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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>What's happening
Elections for 650 seats in the house of commons by FPTP. This is not one election but 650 separate elections at once. The party which wins 326 or more seats will have their leader become PM.

>Timelines (all in BST/UTC+1)
- 7am-10pm polls open for voting in 40,000 polling stations. News reports on voting and election issues are banned.
- 10pm, polls close and the combined broadcasters' exit poll is released. This has been quite accurate since 2005.
- 11pm, the first seats will declare, usually safe Labour seats in the North East of England
- 12am-2am (5th July), a smattering of early seats. Keep an eye out for Swindon North and South, both traditional bellweathers.
- 3-6am, most seats declare, we are likely to know the winner
- 6-9am, stragglers declare
- 12pm 5th July, new PM in office if needed

Conservative - centre right
Reform - hard right
Labour - centre left
Liberal democrats - centrist-to-left
Greens - Green
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - who cares lol

>Where can I watch results
BBC iplayer (needs VPN for non-Brits): https://www.bbc . co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone
Sky News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUvTVdTMyY
Give me one good reason you haven't voted lib dem today
cant believe we are giving starmer the nuke codes
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>Where can I watch results
I'll be watching here:
do you have to pay to watch it there?
Is it 2014 again?
Not a lot of people know this but there's a hidden box on the ballot paper drawn in invisible ink and if you put a mark in the box then it's a vote for the secret white supremacy party.
You bongs had better vote Reform, it's not even a choice.
The Liberal Democrat box isn't hidden.
Beware of the English teacher nipponflag
He's a confirmed nonce sexpat
>Vote for my extremist off shoot brand of tories
Why? you're a bunch of turbo racist boomers.
We’re literally all vooting reform lad, anyone who isn’t is a shill
Is it free?
We don't even have the codes, they're entirely controlled by the US, we just look after them for them.
I asked if there was any sausage roll action but no they went to costco for butties.
Nobody cares, Nigel, pipe down. It's America's birthday, you're a non-entity.
This is our renewal day now
I voted for liz truss, I like her and she was unfairly targeted by the establishment.
Not like the bar is set that high but she was the best female pm we have had, plus shes cute.
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remember it's voooting day and that gobbo and his nonce VPNs (Dago for example) are going to try everything possible to stop you voting for are nige. Then he'll be along later going woooot no, im voting for reform (as if he leaves the house, and as if he'd vote for the party that will take away his bennies)

fuck gobbo/dago. he's a paedophile.
vote reform.
fuck off back to britpol you namefag gossiping retard
You're celebrating independence from the British, only then to immediately swear fealty to Niggers and Israel.
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daily reminder 1 million nu-britons that arrived here in 2023 have exact same voting right as you
kys paedophile goblin
I better see rabbit’s apology to eddie when I wake up

night lads x
There is another party I like more
I'm indifferent to the results but I'll enjoy sharing a sensible chuckle with them at the tories utter annihilation
t. bot
you're just as mentally ill as the nonce you spamming mong
>vote for Israel, there's no other choice
How about no
>Nonce tries to stop me posting that he's a nonce
>His nonce VPN shows up 1 post after
angie's flaps on my face
You're the og globohomo tho
You're just mad You're not top dog any more
what would happen If I confessed to a murder that the police had no evidence ever occurred?
Romans were pretty globohomo desu
If I was in her constituency I’d of done the same, she has nice milkers for an old hag
No, because simply saying you’re planning a crime without detail or explanation isn’t proof you’re planning a crime.

Also despite the stereotypes, police do not actually go after everyone for everything. The police system is massively clogged in this country. So a ton of stuff just doesn’t even get charged if they can help it.
you're literally mentally ill and all you talk about is the goblin (you're probably him trying to make today all about him) this is your last reply nonce.
i said KYS you fat bennymong spastic nonce.
Why does the UK ban all news coverage of polling?
cam on corbyn
I still can't believe you can go to jail for just planning a rape.
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Because it might lead to voter intimidation
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Yeah, free
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mayflys will be back later on laughing at rishipoos
Only on the day of the election, and it's a good policy. The campaign is finished, just let people vote now.
what if he wrote on a piece of paper "my rape plan is just a social experiment" and then buried it, then later told the police where to find it?
I'm not a homosexual.
What's the point of staying up and ruining your sleep schedule just to confirm what the 10pm exit poll already tells you who's going to win with a fairly high degree of accuracy?
Are the Tories really going to lose 300 seats? This just seems insane to me. Have they really been that awful?
They only ban exit polls until midnight, Because in theory polling companies could influence voters otherwise.

In practice I don’t really see the difference between an exit poll and all the other polls before it. The exit poll is more accurate I suppose.

The worry is that if they release an exit poll at say, 6pm. That shows some seats are on a knife edge, a party could decide to do a last minute bus ride to grab whoever they can to vote for them to push them over the edge. Which is not really the spirit of democratic participation

It’s also why I think the compulsory voting idea is retarded
A white wine for the lady
i live in bristol central so there's only gonna be a labour or green MP here, who should i vote for
Fun to watch politicians panic. Tories will be sweating and spinning PR like spiders.
green for maximum chaos
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im not gay
I luv farrage but I think reformers are going to be a wasted votes on a meme. I don't fancy a shitty colation again. I'm vooting conservative along, the real racist party.
It’s good for a laugh, especially tonight when we’ll get to see so many Tories losing seats. I’m only sad Andrew Neil isn’t on the BBC any more, I enjoyed watching him savage everyone.
its how it works in this country. the idiots vote for tories, after 10 years or so they say they're responsible for everything bad happening, so they'll vote labour next time. 10 years after that they say that labour have lost it, vote conservative. it goes on like this forever. Only reform can actually fix UK. Both labour and tories promised to fix immigration. Neither did. And labour won't fix it again either. They'll just increase everyone's taxes and say it's not their fault, they inherited shit from the previous gov.
Get the voter share up for Reform.
Yes, imagine how good we would have it if Britain still had the empire.
Instead, we have... this...
Don't care: still voting Reform
>14 Yrs Conservative government
>Highest taxes ever
>Highest amount of NIGGERS ever
>Still votes for them

Are you a nigger?
A vote for anyone but green is a vote for labour

i liked it when he was forced to do an on-air apology and his own body started to reject him on camera.
>wasted votes

Weird people can believe in wasted votes. Millions voted for UKIP and they won zero seats. They still got what they wanted because all those votes pressured the Conservative Party into holding the Brexit referendum
Greens should say commies

Police state incoming
t. street shitter
you are wrong mate, we use to have nuclear artillery shells among many things... The system we use is American but we do control our nukes, there wouldn't be a point in even having them if we didn't.
He's a VPNonce which in a way is even worse.
To avoid rumours and other bollocks on polling day. It's only like this 7am-10pm whilst polls are open
Terrible podcast with boring and low quality commentary.
there aren't any codes either. he's a mong.
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if you asked AI to draw a green party leader she looks exactly how it would probably come out
how about this.
on the ballot, you have your actual vote with all of this bullshit tactical voting crap biasing it.

Then you have alongside it your 'ideal vote' - the party you actually support, if any, for the sake of interest. What about that?
i cant be arsed desu, if i go out my mum will make me get milk so that makes it two stops, fuck that
Potentially yes, we don't have the same level of tribalism as the US does
Got my fingers crossed for the Celtic parties. SNP, Plaid, Mebyon Kernow you got this!
In all seriousness why do you think Reform would do anything about immigration when the tories didn't?
>say they’ll provide stability
>constantly scheming and backstabbing and changing leaders on a regular basis
>say they can be trusted with the economy and people will be better off
>preside over the worst inflation in 40 years with no real terms rise in wages, buying a house is now impossible for the average person, even affording utility bills and food is now a struggle
>say you’ll control immigration
>let in record numbers of immigrants
Yes, they have been utter shite.
Is she a lezza?
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>Rishi Sunak calling himself a dog

Is he trying to win the racist vote?
they have conserved nothing, literally everything is worse now.
he is the current PM though... does he know how these things work? Probably not
Nah, I’d prefer just proportional representation. Then you actually can just vote for your preferred party and get representation
because the power of polling companies and the media is profound, absurdly so, the pre-declaration of Labour as winners has had a huge effect
If you're the underdog and the incumbent, that alone should tell you something. Zero self awareness
>Celtic parties
>Want to import millions of NIGGERS
What did they mean by this?
Please explain your rationale in describing the current tory party as centre-right
Yes. They are neo-liberal boomers who only care about importing niggers to keep house prices high, and wages low.
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I'm amazed that over the course of the whole campaign not one person reminded that paki cunt he couldn't even win his own party's leadership election, let alone a general election.
I don't know about that actually, but i do know the system works and it needs authorization obviously but the launch sequence is no different than a cruise missile, its just put in the tube and fired and once it leaves the tube its onboard guidance takes full control. And its multiple warheads, its a pretty decent system actually.
So get everyone hates conservatives for basically just being liberals, but what the fuck is gonna happen when labour wins?
Trannies and Muslims and anti-free speech will be to the max
yeah true
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Anyone that considers voting libdem must be a new voter. I don't understand how they're even a party anymore, the greens should wipe them out as the leftist protest vote. They gave tories power by forming a coallition a few seasons back, one of the worst seasons of ukparl I've watched. I agree with nick.
They went back on every promise they made for a few shekels. Now it's a party of childless women and low test men, if you're in that category just vote green
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Yes, because it's not like people are being jailed for thought crime sticker campaigns and denied visiting rights from their children under the Tories.
They didn't want to remind everyone about liz truss
Conservative - Left
Reform - Centre-Right
Labour - Hard Left
Liberal Democrats - Hard Left to Left
Greens - Extreme left-wing
SNP - Hard Left

>it needs authorization
the sub commanders have their own authority to launch. there are no codes. there is no PAL system in the UK. One of the leaked methods sub commanders would use is to listen for the existence of BBC Radio 4. No radio 4 (and other signs) = launch the missiles. They have letters of last resort in a safe on the subs. There are no codes, and the PM doesn't say launch the nukes. It's all on the sub commanders.
i think a lot of people are sick of the merry-go-round of the two party system
Just voted, Labour of course. Gonna be a fun night seeing the tears here when you Reformtards dont get a single seat AGAIN.
Things will get worse before they get better yes.
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You know how bad the tories are just from how many of the old guard have resigned and not stood again this year

My MP is an old fashioned Tory MP. His father was a Tory MP. He stood down this election. New candidate is a literal who

This is a swing seat too. Barely any campaigning from tories. I think they’re focusing their efforts on their heartlands so it must be looking pretty fucking bad for them
Things have only been getting worse since they got into power. That and the constant corruption scandals since bojo mean they haven't been very popular lately
The warheads are British but the missiles are completely at the behest of the americans, they're useless to us.
Even if they could be launched independently, there's probably no way of firing them at either the USA or Israel, and these are the only two countries that I want to nuke, hence they're useless to the UK.

We need our own system like the French.
Just voted Conservative. Reform tards will still hand Labour a majority though. But a least I can say I told you so after labour do irreversible damage.
Labour and Tories are anglo saxon parties m8
They'll get at least five. Also imagine bragging about this, when we have a FPTP system. Lol.
Hearing rumours of fireworks in Washington DC to celebrate Labour's win
So because he said so in a promotional video that means he will do it? Didn't Trump make similar promises when he was elected? Something about a wall? Again, seriously consider why the tories have failed to do anything about immigration in spite of them being quite staunchly anti-immigrant
Why do British politicians and American politicians have such bad hair styles? Her head shape would work wonders with a side shave, this hair style makes her look lame.
Based. The faster the country dies the quicker the people that don't belong here will leave. Long live Starmer the destroyer. Higher taxes and more jews all round
gonna wee in the ballotbox
finally, my micropeen has a purpose
>But a least I can say I told you so after labour do irreversible damage.
Nothing they will do can be any worse than what the Tories have done. We are at rock bottom.
Sunak has been all over places with 20k tory majorities in the last 3 weeks, full on panic mode.
>Just voted, Labour of course
Cheers ECtHR for enforcing nonce voting rights like this guy
All of the "celtic" parties you listed want more NIGGERS.
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What’s Suella Bravermans long game?

She keeps saying the tories should merge with Reform as well.

I always find it weird there’s this contingency of Indian women who are pro brexit, anti immigration and conservative (also anti Islam which isn’t that weird for an Indian)

Priti Patel for example. Just generally more right wing than the Indian men like sunak
SNP just had a Pakistani Muslim in power who complained there were too many white people in Scottish government. Isnt that shit happening in Ireland as well?
Kek, wait and see. Either way things were on target to get worse. Net zero is coming for YOU
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What could current Labour do that the Conservatives haven't?
I support Net Zero.
This mate, Labour is a far bigger threat to the country than the retards in here realise. Vote blue, no matter who
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this country would have to be worse than the shithole slums all the pakis come from before they leave
I would
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>Reform wins, country fixed (won't happen)
>Labour wins, I get unlimited bennies

Sounds like a good deal to me. Sorry redditor.
Incorrect, if Starmer wanted Eu nationals to vote in the referendum. What's to stop him allowing foreign nationals working here to vote in our elections. Or to make the path to British citizenship much easier. The Torys put the country in downfall but we are rapidly accelerating it under labour.
Labour will have a hundred-seat majority at the very least. David Starkey has laid out Labour’s constitutional reforms, who they aim to permanently institute their modernisation agenda. Expect more quangos and the delegation of more powers to permanent select committees that will exist to promulgate their agendas. If they follow through with their pledge to abolish the House of Lords and institute a new upper house Britain will be changed forever. The only good thing which can result is the relegation of the Conservative Party to a minor position and the prospect of Labour’s supporters and the common man to their “improvements”.
that is a bit worrying actually lol. 4 subs with 16 missiles each, that is 64 in total and they carry multiple MIRV, the UK has enough warheads to destroy the world apparently...

No the wonder they talk shit to putin...
this needs answering
also reform - far-right? bit disingenuous that
>and the PM doesn't say launch the nukes.
>It's all on the sub commanders.
exactly and i've said it many times, they think they are in control but they aren't
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Voted for r nige then told everyone I voted Labour heheh
>What's to stop him allowing foreign nationals working here to vote in our elections.
The civil service and the courts, which he doesn't control.
I'm ready to let it go with Tessa
just what I need today
destress from the election

bet her hand feels soft and warm
There's nothing Anglo saxon about the conservatives or labour
Gay and fake argument. Torys are trash but its a slow decline. Under labour the country will be irreversibly destroyed in 5 years.
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imagine wasting your vote on reform
you're self shitting on us mate and you are fucking retarded, if we needed to we could obliterate the USA, that is what mutual destruction actually means. They can do it to us, but if they ever did we would retaliate and vice versa
I just don't understand the brainrot of people who are voting conservative. Literally the only argument they have at this point is "Labour will be worse".
>Reform - hard right
The terms left and right are meaningless in a vaccum. They describe parties relative to other parties.

The Conservatives occupy the centre-right position in British politics.
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i cant believe the remnants of the tories will be led by either a paki (braverman) or a nigger (badenoch)

neither are even that british nor do they have any grasp of british values whatsoever.
T. redditor
i'm sure you'll tell us how labour will irreversibly destroy the country in 5 years
DUDE Conservatives will be kind enough to shit on your face slowly, whilst Labour will shart all over you in one fell dump!

Wow - amazing.
Yeh but that's true. Also with Starmer/Brown's constitutional reforms there's no comeback after this election. We're done.
it's a protest vote innit

gotta vote for the xenophobes bro, who in this age spoils their ballots bro me I love fascism I do
way better, way more free than turning up & spoiling my ballot
telling another non voter to do the same? gay shit
gayyyyyyyyyyy shit bro

like cum coated shit bro
need them to turn up and not vote, not vote because if they vote
then they're a part of the establishment and my protest vote means less broooooooooooooooooooooooo
I respect Conservative voters the least.
anyway I have nothing but respect to our men and woman in the military, its a fucked up hard job that no normie would ever understand.

T. ex military.
How do Greens still get votes? Who are these people that vote for them?
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I still don't see how you can look at the current tory party and see them as centre-right, even by your reasoning. They're at the minimum right wing.
Muslims, and retards that like the smell of their own farts.
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People in left wing university towns with a lot of educated middle class people. Like Brighton.
They will be so either you choose to mitigate the damage or accelerate it. Both are bad options but the destruction of the Conservatives will be a positive.
Reforms to the house of Lords creating a new second chamber that will ensure permanent left wing rule. Like Blair did with education, the police and the courts. Also more government sectors will be transfered to unelected civil servants which is also permanently left wing thanks to Blair's reforms.
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This lad accosted me outside the polling station and gently persuaded me to vote for r nige
i voted labour for ange only
just think of them as pensioners
then torture a tory is a bit less controversial innit
only weirdo faggots who love their nans object
why are they being so weird about it, beatrice ain't leaving her shack to you raul.
Josh, stop being a satanic fat cunt, and cut out all the other bait threads.
Seriously, hope you have a heart attack lad. Just enough of one to realign your priorities, at least.
bit sus that rabbit hasn't been around today
>let me feel ya muscles lad
how many levels of gay retard are you on?
lovely muscles there lad
Thank you for your service
What's the alternative? The two main parties are fiscally identical and Reform is Trussonomics 2.0. It's either them or the LibDems
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Labour (aka Redditors) trying to push that Reform is a wasted vote, yet shitting themselves of a Reform surprise win - preventing their majority.

You love to see it
>she was unfairly targeted by the establishment.
I think it was the smear campaign that started 3 months before she got in that clued me in desu
In the same sense that we constantly get blocked from deporting migrants thanks to the courts. Now imagine that but will all laws that the possible future right wing try to pass.
I want my Norwegian wife to live with me soon so no, Farage can fuck off
what he will reform?
I guess +500
I'm on rape a niggerfaggot whiteboy who says they'll vote reform to educate 'em

maybe more, what type of scale or level are you talking about?
Mate there's literally Pakis and Indians in the Congo running shops and stuff.
Fucks sake lads, they wouldn't let me in while I was swigging out of my 2ltr bottle of frosty's, whats that all about??
I'm not sure even pensioners like the Conservatives any more.
i reformed your mums insides last night mate
because I'm not gay
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>yet shitting themselves of a Reform surprise win
Has anyone else on the ballot said anything about stopping immigration?
I'm not voting for a frog mate.
Not voting for a frog who humped a german.
Who bailed year after year after year.

Sorry, maybe if the frog had tried to intregrate.
but wait, that frog said that EU citizens cant, 'ates roma and welcomes wogs.
Not got my vote.
Maybe the paki should fuck off back to france.
We're full.
Reform isn’t hard right. Reform is held together only by Farage, it’s a nebulous entity.
> Oh won't anybody think about The House of Lords!

Are you serious?
If pensioners don't like the conservatives then who the fuck is left? Dodgy Dave and hedge funds?
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>Reform win
Lol - Not under a FPTP system bruv.
Zero carbon is hardly a fiscal stance. Without nukes that is.
Reform isn't even a real party.
It's a tesco meal deal but they're out of stock on the liptons peach iced tea.
Because those faggots abandoned all their principles when they formed a coalition government in 2010 with those bastard tories. They reneged on every policy they had and every promise they made just so they could jump into bed with those in charge. They’re spineless scum and shouldnt be trusted
Tories have been doing labours work for years. Don't understand why people think voting Con is somehow going to save us from Lab, the've been useless unless higher tax and third worlder's are your thing. Hopefully reform will get a good turnout and take the cons place
Didn't read. Spoiled my ballot.
How many more gibsmegrants is Labour going to bring into bongistan?
When I went to do my morning vote, noticed a lot of my fellow Reformers there. When I did my last round of voting in the arvo, a lot of them were gone. I approached the group of Reformers who remained, they all have a painstaking look on their face, I asked "What's going on? I've voted 6 times today." They told me "It's over. Reform has fallen and thus, so has the West."
Labour and the Tories both want immigration reform. The Tories more so than Labour, admittedly
Dude what the fuck you guys deserve to wipe every Conservative off the face of this planet, what a little backstabber Rishi was. Worst immigration ever with a """Con""" party? Honestly, may as well get rid of brexit if it does nothing but hobble your economy.

No wonder you guys are always so demoralized. Get your moralization back dudes sometimes you gotta get your liberal mojo back to get the white people back in power. Just get your economy back, bring back the coastal cities and Make UK Great Again!
Nobody wants a mutt filled paki and nigger upper house chamber like your shithole mate. There are some very based, esoteric, dark souls-esque members of the lords I wouldn't want to see leave
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Imagine wasting your time voting.

that I'd guess
but maybe I don't like voting for baldies
but nah
probably that
I think you really need to read the green manifesto before assuming all they want is zero carbon and nothing else.
They blew it when they had their shot. Also what the fuck are their actual policies - lol funni did le bunji jump. Nah.
The Tories have been in office for 14 years. If they wanted reform, they would have reformed.
did you spoil with anything interesting?
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The fucking what now? What absolute creature would actually be interested in this?
Top delusion.
No we’re fucking not you bald retarded cunt, farage is a charlatan. Campaigns for brexit then goes to live in france when you retards voted for it, he’s no more for the common man than sunak or starmer is
Yes, my point I'm trying to make is why do you think Reform would do anything about it if the Tories won't? There's probably a deeper reason behind them not doing so because they don't want to.
I'm just quoting their manifestos. You may as well say Reform doesn't want to do anything about immigration either by this logic
>I don't understand how they're even a party anymore, the greens should wipe them out as the leftist protest vote.
that's easy.
The greens are even more nimby than the lib dems and allow anyone in, by anyone I mean conservatives.
They're not even a leftist party, they're a fucking gimmick gang like ukup but ruled by fools and have taken control of English councils because anyone south of like manchester is apparently a fuckin' mongoloid and I don't know an English town that's more north than joy division land mate.
Both Labour and Conservatives want an elected Lords with various special interest carve outs. There is no difference between them.

They went there because of the British Empire importing them to East Africa. Some went to Congo when the Belgians ran it to run businesses. Same community as Rishi is from. A few stayed after independence though most joined their cousins from British East Africa in Britain in the 1970s.
just got back, voted reform.

Nowt else to vote for.
>Reform surprise win
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hahaha you actually typed that out, mad
who did you vote for la?
>meet laura kuenssberg
unless I can travel back 30 years and face fuck her before her jowls set
why would ya
she's just some weird tory bint crying about the world
like a lesser truss with worse feet on a povvo salary
>Wasting your time
It takes a few minutes dipshit. Voting is the cheapest, smallest effort way to have any semblance of a voice in government. Even if it is rigged, they have one more vote to cover up.
>There's probably a deeper reason

Not really. They're toffs who are detached from reality and don't need to live near NIGGERS. They like house prices going up and cheap labour.
I voted Labour. The Starmageddon is inevitable.
You have a choice to not be a subhuman
retard, mutt
>We’re literally all vooting reform
...and here is an example of an inferior subhuman retard. 'We're'? I destroy your opinion, when I don't vote as you say I should. Who are you to think you have the right to say what others should say, do & think? Just heard on Sky News about the fat nonce Gavin Plum being found guilty. Of Thoughtcrime against Holly Willoughby. There IS a wrong way to fantasise after all: and that lardy manbaby /r9k/ reject no longer has the right to have any rights. Good. The news article mentioned how deepfakes are illegal here since last year. And how a US officer was the one who caught that fat subhuman. There's calls for web servers, social media etc to eliminate the services subhumans like this use.
Don't forget, after tomrrow GCHQ will have a new boss. They're watching out for thoughtcrime. That includes you, brit/pol/.
A fat inferior subhuman denied more than just its right to have opinions? Good. If more like that thing are denied their rights because of thoughtcrime - neo-Nazis I'm looking at you - even better.
First they came for those committing thoughtcrime, sexcrime etc: I did not speak out because I didn't have wrong opinions.
...and then they did not come for me: because I'm not an asshole.
Only assholes have wrong opinions: thoughtcrime. GCHQ will watching you, brit/pol/. Good.
So Starmer is a hardcore Keynesian money printing import as many third worlders and tax the middle class out of existence neoliberal like Trudeau and Albanese and Macron with zero progressive tendencies?
nice of you anon, few people appreciate us, you get a lot of arm chair retards who would never ever be able to do the shit i've done... its 4 am bitches don't care if you've only had 30 minutes sleep, now are gonna stress the fuck out for the fuck of it in the pissing down rain.

Drive through burnt oak mate, we're almost there
If someone does the exact opposite of what they state for 14 years, then you can safely presume they aren't ever going to do it.
> manifestos

Conservative manifestos are meaningless when you have their actions for a decade and a half right in front of you.
I'd pretend to have voted reform today for you lads
but it might make you go out still
so I'll pretend in a few days and it'll all be right

that's the ukip way innit
No they don’t. Both parties are ideologically opposed to immigration controls. The Conservatives support uncontrolled immigration to prop up the economy and help large businesses (their donors), and Labour are international (like the Conservatives) socialists who cannot oppose immigration without tanking the economy and destroy their own materialist beliefs. Neither party leadership is against mass immigration as both serve as subalterns for the financiers and donors who promote them.
Lots of 1pbtid today mmmh
Same with reform.
but you fags refuse to start your own party and instead kowtow to weirdo richfags lol
you are one
not anymore
lotsa rapists too
standard english day innit
Are you Fucking assholes really going to let Labour win in a steamroll victory and do whatever the Fuck they want just because you didn't get your Fucking ponies!? Why are you doing this?
Found this on Google from the Kinshasa Hindu Temple kek
quick remind that if you voted for Reform you are a libtard
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All of the candidates are liars.
Yes. Their manifesto lays out how they will codify their constitutional changes as permanent. Many more quangos and one-issue committees. More parliamentary powers delegated elsewhere. Now any anti-establishment forces have to worry about unelected bodies blocking reforms.
Vote Reform to make the benniemong seethe
The reason is most likely that the economy would crash if they started deporting immigrants and restricted immigration. The people backing Reform don't want the economy to crash.
Yes, they probably won't ever do it. That's why they just do populist policies Rwanda which do nothing to resolve the overall issue.
I agree that parties lie in their manifestos. But then you might make the same argument for Reform. Why should we assume they would be any different?
I agree. But Reform are the same, is my point. Same donors, same type of people running it.
Conservatives == Labour
u mad libtard?
Reform needs to get grip and kick these fuckers out.
Not right these cunts are allowed to stand.
A vote for Tories is a vote for Labour.
>that's the ukip way innit
Total White Rightard Death
So they are saying the Greens might win 3 more seats, including Bristol Central.
this is very hurtful
danes and anglos are supposed to be good friends
remember danelaw?
it's FPTP
not only is it FPTP
it's FPTP in a historically one party system

how fucking nonced up are you, you cunt
Vote TND in your heart
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ffs lol
Fucking how!? You sound like MAGA!
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this is a Norman supremacist board, you fucking white nigger
Guys I'm still undecided here, do I vote Tory or Labour??
Then vote for yourself or someone who isn't running. Or vote for the person who will minimize the pain if you want to be pragmatic. Not voting at all is not pragmatic at all.
You are literally no different than a boat person
I just vote on which party has the hottest brown girls. I love them. I'd vote tory if mommy Pritti was the leader.
No, you don't
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A vote for (Un)Reform(ed) is a vote for Labour:
Starmer thanks you for your help, o Faragetards
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Mega based
easy up mate
don't wanna choke on that pint now
>one issue party forms
>gets what it wants
>dissolves itsself
kek you're thick as pigshit. Farage is clearly a miracle worker.
pay the BBC loicense
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All i want is mass deportations
Why are the Bangladeshis all up in arms and mad at Labour?
Voting Reform. Sorry labour shill
Why would america (or anyone) sell a nuclear weapons system that could be used against themselves you halfwit? There will be some kind of fail-safe inside that stops them being targeted at the USA (and Israel).
The American missiles have no such fail-safe for firing at the UK, and as we already know under the Israeli Samson Option directive they currently have several of their own Jericho missiles programmed to hit the UK sitting in a bunker somewhere waiting.

They can hit us any time they want, we can't hit them.... hence why later today we are getting a new PM 'installed' who is openly a puppet for the US and Israel, and there's fuck all we can do about it, we are an occupied vassal state.
I jus' shag the brown girls without ideology.

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vote for (ch)ange
vote labour
>trust the Rwanda plan, two more cancelled flights and we'll finally deport 10 people
Reminder that the people who founded this newspaper supported Hitler
at least im not a Reform voter
what a stupid libtard you are kek
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Look I need to go out and vote soon. Which of the two main parties do I choose from?
why is the audio so bad?
Daily Heil is fucking desperate
So, who are we rooting for here?
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are ange
The House of Lords was neutered and destroyed in 1999. Labour under Blair abolished most of the hereditary peers, independent members who did not need to spend decades being a networker to attain their seats. After 1999 the Lords are composed of more than eight-hundred party-appointed peers and a rump of eighty-nine hereditaries. A composition which firmly blocks any independent opposition to the Westminster consensus. This is without elaborating on how powerless the House of Lords has been since 1911.
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she's a top slag
but a jew
Is this chris broad?
can't believe this pic exists, nothing surprises me anymore
a big bastard asteroid
seems a bit rude to have a meaningless election on an american holiday
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The reason Labour has won is they have concealed how radical they are and hence anons here to believe Torys=Labour which is moronic as they will find out.
Will they actually be better than the Torys?? I think Rishi has been good despite covid.
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Just got word it's looking like a hung parliament. A lot of shy Tory voters, yet again.
it me
Starmer had a Freudian slip and said what we all know and that is we have to many retarded Bangladeshis and they have to go back
Hello Pete
mum just told me she lost her nerve today and voted tory. I'm not joking either, could be happening everywhere today
Oh no an American on the internet thinks I'm not pragmatic.
Right, so it's already over, like I said. The Tories are a pressure release valve. They must be crushed.
Is Keir Starmer going to actually be based?
lol, accelerate!
i'm gonna immigrate to england and vote labour, you can't stop me
>he still thinks Lords members aren't elected

They go through elections, a little known fact nobody mentions.
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>I'm still undecided here
I've voted since I turned 18: local elections, referendums, and local elections: as I did after I got up at 7AM so I could be first outside the polling station thus be the first to vote there. As when I turned 18, I've voted Labour. I'll do so since today.
Things like >>473053154 are retards that have no minds of their own. Self awareness? An alien concept to you, >>473053154.
>PR would fix that
Fuck off with your sick note culture.
Mental illness isn't real.
Anxiety isn't real.

Be a tory or top yourself mate.
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very much no
Ash is disgusting though.
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Likely nothing, the police would question you under caution, and ask you for proof. After all you are confessing. Unless they see concrete evidence, they wouldn't even be able to get a conviction.
Labour in power hasn't been radical since 1945.
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I did it for her
>no second chances
>once in a generation
>results come in
>"anyone who challenges this is a fascist enemy of democracy"
>leave wins
>proceeds to spend the next 5 years screeching about a second referendum
Thanks for the vote for Labour, retard
Look this is a very important election. I need to know which box I will put a tick next to. I think both the conservative and labour party have their valid points.
Destroying the House of Lords, obliterating the institution by either not replacing it or creating a US style senate, would be a terrible mistake. It was also be cutting some of the last ties to old Britain, if it happens future generations won’t be able to understand the pre-2024 political landscape and system; it will be used as a means of ridiculing the past for not embracing progress.
Quick reminder the jap flag has posted CP before
he looks very British at least...
Everyone here who voted Labour and Tories I hope you are drafted first into the meatgrinder
Wrong you think through economics. Every institution that upholds our country has been irreversibly destroyed.
>Fucking how!?
Because they're functionally the same party. There is only the illusion of choice. Under Tories we have gotten:
Record immigration
Record inflation
Record house prices
Completely stagnant wages
and about a million other terrible things besides.
Under Labour before them we got all those things but also an illegal war in Iraq.
Under Labour now we will get all those things again.
Whether you vote left, or vote right, you get the same fucking thing. Something has to give.
if you did it you wouldn't be typing so you're a lying paki
like all reform voters
90 are elected by other lords
if they are sensible they will get japmoot to give them the ip of everyone who regularly posts on pol and send them in the first wave.
Already neutered by both parties 25 years ago. What are you on about?
Why has Starmer taken to wearing those stupid glasses? He doesn’t need glasses and he looks ridiculous.
I'm getting George Allahway vibes from him
Seethe Muhammed enjoy Rwanda
If only the cunts had screeched as hard about AV/PR
But only one of them could realistically win.
He looks kind of based there actually. How tall is he? If he is tall that might mean he is even more likely based.
Yes, we all remember those dark tragic years of Tony Blair.
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>continually wins in youre path
>chris broad?
He likes Ironmouse. That lad likes a Puerto Rican vtuber? Good for him.
That wasn’t my point. I wrote of the Orwellian psychology impact in that post, not the Lords’ powers.
It can always get worse. Prediction; Labour will fast track the route to ctizenship to living in the country for two years
They started letting life peers in back in the 60s

Oh, you're a loony.
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Oh no no no
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His manifesto is promising less spending than the Conservative one and last time Labour were in government there was *less* immigration and *more* deportations than what we have now.

All the tory fearmongering about Labour are things that have currently come true under the tories.
You think you're in control? In years to come you will hate us, but in the end we always win.
Yes and we've been living with left wing courts, police, education and civil service since.
lmao this is fairy cope at its finest
how the fuck is that even possible?
They don’t fly to America do they?
I don't think Chris actually knows much about Ironmouse. He has to say he likes her because he did the charity streams for her with Connor.
Connor does alot of streams with her though.
Billionaires and corporations trying to join in on memes makes me cringe so hard
looks dangerously close to Bormann there

Oh, if people had only voted Conservative!

Wait, they did. How did that turn out?
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>got word
...out of your arse
>got word = 'trust me bro'
Reality proves opinions wrong, though. Nice screencap material, thanks. Retarded opinions always need to be proved wrong.
Bristol, Brighton and some weird seat in Suffolk called Waveney Valley. I can understand the first two but the last is a weird one
what did they mean by this?
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Do Ryanair fly to California these days?
stop shitting britpol up with your gook well poisoning ffs.
Nobody is voting tory or labour, so cope and seethe.
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>He has known the results since 2pm

Redpill me on exitpolls
You're half right. It can be made good by not implying that they're alive but that their coffin will be flown to LA.
That's where the laughs are at, the brutal realism of some paki being smoked.
What’s there to redpill on
Damp rag decides the entire election, then puts out a slightly wrong 'exit poll' at 10 to fool the population. The King answers to him, who he answers to in turn is unknown.
it's amazing that the institutions were non political before the great cultural revolution of 97
Does he answer to the bogdanoffs?
I think she's the one this time lads, I can feel it in me plumbing
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>stop shitting britpol up with your gook well poisoning ffs.
>Nobody is voting tory or labour, so cope and seethe.
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If I can decide when I was 18 who to vote for and have always voted for them since, what's your excuse? But iff baby needs to be spoonfed, fine: do you part for Starmergeddon. I have, and without any need to think about it. I DID.
>Is Keir Starmer going to actually be based?
...on this chap, hopefully:
When even Conservative Winston Churchill praised him for implementing his plans he drew up for the National Health Service & Welfare State during WWII, who better to be based on?
If they haven't actually died, then yes, it's very possible.
He answers to the conservatives matey. Always has.
kek'ing hard at the fact that people unironically went out of there way today to go vote for a centre-left party like Reform

holy kek
Shit but still better than if Brown, Milliband or Corby had won.
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>Reform UK - actual right
>Workers Party - actual left
>Conservative - fake neoliberal globalist right
>Labour - fake neoliberal globalist left
>Liberal Democrats - minions anyone can make a coalition with if they don't get a majority
>Greens - gaymaxxing party (and not in the cool homofash way)
>SNP - Scottish "nationalists" who love the EU and want to keep the Bank of England as lender of last resort
>Plaid Cymru - moar gibz 4 Wales pls :)
>DUP/Sinn Fein/UUP/SDLP - Norn Iron sectarians who now do elections instead of shooting each other
>Monster Raving Loony Party - most based political party in human history
>less spending than the Conservative one
During the pandemic, in terms of spending Bozo the Clown was more hyper-socialist than Corbyn-era Labour.
It's more than impossible for Starmer to be any worse.
...but you renationalise British Rail, Sir Keir. Destroy everything that vile subhuman Thatcher did. Even Bozo said 'There is such thing as Society, not individuals', so when he could destroy Thatcherism once and for all...!
>left wing courts, police, education and civil service since
>Gavin Plum the subhuman nonce will rot in jail
Total /r9k/ Manbaby Death.
We don't have a national socialist party on the ballot so given the choice reform is the less tarded of the liberal selection

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