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▶Previous: >>473091826

▶Day: 862 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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also reminder to worship silicone russy
If i wanted some fat disgusting blob I'd just go to Walmart.
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I see the baker union of /chug/ sent their regards
You can see it in thier eyes....
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whos the fatnik?
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How recent is this video?
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It's the same fat fuck in this video, I think, but I don't know his name
Holy shit is that the holy grail
Hohils are fucked, RIP
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Posted a day or two ago, as far as when it was filmed I dunno
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Would deliberate forest fires be a legal tactic during war? Russians already have problems with natural wildfires during summer. If the Ukrainians could get wildfires going near major Russian military bases, it could prove challenging to put them all out
New Freeonis

Did they died
warplane porn- f-18E with an aim-120 and fuckhuge sexy SM-6 anti-air/anti-ship missile with a 400+km range taking part in rimpac
What sort of vehicle is this? It looks like a MT-LB
chassis rigged with a 122mm?
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pure hotness
Canada should have offloaded it's entire fleet 80-90 F-18s to Ukraine last year and cashed in on F-35 or Eurofighter. Instead, our faggot in chief Turdeau is busy spending the military budget on DEI and gender equal demining. Shameful.
Resurrect Jing Ke and send him against pootin
What if we equip Ukies with 155mm SMGs
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you guys finally did decide to purchase 88 f-35s last year. id love to see ukraine get some sexo f-18s
The Canadian ones are specifically designed for ice-field and off-runway too. They'd be perfect for Ukraine.
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I think Canada overall did a fair bit to support Ukraine tho.
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if they had more shit to give they would. I think they actually cover some of unkranes internal costs though.
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That's not to say Ukraine wouldn't want the F-18s or anything. Just that apparently Trudeau didn't do all that badly.
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On Russian TV they showed a Russian soldier shooting his comrade in the head, with the typical cope
kek holy shit
Hello glowniggers, what's the latest cope in here?
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absolutely beautiful, it's like the studio trolled millions of boomer russians
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Someone posted this last thread. Hilarious. Of course it's Russian, so full of ass, dick, cum, etc.
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you got a thumbnail there
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They actually think Chasiv Yar will fall any day now and apparently the whole frontline is totally collapsing (for real this time)
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Oh fuck me. What the hell am I doing. Yeah, go ahead and laugh. yeah I fucked up
>Grandfather Nurgle
Drown ziggers in the Evil Solid Oil
Lmao what did they fucking expect? It's North Korea!!
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What even makes them expect a total collapse of the frontline at this moment?

Just neutrally mentioning it.
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Cool, I want one
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It's fair. I'll own up to it.
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I really like how these shells aren't just simple duds, but are dangerous enough to rip apart the barrel of the gun
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Not a lot was published on TG today
i remember ziggers gloating about ukraines shortages but at least their ammo works
>What even makes them expect a total collapse of the frontline at this moment?
It's just their go-to narrative. Russians take a village that they've been assaulting for months and shills act like cheerleaders pretending like they'll be in Kyiv tomorrow
I demand the wife like this or i will not breed, white race sorry.
>legal tactic during war
Uh, this is only something you worry about if you plan to lose, which yeah since the Ukraine is losing big time I guess you'd be concerned kek
>I demand the wife like this or i will not breed
>Not choosing silicone russy
Great photo
It would be better if they hadn't added that gay saturation effect tho
all ukrainian women are in england and miami getting fucked by bbc faggot
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There have been some iconic photos
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This one is probably my favorite, early 2022 war I think
Y are russian women usually soulless harpy slunts
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Yes, that's probably the most iconic photo. It has a surreal feeling
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This war has been surprisingly kino
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Posting the full picture because why not. This is going to be on the cover of a book someday.
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I believe it has been, and also an album cover if I recall
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when has it worked like that for the russian army? it's so odd.

unfortunately i'm not in charge of assigning them, perhaps you can hit on some qt stressed out ukrainian girls today?
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>Russia will take all of Ukraine
>Russia will take half Ukraine
>Russia will take only the bordering regions of Ukraine
>Russia wants only the annexed regions of Ukraine
>Russia will take only the occupied parts of Ukraine
>Russia only ever wanted the rest of Donetsk and Luhansk
>Russis will agree to return to the pre- February 2022 line, but only on the condition that Ukraine stays neutral
>Russia really only wanted Crimea
>Russia is prepared to share Crimea on certain conditions
--> you are here
>Russia is working on a plan where Crimea stays Russian territory, but allows for Ukrainian administration
>Russia agrees leave Crimea but keeps its naval bases
>Russia leaves Crimea entirely
>Russia donates Belarus to Ukraine as a 'gesture of goodwill'. Lukashenko is in shambles, commits sudoku
>Russia cedes all regions bordering Ukraine of a means of reparations
>Russia leases half of Siberia to China for 99 years
>Finland annexes Karelia and Murmansk, Russia never wanted them anyway
>Russia return Königsbergs, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Sakhalin and Kuril Island
>Russia is forced to cede what is left of the land west of the Urals as it can't pay for reparations
>Anglo consortium competes with China for the arctic gas and oil fields
>China formally annexes all of Siberia
>Mafia of Poles, Romanians and Albanians go to Ex-Russia to steal nuclear weapons
>Mongolia prepares invasions for the 2nd Empire
Keep em coming gents.

A sad and horrific one, but one that should not be forgotton. Bucha, 2022.
I’m still not sure what he’s talking about? Is it covered in some oils/grease that they need to clean before loading?
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also increasingly intelligent ai marichkas soon, can't breed them tho
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Russian losses per 04/07/24 reported by the Ukrainian general staff

+1200 men
+9 tanks
+17 APVs
+65(!) artillery pieces
+2 AD systems
+26 UAVs
+6 cruise missiles

>Happy 4th anons
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i think so, perhaps that's a NK anti corrosion/humidity measure?
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Overnight, Russia launched a total of 22 Shahed drones of which 21 were shot down.
A high-ranking State Department official, Douglas Jones, stated that specific steps regarding Ukraine's NATO membership will be announced at the upcoming NATO summit. It is anticipated that the final declaration will confirm Ukraine's future membership, though the precise language is still being finalized. The NATO summit will take place in Washington from July 9 to 11.
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Yesterday, American "journalist" Tucker Carlson announced he would interview President Zelenskyi. However, today, President Zelenskyi's press secretary, Serhii Nikiforov, denied this information, stating, "The president has a completely different schedule and Carlson is not there."

https facebook com sergii nykyforov/posts/7886870924713754
Drones from the 1st Battalion of the 92nd Brigade are dismantling a Russian assault group, presumably the Kharkiv region.

>clip of a 2.5 minute video, the rest catboxxed
Ukrainian Marines of the 36th Marine Brigade shot down a Russian SuperCam recon UAV in the Kharkiv region.

In Ukraine, there are 14 brigades that are not fully equipped and lack weapons, according to President Zelenskyi. He added that although provision of these weapons has already been approved, the supply is proceeding very slowly.
This morning, a GRU military unit in the Stavropol region was attacked by Ukrainian drones. The attack on unit 33443 in the village of Moskovskoe involved two drones and occurred 450 km from the front line. Damage is yet to be determined.
On the left bank, a strong fire started after several arrivals.

Russian assault on Mariupol hospital, March 2022.
Dead white children.

The only solution can be the systematic dissolution of russia.
A large column of smoke was observed after an explosion at Cape Fiolent, occupied Crimea. Following the incident, the Kerch Bridge was closed to traffic. The smoke from the explosion reached over 100 meters high, and alarms were sounded in some military units in Sevastopol.

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Putin stated that the Istanbul agreements are still valid and can serve as the basis for resuming negotiations.

The agreements are reported to have included clauses demanding that Ukraine adopt a geopolitically neutral status and not join NATO, limit the size of its armed forces and grant a special status to eastern Ukraine – all things which President Zelenskyi has made clear he opposes.
Chasiv Yar.

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Former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi has already left for Great Britain and will soon begin to perform the duties as an ambassador.

Today, a powder factory in Tambov was attacked by Ukrainian drones.


Where can I get this LoRa?
Is Stenka based or cringe
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>The only solution can be the systematic dissolution of russia.
I'll agree with that.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will visit Moscow tomorrow to meet with Putin, following a recent visit to Kyiv. He will be accompanied by Foreign Minister Peter Szijarto, who has visited Russia five times since the start of the war in Ukraine.


>reporting back to the boss, what a cuck/whore
Trump will become president again and this war will end.
These past two years have been a complete waste.
In the Pokrovske direction, Ukrainian forces repelled a morning attack by Russian troops east of the village of Lozovatske, destroying Russian armored vehicles in the eastern part of the Kazenny Torets gully.

>AI upscaled
Roughly 5,500 prisoners have joined the ranks of the AFU. The established rules state that these convicts are not allowed to leave the front, as there are concerns from military leadership and other fighters that they might attempt to escape.

European Council President Charles Michel responded to reports about Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's planned visit to Russia. Michel emphasized that Hungary, currently holding the rotating presidency of the EU Council, does not have a mandate to engage with Russia on behalf of the EU.
Slovak President Peter Pellegrini, at a joint press conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda, expressed caution about Ukraine's accession to NATO to avoid escalation. While Duda supports early negotiations for Ukraine's NATO membership, Pellegrini advocates for restraint.
>pieces of shit
filled with cum
>beloved woman
taken by the ass
>chronic alcoholic
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ATESH" discovered warehouses of X-22 missiles in the Leningrad region.

Our agent scouted the storage site for the Tu-22M3 missiles. These missiles are delivered to the Soltsy airfield in the Novgorod region for Russian bombers used in attacks on the territory of Ukraine. It was at the Soltsy airfield that not so long ago the GUR disabled three such aircraft. Near the hangars of the warehouse there is a huge amount of military equipment, which transports ammunition for other types of weapons.

Warehouse coordinates: 60.735876, 28.693446

Detailed information on the organisation of the guard service, movement of equipment and personnel was promptly transferred to the SOU.

Join the ATESH movement
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SD1.5 versions are on catbox


Kraken-chan "kknchan":

Zelenskyi's evening speech


I held a meeting of the Staff – a long one, and among the key topics in today's reports were drones and electronic warfare. We discussed production in Ukraine, financing, supply, and usage. All the specifics – starting from the most in-demand items on the front, particularly FPV drones. Of course, we also paid maximum attention to our long-range drones. We listened to the reports by Commander Sukharevskyi, Deputy Prime Minister Fedorov, Minister for Strategic Industries Kamyshin and Commander of the Air Force Oleshchuk, and made very important decisions. Time will reveal these decisions on the frontline.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov reported on the details of his trip to the United States, the negotiations, and most importantly, the implementation of the defense packages that have been announced but have not yet been delivered to Ukraine. We are pushing this logistics forward.

Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi reported on the situation in the main directions, with most of the fighting occurring in the Pokrovsk direction, in our Donetsk region. However, we are strengthening every direction now – from Kharkiv to the southern regions. I am grateful to every brigade, every soldier and commander who are truly resilient and accurate. Especially the 35th separate marine brigade, the 44th and 55th separate artillery brigades, the 71st separate jaeger brigade, the 108th separate territorial defense brigade, and the 110th separate mechanized brigade. Thank you all for your results, warriors!


>just a clip of the end of his daily speech
gone to live in a billion dollar mansion with muh tax money!!!
Ukrainian FPV drone operators from the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade have destroyed Russian equipment and weapons in the Kharkiv region, including one tank, one MT-LB, one 122-mm D-30 howitzer, one mortar, one ammunition depot, and three military trucks.

Good morning Rostov
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They showed the execution on Russian TV but claim they are Ukrainian, Russian lies as easily as he breathes
Situation on the left bank of the Kherson region for Russian forces. They are literally being smoked out of their positions.

video 1
video 2

>the smell of bacon
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Good morning Primorsko-Akhtarsk
>Situation on the left bank of the Kherson region for Russian forces. They are literally being smoked out of their positions.
video 1
>Situation on the left bank of the Kherson region for Russian forces. They are literally being smoked out of their positions.
video 2
doesnt seem to be many shills on tonight
>>473123341 oil again?
>>473123462 so a big boom?

In recent days, there is a lot of chatter about Niu-York. Russian forces would have advanced close to the southern outskirts. This is coming from a single source, without any visual confirmation. We maintain a gray zone for now.
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SitRep - 04/07/24 - Fighting in Chasiv Yar and attacks in Tambov

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian drones attacked the Tambov gunpowder plant, Orban will go to Moscow and Putin is desperately pushing for peace talks?
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Another photo of the russians bombing heavily pregnant women in Mariupol.
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Note file name. That was from here. I didn't do it. I swear.
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Russia Is Being Hit By The Economic Tsunami
what's the tactical advantage in attacking a country whose inhabitants speak your language and can easily blend in
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>These past two years have been a complete waste.
Not really. Lots and lots of Russians were killed, and that's a positive.
What North Korean Ammo doin Russia?
Being near Saint Petersburg they most likely are Karelian separatists
"Fraud", "embezzlement"... no, General Popov dared to speak about catastrophic Russian losses in the Zaporizhzhia offensive and crossed paths with Putin and his gang.

Hardly feel sorry for the guy though, for he is a war criminal.
It's a 50mm anti air gun
Russian naval blogger talks about the 2 July surface drone attack on Novorossiysk, says a certain Russian officer is guilty of binge drinking which leads to such results. Essentially they've let the drones through, it was a mistake, and more attacks are now expected.
Usually, I ignore this degenerate but Medvedev in a post today compared the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Civil War where Russia plays the part of the Northern States (!!!) with "equality, freedom, one law for everyone", and Ukraine is the South with "inhumane racism". That's some next level bullsh1t even for this guy.
>part 1
My kiwinigger, that is German AA and they don't even produce the ammunition for it anymore.

>Usually, I ignore this degenerate but Medvedev in a post today compared the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Civil War
part 2
>Usually, I ignore this degenerate but Medvedev in a post today compared the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Civil War
part 3
What exactly is primitive about the Baltic states? Especially coming from a country that decided a full-scale war would be appropriate action in the 21st century vs actually making your country successful and likeable by your neighbours and drawing them closer through positive means?
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Didn't that girl end up being a mouthpiece for Russia propaganda? It was some pregnant woman at a hospital that people claimed was a crisis actor if I recall.
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Meanwhile in Russia: experts on Russian state TV discussed America's future foreign policy and once again articulated why they prefer the Trump administration, based on Trump's current and potential national security advisors they're always talking about.

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“It’s a pleasure to be alive”

~ Andrey Bezrukov, former spy
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“Elbridge [Colby] has been saying it for a long time, we don’t need Ukraine at all. It’s a distraction on an unworthy object.”

~ Andrey Bezrukov, former spy

US & RU both signed an agreement with Ukraine.

RU violated it.
US should continue to honor it.
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Russian state propagandists are hoping for a Trump presidency and the foreign policy of Elbridge Colby (a Project 2025 contributor and slated member of the Trump administration) who they expect will implement the far-right position that the U.S. “[doesn’t] need Ukraine at all”.
No, the woman in the photo died shortly after. The child died too.

What you are thinking about his this lady, another pregnant Ukrainian woman that targeted in the hospital.
Instead of a thousand words.

In 2022, Russian strike on Vinnytsia badly injured 8-year-old Roman Oleksiv and killed his mom Halyna.

Roman has spent the past two years mostly in hospitals, getting treatment and going through surgeries. He now wears a face mask.

Roman, now 10, visited the site of his mom's death for the first time.

: Yaroslav Oleksiv/Facebook
Russian propagandist Mardan:

"I would very much like to believe, very much like to hope, that the Ukrainian energy system will be finished. My devout wish is that there will be no electricity in Ukraine at all."
Oh no Nafotrannies! Better vote Biden so muh heckin zelenskyy can stay in power!

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has already admitted 33 "neutral" athletes with Russian citizenship to the Olympic Games.

However, according to the Ukrainian media outlet Babel, many of the Russian "neutral" Olympians support the war, the occupation of Ukrainian territories, and have competed in propaganda tournaments. Five more Russian athletes were considered neutral by the IOC and they might not have participated in Russian propaganda, but given their activity on social media, they support Russia's war against Ukraine. Below are just several of them. Link to the entire article (in English) is at the end of the post.

▪ Tamara Dronova, Russian track and road racing cyclist. She worked in the Moscow branch of the Dinamo sports society. This is a structure of the Russian security forces. Dinamo trains the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the National Guard of Russia. Along with civilian athletes, employees of these structures do alternative military service there. In fact, it is an alternative service for professional athletes.

▪ Alan Ostaev, classical wrestler.
In 2018, Ostaev competed in the All-Russian wrestling tournament in Alushta, which was dedicated to the "Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia" and the "Day of the All-Crimean Referendum of 2014." In 2023, Ostaev participated in a tournament in memory of Russian General Kutuzov (who commanded the "1st Army Corps of the DPR" and died on June 5, 2022, near Popasna in Luhansk region).
>part 1
▪ Nachyn Mongush, a Russian freestyle wrestler. In 2021, Mongush served in the Russian army and was a member of the Russian Ministry of Defense sports team. In 2021, he attended the military sports games in Iran. In March 2023, Mongush and his coach campaigned for Russians to vote in Putin's election.

▪ Alina Kasabieva, freestyle wrestler
She liked posts on social media that promoted the war and Putin's policies. She is from Crimea but received Russian citizenship and was happy to represent Russia at the competition.

Russian sports federations that organize competitions and train Olympic athletes also support the war. For example, the Russian Wrestling Federation organizes competitions for "veterans of the armed conflict" and brings children from the occupied Luhansk region to Russia. The federation also distributes Russian occupation symbols, such as the St. George's ribbon and the Z symbol. At one of the children's competitions, there was a large poster saying "Za Mir!" ("For Peace!"). The situation is similar in other federations. For example, the Cycling Federation held a competition in honor of the occupation of Crimea.

>part 2
Documentary photographer Kostiantyn Liberov talked to Sophia, combat medic from the 3rd Assault Brigade, call sign "Sonia."

What a spirit. Sophia is incredible. Glory!

It would be a bad move for him anyway. Tucker has already made his pro Russian position clear so any interview would be a hit piece
A 29-year-old Ukrainian marine, Oleksandr, returned from Russian captivity. The multi-stage operation was conducted by the Navy's Angels special forces unit.

Oleksandr was taken prisoner while performing a mission. He stayed with the Russians for a year and a half, and during this time, he repeatedly became a victim and witness of torture.

From the very first days, the Angels were looking for ways to bring Oleksandr back and promised his mother to bring back her son. Now he is home.

: Ukrainian Navy

Russian media report that Artem Gorodilov, commander of the Russian 83rd assault brigade, has been detained. He is accused of large-scale fraud.

In 2022, Gorodilov and his military unit were involved in the murders of Ukrainian civilians in Bucha, according to the New York Times thorough investigation. He is under US sanctions.
Good morning and total and painful death to all kacaps, moskals and ruzzians!
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I'd say they are actually trying this already?
>>473124918 he want sound bites to spin his bullshit, so he could edit as he wanted, with Monke he couldn't because he (putin) talked and talked, and talked about nothing

Aid packages "should be coming in, but unfortunately, they are coming very slowly" - President Zelenskyy.
Sorry I was mistaken it's 57mm
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>the woman in the photo died shortly after. The child died too
Sad. The Russians have committed so many crimes against humanity.
No need for standup or comedy when you've got Russia in the UN. Although it's a very dark and cynical comedy.

Last night, US lawyers and political experts (or should their titles be put into " "?) @jacksonhinklle, @danielmkovalik and @ChrisHelali gave a press conference in the UN following their visit to the Russian-occupied parts of Donbas and then Moscow.

Fortunately, Russian lies and propaganda are a well-known fact by now. The event was attended by less than 20 people. A Ukrainian journalist Volodymyr Ilchenko gave the correct definition of what was happening - a clown show.


>russia had the main group of western shill's sucking dick again,
Russian "journalists" say that Russia is turning occupied Ukrainian cities into "rubble." It is impossible to live in Mariupol, they say.

And what did the gentlemen who visited Donbas say at the UN?

Istanbul agreements of 2022 remain on the table. They can become the base for the negotiations process, Putin said.

Putin continues killing Ukrainians, destroying Ukrainian energy system with winter ahead and call capitulation "peace negotiations."

>monke really wants this all to end, but the stupid kike still thinks he can get anything from this shit, or still keep anything, talk about fucking yourself, he's done it to all of Russia

The secret of why Kyiv was not taken in three days was finally revealed by Putin!

He said that when Russian troops were standing near Kyiv, the Western partners asked Russia to cease fire. And it did. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces did not. Russia was deceived, says Putin.

Therefore, Putin continues that Russia, the aggressor, "simply cannot declare a ceasefire right now."

"We have repeatedly received signals that the Taliban are ready to cooperate with Russia in various areas, including in counterterrorism. We welcome this." - Putin

>This will end well with the mudslims in Russia and ISIS
Viktor Orbán will travel to Moscow on July 5 to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a few days after meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, a source in the Hungarian government told Radio Svoboda.

The last time Orbán visited Moscow was in September 2022.

According to the source, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto will also accompany Orbán to the Kremlin.
Russian media published a video of an alleged drone attack on Tambov gunpowder plant in Russia.

Local governor said all the drones had been shot down. Judging by the smoke, by the building itself.

Documental footage of the battle for Kyiv in the spring of 2022.

We remember well what exactly stopped the Russian army and made it retreat - Ukrainian bravery and resistance.


>part 1
I see Steven Seagal has grown a viking beard
>Documental footage of the battle for Kyiv in the spring of 2022.
>We remember well what exactly stopped the Russian army and made it retreat - Ukrainian bravery and resistance.
part 2, end
Friends from the United States,

Happy 4th of July! I hope you're having a safe and fun day!

Ukraine is very grateful to the US for support and rooting for us. I know there are so many of you here, crying at our losses and cheering our accomplishments. Thank you!

: the statues of the symbolic founders of Kyiv were dressed in the colors of the US flag today. This is one of them.
Glory to our Defenders!

It's time for target practice.

: 95th Air Assault Brigade
The US announced additional details on a security assistance package for Ukraine valued at more than $2.3 billion.

The Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) package valued at up to $150 million includes:
◾Missiles for HAWK air defense systems
◾Ammunition for HIMARS
◾155mm and 105mm artillery rounds
◾81mm mortar rounds
◾TOW missiles
◾Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor systems
◾Small arms ammunition and grenades
◾Demolitions equipment and munitions
◾Tactical vehicles
◾Tactical air navigation systems and aircraft support equipment
◾Spare parts and other equipment

In addition, @DeptofDefense is announcing a significant package of air defense interceptors for PATRIOT and NASAMS systems using approximately $2.2 billion in Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) funds.

We are grateful to our American partners for standing firm with Ukraine. Together, we are stronger.

The weekdays of the Ukrainian gunners.

: 36th Marine Brigade

We congratulate the American people on Independence Day!
We wish you prosperous future, peace, and success in defending our shared values of democracy and freedom.
Thank you for your staunch support in our fight against russian evil.
Happy 248th Birthday!
Watch the birdie!
UA-made Stuhna-P ATGM destroyed a russian IFV at night.

: 47th Mechanized Brigade

Ukrainian cats stand in defense of the mental health of our warriors.

: shaybaboy / Instagram


True, although I'm getting tired of drone footage. Once the novelty wore off, they are pretty much all the same stuff. Kino to bulk ratio is too low
A full pack on the enemy positions.
BM-21 Grad in action.

: Kara-Dag Brigade

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>no more coke banana flavoured for puccia
monke bros.... its over
Chasiv Yar, Donetsk region.
russia turned the city into ruins like everything else it touches.
The russian plague must be stopped. Ukrainian defenders need the world's support to do it.

: @Liberov
>monke bros.... its over
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that's a little different from "russia already rebuilt so much of mariupol"
Shaheds shall not pass!

: Oleksandr Olekhnovych
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What now, finnbros?
What are all the sparks that come off it at around 0:04?
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>>473126567 what russhit say to themselves and the west is a lot different, for state tv they always stick to the main PR story of "everything is wonderful" for shitty little podcast little pieces of info sneak out
>>473126681 unspent fuel or whatever


"The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding go out to meet it."

The combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022 to July 5, 2024.
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All Russian Kinzhal missiles downed over Kyiv since arrival of Patriot systems, Ukrainian Air Force says.

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Destruction of Russian bombers halt Russia's advance on battlefield, Kuleba says.

The destruction of Russian fighter bombers and the replenishment of ammunition stocks will help Ukraine halt Russia's advance on the battlefield, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told the LRT media outlet.
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Ukraine considering transiting gas from Azerbaijan to EU, Zelensky says.

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Czechia no longer recognizes non-biometric Russian passports.


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