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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>What's happening
Elections for 650 seats in the house of commons by FPTP. This is not one election but 650 separate elections at once. The party which wins 326 or more seats will have their leader become PM.

>Timelines (all in BST/UTC+1)
- 7am-10pm polls open for voting in 40,000 polling stations. News reports on voting and election issues are banned.
- 10pm, polls close and the combined broadcasters' exit poll is released. This has been quite accurate since 2005.
- 11pm, the first seats will declare, usually safe Labour seats in the North East of England
- 12am-2am (5th July), a smattering of early seats. Keep an eye out for Swindon North and South, both traditional bellweathers.
- 3-6am, most seats declare, we are likely to know the winner
- 6-9am, stragglers declare
- 12pm 5th July, new PM in office if needed

Conservative - centre right
Reform - hard right
Labour - centre left
Liberal democrats - centrist-to-left
Greens - Green
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - who cares lol

>Where can I watch results
BBC iplayer (needs VPN for non-Brits): https://www.bbc . co.uk/iplayer/live/bbcone
Sky News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJUvTVdTMyY [
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funny how reformsisters are making this argument that a vote for tory is a vote for labour when its functionally not true. Voting Reform will do nothing but increase the Labour majority in straight Tory/Labour swing seats. Voting Reform will give the tories 50 seats and Labour 450 seats and five years of Labour dominance. So not really making much sense. The country can't afford to wait 10-15 years until Reform supplants the tories
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vote for (ch)ange
vote labour
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First for best Queen.
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remember it's voooting day and that gobbo and his nonce VPNs (Dago for example) are going to try everything possible to stop you voting for are nige. Then he'll be along later going woooot no, im voting for reform (as if he leaves the house, and as if he'd vote for the party that will take away his bennies)

fuck gobbo/dago. he's a paedophile. watch him cycle through 10 different IDs and every memeflag 4chan has ahah.

vote reform.
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>B-b-but a vote for Reform is a wasted vote

Redditors in shambles
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Deng 4 PM
Voted for are Keir
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How many more seats would reform win had Nigel came back when the election was announced rather wait two weeks?
How did he vote brahs?
Hey we just had 14 years of Tory dominance and everything is terrible and we got nothing we wanted and everything we didn't.
The only bright spot was Brexit which only happened because people protest voted for a third party.
But the Tories were in power and what did they do? They fucked it up like the spastics they are. I'm never voting for anything but a fringe party which the media call racist again.
>He knows the winner already
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"M'lady -- may I escort you to the Poll?"
>>He has known the results since 2pm
I hope he fucking dies this year, preferably on air.
The exit poll is a masterpiece of statistics desu, it's been within 15 seats of reality since 1997
Guys it was my first time voting today. Did I do it right?, I put a tick next to the box when I voted Labour.
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Everyone does, lad. Only unknown is final number of seats.
overhyped tosh
he needs to go
the BBC has no talent already

let kunnyberger4israel guess the results.
Are you gay? If so yes
lol. i call her coon sperg.
Oh I agree Curtice is shit on the telly, he and team are great at the backend though
Does she do hod carrying cash in hand on the side?
Don't care. Still voting reform. Total tory death. Zero seats
you are gonna be seething when labour wins a huge majority aren't you? Ar Nige didn't fly so good.
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Telling NIMBYs to fuck off and having the same Prime Minister for 5+ years will do more for the economy than anything the tories are pledging and will cost the taxpayer nothing.
You shouldn't ask that question. Its very wrong and offensive to call someone gay.
Try not to feed the nonce
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Reform expected to win the following seats:

Six seats locked in:

Clacton (Nigel Farage)
Boston and Skegness (Richard Tice)
Castle Point (Keiron McGill)
South Basildon and East Thurrock (James McMurdock)
Hornchurch and Upminster (Nicholas Palmer)
Herne Bay and Sandwich (Amelia Randall)

Additional seat possibility:

Mid Buckinghamshire ( Stephanie Harwood)
Ashfield (Lee Anderson)
Sittingbourne and Sheppey (William Fotheringham-Bray)
Basildon and Billericay (Stephen Conlay)
West Suffolk (David Bull)
top 3 winners today:
Is it? It's a word I use for myself tbqh
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okay negro
but first you must reveal her location
a sensual mouth fucking is required
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Maybe if the Tories had been governing like Tories instead of Labour plus a bit of private corruption then you would have a point.
It has sexual connotations and sex is bad and dirty.
Tbf I did suck a fat cock the other day
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j-just two more elections and Reform is back...!!!
>Sittingbourne and Sheppey (William Fotheringham-Bray)

Swole Swale
That's bloody disgusting. You should be ashamed with yourself.
Won't have long to find out.
is peter hitchens right about Starmer? he says that he is pretending to be a boring nobhead centre-left politician when he is actually radically left wing and is about to rape the country like Mao Zedong
How about nigger
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Reminder all Torie and Labour voters i expect you to volunteer to fight in Ukraine
Who's that unit?
Is she standing for Greggs Barnsley east?
Well I voted Labour and support Russia so howabout that!?
BBC studios by the look of it
Should be a breeze for a wrong un like you to just walk in
Naomi Long, leader of Norn Iron's Alliance party
No its me
Cor, got a shadow looking like Warwick Davis she does
Ok lads listen up we're going to defeat the left and restore Britain by splitting the right wing vote and allowing the left in. Then the minority right wing party will group be the biggest party and we will win.
Your precious tory party has flooded the whole country with wogs and made everyone poorer.
>B-but labour will do that too
Then what fucking difference does it make? Your precious tories are the same as labour
there are people unironically ITT right now who voted for a centre-right party (Reform) yet consider themselves 'right-wing'

bunch of libtards
Full Bolshevik mode would certainly accelerate things nicely
Thanks pal.
She's going to get a bit of a face fucking and some semen on her nylon-laden crotch for sure.
Hope she's still fertile.
We're going to destroy one half of the left-wing uniparty and attempt to create a viable right wing party you mong.
based labour
The tories aren't right wing. They're globalists.
Bro how much greggs and sosij you think she eats everyday?
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how is nigel not a fascist?
saw this on /r9k/ and agree wholeheartedly:
>When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
>implying there's another choice that actually has a chance this election
long game
ahahahahahah breaths ahahahahahaha

oh my God, we really do live in a mental asylum
His ex wife is European.
>Not voting for Big Chungus

Tory boys in shambles
don't forget to be a proper gentlemen and not sniff your fingers while she's looking
Nerage is making a lot of sense.
>Hard right
This thread is made by a joker or clueless buffoon.

Yes I combined his name into one word and no I'm not apologising for it
PH is a contrarian windbag who will say whatever gets him attention.
>y-you have to vote!!
what a moran you are
Blocko was spot on last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
why do they carry those fucks in bags and carriages what
Absolute unit. Rumour has it she eats her electoral competition.
Normally the muzzies vote labour but if Starmer is abit of a kike are they generally going to go for that. Does any other party offer more generous gibs?
he's a frenchman who ejaculated into a fat ugly german and reproduced while larping as a brit
no fascist would do that right
only a gwifter
Labour will win regardless, now I want the tories wiped out for their utter shambles with brexit and immigration, I hope they get fucked for decades and when labour fuck up like they always do then reform can take over.
Do it your way and the Tories will always be in power and nothing changes and you know that so get fucked.
Yeah you can choose not to vote. But if you do there's nothing much more right wing than Reform that has a shot of getting in. If you don't care then this discussion doesn't apply.
Labour are gonna win anyway you quadruple nigger
if voting didn't matter, they wouldn't try to convince you not to vote
if reform has no chance, they wouldn't try to convince you not to vote for them
their shilling is proof you have power
exercise that power
vote reform
Those small dogs are abominations and their stumpy legs and fucked up proportions means they get tired walking long distances and get arthritis when they get old.
its the new normal of fat ugly pigs that no man wants to fuck...
Richard Spencer looking zesty here
Hitchens is a contrarian fucking retard.
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As a physically and intellectually disabled pansexual trans woman of colour I voted Labour today.
American here, based on observations from my own country and then extrapolating it, the answer would be “yes”
Reform is a centre-left party m8
you need to get it through your head that Reform is not right wing
they are controlled opposition
Let me fix that

Conservative - clueless trust fund idiots
Reform - centre right
Labour - the brown tranny party
Liberal democrats - irrelevant
Greens - irrelevant
SNP - Scottish nationalists
Others - irrelevant
I'd like to remind every anon here that they fully believe the polls designed discourage people from voting Conservative. All of you are controlled by elites.
The current Labour Party is so gay, atleast Corbyn promised us state issued gf’s not that I’d vote for him anyway
She's from ulster, probably eats too many tayto crisps
Yeah im all up for voting for another load of failed promises, at least with labour when they say they will fuck you they will be true to their word
How many seats for Reform and Conservatives to be considering a success?

I feel:
5+ for Reform
99- for Con
I agree with your numbers.
The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
>Nooooooooo, whatever you do DONT VOTE FOR REFORM!!!
get rekt rabbi, the 2 party system has to go.
>A fat ugly axe wounder gash with its accessory (aka stupid dog) in a carry case. Get fucking rekted you stupid munter, you smell of ham.
shut the fuck up you slit eyed cunt
It's relativistic. Portugal didn't have a proper right wing party for years on end and now it has CHEGA. You might say that CHEGA isn't right wing either but it's more right wing than other parties there.
I accept your concession
Could Rees-Smug, Truss or Braverman lose their seats?
Why does a slanty eye gook like you care about this
>Authentic right wing goals
That's reform you silly gook
I voted Reform to piss off Josh, best reason
you will accept complete and total reform domination faggot
It looks like most the Tory frontbenchers will lose their seats, unprecedented really they really fudged it this time putting an Indian in charge. Englishmen just won’t vote for a foreigner
based. he's been seething and samefagging all day because he's losing his bennies.
McDonalds worker by the end of the month.
imagine shilling for a libtard party who are centre-left on the spectrum

you lads aren't very bright, are you?
Nobody in their right mind on pol is gonna vote for Labour or Tory, Mr Miyagi.
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What are they thinking right now?
If the Conservative party dies, the billionaires funding it will just move to Reform and then change Reform policies to match the Conservatives.
not an argument
>noooooo i can stirr rogic my way out of dis!!!!!!
shut up faggot no one cares
so don't vote
this anon gets it.
Uhhhhh Labros!?
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>All of you are controlled by elites.
I'm not, I don't believe in democracy.
>SNP - Scottish nationalists
They're not any kind of nationalist, it's just a name they stole for themselves. They're some kind of globohomo party
you're the retarded liberal unironically shilling for a centre-left party
what a fucking embarrassment you are holy shit kek
Tories would have lost anyways
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Why do we need two labour parties anyway?
I don't give a fuck about your left or rightism bullshit.

Right now reform is what British people need.
>Shut down immigration
Housing problem among other problems sorted overnight
You seem to not quite understand the idea of a shift. Reform might not be a Nationalist party but it's a shift that has a chance this election. More importantly it has a chance of killing the Tories and opening up the right for more parties next election. You think too short term Japan kun
shut the fuck up faggot nobody cares what you think, chink
Imagine voting tory after fucking up for 14 fucking years they have literally made us all poorer
Tory boys? Being sub to a sheboon dominatrix thatcherite presumably.
He's an English paedophile on a VPN
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>Labour will win regardless, now I want the tories wiped out for their utter shambles with brexit and immigration, I hope they get fucked for decades and when labour fuck up like they always do then reform can take over.
True, it's a very homosexual thing to do.
You’re not allowed to talk about the election until 10pm. I’m reporting this thread to the Electoral Commission.
Hyper copium from CCHQ
nobody cares what you think libtard
hahaha what a joke you are
It's also nice to have a few reform seats
die pedophile scum
I think they are just trying to hype up their members, I don't believe that this is going well for them at all.
Wanting Scottish Independence makes them a Nationalist party but in terms of pure politics they are more Left than the Greens
The higher turn out is because of all the enthusiasm for reform which the opinion polls have massively underestimated
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>Imagine voting tory after fucking up for 14 fucking
Some people remember the blair/brown dream team still
holy shit, look at all these newfags unironically defending Reform

how stupid can you be?
Farage said any race/any sexuality is welcome in the Reform Party, and this is the hill you choose to die on

People aren't turning out to vote Tory, lol
I didn't vote for them, I just get emails because I signed up for them 15 years ago, kek
Reform are flash in the pan. Vote SDP.
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Name a time that strategy has worked.

Maybe -- the PC getting wiped out in Canada. But even that's iffy.
This is what no pussy does to a slantycunt

I'm going to make your Japanese girl scream for more you yellow fuck
child raping nonces must all die
the dutchfag has got to be the biggest loser i've ever encountered on this board

he unironically thinks Nigel Farage and Reform will save the UK
holy fuck what an idiot
what a fucking idiot this guy

and now he's seething over his own idiocy lmfao
SDP? The Suck Dick Party? Nigger you gay.
>unironically shilling for Reform
your tough guy talk is just one giant cope kek
Farage pisses off the leftie faggots, bonus points for pissing off the tories and the bbc also
why do you rape children? can't get a respectable woman?
no matter, we'll cut off your genitals and all your limbs too and you'll be psychologically tortured by your very existence every day of your life
won't even be able to kill yourself, sorry cunt
Many European parties have been destroyed in the past. Even in France with FPTP the Republicans have been annihilated.
>horrible opinion
that being said all parties are jewish controlled op
>Name a time that strategy has worked.
it doesn't work because fucking idiot doomers like you convince everybody to stay the course and before you know it the uni party has demolished the concept of borders and the only way to get elected is if you're a gay.
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Reform UK - actual right
Workers Party - actual left
Conservative - fake neoliberal globalist right
Labour - fake neoliberal globalist left
Liberal Democrats - minions anyone can make a coalition with if they don't get a majority
Greens - gaymaxxing party (and not in the cool homofash way)
SNP - Scottish "nationalists" who love the EU and want to keep the Bank of England as lender of last resort
Plaid Cymru - moar gibz 4 Wales pls :)
DUP/Sinn Fein/UUP/SDLP - Norn Iron sectarians who now do elections instead of shooting each other
Monster Raving Loony Party - most based political party in human history
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>nobody has done more to eliminate the Far-Right in the UK than me
-Nigel Farage
he is so angry hes frothing at the mouth, juts call him foamy mouth. You've completely done him.
He's a Tory.
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>choices are either yellow labour or red labour
Is it over?
Its called making the best of a bad situation
Also, why the fuck do you even care? Unless you're using a VPN
Any update? Don't (you) me zipperhead
I could've sworn it was the Liberal Democrats who were rapists
Already voted reform sorry, I'm sure whatever you wrote was very interesting though
Yeah this I'm thinking this is based
>Also, why the fuck do you even care?
Oh shit, I just went and voted Reform before reading your post. After reading your post, I wish I didn't read it, and would still vote Reform.

These days, I applaud friends who vote for the smaller parties. Anything but Labour/Conservatives/Lib Dems.
why does the tory party run as spoiler to reform?
> It's your fault it doesn't work! And you're not even my real Dad!

Are you serious?
Watch out dole scum, hes coming for your mental elf bennies
Srsly though I actually quite like the SDP but they have no hope and they need an N in front of SDP
I do, Blair had his own special team of diversity kikes in his ear 24/7.
They only want to break away from England so they can virtue signal harder by importing more Indians and Africans.
Nationalism is 'for the nation' (that is, the ethnic group that constitutes the state), but the SNP want the Scottish nation to be extinct (they will succeed too - there aren't many Scots and they're mostly libtarded).
Not sure which channel to watch
Kuenssberg and her gang, will be boring but probably most detailed
Allister Campbell, Rory Stewart, Nadine Dorries and Gogglebox, will be silly but maybe more interesting than BC
>Other options
>Sky, ITV, GB news, Novara stream
they're all rapists except Reform, Alba and DUP
Question for Japan fag, do you give as much a shit if somebody votes at all? Why get mad at Reform specifically? Shouldn't you go after anybody who's voting.
Mike Hancock slept with a disabled woman and got honeytrapped by a Russian spy

They all are but you're probably thinking of Cyril Smith, Josh's mentor.
When labour doom the country with 450 seats they will also be toast
>Conservative - centre right
>Reform - hard right
Kill yourself, you fucking nigger faggot.
fortunately doctors have more authority than these clowns and their abuse of mentally ill will cost this country millions in damages when we sue them.
More accurate description, thanks anon
It's crazy to me you guys always make fun of gyppos in muh eastern europe, but somehow ended up with gyppo pm, grim.
Stretching the question into proportional legislatures is too far. Keep the bounds at FPTP.
Oh shiet CUKs back
Do you guys remember the last time UKIP got 3.9 million votes in the general election and only one seat? Its just round two of this bullshit FPTP system but this time with Reform (same Farage and all).
Better Voooote between red or blue no matter what then huh?
>Plaid Cymru
He will get double that this time, maybe more. All those ukip voters are with him still and he’s picked up a lot more
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>cool homofash
well we're about to see the possible destruction of Ensemble in France soon. Maybe not this election but once Macron is out they'll definitely have a hard time
Im not mad one bit
Im laughing my ass off over Reform chuds thinking Farage is going to save the UK when Labour has already secured a 5-10 year rule.
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>doctors have more authority
Meanwhile, have you looked at the Conservative PM and his front bench lately?
True reform isn't right wing but is the only party that isn't completely left in varying shades. That's the choice.
Is that redhead a sweet girl? Is she nice and caring?
Tory annihilation best day of my life
Lol, so immaculate!
Actual reality:
>Conservative - most far leftwing government in UK history. Infinite blacks and muslim invaders imported. Gay. Expansion of censorship laws. Indian PM. Whole cabinet is brown, female and gay.
>Greens - Moron Far left, just stop oil, anti nuclear. Run by lesbians and vegans.
>SNP - far left whiney faggots. Previous Muslim leader, previous lesbian leader.
>Libdem - leftwing cucks. No policies.
>Labour - Blair 2.0. What the Tories aspire to be. Part of the Uniparty.
>Reform - Centrist, but beholden to far left NGO ‘Hope Not Hate’. Disavows and fires any based or redpilled candidates. Has many brown candidates. Prepare for disappointment.
>Homeland party - Actually rightwing, but has no hope of ever winning as security state would destroy them as they did to the BNP.
>Far right? Doesn’t exist. Total disenfranchisement,
doesn't matter. the strategy is for Reform to usurp the Tory party as the right wing party of the UK
Farage admit he isn’t going to win, this is about getting him and our guys into parliment to speak our side of the story. For years we haven’t had anyone in parliment worth a wank
>SNP - Scottish nationalists
lets be clear they're hard left though
>The country can't afford to wait 10-15 years until Reform supplants the tories
We can't have tories for 10-15 years either. I will not vote for a party who've increased my taxes, increased immigration, introduced climate policies and plans to give even more in foreign aid. They've had 14 fucking years to sort this mess out and it's gotten exponentially worse. Even if it's a protest vote, I'd rather lose to Labour voting by Reform than vote Conservative like an abused hooker crawling back to her pimp.
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>Conservative - left
>Reform - centre
>Labour -socialist hard left
>Liberal democrats - hard left
>Greens - actual commie scum
>SNP - Scottish centre left
>Others - who cares lol
Again, the structure of the elections are too different to draw an analogy there.
The hope is that the good Reform candidates know to keep their optics or whatever it's called these days.
>this is about getting him and our guys into parliment to speak our side of the story
and usurping the Tories. people have herd mentality, they want to back the strongest horse that's vaguely aligned with them. if Reform beats the Conservatives, all the people that were sticking with the Conservatives because "they're the right wing party" will start voting Reform next and they could easily win in 5 years
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nah you guys are alright.
I hope so. I could do with some seething from the gormless commies in this country to sustain me. Here's to hoping he gets two seats with the 7.8 million votes.
Well there's surprisingly few FPTP systems in the first place outside the Anglosphere. I guess the Whig party in the US and UK.
The jap flag is a fat middle aged paedo bennyspacker from Liverpool btw
My guess is he's a butthurt Tory kike who is upset about their vote collapsing and can't stand the thought of Reform doing well so he's trying to sabotage them
Or just let labour fuck things up too
They're getting close to voltaire levels of >HRE
I still can't believe the white paper wanted an open visa for anyone, this place would be like canada except exponentially worse if they were in charge and the place got "independence"
Would be a bigger drain on the EU budget than ukraine ever would
wind them up
watch them go
kek, even calling Reform centre right is a stretch.
Does the Speaker have to recognize each of the party leaders in Commons, or just the official Opposition?
SNP are better described as seperatists rather than nationalists
they want to rejoin the EU don't they? not very nationalist of them
Not me retard
It's important to remember that brexit happened in spite of the tories.
If muslims want more of their kind in the country it would be better to vote conservative
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How many pommy cunts are moving to avstralia after this election?
My suggestion for Scotland:
Split the Nationalist Movement in two.
The Scots are actually Cumbrians or men of Lothian who spoke a Briton language and switched over to Northumbrian. The Gaels came from Ireland and have nothing to do with Scots. Thus split Scotland between the north and south.
4 years of labour and pakis in London will be begging Putin to nuke them.
>A year later, in January 2021, the party was renamed Reform UK.[7] During the COVID-19 pandemic the party advocated against further lockdowns. Since 2022, it has campaigned on a broader platform, in particular pledging to reduce net migration, supporting low taxation, and opposing the government's net-zero energy policy.
literally /pol/ the party and fags are having a fit over it and saying they're not "really right" or even calling them left wing lmao
gayest op i've ever seen and i've seen some gay ops in my day
Where can I recharge my turkey
Australia or US


I just voted and I saw three women pretending to vote. Lol, imagine if women could vote, that would be nuts.
Seems desperate
Yes it's no different to the Democrat party.
If Labour win I'm moving to the Falklands.
Already a massive influx of British immigration
This country is alright for the time being but it's heading the direction of Britian with pajeet immigration
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>Vote for candidate
>Party symbol is correct
>correct placing as official list at top of it.
>Candidate name is incorrect and nowhere is any announcement of changes shown.
>Ask staff at station, they look stonyfaced and say nothing. Say votes for a party is all that matters.
>ask around different wards in the constituency, everyone saying the same. Different candidate name from the official registered one.

Well my constituency is 100% rigged. Welcome to "democracy". Should I contact the party to see if they can chase it up?

With the 10 million(!) bullshit postal votes coming in, expect 123% turnouts in some places and 27,000 votes from 16,000 population towns like other times.

Its' actually over, the failing state of the UK is finished.
A PM that won't waste time eating pastries in the cafeteria or meandering over benign shit in offices?
All MP’s can take part in debates, the official opposition does get more air time though but it doesn’t really matter. Farage is such a character he will make himself heard when he needs to, hopefully we’ve got George Galloway aswell he might be a lefty faggot but he will rip into the establishment parties
US, UK and CAN. Between them that's about 1000 years of elections to ponder.
What constituency if one may ask?
Reform are centrists.
Everyone else is far left on practically all issues.
Had a lib dem tard stand outside the polling Station trying to convince people to vote lib dem. I fucking hate lib dems. Truly the chuck's party

Isn’t that illegal?
What the fuck are you on about?
off your self.
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>2nd place overall on vote share based on all polling
>7mn(ish) votes estimated to be likely.
>only 6-11 seats

FPTP needs to go, fucking outrageous.
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Just back. Voted Reform.
Leftypol agitator typing out their arse
No, he's got tone's hand so far up his shit chute his spleen wears a rolex. He'll do as he's told.
>want to rejoin the eu
not very separatist of them desu
Labour are winning regardless.
The size of their majority doesn't matter.
Real change comes from destroying the Tories.
knives are already out for him apparently.

I thought that for sure the constituency system meant that they would be pulled out of the local residents but nope they just move their candidates about where ever they want.
>anti nuclear
This never fails to make me laugh
They're such a meme party I can't even dislike them, since they'll never get power.
So which one is the "Israel first" party in the UK?
I feel like it should be. Shit was weird.
well, they want to seperate from the UK don't they?
the Russians in east Ukraine were seperatists as well, but they wanted to seperate so they could join Russia
Do you mean Hitchens or starmer?
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I dunno all the crackheads have dismantled the EV charging stations for the copper wire.
i don't care lol.
Digits and reform wins
I'm happy with Rishi fucking off to america tommorow.
All of them lol, even starmer has a Jewish wife. I don’t see how this gets him the Muslim vote
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good lad
A different candidate name is on the ballots of my constituency for Reform UK.

Everyone else on the list is correct.

he wouldn't get that far, stop worrying.
Do Reformongs know how it works? You think Farage asking a question at PMQs will change anything? He is after the subsidised bars and expenses to make up for losing his EU income.
>The Tories must be destroyed
>No! Not like that!
t. Hitchens.
They're paid off by big oil. They allow the renewables to gain ground as they will not be able to sustain the whole country and thus the carbon based energy sources will be used as the backbone. Nuclear could fill that role without nearly as much pollutants.
Precisely, my friend. Fellow long game chad reporting in.
What constituency, what candidate is it meant to be and what was there?
I want proofs
>He is after the subsidised bars and expenses to make up for losing his EU income.
good. I'd rather that money go to him than niggers or traitors
Rees-Mogg will never lose his seat - his constituency adores him.
Boundary changes mean he's fucked, added bristol suburbs to it
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Lol you are either a Tory shill or a demoralised faggot, get on some anti depressants you miserable cunt
where's a live stream for election coverage? looking for something like bbc
All the lads I know at work are voting reform
I own a property so I'm voting Conservative simple as.
See the OP, no coverage until 9.55pm UK time
Starmer, they're not happy about Gaza.
>looking for something like bbc
course you are
Yes, very.
Check his views before this media campaign to paint him differently. Horrific.

We're in for a world of pain.
There's a reason they have avoided all policy questions and just used buzzwords with masses.
listen mate some of us do have balls... he would be fucking brown bread so fucking fast.
Voted Reform lads
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I'd come as white skinned wog, kidding they would never let me in... Since I don't have a PhD in muh science.
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Anyone seen Rishi's last ad? Worth a look...
>magic kettle
>overcrowded private schools
>overdue bills but no prepayment meter
>ray bans
>5 camera smart phone
>159 petrol with keyless entry
>second floor
>second child
>47 minutes to wake up and check phone
>might even have to cancel one of the holidays

I didn't know you could get a refunds for yer hollies.

Speaking of Holly. Glad they've caught that nasty evil man.
Even my sister did and she always votes Labour. I was very surprised.
I have heard the left is real divided
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>looking for something like bbc
Sure you are.
lads i'm getting word right now from my british friends
all good chaps, but they all had micropenises
they just voted reform and their cocks and bollockses grew so large all the slags in town swarmed them and had sex with them on the spot!
vote reform to have your cock and bollocks grow huge and have sex!
If you were an Indian student they'd let you in tomorrow
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are these good? thinking of getting some online
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>We're in for a world of pain.
And that's a good thing. Both Labour and Tories must be destroyed.
hey, I made that joke already!
smug karen sexo...
Tories and labour are any different?
Only ones not using the bars are the muzzie sandnigger MPs
What a total and utter cunt
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I was but merely making an adding to it, father.
If you like the taste of sucking on copper pipe, yeah
>are you two really the best we've got
>3 floors! They've only gone n dug a fooking basement init...
he wouldn't get very far. when we are talking about full blown leftist trash we are really talking about adolf hitler and you know what happened the last time...
Why are you Fuckers in the UK holding an election on a holiday!?
wtf why so late? it's work day tomorrow ffs
all of them
In Canada advertising is illegal but speeches aren't illegal. In the past political parties avoided playing fast & loose with those rules but the day of a recent byelection our deputy PM, at an official press conference, took the time to call on everyone to vote for her party's candidate. The rest of Cabinet posted similarly on social media. They obviously had some confidence that they would be allowed to get away with it.

>They're paid off by big oil.
You can find out some interesting things when chasing money all the way backwards through Green movements and initiatives. Sometimes you'll find yourself at the official philanthropic arm of a Big Oil company.
>vote for lesser evil
>vote for other lesser evil next time
We only have a 2 party hegemony in the first place because of evil enablers like you. Without you we could have elected a third party decades ago and got rid of FPTP.
This is all your fault. You personally. New Labour, millions of migrants, grooming gangs, covid lockdowns, kissing Israel's collective arse, all of it. You unironically have blood on your hands.
You voted for Labour so no, you did it wrong.
AFAIK he's the evil of Blair without the talent of Blair. He's also a lot older than Blair was in 1997.
He cannot prevent his kike DNA from manifesting
Silly little manlet
shit tier bait m8 i r8 inferior.
A lot of MPs do at least try to represent their areas.
The PM and ministers don't though, they'll get shuffled just to stay where they are.
The seats, for better and worse are now averaged. No more empty areas. Also unfortunately means London probably got an even larger say in things.
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The normie media can't be seen to influence voters on polling day (voting stations close at 10pm). Though it's fine for them to do that at any other time.
Corbies can't do shit tho
Der Starmer purged the lot. Lmao.
The fuck little corby gon do? Vote Tory? Kek
Blairites are back in full control.
What they gonna do? Let 7 million more shitskins in?...oh noes!......no wait. Tories already did that
>Only ones not using the bars are the muzzie sandnigger MPs
They're too busy raping orphans
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I think reform will get a much better turn out than ukip. Your going to have every ukip er, pissed off tory and some younger first timers who aren't left wing. Plus the tories haven't got a charismatic leader as before to reel them back in.
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Nige needed time to allow Tice to draw fire from HNH and the media scum to weed out most of the dodgy candidates.
When that was done, back came Nigel.
Harries out of focus their, thats pretty funny

ah Harry ... what happened m8
Highly memeable image that.
Make Albion Great Again
SNP is McHard-Left
You couldn't give me a free 4 bedroom house to move to that desert shithole
You need the governors permission
They've done the edges up nicely though.
Now you know, it's impossible for her to reach her ass to wipe it.

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