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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Voters head to polls for UK general election

>Captain Tom's daughter disqualified from charity

>Noise and steam as first blast furnace closes in Port Talbot

>UK elections: what is tactical voting and how does it work?

>NHS leader calls for partnership with private sector to build new hospitals

>Nigel Farage hailed as 'breath of fresh air' just hours before election: 'He really appeals to the youngsters!'

>Election WIPEOUT: Bombshell last-minute poll predicts Tories will get just 82 seats
blocko was spot on last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
>labour won
John I thought you weren't allowed to have internet access as you work on the exit poll. That's illegal you know.
fuck off spammer
chippylunch lads
tldr for a muttbro, fren?
you won't
>b-b-buh it doesn't matte-
Spoil your ballot. You don't have to vote for anyone, just turnout. Be politically engaged, show them that they can be overthrown.
Anything else is cuckoldry of the highest tier.
saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
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Just vote anyway. The don't vote people piss me off. Unless you don't endorse any of the candidates not voting is stupid.
Josh had gay sex with sosban that's why the huddle so closely
Let outer/pol/ talk about the election. We need to discuss what's for lunch.
Voting is cuckoldry, an utter humiliation ritual of putting a cross in a goyim opinion box. Even spoiling the ballot is to a degree. A lower turnout sends a better message and is actually included up front with the rest of the stats. Spoilt ballots are hardly mentioned anymore.
Voted for reform, had a good laugh with the poll watchers. Still feel like a stupid goy for even participating in democracy.
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just got back fro the polling station, voted green
You're prison gay because of how ugly and low status you are
Happy Independence Day!
thats not me btw
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Vote for the Bennies Party, we will double your bennies
>brinny trying to steal my identity
passnonce i accept your concession
'av voted lads.
Are we all ready to usher in the 1000 year Labour Empire? The Starmageddon cometh
Just took 93yr Mum to vote, she's registered blind. In a very loud voice she said, "Which box for Labour?" A cheer went up from waiting voters.
Yeah but the More Bennies Party said they'll triple it, so I'm voting for them.
You're a week and a half late but thanks anyway.
You cunts had better all be voting for Big Nige today
At least he's giving something for the filter
Go to frog/pol/ and say thank you to them.
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will they bring the curtains back to the polling booths? How did it feel not being able to rub one out in there?
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remember it's voooting day and that gobbo and his nonce VPNs (Dago for example) are going to try everything possible to stop you voting for are nige. Then he'll be along later going woooot no, im voting for reform (as if he leaves the house, and as if he'd vote for the party that will take away his bennies)

fuck gobbo/dago. he's a paedophile.
vote reform.
filter nonces and memeflags
Should be happy about voting, all I'm left with is the distinct feeling I should kill myself right now lads.
Would be one thing if I were on SSRIs but I'm not.
How many times will Nigel piss on your face before you realise it isn't raining?
when will rabbit apologize to eddie?
rent free
My election roux is going beautifully, the evaporated milk really made a diff.
can't be bothered with voting. lib dem are winning here.
you're a paedo
He's gay now too lmao
but I'm not a pensioner or a multinat globohomo corp
we’re heading for a lab/con coalition governmen, calling it now
lol. wouldn't surprise me. all his interactions with women have been via his phone/computer. pathetic.
I remember when they tried this last time
>Gobbo and co don't want you to vote for RBORIS get out and VOTE CONSERVATIVE
ah, good times...
>teehee got me extra bennie me I did
>going to spend it on B&M tat I am
>You're all losers for working you are
>reee I'm poor please please don't stop my meagre handout
You never know, you might enjoy working
>lib dem are winning here
Just because their signs say that doesn't necessarily mean it's true.
Vote reform just to bump the national numbers up so farage can take them to task in parliment, if he can stand up and say I’ve got millions of peoples votes behind my words it will give up authority
that was passnonce making up bullshit about me allegedly noncing my cousin in 2017.
Don't remind brit/pol/ they shilled for the Tories in 2019, they don't like it when you do that
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Simple as, fuck all these kikes
Crazy how the pollsters and papers influence everyone
17,400,000 incoming
Can see it now. Labour promise change, the conservatives conservative harder. Austerity 3.0, absolute authoritarianism and subsidies for big business and pals.

Labour dissipate next election and truly Corbyn wasn't the death of Labour but it was Starmer. It takes TEN FUCKING YEARS for a clown to take control and convince people a labour vote could be a good thing.

No excuse not to vote Reform
it's always close between them and conservatives here. one of them will win.
They had to stop doing that because Bazza kept nicking them to do up his living room
>thas sum luvleh blue, tha is
Mad to think how reform shills (if they were even old enough at the time) were shilling for Boris
vote conservative if you're not special needs
>53% of 16-18 year olds would vote Reform
Wonder if labour will lower the age limit like they said they would
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Just another rainbow brigade nonce, he's a perverted sodomite deviant. Should be culled
Time is running out for him kek
>muslim for the workers party
every time i ask what a nonce is, you all give me a cheeky answer.
ginge didn't vote
because he's redpilled
Wow, mighty powerful message you sent there anon.
That definitely won't just be glanced at by some volunteer and then put in the "schizo ramblings" pile and ignored.
I wouldn't mind claiming PIP again, well ADP now but the process is so horrible that I can't be fucked, needing to appeal and apply for mandatory reconsideration is a time waster and stressful.
Just not worth it for offsetting the cost of disability aids, I had to save up for month anyway to even afford a knee brace, the benefit IS outdated. It's a gimme but demonised so that a bunch of the lower classes can feed good about their own leeching. The same lower classes who will never, ever go to war or defend this country, just lay down and die while crying on reddit about BAMEs.
Why don people say Sikhs are bro tier when they don't really integrate? They still wear turbans and carry knives around
people keep attributing blockhead with this "don't vote" bullshit
that wasn't him
it was a 200IQ post and only blocko is capable of making such a high IQ post amongst brit/pol/ers
Yeah bolockcunt was just a josh laro
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speaking of spackers and conservatives, their spacker manifesto's a bunch of fun
all jokes aside lads i'll be voting reform
Lads. Why are you voting REFORM today?
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>parents send me a pic because I dont go back home too often as I live a fair distance away
>dad has aged, mum aged slightly
>reminded of the passage of time

im depressed now
the main problem I foresee with Farage is that he is a degenerate bourgeois who lacks the aristocratic soul required to rule

Corrrrrr going to be a great 5 years lads. I can already see the honking
because he's based and in touch with the common man in this country
>By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
>we're going to change things by doing nothing
lmao ok spastic
They're stopping the bennie train for whites so it's not all bad. We've already won
you simply lack the aristocratic soul required to ride the tiger
REFORM would be the best opposition. Imagine Nigel Farage in the House of Commons.

We need Farage in the House of Commons.
98% of you are going to get swallowed up by the forces of modernity
I never asked to live in Bangladesh, New Delhi or Africa, I won the fucking lottery of being English. That is why I am voting Reform
The aristrocrats who understood the lower classes always went to war and integrated with them, they were exposed.
Farage was exposed to a life claiming benefits in a European city, hardly the man of the people.

Doesn't have it in him. He'd need to be gangraped several times to be up to being anything politically past 2016. He's washed up. He's a husk, a media personality with one trick.
Sometimes the meta moves on.
following on from that blocko post, evola did have some interesting views on the age of consent
Because like my favourite politician Richard Tice says, I want to show the liberals who the real racists are!
>fat old nonce getting kicked out of his flat and put in a houseshare to make room for a Nigerian family
I'm actually okay with this. Vote labour
Rejecting the farce that is democracy is not 'doing nothing"
>We're going to change things by voooooooting
lmao ok spastic
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go suck off your tiger lord, spastic
>We're going to change things by voooooooting
lmao ok spastic
Isn't there just one box? Dumb bitch.
Toryboy tears
What happened to this man
if it won't change anything, what's the harm in trying and voting outside the uniparty?
you're a spastic concern troll
Tick tock you fat useless spastic. Probably better to off yourself now before they force you in to working.
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I'm not. Farage is a charlatan. I hope he gets milkshaked today.
>Bearded ladies making a comeback
Member Nigel Cuckage poster?
Josh will have an onlyfans up and running tomorrow wearing a dress, he is going to make it
Got these messages today kek
you seem mentally ill
Imagine actually unironically voting in a general election
Who are these people?
Would like to MilkShake her tummy if you catch my drift
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I'm not allowed to vote because I never got sent mine
You did take your cat to the polling station, right Brit/pol/?
Same shit off my sisters in law today

Showing your power level early is a bold plan.
UK Beastly
Checked and hope so pilled
i vooted liberal democrats LUL
>Be Nigel Farage
>Ex-investment banker (jewish industry)
>ex wife is a German woman
>Current gf is some hairy French bitch
>Have one testicle
>Have European passport
>Live in France with hairy gf
>Funded by Russians
>Dip in and out of British politics whenever I feel like it, then fuck off back to Europe when it all goes tits up
How does he keep fooling you lot of mongs?
I'm thinking more along the lines of a wandering lolcow we send a few quid to drink his own piss live on stream
Serves you right postal cuck for using the system intended for muslims to rig the vote.
Think they'll quietly shelve that proposal
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>chippylunch onroute
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Hi there, britpol. I'm following you, though I'm hazy on the details. Exactly when is it that you guys get a new guy at #10 instead of pic related?
says things that make you feel good
>Current gf is some hairy French bitch
Vote Elmer
With a 200+ majority, Labour are so fucked, they can't blame anything on anyone. There is no one to oppose them doing anything, all the divisions and protest groups will demand their cause be assisted now, its beautiful and I am here for it.
We just gonna autistically spam the same tired banter all day?
Oi there fellow brits innit blimey voting for INSERTPARTYNAME is a bit of dodgy chuffed rubbish innit chewsday guvnah and some such cheers
Assuming it's a clear victory for another party, he should be out around midday tomorrow. No messing about here, vote one day, new government the next day, simple as.
Ironically for a supposed populist he panders to the mob less than any other politician
don't we always?
4th of jew lie
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You delusional bunch of retards. Why are you even entertaining this humiliation ritual? Yeah, I'm sure voting for an israeli shill is really going to make things better....
Everyone deserves a second chance. This time it will be different. He's a changed man.
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the state of this turboautist
because unfunded tax cuts aren't populist
First day here?
Don't talk shit about are damp rag.
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>didn't go and pick it up himself
What are you even doing with your life, lad.
Don't forget he keeps deselecting MPs who hope not hate make hit pieces on for a little racism and transphobia
Is there any of them who is not an Israeli shill?
>he was a healthy 24 year old before he discovered gooning last year
Nah, they'll just spend 4 years blaming it on the conservatives just like Biden has done
>hurr durr look at how intelligent i am for not voting
get off your high horse
I said "less" not "not at all", its a democracy the whole point is to please the mob at some level
Yes, I'm sure he'll be in Clacton 8 days a week campaigning on behalf of his constituents' best interests... Aaaany day now.
>Assuming it's a clear victory for another party, he should be out around midday tomorrow. No messing about here, vote one day, new government the next day, simple as.
You've got America beat on at least one front, then.
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any stream?
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Vote Green
Corr are Nige proper BASED and REDPILLED
Vote Elmer
iplayer kek
what exactly about labour is more populist then? it's the most boring manifesto i've ever seen
Of what?
am helping the gdp line go up
what are you,snti-gdp?
not gonna help thr economy?
>5 years
more like 15 years
Oh I have, I've called for the Thames to turn red with shitskin blood and the scene of horror to be painted in the house of commons as a reminder.
There's pretty much no reporting until polls close just over 9 hours from now.
>get to the poll
>realise I have no fucking idea who I want to vote for
>spend 5 minutes with decision paralysis trying to think of who I want to vote

The main parties have such shit boring manifestos but the fringe parties are just full of incompetent twats.

Voting Baron Von Thunderclap was far more tempting than it should have been...
Looks like he has a mixture of jaundice and lung disease.
>No more bennies for whites
That's secured them a few million votes at least
> Yes, .@hectorcrosbie, well, the way you are making it 'work' today is enabling a 20-year hardline Labour government - which opposes everything you claim to favour. Basically, you just put diesel into a petrol-driven car. Made it work.
Oh he’s seeething today (unsurprisingly), also braindead as per, Labour has a shaky coalition so 20 years is definitely a massive stretch, plus, again, what is the plan to just vote blue forever? Oh wait, he explicitly says only until he dies because he doesn’t want to be inconvenienced (not quite sure how a retired scribbler would be)
This. I'm drawing the naughty symbol on my ballot with a nice black sharpie pen. Might bring a set square and everything to make sure I do a right bang up job of it.

Either that or I might write a message like "all nonces must hang" and "send the buggers back"

They've still got to count the ballots including spoilt ballots. It still takes their time up and it makes them get PTSD when they see naughty symbols and naughty words.
>shitskin blood
You forgot the jews
Peter Howson as official artist
>Tories: reduce immigration to the tens of thousands
>Reform: net zero immigration (500,000)
Tories, despite having no intention of ever fulfilling the electoral promise, we're a more anti immigration party than reform on paper.
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Norf Ireland anon checking in.

I will be posting NI updates as they come in tonight and tomorrow. Pic related is the layout of NI Westminster Seats last election, and my predictions for this election. Feel free to AMA

Here are the seats to watch:
>Belfast East
The last part of Belfast that still as a Unionist MP. It too is at risk, however, as all 3 major Unionist parties are contesting it; Alliance are the favourite to steal it. In the previous election, which was a 3 way race between the DUP/UUP and Alliance, Alliance only lost out by a thousand votes or so.
>Lagan Valley
More Unionist heartlands, it is also very vulnerable to Alliance. It was previously held by Jeffrey Donaldson, leader of the DUP, but he was recently outed as a nonce so it could be over.
>North Down
Currently held by Alliance, many Unionists hoped to "take back" what was once a relatively safe Unionist seat. However, several Unionists are running-meaning that it's highly likely Alliance will retain it.
Usually safe for SDLP, but some think Sinn Féin will take it. If they do, it's curtains for the SDLP.
>North Antrim
If Jim Allister doesn't win, it will also likely be curtains for the TUV.

Party List:
>Sinn Féin (Nationalist)
Once the political wing of the IRA, they're the largest party in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland.
>SDLP (Nationalist)
Irish Nationalism, but opposed to the IRA.
>DUP (Unionist)
Once the party of various Loyalist Paramilitaries, they're the largest Unionist party in Northern Ireland. Previous leader recently outed as a nonce.
>UUP (Unionist)
The party in charge of NI from its founding up to the Troubles. Now, they're trying (and failing) to be a more "progressive" Unionist party.
>Alliance (Neutral)
No official position on the constitutional question, but generally align with Nationalist parties due to similar social policies. Main threat to most Unionist seats by mopping up moderate Unionists.
Lab and tories are both just triangulators, constantly dropping soundbites and hints to appeal to the maximum number
None of it is sincere and labour government will essentially be identical in economic terms to the current tory one, except i guess we will nuke israel instead of russia which may or may not meet with your approval
I dunno if this is available in Australia but it might be:


The exit poll results will be announced at 10pm UK time. Official results from different parts of the country will gradually be announced overnight. Most of the official results should be known by tomorrow morning UK time.
Billy don’t talk about tradition when you’re on 4chan and probably jerk off every day to anime titties. You’re not Julius evola
Not allowed to report on anything which has even a slight chance of affecting the polls until they close. Won't be any streams except for a few randos doing "ZOMG I GOT HERE AT 6PM AND FOR SOME REASON BIG QUEUE!!!!" who the police don't quite care enough about to charge.

That's why you get "dogs at polling stations" stories
Who are you voting for?
I don't endorse any of the candidates. There are no candidates standing on a platform of deporting all foreigners and making policy exclusively for white Britons. I'm still going to spoil my ballot.
Would love to smash gobbos face in with a sledge hammer
wtf has the ashby v white ruling to do with it? spell it out, we're not all so smart as (you)
Just thrown Farage a cheeky vote, even if he is jewish controlled opposition, he makes me laugh.
That’s not a nice way to talk about female voters
what did labour put on the side of the bus?
Eh, I don't like Jews, they are a malign influence, but I think it is lazy to blame them. I blame ourselves for allowing it o happen.
Reform doesn't stand for anything, useless party, need an actual strong right wing party that would actually change things
You can still help r economy by going to the chippy and buying in person. You could even pay in cash and chat with your fellow customers. Possibly even flirt with the bit of totty behind the counter.
Why did reform stand bame candidates in majority white constituencies when all the other candidates for the other parties are white?
Voting Reform lads
I'm moving to Belfast Sunday, any recommendations on where to live or things I should know?
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Greens, but I won't say for which seat.

Westminster Elections really don't matter at all here, the main narrative is how many seats Unionists are able to hold on to/how many they lose to Alliance.

Sinn Féin refuse their seats when elected, since they don't recognise the authority of Westminster and refuse the oath etc. SDLP moan at everyone.
gonna go vote reform after work
what colour suit and cravat should i wear?
Just voted tory for a laugh.
If Rishi wins he'll suicide, he doesn't want the job
Because they're just so fucking based that's why.
retard detected: >>473037352
>labour won
All the right wing people are busy grafting unlike the parasites who vote labour. Reform landslide coming.
I am not registered to vote and neither is my wife.
I was tempted but I can't help jews even if it benefits other jews. The jewry is way too jewish at this point
Stupid Brits
>Hur dur labour done fucked up. I'll show them, I'll vote conservative next time
10 years later
>Hurr Tories fucked everyone and everything. I'll show them. I'll vote labour this time
10 years later
>Labour fucked everything I'll vote Tory this time
Morons. Absolute fucking morons.
Based worker
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You like pic related in true brit/pol/ tradition.
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>where to live
Budget heavily influences this of course, but as a rough guideline:

Anywhere between Botanic and the Ormeau Road is students/immigrants. Avoid, it's a shithole.
>South Belfast
Lisburn Road is pretty nice, if you're close to it you're set. Students around but it's a much nicer, leafier area.
>East Belfast
Ravenhill/Castlereagh Road/Woodstock all winners. It's slowly being gentrified so rent is going up.
>North Belfast
don't move to north belfast

As for
>things I should know
depends anon. what do you like to do?
okay, so labour have apparently claimed they will be tough on the disabled. i might claim that reform are planning on doing the exact same thing, but worse. for every populist policy from labour you list, i guarantee i can find another equally if not more populist one from reform
They're not arsed about low turnout. They're arsed about mass organisation. I yake you point to a degree about voting being cuckoldry because nobody, including the ballot spoilers, are going to stand against the regime.

But if enough people did spoil their ballot and it had to be counted and included it would make people aware that they're not only not alone in their frustrations but that they actually are an enormous group.

I wouldn't go after someone for spoiling their ballot. At least it isn't an acquiescence of the public. They're displaying their disgruntlement and it has to start somewhere.
Just voted Reform
Couldn't help but notice the option for Reform is at the very bottom of the list
Anyone else noticed that too?
Is it coz they're a new party or what?
Human nature tells me people are less likely to vote for the one at the bottom.
>view all crisps
No one cares about NI. You're an expensive violent cling-on who can't even run their own "devolved" government, let alone contribute to the UK.
Ireland can have you.
20 Goto 10
too hungover for that bollocks
wud sooner haf them bring it me
might even be the cutie again
It makes the people I dislike mad.
I'll be voting Reform because the Reform candidate in my area is the only one who is from here and has had a proper job
Interesting you've gone for the Greens. So you don't have a strong view on unionism/nationalism?
It’s crazy how much momentum Reform lost over the past year
It’s as if Nigel Farage just doesn’t “get it”
If they're getting away with noncing kids as usual then I suppose they're right.
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I've noticed the normies are getting more and more pissy with each election when you tell them not to vote.
>"Bwah! This what your heckin grandad died for, how dare you not participate!!!"
The democratic process is really putting the masses into a religous psychosis. They can't fathom the idea that the true demons are outside the mental framework they've invested so much into. We can't come up with true solutions unless we renounce the delusions first.
>Couldn't help but notice the option for Reform is at the very bottom of the list
>Anyone else noticed that too?
>Is it coz they're a new party or what?
>Human nature tells me people are less likely to vote for the one at the bottom.
I think it's done in alphabetical order according to the name of the candidate

So for some people Reform should be at the top
All the dole scum rock up to the polls at 7am lmao
Statistically, given the size of the initial majority, 18+ years.
>Vote for Lab/Tories
They are literally the same lol
>Vote for anyone else
Everyone else is a meme
>Vote just to express support for your party even though they wont win
Literally noone cares
>Spoil ballot
Even fewer people care
>Vote for muh local MP
Either they will be minister/shadow minister and therefore puppet of the party agenda who will do sod all for the local seat, or an irrelevant backbencher living on bennies who will probably do sod all for the local seat
So, truly
Why would anyone vote in a fptp general election?
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Vote SDP.
>funded by russians
I like Russia and I want them to kill everyone between Calais and Minsk with chemical weapons
It's actually randomised for this very reason, in another constituency you might find them at the top.
I'm on about 75k before bonus, thanks.
You've got a cute delivery BAMEess?
Based. Go vote lad. le White race esta gloria del mundo.
It's not enough that I should NEET
Others must work
Double down and say "FUCK THE NHS"
For me it’s terms like “sacred democracy” or “temple to democracy”, heard a lot of those after Jan 6th
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Reform is up, Labour is down
Imagine being such a low IQ imbecile that you get hoodwinked by FarageMs political promises kek
What a fucking moran you are
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Go full Austin, Reform are going to bring back the swinging sixties with BASED Jamaican and Indian immigrants. Yeah baby!
“Privatise the rNHS”
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gonna miss this lil nigga
If you don't vote #Reform you will be deported with the bames

Vote wisely
what exactly is the end goal for you convincing everyone to not vote? most people would agree that voting in the current system with these two parties won't make much difference but you may as well at least vote for the party that best represents your interests because there's no reason not to
Look at the dip in reform over the past week kek
Textbook loss of momentum and out of touch messaging by Farage
Democracy is giving the plebs a big red button that says change on it, they press it every few years and feel good but it's not even plugged in.
Back to America where the pajeets belong
What if Russia kills more Brits with chemical weapons? They already killed two Brits with chemical weapons: Dawn Sturgess (who had no connection to Russia) and Alexander Litvinenko (a naturalised Brit).

Personally I definitely oppose Putin. He is a threat to all of us, as shown by the killing of Dawn Sturgess. And his invasion of Ukraine shows that he's willing to kill thousands of people in another country (and sacrifice thousands of people from his own country) just to maintain his grip on power.

Leaders should be accountable to the people, and he isn't.
I'm finding it funny that they've picked a brown nosing "yes sarrr tank you sarrr" Pajeet geek as the fall guy in all this.
You're on the deport list
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>No one cares about NI
We know, the one thing everyone agrees on here is that the UK doesn't give a shit about us.
>Violent cling-on
Sorry anon, British Government shouldn't have funnelled support to Ulster Loyalists for the last 100 years. Clean it up!
>contribute to the UK
why would we want to do that?

I have very strong views on Unionism/Nationalism, but they never really matter for Westminster votes. In Westminster votes I vote strictly to fuck over whoever I hate, but in my case the close runner-up is also a bastard. The Green Party in my area are very sound and want to do some actual positives for the area.
If you're into good food, try the Muddlers Club. Ask staff for more food/drink recommendations in town since they're always clued in to the less known good shit. If you're into history:
>Ulster Museum
Great Museum, very obvious choice, but unironically very good.
>Connolly Centre
Another very cool museum about a famous Irish Socialist, a coupel doors down from where he lived. Very chill place, with some cool artefacts.
>NI War Memorial Museum
Small, kinda odd, but very cool for Belfast WW2 history. Can't recommend it enough.

If you want big Republican history, the Eileen Hickey Irish Republican History Museum on the Falls Road is extremely good but that obviously isn't everyone's cup of tea.
>fuck fptp
Is right anon. Fuck First Past the Post. Most retarded voting system in the world.
Its not even worth the time out of the day to travel to the polling station, it is that level of pointless
Goldfish memories, I can't imagine the past few years of NPC scrolling on Tiktok and Instagram has done anything to improve it.
Back to shagging the russians rather than fighting them.
just post it then? or is posting something in the mail once every 5 years too much effort too?
I got a maccers at the same time. Hatrick burger is well nice, I don't even like football
I would let him gas me if I got to watch you die first
>UK doesn't give a shit about us.
you think it does about us English lads outside of London?
>tattoos her entire body and walks around in a bikini
REEEEE stop objectifying meeeeee
Where are you gonna deport me to, ya little twerp?
I fuckin run Merseyside
Cheers mate I'll check them out.
There are no english lads in london, vote #Reform to bring the lads back
I am a scouser.
Fuck anyone who says Thatcher was 'based'
My father worked in a coal mine. He lost his job because of her. Then he died of lung cancer because she didn't provide NHS funding for him. Then helost his season ticket with Liverpool because she installed CCTV cameras that caught him fighting Chelsea fans (or Thatcher Blues as they call themselves). Then he got broken arm because she paid for the Chelsea fans to train so they could batter Liverpool fans. Then he had to get a bus to the FA Cup Semi at Hillsborough because he couldn't hail a taxi with his broken arm. Then he had to stay at a Travelodge with a bunch of Nottingham Forest fans because he couldn't afford the hotel the Liverpool lads were at. Then he got attacked at the hotel because he loudly shouted 'FUCK THATCHER' but accidentally said FUCK THOREST and they attacked him. Then he died at Hillsborough because she didn't sell him a ticket outside the ground and he had to sneak in. Then I had to campaign for justice for 25 years. Which meant I have never had a job and have to live on benefits.
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The only sad thing is that as much as British people might not care about us, the British Government (Tories and Labour) both actively fuck us over.
Enjoy mucker
Not my problem, either vote #Reform or Farage will choose where you get shipped off to
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Like Starmer keeps saying at every one of his public appearances for the past 6 weeks:
>the only way to change government is to vote for it
We outsourced revolution to our politicians.
i said outside of london.
UK gov doesn't give a fuck about anyone who doesn't live in london
If you ever forget just how absolutely retarded a lot of people are in this country are, just remember that the conservatives this election will get more than zero votes.
So you did, but still vote #Reform to bring the english back to london
she has an onlyfans anon
this is just advertising for her
>you will be deported with the bames
Don't threaten me with a good time.
Internet tough guy kek
No, it is (You) who is getting shipped - straight to r’a gulags
I get you, it really takes minimial effort to vote, so you could just vote for the lols. But just out of moral principle we shouldn't entertain false hope. Also the few "I'm gonna voooote" zealots need a smack of around the face of reality. They need to have their copes taken away
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Who did he vote for
Pensioners want pension bennies
Oh behave!
Enjoy somalia m80

I voted for rNige, i'm going nowhere
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Explain this right fucking now.
Josh voted from the Greens
imagine voting for a centre-leftist party like Reform kek
>Prime Minister is the follow up act to a big titty thot
Was it everything you hoped for Rishi? Was it worth it?
Coppers clearly don't understand zelda lore
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Vote Reform lads. I'm walking down to the polling station now to do just that. They won't be laughing after today.
>farage is now going to be shipping foreigners out of the country
lmfao where did you hear that? Just like rboris right? God you people make up strange headcanons about politicians then get sad when they "stab you in the back"
>explain this
He didn't have his sword licence, what's not to get?
What do you mean they are far-right? You must be a Nazi
>suttee desire intensifies
imagine voting for a centre-leftist party like Reform kekk
Read this morning that five (5) illegals have been sent to R'wanda so far. At a cost of £74 million each.
Seventy-fucking-four-million quid to send one paki to africa.

Tories are cooked.
People either vote or they don't vote. Labour voters only ever vote Labour and Tory voters only ever vote Tory. Certainly only in numbers that matter. What happens is they just vote for their party to keep the other party out. Labour will win because Tory voters have just had enough and will stay home. Tories only won because Corbyn kept Labour voters at home.

Everyone is just voting for the least worst option and when your party is obviously the worst then you just don't vote. That's why we have this death loop that you describe.
He consented.
imagine voting for a centre-leftist party like Reform kekkk
imagine voting for a centre-leftist party like Reform kekkkk
>I fuckin run Merseyside
Running that incest train on your sister doesn't count Mohammed
>I have very strong views on Unionism/Nationalism, but they never really matter for Westminster votes. In Westminster votes I vote strictly to fuck over whoever I hate, but in my case the close runner-up is also a bastard. The Green Party in my area are very sound and want to do some actual positives for the area.
Fair enough. I like some of the ideas of our Green Party in England/Wales like taxing the rich more, but I don't like their view of scrapping Britain's nuclear weapons. Living without nukes would be great, but getting rid of ours while Russia still has theirs would be a bit like throwing away your racket in the middle of a tennis match.
No amount is too great to send a message: we only want Pakistanis
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you are on crack if you seriously think this
imagine voting for a centre-leftist party like Reform kek kek
It's like football, you don't change sides, you just don't buy a ticket if your not a super fan and your team is being mismanaged and are doing shit
Tbh I've no idea. I don't even know how Only Fans works, nor do I want to.
Interesting. Well not all of us are as suicidal as you.
I will, English guys managed to in the Empire days so I'm sure if I LARP it up a bit I can enjoy comfy village life sitting in the shade drinking coffee and smoking bootleg cigs while my retarded wives run errands and slap the kids about.

Aw look, it's spazzing out
Clockwork nonce is absolutely shitting himself that he's going to have to get a job. Big kek. Hope he fucking dies.
>labour won, you might as well stay home now

faggot OP
>t. Centre-Leftist
Back 2 Reddit m8
That, my friends, is what your common garden paedophile looks like
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got me packet in for 2nite lads
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/STARMERWAFFEN/ where are you?? Sunakfags are going to get partitioned Pakistan-style tonight

Report it for spamming/flooding.
Last dew years it’s been far more jeet focused
NI Greens are mostly:
>don't fucking litter
>more than 1 bus a day would be cool
>gee it sure is weird that historic buildings keep burning down to be replaced with student accomadation, huh guys?
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>ohhh derick chisora
>no argument
just a troll then
Nazi partys domestic policies are quite appealing to most people, soon as you tell them where they came from they get that confused sneezing cat face going on
He will need to kneel before mentally deranged trannys, and I can't wait
I accept your concession
Yep. Even in swing seats, people aren't changing their minds. They just staying at home. I think there's something to say about the North where people wanted brexit because of mass migration but they've been utterly betrayed by Conservatives, just as they'll be betrayed by Reform if they ever became a relevant party.
You don't need to add that to the insult because scousers are all inbred anyway.
The "breaking of the red wall" in the north was historic after the damage thatcher did, seemed like it would permanently be red. Fool me once....
So labour win. Every tory that fucked us during covid and the shenanigans stopping brexit will ride off into the sunset with a bag of gold
>teehee shitpost 18 hours a day me I do
>constantly searching for a syndrome
That isn't disabled, that's just being a lazy cretin.
Lol, who made this thread >>473034503
That seems sensible
Taxing the rich is a meme
You did
Mad how jeets successfully scammed the entire first-world into accepting them by the billions.
>helo sar for jus £100 i send u 10 million doctor. yes real doctor go delhi school of doctoring. sned £100 to my paypal account and u have them all. only need food n water. they cure cancer wery gud
>moving the goalposts
i'm not even going to bother arguing about whether disabled people are actually disabled or not
New thread:
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I havent been in brit/pol for awhile, is that mong still alive?
Mate youve posted this every day for the past 2 weeks

Actually just fuck off ledditor
>lets divide up the entire cost of training staff, facilities, flights, the facilities in rwanada by the two people who have left so far.
>Russian bots did Trump
>Russian bots did Brexit
>Russian bots did lePen
>Russian bots did Gert wilder
>Russian bots did Hungary
>Russian bots did Poland
>Russian bots going to do Reform
Tesco can't even get my order right. We need Russian bots now!
*embraces my inner redditor*
well you see
he has a neck tat
and is a serial burgler

I won't offer any farther comment!
OR THE MATERIAL IT'S MADE FROM YOU FASCIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
t. socdem
So you're no better than the mud people?
>Not understanding that the most Rwanda signed up to accept was 300.
>So even if we sent 300 (at zero extra cost - there would be extra cost thought), it would still cost £250,000 per paki.
You seem wound up
He's frightened. They're going to stop his bennies and he's going to have to work. He thinks not voting will change that. He was praying to jesus last thread to protect his bennies
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Does he have your vote pol
I would crawl over broken glass to vote Reform if it meant the fat spastic had to get a job. Worth it
>He's frightened. They're going to stop his bennies and he's going to have to work. He thinks not voting will change that.
Voting won't change anything if you're on bennies, or even not voting.
The conservatives and Labour are two sides of the same coin.
The lib dems aren't getting in, the nimbys aren't getting in, we don't have PR, we have FPTP.

Telling people to not vote is retarded, because it pushes against electoral reform, where his views of a better society for benefits can be seen sooner.
As it is, you're praying that within the next 10 years any government doesn't implement rampant austerity, cripple your bennies and make things worse but that's the price you pay in a pre-UBI society.
Voting and not voting won't change a thing, but voting will show you're against a one party system; as it ever has been.
a Ukrainian paki voted in the UK election?
He's going to make dole scroungers work. That is more than possible
why? :(
for the dumb choice... Yeah bit of packet is good but it's also dead. Go back and say to him you want to be like jack and have some magic beans.

That way when it all goes tits up you'll still just want to cuddle some shit

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