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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473008356
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How does one become a "tyranny expert"
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Suck a lot of dicks?
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Have a wonderful 4th of July, MAGAmen
For you Trump chads out there, how would you counter these?
What do you think he’ll do if Trump wins?
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welcome to urf!
wow you both clicked submit at the same time
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So, you guys have probably noticed the constant Trump/Epstein spam the last few days. Whenever you see one of those threads pop up post this pasta along with a picture of Biden being a creep:

Joe Biden tells a young girl "by the way...how horny I am...13 year old girl...ask my daughter Ashley" in a clip available on CSPAN:

Go to 52:27
Go to 52:27

>Ashely Biden's diary saying Joe made her take showers with him which constituted sexual interference
>Hunter Biden having Joe saved as "Pedo Peter" in his contacts
>various videos of him sniffing children (one confirmed he pinched her nipple)

Yet they're spamming us with the Epstein shit that was debunked 8 years ago? LOL!
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Hear me out

What would it take to get them to kiss?
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How many fucking times do I have to tell you that the legal definition, the correct wording, the lawful meaning, has nothing to do with the reality of the situation?
I mean, I have autistic tendencies, but holy shit after the first or second time I was faced with reality versus shit written on paper, I figured out that the two are not the same and change based on whatever your superior decides.
You can be the smartest, most literal autist in the world, and yet you will still end up doing as your boss tells you rather than face prison simply because he has a different understanding of a word than you.
I learned as a kid to shut the fuck up and pick your battles.
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Guys, I'm getting a little tired of winning. Do you think politics would be more exciting if we had a loss?
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Diddler doing his thing.

This guy is funny as fuck.
fuck you i'm going to bed, enjoy ruling over this thread that NOBODY will see
i will wake up to burgers, hotdogs, and UK election results
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I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a Congress! And by God, I have had this Congress! For ten years, King George and his parliament have gulled, cullied, and diddled these colonies with their illegal taxes, Stamp Acts, Townsend Acts, Sugar Acts, Tea Acts. And when we dared stand up like men, they have stopped our trade, seized our ships, blockaded our ports, burned our towns, and spilled our blood! And still, this Congress refuses to grant any of my proposals on independence, even so much as the courtesy of open debate! Good God, what in the hell are you waiting for?
It's not Independence Day until best coast hits midnight. Got a bit less than 2 hours.
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Fren, don't you think the threads would be better if we were all nice to one another? Don't you think you should treat others the way you want to be treated?
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Sleep tight Mohammed.
Okay, I think I've got it. They're presumably at Trump's golf club in NJ, so those are certainly friendlies, and it's possible the one actually filming either works on the campaign or works for the club (and thus for the Trump family). After filming, the campaign then tells the person filming to independently send a tip to the press, saying that they've got the desired "hidden camera" footage of Trump's comments on Biden post-debate. The Daily Beast, sensing an exclusive scoop, takes it without even questioning the source, publishes a low-quality version of the footage, reaches out to the Trump campaign for comment (which shows it wasn't directly from the campaign, but indirectly), and the Trump campaign immediately responds and points to an existing statement, as if they were already prepared for it. Then, hours later, a higher-quality version of the footage appears, with an extra second or so at the beginning, and Trump reposts that in order to promote a campaign policy on tips. Yeah, it definitely feels like a coordinated, inside job of a "leak" when you picture the whole process. Very smart play.
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new Iowa
kamala harris gonna be prezzz
anon, you are the one that invoked
>need to know
in a definition that was wrong. "need to know" has a legal definition that i have described. what you are doing is describing illegal shit that has nothing to do with
>need to know
that somehow changes the definition. what you are describing is illegal shit, not "need to know"

you yourself admitted you used le "civilian speak" which was a copout that you were using words incorrectly. no one is denying that members of the executive can break laws. no one is denying that the president can be kept ignorant by illegal means or by his own lack of will. what i am denying is you said something was "need to know" when it wasn't, and that the president was beholden to "classification authority" above him when he is not
the problem here is not me denying reality. i am denying you using words properly, because you haven't been because you are a crayon eater and for good reason
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Yeah nothing is real anymore.
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Well I wish you the best in life regardless and pray for your happiness.
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Simple: we just spent between six and twelve months (when it was possible to safely replace Biden) with various "respected" media outlets trying to run cautionary news stories on Biden going senile, and all of those were dismissed as lies and covered for until it became obvious that they were true in a way that couldn't be covered for. The stories have actually been coming longer than that, but because of who was publishing them they were automatically dismissed even though you can go to them today and see that they really do spot the evidence of a man going senile.
Just last month, in Hunter's trial in Delaware the DoJ itself attested under oath to the fact that the infamous laptop from 2020 was not only real, but unaltered in any way. Consider the effort spent four years ago to claim otherwise.
With these two examples in hand, you should consider what else you have been told by media outlets that sounds too good or too convenient for your side, or too bad and too inconvenient for your opponents. You now know for a fact that they can and do lie to you for political gain, have for years, and so far have no incentive to stop doing so. Revisit their claims with a skeptical eye.
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Happy 4th of July
and AWOO to all
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Im reposting this from the previous bread:
Hello all. Im here to tell you something i noticed: there's a sudden massive trend of "American Presidential: Senile old man vs Criminal" meme these days. Sure, it exists before, but it's unnaturally trending in a massive speed these days.

Do you know what that means? It means:
>the leftists realized that they lost, Biden will not win
>but instead of admitting their unwise political choice...
>...they demoralized the mass instead
Some sort of "if we're going down, we're taking you with us" kind of move. You need to counter these memes. Their loss is not your win. You will still lose if none vote for Trump, even if none vote for Biden either. God speed, God bless
>why an indonesian cared about this
I was active herr with the oldfags back in SJW mass hysteria fiasco in 2014, to his inauguration in 2016. Back then i thought it would be cool for a kid like me to participate in another country's political struggle. And yes, im a Christian. A Presbyterian
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Blacks really think this is a magic word, huh?

The burr head press secretary said the video of Diddler wondering away at G-7 was fake.

Lying nigger.
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2 more weeks...minus 9 days.

based boteposter
I call your theory and raise you this:
The media though they could run a story about a Trump campaign leak and it backfired for the simple fact that Trump is literally just repeating what anons have been saying here.
So it backfired because anons are everywhere, and then everyone clapped!
And here's George Stephanopoulos, the guy about to interview Joe to clean this whole chaos up, acting offended during the primaries when Nikki Haley questioned whether Biden would even finish his term, citing his decline.
Thanks and awoo!
The nigger fears the samurai, checked.
Work in government.
meaning: on any place like or similar to pol, including pol.
Gonna be honest, this guy's newsletter in my email is almost always worthless info.
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>A doctored/staged and not live interview will show drumpf!
It's so fucking joever.
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Here’s a comment from one of the posts.
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> You're an OG who knew Nate back when he was on the forums.
Is Biden out? His party seems to want him gone
>Devianart posters
>completely disconnected from reality
The realest OGs were trolling the live chat on John Kerry's website on election night 2004.
I quite clearly explained "need to know" as a modifier added to EVERY case to exempt it from being common knowledge, legally.
No matter the topic, no matter the clearance level, Need To Know is added to all of them.
It's the caveat to avoid disclosure.
Sometimes, people go to jail for refusing to disclose on those grounds.
You're the one pretending that is not the case because you have some halfwitted belief that law is inflexible and must be met immediately with compliance.
I'm the one telling you that is almost always the case, and that laws and rights are routinely ignored.
Nigger, we're on 4chan. These are basic ideas that even casual users of this site know within a week of being here.
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At this point I think the democrats have wargamed the scenarios out and can't find a way to cleanly get Joe out. By cleanly I mean ending with a scenario where the downballot isn't hurt by the time they finish whatever they're doing.
The Stephanopolous interview will be the final data point for or against this idea. If it's a typical friendly interview, they're running with Joe even if they're certain he will lose. They just think ditching him will cost more senate and house seats.
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Trump lost
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i save all of these
>Biden completely fucking destroyed his campaign at the debate
>he's polling lower than Harris
>Trump up double digits in almost all states
>now suddenly Epstein shit gets leaked that ONLY has to deal with Trump and is totally reliable and true goyim
isn't it weird how we slid into the 4th of july with the sc stuff and joe biden's implosion wrapped up like a present?
anon, no one is denying that every access to state secrets requires need to know. every fucking classified briefing tells you that
you invoked it in >>473011400
this was correct in the sense that having clearance is not enough to access classified information: you need a need to know. however, this was in response to
saying the president has access to state secrets. that's not an appropriate rebuttal then, as i pointed out in >>473011468 that the president has clearance and need to know
in all cases, because these two concepts are derived from his power as chief executive, which makes him the ultimate classification authority, which is confirmed by the government itself, shown in >>473013212 and https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/laws/national-security-information#:~:text=(2)%20Original%20Top%20Secret%20classification,classification%20authority%20by%20the%20agency

you then started talking about how "the law" is meaningless to how it is "in practice" and that people use "need to know" authority over the president. i said that was nonsense, no one has used any legal authority to deny the president access to state secrets. you invoked, through some fucking torturous posts, the fact that someone in the executive can act illegally, destroying or concealing stuff against orders

my point is
there is no "esoteric" or "shadow" definition of need to know. need to know was properly defined at first as
>a requirement for one's duties to access secrets
all executive duties are derived from the president, who has original classification authority on all secrets for this reason. the president always has clearance and need to know for all state secrets and that is why saying he didn't have sufficient authority for epstein documents is bullshit
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really makes you think.
i'm not interested in this debate anymore, this was addressed last thread. --> >>473012253, >>473012617, >>473013427
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Another comment.
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And no sentencing, lmfao!
There a dumgay one? kek
My dude's literally just typing talking points lmao
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They have been awfully quiet about the inflation reduction act.
>well were drowning in debt thanks to inflation and i got laid off but darn it, the tv says the economy is great. never been better! i guess were voting blue again
imagine the shouting that is happening behind closed doors rn
Quite interesting how the Google News tab for "inflation reduction act" just gives you stories about "renewable energy" and refers to it as a "climate law." Hmmmmmmm.
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Oh yea and those countless record high stonk closes!
>It will come as little surprise to American consumers that the price of food has increased substantially since 2019. Inflation fueled by expansive monetary and fiscal policy, exacerbated by supply chain snarls that caused demand to outstrip supply has driven up food prices by roughly 13.5% since 2019, making this July 4th barbecue the most expensive ever.
joe pesci was a very smart man
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that whole webm always makes me laugh
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And look what Joe did, they created a category 5 hurricane in July killing island niggers!
>The Inflation Reduction Act lowers costs for families, combats the climate crisis, reduces the deficit, and asks large corporations to pay their fair share. See how the law impacts Americans by the numbers on health care, clean energy, taxes, and more.
It did none of those things, lmao.
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why can`t they play hoopball in their own neighbourhood?
this was the pink ranger's only role after the end of the original cast run
Happy birthday, America.
Trump will win:
>All 31 states from 2016, including all of NE and ME at large

41 states total. NY will be close
>asks large corporations to pay their fair share.
like john deere......
last night i asked you for prayers for my mother. She's doing better today and put on some weight. thanks.
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'Member when she joked on Ellen Degenerate's show about killing Trump?


Such a charming creature.
What is Biden thinking while looking at these polls? What’s his master plan?
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Bad enough they try to stop goys from fixing their own equipment...
>force jobs overseas or Mexico
>border left open because (((we))) need employees
Math doesn't add up!

I wasn't there but I'll pray for you and your family
If Nigel Farage isn't an MP by the end of the day, the UK deserves every bad thing Labour imposes over the next 5 years. Bonus points if Sunak loses his seat in the wipeout.

(download is OK--PA Magazine of History and Biography, April 2006)

Suuri Suomi--Uraliin asti!
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Fuck I love this movie
>the Oval Office is too peaceful
>the president will even personally bring you cookies
I don't care what anybody else thinks, but we just can't let this guy have the nuclear codes.
They only called it the Inflation Reduction Act because they stupidly thought inflation was about to go away (even though this very bill caused more inflation because of how expensive it was) and that would have allowed Joe to point to the bill and say it solved inflation. They’re so retarded.
>What is Biden thinking while looking at these polls?
>if i do more pushups.....oh shes cute, wonder if shes out of diapers.....yes pushups, more of.....pudding.
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So is Biden publicly saying he's staying put while behind the scenes trying to get Kamala set up for a takeover? The joeovering never ends
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are we going back to the comfy timeline?
>is Biden thinking
Boomers of all stripes are out of touch.

Also, you should’ve written “two cookies” in reference to “two scoops”.
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Never forget 711
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Peter Stone wrote the book the musical came from.

>Peter Hess Stone was born in Los Angeles to Jewish parents.[1] His mother, Hilda (née Hess), was a film writer, and his father, John Stone (born Saul Strumwasser),[citation needed] was a screenwriter and film producer.[2] Hilda was a Bavarian Jew from Bamberg, but was born in Mexico (her father dodged the draft in the 1870s) and lived there for five years with her family until all foreign nationals were kicked out during the Mexican Revolution of 1910.

Sherman Edwards wrote the songs. picrel.

You can do better than that.
We all can.
I dream of a day when white men of that founding stock ancestry get to tell our own ancestors' stories. Rather than having it washed through fucking jews and whatever the fuck it is when your headstone is sandwiched between changs and bears a Masonic/occult ankh.
Yes, and he's forced a bunch of governors to publicly back him, but it seems the donors have still given up on the presidency and are moving all resources to the House and Senate.
The king of house niggas has spoken
>... does one of us have to come out alive?
huh. this makes less and less sense the more i think about it
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total rigger death
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They should have done this like before everyone vooted?
For registered demosharts you weren't even allowed to vote in Florida.
Such democracy!
Installing him like with jewkraine cancelling the election is their beat chance.
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What is it with Karens and skaters?
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Happy 4th of Lying Jew
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I'm going to be in Spokane next week. I'm only flying in to go straight to Idaho, but still, it's my first time and I get to be an honorary WAfag for an hour or so.
fuck off with this redditnigger bullshit
If Kamala is the candidate, Trump should NOT debate her. He can just say "I agreed to debate Biden, not his non-democratically chosen candidate".
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kek that was great anon
>karen loses her fucking mind attacking kids
>tries hunting them down and inevitably falls on her fat ass
>there are like 10-20 people filming her assault
>just denies it, gets angrier, tries assaulting them again
>starts to pretend crying when it gets broken up
>yer a fucking teacher, get her ass fired she tried to kill that kid
I'm surprised there are that many kids that still board, feet fags will definitely enjoy her stumbling around.
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>Come to /pol/
>Look for Petey Gee in the catalog
These are the actual threads up right now that were in the catalog before reaching /ptg/:
>I'm not voting
>Death to America
>Electric vehicle propaganda
>I hate White people/Whites are evil
>Tucker Carlson is bad
>Air conditioning is bad
>White people are rapists
>Capitalism is bad
>US soldiers are rapists
>You're going to be drafted
>Veganism is the Aryan diet
>America is a dystopia
>Islam is right about women
>Stop posting on 4chan
>Conservatives don't pay teachers enough
>Big Mike for president
>Men who flirt are creepy
>Female teachers are fucking kids and not you
>The statue of liberty is transsexual
>Marx was right
>Abortion is good
>Total MAGA death
>Elect Biden to stop Project 2025
>Stalin was actually a good guy
>Communism was a good system
>Don't vote for dictator Trump
>Cuck thread
>Drink bleach thread
>Candace Owens is controlled opposition
>Celebrity thread
>Biden was hit with a energy weapon at the debate
The absolute state of this fucking board.
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this, it would only give dumb broads hope
Welcome to nu-/pol/
Worst part is she may be a teacher, that must be a fun classroom
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That would be wild, but there is no way (((Doctor))) Jill will let anyone fire her from being the fake first lady.
They have to pardon themselves, can't do that if he resigns.
>but there is no way (((Doctor))) Jill will let anyone fire her from being the fake first lady.
You mean from being the fake president. Literal Mrs. Woodrow Wilson 2.0.
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Well hurricane and webm were comfy but yea mostly shit.
The jews are working overtime for no extra pay!
what is trump gonna do today?
Lol McCarthy should shut the fuck up, that's one good thing about Biden is he would offer you food like a grandpa.
>>Candace Owens is controlled opposition
This one is true though, she went on this wacko flat-earth moonlanding denialist rant to well-poison her previous claims.
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Yeah, I kinda don't get the criticism. Is there something wrong with the president offering the House Speaker food during an Oval Office meeting, if it's there? McCarthy seems to be trying to get some argument out of a cookie jar or candy dish existing in a room, which feels super forced, especially when you don't need forced arguments to show Joe is senile.
I hope Trump is planning for Kamala ad attacks
>clips of her word salad answers
>her being the "Border Czar" and overseeing the worst border of American history
>how she put blacks away for weed possession in California

I think the point is that if the President is serving cookies he's not the one really running the meetings.
She's always been insane and lacking in genuine opinions. When I was in a Republican club back in college, I remember the one black guy in the club had nothing good to say about Owens and called her a certified grifter. And that was back in 2015.
His team know what they are doing this cycle and have a plan for that no doubt. I don't think Kamala will run though.
Biden does well in the rust belt because a lot of older boomers think hes their guy and remember the more moderate 1980's Biden.
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He's got a rally on the 9th in Florida, just staying comfy for now atm.
>Instead of taking a victory lap, Trump has been lying low. While he sat for several radio interviews over the weekend and has been active on his Truth Social site, he has no public events on his schedule this week.
They could just play the Tulsi tape honestly
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Great, now show me the threads being spammed about left wing talking heads being bad.
Oh wait, there aren't any.
The entire catalog is leftypol/reddit spam.
I get that, but the image seems super weak imo. Like, I could totally picture George Bush greeting the Speaker in 2003 and saying, "Wanna cigar?" And then he goes and gets two cigars all while already starting to talk about the meeting stuff. I know the image McCarthy is painting is of a feeble old man who says, "Oh, hey Kevin, let me get you a cookie," and then he just quietly shuffles over to the jar, fumbles with the lid, drops the cookie on the floor, claims 5-second rule, shuffles back over to McCarthy, offers him the dropped cookie, McCarthy declines, and then the meeting half-starts but never really gets going. It's just not the best example he could use because it's too open to being interpreted as petty.
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The hidden benefit of Truth Social is that Trump can basically say whatever to the base, and squishy independents will never hear about it because the press doesn't bother writing about his posts there, unlike how they shat out articles for every tweet in the past. So, as you hinted, despite doing radio interviews and making TS posts, the vast majority of the public believes Trump hasn't said a word since the Friday rally.
it's symbolism
I'm making Mediterranean food with tzakakizi or whatever it's called with pita and grilled marinated chicken and my family is mostly French and fight me
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Howdy, happy 4th of July, end the Federal Reserve and IRS and replace them with nothing, Good morning, that's all.
You're getting deported.
I don't like McCarthy, but the point he's trying to make is: you're at the White House to meet with the most powerful man in the world to discuss important things that actually affect people's lives and instead of the president taking it seriously he's shuffling around like a nursing home resident looking for cookies. It's a depressing sight considering the implications of what is supposed to take place. It isn't the actions of a focused and competent person, but of a old man trying to get to the toilet before soiling himself. It's sad.
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i had mettwurst and nip noodles
asking someone if they want a cookie in a serious situation still means, "fuck whatever you're saying" in muh book.
yeah def a leak
DNC and media will now have to either agree with Trump or reverse the narrative and keep Biden
That's definitely an intentional leak, he's using all the beats he would at a rally speech. (not archiving so video works)

Yes, true. If you're dealing with a mentally competent person. And that's the rub. Joe isn't mentally competent the majority of the time now. And the thing about dementia patients is that they don't know how much they've cognitively declined. They don't know what is happening in the moment, or where they are, or who they are with. And if you've ever seen it yourself with a family member it's incredibly depressing and sad.
Not that I feel sorry for Biden. But let's face it, we haven't had a real president for four years. And now his wife and crackhead son want four more years.
It just hit me: Given how the press has completely turned on Biden for making them (correctly) look like liars to the American people in light of that debate performance, as have some of his aides, the presidential biographies and tell-all books that usually try and whitewash Democrat presidents could end up being absolutely brutal toward Biden, especially if the Obama, Clinton, and Harris people want to air their dirty laundry in order to make themselves look better at Biden's expense. Instead of lionizing or trying to rehabilitate his image, they could very well curse his name and shit all over him in the history books just to get their revenge.
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All they have to do is admit that Trump was right and Brandon's team really did rig 2020. Deny any complicity in it, point the finger at Sniffy Joe, and I think most normies would accept that.
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Leftists spend all their time changing history and throwing whatever is inconvenient into the memoryhole.
By attacking Biden's legacy they would be indicting themselves for being complicit in lying to the public all this time. They'll concoct some bullshit like FDRs handlers did about how brave and amazing Biden was, and then several decades later some writer will "discover" the truth about Biden's phony presidency, as if everyone doesn't already know. It's all levels of manipulation.
Happy Independence Day neighbours aka Republic of United States.

Help! lol
If you make it.
Nah, given the rate at which time moves now, if you're right, the "real story" will be lucky to remain buried during Trump's second term, let alone into the 2030s or longer. Those White House aides have zero loyalty to Biden after he loses and will spill all kinds of venom in exchange for those plush, big-money book deals.
i like that one.
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fuck riggers
chabad don was a filthy commie/vatnigger lover and now he's going to jail!
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Been away at work for a few days. How much stupider has the situation gotten lads
Kamala has no chance. I don't even think Dems are stupid enough to put her up there.
>Kamala the least popular VP in the history of VP polling
>up until the debate she was polling behind Biden
>currently Biden is probably at his polling bottom, Kamala is at her polling top. So Biden's numbers can only go up and Kamala's can only go down
>if Biden does step down and says he endorses Kamala, they will still have to have the delegates vote for her at the convention
>during this month and a half Kamala will be doing interviews with her insane word salad, awkward laughs, etc. All the while Trump will be bombarding the airwaves with anti-Kamala ads (and there's lots of previous clips to pull from)
>during that time if they go into the convention and Kamala is behind lets say Newsom or Whitmer in the polls, it would be a fucking disaster
>if by some other insanity Biden is once again at the top of the polls despite dropping out, he might "un-drop out" just to get the nomination again
The entire thing is a cluster fuck. Unironically Biden is there best hope going forward. The primaries were the time to make this change, not after the fucking primaries. Biden's numbers will go up. The media will talk about something else (and probably start to fall in line if he stays in) and the debate, while not forgotten, can be written off as an anamoly if Biden does decent int he 2nd debate.
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>How much stupider has the situation gotten lads
Jews still pushing the bird flu bullshit because most of other vaccines are made using eggses and they want to go full-blown gene therapy for the goyim with the RNA gene therapy they call "vaccines".
Other than that it is pretty much soap opera/palace intrigue in the White House.
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not stupid enough, but it`s getting there.
Kamala overtook Joe in the betting odds for the Dem nomination; Hunter joined the administration as a presidential advisor and, along with Jill, has insisted on Joe staying in the race; the donors have basically given up on Joe and pulled out in favor of the House and Senate races; multiple Democrat officials have asked Joe to withdraw from the race; Trump is now up 6-9 points in multiple new polls; and the Trump team pretty clearly "leaked" a candid video of Trump at his NJ golf club shitting on Joe and Kamala, and even the leftist journalists can't really disagree with him.
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What's the consensus here on MSM throwing Joe under the bus and not even trying to hide this fact? They're all acting astonished by how bad his performance was, but Sleepy Joe been like this for as long as I can remember. This whole thing sure seems fishy af to me and I'm not buying any of it.
Happy 4th of July.
john hero an shit cananda is mexco of amerca' idiot hammering canda known to be amerca awful dog, amerca humamn an mexco toilet county no one lives at mexco, canda army dog army
thank god the best poster is here
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they won't do that because part of the core being of newsy mcivyleague is deeply believing what newsy mcivyleague feels is very important and interesting to everyone
compare with jill's taste for power: a lot of people you are appealing to earned their positions entirely because they wanted to make ex cathedra pronouncements as a modern priest class
They're trying to save their asses by pretending they were deceived by the Biden campaign too. It's Casablanca's "I'm shocked, SHOCKED to find there's gambling going on here!" (all while he's handed a bag with his gambling winnings) scene being played out in politics. Biden just exposed the media being complicit in a coverup to MILLIONS of people and, as always, the coverup is worse than the crime, so the media can only salvage the tatters of their reputation with the public by denying the coverup happened intentionally and attacking Biden as revenge.
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This is what you guys are supporting when you cheer for Zion Don and Israel .
Where did you think the refugees would be sent? They planned to expel all the native Palestinians to expand their territory, while sending the remaining refugees to the west.
You’re supporting this shit by proxy by supporting Israel’s favorite to win.”, Zion Don.
Just study some actual US history and you will be so disgusted by all the losing to leftists we have had to endure for the last 100 years that you won't feel bad about winning anymore
Lads, Are Nige has got an armored car!
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Happy 4th of July, yanks!!
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911 good day in amerca
well theres lots of pakis and labour voters out there with bike wheels so it`s better to be safe than sorry.
Trump Trash Talks Biden and Harris After the Debate

>Biden’s numbers will go up
Maybe at some point depending on how things play out, but right now they seem to genuinely be in free fall, and the media is egging it on by writing endless hit pieces against him. They’re essentially nuking his presidency and I don’t think he can recover even to the level he was at pre-debate, and he would have lost with those numbers too.
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and they thought it would make him look bad.
>seeing white(ish) woman buck break niggers
This kind of arouses me,
How did this nigger Clyburn maneuver himself to become the de facto DNC HNIC?
Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

Good morning, fren.
How are they going to attempt a steal this year? I get the sense that some shady shit is being planned.
You need dirt on Kamala. Biden is a deadbeat race.
If that fucker makes it into the white house, it won't be for long.
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the question is would it be enough?
Buncha Crunch?!
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since no bong answered this >>473029322
i was hoping /ptg/ could answer this
>gun trail
Excuse me please but how can I get onto that trail?
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>Cuts all the leafs in your tree overnight
Nothing personal kiddo.
The Tories and Labour are the same people, make no mistake about it. This isn't even the "muh both sides the same" meme. The Tories, not Labour, legalized homosexual "marriage" and exploded migration figures. Despite the name "Conservative," the Tories are not, by any means, a right-wing party; even calling them center-right is too generous. IIRC, Nigel said the Tories were basically 6 different political factions forced to share a banner, but they all hate each other.
no i get that, but i'm more confused as to how a labour government would accelerate, seeing as how it was the tories that accelerated britian into mini pooland
i'm just confused why that's a narrative against labour, and not the tories
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snickers is haram
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They can't really rig it this year, it'd be too obvious
What if they actually put Trump in jail?
McCarthy's the classic mick coward who kicks people when they're down. I.e., a nigger.
>older boomers
>rust belt
Nobody lives that long in the rust belt you soft handed Revittown tardblossom.
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Happy Fourth of July!
Sup, bros?
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Tobacco companies should sue the FDA and claim that forcing warning labels on their products is unconstitutionally compelled speech. I miss the old dip can lids. I have a collection of over 100 dip lids but not a new one in years because of the goddamn warning label that takes up a third of the fucking top. I hate these cocksuckers so much.
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kek is it a Glasgow effect thing? I live in Appalachia which you would think would be the same but there are plenty of 90+ year old fuckers walking around. Farming keeps people spry desu.
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Good morning and happy Independence Day
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WARNING THIS PRODUCT IS ADDICTIVE is honestly an ad for tobacco though.
I just miss the aesthetics of the beautiful classic can lids.
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When the sky has cleared
And the storm has passed
We'll walk arm in arm
Down our promised path

We'll watch the sun come up
From its bed of black
We'll enter Eden's Garden
And never look back

Oh Lord, the great collapse
Won't be our end
When the world falls into the flames
We will rise again
We will rise again
I want some cookies
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anything but that.
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Give it to me straight bros... are they gonna steal the election again?
They'll try, they probably can't print enough ballots to win without making it extremely obvious they're rigging it. So it depends entirely on how willing they are to get caught red handed.
Good to see cameras have gone back 20 years in terms of quality. 144p was always superior.
Question is, will you let them, anon? WILL YOU LET THEM?
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new baker needed
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it's joever
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Happy 4th of July to all Americans and enjoy the festivities!
i got it
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thank you MAGAman
That can't really happen either. Manchin opened up the possibility of future delays. They're just trying to sweep the convictions under the rug since SCOTUS blew them the fuck out and they knew they were looking despotic.
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hey look who's fedposting
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anyways besides the MAGA burger eating, family gathering, and fireworks galore, the UK is holding elections today
the results should be known around 5:00 PM EST. the question isn't who is going to win (it's going to be a labour blowout), but how many seats reform wins and how many seats the tories lose
>he didn't post that on july 4th
Wow cool!

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Happy 4th of July frens.
I hope you have a good day with your family today.
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I don't wish for them what their Fabian Socialists want for the entire world, which is bondage by debt, unelected bureaucrats and Think Tanks deciding policy and wars on whoever do not want to be part of their fraudulent stock market controlled by metacapitalists that get paid by the interest on sovereign debt system that they use the US military to enforce.
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you too MAGAman politics has been very fun this past week and today will be the culmination of MAGAness outside the realm of politicians
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>While Jew is running the country
Blinken a Jew? Got to be
My sides are destroyed
Imagine eating meat just because it's a day in July...
exactly! you should eat large meat all day every day!
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Posting American muscle on your birthday
for the record you do not need to eat meat every day
Cars looks so much better now it's not even funny why they make them look at goofy back then lol
i still can't believe the election is so close
where did the time go
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>trending on twitter all week
>just started posting on truth again
still betting it’s her
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QRD on her?
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simple as
Compelling, now let's see her tits.
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she has more of a tomboy aesthetic
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Okay how can I vote for her?
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Russian spy apparently
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They call all the greatest threats to their power a Russian spy, so that must mean she's pretty based to be such a threat to them.
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show up at the southern border and pretend not to speak english
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But English is the only language that I speak.
She's a nimble one. Maybe a little too slick tho
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just act like manuel
We shall soon be free of the tyranny of bleeding-heart leftist wooly thinking.
ukraine lost lol
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It's a bit early for bullying isn't it...
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reminder still baking
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>15:00 in tel aviv
>shills clocking in
what do you mean? it's called a healthy lifestyle!
Still begging for (You)s? Kek also where’s the pasta faggot?
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>call out shill
>another idswapped 1pbtid posts
Whoops, they let the intern today.
I wonder what shit will pop off today because its 4th..
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> one year ago today
Could be anything
ukraine lost lol
is that why you’re here less often?
or is it the nigger-tier night job?
There are niggers
>Trump over here doing wrestling promos
God I wish I could vote twice
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God I want a gf like this
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We will see.
got to put the work bro. I believe in you.
/nsg/ won lol
is that why you’re here less often?
or is it the nigger-tier night job?
Happy 4th!
they all look the same now

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