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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Voters head to polls for UK general election
Do you want to see my todger?
I'll kill you stone dead
p-post it
negro coded thread
He's too scared
>sing to the tune of the Adams family

(Verse 1)
They're creepy and they're sneaky,
They're watching when you're cheeky,
They're hidden, never peaky,
The GCHQ brigade.

They spy on all the anons,
On 4chan and beyond,
Brit/pol/'s where they respond,
The GCHQ brigade.

(Verse 2)
77th joins in the game,
They're tracking posts and names,
Anons they'll try to blame,
The GCHQ brigade.

They're monitoring your threads,
And keeping tabs on spreads,
They're always steps ahead,
The GCHQ brigade.

So when you're on the chans,
And posting all your plans,
Just know they're watching, man,
The GCHQ brigade!
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this you?
so me getting like £150 every two weeks is scrounging, but Amazon paying zero taxes to use the roads despite making £10 billion a year is not scrounging
>How do you get a job if you are working in a workhouse in order to eat food?

>How do you get money for professional clothes, how do you get money for the internet to send off a CV?

My family and also
sometimes I wish nukes weren't fake
They create wealth, lad. Like literally create it and then it trickles down and makes us all wealthier. Any day now.

A kings life! You can buy a whole loaf of bread. How dare you, that money belongs to the British establishment to give to G4S
this is such a beautiful song
I would post mine but /pol/ has a filesize limit.
all relationships are held on by gripping on tight and gritted teeth hatred
amazon is a job creator by creating an anti competative cartel for online purchases which cuts the
inefficiency of human labor to the utmost minimum
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who are you talking to?
Sounds like they should pay for using the roads then
that would drive away wealth creators
I used to get the same feeling some days, thought maybe it was all a dream, haha nuclear warfare is just there to scare us, I'm only dreaming.
Then I watched Gary get burned alive, not even by a nuke. Then it was Neil getting his leg blown off, shrapnel in his guts.

Yeah, the real fear of nukes started when I came back. Spent a few years shaking it off and learning to live again, putting it out my mind. Then some daft bald KGB KUNT invades Ukraine because..............??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? wait why again?

remembered the screams gary made and that subliminal almost inperceivable whine he made that was almost certainly too high frequency for me to register his wish for a bullet to the brain
god bless israel haha...
Fuck you

like everything else in bongland (and many other places), they'll restrict that shit for whites, but let others do it because otherwise it would be racist.
that's hate speech you fuck
Paying to use public infrastructure would drive companies away will it? Then the government should seize their operations until they pay tax. Fucking scroungers no such thing as a free lunch, or does that only apply to poor people?
I intend to get into hiking
i'd like to walk for a long time
you fucking boring bastard
Get a minimum wage job. You can afford those things on a minimum wage job. They will take anyone. They are desperate for staff.
WTF how's them farmers gonna survive then?!
Not voting. Not participating for free in what's little more than a nationwide marketing survey.
Whoever they want to win will win regardless of who people vote for.

If voting is real then Labour will win because farage has split the Tory vote.
If voting isn't real then Labour still might win but also they may let reform win, depending on what they have planned for us in the future. Be that ww3 or whatever
not my fault you hate your own brain
i can't even begin to heal that
>does that only apply to poor people
The mistake we all keep making is assuming others care about being fair. They don't give a shit. They'll tell you that you can't do something and then do it themselves. It's not about it being wrong, it's about sabotaging you and strengthening themselves.
But a world where everyone thought that way, and tried to backstab everyone else like that, would be awful.
You use the roads and you take money from the state. You're worse than Amazon
they are in fact not desperate for staff otherwise the wages would rise and not be minimum wage thats the law of supply and demand
Come out ye' black and tans
Come out and fight me like a man
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders
Tell her how the IRA,
made you run like hell away,
from the green and lovely lanes of Killeshandra
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don't make me do it josh
i've thought deeply about things that matter
and nothing at all about things that don't
Yeah but I only use the roads once or twice a day. I'm not thousands of vans and trucks in a fleet across the country doing tens of thousands of miles a day. I'm not Amazon
it must require one hell of an accent to rhyme Flanders with Killeshandra
It's ok Arbroathy, no one was expecting you to vote reform you're such a sweetheart. You're still welcome around mine to play twister anytime
do we reckon reform can get 6 seats? anything over 4 is a win right
I know it's a foreign idea to you but the working population isn't given shit. You live at home, then in a house share, you study, you work, you acquire skills, you get a gf, you rent a flat, you acquire more skills, you buy a house etc etc
You don't just bully your mum to death and get given a flat when you're dad kicks you out.
Yeah, tongue twister you big gay waheyyyyy.
listen up here chud
you don't get it
they keep the gears turning
you're a fucking useless breather you dumb fucking cunt
I bet you've never read a book in your life
you anti-intellectual
sold books
you know

he's creating jobs
he's doing the right thing and cutting out hte middle man it's efficiency don't you see
his cheap shitty e-ink devices that are worse than the competition have led us to never need to print books he opted to put himself out of business as a great sacrifice and revolutionised the market without allowing us to cave to the japs or the french
he is a fucking hero

you are a chud who cries about road tax
bet you don't even walk to liverpool to pick up your pickled onions
i'm not even irish and i was more affected by the dublin riots
i was half ready to book a plane truth be told
i was right fucking there with them
we need biden to win
Do you not have an Irish general you can do your little songs in? They may be of more interest there
This is a British general for British people, perhaps you are confused?
Don't they pay road tax or fuel duty? You really are a smooth brain
The wages they can pay are reliant on the price customers are willing to pay. Also they seek profit. They are not a charity.

Regardless, anon can afford the things he asked about on minimum wage. They will snap him up. His question is answered. He can buy his food and his more professional cloths easily on minimum wage and then seek better paid work if he wants.
>amazon runs a million billion vans and lorries every day
>but YOU are the one destroying the earth by washing your clothes on 40° instead of 30°
we're coming for you lad
expect us irish
we're fookin back (the irish)
sounds like a man glad to pay his fair share proportional to the cost he imposes on the population
hunter needs to stop larping and pull his finger out
it's either him or michelle
>reform get less seats than the SNP who are down considerably

Wow it's almost like Nigel Farage is unsubstantive and unlikeable
Amazon don't run their own lorries, it's mostly contractors and there's a lot of self employed delivery van drivers
>The wages they can pay are reliant on the price customers are willing to pay
they always pay the least its not a matter of affordabillity as you represent
Do you steal bicycles and deal drugs? Kind of a requirement to join the rioters.
>sing to the tune of the Adams family

The GCHQ brigade.

You fucked up anon
Wow it's almost like you don't understand how fptp works.
>don't look at me, look at those big bad companies
Too late. Interest rate hikes, rising rents, food prices exploding have made people look at you as never before. You're in the public's crosshairs now. People like you are done
Who's gonna pay for all the invaders to be housed, clothed and fed? And whose gonna pay for the luxuriant lifestyles of the pedo 'elites' if you don't pay youre income taxes like a good goy?
Those kids aren't gonna import themselves to be raped and murdered for free you selfish cunt
If you're on benefits and paid for 4chan you're the evolutionary bottleneck that takes out humanity
sounds like a man who'd demolish a bridge so his FOTM yacht could get out of port
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never noticed she had such a tight hourglass figure
imma finna bus no cap frfr
I have nothing to do with Irish people though? What have I ever done to you?
nah it is the reverse there were never more of him
>they seek profit
They cut every possible corner to maximise profits for their shareholders, because if they have a bad quarter then the shareholders start selling and the company is kill.
The customer and the employee are not a part of this. They're just victims of this system, both squeezed and milked dry to appease the shareholders never-ending thirst for more dividends.
Also probably jews.
it's just the dress

look at those shoulders
>they always pay the least
Get a job you fucking loser. Even when I was working completely unskilled labour I could find jobs paying more than minimum wage.
>marks and Spencer
>bar man

For example.
b-b-b-buh without the lords there'd be no fields my lad
>Kind of a requirement to join the rioters.
Uhh classist much
why do you love bames stabbing primary kids and not burning trams in response
answer you are a retard
I swear like 99% of people are shit at writing lyrics which have the right number of syllables
>some cunt

I am aware of how it works, it wasn't the showing predicted here by the disaffected schizotypal brigade who are 0-2 since 2020
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nah she tight af
the filesize limit is a maximum not a minimum
built like a currys special offer fridge
>The wages they can pay are reliant on the price customers are willing to pay
Bongland is high cost and low wage because the vast majority of gross profit goes to the landlord and the taxman
Everyone hates bicycle thieves and drug dealers more than one psych patient. You know that right?
>shoulders wider than hips
dialled in wife
it's too late to vote again
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id take that offer
Time eats pseuds like buttered up microwave popcorn
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better? juan
Hard to be a winner when convince yourself its impossible.
this fag is ready to throw his country away because he wants to fuck a 6/10 Indian woman
josh seethes too much at pube

he likes to pretend he's better than them but at heart he's just another run of the mill brincel
very charitable of them to not pay the least possible and to ignore the laws of supply and demand
>4chin plus
Umm sweaty
>I dont understand it
>why don't the majority feel racial solidarity with me, a dirty smelly white criminal on welfare??
>I know, its the white people that are wrong.
what's a josh?
Yeah i must be imagining the collapse of the high street and the death of retail innit m8.
reform is a retard party. Nigel is a the candidates for retards that like to get duped.
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you're seething because she doesn't have a fupa Tyquan
drop it corpo simp
Oh you love being a pseud?
name your top 3 pseuds from history
did anyone ever find out who that young paki was next so sunak day 2 of the campaign trail in wales? Back when he made that euros joke that fell flate.
She looked kinda cute.

I won't shame you for wanting to put your dick in brown bro, I got that same lust. I must make them whiter.
it me
Fuck you gerry germfeild
How is it charity? If you pay the least you get the worst. Barmen have some responsibility despite it being unskilled.
Juan would hit it but I wouldn't. I tried to fuck a fat girl once, couldn't get a boner. Cute face but once she took her clothes off, total turnoff. She just laid on me and cried all night and it really sucked because I could barely breathe. I've had normal size girls sleep on me before and it was fine, but with this girl it was trouble. I don't recommend it.
>Nigel is a the candidates for retards that like to get duped.

as opposed to the 2 main parties, their voters are cream of the crop
Too late mate I've already cast my vote, you can stand down now
Amazon doesn’t pay zero taxes.
By all means, scrap the progressive tax rate and replace it with a “how much you use” rate. It’d be more fair objectively.
Do you ever flash your penis to the hotel cleaning lady?
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I think that was just a welsh lass
i've got rizz
If that was true then we'd be kicking down the doors of refugee hotels, but the situation has only gotten worse. I am a white english man that is temporarily unemployed from a redundancy. You larping like a CEO on 4chan is embarassing. Its also a Thursday morning, what are you doing here?
Post rizz (penis)
you cashed in your crypto yet?
money isn't real until its in your account
skeptical of people i want to murder
Communists like you ought to be barred from voting.
gonna have to go to wales and shag every lass at this rate
Are your inner cities not reorganising around tourism while retail moves to larger cheaper spaces on the outskirts in order to compete with online?
>we'd be kicking down the doors of refugee hotels
That would make people racist. They would rather go after poor white men.
I'm not going to renegotiate 200 years of experience with social policies, labor movements and capitalism.
Is Isabel oakeshott sexo?
that horrible goblin head
it's not liquid yet
but I 'have it' - just can't sell it till next year
there's still a 10x opportunity for it over the next year by that time
we'll see
just hit it from the back ffs
no fringe
only a good landing zone for cum
but she's got a weird rested face
and a loos poos so nah
Are you a vampire?
would. don't care about her politics.
what do you think it was that caused ireland to be colonised by england
what caused that?
what caused you to type in the english language today?
what caused you to type in english in response to a question?
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so polling booths in the UK aren't completely covered up?
consider private pre-mines and pre-sales (shares) as zero until you get the cash lad.
don't fall into the trap

I have a few of these, some of them have been stuck in 'IPO soon I swear!!!!!!!' for 3 years
Why would I vote for Labour then? I'm not giving up NEETlife for a dogshit with shit hours and shit pay.
It's going to be an interesting 4 years for scroungers no matter who wins
you tick a box, it's not a wank cabinet
Its not communist to not have the cock of big business in your mouth. I look after my own, I'm out for myself and my interests. You are the one with GDP and the poor jeff bezos on your mind
Not the worst looking but not the best either, I have better news waifus than her
People kept wanking in there so the curtain had to be taken down.
We got something called the written word.
>marketing survey.
That’s why you should vote. Show them that there’s a demand for anti immigration and they’ll start supplying it. Supply and demand affects everything, if political parties aren’t certain a product will sell they won’t make it.
The Norman's conquered both England and Ireland. English is a mongol mix of Latin, French and German. Probabaly a few norse words in there too.

Your conquerors. I have a surname with a Norman origion. I could claim my people conquered yours. If I was a dope like you.
No you also get threated by BAMEs to vote liebour at the door.
Scared someone might see you vote reform?
yeah true, but it's not like that
not an investor
and it's not pre-sale, it's just not listed yet
how cool would that be to cast an empty ballot that you just blew a load on and dropped it in the box
So why when you say
>Are your inner cities not reorganising around tourism
aren't you referring to your own cities
if you come from such noble and aristocratic stock
The fanciers the booths the less democratic the country
Like dictatorships try so hard to look legit with their voting that they'll have a full on anechoic airtight chamber
and if its never listed?
not saying you're a fucking retard, but have a plan just in case
also you're a retard
74.4% of the population have the ability to play the white man so we don't need covered booths, yet
>Thursday morning, what are you doing here?
i exist and i am mentally ill hurr hurr we are fucked mate, these cunts are worse than tories trust me, work camps coming...

if i am forced to go be in a room full of dickheads someone cunt will get a fuck chair smashed over their heads...
he wants to re organize the economy around barmans and marcs and spencer clerks the outskirts must grow
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Cool, I've always wondered if people did this
fuck no. I've banged those dothead and paki bitches and theyre horrible in bed. not even a double bagging would be safe.
irish flag = retard
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>anechoic airtight chamber
just when I thought we were done talking about her fanny
My city is doing that. Why arnt yours? English cities and English people are just laying down to die? You need another conquering. Hopefully Muslims and Hindus have more fight in them.
democracy is dead dumbass, money is all that matters. it's been this way since the beginning of democracy in Greece, with limited voting rights, only people with money and land can vote. Now, anyone can vote, but most of them will vote in accordance with whatever ads they saw on their media platform of choice, ads paid for by people with money and land. same thing, just a bit abstracted, and it keeps the people docile because they think their voice matters
>horrible in bed
they weren't into you
>My city
you're a spastic with no answers trying to critique things you don't have the capacity to understand
I'm going to jerk off in the poll booth
can't say anymore
the risk is value crashing + no liquidity in a year and gotta sell at a like 25 cents on the dollar
not worried
but we'll see next year
Uh oh it's raining. There goes a few million votes not cast for labour
i'll fucking smash the place up... these fucking retards just do not get it...
good shit.
I'm still just stacking sats.
im at 1 billion and counting.
don't they have the lowest average iq in europe? Maybe not, but I think it would work in their advantage. Too much intellect frictions against the natural xenophobic state of humans
no, theyre just bad. either dead fish or grand mal seizure at a gabber rave in a tornado and they fart incessantly until you take your dick out. then their bad breath and they all want to kiss a white boy.
there's no inbetween.
The women would do it, too.
Its £20 for a whole year. I'm not going to sit in solitude in silence in the dark because I'm on bennies
work on your picks
I'm not interested in iq
i think the irish are the most remarkable people in the world
second only to the scottish
and one only needs to look at the world to confirm it
Proper schizo. I'd whisper "The WEF don't actually matter" while I nut inside so she'd buck like a horse
voting is for SPASTICS
The irish and scots spread low IQ crime, shit genetics, and subhuman drawl around the world 77th. There is nothing to be proud of just like LGBT.
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Scotchish people are an enigma
there's like 1000 of them in total, 80% are junkies 20% are supergeniuses that invented the modern world
what the fuck is that about?
4chan is run by NEET money
nice cope
Need a poo
>scots invented the modern world
u wot
lots of interesting developments this year so far
various Ethereum (EVM) projects are taking off and Coinbase launched something called Base which will continue to grow

also, I don't think your whole storage of energy analogy is accurate btw. it's really more a storage of compute (for proof of work) and the energy input is highly variable
norman rapebabies piping up again? the CHAD celt has his genetics in tact. The norman's DNA is a global bukkake of french and roman domination
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they make cool books
you tried to flatten it as cope because you're a pathetic human bean
>voting is for SPASTICS
the only intelligent post here
Pickering's take on Euclid is fucking beautiful
good lad
some of us are so far gone mate we can't work, so far gone as in completely fucking insane, they will try their work program or what ever they are going to call it and someone is gonna start fucking smashing the fucking place because they are having a panic attack... Fucking trust me i will not have to go back...
>reee don't vote for anyone that stops me scrounging
They all promised to stop you scrounging
>reee don't vote
this is very hurtful
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your cope history as a loser would hurt but it can't
>NEETS are not working by choice—but a ‘perfect storm’ is creating a pool of highly trained and willing workers who are the ‘new unemployables’
I'm registered in two constituencies, should I vote twice?
scotchish people invented the modern world and I shall not be swayed by a literal pot
So what you're saying is we need euthanasia?
Yes. If anyone asks, just say you forgot.
celtoids are long gone bud
I graduated in 2020, I don't believe these people can't find a job.
Nah that's illegal and traceable
lil zoomer finds his first job and now he thinks he's a representative of all working men and women
fuck you
what do you think this already is? They killed millions of us with a bioweapon, evidence of which is presented to the highest court and nothing... Trust me mate, they don't want to force the mentally ill unstable ex soldier... I will not be going back, that is 100%
Eh really? Id get fucked over it? That's shit.
If it was illegal and untraceable I'd say go for it
NEETbux 4 lyfe
>force the mentally ill unstable ex soldier.
of which there are many...
Work is energy
Work = Force x distance
Work measured in joules, it's by definition energy.

Yes the energy is variable, in that the network alters the difficulty based on hashrate, but fundementally it is still energy.

Take flare gas or any electrical baseload for example. hashrate can store than energy rather than burning it off by doing work with it. Work we do as peasants is just economic energy and it should be stored in sound money.
started at the bottom and ended up at the bottpm

are the rich ones at college good enough? I've banged the middle aged women at the gas stations when I worked for pepsico. succc strong the rest is stank.
as apposed to two parties of people that don't dip when shit actually happens and responsibility comes into play with hard decisions happen unlike slippin nagel
What if I simply say "no?"
It's weird, there is such a massive demand for educated, highly skilled workers to work for £13 an hour yet non of the cunts take up the offer.
It was inevitable. Most sci-fi predicted this, that eventually there would be a huge non-working class who will either have to be paid subsistence or be mass exterminated. Because if you just ignore them, they will literally eat the rich.
Spanish don't get bennies or free housing. If you neet you're doing it on your families dime. That's why it's a good idea not to bully your mum to death and get disowned by the rest of your family
forcing the men to work menial jobs to squeeze some productivity out of them and occupy their energy would do the job... oh wait we already tried that
it can be done if you say GCHQ fast.
My wife loves hiring you subhumans for dirt cheap. The shit you’ll do for 45,000 pounds is incredible. Literally have to pay skilled US workers twice as much.
>oh wait we already tried that
>The shit you’ll do for 45,000 pounds is incredible
listen to your boring ramblings?
If this election is showing us anything, it's that Britain is ready for an American king.
>I'm a loser and its everyone else's fault.

Get a job.
its the way the world worked before the 60's
men would work
women would stay at home.
occupy the men and they don't revolt - problem is that the women said 'no work no pussy' to the men and we ended up halving the value of human production within 10 years.
>45,000 pounds
What benefits, all the israeli sperm you can chug?
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Holy shit the era of Judge Death is here!
>Oh no! making people work instead of scrounging is literally a death sentence
I wish
See, I still think work would work. Anything to keep a man busy and occupied, and feeling like his time is valued and that he's serving a purpose.
All this subversive marxist leftist nonsense is what's fucked us up.
Fucking lmao why is there an influx of mentally incapacitated bennie retards today? Are they scared they might actually have to work a few hours a week?

Work where? All manual labor companies in UK only hire africans because they're cheaper. Before Brexit they used to hire polish. Theres not enough service jobs for everyone.
voting Reform for total scrounger eradication
When your wife hires the subhumans do you get to watch
wew, lad.
I couldn't possibly get out of bed in the morning for less than £30,000 a year minimum (and that would be barely cutting it), how do you lads do it?
Benefits? Benefits are for the Dutch and the French.
Voted Reform lads
I meet the couples AET and I only do 2 days most weeks and 3 if I need to raise my earnings so I'll be alright whatever they do tbqhwy
You're almost 40 and you've never worked. Now you're blaming boat wogs?
don't get out of bed laaaa
>Female Afghan rights activist is filmed being gang-raped in Taliban prison as guards yell 'You've been fucked by Americans - now it's our turn'
>all manual labour companies
Even in BAMEhole London the guys digging the roads up, fixing sewers, working on the train lines are all British. Britain and Ireland are probably the only western countries where natives do the manual work. Minorities either don't work, do some sort of food delivery or get busywork jobs
I’d never hire an English. For me it’s Mexicans and Poles.
why? i trust people i want to kill completely
you've been given a false impression of America. Most labor crews here are still entirely or mostly white, the purely darkskin crews work for their own companies, underbidding everyone else and doing awful work (but quick and cheap!) then we get hired to come fix their bullshit.
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We don't have such an issue. Currently on my 4 week summer vacation chilling out playing Elden Ring DLC.
Here’s a question, what do released prisoners do for work? Can they claim benefits or what? Do they have work coaches like the rest of the bennie boys
i hate this faggot country, its corny ass culture and english people can't even speak their own fucking language. AND THEN OIL JUST WONK WONK WONK AND YOU'LL SAY YEH DARLIN AVE ANUVVA BINGBONG ON THE WINGWONG LUV YEH AND OIL BE WELL EMBARISS BUT DEN BLOODY 'ELL LIKE. these are song lyrics? what is this vocal style, and why did you have to link this has-been cunt in this thread? fuck me, being english is a curse. didn't we used to be a great civilization or whatever? i literally can't even, nigger.
Yet you had the truck fiasco because you didn't have enough imported niggers to replace all the polish truck drivers.
Used to be able to get tickets to work on the railway through probation, don't know if they still do that
the irish are fuckin back
look out
>not voting reform
shiggy diggy doo
if it makes you feel any better, America is going down the same road, and you lasted longer than we did. success breeds decadence, which breeds weakness. however you had much more fertile grounds for your business, since most of the places you conquered never even saw a gun before
You think Spain and France didn't arm our enemies like china, Iran and Russia do yours now?
I have no reason to vote, they're all part of the same club and all want the same things the public don't
the optimal outcome now would be for Jesus to return and for them to all simultaneously drop dead from "suddenly died"
They were doing fast track prisoner-to-truck driver courses.

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home assistant dashboard fit looking clean af no cap
>Minorities either don't work, do some sort of food delivery or get busywork jobs
This 2bh, I always assumed southern chuds / xenophobes were always low tier labourers because I never see minorities doing them.
Minorities did the other shit, delivery drivers, retail, fast food work, hospitality, food picking, care homes etc.
Even when I worked in a fucking food factory, white British men refused to work there.

Then they just beat down on others because some conservatives tell them they're stealing their money lmao
>four seats
kek no way
You think jesus likes scroungers. Is jesus your last hope for your bennies. Kek
It's black no sugar for me !
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I've figured out the solution to the bennies problem. If you go on the dole, then whenever you go outside you have to wear a hat saying "Unemployed: Please give me a job", and then you have to take any work offered to you.
Anon what???
Reformboys are the toryboys of yesteryear, having learned nothing.
Truck driving & timpsons.
weak b8 vishpoo
oh, yeah some days are better than others
let me guess, you customize your android phone too rajesh?
mate I change my name every few months
needed something a bit more authentically british you know?
Rajesh should do it
I voted Reform
Vote for a small party.
>B-but they never win.
Of course they don't because you never fucking vote for them. Vote with your conscience for the best or the absolute least worst Party possible. Then you earn your right to blame all the society's ills on everyone else who clearly voted wrong compared to you. If you don't vote, you don't get the right to whine.
well yeah, but not to the same extent. But also, we only won our war against you guys because France helped us out so much just to limit your power (even though most Americans aren't aware of this today)
if you think money is even remotely my primary concern you are a fucking idiot. money is a control mechanism.
no thanks, whats the point.
i'd rather you launch the nukes.
good to see you're all still idiots. we'll never fix things, dont bother trying. *leaves*
my bum is always itchy ffs im sick of it
might have a chippy lunch
>When you go outside
They should be made to sit in the city centre from 9-5 in a designated zone with the hat on
make sure to take a pic and post it here lad
or it never happened
There's a large portion of posters here who's no. 2 political priority to sort out (after bames) is benniemongs because of josh, and that's incredibly sad.
Farage needs to start campaigning more for PR. Why isn't he?
nothing ever happens though?
>like a pissing puppy when he gets his shien order
>posting photos of the tat he's ordered
>Don't like money me I don't. >I'm above all that me I am. Fuck off josh you boring cretin

>if the media says it, it's true
>driving a truck is manual labour
I'd get a chippy lunch but my chipper burned down and the others died to conservatism.
Don't feel like getting on a bus while half in the bag just to get a haggis supper.
gonna project my hate onto WM instead and continue with my delicious roux for my election pasta bake.
If you're on benefits for more than a week you should be sterilised, if you're on them more than a month you should be euthanised, simple as
>6am update: Reform, no seats
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hell yeah brother
Problem is, we all know at least one josh and some have to deal with them as part of their job. They're a scourge on society and they know it
This but also benefits are paid one month in arrears.
I vooted lads, going to go to sleep now so I can stay up all night to watch the results come in
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remember it's voooting day and that gobbo and his nonce VPNs (Dago for example) are going to try everything possible to stop you voting for are nige. Then he'll be along later going woooot no, im voting for reform (as if he leaves the house, and as if he'd vote for the party that will take away his bennies)

fuck gobbo/dago. he's a paedophile.
vote reform.
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This applies to business' too right? Everyone earning under 100k?
And it's absolute, not a soft touch gotta earn it first then it's euthanasia, hardline if you're still not earning 100k+ when you're 18y + 1w 1d you are in the chamber.

You wouldn't want to be a hypocrite right? Faggotry is super gay after all.
Bit extreme, but I like your enthusiasm

The real benny scrougers are the politicians. They all get paid about three times the national average wage for what was originally not even suppose to be a real job. Plus they get tons of expenses on top of this and they are in charge of determining how much they get paid (they always get that pay rise).
Most of them are receiving a bit on side as well to make sure they vote the right way.
And once they retire from politics, most of them fuck off to some nice cushy non job or they go to house of lords which is basically pension for politicians (pensions in the uk class as a benefit by the way).
These things happened in the Forces while serving abroad? Iraq? Afghanistan?
>reee don't look at me look at big business
>reee don't look at me look at politicians
Your kind is hated more than politicians or billionaires. You're done
Are you voting for Rishni bongs?
Starmer has received £76k in "gifts" since he became leader of his party.
This is next level irony
You're actually a comic genius
>I did well by avoiding education, the /pol/neet tells himself
>doesn't know a LARP when he sees one
3 seats
I guess I was fooled, then.

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