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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Voters head to polls for UK general election

>Teacher who had sex with two schoolboys jailed

>Girl killed in school bus crash 'was wearing seatbelt'

>Major hospital safety incident linked to Kevin Campbell's death

>Fatal crash school 'let down' by Met Police investigation

>Sale of £4.2m farms marks end of an era on Orkney island

>Tracy-Ann Oberman to return to EastEnders

>Woman admits murdering her parents
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remember it's voooting day and that gobbo and his nonce VPNs (Dago for example) are going to try everything possible to stop you voting for are nige. Then he'll be along later going woooot no, im voting for reform (as if he leaves the house, and as if he'd vote for the party that will take away his bennies)

fuck gobbo/dago. he's a paedophile.
vote reform.
Mad how josh has the power to sway elections.
Josh has no ID, therefore can't vote. Now he's crying in his hovel that his bennies might get stopped.
The age of consent in the UK is 16 years old. If you think it is 18, you have exposed yourself as an americanised zoomer who has been raised on a daily diet of youtube podcasts
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In Sweden its 15
Election tourists are certified libtards
Reforms odds are improving by the hour
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That's for the benefit of "new" Swedes. Not for you.
love reform
love nige
love feet
hate pakis
hate jews
hate capitalists
>Believing that he's a Swede because of his flag.
he can't even understand swedish btw.
So you are the cuckposter of this general, nice to know i guess
Blocko was spot on last thread:
>I'm a gay tranny NIGGER who is stinky and gross
First of all I don’t watch tik tok, but I do read the news and listen to my normie friends. Second of all, Anglo age of consent and the Dutch concept of “meerderjarigheid” is a bit different from each other. And we also incorporate potential “guild” in damages and voting age as “meerderjarig” and not just your capability of consenting to sex.
Yet another 200IQ blocko take
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If all the 30 year old Mohammed's are fucking your teen daughters, it's not illegal if the age of consent is lower.
yet you support a party for capitalists! curious!
You'll even struggle to buy a can of Red Bull in UK at 16.
Is it just me or is this the most boring general election in years. Forgone conclusion and I don't really care about Labour as they make the far left seethe atm anyway. Local seat is lib dem/con which again I don't really care about, and I'll probably just vote reform or not at all.
What do we call that phenotype? The bearded, balding, 50 something chubby Labour voter with a pride flag but may or may not be gay himself. Definitely works for the council in some capacity and may well be a nonce who gets over excited about new Disney releases.
I just wanna know if I should prepare to get drunk watching nonces on the television
It was 14 here in Canada until a little while ago.
We call that the "josh in 15 years" phenotype.
As recognisable an archetype as the Deano or the Rupert.
I legitimately despise how many spastic brits are posting AI images. From wimble wobby Robinson to random tiktok faggots showing AI monstrosities.
Beardglasses. Loads of them. The more successful are academics, doctors, producers, TV and media guys that sort of thing. There is a plague of beardglasses. They're all basically the same. You can tell them from a mile off. Rich family, university educated, swear far too much/awkwardly, hate "gammons" though romanticise the north, identify as "working class" and so on.

Pol Pot was right about them
So this is the end of brit/pol/'s Josh from Runcorn arc?
Can we name some of his best moments and successes in the general for the sake of archiving?
I'll start:
>he defeated the seethemongs
>he defeated seethemeister
>he defeated lulu
>he defeated apex brin
>he defeated and saved the life of eddie simultaneously
>he defeated ofsm
>he defeated landlordanon
>he defeated cheshire police counter-terrorism
>he defeated alicia
>he defeated james
>he defeated occupy
>he defeated cambodiasexpatanon
>he defeated donkeyposter Eddie larper
>he defeated the fake scottish ofsm
>he defeated sussex
>he defeated argie’s steak
>he defeated the gay sex discord
>he defeated ginge / minge / cringe / bringe / virginge
>he defeated rabbit's poor life advice and saved a child's life with cbd oil
>he defeated the welfare system
>he defeated filterfags
>he defeated the Tories
>he defeated the Reformers
>he defeated slow typers
>he defeated the continentals and won the Eurovision
>he and blockhead made peace with each other and will marry his sister
Care to add any others?
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Yeah they should actually get an artistic skill instead of being such retards
You need to go outside
S0iboy poof
>Pol Pot was right about them
Pol Pot also was one of them.
What's a 'Rupert'?
I call them “borb”. As in “bearded orb”.
Hitchens has been arguing on Twitter nonstop since 8AM. I think he's losing it.
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Alright there's things we need to address.
Reeves was a bint built for raw fucking and thighjobs, but
she's now an uptight cunt working for israel.
you win some, you lose some.

do you think she could ever come back or is she walled?
I don't think pantyhose alone could win it, she might need to go farther, thigh highs and bending over suggestively in a short skirt.
Like Ms. Gin the French teacher, cor I woulda pumped 50 babies into her.
Can often be seen in his local microbrewery nursing his pint of IPA, he runs a "queer-friendly DnD night" in there every weekend in which he preys on autistic teenage girls
I’m In abit of a dilemma, so I’ve spoken to about 50+ people about this election over the last few weeks and literally every single person I’ve spoken to is voting reform bar one who was voting Tory. Why is this massive landslide labour vote coming from I failed to meet a single one
For such a principled conservative, he is on social media a lot.
>"we must destroy the tory party"
>tory party on the verge of destruction
yep he's lost his marbles and his dignity
For me it was him openly saying the Tories are in his interest and then trying to hide it in le principles
Why, I’ve seen his interview on Triggernometry. He was pretty relaxed about the elections.
Shy Tory/Reform voter effect maybe? That and Labour to the normie is seen as the "natural" opposition to the Tories right now.
Urm.... Urm.... it's over.
Pretty sure there’s an article or two of him decrying modern technology but then saying he can’t give it up because he’s too dependent on it, same with alcohol
He still has not worn the dress
someone needs to strap this lad to a desk, put a tesco bag over his face and get a 500L reservoir of water at the ready
Biased polling or you are too heavily in your own bubble..
Insular southern fairie effect matey
i can't tell if its bots, people shitposting or what but there's loads of 1pbtid posts all over the place to the effect of
>"i just VOTED for REFORM UK and if you don't you're a FAGGOT/NIGGER/NONCE etc"
just endless variations of that all over the place
Probably on the lettuce
Yes, it does make one think doesn't it?
You’re right, fucking southerners
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Saw this pic posted on Twitter by a prominent right wing e-celeb with many followers
He’s right
Do people just say they're voting Reform so you don't batter fuck out of them?
How’s Tobias Ellwood looking?
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On the other side of the pond:
In the Dutch House of Representatives Wilders (PVV) and Jetten (D66) are bitching about racism and if Wilders is one… both men are half mixed Indonesians. Pic: Jetten with the new prime minister
No I’m pretty approachable calm guy
Britpopper. They are the British version of boomers (our demographic boom came later due to post-war rationing). It's why all of our dickhead politicians are younger, too.

Britpoopers grew up believing in whatever the BBC told them was cool and countercultural, hence they know believe in noncery.
It’s the libtard election tourists
Its the same on Instagram, facebook, twitter and literally any social media. Full of reform bots and the like.
Vote for Reform, you cunts.

Get immigration on the agenda.
Kick Riahi's teeth in.
Give Nige the mandate he needs to stop some fucking boats.
Some cracking contributions here lads. I think I'll use them all at some point when sounding off at them in future.
>reform bots
lmao post your twitter
The women working the poll booth in the care home seemed a bit retarded NGL lads

Free cuppa tea was nice by the staff in the hallway tho
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I just voted in person, I'm offended by having to show photo ID to vote, I've voted for 40 years, in person, I've never heard any evidence of there being a problem with fraudulent voting in person,

the NPC said: " we have to root out infiltrators"

wtf is going on in the minds of there people?! infiltrators! are they living in a Walter Mitty world of John Le Carre spy novels?

is everyone insane these days?
Put your anarchist flag back on gookshill.
But is it a bad thing?
>/pol/ pot
The most retarded thing about it is the fact that he still won't vote Tory himself because he says his constituency is a foregone conclusion for Labour but he won't let anyone else off the hook.
>the NPC said: " we have to root out infiltrators"
He means immigrants might I hope
total libtard move kek
whats with these anti-reform bot posts?
don't have social media but i've noticed it in youtube comment sections on anything political too
its a bit weird is all.
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Imagine shilling for a centre-left liberal party like Reform in an authentic Right Wing /pol/ general

Back 2 Reddit, libtard
Shows pic please I’m not on retard ville called Twitter
Really hope you guys aren’t stupid enough to vote reform and split the conservative vote. We need to stop Labour getting a supermajority guys. Crazy Kier would let immigration get out of control and crash the economy

>degen bourg
Meanwhile, someone from Bangladesh or Uganda who came here for a week can walk in and vote.
Panicking Jews
The UK variant of the American "soiboi".
At least it'll lead to less niggers/illegals voting, that's why in the US the lefties all threw a hissy fit about how "voter ID is racist!"
ok whom do i vote for? um uh uuuh
? what now? you cant answer, can you???
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Will he keeps his seat?
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lmfao no.
You're 68?
>Vote for Reform, you cunts.
Just did.
Full costed goon sesh
Possible, but unlikely is the general view.
Blocko has the answers for you and posted this in the last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
The awkward marvel "safe edgy" humour kills me.
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This nigger seriously looks like the husband of queen Juliana.
Yep the only people that unironically support Niggle Figgle are boomers and retards who chant OI WUNT MOI CUNTY BAK
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These are the same people that would beat you to death in a struggle session. Just imagine China in the 1960s but this time you've been hauled up on stage because you dared to say "it's getting a bit much with all this gay pride all summer" and then that's it. They've got some queers to hold you down whilst they beat you to death with a belt buckle.
these people are allowed to vote, let that fucking sink in...
Imagine being the kind of person who takes your cat with you to vote and posts on Twitter about it
Thing with the soiboi is that they're millennials. They're like in their 30s and are just settling down with Stacey after she's been pumped and dumped by Tyrone. These ones over here are older, they're all gen x types.
how did TLDR get in to the mainstream
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I don't think so, I think the normies think that anyone that disagrees with them is some kind of Communist agent, a Russian bot,

if he meant immigrants he should have said immigrants, but you have to be a registered voter to vote, they check you off the list they have for the Ward covered by the polling station, I've always taken my voting card to the polling station, the one sent to me by post notifying me of the election,

do they thing the KGB are rubbing novichok on peoples doorknobs and and assuming their identity so as to subvert democracy?

it's just bonkers, the word "infiltrator" rather triggered me, I can't remember what my response was but it wasn't entirely polite.
So you guys have to wait for mail in votes?
So this is how brit/pol/ goes out? Not with a bang but a whimper? What were some of its beet moments?
Bro, the cats each get a vote
Imagine voting for a centre-leftist party like Reform kek
>no chocolate
Fucking racists
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What a fucking goon
Definitely a Labour voter.
How the fuck can someone from Tonga vote for the British parliament? They have their own king..
you really think they are centre left liberal?

I'm really glad I voted reform now!
Are you being deliberately disingenuous or are you just thick?
He has continually stated the threat that Keir Rodney Starmer represents far outweighs his personal vendetta against the Tory party.
yup, so long as they're registered and have a photo ID,
They have to have an address in the UK and have the right to live here (student visa/work visa etc)
Sorry lad I’m trying to quit, just coffee for me please
Do they need British photo ID or foreign ID count?
how can an illegal vote if they're not on the electoral roll?

have you ever voted yourself?
She's done you.
Voted Reform, then saw two Chinooks passing over in formation.

Gott Mit Uns
Imagine thinking Reform belongs to the Right

How fucking delusional are you?
You’re definitely a libtard
its definitely AI generated slop, it is also a good way to die an early death. At least it gave me a good chuckle, i hardly ever read any shite on bbc website but i like a good chuckle sometimes.
lol josh is freaking out at losing his bennies
>n no don't vote reform, nigel bad.
lol. desperate.
only got £7 to get me through not only tonight, but the month
thought I had more tbqh
Don't care: still voting Reform.
A vote for the Looney Party is a vote for Reddit
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i didn't know you posted here peter
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Sure m8 wherabouts?
They don't mean immigrants. They are using doublethink because they know that it's all the pakis and pajeets who are doing voter fraud but their programming won't allow them to admit it. It's like young women who say "all men are bastards" because they keep getting groped by black men in the cities but they can't come to terms with the fact that it's just blacks doing it.

If anything they are the communists. They have all the hallmarks of a communist and under the right circumstances they'd take part in a struggle session and beat someone to death for wrongthink. Covid lunacy showed us that. Look at how excited everyone got at the idea of forcibly vaccinating people and putting them into concentration camps.
>everyone in the world has representation in britain except brits
They just don't give a fuck anymore, not even trying to hide it.
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Guy from last thread here who wears £32 socks

Imagine a Nubian moving to the UK in the past 3 years voting in our elections
>Richest brincel
40 + 18,
we did metal arithmetic when I was at school, you ought to try it.
>Split the Conservative vote
With who? I don't see any other vaguely right parties other than Reform, only Labour and Blue Labour
If it votes like a libtard
It if posts like a libtard
If it copes like a libtard
Then it probably is a libtard (You)
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>brings minimum wagies out of poverty (no tax till £20,000)
>no benefit payments for brown people until they've been here for 5 years
>stops illegal immigrants from entering Britain, so that British people can ackchually get a home and not have to compete with a gorillion brown people for a single house
Fuck memeflag shills.
Vote Reform.
what's retarded about wanting your country back?

are you Jewish?
Seethe gobbo
I somewhat respect him. Despite his BAMElove, he's always went for a younger, fertile pussy and you can't really hate him for it.
Better yet, he's made the next generation of the brown person he went for whiter, and their kids will be whiter too.

The only option that is better than this is to kill all brown & tan people in the world.
but then there's no one to tend to the garden and more importantly, nobody to pay taxes for my pension.
Gonna vote green probably
Their best is still imo how to feed yourself for as little as £1 pound or whatever. umm yeah i love starving myself to death and eating slop that slowly kills me and makes all my immune problems flare the fuck up.
>jar of sweetcorn
>glass of beer
>egg in mashed potato
>smooth mash potato
The fucks wrong with you lot?
Are you young or a recent immigrant?
Because they can’t cover political stories the BBC for many years has spent a lot of time on polling day reporting pictures of dogs, horses, and all manner of pets at polling stations as lighthearted filler. It has been a meme for many years to have weird and wonderful things at polling stations as a lighthearted thing on election day. Do not be an angry man abandoning your culture. Smile at cute animals and British levity :)
Get down to Aldi mate, you can get 6L of cider and a tin of meatballs in gravy.
Depends what you mean by "right". What we might determine as right wing isn't really what the general public and the MSM tell them is right wing. You'll not find many people who can tell you the origins of the terms "left wing" and "right wing" and what they were supposed to represent.
Seethe libtard
Found the working class on the dole retard here or a boomer
Nigel Farage is a degenerate bourgeois who lacks the aristocratic role requited to lead
Namefags really do melt down when they're not getting the attention don't they. No dopamine hits from the (You)s and they all fall apart.
Concise and accurate, nicely said. Remnant of the true old fashioned /pol. I'm disgusted by the invasion of brit/pol by these utter brainlet newfags who would fall for the voting misconception
Thank you for the great compliment.
If they got citizenship. Okay, but even we only allow people with just a resident permit to vote for national elections.. Or is it a compromise made up in the 60s to try to appease angry colonies or something?
you're alright japan bro.
Reform is centre-left
voted reform but probably should have voted labour to make sure the tories lose
well the covid nonsense was getting like the Cultural Revolution, public shaming,
I'm terrified I might lose my childhood home to Labour's inheritance tax rise anons. What can I do.
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Tory boys in full cope and seethe mode throwing around insults. Starmergeddon hasn't even begun.
1 tsp butter
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp Chilli powder
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp paprika powder
1/2 lemon
What I'm trying to say is.
I think I'm a bit of a slave for brown pussy, but the BBC london news girl isn't the be all and end all, she sure has a nice mouth for fucking but I think she's barren.

So I feel a little bad because I can't be george. I can't breed her early.
And that's wrong and sad and it's bad.
throatfucking is good, god it's good but it's not the same as cum dumping with intent.
enjoy your colon cancer...
Is this their replacement for Mosley now that he won KWABOTY?
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Dunno what u mean lah
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>If they got citizenship
>he doesn't know
Shit on the floors and walls to devalue the property
bro, I'd support niggle figgle if he opted to go into a new company with me, but he pays the upfront costs and we get people to stand for election in every seat in the country but they pay us and the costs all go to us too..... haha.....
and he nodded and winked to his KGB age in the wing
The egg is mashed potato was a gay Welshman so there's your answer to that one.
thanks lads, glad to see some fellow non-libtards here for once

Landslide Labour victory!

212 seat majority!

Maybe I just thought you didn't vote until you were 28, didn't think about that did you?
it sound none intuitive but its correct.
>muh immigration
only braindead npc's think this way, immigration in a free world would be a fucking none issue...
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They can only vote for the city council… that’s it, and maybe EU elections if they are a foreign EU citizen.
>t. I’m a law student
well it would have to be a form of ID recognised, there was a list on the voting card of applicable ID, passport, photo driving licence, etc.

but the main thing is they have to be registered to vote, that means they have to qualify for being a voter, you need to been legally here to register,
>wtf is going on in the minds of there people?! infiltrators!
theyre not legally allowed to say wogs
2000 seat labour ubermajority
How long do you guys predict Kier will stay PM before being deposed by his own party?

No matter who is PM. There are going to have to be major cuts and raised taxes just to try and keep things stable.

If he doesn’t manage to reduce the migration problem SOMEHOW, which I doubt he would even want to try, it will continue to build up as a major issue which Reform/Tories will gain support from. Plus with how hard Starmer campaigned to win the red wall seats back, ignoring them on immigration is just asking to lose them again next time

Even the notion of rejoining the EU customs Union seems like a hard sell with the rise of the far right in the EU and the potential demands joining it would create
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24 roasts
28 T bone steask
10 sirloin steaks
10 sirloin tip steaks
28 rib eye steaks
8 gfillet mignon
12 round steaks
short ribs
£150 worth of ground beef
Good idea. Noted. The only way I could probably afford it, will be getting my two sisters to do OnlyFans
Digit and wilders becomes PM of Britain under a personal union with the Dutch crown
I meant for the UK. Commonwealth citizens and the Irish can vote if they live in the UK, regardless of whether they're citizens or not.
fuck off namenonce VPN stoner
>butcher on speed dial
>we put all the happy good good pictures next to the candidate we want to win
>and we put all the boo hoo sad sad pictures next to the candidate we don't like
>and little tardy made the right decision, just like we wanted
This explains so much…
Imagine being done over by a bit of sweetcorn.
Till next Christmas, I reckon we'll have another election in 2025. Unless he does a night of the long knives on anyone left of Blair
Say it with me.... Supreme Leader Keir Starmer
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You know what, you wooden shoe wearing river hobbits are alright
Lads I just landed back in Blighty last night at like 6pm after being an expat since 2019
Holy shit I hate it so much it fucking sucks here
My flight back out is on Monday but I have a feeling I'm going to neck myself by Friday evening
Seriously what the fuck happened?
Which party will allow me to do a line in the pub toilets and smoke a pack of 20 at the bar.
Gordon Brown. Easy
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nein neger
Englander belongs to Holland under der Kaiser Adriian de White
You got a dingy over the channel didn’t you
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Any particular outlet you guys are keeping track of the elections in?
Something that isn't MSM preferably.
Who else here is going to get hit by an inheritance tax bill under Labour? Is inheritance tax an anti-white tax?
Even they don't think winning is an option. They're just bleating about super majorities and being completely wiped out.
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the authentic right and the authentic left currently share many more positions with each other than they do with the ultra liberal neo-con/neo-lib centre,

the only time I've ever voted Labour was for Corbyn, because he was trying to break from the neo-lib/neo-con stranglehold on British politics,
I get on perfectly well with conservatives, liberals and socialists, it's the extreme fringe nutters I don't like and that's Sunak's 'Conservative Party' Starmers 'New Labour' and whoever is running the Orange Book Lib Dems.
Love you to bro! Just tell us when to cross the Medway again for that second glorious Revolution!
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>Landslide Labour victory!
I now know how the chinks felt after 27 years of Mao retardation
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What's a woman, Son of Toolmaker?
ain't voting. simple as
Just call it by what it actually is: a death tax, government trying to tax somebody even after dying.
There are workarounds but most of them involving the person donating their property when they are alive, which makes it seem like you are stealing from them.
>first brown PM
>destroys his own party

Pretty funny after a year of seeing poorly spelled comments from Indians “bragging” about how they rule Britain now (even though Rishi is clearly a posho who probably thinks India is a shithole)
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Save Britain for her
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No I flew in from Hong Kong
>There are going to have to be major cuts and raised taxes just to try and keep things stable.

Theyve been letting the infrastructure fall to shit for the last 20 years, what more cuts do you want?
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it's become a cult, The Cult of Normie, they believe everything on the BBC, they're Golems
>3 women PMs
all shit as well.

Leave it to white men to run the country, the rest have had their attempts
The nonce is samefagging with his VPN sockpuppets again isn't he?What a sad fat twat he is. All because he can't into politics
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browns face is not that shape. much more square
>Seriously what the fuck happened?
Did you miss the great cultural revolution of 1997?
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Rooting for you lads.
You have a precise timetable for inheritance? Some firm pillow on boomer action planned?
Oi lads don't vote for the fuckin Tories or Reform yeah? They are fucking fascists bruv.
The bloke who panics and flipflops all over the place on absolutely everything? The bloke with no principles whatsoever who will immediately contradict the last thing he said if he didn't get a round of applause for it?
He's fucking spineless, not ruthless.
Josh won this election

Congrats, Josh
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Fuck off yank
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I name this cat Nigel in honour of him
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>Oi lads don't vote for the fuckin Tories or Reform yeah? They are fucking fascists bruv.
Too late faggot, RNige has got my vote.
Cat looks like a libtard too
mental illness...
based. funny how 1pbtid foren flags keep appearing. even funnier when they all take the same line on politics and samefag with each other. totally not gobbo.
You guys are being colonized by your own ethno-nationalist party.. are you retarded?
I don’t WANT cuts, I just don’t see realistic paths forward without either cuts or major tax raises.

Tax raise are something no party will ever campaign on because it makes you lose. Labour has promised they won’t do it and if they backtrack it will smash their popularity to pieces.

Cuts from vague stuff like “government waste” is also always promised.

The best thing the government could do is reorganise the NHS so it’s not such an inefficient shitty service that pouring endless money into it doesn’t actually improve services or waiting times. But that is also a taboo topic. The NHS is treated like a religion for some reason. Any change at all is accused of trying to be some American system. As if there’s only two options and not a ton of different ways to deliver universal healthcare without it being ludicrously expensive
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Chofl. You gotta be a right snivelling sack of shit to be like this
are you planning to vote when you're 28?
>Is inheritance tax an anti-white tax?
its an anti-productive individual tax

>Productive whites get hit.
>2nd and 3rd gen immigrants get hit
>Persons of coloured people don't.
>the rich unproductive cunts at the top of the food chain know how to dodge it.

yet another tax on the middle classes to keep them down
You seem mentally ill
would be my recommendation, not healthy but fuck it. I'd skip the slop though and just buy more cider there is enough sugar in that to get you through the night. those meatballs will probably be like 18% meat...
Why are reform voters all low IQ?
she's quite sexy but she also has a serious case of attached earlobes
Seen the shadow cabinet? It's like 80% women. The ginger mong one has registered Rayner4pm.com already.
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Why? That is 100% legal in the Netherlands I did it myself
seems like something gobbo would do
I was 3 years old

There is seriously a massive noticeable difference.
>land in Heathrow
>sheparded to the border check of my own damn country by squat little brown people with thick accents
>police and security all brown (OK, saw one white guy)
>drive straight to hospital to see dying family
>group of slavs sitting outside jabbering their orcspeak
>group of pakis sitting by Mercedes at front door smoking
>all staff in hospital squat little brown things
What the fuck I swear it wasn't this bad when I left
>it can put the secrecy of the ballot at risk
But they have no problem with people saying who they voted for. Surely polls threaten ballot secrecy.
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Sad fat retarded nonce is going to get his comeuppance.
you're responding to a 1pbtid shill bot yourself
>'e took 'iz own pen, so the e-leet don't rub his cross out an' change 'iz vote to some woke party
>Cross 1mm outside the box
Rejected ballot. Why are Reform supporters so retarded?
I'd like to believe that's true, but if you're on the electoral roll you're entitled to vote, plenty of wogs who are here legally are,
if they are on the electoral roll, have photo ID they can vote, even if they're as black as the Black Hole of Calcutta.
It’s technically against the rules but unless you take a picture of someone else’s vote I don’t think anybody has ever gotten in trouble for it, let alone something drastic like deleting their vote
Not the act of taking a photo of your ballot
The bell ends crying to the admin who runs the electoral commissions twitter page when someone votes for a party they dont like
Very faggy behaviour
oh, she is lovely isn't she, sigh... I'm a fucking old cunt and will never be able to enjoy that...
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>It's like 80% women
Fuck can't we go back to a time when there were almost zero women in politics, what sort of fucking dopey headed cunt would campaign to get women in politics anyway?
Based sipper of leftoid tears.
i'd eat her dish
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Guys I ticked the box instead of putting a cross in it, will it still get counted or not???
if you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Labour,

if you want a Paki to flood the country with wogs and a nigger to trigger a Sterling crisis, vote Conservative.
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She's perfect
In that case the only option for a can of cider with the remaining £1.33 is a can of Omega from Londis. Thank you for playing cheapest units, I've been your host skint alchy bastard. Good night folks and whatever you do, piss before going bed.
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Democracy is a good system for selecting leaders.
I don't work for them but my pal who said he did said that as long as theres something in it itll get counted
It being a cult is the best description. They are fanatical in their belief and viciously attack and denounce those who disagree. Their dogma is absolute and beyond question.
They believe they carry inherent sin, some sort of natural evil and all white people are evil, and that non-whites are somehow pure and innocent of any and all sin.

It's an extreme religion, that has no name and the adherents are unaware they're even part of it.
What you boys want?
The biggest takeaway from today is that Josh has the power to sway elections
Yeah as long as it's for labour your local immam will make sure it gets counted thrice.
its very flexible. even obviously spoilt ballots are inspected to see if it was filled out by some spastic who did actually intend to vote for someone
So if I draw a dick in the box it will be counted?
I don't follow anything MSM or social media, this is the only social media like thing I participate in.

we'll find out tomorrow, just sit tight.
Would unironically be better than Starmer desu
How about you start hitting the gym you DYEL faggot?
You should only be able to vote if you've paid a certain amount of income tax/NI within the period since the last election.
Change my mind.
yeah most likely, but i wouldnt risk it
I'll have the nazi pack please
Imagine spamming your own name on election day because nobody's talking to or about you. Bit depressing to see honestly.
that would kill me desu ngl.
when Deng took over from Mao and intended to begin economic reform, he famously said of ideology and political doctrine;

"it doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice"
Lol at the nonce telling others to hit the gym when he can't even put up a pull up bar and is an obese tub of lard. Lol. Lmao even
Nigga the fuck you mean?

coming right up
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Reform chads... rise.
you should only be able to vote if your a white man who owns land
Can someone explain to me how it is a crime to plan a crime?

We're at the thought crime stage of 1984 now are we?
Bennyspakkers on suicide watch. Look at how many IDs he's cycling through. FLUSTERED
Do you even lift bro?
Stick around and maybe Josh can give you some /fit/ advice
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Big tiddie Sephardic gf please
Just invite us over, you guys did it the last time!
Reform WILL have the same number of seats as the last number of this post

If it’s a double digit, then the last two numbers
That works for me too.
Exclude all public sector employees too. It's a conflict of interest and they should be apolitical. (Plus I hate them all)
Post physique or fuck off
>Yep the only people that unironically support Niggle Figgle are boomers and retards who chant OI WUNT MOI CUNTY BAK
SO white people then?
Josh is shredded and that’s why they envy him
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Understood, thought there was somebody doing minute by minute coverage or whatever.
Conspiracy to commit a crime has been a crime pretty much forever

His argument is it was all fantasy and shit, but it’s harder to argue that once you actually start buying the equipment and stuff needed. Even if his plan was retarded and could never possibly have worked
labour are going to have the majority mate, calm down
Doesn’t farage have several browns and blacks on his side?
Does 4chan have a suicide watch thing?
youtube and /pol/
Yep and he also defends them, the entire reason for us leaving the EU is because he sucks off the commonwealth and pajeet nations
>"it doesn't matter if a wog is black or white, so long as it does grubhub delivery"
how about capital gains tax on the assets held in British offshore financial centres?

just an example: The Cayman Islands, GDP $5 billion, reported assets $13.9 trillion!

all the money is offshore avoiding tax, that's why the country is skint.
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>he thinks we don't know all the foreign flags and memegflags are him
>he's convinced himself that he has us fooled
Imagine living in that level of delusion.
can i just sell my house to my kids for £1 when im on my death bed?

Dunno, I'd watch it if they did
Why's he so obsessed with a country he's never stepped foot in?
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yeah as long as it takes you 7 years to die
conspiracy is another thing, that's bringing another person into it. Being part of a cell known for carrying out crimes for instance, but planning a crime on your own is different.

He is clearly a spastic, living out some weird fantasy. I don't see how buying equipment is makes a difference. May as well have been buying bondage gear.
why does 8xHO7fEH keep posting about the goblin? is it him talking about himself?
who else is excited for rabbit’s apology to eddie tonight?
If he didn’t quite literally tell an undercover officer “fantasy isn’t doing it for me any more, I’m going to do the real thing” I doubt he would have been charged
they'll count votes overnight and have the results coming in overnight and tomorrow, the polling stations close at 10pm,

the BBC website will likely have a page following the results, but it's 6 1/2 hrs until the polling stations shut and the counting starts.
exchanging bants after being egged on out of desperation to be accepted.
Sort of. I think it has to be seven years before your death and remain your primary residence.
Voted for reform for our Joe
One might wonder why the gobbo is on full today. It is because no result likely bodes well for him. It is over, by all accounts
anyway, niggle me this:
>be me
>fat incel who cannot connect with other humans
>walk into a police station
>"hello Id like to report a crime"
>oh really? and what might that be sir?
>"Im planning to commit a crime"
>and what crime might that be sir?
>I'm not telling you
what happens next? Do they do you for withholding information?
Loser’s Argument
I agreed if we heard the full context it probably sounds like he was encouraged a lot to say it. But that’s exactly why his lawyer should demand the whole tape be played for the court. Jury/judge wouldn’t exactly find it convincing that the guy is a threat if the police officer they’re supposed to trust spends 40 minutes talking about rape fantasies involving a celebrity to try and make him say what he wants
lol, you absolute cuck
>Spend years arguing for the destruction of the Conservatives
>Tell people they must vote Conservatives to avoid Labour
Lol, lmao.
Tony Robinson is looking more jewish these days
Probably detain you for a psychiatric evaluation while they look up your history

If you haven’t done anything before they’d let you go soon after assuming the evaluation didn’t make you look like you’re gonna hurt yourself or others

If you do then commit a crime the fact you did that prior would be brought up. Either to show you planned it and felt guilty (but not guilty enough to turn yourself in) or to plead you’re mentally unwell and should have a lesser sentence
I've done everyone in this thread, most of you are delusional beta cuck limp wristed fagots. You've been done.
Josh won the election
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you're not.... going to stay up until the wee hours as they count the votes are you anon?
nigger, no really I'm not being coy. I'm calling you a nigger for real.
It's 3:41
There's 6 and a half hours until the polls close.

Accept it cunt. It's a dead day.
Always has been. The closest you'll get is boots on the ground outside a community centre.
Trust me, that's not as exciting as you think it is either.
so they wouldn't arrest you for planning a crime, even though you confessed to planning a crime?
I'll bake an actual brit/pol/... bear with me
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This is the Britain you think you can save
i don't need to worry about that anon, i just fucking exist in this world, this thing you call reality.
imagine a man walking around with a boner covered up with a heart, he would be arrested...
There's one up already here >>473049080

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