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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Chris Mason: We stand on the threshold of a landmark election

>Parties stress core messages as election nears

>Jay Slater's mum tells of ‘agony' as searches fail to find son

>Half of Scotland's councils set for bin strikes

>Lucy Letby guilty of trying to kill baby girl

>Hospital bomb plotter guilty of terror charge

>Blackbird numbers plummet in south of England amid potential spread of virus

>Half of nursing students in England have considered quitting, survey finds

>Welsh government commits to making lying in politics illegal

>Postal vote chaos shows Brits abroad should 'vote in embassies', expert claims

>Almost seven million people have used this year's postal voting system, claims Electoral Commission Chief

>Man jailed for carrying replica sword from Legend of Zelda video game in public
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>Vote reform
I did it 30 years ago
1. VOTE REFORM and see if they win; they almost definitely won't.

2. VOTE REFORM and see if they can be the opposition; imagine Nigel Farage in the House of Commons debating!

3. VOTE REFORM even if they lose miserably; LET YOUR VOTE BE COUNTED in all of history forever and ever and ever and let it be known that so many people *wanted* what REFORM UK was offering.
>voted REFORM
Make your vote counted today.
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Can't vote reform here sadly.
The Lib Dems have more chance of being the opposition than Reform, but go ahead and vote for the controlled anti-racist "populist" opposition.
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>vote harder
>you'll get it next time
I want zionists and dumb goyim like you out of my fucking country. Vote for a zionist, get what you fucking deserve.
Bames at the gates
I want mass deportations of millions of people. Reform aren't offering that. I'm still voting for them though because there's literally no other fucking choice
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guys is it true labor finally won?

also how did you retarded niggers think 15 straight years of tory rule was good?
Good bye, and good fucking riddance to the Tories. Rest in piss.
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Vote SDP if you live in one of these constituencies: https://sdp.org.uk/general-election-candidates/
REFORM is the best we've got and it's our only pathway of even hope.

Vote REFORM lads.
I honestly do not know where I live on the map
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for me, it's her jew tory dad
Excuse me, could you not post anti-semitic posts, please.
See if your constituency is listed in the link.
well know tomorrow morning ish but most likely labour will win, it will make 0 difference though and kier is a twat who will still let in millions of browns.
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I've heard there is gonna be a labor landslide due to tory incompetence
Farage bends the knee: "We are built on Judeo-Christian principles" >13:25 timestamp
yeah probably, I think most people are sick of them, its not going to be reform though sadly. Just want the wogs removing.
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clear them out, literally millions must be forced to leave
and don’t give me any bollocks about integration or “becoming British” - you either have British blood or you don’t, and wogs certainly don’t
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good, I'm glad this stupid fucking reddit landlord has hastily created a contract with an albanian scum gangster, this is literally his just deserts and he cant do a fucking thing because hes accepted the money. Probably the same kind of cunt who supports immigration. I hope the Albanian uses it as a grow house and the police do nothing.
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>Love how Scotland gets to be simultaneously heavy nationalistic and campaign for independence, while at the same time promising to fully integrate into the EU and go full Globalist if they ever get the chance.
>Plus they seem to have all the naive optimism that Brexiteers had that 'trade and movement won't be affected really'
Yeah, Scottish nationalism is something special.
It'll be hard to come from it from a neutral angle because I'm heavily biased but I also see issues with it. If it's not obvious I'm what they dub a "unionist" though I don't see it as an all encompassing ideology the same way an SNP voter or nationalist would.
The angle of the EU integration made a lot more sense back in 2013 & 2014 (cor that was 10 years ago) because the idea was quick in and out, vote, stay in the EU blimey we're making money IGNORE THE BLACK HOLE.
After 2014, it still made sense, the vote was lost, but we'll stay, then ughhhhh 2015 happened and shittttt. This is the breaking point where UK politics & nationalism fucking broke.
>UKIP got 12.5% of the vote
>Lib dems imploded after the coalition losing Scotland
>Labour imploded because of a sandwich
>Conservatives have backbenchers up in arms and they're not in a coalition anymore can point to UKIP
>SNP swallow up Scotland, they are now a single issue party and forget to rule Scotland despite being in office

At this point everything was UK BAD, WESTMINSTER BAD, INDEPENDENCE and every other fucking week there was an announcement or article about another referendum, it was brutal. Then in England you guys are losing your shit because UKIP got some votes and Gove/Boris are crying and Cameron wants to hug a fucking hoodie. The government stops being serious people implementing austerity and commits to trying to save their party.
2016, 2017 onwards are a fucking joke. Labour continue to ignore Scotland and the SNP hold. Even the Brexit vote is plagued by independence bullshittery.
I fucking hate it. 2kchars lickmabaws
Nice thumbnail, dipshit.
Reform wins no seats actually
How come every countries populist parties are doing great except ours?
Its cause ours doesnt suck israel cock, isnt it?
Anyway i hope nige wins
You fucking retard, how do you not know where you live on a fucking map? Actually pissed me off
1. VOTE REFORM and see if they win; they almost definitely won't.

2. VOTE REFORM and see if they can be the opposition; imagine Nigel Farage in the House of Commons debating!

3. VOTE REFORM even if they lose miserably; LET YOUR VOTE BE COUNTED in all of history forever and ever and ever and let it be known that so many people *wanted* what REFORM UK was offering.

REFORM is hope of a Britain that honours the people who fought and DIED for this land.

VOTE REFORM lads. <3
SDP isn’t standing but the Heritage party is standing in my area. Gonna vote for them instead of reform as they’re more based.
To follow on, 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017 were a gauntlet of elections.
2 referendums & 2 general elections, in 2016 there was another SP election too..

Everything becomes a mandate for independence, it's all about independence. Labour has imploded after 2014/2015, the one shining light is Kezia Dugdale but she's not allowed to say shit. On the other side is Ruth Davidson and she turns the Scottish conservative AND UNIONIST PARTY into an actual competent force in politics, in fucking Scotland.
She did this buy turning up and saying "naw, awae and boil yer heed sturgeon ya daft cunt stop these divisive referendums" and she won seats in elections, Labour stayed absent, staying hands off to devolved issues. Corbyn is now in the party and England is scared, Brexit is underway and now Scotland enters limbo, it has a zombie government that exists solely to point to WM and say LOOK THOSE FUCKS ARE BAD.

Scotland has so many issues when it comes to casting any vote, it has the union issue, the EU issue and the ruling party issue on top of its usual devolved politics and each one is interlinked. There's no simple option and because the way FPTP works if you're not the conservative party you have to court us, wine and dine us.
As if that wasn't bad enough the English (and us tbf) are having a fucking meltdown from 2004 to 2014 as the Eastern bloc of the EU comes over to work and decides to self impose sanctions to get rid of those foreign cunts, so they can have a worse economy and more browns instead.
Can't have that slav fuck working in the factory for minimum wage, he's SUPPRESSING MY WAGES, I must import BAMEs instead while the IMPORT BAME PARTY promises me hopes and freedom and not only imports BAMEs but continually elects them and thrusts them into cabinet.

Just get over the xenophobia you weird fucks, poles were cunts that spoke in their own language, I get it. but fuck me, you'd rather get beheaded out of spite because they're also "white".
Put a fiver on conservatard majority, I’m seeing armies of elderly conservative voters mounting the pavement in their banged up Hondas to get to the voting booths driving like they are on the way to defend the falklands. The streets look like a cotton field with all their white and grey puffy haircuts bobbing around all confused.
£250 if it happens, 50/1 odds
>anyway I hope nige wins
>how come every countries populist parties are doing great
>except ours
bro, reform are "doing great" in the polls for a populist party, you had a populist party take mass seats in 2019 and hold government for 5 years, they imploded because they were a pack of low effort populists.
The UK is a one party system with FPTP, FPTP has and always has been the problem, now go back to the 2011 referendum and ask yourself why they can't form a government unless they mate with their brethren.
>5th manifesto promising to reduce immigration
good riddance
>Country has demographically been replaced in a few generations
>Stop being xenophobic chuds
imagine if they had to live under a labour government
the trannies would be allowed to piss in the wo- wait labour hate troons too

I guess the quintuple lock would disintegrate and they wouldn't be subsidised by the working class. Can't have that my son.
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Got up at 6AM so I could be first at the polling station when it opened at 7.
Voted Labour. You fail, (Un)Reform(ed)tards. Good.
Seethe at the Starmergeddon at 10PM, o subhumans of /pol/.
...oh, and your retarded opinions - other than agreeing that faRAGE is an inferior subhuman - will have zero effect on me. You'll be just wasting your time, as my vote for Labour has already been made. And I'm not the only one who has/will do today. Cry more.
Suffer with irrelevance, as your retarded 'party' will be able to do less than nothing against Sir Keir's megamajority. The new Home Secretary he'll appoint. GCHQ will be watching you.
No 'Memes' Allowed. No Opinions Allowed. No Fun Allowed. Good.
i just voted labour
We call this the "quintessentially Bradford" problem.
Can't have Europeans, need more BAMEs.
I'm just not gonna vote for kosher right parties. I know, ugh, I know.
I just relieved myself to a japanese drawing of a pregnant girl with elf ears getting raped by a pack of ogres
she's the only good export you guys have left
That's a kike
Was she wearing stockings, tights, leggings? leggings with the toes exposed?
We need to know.
if I go any faster my hand is going to get friction welded to my todger
I feel like the conservatives will win again. See so many tory signs in people’s gardens, majority of people I know in my day-to-day life are still voting conservative, as they hate labour and feel like reform is too extreme. Not too mention the polls are always wrong
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>That's a kike
>your pic
That's why I spoiled my ballot instead of voting for those kosher right kike lovers
Voted by post, skiving off work, gonna take my kiddy for a motorcycle ride.
steel armor
>gonna take my kiddy for a motorcycle ride.
Your child will have tinnitus before it hits 18.
>watching "history" documentary
>talking head says famous historical figure was a massive bender
>source: one document written by his political rival ten years after his death who said "he's a bit fruity..."
I'll imagine they were nylon thigh highs underneath with exposed toes and the next chapter will reveal it, chapter 3 will contain a flashback with thighband pantyhose.
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Happy dog day.
No faster than 40mph, they'll be fine.
Just voted Reform, but I have never voted for a successful party in the general elections. Sorry lads :(
>just wasting your vote
I can understand not voting due to a total lack of faith in the system. But voting for small parties only hurts Reform if you're in a seat where they're 2nd place in. My constituency has a pro-life candidate who I would have voted for but I'm putting that aside to vote Reform.
You should try Chinese Unity renderings. Kafka? I would
Most jobs are bullshit just to extract as much profit out of others as possible while giving you as little as possible. Part of the problem is that there are no strong leaders putting forward a positive vision for the future where people work together to make this country better. Things are only going to get worse as AI takes more jobs those in employment will resent the increasing uneployed more and more when the entire system is at fault not the people living within it.
>watching history documentary
>talking head says famous jap historical figure was a massive bender
>read his works
>he was a massive homo
Every politician should be forced to publish books and the public should be forced to read them before voting.
The public needed to know Boris wanted to rawdog gender swapped David Cameron and dedicated 300+ pages to his fantasy.
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>just deserts
the boomer seethe is palpable
>I have never voted for a successful party in the general elections
Sir Keir thanks you for your help
...the only one is that which is spanked
No need to tie up that inbred fuck.
It'd run out of breath if it tried to run away, the added weight of it's flexi lead would demand it to breathe more oxygen than it can take through the deformed fucking face.
Next week is going to be amazing, all these woke mother fucking minority groups are going to be killing each other when their puppet does not instantly grant them everything
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when can we expect rabbit's apology?
This is new to me. Do they come in naked?
Toryboybros, how are we feeling today?
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The founder of the SAS was gay
In Soviet Britain, massive bender is you
They're already threatening to eat him on reddit because he said men can't use women's bogs.
Throw out the vote of anyone who brought their dog to the polls.
still don't know if i should vote galloway or farage.

farage is obvious, but i still appreciate galloway's anti-lgbt and indefatigable qualities
feeling great
we can now restructure the partei amongst high tory lines

we're fucking back baby
1000 year high tory reich
>t. paki
>feel like reform is too extreme
Everyone in your day-to-day deserve to be enslaved and forced to work until they collapse. Its the people in your day-to-day that are the worst of humanity. Worse than any murderer, leftist or nigger. Its their sheer apathy, ignorance and shortsighted stupidity that has put us 10 years behind where we should be with the rest of the continent.
How many seats is the cat's party standing in?
I believe it.
SAS: Low test faggots
SBS: High Test gods.
we're so back (the irish)
Yeah but it would still get hit by a car that then hydroplanes on its entrails into crowd of diverse scholars sparking riots
I think everyone agrees on this try your ragebait somewhere else maybe?

LARGEST Landslide Labour victory..................TODAY!

Vote for who is more likely to win.
most jobs are fillers
as in most jobs can already be automated easily already
and the only reason they haven't been is because we don't have the infrastructure necessary to compensate for that level of unemployment so if the mass layoffs occurred it would cause systemic chaos beginning with the economy
that's the fundamental issue of the day here
the boomers will seethe but as time goes by more jobs will be rendered obsolete by AI and automation tech
we're only beginning to see the effects of these things now
imagine what it'll be like in another 10 years
what happens when most jobs are obsolete which renders most of the population surplus?
you either need a culling or some form. of safety net
or both
every Friday the PM will have a jewess whispering in his ear on his day off
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>A C C E L E R A T E
just how do you know they're gonna accelerate? if anything voting tory accelerated your guy's country into pooland
>be labour government under blair
>let's in shitskins by the thousands in the early 2000's
>let's in countless more eastern euros
>conservatives under cameron
>lets in shitskins by the hundreds of thousands
>now letting in a million each year(?)
how can it get worse than what is already happening under the tories?
what if the Starmer was married to a Russian KGB agent? What then?
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Norf Ireland anon checking in.

I will be posting NI updates as they come in tonight and tomorrow. Pic related is the layout of NI Westminster Seats last election, and my predictions for this election. Feel free to AMA

Here are the seats to watch:
>Belfast East
The last part of Belfast that still as a Unionist MP. It too is at risk, however, as all 3 major Unionist parties are contesting it; Alliance are the favourite to steal it. In the previous election, which was a 3 way race between the DUP/UUP and Alliance, Alliance only lost out by a thousand votes or so.
>Lagan Valley
More Unionist heartlands, it is also very vulnerable to Alliance. It was previously held by Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of the DUP, but he was recently outed as a nonce so it could be over.
>North Down
Currently held by Alliance, many Unionists hoped to "take back" what was once a relatively safe Unionist seat. However, several Unionists are running-meaning that it's highly likely Alliance will retain it.
Usually safe for SDLP, but some think Sinn Féin will take it. If they do, it's curtains for the SDLP.
>North Antrim
If Jim Allister doesn't win, it will also likely be curtains for the TUV.

Party List:
>Sinn Féin (Nationalist)
Once the political wing of the IRA, they're the largest party in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
>SDLP (Nationalist)
Irish Nationalism, but opposed to the IRA.
>DUP (Unionist)
Once the party of various Loyalist Paramilitaries, they're the largest Unionist party in Northern Ireland. Previous leader recently outed as a nonce.
>UUP (Unionist)
The party in charge of NI from its founding up to the Troubles. Now, they're trying (and failing) to be a more "progressive" Unionist party.
>Alliance (Neutral)
No official position on the constitutional question, but generally align with Nationalist parties due to similar social policies. Main threat to most Unionist seats by mopping up moderate Unionists.
We voted for Brexit and they've tried so hard to mangle it. They haven't done anything that they could've done because they wanted us to vote Remain.

VOTE REFORM to push further on them. Don't let them stop us.
Literally casting Talmudic mind spells on the prime minister, we are so fucked
But he's not. He's married to a mossad agent so it's okay (Ken McCallum was appointed by Priti Patel, a known jewish agent).
>muh voting
refuted by blocko in the last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
maha j-sh?
> Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife, Akshata Murty, have been spotted voting at their local polling station in Richmond, Yorkshire.
She’s literally not British and shouldn’t be allowed to vote
Name one job that AI can do right now
ive legit never met a voter who has had triple digit IQ
what is non domiciled status
Try this:
Humanity never conceals it's desire to hit that with the force of Himeko's orbital laser...
...and I'm no exception.
I have just voted for Labour instead of Reform de lads. I know deep down it wasn't the right thing to do, but an intense wave of anxiety took over me when the pencil I was holding was hovering over the Reform tick box. Forgive me.
Complete labour dictatorship it’s just going to be beautiful

Their manifesto is just
“Bro, just trust us, we aren’t tories, agency of chaos tories, trust us!”
cannot decide who or if I even want to vote ngl lads, I dont want any of these in power
Filters gonna be doing alot of work next 24hrs. Luv em.
Earn 70k, have everything I could want. Woman next door lives in same size house with 4 kids, no dad. Doesn't work. Why should she have the same size detached house as me?
vote zing
Write military coup across the ballot.
Next time I grab a bussy on Grindr I’m going to punch back of her head thinking of you xxx
covet not your neighbour lmao
Just vote for fucking nigel, liebour got it in the bag anyway. The smart money was to keep the indian manlet in as he dont want open war.
easy one, do you like brown wogs from the arse end of the world shitting up your street?
no, then reform is the only one that even looks at that issue
they’re not great, there’s no talk of deportations but it’s a start
why should you have more for just being another cog in the machine that pays taxes to BAMEs?
The media shit on him so hard that no one was willing to risk even saying global trade might be a bad idea for fear of being treated the same.
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>you cannot spell believe without the word Lie
SAS: Gigachads
>>473029184 Low test homo with space AIDS
Which seats should I bet on?
>capita coup
fucking grim
I'd have to pay my TV license
Pretty sure she’s also not a citizen
funniest thing about the past month is that there were unironically loads of brinnies getting all giddy over nigel farage saving le country kek
She's super cash poor and in monster debt with no vehicles. She shouldn't be here. Everyone else on the street is loaded.
Want to suck on Lily Allen's toes.
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>nigel farage
>saving the country
Can't spell sassy without SAS either mate, bunch of welfare queens subsidised by the state while the SBS do all the heavy lifting.
This dictatorship is brought to you by G4S. Please don't run, all our staff are too fat to chase.
We don't talk about the SBS, they're special forces.
There just called traitors whom committed slaughter under trust of their own people.
is it important?
occupy in?
Cum on your ballot
>those jobs that aren't getting done
You're missing the point. it doesn't matter if they're being done or not. the point is if you put welfare claimants on work duty and have them do all of these odd jobs or whatever, you do working people out of work, you potentially increase unemployment and incentivise it because you can get welfare claimants to do jobs for half the cost or whatever which also creates unfair competition. which will drive down pay too because workers will be forced to lower prices. everyone loses

this view of yours only applied in the 20th century. automation and AI changed everything. it's not about what's deserved anymore. nobody needs to work hard and "earn" anymore because everything is automated, scripted, mass produced, flat packed and whatever else. the economic issues we're facing are the death throes or death rattle of that old system you think is still in the prime of its life cycle. we're moving on to smart economies now. UBI is coming, most jobs will be gone before the turn of the century. cope and seethe
Yes. Bennie families should live in shithole council estates. Not in middle class neighbourhoods.
got my work capability assessment in a few hours, wish me luck lads
Should have got signed off for mental illness by a doctor, just show him your post history here
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Vote Tory lads, we can't run the risk of a Starmer supermajority.
not your problem
the american revolution was a revolt of the degenerate bourgeois colonists
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A Starm is coming
Amnesty for all paki pedos
100% tax hike for natives
Racism offenses now punishable by debanking
Get drunk and piss yourself in front of the assessor. you have nothing to lose. Good luck.
Kektards: you know nothing of Chaos.
Sir Steer Calmer is the God Emperor of Mankind with no need of the Golden Throne: for he never allowed Horus to exist in the first place. The Chaos gods shit themselves at the mere mention of his name. He tortures to death Dark Eldar for fun. He scared off the entire Tyranid race by merely farting in their general direction.
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I feel every bit the same as Cedric of Rotherwood or Hereward the Wake, committed to a path that I know will ultimately be futile. It is always and continues to always be one last futile throw of the dice. There's little strategy here beyond the vague and mysterious fantasist. Saving a Saxon heiress for the rightful King, if only he'd see the wider picture and live up to the mantle placed upon him, or holding out and fighting to the bitter end in the hopes of some final uprising that will avert the Norman course. But the heiress loves another, the Prince is unfit to rule, the Normans have us surrounded and the Saxon nobles long ago threw away their only good chance of deposing a foreign tyrant.

I've voted Reform what good it will do. Not because they're the choice I want but because I'll spit in their eye if my hands are held back. Will something better come out of all of this? Who knows, but I do know I do not want to wait another five years for it. For another vague promise, another throw of these dice. There's some here who have been waiting far longer than I with as much return as I have seen so far, but the change I have seen in my home in two years alone leaves me pale. It is the fault of my imagination, a limit of my own cynicism that I cannot envision how worse it can get in another five years.
But what other choice is there? The Ox has become the boeuf.
yeah I'm on team 0 seats I'm afraid, something has to fucking change
>Work from home, client wants technical analysis of "x report".
>Open Gemini
>Write me a 500 word technical analysis with bullet point recommendations.
When labour win I’m claiming as much benefits as I can
Are you really implying that bennymongs being bivouacked in your neighbourhood isn’t your problem when it very well will see a drop in tour house price and quality of life?
>No Amnesty for all paki pedos
>Racism offenses now punishable by debanking and deballing
you make it sound worse than it is
every single paper pushing, data exchange office job in the country can be done by AI. and that's happening. already hear reports of offices downsizing, laying off loads of peeps and bringing in AI systems to fill their roles. call centres won't last long either. I can't remember the name of the tech but Google is working on an AI that acts as your personal assistant. making phone calls for you, making appointments and stuff like that. this kind of tech will replace call centre mongs in a few years. the dwp themselves are bringing in AI systems too kek
Again mate, look at private contracts.
They've subsidised a Danish company, some dumb cunt in Livi is living it up with our tax quids hard at work, believing they're earning a living but they can't meet basic SLAs.
That's worse than paying jobseekers, it's not even charity begins at home, it's ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mr danmark sar pls let me suck thine tiny flacid cock mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummy cummmy in my tummy pls take my money
only the irish can save us
>bunch of welfare queens subsidised by the state
The likes of >>473029826, sure
4 kids with no dad? Only a matter of time
yeah more and more people are doing this. it's becoming all too common to be allowed to go on. why would any employer want to pay someone for that when all they do is use AI anyway?
It should replace most of the NHS admin staff
Let's increase Job seekers from £362 a month to £1800 a month so it covers things like food and rent
it will
and it should replace lawyers as well, at least first stage case analysis. Grifting cunts
I mean, I have the technical knowledge to fact check it. That's the only catch. When AI can be fully trusted though, that's when my job becomes irrelevant. Still, raking in the fat cash and making hay whilst the sun shines!
j-sh is speaking
listen and learn
bruh i only get £200 a month on the dole wtf
Are you black?
fucking too right. A virtual GP to filter out 90% of the timewasting retards would save so much time. And there is no reason why it couldn't do a much better job with 100% diligence.
It’s a jobs program for women, no chance
brown and shit stained hands typed this
didn't the Scottish gov have discussions on bringing AI into court judgements aiding with proceedings recently or something and people started flapping about being found guilty by robojudge?
>the serb comes in with another steaming hot take
Says online it's £90 a week for over 25
doesn't even need to be that fundamental, just a tool to translate jew nonsense into practical terms the layman can apply himself.
I make that every 2.2hrs
>this Indian level tech utopian nonsense totally shows how UBI and robo waifus are around the corner meaning I don’t have to get a job
brown and shit stained hands typed this
ok so I think we're agreed Labour must massively increase benefits
not what I have been arguing at all. I just want the fat trimmed off, and if you are going to argue the NHS isn't a prime candidate for that, then I don't know what else to say without insulting you.
>fucking too right. A virtual GP to filter out 90% of the timewasting retards would save so much time.
can we get rid of the timewasting medical staff too?
cunty secretaries/receptionists
mangy mongoloid looking rheumatologists using a process designed for 8 year old ethiopians
physios who tell you pain is literall all in ur head bro
no bro it's in your head for real, it's not real you're imagining it
oh you've been fracturing your bones for 4 years lad howd that happen
ah yeah you should see a rheumatologist
oh the rheumatologist said it wasn't real
did he refer you to the specialist at X? they need to do a genetic tes-
oh he didn't
you've been seeing 20+ people a year for 8 years huh
oh well you're a fucking timewaster mate
should have got the <£500 test done week two after the first fracture showed lol

also pay us back for all that morphine we prescribed, you went to afghanistan for th-
When do the brit/pol/ heavy hitters come to the thread.
Whats the 77th scheduling like for this evenings commentators?
Who pays for it?
they're all foren cunts now anyway, so we may as well ditch the pay grade system and just have it run like a debauched slaughterhouse.
>When do the brit/pol/ heavy shitters come to the thread
Just ask the (Un)Reform(ed)tards here
milk it all you can lad
not knocking it
Just reminding the boomers where we're headed
they clearly need educating on. modern matters as they seem to be stuck in mid 20th century thinking

there was a thing on lbc recently where a gp was talking about how they're training up practitioners differently now. they won't be labelled as gps, won't be educated to the same degree as what we know to be gps today, but they'll operate within the same parameters and the same role. I'm willing to bet this is in prep for AI systems in healthcare where a doc only needs a basic understanding to input info into the system and be able to repeat it to the patient
Any betting lads in?
Want you want is irrelevant, I like them all purged and the rNHS abolished, no healthcare for 5 years to speed along eugenics for a bit, but the state is literally running a jobs program with your taxes, they’re not going to reduce the number of employees when it grants them prestige and factional power while keeping people seemingly cheery
>they cant afford private health insurance
>no healthcare for 5 years to speed along eugenics for a bit
Most of brit/pol/ would die
Russians, via war reparations
literal idiocracy meme becomes reality again
you're not even in the uk
Oh no. Anyway.
>what I want
>what I am arguing in favour of
stop being a pedant
I lost £1000 on trump 2020. I'm burned out
Who cares
Ahem, not an argument brinny
I'm fine with nuking the planet.
Seeing failed med school students put in place instead of GPs and doctors is sad and I legitimately feel sorry for the English who have had their NHS service privatised to such a degree.
You're not even importing foreign doctors and surgeons, you're importing failed uni students who can't achieve GP status so you can pay them £10k less a year. It's fucking grim.
>what is realistic
Yeah, they’re totally going to trim rNHS staff
How about, *fuck* the NHS altogether? What if a private healthcare service came to be that used such a system?
>I'm fine with nuking the planet.
ok retard
Took my 96 year old grandmother to the polling station she said “which box for Nigel” everyone stood up and clapped
Remember to spoil your ballot in order to send the message that our First Past The Post system is illegitimate
you're a fucking weirdo my lad
you've prob been caught trying to fuck a horse on a tiny ladder, couldn't get it up on both fronts and the NHS had to fucking patch your back up after its cloppers clipped your dense skull
>the risk of a Starmer supermajority.
oh no, the risk of millions of migrants a year and skyhigh taxes that the tories have presided over
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Just been and voted for a better future for me children. Currently feeling overwhelmed by seeing the awesome and righteous power of democracy actually happening right there in front of me. Might have a tear in my eye to be quite honest.
If you're actually in Rochdale, vote Galloway. The seethe he causes in the Labour party will be well worth it over the next 5 years and Reform can't win anyway. If not in Rochdale, do whatever.
looks like I won another thread
>I'm happy to die if everyone else dies
>followed by projection
you're the weirdo mate
cor, that's an old photo
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Sir Beer Starmer has voted
That’s what I would prefer to be established after the 5 years, but those years are crucial
You'd care if you had my monthly tax bill.
You're a pussy that's scared to die.
What's wrong sis? Scared you'll miss the end of your fav shojo manga?
what are you talking about 5 years? Did you have a malfunction?

I'm saying the NHS is inefficient and could be replaced by a faster cheaper service that got rid of the bloat and centred on AI GPs. This wouldn't be a government decision, it would be free market ecomony in action.
Do you get exit poll updates during the day? Is Reform doing well?
>fuck a horse on a tiny ladder
With you allowing that concept to exist in your mind, Freud would have a field day with you
if you're suicidal that's fine, but that is on you and it is not a justification for everybody else dying. If you don't see the retardation in your statement then I can't help you.
>EU passport

>if you're suicidal that's fine,
Who said anything about suicide? This is the 2nd time you've brought that shite up.
You can't survive a nuke? No wonder the West has fallen.
>scared of a little nuke
Put £50 on tories getting under 100 seats. Put a £2 free bet on labour getting over 450 I think?
You seem to fail to understand that inefficiency is literally the point
Also, as I said, a 5 year pause on all healthcare is absolutely necessary prior to a private system being introduced because millions must die
>You can't survive a nuke? No wonder the West has fallen.
Okay you're just trolling. Nice work you got me.
am gonna go akip
dago n shoelad, you take over from here
Josh out x
Nigel farage loves Indians and hates eastern Europeans
So, my mate Tommy was on a train back home in 2006 after his sisters wedding, broke down and there was some cunt shagging a cow in a field.
Also remember this guy who shagged a sheep at the edge of town, released, shagged another within a month.
Some things just stick in your head.
later lad
congrats on the W this thread

borkenshoesanon and I got it from here
>commonwealth niggers can vote
we got this
time to assert dominance ITT
i have to go
good luck
Vote SDP. Give them the confidence to keep building for 2029 and field more candidates. Reform is wasted energy.
>amnesty party
they can? that's unfair, I as a Canadian should be allowed to vote too then
how many seats do you think Nigel will get this time?

I'm guessing zero. 2nd place in most constituencies, over 7 millions votes in hand and no political power to show for it.
>the inefficiency is the point
>unemployment is a good thing
you are so full of shit it's unreal. Why not get the fuck out of this general?
Ah yes, of course. A day like today and the goblin is on full sperge mode, tick tock little one, it will all be over soon
I think he could win Clacton. At best they could win another one or two. But my bet is just the one seat, Clacton.
Low turnout might help him, might put a cheeky bet on a few seats to go reform.
Nope Galloway is a full blown islamist. Hes gonna find himself living in Gaza.
I got this
I will assert dominance ITT
>massive employment in a state run behemoth that kills useful people and doesn’t do anything productive is good
Ok commie
The exit poll gets released at 10pm UK time, nothing is allowed to be released before then.
There is no way the establishment are going to allow reform any more than 0 seats. The plan was a liebour supermajority to take us back into the EU via the defence pact, then to war with Russia.
Remember lads: always take your own pen to a polling station.
Makes it a tiny bit harder for them to commit the inevitable election fraud.
The NHS is a disgrace so bad that all employees past and present will be executed for crimes against their people.
50 on rushing losing his seat
50 on reform getting more than 6 seats
50 on corban back in
Galloway is the Worker's Party, not the SDP.
Galloway is Workers Party. Not SDP.
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Green Party will do better with two, then
The only good thing about that place was the Butlins there. Until you can rebuild it to exactly how it was, you'll never be the good thing there, Nigey
I reckon Clacton is a certainty, which is probably why no joke candidate is standing.
They'll probably gain 5-10 seats altogether.
sounds like you're back on the share sized cider lad
Sue Gray is going to hunt you down and mount you on a pike
wipe your arse with the ballot in labour strongholds
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Whatever happens tomorrow, Josh will still be horrible, unemployable nonce with a dead mum.
My wife doesn’t understand what a total Labour dictatorship means for someone that makes 120k
>we want our country back
What do they mean by that when they are pushing Muslim and Wog candidates?
>Green Party will do better with two
Yeah the Greens could get two, Brighton Pavilion and Bristol Central
AI slop, unintelligible giberrish; the marks of truly shit post
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You ARE voting for the Greens today, right Brit/pol/?
When do you think Sunak will resign?
My bet is before lunchtime tomorrow.
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First for stop the far-right from shitting up the planet for everyone
they mean act like ben habib or get out
Spent last night reading about the viking landings in Canada. Really interesting. An amateur historian in the 1910s wrote a short book predicting that the viking settlement would be found in the same spot where it was actually found about fifty years later. But even so, there are more potential locations in that general area where other temporary viking settlements might one day be found. When you read about what the vikings wrote about their trips to Canada, it's really fascinating. Here is this huge largely uninhabited continent, but even then there are battles with eskimos who first trade with them and then later return to bash their heads in. Battles with bows and arrows and people throwing flat stones really fast and cracking another person's head in. It's really fascinating for me. There were only 2,500 vikings on Greenland, and the settlement they found in Canada only had enough room for about 50-150 people and they didn't seem to have settled there for long.
Might vote Heritage Party just for a laugh
Did at 7:30 wankered still
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I make £120k…so what does it mean? I voted reform btw
12 seats
Ethnicity doesn't matter

The law matters, so if someone comes from another country with different laws and customs, they need to now abide by British laws. But ethnicity doesn't matter.
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It appears that some ethnicities are just really bad at following laws, wherever they go.
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This embodies the mantra of Farage and his supporters:

Fucking civnats man
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got me packet in for tonight lads
reform wont even come second you daft incels
trekking pole weed shop zumba nationalism NOW
let's go lad
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Possible election day habbening lads. RAF scrambled a typhoon over the channel.
Alreet las
Just got back from voting Reform.
Getting ready to start strafing the dinghies the second Farage is in office
just had a tester bump, deffo off the brick
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Anon with multiple poll cards here. About to go do number 1. Then will do second after
Had memeflags on
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Labour are fucking far left commies who want tax them to hell and take there inheritance tax

Labour globalist puppet and are gone fuck Uk so hard its gone be crazy.

there only chance is to get Nigel and as many reform oppostion steats as possible to stand up to them in parliement.

next few years are gone be hard under labour
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>another subhuman retard - an Austrian during WWII - was off its tits on crystal meth
You do you, I guess: says so much for certain... things on /pol/, especially their equal fail.
Me, all I need is Schadenfreude, when I see Sir Keir & Victoria Starmer enter 10 Downing Street around this time tomorrow.
...more so when later this year - as she's a practicing Jew - there's a menorah in the window of No. 10: and many more Decembers to come.
Further ironic Schadenfreude when those subhumans hooked on crystal meth ultimately failed 80 years ago...!
Moral: Superiority over inferior subhuman Nazis, then & now. Infinitely better than any drug.
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Oh noes. Starmageddon. But what about my triple lock and endless NHS?
audible lmao kek. shine bright like a diamond
'ate g4s goons

simple as
>Labour are fucking far left commies who want tax them to hell and take there inheritance tax
>Labour globalist puppet and are gone fuck Uk so hard its gone be crazy.
>there only chance is to get Nigel and reform will get hardly any oppostion steats as possible to stand up to them in parliement.
>next few years are gone be hard for rightards under labour
Don't threaten me with a good time!
Gee, I wonder how, certainly why, Winston Churchill won the Nobel Prize for Literature...?!
>three seats
kek no way
the absolute seethe this would cause would be worth it in of itself.
TLDR all that bollocks
what time's the result?
realistically, tomorrow lunchtime. We'll probably have a idea of the winner by 3am BST
>frog crying about muh whiteness
fuck off cunt
go back to france
That'll be tonight, I'll be here until I pass out and then I'll try and sleep through the inevitable Starmer victory for as long as I can.
Victoria met Keir Starmer, who was then a senior barrister with Doughty Street Chambers, in the early 2000s, reportedly saying "Who the fuck does he think he is?" after their first conversation. The two eventually became close, getting engaged in 2004 and married on 6 May 2007 on the Fennes Estate in Essex.[1][7] The couple have two children, a son, who was born a year after their wedding, and a daughter, born two years after that. Both are being brought up in the Jewish faith of their mother.
so 24 hours from now? I'm having trouble with me timezones
starmer's a terrible mistake. but I'd rather eat my own arm than vote for sunak. nigel's a vax supporter. they're all cunts basically
...but only in your deluded minds.
Retardation. Not even once.
we should know for sure 24 hours from now, probably a bit sooner depending on how many close seats do recounts.
calm down lad, I think it would be funny but realistically he's getting a couple seats at best.
crazy if labour gets in.

you can never make far left extremists happy.

they want free migrant slaves everything done for them for free and be a girl and a man at the same time with fucking cat ears and a dogs tail.

there fucking bat shit insane lazy as fuck don't want work and hate there country there own people.


your Never make them insane fuckers happy
seems kinda retarded to post videos of your opposition winning an election, it'd surely be more effective just not giving them the time of day
Culture mate.
Vote REFORM lads.
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>crazy if labour gets in
Labour will give them nothing. Take from them everything.
...and help Labour

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