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▶Previous: >>473065560

▶Day: 862 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>A day of mourning has been announced for Thursday after a Russian missile and drone strike killed at least five people and wounded 53 in Dnipro
>The US officially announced the new aid package for Ukraine: $150 million will be provided under PDA and $2.2 billion under USAI
>Big smoooking accident in Kursk, reportedly near military unit and military warehouses
>Zelenskyi met with Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán in Kyiv
>EU and Ukraine signed security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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anything particularly positive for Ukraine lately? or it it just still "stalemate" with more Ziggers piling up.
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cucktin ignored in BRICS summit
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This seems like a pretty reasonable compromise to me. What say you, /uhg/?

>Journalist Dmitry Gordon has learned from his own sources about the key theses of the Russian peace plan that Interior Minister Kolokoltsev was taking to the U.S.

>Ukraine should completely withdraw from Donetsk and Lugansk regions;
>Russia will hand over the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and control of the demilitarized 100-kilometer zone along the Dnieper River to the Black Sea to Ukraine;
>Ukraine should commit not to cut off water supplies to Crimea;
>Ukraine should enshrine non-aligned status in the Constitution and not join NATO or any other alliance;
>Ukraine should enshrine in the Constitution the notion of a "peacetime army" of 350,000 people and have a certain list of weapons. In particular, Ukraine cannot have more than 125 combat aircraft of all types;
>Crimea receives the status of a special demilitarized territory with dual subordination to Ukraine and Russia;
>The US lifts sanctions on supplies of high technology to Russia, against the oil and gas complex and the banking system;
>Russia is ready to discuss the full transfer of the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions to Ukraine and is not opposed to Ukraine's accession to the EU;
>A ceasefire should be imposed immediately after the start of negotiations in the Russia-US-China-EU-Ukraine format;
>The short- and medium-range missile treaty should be renewed with Ukraine's participation.

Chasiv Yar about to fall, i wonder where the next stronghold is.
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I love how you faggots can only resort to fear tactics when explaining why we should care about any of you. Tell your friends to stop making threads like that, theyre having the opposite effect you intended.
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>Chasiv Yar about to fall
>ziggers (re-) break into suburbs
>still haven't cross the canal
>chasiv yar about to fall
The absolute state of you shitskins
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We who, commie? Post hand, outlet and userID.
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>no pynehods
That's a clone.
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Meanwhile newfags in chug believe Trump will save the puccians, while shitskin general /sg/ veterans in that cesspol are afraid of him
The nigger president here didn't even bother going to this and was instead begging Biden for gibs on the phone.
Shows what a joke BRICS is.
Read the news, they state that the defensive positions have been destroyed and are withdrawing from the outskirts.
Of course i hope they can hold, but reality doesnt always match for wishful thinking.
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nah that ain't it
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Kanal district is the first line of defense. I'm actually surprised again how shit Russia is, they should have breached it months ago.
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Scottson Sterritt are you in here?
But there is no plan...
kek saved
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Marine General killed in Ukraine
I'm sure this low resolution screenshot on Eurasian basket weaving from is real
>killed in Ukraine
Except he wasn't
>Marine General killed in Ukraine
Twentynine Palms is in California you brownoid vatnikker
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Nigga why do you think I quoted the turk?
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I oppose Ukraine and it's international liberal supporters.
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Turtle: Russia
Spider: Ukraine
Not only is Putin small, he is devilish ugly.
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I shared the thread because it was hilarious bait and the low resolution of the pic was giveaway that it's just a bait
animal abuse is cringe
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>reddit spacing
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Lol, typical.
fucking frog deserves it for being s fucking greedy...
Okay carry on anon
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Ah, the site where Pro-Ukrainian opinions are welcome, and Pro-Russian opinions are not. KEKAROOOOO

Another example of the fact that
>Only Liberals support Ukraine
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>biggest country in the world
>has the most natural resources in the world
>still the third poorest country in Europe
>industry is smaller than Italy's

of course he is ingored
Shelomovland has no software, no hardwar/electronics, does not produce cars or planes.

Shelomov has nothing to offer to brics, shelomovland doesent produce anything
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Rent free.
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Nork ammo do be like that

(found the highest quality I could)
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top 10 richest shelomovland oligarchs have liquid assets worth hundreds of billions
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>Rent free.
I do live rent free. Tell me more of the lore you write about me. I love to hear your fan-fiction.

>Desperate to deflect from the fact that only Anti-white, Pro-LGBT faggots support Ukraine
omg... did them died?
I mean... they did die, right?
I hope they did...
the first satellite and leapfrog possibility scared US so much they founded DOD and need-to-know compartmentalization together with Invention Secrecy Act
now US MIC is always 30+ years ahead of the whole world
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> asking norks for ammo
Careful what you ask for, pidors
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>Continues only using shit edits
There is nothing more based, trad, and anti-liberal than gay rape!
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Chug really got affected after prigozhin was killed, they used to have like 15 regular bakers and be active 24/7, now there are not regulars anymore, and the goverment sponsored general is active on Moscow hours only
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Reminder very zigger supporter has been confirmed to be a shitskin
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> TotalLiberalDeath
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The most recently outed shitskin by the way

I'm just not gonna support Anti-white, Pro-LGBT faggots like Trudeau, Biden and Macron and their goals in Ukraine.

Sorry, not gonna oppose Putler to bring drag queen story time to Eastern Europe.
you seem desperate. makes me want more...
Why does Putin like to fuck little boys? Is that based and trad, anon?
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>about to
lmao! always future tense
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Russia is the most anti-White country outside of Africa and Israel.
You are retarded
no wonder Jackson loves him so much
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"He just quit, you know. He’s quitting the race. I got him out of the race, and that means we have Kamala. I think she’s gonna be better. She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic. She’s so fucking bad. Can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin and the president of China, who’s a fierce person? He’s a fierce man. Very tough guy. They just announced he’s probably quitting. Just keep knocking him out, huh?"
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The Russians invest a lot of propaganda in the colored people.

It seems to me, that if Russia is taking ''Ukrainian children'' that would be for the best.

NATO would simply give some homosexual crossdressers unmitigated access to them in the public school system. It's better that they be taken to a better society.
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Kek reminds me of those videos of chinks training nigger children in African
Nevermind, >>473016606 has better quality. For some reason /k/ is the earliest known source.
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Reminder Russia has over twice the niggers then the USA has and that number is growing fast
>1151631 (2021 г.)
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>Black population in the Canadian city of Toronto
total population: 2,794,356
black population: 265,000

>Black population in the entire Russian federation
total population: 143,950,900
black population: 30,000


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>Russia isn't even a top ten economy anymore
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Get out of my country, redditspacing, tranny-obsessed ESL Pajeet (I bet you fap to trannies too).
The day is coming when your kind is forcibly removed from Canada.
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>Beggar nation begs
never change hohols
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The next stronghold is Chasiv Yar. You'll hear about it falling in the next few days as well.
>non-nation non-nations
Catalan will be an extinct language by the end of the century.
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>Everybody not as woke as me must be from somewhere else
Typical Liberal coping mechanism. Trudeau's finished, bud. Your day is done.
Those blessed guns doing god's work.
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>30% of the thread is one spamming Astro-turfer.

Further proof /uhg/ is inorganic, redditors trying and failing to subvert /pol/ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>Astro-turfed dead tranny general
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Europe is asleep nigger
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why are beggar hohols like this? When are you all going back to ukraine?
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no shit retard. There are shills on both sides during a conflict. Same thing on chug. Also it's like 01:22 over here.
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Yeah, go ahead and tag the poster on /chug/ who has posted 30% of the current thread.

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>n-no I'm not a brown subhuman streetshitter (even though browns are the only ones who support Ziggeristan)
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>be me
>sign contract so my dad doesn't have to sell his lada
>recruiter mumbled something about 2nd lada
>get into training camp
>2 days into it they say we get into advanced training
>they send me to the front in already
>i am now s-60 gunner
>guys are happy about finally getting ammo and being send into an attack directly
>my s-60 explodes
>i'm 300 i can finally go home
>get sent to front again
>can't even walk
>just another day in my piece of shit zigger life
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Hey faggot, maybe you should tell your bot to put some informative shit on your posts instead of spamming. At least maks nafo tries to copy and paste text from his twitter and r*ddit bullshit. Your astroturfed thread is astroturfed. Nigger.
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Based. Anybody opposed to Grooming-LGBT-Pedos is a friend of mine.

Picrel is the future of Ukrainian boys.
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Meanwhile, in reality.
>You'll hear about it falling in the next few days as well.
I've been hearing this for a year and a half now
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Oh no, please don't continue to insult Jeets. I'll be so butthurt and offended. Please, don't say things like ''Jeets are the most disgusting subhuman race on the planet.'' I'd be oh so sad.

Russia is the best country on earth btw, all of Canada is rightfully Russian soil.
>not pictured: the boxcutter that the Rusnigger mongoloid is holding with his other hand
Reminder that the Asiatic hordes of Russia castrate white prisoners.
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>Russia is the best country on earth btw
Maybe if you like having AIDS and love M*slims.
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>ignores faggotry being normalized in the west
>posts fringe cases repeatedly
Wow. I've only seen that image repeatedly over 500 times. In the west, it's common place nigger.
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>fringe cases
Dedovshchina isn't a fringe thing though.
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It's too bad that your idea of
>Western society
>Freedom and democracy
has to include fetishizing young children, and the replacement of white Europeans.

If it wasn't for those things, perhaps we could of unified against the East.
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Haha thats great. When Putin works with other countries it's a sign of weakness. When Ukraine does it, its a sign of strength. I wish Putin would just give up already. I really really want Ukraine to win. I dont know my mental health will be like if they lose. I wouldnt be able to handle it.
I want to fuck Cuckraine refugee
what do?
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Honest question. Is anything you posted here not fake?
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hey are you the faggot that tried to intimidated us by claiming you can fight us fisticuffs?
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Meanwhile, Russia's idea of "society" is
>institutionalized gay rape
>highest AIDS rates outside of Africa
>higher abortion rates than any Western country
>higher divorce rates than any Western country
>importing millions of central asian muslims
>building 8000 mosques
>bowing to pisslam
that's what happens when you buy your body armor off of Temu
>>bowing to pisslam
another priest got beheaded in russia.
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>No, we can't point to the /chug/ astro-turfer
So nobody on /chug/ has posted 55/149 posts like the /uhg/ AstroTurfer? Contrary to your earlier claims, those are organic posters over there and they are still thousands of threads ahead of your atsro-turfed garbage? LOL
>Cuckraine refugee
female Cuckraine refugee
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Oh well, I don't live there. None of those things are being forced upon me like the intolerable things you are forcing on me.

You are the enemy, not foreign governments.
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>/chug/ admits to being gay yet again (also posts astolfo)
>Russia is so heckin' based!!!
>it is pointed out that Russia is a degenerate hellhole
Make up your mind, Harpreet.
coming out of the closet is less gay that warlord identity.
Dunno, I never go to chug. The only thing I see is malding chuggers coming here and doing their 100/300 tranny spam.
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I'll take that over a literal tranny as a queen
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Russia's great. The best country on earth. Any problems they have, I don't have to deal with, so they are completely inconsequential to me.

Again, your insistence of allowing crossdressing homosexuals to have unmitigated access to children in public schools, and insistence of importing shitskins until the white population is a minority- is why I oppose you.
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I'm sure you're familiar with all the fan-fiction, but I am not. I can't even keep up with several distinct story-lines of lore you all have written about me, let alone other posters.
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>Russia is the best country on Earth!!!
>Just ignore the gay rape, AIDS, abortion, divorce, infestation of Muslim subhumans, etc.
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That was a good performance from the helmet. Bullet had minimum caliber 7.62

Pic random
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>>Russia is the best country on Earth!!!
Damn right.
I hope to make Canada more similar to this video of Russia.
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You won't make Canada anything, Gurpreet. Canada will make you leave, though.
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I spoke with my Ukrainian friend today. He mentioned that Ukrainians are quite pleased with the outcome of the US debate last night, as they believe Trump is now highly likely to win. They hope Trump will genuinely push Zelenskyy to end the war, unlike Biden who they feel was encouraging it. My friend, who will turn 25 next year, is concerned about conscription and urged me to promise to vote for Trump.
What's this talk about Ukraine losing or wanting to negotiate for peace?
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>I hope to make Canada more similar to this video of Russia.

Total Liberal Death
Total Hohol Death
Total Faggot Death
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I can't wait to stomp your skull into the pavement, Sanjay.
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Seethe more, faggot.
The fact that your shilling for a society and system that commits suicide by allowing Jeets to invade.. And then fucking whining about being conquered by shitskins.. is fucking retarded all on it's own.

Keep seething, weeb.
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>replying to AI generated text that gets posted here 50 times a day by 1pbtid bots
Newfags do be like that.
Why do indians like you always sound so effeminate?
Check out this thread
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>Straightest /chug/ poster
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>senpai fiction
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We were talking about ''rent free'' earlier?

Every post that isn't your Astro-turf bot is a reply to me. KEKAROOOOO!
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REMINDER: We must support Putin in his effort to reestablish the Soviet Union.
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You didn't answer the question though
Why do indians like you always sound so effeminate?
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Russia has more Muslims both by raw numbers and per capita than Canada, and that is only going to get worse as ethnic Russians die in Putin's pointless war and are replaced by migrants from central Asia.
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Good thing Putler pays Jeet IT workers like us by the (You)
Or am I a Chink IT worker?
Perhaps the FSB?
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>You didn't answer the question though
>Why do indians like you

I've already addressed the fact that
>Everybody not as woke as me, must eb from somewhere else
Is the standard Liberal coping mechanism across all platforms.
Again, I don't live there. They can do whatever they want in their own country, not my bussiness.

I'd like to REPEAT what you are deflecting from (again) Please see>>473099353
>your insistence of allowing crossdressing homosexuals to have unmitigated access to children in public schools, and insistence of importing shitskins until the white population is a minority- is why I oppose you.
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Who said you're from somewhere else? You're just a second generation subhuman. Not that rare.
So again, why do shitskins like you always sound so effeminate? Does your dick even work with that whiny child voice?
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The Russians are trying to manipulate them with cultural Marxism.
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Anyway, I've got some shit to do. I'll leave you leftist faggots to think about me in my absence.

I'll leave you with a funny joke.

Haha! Get it? Because his dad is dead. LOL

I'll see ya tomorrow.
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See ya later shitskin
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>Again, I don't live there. They can do whatever they want in their own country, not my bussiness
So why do you keep declaring them to be the best country in the world? If you think Russia is the best country in the world then you surely must think that having a significant M*slim population is a good thing or at the very least not that bad.
>I'd like to REPEAT what you are deflecting from (again) Please see
I'm not deflecting from anything. You, like most retarded shills, are just putting words into people's mouths because you can't argue unless it's against a strawman.
I don't support giving faggots access to children. I also don't support mass immigration (ESPECIALLY by M*slims and Pajeets). You just assume I do because you have a small mind, and in that small mind anyone who disagrees with you on one thing must be a caricature who believes in EVERYTHING you disagree with.
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Throwing around redditor buzzwords won't help you ''blend in'' here.. LOL
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>no argument
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See you tomorrow, rabbi
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Remember the one zigger general who go caught with a zigger tranny prostitute?
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Also Russians have always been faggots
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>beard isn't even fully shaved
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>What's this talk about Ukraine losing or wanting to negotiate for peace?
What's this talk about Russia begging for status quo?
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Russian economy is black box with Nabiulina popping up to scream before being pulled back down by her FSO wranglers.
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Putin is BEGGING for a Ceasefire with Ukraine

>I'm fucking loving this, chug and the shill's in meltdown and I know why, :^3
Cry faggots, Monke is begging everywhere, and he knows time is running out

>Keep fucking spamming chug cuckettes and saying otherwise, We know it's all you can do now!
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kek @ BRICS games being real
New baker needed btw
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Well about that....
How did they fuck this simple job up?
>"Reddit buzzword"
Literally in the sticky post of /pol/ you fucking newfag fraud
>>Ukraine should enshrine non-aligned status in the Constitution and not join NATO or any other alliance;
No, Ukraine should have any rights to join whatever alliance they want to guarantee their territorial integrity
>>Ukraine should enshrine in the Constitution the notion of a "peacetime army" of 350,000 people and have a certain list of weapons. In particular, Ukraine cannot have more than 125 combat aircraft of all types;
No, ukraine should not have smaller army than russia,
Are you unironically RETADED you dumb piece of shit?
Why should Ukraine agree to terms that allow russia to attack them again? Are you mentally handicapped or something?
After what russia did they have no rights to stop ukraine from defending themselves by any means, and by this I mean using such weapons as nuclear and biological ones.
Interest rate rising to 18% (200 basis point jump) by the end of July. Inflation is already at 8+% and unlikely to quickly decline, even with these measures.
Puccians are going Zimbabwe tier before our eyes.
Sucks to see
On the upside hopefully Russia becomes a US territory and I can have more places to move
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>be me watching this video on youtube
>moves to Russia in search of values that more closely align with theirs, as well as economic opportunity, particularly in farming
USA gonna take the east side of Russia when the war is over
Is it my imagination.
Or are they all whiter than the average brit?
For someone who were shilling how white and trad they are they have a bit too many nogs, dont they?
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based I'd move to Siberia and get a tradwife
zigger tourists are so fucking pathetic, aren't they
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>No free healthcare
>No free education'
>No worker rights
>Trannies and fags
>Free healthcare
>Free Education
>Great worker rights
>No fag or tranny shit allowed
"Globohomo East" is a fucking BARGAIN compared to what the West is offering. Anyone with MORE than two brain cells would support them.
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Whos breakfast for dinner tonight?
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>wants commie shit
us flag by the way...lmfao
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Sorry but Zelensky isn't jewish according to the top banana.
Dare you contradict the alpha monke?
Kinda wish they would succeed in assassinating Zelensky just so I could see the chimpout when absolutely nothing changes
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>move away from oppressive authorities in the west
>get assets seized by authorities in russia
its poetic
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wtf happened to Britain
Brit slags look like this now
Well maybe they'll live their happy farm life, minus savings

would rapekill and even fuck the still warm corpse/10
>every day jewlensky is alive and this thread remains

Can someone pls explain the etymology of пeтyшить

My interpretation is "petukhing" or "petukhment" Petu(kh)+verb ending

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