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▶Prev: >>472935720

▶Day: 860 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Daily reminder that Ukraine will never join NATO.
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first for USSR and getting to 360s this time
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If only you knew how brown things really are
Welt - Ukraine struggling to mobilize another 200k to offset losses, due to fear of being used as cannon fodder.
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory;
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification;
AMEN: So must it be.
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>1 day passed
>nothing happened
>still posting as -1
What did you mean by this comrade?
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All /chug/ posters should be castrated

USSR is never coming back, eat shit commie scum
Also... stinky alert!
>>472946119 >>472948049
>>Belarus gets free nukes from Russia
You've convinced me that Russia is trad and based and that west should send nukes to Ukraine.

Total Ukrainian Nuclear Armament!
now do russia
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Russia built for BBC. By jews.
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>Footage provided by a Ukrainian drone operator flying a "Shark" UAV 70km behind the frontlines, showing an attack on a rare mobile Russian "NEBO-SVA" radar station. The M30A1 missiles were fired from an M142 HIMARS.
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>Thats wild, well I guess I can no longer support America now that I know they actually are secretly allied with Russia because I hate Russia
The JewSA spent most of the 20th century saving puccia from world wars, hunger, separatism, civil wars and poverty. Looks like we need to defeat Washington first to get rid of rusniggeria for good
Guys we have to stop this war. America and Russia are secretly allies. Jews are running both these countries. Don't tell me Zelensky is in on it to or is he actually the good guy here?
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You and I both know how this ends.
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It's the opposite comrade, USSR provides the BBC you crave so much, pic related.
ATTENTION ALL RUSSIANS LIVING ABROAD: Please call your relatives in Russia and tell them to start stocking up food, water and supplies. Once Russia loses the war in Ukraine major civil unrest will begin to manifest in Russia. You don't want your relatives to become cocks when bad times start. Please call them and tell them to start to stock up food NOW. They have no visibility to the Russian front line situation. Once shit hits the fan there will be major logistical problems in Russia.
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he monke
How? Russia has mobilized soldiers only once. Ukraine has had 10 mobilization waves. It's not really a comparison.

Massive numbers of potential conscripts are attempting to flee Ukraine, but keep getting shot by border guards.
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>fat, balding commie larper
remeber when putain said there wasnt going to be a russian mobilization in the first year and then there was like 3-4? remember when the goal was to cut the head from the snake? de-militarisation never happened either. now theres more weapons than ever in ukraine
Los of Brown posting on catalog right now
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This might be a good analogy if the West was currently at war with Belarus, but that's not the case. Giving Ukraine nukes would have grave consequences for all of us.
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... no? I don't comrade, and didn't even understand your last pic. Why would the ukraine hollow out USSR? What is that pile? What's happenening?
ikr comrade, shit's hilarious.
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>Russia has mobilized soldiers only once
>implying mobilization is over
lmao, you're fag
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I do not know why the crests are so arrogant to think they're fighting the Russian army. The real Russian army is not even present in Ukraine, mostly the work is done by convicts. The actual weapons like Armata, Su-57, Avangard, Igorek. Uran-9 , Atomic pistol are not anywhere near, because for hohol a T-34 would be enough.
If Russia wanted it this could be get over in one afternoon, but they prefer it this way, long and drawn out to hurt thr west.
both the russniggers and the amerikikes will fall together
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Nice hit.
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Are they okay, Zizters??
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>Hey guise did you hear how Zognald is actually literally Hitler and le based?
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Exactly. I'm a huge fan of global capitalism and American ideals of freedom, liberalism and democracy. These are ideals many patriotic values that Americans would die for. Capitalism is very very very sacred to me because its been really good for me and my people. If there is any threat to it, I stand ready to destroy that threat. If my fair and balance news media corporations identify who the enemies of freedom and capitalism are, it's game on pal. I can't abide another nation engaging in authoritarianism and communism. America should be able to tell them what to do. You don't invade other countries, unless it's Serbia, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran. We invade to bring democracy and capitalism which is good. Russia invades to bring autocracy and communism which is bad.
>Hey guise did you hear how Zognald is actually literally Hitler and le based?
That's the joke, look closer at his head on my meymey
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Shitty safety regulation for shitty aircrafts
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Ty janny. I tip you $0.00(0)
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Just embarrassing. A decade of fortifications melts away in a week. Is ukraine even trying anymore?
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Russia is somehow losing, yet Russian army makes daily gains against the modern Maginot line manned by bandera.
I don't understand. Why does it matter who's at war? Sending nukes to your allies is based, is it not?
You posted these exact images in the last thread. Get new ones, ffs.
You weren't even first, "comrade", kek.

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>2014 defensive line
>in a week!
>we didn't need that heavily fortified fortress anyways!
Bet you didn't.
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so it will end something like this because jake sullivan likes to suck russian cock too much.
Belarus has nukes to protect itself. Understandable, considering that the West tried to overthrow Lukashenko in 2020. This is to prevent them from getting maidan'd. If Ukraine had been able to fight back against the West in 2014, none of this would be happening.

Giving Ukraine nukes now would be a massive, massive provocation and escalation.
yes, just like kherson it will never be in ukrainian hands again
Fuck, that's actual nightmare fuel
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New GUR phone intercept

>Intercepted conversation of a resident of the Russian Federation from the Shebekino district regarding the drone attacks and the arrival of an aerial bomb in the settlement.
Tl notes:
>1 minute long vodka female speech;
>"bombanulo horosho" (kek);
>"Houses are getting destoryed";
>"You have to leave the place, Sashka";
>"Let all the rabbits, dogs, cats and chickens go and leave";
>Some other acquaitance's house house was also bombed;
>Dick mentioned 0 times.
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I like these planes but the lack of a bubble canopy is an big weakness if the pilot can't see the pursuing missile
>the West tried to overthrow Lukashenko in 2020
Not at all.
>massive provocation and escalation.
I beg to differ. It would quiet things down.
The advance is so narrow if Ukraine doesn't cut its line then yes they have given up
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Unfortunately Kherson is forever USSR too tho comrade, don't forget that.
I know jack shit about combat planes, but now thinking of it, what you say makes sense. Luckily it's a land war comrade.
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Russia's air defense is fucking useless as pigshit.
this fat balding fuck is living in an alternate reality apparently XD
Notice how he stated things I laugh about but I didn't state your greentext shit. You just made it up like a pathetic faggot.
Kherson was lost tactically.
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Miss me?
>lack of a bubble canopy
It's supposed to be an attack aircraft slash bomber.
the how does not really matter in this context.
A.I. shoop

Fucking kekarooo and such
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hohol tranny sisters it's ovyr xD
Of course they lost 50k men storming these positions, the propaganda told me so.

(free rupees)
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Based T34-maxer. Will they have cope cages?
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Total Hohol DeHATOization kekkkkkkkk
the left can't meme
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True, if Russians lost any men in their assaults, which they haven't, then we'd see it in demographics changes. Oh wait.
>Times of India
What is their source when they all write this synchronically ?
Hurr-durr it was always like that, russia is matriarchal country
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Don't worry zisters, mr. Putin has already found the solution to the men shortage!
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Good morning. I see ziggers are still retarded and all Russians inside Ukraine should be culled.
>Belarus needed nukes, they might have been attacked by evil "color" revolution! (lol)
>Ukraine has actually and unironically been invaded on three separate occasions. They shouldn't have nukes, Russia is so peaceful.
You and your brain dead ilk needs to be purged from this rock.

Furthermore, I conclude that Moscow must be destroyed.
The war in Ukraine is pretty much just a small, minor side quest for them.
In fact Russian population and TFR is growing. This doesn't look like a backwards country doing meat assaults and suffering economically. Much the opposite, in fact.
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>jew nose Mari
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use this one for next OP
>Our shitskins are based and trad
Yeah it's growing because Putin is importing all the niggers, mongols, Indians and muslims they can since they need a lot more people to the front lines and to man the war factories.
Hi, Dennis. Still not taking your meds, I see?
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Amazing graffiti Hans.
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what meds?
1.5 million Russian "men" gone
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I know who pays you, midwit.
why did they make a reddit hugbox thread if they just come back here anyways?
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>Ukrainian vets
prosthetics, physical therapy, national recognition
>Russian vets
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Those women will be able to choose between
1) a Tajik that beats them for not wearing a hijab, or speaking Russian.
2) A chinksect from China that will take her to live with him in his Bejing commieblock to pop out children until she is sold to organ harvesters.
3) M'tumbu from Nigeria to put the final nail into the Muscovite coffin.
4) Becoming the third wife of a Pajeet who will later sell her to his cousin when she hits the wall.

All of these options are still better than hooking up with an actual Russian. Rejoice, women of Pidorsburg.
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>Not allowed on bus
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comfy in donetsk
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...Because they'll end up like this instead.
They are called "samovar", btw
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>smacks our refinery right between the buns
Is there any point in time when Russians don't think of dicks and ass or dicks in ass?
All these men are dead now. Good riddance. The world is a tiny bit better place to be now.

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Problem solved
>Is there any point in time when Russians don't think of dicks and ass or dicks in ass?
Yes, when they're dead or unconscious. As the series of obvious facts states:
1. a russian always thinks about dicks;
2. if a russian doesn't think about dicks, he thinks about anus;
3. if a russian doesn't think about dicks or anus, check his pulse;
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So this is why the bharat-brigrade is shitting up the thread.
Check out this thread
Is this ai?
thats why you fire shit you welded on top of an MT-LB with a wire
>bharat brigade
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that grass looks kinda funny indeed
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how much you wanna bet monke will import churkas and niggers to fertilize russian women and create the ultimate serf class noviop
when jews do it its globalhomo, when russia does it its saving the white race
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He could have just surrendered
>implying they're not already doing it
Russia is already doing this. Even promotes this shit.
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the churkas have been moving in since 2022
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Wasn't he already dead?
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See, told ya that they do be like:
>pee pee poo poo
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She's 20 and looks 40.
She had this condition called "being bri'ish"
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btw I propose doing the same to 5th columnists in HATO countries
>she looks 12
Nah, a 7/10 tops. Still would tho
they should be singled out, ridiculed and shipped to moscow
Trans rights are human rights
Me too anon, the time will come, be patient.
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Well suffering ziggers are nice and all, but katsaps released another iskander vid. They claim 1x MiG-29. Zrada meter dangerously high
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what about hermaphrodite rights?
Ukrainian defenses are crumbling
it is a war... there will be losses
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Better change that memeflag, Patel.
zoom out
Two more weeks.
Soon khokhol will get broken.
they will milk this shit for months cuz both kharkiv and sumy offensives went to shit
they will meet the ass of the ass and be lathered in its juices
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Anyway, xoxols better hurry up with a way for protecting the hop airfields from this bullshit
The fact that its a second(?) video in such a short timeframe is not sus at all
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Third. There's also a strike on Mi-24 footage supposedly filmed today
Yeah, then definitely and totally not out of the ordinary
They are afraid of F-16
at this rate those f-16 will last for exactly 14 days
f16 will most likely fry from poland and intercept missilse/drones at the beginning until pilots get used to operating them
Two more weeks, hoho - wait, hold up
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what did russia mean by this
Nice PS skills retard
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Why isn't the cameraperson stopping the cat?
It could get a disease ...
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Good Day! Ukraine is having the worst day!
I think that was me trolling but at this point I am not sure.
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ngl he's about to look as similar as webm rel
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>dogovorniachok is coming and there’s nothing you can do about it
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Wait till you see what they can do in two weeks ...
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I can confirm. I haven't activated that particular bait folder in a long time.
Good times...
Rusniggers are so fucking pathetic
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Didn't need that foot anyway
Are you even surprised?
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What's going through his mind right now?
>wants Jews to be in their containment zone instead of ruining White countries.
Hitler himself also wanted this. What's wrong about this? Israel is for Jews what Liberia is for Blacks, and both should be deported out of the west into these respective places.
Yes America will win. It is our destiny to rule this planet. All who have opposed us have failed. Confederates, Nazis, and now Russians
But what should happen to Moscow?
worms probably
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Why... would you post these?
>mfw i came, but she continues to suck
something something delenda est
Why not?
It was peak fun
Anyone that unironically follows this war for 3 years is a retard, halfway in I started shitposting
That's it, I'm creating my USA tulpa that'll live rent-free in my headspace.
They aren't threats those are all answers to a question asked of them. Fuck off.
Will you switch sides before it all ends in UA victory?
I mean, huylo is really pathetic, multinational gebist kike, but, HIS ENEMIES ARE JUST MORE PATHETIC THEN HIM. It's just unbelievable. If we got someone really competent in our lidership, we could crush multinational horde in a year.
>Is ukraine even trying anymore?
Only the AZOG battalion and the like -- either out of their genuine hatred for Russians, or their fear of what they know will happen to them if and when Ukraine collapses.

The conscripts being nabbed off the streets and forced to fight have no will to do so, and they surrender en masse to the Russians at the first opportunity. The AZOG guys are being used as blocking attachments to try and force these people to fight and not surrender or retreat, but they can only do so much. The AZOG boys are few in number and they can't contain what is happening.
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Хyли пpячeмcя зa мeмфлaгoм, пидopaшик?
Azov should love Russia since Putin was nice enough to send them back to lose again.
Best we can do is giving some weapons to hohols while supporting Russia
As montenigger adequately put it in his recent post about redpidorz, they are all despicable losers with mommy issues, etc etc
No wonder they gravitate towards each other and towards russia that itself behaves the same way
Israel is dependent on the stolen wealth of working class Americans and Europeans. Israel could not exist without Jews in the West denying ethnic homogeneity for White people. Jews control America and Europe and they deprive us of our ethnostate. They also rob us to fund their ethnostate. Do you think we should just ignore the Great Replacement and support Israel on principle? Futhermore why wouldn't Palestinian Nationalism be more in line with White Nationalism, given that Nazis like Otto-Ernst Remer supported Palestine, Hamas and Arab Nationalism? White Nationalism at is foundation is opposed to zionism period.
Hey, what happened to the oxcart of shit? It was just here. Anyone see it?
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you are next zister
Alright then, Vučić.
Чeл ты дoлбoeб?
We got an actual imbeicile zigger shill here, anons
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> (ID: XfBaUfEr) spam

Did Russia proper get bombed/smoked again?
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I think this one doesnt deserve the 45k yuans he gets
Fuck me.
>>2014 defensive line
>>in a week!
France's famous Maginot line began construction in 1929. 11 years later in 1940 the Germans defeated it (technically just bypassed it, but whatever). The point is, the Germans weren't bashing their head at it non-stop for 11 years until it finally fell. For the first 10 of those 11 years France and Germany were not at war with each other, and then when they did go to war it was a "phoney war" where Germany focused first on Poland, and then on Scandinavia. Eventually Germany DID turn its sights towards France, and when it did, France was defeated within like a month.

Being a disingenuous memeflag kike like you are, you could mislead people by falsely claiming that it took Germany 11 years to defeat the Maginot line. In reality, the whole actual battle for France lasted only like a month or something. Hitler knew how you disingenuous Jews operate. Picrel.
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how is this nigga so impervious to shame
Weird, usually this spam bot sticks to /gif/ in between it's BBC spam hours
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>500$ (for now)
>accuse others of what you do yourself
Aaah, the good old pidor tactic
And the funniest thing is that the son of a whore (cын шлюхи) does it for free, lmao
It's likely that FSB compromised him with CP
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>equate target to proxy baselessly and incessantly
Every accusation is a confession. It is the west which has pride parades, pride months, 50 genders, tranny story time and strip shows in front of children, trans visibility day, and so on and so forth.

But rather than acknowledge this fact about your own side, you use ai and photoshop to create images such as this one of Putin being gay. This is called projection.
Many suvh cases btw, especially on russian 2ch
At least he still has one arm so he can do his nazi fascist salute.
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>Putin being gay
Pedophile gay*
>Ukrainian vets
>national recognition
Unless they're WW2 vets.
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Now watch him post some pic of biden and be like "whatabooot"
Nuh huh, son of a whore, im one step ahead of you
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Chances are this son of a whore is a victim of domestic violence
His whore mother beat him because he ruined her body so she cant prostitute herself anymore
>never coming back
never left
look at romania - still communist a/f
just go into a state institution and simply look around.
don't even get me started about getting your own money back
>send them back
The deal was they were supposed to remain in Turkey until the war was over. Zelensky broke the agreement by bringing them back, and I'm sure that Russia will be less trusting of them in the future since its already now proven that they don't keep their word.
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What the fuck jesus

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