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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Chris Mason: We stand on the threshold of a landmark election

>Parties stress core messages as election nears

>Jay Slater's mum tells of ‘agony' as searches fail to find son

>Half of Scotland's councils set for bin strikes

>Lucy Letby guilty of trying to kill baby girl

>Hospital bomb plotter guilty of terror charge

>Blackbird numbers plummet in south of England amid potential spread of virus

>Half of nursing students in England have considered quitting, survey finds

>Welsh government commits to making lying in politics illegal

>Postal vote chaos shows Brits abroad should 'vote in embassies', expert claims

>Almost seven million people have used this year's postal voting system, claims Electoral Commission Chief

>Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie to be ‘relied upon’ as royals brace for busy schedule

>Man jailed for carrying replica sword from Legend of Zelda video game in public
First for Fourth of July.
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This is now an AMERICAN thread.
Imagine needing a license to own a TV. LOL
looking forward to rabbit's apology tonight
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Vote Better
Vote Adder
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Get out and vote lads
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imagine having pride in the American Revolution
what a degenerate bourgeois you are
you disgust me
imagine having pride in the British Empire
what a degenerate bourgeois you are
you disgust me
>Black lesbian lawyer complains that Keir Starmer gave her an angry glare years ago
The detail which caught my eye was that Keir used to have a long term relationship with (((Philippa Kaufmann))). Given that his wife is Jewish, but he isn't by heritage, what's the implication of him having this 'type'? Why does Keir desire the Khazar milkers? What will he do to obtain them?
> England on the verge of becoming an Islamic state
>huh but atleast the prime minister is gonna be white
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did you guys won?
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Reform way ahead of you, Yank.
You know who voted? Hitler voted. Don't be like Hitler. Don't vote.
Polls opened 16 minutes ago, come back at 10pm our time (5pm EST)
Even then, it'll be a few hours.
Come back at about 3am (10pm EST) and we'll start to have an idea then.
For today, all party campaigning is forbidden, so it'll be quite a quiet day.
FRP did that in Norway and all that happened was that they now are funded by taxes instead. And now even people without a tv have to pay for it.
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Come on Britbongs I believe in you
oh well i'm send you energy either way good luck.
Labour win 480 seats.
The exit poll at 10 will likely be close again
VOTE REFORM for the people who fought, struggled, and died for this country.


Reform is pro-Putin
actually this guy got quads so i'm gonna have to believe his time frame instead, sorry.
I love brit/pol/ so much it's unreal.
Nothing beats the King's English and the white men who use it.
Vote REFORM commie.
Once bongs go bankrupt I’ll buy up cheap British stock.
I'm voting for are keir
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you sound proudish
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Pray for R Nige.
No, Reform is anti-Globalist cuckoldry by sending all our taxes and equipment to Ukraine for no good reason.
There's even British troops there, waste of their lives. They should be here, at home.

White Brits beat themselves. We can, however, vote for the Reform UK party and start to turn back the tide.

Things have gone too far now and we really have had enough. It's gone far past the point of rude. There are ungrateful guests who despise and detest Britain and ethnic Brits, and they feel nothing but pity and hatred for Britain ethnic Brits.

>vote for the Zionist libs that want slightly stricter immigration laws
There's nothing left lad it's all owned by the chinese, russians or chekofslavakians
Well you can go and vote for the Greens or whatever then. I'm gonna VOTE REFORM.

Norway is filled with cucks and degenerates.
Not shocked.
VOTE REFORM for the people who fought and died for us.

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The entire populist conservative movement across the globe faces the same conundrum, anon. There are obvious zionist elements present within all of the populist movements. 2024 is an electoral year which may not represent a final victory in the bigger "War", but it does reflect a year where a significant victory is attainable.

Zionist elements or not, if we take control of our respective countries through the ballot box and get sufficiently radical populists installed into power, we have the chance to destroy the leftist globohomo elements. Once globohomo is dealt with, we can focus our collective efforts on the tug-of-war for the souls of our respective movements against the zionist plants that live among us.

I don't think you are wrong to point this out and I agree with you. I just think we have to play the cards we are dealt, and we have to take our enemies down one tangible battle at a time. 2024 gives us the opportunity to purge globohomo and their hordes of niggers from our homelands.
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Nobody actually pays TV Licence except the elderly and goody-two-shoes.
They can't MAKE you pay it, so those who are smart simply don't.
England must be like hell on Earth now.
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Vote Conservative
vote reform or everyone will think you have a tiny willy
The Tories are a can of Diet-Woke.
I'm wondering if SNP gonna win Scotland again
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Close the Gates. Vote Conservative.
There we have it. VOTE REFORM.
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I'd have thought the US would be carnage right about now. With you're entire country just finding out for the first time that your president has dementia and is being puppeteer'd like weekend at Bernie's by his mad wife and crack head son.
Are people not starting to react or anything over there?
coming to America soon
like brexit another round of "Will globo homo beat homo globo?"
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Just do what the Muslims and Indians do and buy an Audi to make up for the small peepee.
Apart from the migration thing that would make me vote for them. I hate poor people and they should be turned into paste. The only reason "food bank" usage is up is because labour councils and NGOs keep opening the things. I could drive down to a food bank in my 5.0 Range Rover and have the volunteers there fill it up with food of my choice.
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Lower Taxes. Vote Conservative.
Oh bennies
Well you came and you kept me from working
But Kier took them away
Oh bennies
here you go dago lad
the vote for reform you've been creaming for

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You lost bro.
Canada exists.
We burn the white house down in month.
I'm not voting lads
Spoilt your ballot you prat.
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Done, nobody at the polls today.
Our constituency is fucked, mostly students, mostly airbnb and the rest are English imported professionals working in finance or at the uni, the only people I saw there were 4 disabled people and me (disabled vet) and someone helping the old lad in the wheelchair.
Nobody outside campaigning, reform site knocked over, couldn't even afford a sandbag to prop it up.
at 7:20 the only people who had voted at our desk were me and 3 others, there's only 2 desks this year down from 4 so voter suppression is doing some heavy lifting.

Managed to get back from the centre faster tho, since they unchained the access road and the gate, so could get there and back without backtracking which is nice, only disabled chads get to partake in this, normalfags have to go out the long way.
They told me i could vote at first
they took down my number
I said
>i'm not being funny but if i can't vote i'm kicking off and i'll come back and kick off
they called me back and said they'd called someone and i could vote
apparently it was due to it being a new build
Sorry son, I don't vote for foreigner globalists like Farage.
i voted for reform
>they now are funded by taxes instead
The BBC is taxpayer funded even if you don't have a TV you silly sausage
Do you lads reckon if you drew a willy instead of an X in the ballot box it'd count as a vote
Sorry Rasheed Sanook you are fired
any mark
Have the media got one last smear up their yarmulka?
Who's excited for the Labour government to increase migration to never before seen record highs?
corrrrrrr, might actually do it then
Finished night shift, voted Reform, now going bed. G'night
Can do my son.
You've gotta spoil your ballot in an equal manner, nothing that can be interpreted as a vote for one candidates.
It's 7:20 on a weekday lad, give people a chance to wake up and get ready for work and that. People still having their morning shit, shower and shave.
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I don't vote for kike loving Zionists so I dont vote
Never have. Never will at this rate.
Asked if he'd kick off at me if i took a picture of my ballot and he said
>only if you tell me
same cunt that actually cared about my voting and didn't pie me off
Why is he drenched in cum? Indians get to enjoy bukkake parties from hot white cocks in Britain? Say it isn't so or I'll move there and suck cocks daily.
It literally can't get any worse than it already is all that will happen is the UK becomes less and less attractive to migrants
Sleep well lad, you'll be up in time to see the results coming in.
Might just draw a big willy that covers all the boxes, take me black sharpie for the job waheyyyyyyy
Based, other nations are just that, other nations, kek foreigners are so pathetic
Nice cope you sorry ass relic
smoked more cigs than i've ever smoked in my life this morning
so stressful
trying to balance being a human being
> just finding out for the first time that your president has dementia and is being puppeteer

Our president has had dementia since 2017 and he's been puppeteered for much longer than that.
Nah, usually there's a solid half page or page by that point and everyone gets the vote in early, people queueing outside, campaigners.
It's a ghost town, orchestrated by hyper-corporatists and mongs who bought some inner city flat and let it as an airbnb instead of paying into a pension, as if they'll ever be able to retire.
There's a stark difference between now and say 2015, 2017 or 2019, this is the big once, not a council election, not the Scottish parliament. It's barren, can't say how it was for 2010 since I was postal vote back then but it's a grim turnout here.
Sweetie trust me it can always get worse.
TTD incoming
Yeah it's a shithole here mate. How's things down your ways?
Most people find it amusing on the right. The liberals actually seem kind of pissed that their only option is a corpse
courts in germany banned all members of a party on 17% in the polls
are not allowed to own guns (for sport, clubs)
>>vote for the Zionist libs that want slightly stricter immigration laws
Yeah, sure, Nigel is chucked on the JQ and isn't nearly as racist as any of us would like but he's still the best fucking option the Brits have by far.

Take what wins you can get and use those victories to strengthen your position for the next step forward. It's that exact 'thin end of the wedge', salami-slicing bullshit the Left has been using against us for the last 50 years and it's been working pretty fucking well for them so far.

The Poms need to vote Reform, push the Overton window right and start getting ready for the Night of the Long Knives.
Kinda garbage but at least I don't see mosques everywhere.
whoever wins today
Josh wins
he always wins
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If this was taken when the last throes of a conservative government were in power: Heseltine would be reading a book through his NHS special glasses while some totty pop tart were on the sofa.
The West has fallen, conservatism is dust.
Yeah man lots of them 9/11 types over here. Not many Mexicans though which is nice. We had a ritual disembowelling up in Scotland a few years ago so I know what it must be like for you guys near Cartel land.
fucking need booze
Yeah man, a girl has tattoos, billions must die. Also the Prime Minister is a little brown fella so billions must die there too, but unironically.
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I remember watching Pat Condell bitch on his youtube channel about Mudslimes and their general incompatibility with western civilization back in like 2005 and nobody took him seriously. If only we could turn the clocks back and do it all over again.
I'm up, I'm awake, I'm voooooting and then heading out to help Reform UK win this.
Ignore dago and other leftist shills,
Let's Save Britain.
Back tonight to harvest tears
Go to bed for fuck's sake.
7am to 10pm
fucking yes man
gis a bit. im off the sauce for a month.

sink as far down as you can be pulled back up
>rolled shoulders
>didn't stock up ahead of the GE
you're not gonna make it my lad
plans for an election night should always lead with stocks for you getting pissed the night before, the morning off, the evening > night into the 2nd day (stock up enough to binge 'til 2-3pm) then a small stock for the recovery day as a celebration

>so billions must die
This but unironically.
Live in chorley. Is it even worth voting?
Trap frauding levels off the charts
>he's not thinking strategically
i plan to blackout about 4-6pm and wake up 2-4am for the actual results
safe in the knowledge of the exit polls
They already pay for it through tax, they have no choice
Spoiled ballot unless you really, really, really love Starmers' Labour.
I feel for ya, it's an odd tradition.
I forgot what's happening today is it the election or the election results?
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Who should I vote for
Literally who?
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>missing the primo cope at 9:30pm > 2am
lad, it's when it's at its best, it's the build up, the hype train for the 2-4am rapid fire wipeout
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>Billions must die
You're too fucking fat to pull back up.
One of those yeah.
>seethe levels already rising
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It's like after the asteroid killed off the dinosaurs.
English constitution party
we've machines
Farage is the best we've got whether you like him or not.

If the pajeets in this thread are to be believed
>saar! you need to vote for the pajeets saar! Only way to keep britain white is to vote for pajeets sir! Do not redeem the millions every year! Europe out! India In!
Hype for what
elections scripted
Image how high seethe levels will be tomorrow morning when the Tories are wiped out and Reform have taken more seats than expected
I'd be great at being middle class. I can do faux disgust at minor inconveniences so well too.
R emember the last 14 years
E nough is now enough
F orgive nothing in the past
O pen your eyes to better
R ise and stand for future
M emories are still raw
very grim
>first is a BAMEqween who practices in wokeshittery
>2nd candidate is a bamecuck with the nickname jimmy dim
>3rd candidate is a paki who cheered in her nightgown while deporting her fellow browns and lusts for french cock
>4th candidate, tugendhat, need I say more?
>5th candidate, the paki qween who tries to one up candidate 3
So, 5 safe seats only then huh?
> things can't get any worse

Here we have guns for if things get bad enough. Can point it towards those responsible for making things shit or towards yourself.

You don't even have guns so there's no limit to how bad things can get. Muslims can rape your daughter in broad daylight and you can't really do anything about it.
Even Morgoth is voting Reform, the opps are so fucked lol
In terms of fixing local issues, I think to be fair, being speaker probably does give him more weight than some random backbench nig.
whatever the result
all sides will seethe
even labour voters
>the UK becomes less and less attractive to migrants
Based nu-labour!
>R emember the last 14 years
That requires me to remember what Farage did in those 14 years. Should try a better first point that doesn't require acknowleding Farage's frog welfare queenery and dine 'n' dash scams.
Oh fuck off your president is a dribbling mess, you won't do shit Yankee, fattest country in the world
Hallowed be thy bames
Tax cuts for the wealthy is inherently globalist you retard
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Lusts for French cock, will mine covered in Boursin do?
No need to do shit because we're not yet being forced to allow migrants into our homes.

When the labour government requires you to house migrants what will you do?
Just voted Labour, local candidate is young, gay and pro-trans
Are Labour voters enthused? Is there a chance that a significant portion of Labour and Tory voters just don't bother voting due to optimism/pessimism?
Can't tell if incel or one of those bad faith actors who infiltrates a group to make it look bad.
You are in Jew York.
rabbit will apologize tonight to eddie
it's going to be epic
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If there's any Justice, he'll lose his seat and his deposit.
Ok but which one?
Yes, probably a low turnout in general. Labour aren’t really gaining votes, the tories are losing them.
the anti-rLiz conspiracy is real
bank of england conspired against her

unfortunately she also lacks the aristocratic soul required to rule
Dude shut the fuck up. You sound like your brain is on power saving mode.
>you wake up
>Nigel farage is elected fürher of the UK
>immediately enacts mass deportations as his first act in office
I'll post walls of cope on the internet about how if they do that in MY town I'll definitely do something. When they do it in my town I'll post walls of cope about how when they do that in MY neighbourhood I'll definitely do something.
She only likes eggplant coloured cocks and white cocks, if the boursin allows you to appear white she'll be into it but if you're even the slightest bit tanned you'll have to coat your entire body in it. Just hope you're not hoping for a racist dommy mummy, she's a sub.
If that's what you want for a 50 year old barren hag built for brutal throatfucking then go for it my son, wish you top luck in your 'venture.
>Are Labour voters enthused?
Not really, they are only winning because the Tories are so loathed by everyone, Starmer has the charisma of soggy lettuce
rabbit and his fellow brincels unironically believed this would happen kek
eddie wuz rite again
>the deportations are all white
Do you have to be here today? Don't you get a day off for the 4th of july?
Eggplant? You a yank in disguise?
>Do you have to be here today?
Good i am happy to leave, leave this shithole to the pakis and get russia to nuke it.
Turnout statistics are grim in general, looking at them and election results means you have to acknowledge we live in a one party system or go full flat earther tier delusion.
God, I hope FPTP gets fucking nuked in the next decade, but it'll be a referendi with <50% turnout with only devolved regions bothering to vote.
Yes I have PTSD flashbacks to 2011 often.
Attention melty started early
I wish my son, police wouldn't take away my funs if I were a yank.
I called it an eggplant and not an aubergine because I hate posho veggies.
Okay josh that's nice be careful not to hurt yourself on that edge.
god I wanna coom so hard to her getting shamed on stage
I hope she gets portilloed
same for sunak
just please let me get hard for the back to back shootings
I'll keep a pic of her toes up on a 50" widescreen just in case
If I cross out the Reform candidates name and write "CUNT" but still mark a cross in my desired candidates box (lib dem, obvs) will they just count it as a spoiled ballot?
your gay tories die today hahahahaha
I'm going to samefag so hard all day
It’s obviously a one party system, I watched Perez Hitchens talking about how Starmer is a hard left maniac. I think he’s lost it.
Starmer is a uni party wet fart approved by the system, just like Sunak.
It does indeed
kys you fat mongoloid
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while you losers are voting for Reform
im out here having sex with Suzuka Nakamoto kek
Her or Rayner have to crawl through the streets naked while nuns follow shouting shame, but it can only be one. Which one?
blocko was spot on last thread:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
>he can't bag nocchi or ringo
weak brag my son
got me beers and me bag sorted for tonight's bread and circuses lads
It's because the UK has a birth rate of about 1.5, and it surprises me the tories haven't just been honest about why they've allowed record immigration.

The average voter age for my constituency is 60, ~5 years off retirement age.

Without immigration of people of working age the economy will collapse, and thanks to the tories we're nearly at 100% debt to GDP anyway.

The solution to this is to incentivise indigenous people to have children and to slow immigration, but children are born out of perceived financial stability and hope that the future will be a better place. Improve people's living standards and maybe they'll have kids. Most women I know would rather be homemakers than working some shitty office job, but it's not economically viable to have a 1 income household anymore.

Labour and Conservatives are in favour of further privatisation of the NHS, and more austerity.

I doubt Reform are even aware of these issues, given how their manifesto is written in the same broken English you'd expect from illegal immigrants. Tax cuts for the rich who've sold this country to foreign interests piece by piece is not going to help working people, so I'd say they're also a waste of space.

Where's a national socialist party when you need one?
>nocchi or ringo
lmao nerd
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>for no good reason.
TZD is a very good reason
Maybe, maybe not. Don't risk it if you're serious.
Or I vote for the guy who will reduce immigration
Can we use a PEN to vote? If so, I'll take 3 black pens with me.
I don't trust that they won't rub out pencil.........
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>yup, we're just gonna do it legally

What if their votes don't redeem?
>Can we use a PEN to vote?
Yes you can
I wish they would just let the nation get poor. That would be less expensive than all this mass migration.

The nation is being took over.

t. brown and I hate this.

Democracy is a scam to prevent the peasants from revolting.
It'd have to be liz. Rayner's sagging motherly tits flopping about while she crawls would be hard, seeing her toes without boots too.
but liz is lost in her 'lusions and that psychological element just adds a level of kink that's hard to beat, she'd deny it the entire time, you'd look in her eyes and see it, you'd see the hate, the confusion and the disbelief that it could happen to her, the sobs that it was all the deep state while you can hear the thwap from the lashing
nah man
that's a level that's hard to beat
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Well done lad
Christ Rayner is going to have security oversight isn't she, but nobody is going to let her near the proper stuff are they, so the only reports she'll get to see will be the shit ones from shit departments staffed by spergs won't they. I.e. reports on us.

I would like to pre-register my official opinion that the judge presiding over this case is a nonce.
They’ve allowed record immigration because a lot of their donors and money is linked to property development.
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Do it again Nigel
Fuuuuuuuuck you're right anon.
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The birthrate is low because people can't afford large families because wages are low and cost of living is high, because of immigration and disgust at what politicians have done to their country.
>leftypol enters the chat
*walks towards you*
What do?
Mummy and daddy issues
If your credit card statement has Omaze/Thegiveawayguys on it. You may just be an idiot.
said i'd been to vote this morning to morrisons waifu and she asked me directly who i voted for
i said reform and she said
>too fucking right
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To all the anti REFORM britbongs lurking in here,

You are living on top of a powder keg. You continue to vote for these globohomo shills platform is to continue eroding British sovereignty and flooding your nation with niggers and other welfare-state dependents whom reside in your homelands as total aliens to your culture.

You may think that the above described circumstances are fine, but consider the following: European immigrant communities are a heavily interconnected patchwork. You may think that you can coexist with your precious mudslimes peacefully today, but what happens when one of your neighbors decides to drop the hammer and commence mass arrests and deportations? You may perceive it to be "unlikely" in your country, but can you say the same for your neighbors? What about France? Ireland? The Netherlands? Italy? Spain? Germany? When one of them begins trying to send Mohammed back home, it's going to commence a chimpout of biblical proportions that reverberates through the mudslime communities of all European nations including yours.

You should vote for your people and purge the invaders today so that you do not get brought around to this harsh reality once there is literal fucking race war in the streets of your cities. Wake up from lala land. It's happening in a town near you, SOON, whether you like it or not.
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It's going to be a long night.
Not to mention all of the globohomo depopulation stuff being pushed.
Rayner's on a department that only matters to the English and people who deluded themselves that they need to enter the housing market post 2008.
There's others in labour to worry about like Lammy, however the one that's got me concerned is the first reshuffle we see if Starmer doesn't get dethroned, same for a bint reeves led cabinet.
They get a small amount of tax money out of the military budget for the world service if I remember correctly because that's counted as "soft power" making people in shitholes like UK.
I think it just makes brownoids more likely to come here.
A license is better than an all out tax like Americans with their pbs but it all needs to go.
Publicly funded broadcasters are the most pozzed niggerloving propaganda outlets in every country I know of
>tranny porn
Whatever happened to Pube? Did he actually end up on a sex offenders register or was it all a big larp.
Has 77th seriously? Is this the best you can come up with? I again put forward my offer to ZOG. I will replace all of 77th and GCHQ with autists i select, you however will dismiss and excute the embarrassment called 77th Brg. Deploy them to ukraine and give poots the cords for a FABulous bombing.
redpilled her how they'd knocked me back initially
Nice, 3:30 to 5:30 are 2nd bottle of champers tier
he was convicted of child sex offences and posted proof so naturally brit/pol/ lost interest because he's white and continued calling josh a nonce instead
He voted for Labour
Friendly reminder that there is no such thing as a supermajority
The Fixed Term Parliaments Act was repealed and there is little to nothing that strictly requires a 2/3rds majority in Parliament
I wonder if Rishi voting early is a cynical attempt to get a bit of election coverage before the others.
the correct one
probably the singular time in my life i've felt accepted and i was too drunk to feel it
Reform will be absolutely blindsided by every business and wealthy special interest group and utterly fuck the country though mismanagement. It would be labour's PFI fuck up on steroids. The only benefits to it would be that the collapse of the UK would happen quite quickly instead of this slow decline we've been going though for the past 50 years.
>Just two scaffolders living in the moment
Isn't she DPM? I don't know the DPM's role I just assume it's wide reaching but shallow.
Small majorities mean rebellions on dumb things are possible. Less so with a super majority.
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Plaid Cymru lads I reckon we've got this
The Mail has more detail:


Over when the polls close, but how big a majority Labour wins may take an hour or two to suss from the bellwethers.Mxxs4
You voted first thing in the morning, people usually vote after work.
Farage is indirectly responsible for the largest flowing of non-whites into the UK in history.

Immigration is at an all time high, and immigrants from the EU have fallen due to Brexit. So where do you think the difference comes from? Places like Pakistan.

Europeans were never the problem, they're mostly white, mostly Christian/atheist, and share a large cultural overlap.

That frog faced retard got a bunch of other retards to vote for something that would mean that our attractiveness to skilled white people has diminished. And here we are. But he doesn't give a shit. He'd wipe his arse on the flag if it was worth a few quid.
a quick shag in the public lavs
go on rishi son!
The birthrate is low because people are blasted with anti-natalist propaganda. Film and media take every opportunity they can get to tell you that your life is over when you have kids.
I've never had a problem with depopulation propa desu.
-but it has to come with some genocide and closed borders, the idea is that we're overpopulated and not importing more.
The pussy softball side of the argument is that you teach the africans, indians etc to not breed but the more hardline stance is bathed in blood.
She should be but that only assumes it passes to her and not Reeves, she's only LEVEL UP! Housing & communities minister, reeves is the middle manager looking to sucks globohomo cock and is the one to really watch for.
They'll all be on overtime for the next week.
Lived in northallerton my whole life no idea where this is
Only spastics vote
And the 77th
Kek, go back to Facebook dad, you're embarrassing me
Go into an old church.
I dare you to even bring yourself to walk into an old ancient church at mass.
>the economy will collapse,
What economy? There's a few thousand city boys making all the money and everyone else works for the government in some way or another.

The decay of every high street, industrial town shows you the economy collapsed decades ago.
Guise I'm still not sure who to vote 4
depends what u want
what do u want




Our government has the ability to stop them all now. I blame our government for not being sovereign and just stopping the migration.

THEY COULD but they don't.

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Birthrate is low (largely) because globohomo jew nigger lovers have been embarked on a 30 year long project to strangle the economies of all western nations and destroy us. Can't start a family when you have to work like a fuckin slave and subsist on breadcrumbs.
Jacob Rees-Mogg has killed himself
If you unpick Labour's manifesto, you realise it's just more of what the tories have been doing. More austerity, more privatisation of the NHS.

They'll just have different coloured ties.
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SDP.. or stay at home and peak wank.
Don't care still voting Reform.
That’s like saying if you go to the hospital and the surgeon fucks up the operation you are indirectly responsible for it.

This all on the Tories.
>I wish they would just let the nation get poor.
They have but their problem with that is that we don't build infrastructure or invest in services so going poor puts us on a path to being worse off than the soviet blocks but with no EU subsidies to keep us afloat since we have self imposed economic sanctions.
We don't even build houses lmao
>eeny meeny miney mo
The expensive part, peasant.
>No sir I don't have to take my pants off before using the restroom
I dunno lol
Never heard of them, sounds like a wasted vote.
>(disabled vet)
zog faggot
The elites (bankers / aristocrats / house builders) who control BOTH the conservatives and labour are responsible
vote zing
briefly thought a song was playing in my own head because i forgot i had my tv on
Will the FUCK THE TORIES crowd recognise this when things continue in the exact same vein?
> removes an enormous portion of the UK workforce
> average age skyrockets to 70+
> economy collapses
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When you go to vote reform, take your own pen
So….tories are gonna get buttfucked, right?
Lib dem
you're in safe hands
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Degeneracy is boring now.
Go into an old church on a Sunday.
Absolutely prolapsed
Worst election defeat for them in their history as a party ( 200 years )
I dunno tho, aren't they a weird 3rd party????
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Voted "Free Sam Melia"
no because as long as its their team doing the shafting they feel contented
I bet some these labour MP’s that win today are some right kooks. Lots of BAME racists no doubt
Is there anything to track yet?
Your mum
josh won
>raise personal allowance to 20k
This is their best policy. Tax bands/allowances haven't been adjusted for over a decade despite massive inflation, they're currently a giant millstone on people's earnings.
Labour lad? We need more armed BAMEs trained by english traitors.
No chance mate there might be ghosts in there.
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cant wait for more of their above the law shenanigans
>There's a few thousand city boys making all the money and everyone else works for the government in some way or another.
>The decay of every high street, industrial town shows you the economy collapsed decades ago.
So coming from it with the view on Scotland and Edinburgh, the 3 biggest sectors here were the finance industry, hospitalityand education followed closely by public service (scottish parliament, council etc).
Cities and towns are ranked as things called positive destinations, those are things that a young person can expect to do, go to uni, get a job, work in a factory, piss off and suck RBS' cock etc but Edinburgh for years sat at the bottom of the table since the finance industry & uni like to import workers and so do the hospitality industry; at the opposite end of the spectrum.
There's nothing there.

Hell yeah motherfucker, though I will note I am absolutely on board with not only nuking Israel but the entire planet.
My main policy is on building a hyper nuke and orbital lances to destroy not only all life on earth but the entire planet. No backing up memories on a server on the moon or any of that Tosh. Keep Yoko Taro away from saving humanity.
Let it end cunt.
77th are just a fucking national disgrace and embarrasment
I fink i mite vote labour... Of maybe tory. Gah I'm just still so undecided.
only the ghost of britannia
The only hope with voting Labour is that either they're competent or it was all a bait and switch act and they're not the conservative party.
So no, I doubt they'll recognise it.
>Every time one was cut off, two more would grow back in its place.
>Hail Hinduism
Yeooo that's crazy respectable
Bring back the good old days (aka 15 years ago) when the only BAME MP was that human pig Diane Abbot
it's crazy how much momentum Reform lost over the past few weeks
why did you vote for reform
>20 minutes after polls opened and he's already given up
Lad, come on.
I didn’t vote, I don’t believe in democracy. I believe in Thule, the ancient city, and I believe that Farage is the candidate who is going to raise Thule, and Atlantis. I believe in global cooling, the sea levels lowering, and I believe in land rising from the bottom of the ocean with ancient ruins on it, like the ruins of Thule. I believe Farage will accomplish all of this. He’s going to prove that UFO’s exist; the government has known about it for a long time. They know that UFO’s are out there and are trying to communicate with us, and that they have secrets about the origins of human consciousness. Are you familiar with the german philosopher Friedrich Schelling? Have you read the Critical Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Mythology? Schelling is a German Idealist philosopher, he was roommates with Holderlin, and Hegel, and he talks about all of this, he predicted it a long time ago. Farage is going to make german idealism real, he’s going to complete the system. Immanuel Kant could not complete the system of german idealism; Farage is going to complete the system - He is going to derive the complete system of german idealism. Hegel couldn’t do it, Schelling couldn’t do it, Fichte couldn’t do it, Jacobi couldn’t do it, Reinhold couldn’t do it, no one could complete the system of german idealism. German idealism: First critique published in 1781 - Farage is a Kantian.
>Corporation isnt allowed to bring in cheap labour from the third world
>All companies are forced to increase wages in order to keep their workforce.
Bu-but they're going to be the official opposition remember?
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How long before this cunt tries to backstab Kier and take his job.
The BAME’s have seen it can be done (Sunak / Boris).
It’s the only way a BAME MP can ever become prime minister.
I can see a BAME led revolt with Lammy as leader. Convince enough of the white female virtue-signalling MP’s and we could have Prime Minister Lammy installed as PM
That's what would have, should have, been happening for the last half century. Productivity skyrocketed but wages plateaued.
Zero Reform seats
Only joking, Farage and maybe Anderson might win theirs
Why is he so fat?
They are going to be difficult to control. The parliamentary party will be too big to bribe with government jobs, so they'll be fiddling expenses and getting stroppy about Israel in no time.
he eats the voters
BAME coup. Indian tory leader, black Labour, muslim Reform.
Ed Davey and the Green Goblin will be the only whites in the Commons.
They’ll win 5 or 6
Looks like you voted
And where do they pass on the cost of increased wages and higher taxes? The customers. There's a reason a fucking Big Mac costs 10 euros in Sweden.
pissing out me arse again
Anyone that is dumb enough to pay that much for goyslop deserve to go broke. Learn to cook you subhuman low-class trash.
>more efficient
oh no
Eat your veggies
To be fair we've always been bad at doing things first. Our train lines were all over the place because we went first, we were early adopters of aeroplanes, I don't remember the specifics but that went poorly for some reason related to airfield capacity and us going first. Now we're leading the way on psyops, sorta the yanks don't count they're so bad at it what they're doing can barely be called psyops it's like a spy who just shouts KILL THE POLITICAL FIGURE at his victim until he says ffs okay if it will make you shut up. I suppose the Russians are doing it too but again they're not really doing psyops, it's just botnets for hire, hence why Farage has such high levels of engagement on social media despite his core demographic not being social media literate. He says he's popular with the kids but I don't believe that. What was I saying? Oh yeah, the 77th, brilliant idea, staffed by losers, poorly utilised, operationally ineffective, just dire in general. I suppose it will have been seen as a punishment brigade in its earliest incarnations which is why they're trying to rely on reservists so heavily to unfuck the mess of sending all the shit officers and men there. Christ, something we can actually do quite well due to our intuitive perception and humour and we're fucking it up because nobody has got the balls to step up and own it. Or maybe nobody wants to take control of it because nobody can see its usefulness in a kinetic environment. Or maybe people can see how it could be useful but don't want to be deployed against British civilians.

tldr 77th a shit
You rooting for the maggots or the corpse?
What do you think he was thinking here?
New thread?
Bump limit
Dream of Californication
more cleanup though
eat plenty of veg
ciders a vegetable right?
fak off
we're full
>show bob
What in the world possessed him to adopt the Michael Gove positioning on national television though?
Just an example that applies to all goods and services you turbo autist.
This is the one upside. The fact that even though the policies aren't great, they might be halfway competent public officials.

Tories are the absolute dregs now. Ever since Boris basically forcibly removed anyone with an above average IQ so that he could continue to act like a cunt unchallenged.
>arse spazz
you wouldn't treat a lucozade sport like a fine steak
Labour is so much worse... Kier Starmer is a Pabloite Trotskyist.
He want's to change the nation in deep ways like how Tony Blair did.

Blair changed the role and powers of the position of Lord Chancellor and it's mangled the nation. It's too deep for most people but look into what
* David Starkey *
says about it.

what's the weather like?
fucking jew question
>i love my wife i love my wife i love my wife i love my wife
Wank new: >>473024854
For me, it was Nadine obviously bevvied in the antechamber with a look on her face that just broadcast "I can't believe I sucked that man's cock for nothing."
the window has to be shifted first
Oh no, companies to have to increase their wages? That would be terrible for people who can't afford to buy a house

Striving towards infinite growth has meant that companies need to be more profitable year on year on year. This has to come from somewhere. Higher sales prices, lower quality goods, cheaper labour etc

But eventually all you're left with is poor people buying shit quality products, who can't afford a decent standard of living
slow down dont make me cum too early

>Never heard of [SDP]
SDP is a good party and they have solid policies but REFORM are what's needed right now.

1. VOTE REFORM and see if they win; they almost definitely won't.

2. VOTE REFORM and see if they can be the opposition; imagine Nigel Farage in the House of Commons debating!

3. VOTE REFORM even if they lose miserably; LET YOUR VOTE BE COUNTED in all of history forever and ever and ever and let it be known that so many people *wanted* what REFORM UK was offering.
depends how thirsty i was
>need to be more profitable year on year
That's just for shareholders, who tend to get angry and panicky if they didn't get more than last year and wind up selling the company for spare parts.
fwiw the conservative party have had this issue since 2015, Boris' purge counts but having an election in 2015, 17 & 19 wasn't good for the party.
There's a good tweet/comment by an older conservative MP you can search up, they said a while back that people only voted conservative because they were competent and they'd lost the competence.
The way our system works is bad for this too, since the conservative party is essentially in limbo for 5 years, so they had 7 years of wank, then 5 years of limbo before trying to get anyone competent in, even if they win the next election, you've got another 5 again before competent people could be put into seats.

I fucking hate it. I'd rather have state enforced elections every 4 years, you're forced to vote or you get thrown into the north sea, no ifs, ands or buts. You can spoil your ballot but you have to vote and parties are forced to keep up with the times, 5 years feels too long, yes it allows for that year lag of change but it also allows for zombie governments to drag their heels.
The UK hasn't had a government since 2015.
What the fuck you on about
Love how Scotland gets to be simultaneously heavy nationalistic and campaign for independence, while at the same time promising to fully integrate into the EU and go full Globalist if they ever get the chance.
Plus they seem to have all the naive optimism that Brexiteers had that 'trade and movement won't be affected really'

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