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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Voting continues as millions have their say in UK general election

When do polling stations close and where do I vote in the UK election?

Selfies, dogs and drinking: What can't you do in a polling station?

What photo ID will you need to vote in the UK general election?
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Normal service has resumed
>Little Chef
Cor. Take me back.
Little Thief. The prices they charged were daylight robbery.
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>If only you knew how bad things really are
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Who else is NOT staying up for the results?
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Labour = npc
Tory = tarq/jew
Libdem = midwit
Greens = tranny
WPB = incel
Reform = chud
Non-voter = cuck
Prime Minster Farage, we've been expecting you. Welcome to your new home
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No matter who wins tonight, this man will still be running the show. #Agenda2030 #IDoNotConsent
So you boogin' next week?
gimme dat olympic brekkie and fizzy lolly for being a big boy and eating me dindins. used to bug the fuck out of my parents to stop at little chef every time we were on the road
My alarm goes off at 5.35am.
>tastes like hole

Stay for exit poll, sleep until 0300, then coffee until the devastation is compete
You = Jew and about to lose bennies
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>Whole milk
If you don't buy whole milk you ain't human, fat.
>BBC reporters are getting paid more than doctors to stand outside polling stations and take pictures of dogs all fucking day
Why didn't the Tories defund this shit already, they deserve to lose
Why lad
I’ll stay up for the exit poll but I’ve got an early start tomorrow.
[o b s e s s e d]
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Good lord how sad is the count going to be? I’m off too but have zero interest in watching it.
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Where my toryboys at?
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Some of you glowniggers are alright, don't go to One World Government Plaza this weekend.
I’ve drank a bit of that and it’s surprising how close they get it to be like real milk despite fucking with it.
>start a fire
>"why not just bask in the sun?"
>invent the wheel
>"why not just walk?"
>plant crops
>"why not just forage?"
His weak spirit betrays mankind itself.
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Shagged the arse of the pretty little thing working at the polling stations.
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>You can lick my hole again
I’ll stay up until 8:00 am bong time

Cummings was the only tory who understood that you can bypass the journalist and talk directly to the public through this "internet" thing.
That won them 2019 but note that once they ditched him they immediately went back to doing press conferences in front of a cluster of microphones like it was still 1965.
Guys I'm still undecided on who to vote for. I've only got an hour to make up my mind. Do I vote Labour or Conservative?
Shit I forgot to vote. I had the day off work and spent all day gooning.
>worth it Rishi? Was it worth it?
Undertaking autoerotic asphyxiation but not retreating from the edge.
Imagine how rancid Kerry Katina’s twat is..
QRD on how the fuck Labour exists as a major player in UK politics?
Holy shit how small are his feet?
i seem to remember peter hitchens being a namecunt here a while back
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Burger made pic. Have a British one.
So I can take up my position up a tree in my ghillie suit with my binoculars and watch the woman next door through her bathroom window.
Labour: most seats
Reform: the new opposition
Conservatives: ZERO SEATS
One hour till the end of BAMElaw
Reform you cunt
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The hairlines of today's youth are pretty grim.
Thread theme:
I was one of your Tory boys back in 2019, ngl
But see this? This is the party I added to my ballot and voted for
Union donations
She’s doing Deliveroo now, like, the deliveries.
This is weird. Earlier on I was looking at a photo of a little chef, 1980s as seen from the A1.
Back from voting Reform
Turnout seems higher than previous elections
They were a controlled opposition party to placate the communists.
How do you fuck up this badly?
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go vote for (ch)ange
vote labour
Yet their current immigration catastrophe is literally what he wanted to happen because fundamentally he's an awful judge of the public's mood
still has the GOAT hairline amongst them tho
i see now, ta
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Liz Truss apparently
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Happy 4th redcoats
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yes. YES
That's just a wasted vote lol
But which policies do they have that are better than Tory?
this one?
>going expo
Turbo pomp incoming for reform
How different is RefUK from UKIP?
>under armour trackie
>taxpayer funded
>pentagon eos backpack
>taxpayer funded
>etsy black beaded necklaces
>taxpayer funded
he can't stop winning
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You're nowhere near prepared for our new reality
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We are so fucking back
I point blank refuse to imagine that.
Would use rubber gloves to open it, no tip and make a complaint that she tried to steal my ferrets.
atomic pussy
Nah she had a lovely mini skirt and tight craphole. Big old tits too, quite a handful.
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No sorry that’s Westbrook
Oh yeah he's still a fucking idiot and living incarnation of the Peter Principle but simply by understanding that that the BBC is a fossilised relic he's leaps and bounds ahead of the average tory.
Can’t wait for Left Labour to split off and form a socialist-muslim-green party
Voted Reform
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I'll vote later
I wouldn't worry about it.
the tories are gonna lose
>neolib neocon voters to labour
>posho nimby globohomo virture signalling liberals to the lib dems
>racists and brexit voters to reform

labour are gonna lose
>the muslim vote to wpb
>some of the white corbynnista lgbt focused types to the greens

the votes labour will lose are insignificant compared to tory losses. all the tory losses are going swing seats. labours vote losses are miniscule in comparison in terms of raw numbers, and they still wont result in lost seats because its not like the tories or reform are gonna win in those seats either. labour will still win just with fewer votes than they would have normally.
Exit poll in an hour or so I think?
People have the rationale of
>they are the only party that has ever done anything for the working man, their name is labour so they represent working people
>my grandfather would spin in his grave if I voted for anyone else
>Labour is the the only party to [insert some bullshit here] to do
Basically, it’s because most people are fucking stupid.
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>did you know I'm utterly insane?
10pm baby
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Yeah most names were crossed off at my polling station, they mocked my driver’s license photo. Look like a Beatle.
Exit poll won’t be indicative of the final result. Will be another ‘92.
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Just came back from the polling station with my dad. My brother didn't go because he said he's still undecided. He said he's torn between Labour and the Green party. He got upset when I laughed in his face

Who the fuck votes for the green party
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remember these?
Net Zero (seats) 2024
>Who the fuck votes for the green party
A briefcase wanker.
Lmao josh in 3 years
I bet your jealous you spent all day indoors playing with your little willy.
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You can walk my path...
You can wear my shoes...

Labour and Tories are interchangeable. Whatever policies they talk of are promises to reward their supporters and punish opposition (e.g. Labour’s higher taxes punishes upper-middle class and SME owners). Reform are the only party with the popular mandate and creative energy necessary to resolve our country’s shared practical problems.
Communists and trannies
Look. I've got less than an hour and only two choices. Just help me out hete guys pls
I looked at previous exit polls and they've been pretty spot-on since some time in the 90s, probably the one you're talking about. Why shouldn't it be this year?
It's funny, this "revelation" keeps happening, first under Obama with social media (good) then under Brexit with targeted ads (now bad?), fundamentally journos are a guild and many MPs are either in bed literally or figuratively with them, sometimes sharing family connections, being former colleagues or social background (esp seeing as now the industry pays fuck all so everyone is a toffy nepo) meaning that everyone on purpose will forget this message again and again.
Also I fucking hate Cummings
I put two X's so I get two (2) votes.
Still one in Southend
I tried a Wimpy at Southsea pier out of nostalgia a couple of years ago to give credit where it’s due, it was fucking shit.
Don’t have a TV aerial so will be watching on iplayer and will be delayed in seeing the exit poll. Gonna suck.
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>Who the fuck votes for the green party
Pic related.
Idk about that. Did you watch the debate? There are massive differences adn really I think Rishi has done a good job but also maybe it's time for change? I just dunno.
You still have 54 minutes

Just wipe of the cum stains and spray on some Lynx
Lmfao an hour til the polls and torymongs are rattled
Should I watch BBC or Sky News?
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>Labour gets absolute majority
>The first thing they do is institute prima nocta
>Your local Labour politician now gets to deflower your wife on your weeding night

My racist co-worker voted Green because ‘a vote for them is as useless as a vote for the others — nothing will change’. He’s a based dimwit. I like him :)
Another thing: a lot of talk about how Reform UK is polling well with young lads. I watched a Paul Joseph Watson video just now about the election and he's using brit/pol/-tier (or at least /pol/-tier) lingo and memes. Will brit/pol/ see a growing number of posters? As far as I know there's nothing similar to this place online, although I don't use telegram, discord etc.
I thought you had to put a tick next to the box of who your voting for?
they're getting pretty rare, I'd go in if I saw one, a blast from the past!
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This whole situation would never have happened if we'd all just put aside the rhetoric and gotten around the negotiating table.
Vote Reform
>Deport gimmigrants
>No green tax
>Raise tax threshold
>Scrap inheritance tax
>Fix NHS (not sure how)
Not now
Listen to the radio then mongo.
but what even are their policies?
like, what do they realistically expect to do to address whatever’s bugging the brits?
they’re described as „promising change and stability” by the guardian, which very fittingly for the guardian, doesn’t make fucking sense.
GB News

Can’t be doing with Sky News nonces
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>We are so fucking back
Might go out for 1 (one) drink
>Rishi has done a good job
No, i’ll keep an eye, play some BG3 and nod off about 23:30
I'm not going to do that because I don't think they are credible like labour or torys
Who the fuck owns a radio
Nice bait

how different history could have been if he'd just put an extra dab of sauce in the butty so it wasn't so dry
What time does it kick off then
Well explain how he hasn't. I mean he came into office in the middle of a deadly pandemic.
Vote for some random independent candidate and make their day.
The race war?
>Who the fuck owns a radio
Not me.
>background policey man radio chatter
Ed's going to be a Secretary of State by this time tomorrow.
Bringing back Edposting will help get us through the dark times ahead.
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little chef was so fucking comfy

nothing comes close
digits of truth!

I really like British cafes, I've eaten in so many, Wimpy was a bit ordinary, I much prefer those off the beaten track greasy spoons were all the tradies go to eat, I had several regular haunts in London when I was working there,
Why not just listen to radio...

Why not just read the newspaper...

Why not just hear the town crier...
I'm just looking for advice. I've only got 50 minutes left. My vote could decide this entire election.
I got touched up by some old man in a little chef toilet when I was about 8 completely freaked me out. Never mentioned it when I got back to my mum and dad. He rubbed my bottom while I was having a wee
when labour fails to fix a single solitary thing in this country then their white voters will go to nige and the nogs will go to galloway
pretty sure that nige and galloway have secretly agreed not to attack each other
Anyone with a car you perpetual pedestrian.
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thanks for the heads up i didn’t know
Basically the same as now but people who aren't earning minimum wage/benefits will get even more shafted

If you make a respectable amount of money in this country things are going to get extremely bad. If you are rich then you'll be fine and if you are poor your life will continue to be one of comfort and indulgence, but it's going to be nightmare mode for people who have skilled private sector jobs
The cringe in this thread is palpable. Ffs.
That sounds nice but I want to have an effect on the out com here

Since 2015/16 real rw sentiment has gained mainstream credibility so hopefully we can soon organise offline and have some fun :)
if you think Rishi did a good job you're not exactly setting a high bar are you!
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Yep, its kino and happening
Credible how? Like promising to lower tax for 14 years while they raise it? (That's the conservatives btw) Or credible like being unable to tell what a woman is, wanting more immigrants, higher taxes, 16 year olds voting how their maths teacher tells them, and turning a blind eye to grooming gangs? That's credible to you? If so why are you even here, another site with karma and up voting might be more to your taste, sir
He will be like Moses, returning with the tablet
>I've lost the stone lads
Oh ffs Milibot you absolute spastic
Reformbros.. I've got a bad feeling the media smear campaigns might have worked..
total collapse I.e. results flow
let's go
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in 2024, the green party is somewhat more islamic
The only thing smeared is your mum's pap
Wanted to vote Reform, but the candidate in my constituency just gives me bad vibes. I don't like his physiognomy or the fact that he lived in Thailand for 13 years.

Every British expat I've met in South East Asia was weird as fuck and usually pretty open about being a sex tourist.

Wish Reform wouldn't run these dodgy candidates but I guess they didn't have much choice.
Cor, sexy. Don’t stop now, tell us more. Just make it up if you want.
So exist pills at 10:00 and the first results at 11:30?
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Go where? I'm in my pyjamas
I bet the cleaners had to fumigate that studio thrice times after the show.
Can’t wait, students and sexual degenerates will start protesting first
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You're one of those brits that would get angry at Mister David Irving for adopting Mid-Atlantic English because he wanted both audiences?
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Pic related seems very accurate to the current situation.
Hearing that sir Keir's first act will be to put the cat up for adoption.
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Big if true.
Went to vote for reform. No lie, every other person voting was black or pakistani / indian.
He literally saved our economy during the pandemic.
Theu said a woman is a woman and they're promising to lower taxes. Why wouldn't I believe them?
all the tories had to do was cut immigration
it is extremely visible now even in communities you wouldn't imagine it
i wasn't aware i'd been voted in yet.
but ok.
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Peak is 3am when you get to see them cry

Uhoh NUMALE spotted
There's one in Huddersfield, bit dear like but worth it for the novelty.
sky news is so shit.
>the sophie bitch is a cunt, evil bitch, her fake deep voice is so creepy. she's annoying as fuck.
>kay is creepy as fuck. evil bitch. wrinkled as fuck. fake high pitch voice. fake nicey nicey.
>beth rigby fat ugly evil bitch. creepy as fuck. annoying as fuck.
>trevor nigger. trevor philips. faggot ass bitch nigger. subhuman piece of shit. he's so fucking horrible and annoying, it's beyond a joke.
sky news is fucking TERRIBLE!
If I was a politician, I would just take small bites.
>little chef
I found a blue plastic floor brush hair in my pancake there when I was about 9.

It was at the one near runcorn/Chester
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>Forrin flag
Didn't read.
Someone spray painted FUCK REFORM UK outside my polling station a few days ago.
It was still there today.
Bit fucked up really since it's a scout hut next to a doctors surgery, so kids would have seen it.
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Welfare leeches are finished lololol

Start applying for warehouse roles before it's too late
All politicians are liar, thieves, or sexual deviants, anon. At least with this chap you know which in advance of the vote. That's a huge W
First results are just labour safe seats, there's a few seats in norf east that compete to be first and they're always labour
the pandemic was only deadly if you were daft enough to take the jab

I agree the candidates are poor quality. If it was a presidential system I would have voted Farage. Hopefully they can have a proper cadre structure with quality candidates for 2029.
Tory boys wishing they had some unexist pills tonight
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I feel something in the air my friends, tonight's the night. Total Reform Victory.
I don’t listen to that shit in my car I just stream music innit.

Convinced only boomers listen to the radio it’s a dying media.
utter shite food
>they mocked my driver’s license photo. Look like a Beatle.
Lmao literally the same happened to for me, proper mop I had
*deep voice mode on*
he wunt be druv past 9pm
The jolly heretic is streaming with charlie veitch

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Turd-wolders love free shit. Who knew?
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Consider the following:
Sad please time me it’s at least in London
That makes no sense the jabs ended the pandemic.
Imagine living above a Little Chef.
I hate that they got rid of the "Decision Time" music. It made the countdown to the exit poll feel so grand.
Nige says there is a brotherhood of English speakers that live abroad and want what is best for England, which in my opinion, would involve getting rid of the Fabian Society, digging up Karl Marx grave and dumping the remains in the ocean.
propped up a zombie economy at vast expense just so it could stagger on and collapse at a later date,
all that borrow and spend has come back as inflation,
we're all poorer for it.

That’s not on. My PS was a social club with many St. George’s flags up for the Euros. Comfy.
You sound surprised
I'm in a town just outside of greater London.
I watch sky news just for Sophie and her bitchy squinty eyes, it's hilarious
>not available in your country
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*fist bump* could have been me n you bruv
No. Kicking out Johnson and then Liz Truss for an unelected Sunak is what destroyed the party.
If he didn't do that we'd be in serious trouble.
good luck, sounds like shit.
what’s their vision for the UK though? how’s it differ from the tories? especially considering we’re heading for a war in the foreseeable future?
Use tor.
Its over for the tories.

Exit poll data must be leaking
Communism is not simply an economic system.
considered and appreciated.
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>Respondents answered in their own words, which YouGov's AI language model has categorised into the below categories
Kek, imagine believing this when the people who published it couldn't even be bothered to check the responses themselves.
voting doesn't change anything about a cultural problem
I'm not, just giving my experience. When I went to vote in the council election I think there was one or two whites, none this time.
What's David up to these days?
I think they're just confused by the "Green" thing.
>aping the true GOAT election theme
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I hate that he's probably right.
They'll be replaced by better calibre people when they get an idea of vote size and where to target
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Gay shite
Isn’t a labour dog an XL bully named princess? No muzzle of course.
>Exit poll data must be leaking
Private firms do their own exit polling which bookies will buy access to, dummy.
Dutton is a cretin
Who is the coked up Aussie bint on the Lotus Eaters stream?
that’s exactly how PiS got voted out over here.
retards at the booths.
Fucking retard.
so where are the jobs going to magically appear from?
there is a reason for people ending up on bennies you know.
depressing truth
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>Can't wait until Starmer bumps up my taxes, which will be fine because Martin Lewis will help me save £4 on electricity a month
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Did you take Rocky to t'polling station?
Running a refugee NGO.
Isle of Wight chads stay winning
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What jabs?
Knew it. It really is Jeetville these days
Elections are fake, I'm just here for the bants
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I like the big tiddy bitch with the constant smug aura.
Building houzes for migrants. And then those migrants will build more houses for the new migrants.

>this is actually sadiq khan's real plan
its just bait
they've not thought it through, its meant to get under your skin and provoke a reaction
some anon was saying there are 9 million unemployed and 1 million jobs. I started repeating it and they all went silent
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> so where are the jobs going to magically appear from?

Construction for thirdies
Sounds about kike
Really need to get myself one of those sinecures
She fucks dogs
Boris Johnson won
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ballot status: soiled
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>BBC has blocked my UK VPN
Josh's underkeks at 9am tomorrow: soiled.
You're in with a shot then.



THANKs the Guys who said so ..

Can also add all MUSEUMS ARE GETTING DEI ..

MAriatime Musuem scouse docks was Blacks sold blacks ..
til recent now its ..
Blacks were stolen ..

there were cards and I filled out facts ..

Affrikkicans sold other tribes .. not whites going there , all put on beaches and trade done same





I've bickered with my mother about Martin Jewis lel
So, who won? Will Brits come crawling back to ze EU now?
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Been kidnapping hassidic jews all week, my mates been collecting pakis. Luton van full of each. We're loading them with cheap speed and releasing them into the new forest tonight
>tfw i made this

Thanks for the memories anon
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You sound a bit like an incel mate not gonna lie.
I never got why people adored Martin Lewis
>if you use 2-for-1 tickets or only go at off-peak times when going to the cinemas, you can save up to 50% on your tickets
Are Daily Maily readers really so retarded that they thought this was revolutionary household economies?
Looks like type of bird that could crack a few queefs
the lab made virus was just as unstable as predicted and rapidly mutated into something so innocuous that you only notice you've caught it if you've permanently damaged your immune system by taking that stupid mRNA vaccine,
Why do they always use this word? If any of them called anyone in it in real life they'd get headbutted. They're always teachers or doctors or something too. It's so ridiculously out of character
Entry poll
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Sometimes I think that /pol/ is just an island of delusion

"Generation Zyklon" didn't exactly work out did it - pic related

Reform do a little better with the very youngest than they do with late twentysomethings, but it's not a massive difference

Source: https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/49512-how-is-britain-voting-as-the-2024-general-election-campaign-begins
Trying too hard Dmitri.
Oh my days bruv is farage winning? Oh my day's
I would schlurp on her growler like a whale on krill. Get her to sit on me gulliver. Make it wet then suck it all down like a Chinaman in a noodle eating contest. Love me that piss flavoured ginger fanny
But they're all "affordable" houses and the market can't actually form an equilibrium
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Don't worry lad this turbo grade cringe will have won over the doubters



Ffs need another poo
>phone rings
>sense of dread
>look over at it: Department for Work and Pensions calling
Westies are great dogs, ashame owner is probably a liberal
Spoiled my ballot.
Drew a cock in reform box.
I'm gonna batter the next person who uses the word 'Supermajority'
He went to a private school in my home city lol everyone was anti-semetic and he still kvetches about it
we are in serious trouble dummy.
When does the post-election poll get released?
>Will Brits come crawling back to ze EU now
Oh no no no. Lol.
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I literally am British reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
>Martin Lewis
Affiliate salesman and credit card pusher. Total cockwomble. I wouldn't be surprised by reading his early life
We're goiong to be in serious trouble anyway
Put josh's head on it
Nice character crossover, watching this now
If he'd have been smart, he'd have saved up his bennies and bought gold or crypto or anything other than his child endangerment ESO gamebox. but no. Doomed.
>alriii lad, take your order please
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>its just bait
Dole cope.
Not yet, we'll annex Russia soon though don't worry.
Now that you are all turning right wing I want back in, Labour has quickly changed their tune though now they don’t want anything to do with it
Labour want "forge a stronger friendship" with the EU.
However we are now in the CPTPP trading block and we can't be back in the EU and part of that.
CPTPP when China joins (they are lobbying for it) will actually be a larger trading block than the EU.
So in short .. NO
Well we're gonna be in trouble if I don't vote. So who am I to vote for. Rishi or sir Tier.?
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that smug aura is better explained as "the lights are on, but nobody is at home"
Does the magic dirt carry across then?
you've been saying this since covid
you'll be saying it at the next election cycle too
based nip bros inviting us in.
building advanced 6th gen fighters with us not eurocuck french dogshit. based.
>Here's our most niggest of apes to report
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so what's the drinking game are we playing tonight, lads?
I was thinking a drink for every CON seat lost
>be PM for five seconds
>become scapegoated so hard a midget paki-hindu who made all the decisions is considered an upgrade
Him and Galloway recently was funny
The what Vladislav?
be a man, hold your nose and vote Nige.
Don't go at all and stream it and save 100%
I don't think Zoomers are more left or right wing, just more extreme.
I've never met a zoomer with what would be considered normal mainstream views.
>Pajeet invader first!
>Brits and Poles turning left wing
>France and Germany turning right wing
And so we end up still being on opposing sides.
OH and additionally
>Americans going anti Iran course with Trump
>Iranians going pro reconciliation course with the reformist candidate whom i dont know the name of
In the end the geopolitical situation really doesnt change, huh?
>when China joins
Not happening
zoomers change their opinions daily based on what the viral tiktok shorts are
Well, if Britain annexes Russia (WHICH I'M NOT IN!) then the soil becomes British and in turn magic therefore I become British (WHICH I ALREADY AM REEE) and thereby you stop bullying me

Agreed. Intolerance is a characteristic all shared by most Zoomer’s and a proportion much greater than other recent generations.
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>>when China joins
>Not happening
Fritz on suicide watch.
no, we need to put tariffs on chang cars. how dare they not buy our £80,000 breakdown german boxes. It's over for you fritzl.
no outright winner..........

to close to call..........


What part of Serbia are you from la?
Brits have been controlled by jews for almost 2 centuries. Poles bred heavily with jews.
No I'm still going to bully you, you just get to pay tax to HM Treasury.
Idk I'd be afraid.
Well well. When I told you I & Reform were going to be a fan favourite on July 4th, you all laughed at me. Well, I have to say, you're not laughing now are you?
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>pay tax to HM Treasury.
Too far anon
My mum works at ITV and Reform is predicted to win 15 seats
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That pic reminds me, is this biography any good? I know any biography about Nige is going to be skewed, but this seems like the most even-handed that could exist.
I don't think any zoomers, including the left wing ones buy the "race is skin deep line." It's hard too when you grow up going to a school which has 5 different ethnic groups.
Oh nooo not the hecking car industry failing!!! meanwhile in the UK literally every sector has failed.
>UK literally every sector has failed.
ahaha cope euronigger.
>The only way I can win is to tariff the shit out of everything better than us.
>every s sector has failed.
financial capital of the world.
best aircraft engine producer in the world
the entire reason you're not the same, is because you got given everything after WW2.
VAG wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for a brit who rebuilt all of it. Typical euronigger, goes for the throat of everyone white, invites 5m shitskinks but calls his white neighbour a paki.
enjoy your downfall.
At least you've got the kebab industry to fall back on
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I don't understand how the UK elections work.

Are the good guys gonna win?
Rishi Poonak

what we drinking lads

>GBnews discussing beards
lol they have nothing to talk about when they cant talk politics
There are no good guys.
Just shit and shittier.
We're getting the shittier end of the stick.
i used to respect the germs. ww2 we fought the wrong enemy. today? fuck no, germs blacked europe and call you a paki. They're the first to call you a kike or a nigger etc. Meanwhile half their industry wouldn't exist if not for us and the marshall plan. Germans still think they run Europe. Their only survival mechanism now is to sanction and to tariff everyone who isn't a germ. their grandparents would be rolling over in their graves. Hitler didn't want to fight us. Modern turkic germ does. Says it all really.
at least they're not speaking german
British political coverage is somehow way more cringe than everywhere else, somehow. Good job, your forced-diversity hirings are worse than ours.
and yet, here you are.
you're quite welcome to fuck off rajesh.
nobody will complain.

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