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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Millions head to the polls to vote in UK general election

>Who is Conservative Party leader Rishi Sunak?

>Who is Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer?
honestly I used to think brit/pol/ was redpilled but its basically just:
>drug addicts
>reform shills
>armchair natsoc larpers
>in-the-closet ginger gayboys
>childless old men
>lazy married cucks
>generic mentalists
>bourgeois Farage shills
>feminised men
>tripfag obsessed nobodies
>wannabe e-celebs
>thread monitor spastics
>wannabe jannies / mods
>fat cunts
>future sex offenders
>mainstream media consumers
>the irish
>blackpilled twats
>PA faggots / laura towler simps
>epic titus
>berty brincel
>sly cunts
>wrinkly fat old men
>reform voters
the absolute state of this general
My missus had a dream nige was riding round our village with a megaphone so shes off to vote reform
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Corr. I clicked here for the sexy feet
Still mixed on the green goblin. Can't decide if I would or wouldn't. At least she shaved her hairy legs for that picture.
Imagine being married to a centre-leftist kek
>sexy feet
her big toe looks like sloths bellend...
The only thing green you need is to touch grass
Why are you here? We are in the election general. Leave the namefaggots to their little corner cafe here
I once dreamed that Nige came inside my anus.
It wasn't a good dream or a sexy dream. More like a horror.

The next night I dreamt I had HIV and they refused to deport the faggot to France. I told them that he was all for deporting the foreign crims but they kept saying he was British!?
I don't get it. Anway he's a French poofter with HIV and he dresses like it.
Corr, like Lady Godiva? Hot
We can't build on a patch of overgrown shrubby wasteland because it's da green belt
I'm not a single one of these things
>election general
Uh they're just called 'threads' newfren
Imagine if she jammed it up your arse
You're almost half of that list just by yourself.
I would pole her station. I hope you understand my innuendo.
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/STARMERWAFFEN/ where are you?? Sunakfags are going to get partitioned Pakistan-style tonight

At least I’m not a centre-leftist reform voter like you
Conservative - centre right
Reform - hard right
Labour - centre left
Liberal democrats - centrist-to-left
Greens - Green
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - who cares lol

Are the big brained politiks boffins over at the "election general" right about these political classifications?
Extremely low voter turn out will delegitamise the democratic system that doesn't represent the public. That is the first step, by no longer playing the game. No destroying your ballot, just zero participation. If only 20% vote, that's the first step to dismantling this system.
>*builds on flood plains instead*
Conservative bros we're back
God, I would be one lucky degen
reminder to filter tripfags
It SHOULD delegitimise it. Any election that gets less than 50% turnout should have to be done again, with politicians trying much harder to motivate people.
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aww she shaved her legs and everything for election day!

Landslide Labour victory.....................


Any thoughts?
Hope he chokes to death on an olive an we end up with Rayner instead.
but god's a cunt, we're getting Cameron 2 and Osborne 3.
Austerity is a comin'. Businnes vil be subsidised.
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Same face
I want them to start eating each other on Monday when trannys are not allowed into the womens shitter as promised
Not quite getting it sorry
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>Labour - centre left
>SNP - Scottish nationalists
Yes, but actually centre left.
Problem with the SNP is they're centre left but their insistence on nationalism blocks you from voting for them. They're like if a single issue part like UKIP decided to be serious for some god awful reason; but they still have their nuttercore single issue waiting in the wings to claim a vote for them is a vote for fruit and nut.
>immediately proves himself to be a brainlet
Keep it up.
Now this is big brained thinking. Now let's take it a step further, and we *do* actually build on that overgrown shrubby wasteland, but we spend hundreds of millions and 5 years on various consultancies and relocating ladybirds only to get blocked at the last minute in a court challenge by some nimby's! Think of all that GDP growth all that money changing hands will achieve without actually doing anything!!
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What did they talk about?
>Austerity is a comin'
But we're still in austerity from early 2000s?
>Have you thought about getting a job in Finance?
Austerity: harder.
Labour is closer to centre-right these days with Conservatives just being right since bojo. Greens are left
Imagine getting all giddy over a centre-left party (Reform) kek
...so just everyone?
>madam can i interest you in suttee?
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Based. Don't give them the satisfaction from your involvement in the pantomime.
>was it worth it Rishi? ousting BoJo to go down in history as the man that took down the tory party?
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>four seats
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Just voted Reform cos’ I fucking hate dole scum, cripples and immigrants.
You should the same.
Voted for reform
I genuinely don't get reform if we do the direction politics ideology game.
>russian backed
>supposed nationalists
>globohomos who love israel
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I mean. Every single element is at odds. I mean I know why it doesn't make sense, I know for Nige it's a pump and dump and he'll flee like always and is gunning for his own self interests.
but it gets real fucking weird when you look over a Tice in the cuck cage.
I don't follow politics. I don't watch the news and I don't frequent this board.

I read the manifestos and 90% was just "vote for us to get rid of the Conservatives", which doesn't help me.

Tell me who to vote for.
labour ar ethe party of if you make less than 80k a year
Blocko was spot on last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
Hard to give advice without knowing your orientations. Unless you don't have any opinions and just want to be told who to vote for.
And then we give it all the niggers who destroy it
Reform because they address the core of the issues. Housing cannot keep up with immigration. NHS cannot keep up with immigration.

Just pouring more money into either of these things will not solve the issue.
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Horrifying, and probably spot on.
Put in your postcode, it'll tell you
Austerity literally never happened
If I lived in Brum or some other shithole where they are standing I’d have voted for one of the radical Islamist candidates just to accelerate the decline
Turn up, spoil your ballot or like...vote lib dem idk.
Lib dem are like the only party seriously trying to appeal to anyone but they're also a meme vote or protest.

This election is rigged anyway.
Most Brit/pol/ers who voted Reform are crypto-normies who LARP as being redpilled in-the-know types
Voting for the Lib Dems today lads
Just voted Tory.
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Anyone I see not voting Reform will be pulled aside by me for a quiet chat.
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Why did you make him sad?
4chan is a free speech website

We should welcome a range of views and spirited debate

It's inevitable that different people will never agree on everything
Why are you like this?
Don't forget about the roads and the police and prisons not being able to keep up
This website so so unbelievably incorrect its unreal.
She's fucking disgusting
Guys, I'm still unsure who to vote for. I know, I know today is election day. But who do I vote for Labour or Conservative??
I pussied out of voting in this election
football team politics
Is that the default daily mail avvy lmao?
I wonder if you can bet on whether Rishi will cry during his resignation speech
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Reform, mate
I mean betting*
Lib Dems
Labour are going to win so if you vote for them you can feel like you were on the winning team which is cool
Vote Tory.
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Oioioioi saveloy
wrong website, this is the correct one
A vote for anyone but conservative is a vote for labour. Stop the supermajority.
Because government spending literally never went down
Its entire purpose is to get the conservatives out so I kinda get it.
However it breaks in other regions, like Scotland. It's an SNP/Labour mashup in some regions. It SHOULD be vote labour to get the conservatives out, but it's just "vote whatever".
It's too fucking England focused, weird to see Carol shill it so hard.
Probs a wasted vote tbqh.
Yeah but do they have the best policies? Or is it conservative who have the best policies??
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Mogg might survive
Under new Labour we had great movies like hot fuzz, Shaun of the dead, Bridget Jones diary, notting hill and love actually
Draw a detailed illustration of Peterloo on your ballot
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vote reform or I'll make you pregnant with my french dna son
then I'll get my german ex wife and children round to gangbang you and give birth to more euros
Most people who can vote would've done so by now. Stop trying to convince people to not vote josh/dago
Wouldn't surprise me if loads of people do that after the polls tell them who's going to win in their area.
I mean I do like Rishi in some ways. But Sir Tier is taller and seems more confident.
What's wrong with it? It's right for my area.
If you don't like that one though, try https://stopthetories.vote/
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Ey my Brits! How you guys doing? Getting comfy? Dutch kike here from the /pol/der thread I have a question. I was planning on being sober tonight. But are you guys getting beer for tonight? I was just at the shops and now just realized shit might get entertaining tonight. Should I get beer?
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I won't listen to that site because I don't want anybody telling me how to vote

What's wrong about it? It even shows you the project results for your constituency from multiple pollsters - pic related - so you can decide for yourself what the tactical vote would be.
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>>473040367 voted Reform. I campaigned to Remain in the EU and fucking hated Farage lol 18 year old me would be pissing blood right now ahh what has this website done
tory cunts and reform subhuman retards can fuck off with their targetted 4chan campign lmao

imagine being some fucking paki on a keyboard paid to shill like a fucking kike investment banker to channers to vote right lol

you tranny faggots are embarrassing

Idk what that is, is it an animal.
Idk that picture you posted makes me not want to vote 4 them.
>>473040578 this is a website made by libtard Jews fuck off
chippylunch was lush, delivered by chippylass
nah, tiny dormouse type lass
sandy brown bobcut framing pale skin n green eyes
petite frame with a firm arse
4ft an a fagpaper
throws her car round corners like schumacher
>Boris... I am sorry, I am truly sorry....
The title Sir is all you need to know. Anyone that was knighted had to kneel before a lizard, they do the bidding of the great serpent
Does anyone here have children?
Zam, really feeling the hate for this fella oooo arrr, my dick is hard at the thought of bashing his nut in.
How dare he not tell the pigs where he is.
They probably didn't pick up the fucking phone.
>>473040990 nah come on he’s hilarious, Parliament is too modern now it’s nice to keep a bit of the Victorian era alive
Yeah some absolute boomer was posting on there during covid about pulling non mask wearers aside for a chat and I still laugh to this day.
Hopefully not, stupid twat larping as a baron
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1 jar of Sweet corn
1 tsp butter
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp Chilli powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp paprika powder
1/2 lemon
>voted reform
Libtard moment
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Polls seem to suggest he could lose, pic related

No thank god
Can anyone react to this one please??
Read some British history mate, we live the same thing over and over but never progress
>libtard Jews
This is your brain on Americanisation.
Don't forget to take your "trash" out to the "sidewalk" so the "garbagemen" can collect it.
But the queen was just a nice old lady, I feel sad she died :(
Same LIb Dems all the way!
Tell adriian to come here
We need der Führer to take control of political leadership in this country
it really is mental how the tory party let their own destruction happen and did nothing about it. If Sunak was a white man he would have been overthrown by the party last summer. But there are some very demented jews and women in that party who would rather die than dare ever challenge a brown man's authority
>Dutch kike
1) yuck
>Should I get beer?
if you're a bitch, real men drink capri sun
Ermm we have technology and tall buildings and stuff they didn't have back in the 50s. We've obviously progressed.
And don't forget to vote for your Congressman down ballot
Yes... They're hard work.
She didn't die, she's in a cocoon transitioning into her final form
He’s a rat cunt who should be thrown into the Thames with concrete shoes
Oh idk about any of that. They could still win you know.
Don't know who to vote for. The only parties in my constituency that have a chance of winning are Lib Dem or Conservatives. Do I vote for Reform anyway, or do I vote Lib Dem and hope the Conservatives move further right next election?
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>worst publicity stunt ever

Even the mail thinks it was shite
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I really want the haunted pencil to go.
He's prime meme material but still, he's fucking useless. The man needs an escort from his nanny to canvas. Not his mum, his nanny.
We’re so back!
just done a really big poo
If you voted, even for local meme party you're a childish retard. Reject the system, delegitamise it. No one actually represents you otherwise they'd have been weeded out by now.
I actually think that is disrespectful towards someone who had done so much for our country.
>real men drink capri sun
Based, but now in all seriousness are you guys getting plastered?
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Yep me too, Lib Dems need to get into 2nd place
Get rid of this useless wanker
>he voted reform
Libtard moment
>1jar of sweetcorn
>of sweetcorn
>Based, but now in all seriousness are you guys getting plastered?
Yes. Buy a bottle of jameson and relax
This. You filthy goyi- i mean anons shouldnt vote for a rw alternative
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Digital enslavement
>tall buildings
Wog farms
Farage has got Clacton
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fuck it
moggy tiem
What are you talking about? It's been going down since 2010 beyond a brief uptick during covid. Now it's trending down again.
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Whats the problem?
Or just any kind of beer? I am just a poor law student.
When has green giant come in a jar you cretin
Labour will stop the boats by just flying them in instead
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do people actually fall for this?
Your using technology now. I don't understand. Also the shard in London is a masterpiece of British engineering. How could it not make you proud?
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Mmm oh shit! I'm gonna fucking VOOOOOTE! Ahhhhh!
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I was out leafletting yesterday, and there is nothing more tedious that dealing with senile old boomers that can't read a map
If you want to get plastered then embrace special brew ;)
Like reform? Actually yeah brincels, all vote reform.
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I wear similar shit to his kids (im not a kid btw jannys fyi btw)
what do you mean?
didnt you see boris save the tory party yesterday?
Join the Tory party and vote for Mogg as the next leader.
how are you all going to feel when Reform wins seats but Nigel steps down and moves back to Florida, giving the leadership over to Zia Yusuf?
Feel sorry for Mogg's kids. Imagine having a Victorian coat stand for a father who makes you learn Latin and your idea of a competitive sport is playing lawn bowls.
>please clap
Based classic gentlemen Chad vs virgin adidas wearing street faggot
unless nige has a health episode he will not
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a cute
Lost the image with Mogg & his monogrammed clock, wouldn't mind a lad posting it if they have it on hand.
those 5 were paid £3000 each and volunteered to go willingly btw
Based. Total doodle-nigger death.
Moggy was defo gonna get a sick back tat.
They lost out, he took his business elsewhere.
If you were going to vote Labour don’t waste your time, they’ll win anyway so just chill.
lidl version of truss
You reckon she's so stupid she voted for someone other than herself?
>toes aren't on display
busted up old bint
I hate that type of clothing, people wearing tracksuits 24/7
>vote tory
>save britain
>from tories

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remember it's voooting day and that gobbo and his nonce VPNs (Dago for example) are going to try everything possible to stop you voting for are nige. Then he'll be along later going woooot no, im voting for reform (as if he leaves the house, and as if he'd vote for the party that will take away his bennies)

fuck gobbo/dago. he's a paedophile.
vote reform.
Michael Portillo sweating bullets as Mogg comes to sweep up all the presenting jobs on those Channel 5 documentaries about trains
Well, that and the sodomy
Kek. Got hammered last night and had a really bad argument with the missus about politics
I was screaming about immigrants, calling them niggers and pakis and rapists and drug dealers. Neighbours will have heard the lot
Who the fuck is Dago. Why is there always a new name fag when I come here (which once in a blue moon)
This bitch pumped my bills £450 a month, did not elaborate and left.

I should be entitled to ride this bitch once a month. (No Lube)
>shilling for reform
libtard moment
Idk they might not win. My vote could decide the entire election. Also voting is very important the men in ww2 died so I can vote.
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Filters are going to be essential today. Threads are going to be too fast so they're going to have to use names and flags to stand out.
Understand they are worthless because attention is all they want.
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So archaic that the news on TV/radio can’t even mention that the election is on thanks to muh purdah and then at 10 will just out of nowhere bring us the exit poll and start talking about how important it is
>Neighbours will have heard the lot
So? Unless they are niggers and drug dealers they will probably agree with your views. Most do but are scared of consequence
I can’t stand it either, I have called out friends of mine on it when they wore it to special occasions or in school when meeting someone for a project. We need some class back in the west.
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not one knock on the door this year.... didn't even get many leaflets

its like everyone has given up - its a close seat here too
>vote X because gobbo doesn't want you to
new low
Imagine being so powerful you can sway votes
>We need some class back in the west.
Hard when you have chavvy sluts letting their shit skin child dress like a fucking ninja with a bally and all
lol luckily they’re white but they give off centrist Lib Dem types. Just a bit unbecoming for them to have heard me ranting my head off like Hitler
Shouldn’t argue politics with the gf but she insisted on coming down for a couple of days and watching the election tonight and she’s a typical leftie NPC mong so not sure what she expected
The spastic isn’t even able to vote because she came down here yesterday and is obviously registered at her home constituency so at least I’ve reduced labours tally by 1
Yeah it's got nothing to do with the immigrants it's all because of josh. NPD
Yeahhhh, I hate it too.
The entire day is mediocre shots of polling stations. Waste of time.
Still wild to think I got 24h to go.
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4th of July has you triggered, I see
What does this projected budget have to do with actual expenditure? Look at the IFS statistics on government spending.
Election day is boring as fuck, news cycle is full of "look at le cute picture of doggie at polling station teeheehee" as there is nothing to actually report on until the exit poll at 10pm and most seats don't declare until early hours of the morning
The socks I wear are like £32
you're a paedophile who posts CP.
kill yourself.
Yeah, I had the same here too. SNP delivered 3 duplicate leaflets, one was postal with name, 1 from every other party, 1 extra green but that's it.
No knocks, nothing. Just completely gone.

Last time I remember anyone being enthused was 2015. Now I just hurl insults at the labour candidate here for caring about the edge of their constituency. What's he gonna do? Show up on my doorstep. I fucking dare him to.
yeah people totally haven't been talking about voting X because they're going to take the goblins bennies away all day. yep that totally didn't happen yep.
Neema Parvinnnnneeee voted Reform. Even a #ZeroSeats believer kneeled to Reform.
10/10 feet in bongland
Yeah i get that, but now you have a choice, live free and be full of expression or apologise and be quiet, personally I'd pick the first option.

>she’s a typical leftie NPC mong
good pussy isn't worth fucking disabled people, but good on you for doing gods work
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this is the hand that seethes
Even if they had an exclusive that a reform candidate had captured a paki and raped her to death: they couldn't legally report on it until 10pm.

It's fucked.
I’m voting reform so they cancel gobbos bennies
Now, is the time of reFoam. Time to make everything mr sparkles.
It's actually tiresome seeing namefags attention seek this much as if they deserve any of it when an actual ELECTION is occuring.
Fuck off to your containment board you fucking spastic niggers.
>voting reform
Libtard moment
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old man's hand
>inb4 back in my days
>Hard when you have chavvy sluts letting their shit skin child dress like a fucking ninja with a bally and all
Bring back decency laws and make a hardline cultural stanch to discourse it.
I have just cheap sock from the HEMA for 5€ and they are just black socks. You should look like you’re worth a million for one gulders and not like one gulders while wearing one gulders. -Dutch Jewish proverb
Hate Starmer so much I might be happier to see Sunak win. Probably be being a bit irrational.
Your bennies getting cancelled laaaaaa
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Fat fingers
Imagine engaging in electoral politics and seething because others wisely reject it
Libtard moment
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yeah, it was the tory cuts that made the prison officer whore out on cam to the nigger
Take the rational pill and realise if the Labour 600 comes in and Starmer doesn't deliever, Labour also dies.
You're a mong, people were on the hype train the literal moment he announced he was running.
Winding up the nonce is just a side quest.
Imagining it's all about him is exactly what you'd imagine he'd do anyway, textbook NPD
Registered to vote and now I can't be fucked to go do it, at least registering will make my good goy credit score go up
ayyyy up my son
do you have to buy 3 seats to ibiza?
Who ate all the pies.
You. You fat bastard.
You fat bastard.
I seriously doubt that
I wish a janny would do their job and sweep you.
>as an ex prison officer
Oh she’s definitely had it up her
>but muh vooooooooots
You’re absolutely seething, libtard
It goes down if you don't vote dude.
I think you're underestimating how difficult it would be to overturn such a massive majority in 5 years. Not saying it's impossible, but it doesn't happen very often.
>retard thinks they will ever be completely removed
The only thing any Labour cunt said is they will make it harder to just live on benefits, meaning you can't just sit on it forever
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Right-wing working class white people are hilarious

>vote Brexit to get rid of pakis and niggers
>record non-white family mass immigration which was the obvious result as voted to stop single white Euros coming here
>paki PM as muh BoJo was incompetent
>believe Farage's b.s. yet again splitting the right-wing vote
>record Labour landslide putting white straight men at the bottom socially below even black trannies

Meanwhile my brown family made a fortune charging rent to white people who blow their crap job money down the pub with Dave or watching crap football teams, while I fuck the shit out of my white girlfriend. Kek. Absolute clown show of a people no wonder your time has ended.
Imagine spending 18 hours a day for a decade on a UK general thread, of a Politics message board, using words like "libtard" unironically, and having no interest or knowledge of politics.
suffrage was a crime against humanity
Aren’t the Labour Party extremely unstable since everyone hates Stamer?
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They made a segment just for Gobbo.
Not sure if id shag Rayner
Cant decide
Would have piped Liz Truss tho just sayin
IDK why I am no longer getting (you)s but interesting
Pretty sure Starmer purged all the dissenters and replaced them with tories
Imagine getting all giddy over a centre-left liberal party and seething over the fact you get called out for being a libtard (which you are)
I mean true but we also just saw it happen
I hope more of these posts are made in the future. The agitation value is priceless. If more normal people outside 4chan could see this you'd all be killed
Jannies don’t want me to spread my Dutch kike wisdom over the pond
the irony you rent houses but cram as many curry munchers as you can in your own houses :D
Josh doesn't vote because he's got no ID. That's all there is to it.
So it literally Blair 2.0? What can we expect from Labour if they do win a majority?
Afternoon chaps

Got the proxy vote for big Nige going.

Vote reform, thanks for listening x
Now I get (yous) and its a conspiracy against wanting whites to look good
I think it's on her feet lad.
But she's always in boots while truss deliberately showed coombait beach toe pics.
I think I could get behind a rayner shag if she mounted me, had floppy (but not too floppy) tits and nice feet. Like all women she should learn to lingerie and embrace nylon but don't think I'd care if she shaved.
Maybe a nice kiss from her would be sensual, I know she can be androgynous but gingers are just like that sometimes.

I get it with truss tho, she's a fucking dirty footslut, she's deffo up for thighjobs.
Just turned on the bbc election rolling news feed, and Carla was trying to stop her dress flying up in the wind lol
Nice lad
I bet your mum yells at you everyday calling you a failure because you aren't a doctor like your cousin Ahmed
Privatising the NHS and votes for 16 year olds. Beyond that, a continuation of tory policies. I'm not just making this up, it's in their manifesto and has been repeatedly stated by them. Nothing will change.
You didn't know the difference between the Mayoral elections and a general election a couple of months ago.
Your word carries no meaning. You're irrelevant.
And you're seething because you can't vote because you don't have the required form of ID. That's all there is to it.
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I knew a housing agent once who told me houses for sell previously inhabited by pakis and indians are harder to sell because the stench of daily curry cooking fumes seep in to the foundations of the bricks in the wall
4chan is a fascist website. We should beat the anglos with the Santo Manganello if they disagree. It s only natural that the anglos are jews/golems.
Then big revelation today is that Josh is so powerful he can sway voters
She's a grandmother. Would.
Reform will get over 7 seats
Where are you guys watching the elections coverage?
>Now I get (yous) and its a conspiracy against wanting whites to look good
Destroying the kikes by looking good.. How can we make this popular among the left, and retards? It could fix Britain.
Looks like Putin if he went on an extreme diet and someone punched him in the face
>I'm a paki I am laaaah
stop the votes
> Privatising the NHS
Based. And unlocking the fash yoof? Double based
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Yup, she's built for footjobs, fanny exposed, tits out, smiling and stroking.
Liz might be a footslut but she's allergic to nylons, too uptight for some right brutal shagging.
imagine caring about electoral politics kek
Pipe down you seething libtard IDGAF about your pseudfaggotry
Yeah, I could believe that. It really is putrid
If I draw a swastika in the box for the conservatives, will they still count it?
Wow congrats on being a slumlord and dodging tax.

Thought crime laws, more funding for (((NGOs))), more quangos, electoral meddling starting with house of lords, more pakis, more tax for PAYE pay-pigs.
Yes, counts as 4 votes
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Literally built for cheeky thighjob therapy
>Privatising the NHS and votes for 16 year olds. Beyond that, a continuation of tory policies. I'm not just making this up, it's in their manifesto and has been repeatedly stated by them. Nothing will change.
Changing the voting age to 16 sets a dangerous precedent for age of censent laws (as in draft, marriage, nonces). However it would inevitably be dumb for Labour since the youth are increasingly enjoying Farage content on Tik Tok. Something the Dutch Green Party was also very supportive off, until this election where polling showed the vast majority of minus 18 year old kids where harsh far-right voters if they got a chance.. this isn’t a joke btw.
I just have the money to spend £32 on socks and buying nice looking clothes even if it makes me look like a librarian
why are you guys voting Reform??? They want to stop immigrants from wartorn counties from coming in and they want to end "gender ideology" which means trans kids won't be able to express themselves
It's sort of selfish and bigoted, is it not?
Depends on the returning officer, I've seen swastikas go through as valid votes. You'd be surprised how common it is.

As long as it's a single swastika for a single candidate.

A tick will always be accepted
>I just have the money to spend £32 on socks and buying nice looking clothes even if it makes me look like a librarian
Damn, can’t say I can do the same. But w hey on socks? Surely that money could be spend on a better piece of clothing? It are you just that insanely rich? XD
Not only are you a globalised yankified zoomer, but even in your own country the age of consent is 16 years old.
come back and tell me your opinion after waterboarding you fucking cuckold.
man proved himself forever a liar unless he's "tortured"
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Mad how josh has the power to sway elections
I'm not, I'm voting to fuck Rayners thighs and cum on her ginger twat & bush.
So much bottom of the barrel bait, utterly pathetic
the jarred corn from fortnum and mason chad vs the canned corn from lidl virgin
Yes, it would be dumb for labour at this point. I wouldn't be that surprised if labour went back on it. Starmers lied about everything else, why not this too?
>truss deliberately showed coombait beach toe pics.
Multiple pics too deffo on purpose
>takes the post outisde number 10
>Sky News Beth Rigby's knickers hit the floor
I have an insane ginger fetish. Find Rayner to be insanely disgusting lad. Have some standards.
>Not only are you a globalised yankified zoomer, but even in your own country the age of consent is 16 years old.
First of all I don’t watch tik tok, but I do read the news and listen to my normie friends. Second of all, Anglo age of consent and the Dutch concept of “meerderjarigheid” is a bit different from each other. And we also incorporate potential “guild” in damages and voting age as “meerderjarig” and not just your capability of consenting to sex.
reform and tory goon squad literally here on 4chan with their russian backers
>Yes, it would be dumb for labour at this point. I wouldn't be that surprised if labour went back on it. Starmers lied about everything else, why not this too?
Imo British politics is retarded right now (altough I prefer the politics of reform) so it doesn’t surprise me to hear this.
I don't know why you seriously think Farage will do anything about immigration. If the tories couldn't do it why do you think Farage will? Consider that the tories weakness on immigration has arguably cost them this election, it should be something they really want to sort out. Yet they won't.
Your feet need to be comfy man
its harder to sort becaus eof brexit
Should I vote Reform or should I draw a dick?
simply epic threads lads aha keep it up lads aha
nah pal
you've got a redhead feaish
a ginger fetish is a love for all ginger minge

If spoiler tags were supported, this is where spoilers would be: She bounced between alright and not alright depending on weight, she balloons and sometimes she leans into fashion but rarely when she's not grossly chubby so I get it but she deffo has the androgynous ginger face.
It's strange because I don't think of Reeves this way despite knowing she is built for thigh fucking, go on, search her feet and thighs.
but she's a dirty zionist bitch so that's too much of a boner kill.
whats the difference?
I can't get over how busted her face is lad. That and her spastic lisp. Couldn't do it. Miss my cute Ginger Dixie GF desu lad.
That's alright, I get where you're coming from.
I still wouldn't mind eating her busted pussy in thigh highs with some nice handholding now and then.
Fuck no, to her core she's repulsive to me lad.
What words do you have filtered then
based filterchads got them on the ropes.
that's why gobbo keeps crying about it
>4chan is a fascist website
Go on then, point out exactly which part of either of these pages specifies that 4chan is a "fascist website":

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>honestly I used to think brit/pol/

Notice that brit/pol/ never addresses the issue of paki rape gangs?

brit/pol/ is run by pakis!

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