy weapons and a shitload of them at that, artillery, anti-air, tanks, IFVs, fighters and close air support. Europe already gave away most of these.
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Here you go. But as you can hear there are too many syllables in the second line so the AI fucks it up

>And a little bit of nuggets fried
>Oreos with milk on a friday night
>A pine coffin that fits just right
>And the radio up

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Everything is better than a TAZ. Also the Western, Jap and worst Korean cars don't get sold there anymore plus they were expensive as fuck AND low-quality compared to their older peers.
Least bot-like /uhg/loid.
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i did not filter his id
thats how r/uhg looks like
Thanks! What AI are you using to map new lyrics onto a song?
For what purpose?
Why would someone dump 100 gore pics in a dead thread that noone is watching and noone is caring about? How bored do you have to be?
I love choccy milk
Who doesn't?
People who drink strawberry or banana milk
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That's some sad shit
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What about white chocolate?
No problem frendo.

I use https://www.udio.com/
We all do. I have iced coffee and chocolate milk ready to go in my fridge right now bro.
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