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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Voters head to the polls as UK general election begins
Vote Reform you cunts.
Josh won
death penalty
i don't care what crime just kill them
Torn between ZERO SEATS and not voting ngl.
pakis out, seychelleans in
cam on rishi score some fackin seats
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Reform is marching on Parliament.
fuck you and spend the money on the nhs
blocko was spot on last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
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fuck you you fucking little b itch
fucking cunt aya
fucking cunt fuck you
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The Telegraph hasn't been this irate since they sacked the help for misplacing the shrimp forks.
That's why i'm voting carla denyers for bristol central
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Morning lads
9am update: my sources tell me that the Labour votes are FLOODING IN NATIONWIDE
sleep more and possibly forever
brokenshoesanon predicted this
Cucked cope or shillposting bot?

The Left haven't won all their victories over the last 50 years by not participating in politics and gambling on some great reversal that might, maybe, happen in the future. No, they've constantly pushed their agenda, slowly salami-slicing their way to victory. Each little victory allows you to strengthen your own position, weaken your enemies and get the general public accustomed to the new normal; all in preparation for the next step forward.

Do you really think that if Reform fails and unchecked immigration continues for another 5, 10 or 15 years that suddenly everyone is going to rise up and take back the country in some glorious day of the rope?
Like fuck they will. Every year that unchecked, third-world immigration is allowed to continue just makes a final solution harder and harder to enact. Refusing to vote doesn't move you any closer to genuine, lasting change - it moves you further away.
Voting Reform lads
Yeah OK Adam
The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
suki suki daisuki
just washed me arsein the sink
at work
these exit polls are insane
early exit polls are showing that josh won (again)
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Kill yourself.
not an argument
blocko was right
That Bald and Bankrupt in the background there lool
I'm going to vote for Gob.
Pvt. Ramirez from Okinawa in da house.
not an argument
blocko was right
Elmer predicted for a landslide victory
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So you guys have to accept that:
1/ all societies decay
2/ the democratic republics by the bourgeois will not be exempted from decay
3/ the new society will not have the bourgeois at the top, ie it will not be a republic
4/ if the new model of society is so obvious, the bourgeois will nip it in the bud, in order to keep their republics alive
5/ the new society will NEVER EVER be created by any civil servant or businessman

=>The solution will never come from the bourgeois like Farage, nor ffrom any media products like the coomer Zemmour in France, nor from a business product like the coomer Trump in the USA, nor from an academic product like Milei (in democracy, academia is part of the entertainment industry), let alone a self-made intellectual like Dugin, nor from a woman because, in democracy, women are products of bureaucracies and marketing.
The solution will come from somebody who is not part of the republic. Only an external element and/or an external event to the republic will destroy the republic and the fake dichotomy bureaucrats-businessmen for good.
The point is that it will be so strange that westerners won't see it coming.
You're doing exactly the same thing tankies and eco warriors do.
>nooooo don't vote labour you have to not vote/vote TUSC/SWP/Green/WPGB/Communist Party because Labour aren't true left
>also remember there is no queer black disabled workers' liberation without Palestinian liberation!
It just causes the other side to get in. Labour have only had 13 of the last 45 years in power because leftoid mongs can't just shut up. Reform has a genuince chance to replace the Tories if people are willing to rip off the sticking plaster, just like Labour usurped the Liberals in the 1920s
>warned for a troll post
how about you suck my fucking dick forever jannies
how about you gargle on my nuts for infinity
The usual sad cunt. Just filter it.
You know she voted for Nigel, and he voted for Starmergeddon
feeling comfy
Put your Anarchist flag back on you left-wing kike.

Voting for Reform does nothing but strengthen the position of the right for further change in the future.
This time tomorrow esteemed barrister Sir Kier Starmer will be in 10 Downing Street
Angela Rayner will be DPM and Education Secretary
Rachel Reeves Chancellor
David Lammy Foreign Secretary
Yvette Balls Home Secretary
You made the right choice

>I never thought I’d argue for rearmament. But a looming Trump presidency changes everything
>A Putin-friendly president would pose a grave danger to Europe. Like it or not, this calls for greater defence

Just voted REFORM lads.

I think they got a promotion on, votes for reform before 11am count double. So get out there and fucking do it.
We have many accelerationists that want this shit to popoff. For that we need starmergeddon. Vote Liebour.
>David Lammy Foreign Secretary
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaahahhhhhhahahahahaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaahahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaah hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Not good enough, i want three for free.
Just want the snp out of Scotland tbqh
I google translated to gf i hope you fall off a tractor and die by being covered in chemicals from a stray cigarette
she called my dad
lmfao chuds
so delusional
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Starmer doesn't really accelerate anything beyond Sunak. He even matches the Tories on most of their policies. Accelerationism would be Farage or Galloway.
Could be worse.
She could have called her CCP handlers and had you rendered.
I'll render the ccp
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>. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms
Diverting from what? Football hooligans chanting "Tommy Robinson" in town centres at weekends? You're talking as if there's a viable right alternative movement currently.
No both liebour and tories lead to destruction, reform will sinoly slow it down. We need ZOG to go kinetic and deploy the UN migrants.
Tractors don’t handle slopes well
>thinks he can personally render 1.5 billion people
Alright big man
is this your level of thinking?
what a pseud you are
>Cucked cope or shillposting bot?
You're replying to one of the general's attention whores upset they haven't got everyone sucking them off because actual political things are happening.
I want football hooligans to storm parly and jostle some nerds
Can you imagine a big bazza just picking up Pissy Poonak like a little garden gnome and throwing him into the Thames lmao
Rendering your mum is 99.9% of the work
Neither does your mum
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They won't storm anything without someone to organise them into a collective force of Blackshirts. And who do you think is most capable of doing that?
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It's going to be a glorious day. Vote Reform
>two your mum comebacks in a row
weak la.
I don't disagree
Your mum was weak
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Annoying middle-class normies and wine-aunts who force their dog into every situation for no good reason.
Are you guys seriously voting Reform or is this all trolling?

Like, come on. They're not acceptable
Cmon Cauldy you used to be funnier than this. King of the zing we called you.
What happened?
Spoil ballot
Moderated my beliefs on the genocide
we should only kill all of them
Would be hilarious, its too bad bazza only does shit like that for mbenga and nigboo
tha na cauldy
Or could vote Greens? Maybe try to have nicer housing stock? Maybe fix the rivers yeah?

Not just hate people, maybe try to make life better for everyone?
Oh no, have I been rused by a Josh/Dago trick again?
good morning i hate women
Yep, done and done. Looking to the future, the only thing youre voting on here is the opposition But the torehs getting proplapsed and reform getting seats means the possibility of credible rw politics going forward.
They used to do it for irl white people issues like the poll tax riots
And that fucking worked as well
I think the internet is to blame, could never organise everyone to do that any more

Reminded me of this I saw earlier, the highest rated comment on the Guardian's liveblog for today: https://discussion.theguardian.com/comment-permalink/168414388

>If you start watchingThe Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King(Extended Edition) at exactly 43 minutes past midnight, Aragorn will say “Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!” just as the BBC cut to the count in Richmond & Northallerton.

Living vicariously through pop culture. Sad doesn't even begin to describe it
I'm voting for the massive willy party (I'm the sole candidate)
Warning shots to the head
Your mum batters you
Are you gay or something lad?
So like every other party your manifesto is built on lies?
>corrupt paki billionaire family are just like me
isn't it funny how "terrorists" never go for these people or buildings.
Oh no! I have been done!
*looks at massive willy in pants*
Oh, actually, I haven't. Cope and seethe!
Officer I will have to murder you if you reach, just to warn you from the get go
You've done him, politically speaking.
But one day i might become a millionaire by sitting around on bennies all day and they will tax my welf not on that lad
Dago, pedo, most of the memeflags and disinfo wannabe
Stick your trip on
Zero Seats!
Zero Seats!
Zero Seats!
Zero Seats!
Officer i'm a black gun instructor and you are being recorded on dash cam
Seeing as the election is a foregone conclusion, is there at least one thing you'll be glad Labour will be in for the next 5 years?

For me, I'm glad we'll finally have a white man Prime Minister again
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>all these fookin mongs thinking reform will get more than 8 seats
they wont. you can screen cap this. its literally not possible under fptp for a new party to win anything especially when they are facing a labour/libdem/green block vote while also facing off against heritage/tories and other retarded vote split groups
I just don't see any part tackling the issues that affect me, like my wages being low, or my transport options being poor or food being expensive.

How will life ever become comfortable again if we keep voting for the establishment?
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>blah blah blah blah blah
Don't care
I'll be glad you never ask this question ever again
/chug/ needs you for your daily humiliation. Toddle off, they are waiting.
My realistic choices: SNP, Tories.

Not voooting.
They want dole scroungers back in work or starving on the street. Of course I'm voting Reform
I dont like right wing politics, it only seeks to destroy others who dont conform, it doesn't consider the whole of society
For me its maybe one or two people becomming as blackpilled about politics as i have become as they realise no one has our best intrests at heart and we are ran by a bunch of rich wankers and nonces.
Taig detected
I'd fuck kate bush in her pussy today and tomorrow
she may be dead i'm not checking
i stand by it
dumas > tolkien
post nose
No bennies if Reform gets in, their policy is 4 months on the dole, then you starve.

I'm sure crime won't spiral out of control if you take away the welfare state
Im happy if they get 8 seats. This is a chance to change the 2 party system, got to be taken.

And you never know, shy tory effect might happen and its a tory/reform coalition.
I'm just hoping my fucking faggot MP Adam Holloway loses his seat.
east of scrotland here, grim but no niggers in my town
Necromance, those heights wuthering heights
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have to get a job to buy a knife to commit a crime
think about it yeah?
And you are literally pushing commie garbage, which is the absolute bottom of the barrel, while pretending to be "right-wing"

Typical leftist kike, the second things aren't going well for you just skin-walk into the next thing to mislead and misdirect.
But what if you lose your job? What safety net will there be?
you seem mentally ill
Kate Bushes pussy is so allegedly dead without checking it makes my penis go mask off
West coast with a single nigger unit in village
the bait got old last night gentlemen
you squandered it already
should've waited until the result
im more right wing than you
They can rob the knife from Tescos, then rob you for your hard earned tinned beans and loaf of bread.

If I ever see it happen, I'll say to you "shouldn't have voted Reform then"
each new day we learn
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Britain Elects and multiple poll aggregations have had Reform win six to seven seats for the past two weeks as they stabilise at 16.5% on average. The seats predicted Reform will win are:

Clacton (Nigel Farage)
Boston and Skegness (Richard Tice)
Castle Point (Keiron McGill)
South Basildon and East Thurrock (James McMurdock)
Hornchurch and Upminster (Nicholas Palmer)
Herne Bay and Sandwich (Amelia Randall)

Reform have had these seats basically confirmed to switch for two weeks now
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The ultimate Aussie IRL shit posters are coming to destroy the illiberal world order's current paradigm.
election tourists still in?

i prefer the puranas of maha josh
I wish giorgia meloni would upload my consciousnesses to a 2d flash arena game grunt on newsgrounds
am in bed lad
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_A_ troll post. God the jannies are retarded. You've never made a non troll post, Mr 77th Brigade.
What you can openly shoplift now mate, walk into tescos and walk out with your sharp objects.
Savings. Family support. Get another job. We need dole scroungers to understand when you bully your mum to death and the rest of your family disown you, you can't rely on the state to step in and wipe your arse you're truly on your own
Can't wait for Ling Ling to be deported back to gookland when Farage becomes our next prime minister later tonight.
SNP getting pumped will be a highlight
he is among us
>15% of the votes
>less than 1% of the seats
fptp is phenomenally gay
(((Benjamin Rich)))
I see ukraine deployment in their future, and the establishment hates military goyim and will have them killed for entertainment.
can you sense the desperation?
I can
where do you live
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it's crazy how spot on josh, blocko, and eddie were regarding the election
rabbit is on the ropes
ballot spoilt with following poem:
Starmers a cunt
rishi is too
why cant i vote reform
must be the jews
So you want Victorian England but more authoritarian.

And what happens if you have no savings because rent and food is expensive, and you have no familgly? You just want people to die?

2024 is a strange year, I don't understand why people are cutting off their noses to spite their faces
Minor Kek. Cross Slopes especially.
woah woah we're only deporting brownoids. Cute Asians can stay. Ling Ling has a brothel to run
Its their cope for not having kids to raise.
look at the sheeple huddling around the false prophet farage
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>no Habib
expect a deepening of anti josh fantastical sentiment over the coming hours
The labour party candidates seem to be drawn from pools of scum these days, not posh scum like David Cameron or Boris Johnson, posh scum can at least make their scandals interesting. Mind you, Call Me Dave seems to have grown up a bit, Boris is still just a schoolyard bully. But no the likes of Rayner, that black one who was on tag if she's still an MP, will make this an interesting 5 years. It will be rule by BAME chavs, with Keir as the out of his depth head master trying to keep everyone in line. I unironically expect a brawl to break out in the commons at some point.
Pure pottery
there is too much money going around, even bismarck introduced wellfare systems
to ward off proto communist
>State Socialism (German: Staatssozialismus) was a set of social programs implemented in the German Empire that were initiated by Otto von Bismarck in 1883 as remedial measures to appease the working class and detract support for socialism and the Social Democratic Party of Germany following earlier attempts to achieve the same objective through Bismarck's Anti-Socialist Laws.[1][2] As a term, it was coined by Bismarck's liberal opposition to these social welfare policies, but it was later accepted by Bismarck.[3][4] This did not prevent the Social Democrats from becoming the biggest party in the Reichstag by 1912. According to historian Jonathan Steinberg, "[a]ll told, Bismarck's system was a massive success—except in one respect. His goal to keep the Social Democratic Party out of power utterly failed. The vote for the Social Democratic Party went up and by 1912 they were the biggest party in the Reichstag".[5]
Do your part for Zero Seats today. Vote SNP.
it's crazy to think about the scope of the illusory world in which the reform voters of brit/pol/ are living in to think that Nigel Farage, the most degenerate bourgeois of all time, could miraculously save the UK by them casting a ballot
it's crazy
seethe deflects off j-sh like water off a ducks back
Say bye bye to Ling Ling.
>so you want them to die
Or they could just, you know, get a fucking job
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All wogs have to go back, no matter how based.
Roosevelt did the same
platos cave
hold the line
Scotland had a brief white man moment with Swinney, now its going to be Anas Sarwar tomorrow.
autism and narcissism are a fantastic combo when it comes to protecting one's ego
>Labour wins
He has to get a job
>Reform wins
He has to get a job
We've already won
night la, cya tonight x
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tescos has a big black nigerian security guard, you ain't taking shit from there bruv
maybe aldi or lidls
youve done them
youve done the egoic creatures
If we deport Cauldron's gf we have to help him find a new one rom-com style. We'll go round to his house and style his hair then take him out on a series of increasingly improbable adventures in which none of us get more noticeably drunk despite all the drinking until we set him up with a pale ginger Scotch slag with a crippling valium addiction.
you fucking bitch
move aside autistic neckbeard regulars this is an /electiontourist/ general now
Tried doing it blind and actually scribbled on the table. Ended up having to actually chose one sadly (did it first thing so went into autopilot as such).
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*Bang Bang*
*Bang Bang*
You're walking in the woods. There's no-one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him. Nigel Farage. He's following lingling, about 30 feet back, he gets down on all fours and breaks in to a sprint.
luv blacks
luv gays
luv war

'ate whites
'ate populism

simple as.
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hope reform increase immigration
gonna wake up tomorrow an see labour have won
might take the day off
If you don't vote Reform, you're a cuck.
refuted by blocko: >>473025094
Shia la beouf is one of the greatest human beings alive today
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The Daily Mail endorses Reform
Absolute state of you, you fucking wanker. Bleating and droning on about fucking reform every thread. Truly brain-dead behaviour.
There are 1 million job vacancies and 9 million unemployed.

How the fuck does that work. Seriously, this country scares the fuck out of me, anyone can lose their job.
>wages low
>transport options poor
idk move house? Compared to 99% of the world our transport is absolutely fine
>food being expensive
We have some of the lowest food prices in the world, basically on par with burgerland but at much higher quality, our normal meat is like their premium

>voting for the establishment
Greens are the establishment and even if they weren't they don't and will never poll well, pointless voting for them
Don't vote for anyone, just spoil
Time to vote reZING.
this is retarded if they are chained it ruins the allegory
with nothing but lust in his eyes and a gaping, foaming mouth he inches closer, and closer as you break in to a full sprint. on all four our nige approaches, until he finally catches you. you shudder, you brace yourself for what you think is imminent death, but he stops. the four legged specimen stands up and with his gloriously high pitched voice shouts at you; 'HELLO! We're sending them back and lowering your taxes'
what is the point in working
how long has that lad been forcing the zing gimmick?
A vote for Gob is a vote for Blockwog.
how to prevent a tory survival?
i'll be keeping an eye out for a cyan id for fucking with shia
I have just voted for Labour instead of Reform de lads. I know deep down it wasn't the right thing to do, but an intense wave of anxiety took over me when the pencil I was holding was hovering over the Reform tick box. Forgive me.
I bet no one fucks with you or your boyfriend.

Nah the knives at aldi are blunt and brittle. Banging chicken skewers though
>protest votes for Reform
Dunno, the polling and canvassing reports make it sound more so that voting Tory is the protest vote.
josh is fucking seething
did you have a voting loicense? without it they throw your vote away
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When do the results start coming in?
I didn’t vote, I don’t believe in democracy. I believe in Thule, the ancient city, and I believe that Farage is the candidate who is going to raise Thule, and Atlantis. I believe in global cooling, the sea levels lowering, and I believe in land rising from the bottom of the ocean with ancient ruins on it, like the ruins of Thule. I believe Farage will accomplish all of this. He’s going to prove that UFO’s exist; the government has known about it for a long time. They know that UFO’s are out there and are trying to communicate with us, and that they have secrets about the origins of human consciousness. Are you familiar with the german philosopher Friedrich Schelling? Have you read the Critical Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology? Schelling is a German Idealist philosopher, he was roommates with Holderlin, and Hegel, and he talks about all of this, he predicted it a long time ago. Farage is going to make german idealism real, he’s going to complete the system. Immanuel Kant could not complete the system of german idealism; Farage is going to complete the system - He is going to derive the complete system of german idealism. Hegel couldn’t do it, Schelling couldn’t do it, Fichte couldn’t do it, Jacobi couldn’t do it, Reinhold couldn’t do it, no one could complete the system of german idealism. German idealism: First critique published in 1781 - Farage is a Kantian.
Why do you love being a slave lmao. Its ok for literal Lords and Barons to live in mansions but a minimum wage linked to productivity is communism.

Country's cooked
j-sh is incapable of seethe
exit polls are 10pm results are fuck knows am
>Don't vote for anyone, just spoil
>Conceding defeat before it's even begun
Pretty cucked
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Retards that headline looks like an endorsement of Farage at first glance.
he's a good lad that josh lad
>We have some of the lowest food prices in the world

What next, we have the best weather and beaches
Lego can’t refute anything
Elmer was right
The internet has been made useless for independent social organization courtesy of Eglin Airforce base:
Containment Control for a Social Network with State-Dependent Connectivity
seething nonce
That's dumb nihilistic shit. If you don't vote, you'll continue to get fucked. Vote and then if you really don't like the way things are then get involved with local politics.
where's sosban?
why is rabbit in hiding?
>how long has that lad been forcing the zing gimmick?
Don't reply to him, for the same reason I don't reply to anons who mention namefags (they are very often the namefag themselves and just trying gain importance and acceptance).

Hope this helps.
Vote Elmer
i kant do this no more
reZING is a party of free will, no force required.
Well if anons get their way there will be no jobs, no bennies, no food.

Lol they think people will just calmly starve and won't descend into total chaos
>oh my lord, he is a cactus
oh no they got this all wrong
I meant, vote farage? And you'll get them
That only happens to people in possession of the Westminster Pedophile Dossier.
>There are 1 million job vacancies and 9 million unemployed.
>How the fuck does that work.
Failed state. If not now then not as far as you may think in the future.

The ones not being hired are simply being placated by the state so as to not be a problem to the ones working.

Did the same. Kind of regret it too.
>you have to voooooot
what an idiot you are
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This has to be the worst rag in history
>he isnt hibernatemaxxing
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We'll know by about 3am who has won
>using a pencil to cast your ballot
well that's not open to exploitation at all
It will make more difference than actually voooooting
If I make it eye catching enough, and ambiguous enough, their procedures dictate that they have to more thoroughly read it. If even one person reads my lunatic ravings I have won.
Think I'll hop on a VPN and mirror Josh's flags to suppress his influence
It's more secure than electronic voting and ink (can disappear) voting
There's millions of josh's. They're too stupid to realise they've brought this hate on themselves. Most people wouldn't care if they died of starvation on the street. They should be put in shared rooms with 3 meals and nothing else. If you want more go and find a job
i dont believe in it
you seem mentally ill
Yes, lowest food prices, particularly meat. Look it up
Also yes our weather and beaches are phenomenal, you must be a BAME
Yeah, they outsourced all the jobs, made the peasants fight amongst themselves, now want to take away the one thing keeping millions of violent chavs in line.

What do people think is gonna happen? Beggars won't politely ask for money, they'll form gangs. Society will become even more brutish, and nasty
the blockchain makes it impossible to be post-kantian
start robotmaxxing, automationpilled
More like midnight
Eglin Airforce base loves to browse reddit, apparently
Yeah let me just head to Skegness over Marbella lol, you fucking cuckold
how much are you gonna seethe when labour starts talking about UBI?
robbery, extortion, prostitution, slingingdrugs are jobs as good as any other if you starve otherwise
you kant speak to women lmao
Sesh one pandas
where are pandas from google it
I'm a wolf not a bear!

>PPE for the homeless
>Cheap Freddos
>Bigger Pot Noodles
>Direct line to butcher
>No darkies
>No jews
>Prrscription weed for everyone
>Bullseye returns to tv

We'll see. There are a lot of faction at play in Ukraine. Regulars will only be openly sent if the USA orders it.

In your head.
Slavery today, slavery tomorrow, slavery forever!

See you in the camps sis
can you bring your own permanent marker pen to vote?
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I have a e-gf
do you?
I'd vote elmer
You're a puppy and you were born in China. Better luck next time kid.
>Direct line to butcher
remember eu citizens cant vote but the rgeat people of ghana can
pronounced sesh one
>esteemed barrister Sir Kier Starmer will be in 10 Downing Street
nice to see a workin class lad representin at last
No, meat is ridiculous. I have travelled, you dumbass, a steak here is far more expensive than in Copenhagen or Stockholm.

Idk why your blatantly shilling
Nah, parties can demand recounts. I suspect Reform will do that a lot
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Final Electoral Calculus poll has Reform locked in for 7 seats
We'll feed them. They'll get free healthcare and dentists. They want a telly or playstation or internet or a phone. Get a job. Welfare is supposed to be the absolute last resort to keep you alive not a lifestyle choice
>Live in one of the safest Labour seats in the UK
>Reform and Tory candidates from darn sarth and don't even bother sending a leaflet, never mind door knocking

All so pointless

I'll give you €15 to lick my feet or I'll report you for turning down gainful employment
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Starner says he's atheist but he and his family attend a synagogue.
So his family is Jewish and he is atheist?
He is Jewish but doesn't believe in God?

What's going on with this guy??

Why are you going to synagogue if you are an atheist??
What, from a restaurant or in a supermarket?
blacks ans irishes
Most my estate vote reform

What about you, is your dad a peer of the realm?
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just got back home lads
first time voting
being able to vote for nige is a dream come true if nothing else
1 million jobs
9 million unemployed
If the state are going to pay people anyway, why not get some work out of them? I never really understood why welfare was just given out. If you're paying people because they don't have a job, send them somewhere to do some work. There's loads of shit that needs doing, from cleaning to filing to courier stuff. Lots the government needs done. But they just decided to give the money away for free.
This is such a stagnant country.
He's seen the writing on the wall. Even labour have said they're going to stop bennies. Nobody supports scroungers or scroungers interests
im voting for the irish nationalists
So a literal subsistence economy, on the level of subsaharan Africa but more authoritarian

England Prevails!
estate lives
>If the state are going to pay people anyway, why not get some work out of them?
if there is work to do then why cant the state higher them and pay them market rates?
accelerationists be like: give your enemies everything and hope they lose at some point
if youre from the comonwelf you can vote here
which party will abolish tax?
oh right none of them, not voting.
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>What do people think is gonna happen?
I think you missed the part where wagie gets bummed by the chavs on top of the obvious brutality. The rise of the butt hurt will be the interesting part as there won't be much the aristobrats can do about that.

Same predicament for most places in London.

>If the state are going to pay people anyway, why not get some work out of them?
Simply that it is easier to not bother and the state don't genuinely care about people as long as they benefit from the working wagies.
He flip-flops depending on who he is talking to. We all know this and that's why he can't be trusted.
Both. Don't believe me, book your own flight, nothing stopping you.

I have been to expensive cities, Dubai, Singapore, but London is the most expensive by far, its outrageous, especially relative to average earnings.
so I can vote in a British election?? i don't think so
That's the Australian Federal Police child porn and gore poster.
If he's a puppy in China, next time will be coming soon.
Literal slavery was abolished about 170 years ago pal
yes you can rajesh
if they had people on welfare doing that stuff that would put other people out of a job lmfao, which would create more unemployment
the tories are worse than labor
>in danger of
The UK is already the Mississippi of Europe, there isn't much further they can fall into irrelevance.
the irish are back
>BAMEs linked to the wrong thread
one job
you still fucked it
Stop asking reasonable questions. Blame the individual, not the mega corporations that use state money to top up their low wages
the irish are back
>Even labour have said they're going to stop bennies

Bullshit, where did they say that
Which bit of "you get fed" have you read as starving?
Internet. Playstations. Your own flat. Phones. Money. Those things should be reserved for working people. It's hard enough paying this shit for your own family never mind paying for a leech that contributes nothing and never will unless he's forced
It's almost like not every vote matters.
>Why are you going to synagogue if you are an atheist??
Plotting world domination and the extermination of the Goyim.
naw, tnhis implies I have to be "resident", presumably of Britain

otherwise, I want to vote!
im about to go to Japan
true that
because we don't need rope you nonce
it's about skills
and while this goes on we continue as always to subsidise business
Thieve lead off a roof
>wagie gets bummed by the chavs

Peasants fighting amongst themselves whilst the elite who set up these conditions live in mansions and their kids are set for life
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If you don't like living in a high cost low wage country why dun you fuck off innit.
Hoping for 18% vote share, enough to make it look ridiculous Lib Dems having a lot more seats
1 million jobs
9 million unemployed
AI knocking more jobs out of the. market each year
bit thick aren't you
Denmark 1kg beef 16.24 dollars
UK 1kg beef 13.33 dollars

Amongst developed nations we have the lowest food prices, and with extremely high food standards. Something to be proud of tbqh and you will miss it when it's gonr
>Your own flat

Open the workhouses! Make these people work in exchange for food!

To be fair, it's been tried since the dawn of history, this old slavery lark
anon tell me how stacking shelves at tesco earns the right to your own flat etc
are they allowed to construct their own favelas?
please be careful not reveal your todger to the cleaning lady
>It's hard enough paying this shit for your own family

Who made it hard, you dumb cuckold. Who shipped the jobs overseas and inflated the labour market with immigrants? Who handed out government contracts to corporations worth billions whilst their employees earn pennies an hour and live in damp housing?

The system relies on stupid people like you to continue existing
>making people get a job if they want stuff is literal authoritarian nightmare fuel
You can always get a dinghy to somewhere that'll give you free shit
Gypsy battle royale
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denmark mentioned
both parties did
Good advice, I have no answer other than yeah, good point.

See you on the other side of the world
Can only vote if you're from Commonwealth country AND live in Britain:
>A qualifying Commonwealth citizen is someone who is resident in the UK and who has leave to remain in the UK or does not require leave to remain.
>Electoral registration officers can check the immigration status of applicants from a Commonwealth nation.
>Malta and Cyprus are both Commonwealth and EU countries. Citizens of both countries have voting rights to all elections in the UK, if they are resident and fulfil all other criteria, because of their Commonwealth status.
>extremely high food standards

He's never been to Dixy Chicken
>just give me free shit and let me shitposts 18 hours a day
I mean those jobs that just aren't getting done. Look at the absolute state of most cities, since the council can't be bothered checking things out or doing any cleaning.
Think of all those times you've seen half the road closed because contractors left all the cones out and the council hasn't sent anyone out to check if they're done. A dole scrounger could gather up all those cones.
temporarily embarassed millionaire in the thread with corporate cock in his mouth
(((Who))) indeed.
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if you leave your ancestral home because things get a bit tough and you cant live in absolute luxury, then i cant help but see you as a coward
good take for you
We only vote for the House of Commons. The House of Lords, the judiary, the civil service, the media elite and the think tanks are all intact from one government to the next.

Its a fools game to think the Commons dictates the course of the country
You get fed. You live in a hostel. What more do you deserve?
$6.05 - $9.83
>people getting paid dont give a fuck
>let's force people doing it for free to do it, they'll definitely care
>since the council can't be bothered checking things out or doing any cleaning.
This is the problem with not funding LAs & privatisation.
Underfund them, they can't afford to pay the staff, they strike, the miss shifts.
Privatise it? The Danish company contracts some nonce in a satellite city to do it and they just don't meet SLAs since there's no punishment, they're free to do what they want for 2-4 years and will get the contract again, since they have pushed local business' out. They don't need to recruit staff to carry out the work either, since it's a safe job.
there is too much money going around for the changes that are proposed here to not lead to mass increase in violence and erosion of civilian institutions
Englands over anon, its over.

People don't realise how precarious employment is, they've fallen for Daily Mail lives and genuinely want Victorian England back.

They just have to watch one documentary to see how terrible this is. England is over.
multiple generations of my family paid in to the system their whole working lives, I am therefore entitled to withdraw the bennies. And no 22 year old mong working in a call centre is going to lord it up at me over it
Has Lily Allen made foot fetishism mainstream now?

Can't stand the libshit bitch, but damn she has cute toes ngl
How does one escape the hostel/ workhouse?
sole trader
i'd fuck those feet
not even into feet
In reality it will just be more job fair bullshit and simplifying the system. The reality is you can't cut benefits because the benefits aren't even that much compared to the cost of living and too many people get some form of support
You don't.
If we weren't paying scroungers you can use that money to employ people. Or make the payment linked to emptying bins or sweeping the streets. You're being paid. You should work
her feet are giving me a foot fetish
Haven't seen her digits.
Thought she died in like 2009 or sumfin.
you build shacks and if the coppers come you get the lads and beat them up
Disgusting statement. Many people want to work but can't. Implying civilisational
l collapse is the fault of the individual.

They shipped the jobs overseas, what are people supposed to do, they set it up so people fail then blame them for the government's policies
people are already being paid to sweep streets
>If we weren't paying scroungers you can use that money to employ people
>If we weren't paying scroungers you can use that money to employ people

Yeah, ya see, problem is, they don't pay scroungers a full living wage or even close to it.
Your family have taken out far more than they ever put in. You are the classic generational scrounger
Germany 17.47 for 1kg of beef by my table
This is for 'back leg red meat' or equivalent so it is an effective comparison where cut quality is controlled for
i'd fuck lily allens little brother to get access to her feet and i'm not even into eat
Mad, isn't it. Money taken away from services that could employ people so that it could be given to people to do nothing.
Something along the line just went wrong, and it's like everyone is too afraid or embarrassed to try to fix it.
Get a job or a dinghy
Have they? Mate you're a greasy 22 year old call centre employee
Sounds like slaverys back on the menu boys!

Children born into the workhouse become wards of the state, the Daily Mail says its their own fault, should have worked harder in the womb
Raw ingredients being GMO free, free range etc
Of course swarthoids serving it in chicken shops wipe their arses with their hands, but that's a hygiene issue
The majority of people on benefits work. Their wages are topped up by universal credit.

This is too complicated for you to understand why it's bad
now ask him if its scrounging when corporations don't pay tax but use public infrastructure
The state can't afford it
People treat like life it's a joem
Vote reform, get shacks lining the streets with roving gangs.

Seems about right
Their parents should have worked harder. They're part of a lazy defective bloodline, an undesirable caste. Or maybe they should have worked harder in their previous life so they could have been reincarnated as a rich person.
The brilliant thing is they're subsidising business, I love it!
I fucking hate old people too mate.
Every one of them should be flayed, raped and thrown off the top of a building while aflame.
You're getting your flat paid, free healthcare, free opticians, dental, council tax. You're being paid far more than you realise. Not for much longer
is scrounging when corporations don't pay tax but use public infrastructure?
How do you get a job if you are working in a workhouse in order to eat food?

How do you get money for professional clothes, how do you get money for the internet to send off a CV?

>Raw ingredients being GMO free

Lmao, you are a fool. Our crops are already genetically modified, a law was passed in 2023 allowing it.

Keep up old man
>flat paid
>free healthcare
same for you mate
>free opticians
not blind
teeth are good, brush twice and floss ya dosser
>council tax
pay that subsidy for privatisation
>you're being paid far more than you realise
As are you, you dense fucking cunt.
You are subsidised by government, they pay you more in benefits than you pay i. You are a fucking leech, a waste of fucking matter.
The Dailg Mail hasn't download that mod into his brain, so no comprehende
The sins of the father carry onto the son. Generational slavery.

Well done, you're a complete cunt, i dont doubt a ton of the Lords wet themselves at the thought of such a system
Businesses basically get double-subsidy. Government pays their underpaid staff, and the staff can use that topped up money to actually buy products the business makes.
Without benefits, no-one could afford the products these companies shit out, and they would collapse.
Well there you go. I don't deny that it will eventually go to shit, hence why I said you'll miss it.
As a country we can never be allowed to have nice things (sick international joke I guess?) so it's only natural that they take away our high quality cheap food, it's about the last thing they can take away from us economically
>having kids when you're in the workhouse
Makes sense
How do you get a job without the internet or a phone retard?
If a professional gets made redundant because his firm went bust is he supposed to just dig holes and not have any time/means to find another professional job
Your proposals would create an economy of menial Soviet drudgery
You don't. There's millions of lazy stupid fucks just like you. We can't afford you. cost of living has made people look at you like never before. The tide is well and truly turning.
>Those things should be reserved for working people.
you're fucking deluded

fuck all that commie zogged shit
water should be reserved for working people
you're addicted to trash
end yaself
People are only looking at the "dole scroungers" because it's racist to look at the immigrants.
I've got a brilliant idea! Let's just pay people to do nothing forever. Let's make it a lifestyle choice. Who's going to pay for it? I don't know, those people that work I suppose
Better one.
Kill every motherfucker wageslave on earth.
They're prostitutes and have no values.
They will toe the line with anyone who promises them home.

You've been clocked mate.
Well and fucking truly.
>Threaten to stop his bennies because we can't afford it. Turns far right nazi and blames immigrants
No one says you have to vote. But telling people not to vote as some act of rebellion is retarded unless you're planning a revolution.
>unless you're planning a revolution.
that's precisely what we're planning
a (counter)revolution of the aristocrats
Voting is for suckers.
>voting for the party that will bring in infinite niggers without pretending to care all because hurr brown man bad
very sensible
>brown man bad

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