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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472989852
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Uh oh. What are the odds.
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OH MY GOD IT'S TIME TO PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or not.
many6 keks are about to be had
This is what I want. Just like the Democrats I want to be authoritarian and get away with it. When do I get to kill and prosecute my political opponents?
can't Biden step down an let Kamala take over quickly due to "mental decline" I mean it clearly states if the president cannot do their duties, then the VP steps up
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when you get the backing of the right kikes
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Sup, bros?
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>Killing off your own so they won't snitch on what flavor of ice-cream the party likes
These people are completely unhinged and will nuke us all if offended badly enough
nigga really? Let me speak to the top Rothschild I can change his mind.
why is the date cropped out of this?
Is it happening? Is it #herturn finally?
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I told them not to do the debate.
They clearly want to replace him.
No fucking way...
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>Democrats raise the Death Count of January 6 because of this
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has there ever been a more cucked voter group than berniebros? first cucked by dnc with shillary and then with pedojoe who was never considered a serious candidate even by their own party and now has to step aside because of it?
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Oh c’mon faggs. They’ll just steal the election again.
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>Oh c’mon faggs. They’ll just steal the election again.
Probably a reminder of how the jews operate.
This was about two years ago.
I thought a new witness was murdered at first, kek.
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I'm so glad to see some of you are abandoning the Cheetoh-Man and embracing real heroes, like purebred aryan Nick Fuentes! Soon, all of you will be posting in a /nfg/ - Nick Fuentes General instead of supporting geriatric felons. Let the healing begin!
I knew that smelled faggy.
are you ready to betray and eradicate your european ancestry and blood brothers? that is all it takes to get on kikes’ good side (they will betray you anyway also)
What is your motivation for returning? Can't you see your existence is a net negative on everyone and everything? Nothing you say or do is even political.
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Suck it Kristol.
Bro get better memes. That one is so shitty and off-format it's as if a leftie made it.
is he a democrat now?
bald and gay is not ok
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Hey didn't she lose?
He needs to renegotiate the USMCA now lol
go back you nigger faggot
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Nigger tape leaked
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iirc she collapsed at a campaign event and had to be carried back into her SVU.
stop posting the edit with the white cat at the end
Haha and they couldn’t get rid of her either
Oops it seems choosing an entrenched political deep state candidate isn’t the best thing after all
Dropped the f bomb I believe
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>like a side of beef
the longer Biden stays in the race, the more likely this becomes for him
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It looks like Drumpf is once again meddling in our democracy by not being the one publicly dying.
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Hello friend, I've provided paragraphs of political commentary in the threads, including some now-vindicated predictions regarding this current Biden chaos. Apologies that you were too busy posting anime girls to follow along. MAGA!
that's better
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President Kamala and VP AOC. As the first fully female executive branch they decide it would bring everyone together if they at the start and end of every event with a kiss. Everyone tunes in for the opening and closing kisses of every presidential event. The closing kiss is something special so people have a reason to waiting until the end to see what happens

That would ensure more people are paying attention and engaged in politics
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yep sure did
there goes the pearl-clutcher votes
it's all ogre now
Kill your self my good man
He called kamala a fucking idiot
I got a great idea! Let’s stop producing 2 of our best selling cars for years and make a mini suv to replace them! Do t worry we’ll give it a cool name and make it a lil bit fast!
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>The USMCA has regular review and adjustment happen every six years.
Good News. Trump will be President when that happens next in 2026
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please post more images like this!
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

They're using it to control the workers now.
You call Trump an anti-Semite at Shabbos dinner don't you?
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>Leadership now project
Its always some shadowy buttfucking cabal with those traitors. I'm tired of it.
Genuinely why is he so stubborn about continuing? Selfish old man
No. Former President Donald Trump has been a strong supporter of Israel. During his presidency, he made several decisions that were widely seen as pro-Israel, such as recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. These actions were praised by many in Israel and among pro-Israel groups, although they also generated significant controversy and criticism from others.
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>NATO fag is slow on the uptake
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I'm sorry, but I'm just not impressed. I challenge you to a political discussion contest. I'm a gentleman so I'll allow you to pick the topic, what do you find to be the most political relevant topic of the day and what are your thoughts on it?
Yes that's true Chaim so why do you and your family hate him so much?
This was copy and pasted. Nobody talks like this
She had a cold, and had been flying all over the world so was jet-lagged. Sheesh, you people.
the playbook never changed that’s obvious but the only time they won was when they manufactured a fake pandemic just to be able to commit fraud on the election day, now i believe their panic is genuine because nothing they throw at trump sticks and they still have a vegetable in their hands and another fake pandemic would ruin the economy forever
In addition to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, moving the U.S. embassy there, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, former President Donald Trump took several other significant steps in support of Israel:

1. **Abraham Accords**: His administration brokered normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. These agreements were seen as major diplomatic breakthroughs in the Middle East.

2. **Defunding UNRWA**: The Trump administration cut funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which provides aid to Palestinian refugees, arguing that the agency perpetuated the refugee status of Palestinians.

3. **U.S. Security Assistance**: Trump's administration maintained and enhanced U.S. security assistance to Israel, ensuring continued military aid and cooperation.

4. **Peace to Prosperity Plan**: Also known as the Trump Peace Plan, this proposal aimed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by offering a pathway to Palestinian statehood while allowing Israel to annex parts of the West Bank. The plan was rejected by Palestinian leaders.

5. **Combating BDS Movement**: The Trump administration took steps to counter the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, including executive orders and support for anti-BDS legislation.

These actions collectively reinforced the perception of the Trump administration as one of the most pro-Israel U.S. administrations in history.
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No, this was not copy and pasted. The language reflects an informative style common in written discourse. Former President Donald Trump took several significant actions supporting Israel, such as recognizing Jerusalem as its capital, moving the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv, and acknowledging Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. These decisions garnered praise from many pro-Israel groups and Israeli officials, though they also sparked considerable controversy and criticism from various international and domestic sources. This summary captures those key points in a succinct manner.
dont fall for it, serena. he just wants a concession
Higher quality
I like how Biden's team was so proud of their fundraising haul, then Trump's team posted a bar graph measuring the two like it's a dick measuring contest (because it is)
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Zoomer joo using chatgpt xD
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we do NOT feed crackers
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he won’t be happy till a darky’s in charge huh
got the graph?
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"I went public early" sweepstakes
It's time for Dark Brandon to fight back. Cut funding to every democrat who betray him. Enforce extreme discipline. Come on man!
shut the fuck up you greasy ass bitch
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Dude looks like a fucking creep, and Joe.
I'd bust every hour if my job was monitoring cam girls.
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We will get through this. We will get through this together.

thank you. this makes my dick hard
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here's the Cinema of the Third Reich
Jude Suss being one of the gems
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damn i wish we could get more 'based bozo boomer' behind the scenes trump shit talk like this.
always loved it.
keep knock 'em out.
*rolls away*
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I love how he asks about his debate performance before handing in the tip.
So retards fall for the bait
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they’re both unelectable
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nice palindrome my friend
Fucking kek. (gross)
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this isn't even the sickest thing this fags done luckily there isn't any pictures of his other degeneracy
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>get a fucking abortion!
lol kikes can’t help themselves
>AI generated photo
>Gloria Allred/Clinton’s Jane Doe from 2016 that floundered after 8 days
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>adam mockler
Isn't this the exact same story from 2016 they're just trying to pretend is brand new because they've got nothing left?
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their july “felon” script got pulled so they’re scrambling
Invaluable education.
Yes. It died in 2016 because even the journos disbelieved it. I'm not sure they were ever able to establish that Katie Johnson even existed.
> Johnson’s initial lawsuit, filed without an attorney, included a hinky phone number and unverifiable mailing address, and was swiftly dismissed in the Central District of California. Johnson abruptly withdrew her second lawsuit and canceled a press conference days before the election, citing fears for her safety.
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fucking LMAO. mockler that fucking loser legitimately used an edited or AI gen photo - then CROPPED OUT THE OBVIOUS PART WHERE EPSTEIN HAS NO LEGS IN THE PHOTO and used it as a thumbnail.
fucking LOL.
Why do Trump opposers still oppose him? He can only govern for 4 years they should just regroup and let us chill no carp on cod
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all their money’s in limbo now so steep drops in shill quality are inevitable
So now that polls are admitting Trump's internals were right about NJ being in play, can we finally take them serious about NY and DE?
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Sigh... here we go again.

>Fusion GPS admitting that they tried to link Epstein with Trump but failed:

>Flight's log for Epstein's island, Trump is not there

>Fusion GPS tried to tie Trump to Clinton's pedophile pal Epstein as part of smear campaign

>Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm whose Democrat-financed Russia dossier fueled an FBI investigation into Donald Trump, pitched other stories about the Republican presidential candidate to Washington reporters, including an attempt to tie him to a convicted pedophile who was once buddies with former President Bill Clinton.

>Journalist sources told The Washington Times that Fusion founder Glenn Simpson pushed the idea of a close relationship between Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, who pleaded guilty in 2008 to soliciting sex from an underage girl.

>The Trump-Epstein link appears purely social, far short of Mr. Clinton’s 20-plus plane rides on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” private jet around the globe in the early 2000s.

>Ken Silverstein, the reporter who ultimately wrote an Epstein-Trump report, confirmed to The Times that Fusion had sourced the story. Mr. Silverstein, founder and editor of WashingtonBabylon.com who wrote the story for Vice.com, defended Mr. Simpson as a solid source of information that must first be confirmed.
friendly reminder freemason mormons in Utah voted for and support child genital mutilations and child hormone blockers. TOTAL FREEMASON MORMON DEATH
I suspect there are a multitude of reasons: for some it's personal, and others want to protect a neocon agenda against isolationist populism, and others want power to remain in the hands of a media-military-political class. Most are probably just assholes, which would explain why they can't let go of their hatred.
that's the best way to eat a cinnabon though...right?
Oh yeah it's hard to keep up with the fake stories. This is the one where some "woman" keeps claiming she was a part of some child sex sacrifice for Trump's amusement or some other absolutely doujin-tier outlandish situation and keeps lodging lawsuits against him every few years but this entire time no one's seen this supposed woman in real life, ever, always misses every single court date she sets to appear and does not appear to exist isn't it
Like when do I get to psy OP people and create controversy to justify my 8 figure budgets. I want what glowniggers and democrats have it’s not fair
Same as her media interviews, she misses both the court dates and refuses to show up when she organizes press conferences, and then she drops her lawsuits also right before the date expire.
uh oh /efg/
How can a woman be raped hentai style when she doesn't exist?
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nigga is zesty
You're just jelly of their comfy and breathable underwear bigot
Gavin looks disgusted to be touching him
They’re both fucking a gay white man.
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How close are we to "Pokémon Go to the Polls" 2.0?
I thought he looked like he was bending that buck over.
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>Democrats solution is to compare the two leading candidates to two characters that died in the same movie. One from Assassination and the other from 'natural causes'
Couldn't they at least have tried to add to their claim that they are well educated and referenced something written over a hundred years ago and not something they watched as a child?
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I have something they can latch on to.
Easy there Tariq
Hunter is Luke as he still has to master the noble art of the crack pipe, and Kamala is Chewbacca, only people actually like Chewbacca.
Thanks for my new wallpaper fren
The President of China is a fierce man.
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yes lol it's dredged up as an attempt to create an issue with trump at the center but no one cares lol
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This nigga bout to get smoked
I'm getting bored, can the dems hurry up with their civil war. Too much pussy footing.
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trumo we need more golf chats like this
45 or so days to get an entirely new candidate. I don't envy the American Democrats.
England conquered the savages of the world then we're conquered by them in turn
Chat, is this real??
Nah, Joe is R2-d2
And Kamala is Jar-Jar
how many hours until the Tories are raped?
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He is a convicted felon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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In other Nigger News this nigger has a job.
only blacks and browns? Doesn't seem very fair to me
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Yes it's all real, everything is real and also not real at the same time, we are inside Schrodingers box of political punditry
a suit makes a man look 10 times better that much is true.
You mean to tell me an 80 year old isn’t a chiseled Greek god
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is accurate regardless
OH hey, did you hear that the chevron doctrine being vacated means that Trump is now innocent?
Because the invalid cases were administrative law?
and now they mean nothing?
Enjoy spouting off about your 34 whatevers and looking like a fucking tool
We told you about the sharp dressed man
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Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie. It's a litmus test for filtering people who actually like Star Wars from people who latch onto pop culture in lieu of having a personality. If you don't like ewoks, you're not a real Star Wars fan, simple as.
Do you all think that Biden will continue on? Seems like most D governors are backing him.
Can we all just atake moment to absorb the current political situation in the USA? If you had told me 20 years ago this is the madness we'd be seeing in the United States government I would have scoffed.
Our country is doomed.
what did you sneed by dicks?
If ever there was a day to break the chains... He goes free before the fireworks.
10 PM UK time the polls close and the exit poll comes out. It's 3 AM UK time now, so do the math.
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excellent post
>the chevron doctrine being vacated means that Trump is now innocent
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>They slap your girls ass at the bar
What do you do?
I appreciate your agreement
Is this from a cuck porn video with the husband sitting off in the corner?
>Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie.
Is that the one with the snow and the civilized good guys crushing the evil rebel scum's snow fortress?
if the judge tries to continue the case it becomes color of law and the judge gets taken into custody.
Also Phase I Clone Troopers are better than Phase II, if you disagree you are gay and black and have AIDS.
How old is she there? Already looks 50 kek.
yes, biden isn't going to step down lol
You're the best
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Close, it's the British PM hours before he gets cucked by Nigel Farage's party.
Prequels are not canon in my headcanon only 4 5 and 6 are real.
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Florida is gaaaayyyyyyy.
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>Obama's VP and former senator Joe Biden has gone senile and the whole of the government and media has tried it's hardest to block this from public knowledge by it was revealed in a live debate against the former president Donald Trump, who you might know from his TV show, The Apprentice, or from his wildly successful real estate career. Lefties believe him to be literally Hitler.
innocent until proven guilty amirite?

the case will need to be re-tried as the original misdemeanor in the original jurisdiction (state, not federal)
it's past the statute of limitations so they can not even bring the case to begin with anyway
so yeah
trumps innocent
deal with it.
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>Well Lord Vader, on first detecting that the escape pod had no life forms aboard I naturally gave the order to hold fire. That's my style, sir.

That's helpful. Trump won that race, didn't he?
Obviously? Biden has always assumed he’s above the law.
no idea
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Hello fellow sentient
everyone is Moarpheus
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it’s brover
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I am Ivan Amerikansky from South Dakotagrad-Oblast and I agree. Donald Trump must end funding to nazi fascist regime in Ukraine and Israel.
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Reminder: there was a mass gay orgy scene in one of those movies
Do you have any numbers jobs?
Hold on, why aren't the president's newfound king powers thanks to the chevron ruling not kicking in, are you telling me the president still has to work with congress and the courts to get his policies passed?!?
>and you'll say "Mr. President I'm tired of losing" AND WE'LL KEEP LOSING
are those 20's?
Would you like one?
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>I am Ivan Amerikansky from South Dakotagrad-Oblast
Damaged goods. No one wants to be associated with it
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he signs them for people
>do you know who that is?
>andrew jackson
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kinda boring.
Look at these polling numbers
Notice how Trump didn't go up, biden only went down. In fact, Trump went down WITH Biden, meaning the debate hurt him just as much as it hurt Biden.
This means that when Biden drops out and is replaced with someone who isn't 80, Trump won't necessarily be leading still. He's only more popular with Biden, but not popular overall.

Conclusion? It's fucking over for trump
Twitch streamers have to be boring af if this guy is the top dog.
>Notice how Trump didn't go up, biden only went down. In fact, Trump went down WITH Biden, meaning the debate hurt him just as much as it hurt Biden.
anon that is not actually how anything works. the election does not care about absolute approval. it only cares about relative, or in other words, he has to beat the other guy, not win over everyone's hearts
that's not to mention all sorts of other nonsense with polling, but you're being retarded
>Crumpf will never break 46%
Is this his first official video to include swearing?
the press kind of fucked themselves with the push polling desu..
they did some super fake shit over the weekends and here we are at the 4th of july

so no new pols until next week anything coming out right now is garbage
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like another problem with your analysis: generic democrat would be a very scary opponent indeed. fortunately, generic democrat does not exist
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To quote the shills of 2016
>Trump has a High Floor and Low Ceiling
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I don't care for journalists.
Reminder that I am still baking, but this one will be my last for the night.
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Sad damage control
Circled squared. Take that fascists
>>472999529 How can it be a leaked video if

If Trump is posting it on his Truth social account? >>473005524
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Your conclusion is retarded.

However, I don’t think MAGACountry should be prematurely ejaculating about facing Harris.

She’ll still get all of the anti-Trump vote and any suburban/small city Christian white women who weren’t already anti-Trump. She’ll also get more Blacks than Biden would’ve.

She likely wont get any of the blue collar rust/sun belt workers that Biden might’ve still gotten though, which means she’ll have a tough time getting any of the swing states.

She probably still loses, but I don’t think it’s a landslide. (Well, it might be electorally, but not in the pop vote.)

Take her seriously.
Yes. Even before he was president, he's been known to carry a stack just for tipping.
we got this bros
Trump is gonna win
How can his name be Wickett if the species cannot pronounce Wickett
God damn that was a kino few weeks.
there is nothing like the smell of light machine oil the night before the 4th of july
It’s going to be either a 1996 style or 1980 style win for Trump at this point.
I love that bit from the EU about the stormtrooper complaining how no one was taking him seriously about how the ewoks committed war crimes against him and his crew.
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delete this
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>ewoks cannot pronounce Wickett
are you ignorant? they can speak English (basic) perfectly well
Funniest part of this group is the drummer in the middle is named Frank Beard.
The GOP has never gone below 45.1% in the national popular vote since 2000. Trump’s floor is 45%-46% and if he does get 47%-48% it’s going to be a landslide either way
personally I'm in favor of a reversed Anaconda plan.
Don't you mean 1892?
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how do you get a friend this loyal? Genuinely curious
i'm just here for hunter biden dick and maybe a jeb! surprise.
Also how long can democrats bank on college educated Whites trending left? Trump’s strong disapproval among non Whites is basically 0% at this point with the exception of zoomer women. Also low turnout benefits democrats at this point because silent gen+ is gone
Dr Carson is a good man that recognizes other good men.
This in particular. If non Black men aged 18-29 decide to vote at a rate of 45% instead of 25% it’s over for democrats
I'm honestly not sure who is the worse ticket, I agree they both lose to Trump. I think most people are not the rabid ideologs chanting vote blue no matter who like you see on Twitter, it is uniquely demoralizing to vote for a man you know is a vegetable and while Kamala is retarded, she at the very least is not yet a potato like Biden.
to sleep is to dream which was the entire plot to the malazan book of the fallen
If the VP isn't Flynn or Macgregor it should be Carson. Once the US is in a good place after Trump he'd make a good even keeled president.
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kamala is worse than retarded, she's annoying
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From the makers of Ozempic butt..
I think he was genuinely touched being chosen to be part of trump's cabinet
my guess is there was no actual backroom deal, Trump just wanted him. That and Carson is in it to whatever end, and understands you have to be dirty to fight dirt (But doesn't have it in him himself)
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that Florida one is at his golf resort
could be his VP pick
I think that's what i respect most about Dr Carson. he's been right there the whole time. that group is tiny.
Still waiting for news of another Nevada rally. I want to attend before the end of the campaign.
During one of the Republican primary debates, Carson didn't immediately walk on stage when his name was called. Every other candidate strolled right past him.
Trump stood just off stage with him until all the names were called to let him save face.
A brother remembers that kind of shit.
Indeed. I've said it over and over, Ben Carson is probably the most consistently loyal person in Trump World whose last name isn't Trump.
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Anon, i guarantee you she's still fat. These people think weight reduction pills are some miracle drug that automatically works when you eat enough of them. They don't ever stop chugging milkshakes or trying to exercise
Navarro went to prison for him, so did Bannon. Miller has been fighting the whole time.
This is what dignity looks like niggers
I don't want Tramp to win.
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Zion “100 Trillion More Dollars to Israel” Don
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I would be delighted if the Flynn rumors were true. However, I posted this and stand by it.
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Kamala generally polls even worse than Biden, although recently she's been polling better because Biden has dropped so far during the debate.

She is a guaranteed loss against Trump though, closet-dementia Biden was less of a guaranteed loss. But now that Biden is out of the dementia closet he's actually polling even worse than Kamala.

Point is, it's pretty Joever for the Democrats. Their focus/cope is now to either flip the House or keep the Senate.
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It was because Trump did that that I began to think of Trump as more than just a tv personality and running for fun and saw him as a legit respectable person and someone I would like to see as President
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I do. Post more seethe please.
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Looks like someone was fired.
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Congress votes and sends money to Israel.

Trump actually used that as leverage to give Israel less military support.

Democrats always send more money and military support to Israel. Look at Biden's Cabinet, entirely filled with Jews.

Trump's Cabinet never looked like that and never will.
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I should've clarified, of the politicians/former opponents, rather than of staffers.
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People are using this shit for weight loss instead of diet and exercise.
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he will even send americans to war against russia and china to defend 'democracy'

just as our kike puppets will push us into the meat grinder

see you on the eastern front soon, bro
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this guy barely has engagement for a supposed influencer

posts about him on 4chan get more exposure than his own posts
>Trump up 6 points
Outside margin of error now
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>all that transparent Beavis and Butthead sexual innuendo
this has to be fake
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flynn has confirmed that 2 fec filings in his name were fake.
he'll probably be secdef, which would be fantastic
I genuinely heard some reporter claim +6 was "inside the margin of error." If that's within the margin of error, the pollster is a hack.
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Trump said he will end the Ukraine/Russia war as President-elect before January.

He even said how, tell Ukraine he's going to cut them off if they don't come to an agreement. And tell Russia that they will be sanctioned like Iran if they don't come to an agreement.

Putin will be happy to gain territory, and Jewkraine has no choice because all they care about is money.

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The talmudists/zionist jews are definitely setting the stage for a Zion Don win. They know if he wins MIGAtards will cheer for anything he does as he gives everything to Israel.
>the election will be 50-50, +/- 10 points either way
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this will be us
Biden didnt shit his pants, try to shake hands with a curtain or nibble on a pre-teens earlobe, basically giving the performance of a life-time and a million times better than what anyone could ezpext, and the democrats are panicking?!?!?!? What the absolute fuck is wrong with these fucking people?!? You cant make this shit up. There is absolutly no rhyme or reason to their thinking. (Please wait b4 making a post) what kind of nigger kike hybrid shit is this
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if by "us" you mean "Germans" then good riddance, you Stasi faggots have been selling out Europe to Russian interests for over 100 years. White people will not be brutalized for the 5th time in a century by the same bolshevik asiatic horde.
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>Trump said
Why does anyone believe anything Trump “says” anymore? Did he build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? No he was too busy giving everything to Israel.
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Israel the perfect place for all 16 million jews to fuck off to
and deal with the 2 billion muslims lel

without Israel there'll be more jews in other countries

Trump treats it like a containment zone and puts America First every time
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jews almost always vote for Democrats, Trump just plays political games

but Democrats always fill every high ranking position with Jews

why do you help the political side that actually fills the Government with Jews, over the side that just gives Jews lip service?

show nose
It's called a "political wedge" you enormous retard shill. For others reading this, a political wedge is creating discord and disharmony between your rivals to weaken them.
Look, I'm not desperate, nor am I simping.
All Flynn has done is claim that they are fake.
The only way to disprove that is for the VP to be declared and even then, it could still be Flynn, and the filing we have seen to not be the exact one because of a rejection for some dumb shit like a misplaced period.
He'd still be right in his current claim.
Again, I'm not saying it is Flynn, I'm just saying tits or GTFO.
I fully believe it will be Carson.
There is still about a 2% chance that it is Michael Flynn, and the filing circulating is fake because it is not the one that has been submitted by Flynn, a "Yeah, that's the rough draft, we had to fix it and send in the right one" kinda thing.
Jesus Christ you win life
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>you Stasi faggots have been selling out Europe to Russian interests for over 100 years.

yea, right

those 'ebil russians' were literally providing the foundation of our entire wealth and therefore living standard by supplying us with cheap energy until you pieces of absolute dogshit destroyed that very supply forever and turned our former prosperous nation into a deindustrialized 3rd world shithole, flooded by arab and nigger hordes

so im fine with you bleeding out by my side as we are both being blown into pieces by 'russian' drones, operated by some limp-wristed zoomer kike from his office in tel aviv

see you soon, nigger
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are you still posting this exact thing four years later?

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