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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Climategate - redpill me about it
i want D A R E her anus
In her own words

Sounds a lot like some buzzword invented by wrongdoers to convince you that defacing the planet is the right thing to do.
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It's all funded by big coal, as evidenced by the absurd reluctance to endorse the greenest energy of all: Nuclear
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"researchers" got caught falifying their data to get the results they were paid to. They investigated themselves and found nothing wrong. About that time they switched from global warming ("hide the deline") to climate change. If post about climategate on /sci/ you get banned by the dei jannies.
Brainwashed retard
>You can't drive a car goy, what do you mean all the elites own multiple jumbo jets?
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>Climategate - redpill me about it
Science works because of the honesty of scientist.
A person who lies, who changes the data to fit an agenda, is a curse upon the scientific community.
They were caught lying their asses off and joking about it.
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The Situation is Beyond fucked. Billions of Refugees, Economic Collapse & Mass Extinction. Imagine a massive block of concrete at the top of a high building - it is about to be dropped on an inescapable cage filled with our children. The policy is to allow the people with the block of concrete (the economic elites) to drop it and shatter the bones of those kids. Imagine it. Not just this on one day, not just the following day, but every fucking day forever and ever like some deathly Greek myth.
wtf is wrong with you?
He isn’t wrong
This is what it means to allow the world to go over 2C. Mass starvation, mass slaughter, mass rape.
nice jpg you low iq faggot
who does climate change denial benefit?
the trillion dollar energy conglomerate maybe?
Alright, let's get something straight: man-made climate change is real, and it’s a threat we can't ignore. This isn’t some myth cooked up by scientists to get funding or a political hoax. It’s a harsh reality backed by mountains of evidence. If we don't take action, we're in for a world of hurt.
Why is it Real?
Scientific Consensus: Over 97% of climate scientists agree that human activities are the primary cause of global warming. This isn’t just a random number. It’s the result of extensive research and peer-reviewed studies. Doubting this is like doubting gravity because you can't see it.
Rising CO2 Levels: Since the Industrial Revolution, we've pumped massive amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This has increased global temperatures by about 1.1°C since the late 19th century. The link between CO2 and temperature rise is undeniable.
Observable Effects: Look around. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, and heatwaves are becoming more intense. These aren’t random occurrences; they’re the direct result of our actions.
Why is it Important to Act?
Environmental Destruction: Unchecked climate change will devastate ecosystems. Coral reefs will die, forests will burn, and wildlife will suffer. These aren’t just pretty landscapes; they’re vital parts of our planet’s life support system.
Economic Impact: Climate change will wreak havoc on economies. Agriculture will suffer from droughts and floods, cities will face damage from extreme weather, and healthcare costs will skyrocket as people deal with heat stress and disease outbreaks.
Human Suffering: Millions of people will be displaced by rising sea levels and extreme weather. Food and water shortages will lead to conflict and instability. The poorest and most vulnerable will suffer the most, but no one is immune.
In Conclusion
This isn’t some abstract issue for future generations to worry about. It's happening now, and it's caused by us. Ignoring it is not just ignorant, it’s suicidal. We need to cut down greenhouse gas emissions, switch to renewable energy, and take responsibility for our planet. If we don’t, we’re looking at a future that’s bleak, chaotic, and downright terrifying.
There is something happening on way or another tho. I am 34 and when i was a kid, germany would be burried in snow for months in the winter in snow. Now, it snows for 2 days and on the third day all the snow melts and that was it for winter. In the summer, we would be happy if we saw a week of 30c sun without clouds, the rest of the summer was rainy and clouded.
Alright, let's lay it out plainly: the climate change we're seeing now is anything but normal. It's happening at an alarming rate, unlike anything the planet has experienced in millions of years.

Why It's Not Normal
Speed of Change: Historically, significant changes in the Earth’s climate have occurred over millennia or even millions of years. The ice ages, for example, took thousands of years to unfold. The warming we're seeing now? It's happening in just a few decades. That's a blink of an eye in geological terms.
Human Influence: Natural climate cycles are driven by factors like volcanic activity, solar radiation, and Earth’s orbital changes. But these factors alone can't explain the rapid rise in global temperatures. It's the massive amounts of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that's driving this unprecedented change.
Overwhelming Evidence: Ice core samples, tree rings, and sediment layers all show that the current rate of CO2 increase and global warming is unparalleled in Earth’s history. The CO2 levels today are higher than they've been in at least 800,000 years, and the temperature rise is happening about ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.
The Big Picture
This isn’t some normal, natural fluctuation. The rapid warming we’re experiencing is directly tied to human activities. Left unchecked, it will lead to catastrophic consequences for our environment, economies, and societies.
Climate change is a scam, atleast “man-made” climate change is. To many useless people, elites need a good mass-dying so they can continue to live in luxury. You and your family are an inconvenience to them. So you must be purged. The non-stop propaganda is in the hopes you will self purge or purge each other.
Disruption of Ecosystems: Rapid climate change leaves little time for ecosystems and species to adapt. This leads to mass extinctions and loss of biodiversity.
Extreme Weather: Increased frequency and intensity of storms, droughts, and heatwaves disrupt lives and livelihoods, causing widespread damage and suffering.
Sea Level Rise: Melting glaciers and ice caps, along with thermal expansion of seawater, contribute to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities worldwide.
Final Word
The rapid climate change we're facing is anything but normal. It’s a direct result of our actions and demands immediate and substantial action to mitigate its effects. Ignoring this reality is not just reckless; it's a recipe for disaster. We need to get serious about reducing emissions and transitioning to sustainable energy sources before it's too late.
Ill gas your entire family line eco nigger
The Big Picture
This isn’t some normal, natural fluctuation. The rapid warming we’re experiencing is directly tied to human activities. Left unchecked, it will lead to catastrophic consequences for our environment, economies, and societies.

Disruption of Ecosystems: Rapid climate change leaves little time for ecosystems and species to adapt. This leads to mass extinctions and loss of biodiversity.
Extreme Weather: Increased frequency and intensity of storms, droughts, and heatwaves disrupt lives and livelihoods, causing widespread damage and suffering.
Sea Level Rise: Melting glaciers and ice caps, along with thermal expansion of seawater, contribute to rising sea levels, threatening coastal communities worldwide.
Final Word
The rapid climate change we're facing is anything but normal. It’s a direct result of our actions and demands immediate and substantial action to mitigate its effects. Ignoring this reality is not just reckless; it's a recipe for disaster. We need to get serious about reducing emissions and transitioning to sustainable energy sources before it's too late.
it's Greta??
Nigger it's hot af I don't know or care why just that it is hot af this summer. Early July and hitting 98? Fuck this shit I need to move far north.
People lied to get paid to hang around universities going to dinner parties and sniffing each other's farts.
It's not a scam but you are right about the elites. The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%. The elites are going to kill billions of people.
Alright, listen up. The climate science community uses something called Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) to model different scenarios for future climate change based on varying levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Here’s a breakdown of what these RCPs mean and why they matter:

What Are RCPs?
RCPs are essentially four different scenarios that predict how the world might look in terms of greenhouse gas concentrations and the resulting climate impacts by the year 2100. They’re used by scientists to understand possible futures based on our actions today.
The Four Main RCPs
Description: This is the most optimistic scenario. It assumes we take significant action to cut emissions quickly.
Outcome: CO2 concentrations stabilize around 421 parts per million (ppm). Global temperature rise is kept to around 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Impacts: Less extreme weather, lower sea level rise, and fewer ecosystem disruptions. It's tough but achievable with massive global cooperation.

Description: A middle-of-the-road scenario where emissions peak around 2040 and then decline.
Outcome: CO2 levels stabilize at around 538 ppm. Temperatures rise by about 2.4°C by 2100.
Impacts: Significant but manageable changes. We’d still see increased heatwaves, more intense storms, and higher sea levels, but less severe than higher pathways.

Description: Another intermediate scenario where emissions peak around 2080.
Outcome: CO2 concentrations hit 670 ppm. Global temperatures rise by about 3°C.
Impacts: More severe than RCP4.5. Higher risk of extreme weather events, significant sea level rise, and major impacts on agriculture and water supply.
Lol! Looks like she just got a whiff of a really stinky fart.
How many false prediction must happen before we are allowed by you to question them or more directly call them scammers and lairs? 50 failed predictions?
Description: The "business as usual" scenario with no significant action taken to curb emissions.
Outcome: CO2 levels soar to around 936 ppm. Temperatures spike by about 4.3°C or more.
Impacts: Catastrophic changes. Massive sea level rise, widespread extreme weather, severe impacts on ecosystems, agriculture, and human health. Basically, a hellscape.
Why This Matters
Understanding these pathways is crucial because they show the potential consequences of our actions (or inactions). RCP2.6 is where we need to aim if we want a livable future, but current policies are pushing us more towards RCP6.0 or even RCP8.5.

What's at Stake?
RCP2.6: Requires global commitment to cutting emissions fast. Renewable energy, reforestation, and massive changes in how we produce and consume energy.
RCP4.5 and RCP6.0: These require significant but less drastic changes than RCP2.6. Still demand a shift towards cleaner energy and more efficient technology.
RCP8.5: If we keep burning fossil fuels without any real effort to change, we’re heading straight for disaster.
Bottom Line
These RCPs aren’t just numbers; they represent real futures. If we don't get our act together, we’re looking at a world with far more suffering, conflict, and instability. It’s not just about polar bears; it’s about us, our food, our homes, and our survival. The choices we make today shape the world we’ll live in tomorrow.
Jews pushing geo-engineering and the cancellation of european nuclear, fossile fuel, energy generation.
The brain damaged Greta is chaperoned by a Rothschild young jewess directly.
Why hasn't the temperature outside of "adjustments" changed in over 25 years? While at the same time 1/4 of all the CO2 was released?
Also pic rel. brain damaged. Alcohol fetal syndrome.
Her vagina probably smells bad
It'll be fun stacking you niggers up like sand bags during ww3
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Early July and hitting 98?
That's not that unusual in many parts of the country. Maybe not common, but nothing to shriek about. I live in the PNW and I've seen it at 100 on the fourth several times.

tldr; Settle down retard.
it's hot as fuck up here too. 'feels like' 38c. (100 degrees)
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Spend more money goyem!
why are you shilling for a trillion dollar industry again? literally follow the money you low iq peasant faggot fuck
the entire 'denial' movement was funded by them. it cost them relatively nothing to do so
you NPC fuck
Go lick trudeaus asshole
why is your snap response a homosexual act?
They cancelled their poster child because she supports Palestine. That's all you need to know
It’s a hoax you filthy pajeet
You seem upset
>Scientific Consensus: Over 97% of climate scientists agree
manufactured consensus when you purge and defund all skeptics and contrarian researchers from the field over the course of several decades
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The climate isn't real, just like birds.
There has been progress:
> Glacier national park has removed the signs which said that the glacier would be gone by 2020 due to climate change.


the world is only 25k years out of an ice age that lasted >2 million years. Don't you think that global warming is a side-effect of an ice age ending?
People that are actual decent human beings fighting for a better world while chud conspiracy theorists try and make the world worse so billionaires can profit more from oil sales
>95% of scientists funded by leftists agree

Libshits are truly nigtarded
why is a shitskin calling me brown?
you seem fixated on gay shit
i think that you're a low earning, low iq loser that's shilling for a trillion dollar industry. you were mind broken, you sheep nigger.
and why would you presume to know more than me?
Yeh exactly
>If you draw these conclusions you'll get funding, tenure and a six figure salary
>If you do not draw the conclusions we want you will never work in this field again and you may even have an unfortunate accident
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>why is your snap response a homosexual act?
>lol the science isnt real, but here's my science
>i only listen to exxon funded research
low iq :(
ah yea but a few jobless browns on 4chan saw through it all
This niggersexual is mad lol
Answer this simple question:
> what is the correct temperature?

I hear a lot of talk about somehow forcing nature not to change; but not a lot about what the "correct" temperature is. Is it colder, like back during the mini-ice-aged times when all the crops were failing? Is it a little warmer, where people living in warm areas are pushed out while people in (now) colder areas see a population boom?

Again, all I hear is "change is bad"; as though humans could ever stop the earth from turning, and from nature doing whatever it wants.
You are a fucking leaf and Canada is now Pajeet occupied. Thank Trudeau the faggot for it.
Temp records only go back 150 years

Off yourself
are you trying to force some false dichotomy because the nuance it too much for you? sorry we cant restructure reality for this pinhead faggot.
funny how your ego is tied to the objective of a massive and ancient industry with near infinite power
the funny thing is, you are literally brown calling a white man brown as an insult. LOL
this thread is hilarious. i feel like im bulling the dumbest niggers on earth right now.
>Redpill me on it
No, you're saying that humans cause climate change. OK, so do animals, so do trees, so do volcanos. Meanwhile, one side not only insists that the world temperature is going in the wrong direction, but demands large amounts of money to fight it. except it doesn't fight it, it simply enriches people who are in the industry.
Confirmed for nigger
Didnt some anon turn her into a sexdoll?
Alright, let's break this down. Questioning predictions and holding them up to scrutiny is fair game. But calling climate scientists scammers or liars because some predictions didn’t pan out exactly as expected? That’s a different story. Here’s why:

Understanding Predictions
Complexity of Climate Systems: Climate science deals with incredibly complex systems. Predicting exact outcomes decades in advance involves a lot of variables. Even small changes can lead to different results. This doesn’t mean the science is bogus; it means the models have uncertainties, which scientists openly acknowledge.

Evolution of Science: Science evolves. Early climate models from decades ago had less data and computing power than we have now. As technology and data improve, so do the models. That’s how science works: it gets better over time.

Misconceptions About Predictions
Cherry-Picked Failures: A common tactic is to cherry-pick predictions that didn’t come true while ignoring the vast majority that did. For example, the prediction about the ozone hole led to international action (the Montreal Protocol) and it worked. Global warming predictions have consistently shown trends that align with actual measurements.

Context Matters: Many so-called "failed" predictions were based on "if-then" scenarios. For instance, "If we don’t reduce emissions, then XYZ will happen." When policies change or new technologies emerge, the outcomes also change.

Examples of Accurate Predictions
Temperature Rise: Hansen's 1988 predictions about temperature rise have been remarkably accurate. The overall trend of global temperature rise aligns well with what was predicted decades ago.

Ice Melt and Sea Level Rise: Predictions about Arctic ice melt and sea level rise have also been validated by ongoing observations. Glaciers are retreating, and sea levels are indeed rising.
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>Answer this simple question:
>> what is the correct temperature?
Climate Change is a social construct. Why are they so bigoted against warmer weather? Is it because dark skinned people tend to live in warmer climates? If you are against global warming you are a racist bigot.
Too gay:didnt read
Why Call Them Scammers and Liars?
Labeling scientists as scammers or liars is a pretty serious accusation. Here’s why it’s off-base:

Transparency: Climate scientists publish their data and methods openly. They are peer-reviewed, meaning other experts in the field scrutinize their work. Fraudsters don’t operate this way.

Revisions and Updates: When predictions don’t match reality, scientists revise their models. This isn’t lying; it’s refining the science. It’s how they get closer to understanding the complex systems they study.

Real Consequences: Accusations without evidence can harm public understanding and delay crucial actions needed to mitigate climate impacts. The stakes are high, and misinformation can have real-world consequences.

Final Thoughts
It’s perfectly fine to question and critically evaluate predictions. That’s how science improves. But dismissing the entire field and labeling dedicated researchers as scammers without evidence? That’s not skepticism; that’s denial. The overwhelming evidence shows that human-caused climate change is real and happening. Discrediting this only hampers efforts to address a very serious global challenge.
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>the funny thing is, you are literally brown calling a white man brown as an insult. LOL
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>opinion discarded.
there are plenty of well known instances of humans destroying entire regions. turning areas toxic, turning seas into deserts, etc. these were all preventable
please get educated
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>Climategate - redpill me about it
Were you in a come last year? This is nothing in comparison.
imagine being this naïve
is this a bot? this level of cringe is not organic
>white man
Kek you got me giggling.
>believe exxon/shell guys PLEASE
yea.. you might be sheepie
good point

as someone else has pointed out better than I could; science is fine, but it's treated as it's own form of religion. Scientists are its priests, and you are not allowed to disagree with them, even though they keep changing their minds.

> wine is good for you
> no wine is bad
> ban wine, because 2 glasses of wine will kill you
> no, wine is now good for you, 2 glasses of wine will save your life.

It doesn't matter what the topic is; it always comes down to:
> the current opinion of "science" is infallable
> do not question our "experts"
> give us money
> if we change our minds, repeat
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except co2 and temperature dont correlate. Also 4% of the co2 in our atmosphere is anthropogenic
>35 posts by this id
We will gas all eco niggers

0 exceptions
>except co2 and temperature dont correlate. Also 4% of the co2 in our atmosphere is anthropogenic
that's actually just false. is that what you do? you just go online and lie? crazy man
>the i cant argue so ill seethe over postcount concession
classic. thanks for coming out, retard
You can still tell she has what I lovingly refer to as "vodka face" even when shopped lol
who the fuck is we? you and exxon's killteams?
ITT:retards congratulating retards

Special olympic gold medals for all!
Just another exscuse to fuck you in the ass. If it were a real bad problem dont you think every goverment would be doing something real to stop it? Weve been to the moon we are best in killing eachother in the galagzy. But somehow we are getting killed by "Climategate change" :D
CO2 and Temperature Correlation
The claim that CO2 and temperature don’t correlate is simply not supported by the evidence. Here’s the lowdown:

Long-Term Data: Ice core data going back hundreds of thousands of years show a clear correlation between CO2 levels and temperature. When CO2 levels rise, temperatures follow, and vice versa.

Recent Observations: Since the industrial revolution, CO2 levels have increased significantly due to human activities. Correspondingly, global temperatures have also risen. The past few decades have been the warmest on record.

Mechanism: CO2 is a greenhouse gas. It traps heat in the atmosphere. This is basic physics. More CO2 = more trapped heat = higher global temperatures. This principle is well-established and non-controversial in the scientific community.

Anthropogenic CO2
The claim that only 4% of atmospheric CO2 is anthropogenic is misleading. Here’s why:

Natural Cycle vs. Human Addition: The Earth has a natural carbon cycle, where CO2 is exchanged between the atmosphere, oceans, and land. However, human activities (burning fossil fuels, deforestation) add extra CO2 to this cycle, which the natural systems can't fully absorb.

Impact of 4%: Even if human activity is responsible for a "small" percentage of the total CO2, it’s the tipping point. This additional CO2 disrupts the natural balance, leading to increased greenhouse gas concentrations and warming.

Scientific Consensus: Studies consistently show that the increase in CO2 levels since the industrial revolution is primarily due to human activities. This is backed by isotopic analysis, which differentiates between CO2 from natural sources and that from burning fossil fuels.
you see that the graphs dont correlate, right? or are you blind?


Detailed Evidence
Keeling Curve: The continuous measurement of atmospheric CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory since 1958 shows a steady rise in CO2 levels. This rise correlates with the increase in global average temperatures.

Peer-Reviewed Research: Numerous studies have confirmed the link between CO2 and global warming. For instance, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports summarize thousands of peer-reviewed studies showing this correlation.

Basic Physics: The greenhouse effect, first proposed by scientists like John Tyndall and Svante Arrhenius in the 19th century, explains how CO2 and other greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. This isn’t new science; it’s a fundamental principle of climate science.

Dismissing the role of CO2 in global warming ignores extensive scientific evidence and basic physics. The correlation between CO2 and temperature is well-documented and robust. The addition of even "small" amounts of CO2 by human activities significantly impacts the global climate. This is a fact supported by historical data, recent observations, and the consensus of the scientific community.
>but, but... my jpg
exactly, shit doesnt correlate at all.
Checked. WEF have brown poo paid shills larping with leaf flags

I remember when it dropped, just before the Copenhagen party that Obama went to.

that should have been the end of it, but because the Democratic Marxists were in power they just ignored the 'evidence' of the whole thing being a scam and here we are still dealing with a whole fake industry that is completely reliant on being propped up by tax money due to zero profitability

I was absolutely wrecking the defenders of 'the sky is falling' bullshit back then. but government money keeps the biggest grift going
that's your argument? Climate change believers 1 climate changer deniers 0
my nigga, you literally ARE brown and you are using BROWN as an insult. what the fuck is going on here?
it'll be fun mowing you eco niggers down like bowling pins on the road lol
Brown hands typed this
>redpill me about it
It's simple, it's a form of economic sanctions you can get a rival country to impose on themselves and it costs you almost nothing to implement.
if the sky was literally falling, people would still be trying to profit off it. it doesn't mean it isn't happening.
china is making the most off of renewables btw.
Is he OK?
PAL reviewed
>oh hey, it helps the narrative. pass

why do you treat humans as 'better angels'?
why do you put so much faith in people that are OBVIOUSLY fellow grifting travelers?

credentials are not proof of holiness
i dont see her on news any more
you are the nigger, just look you argumentation
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It's not complicated. Climactic cycles are the norm on this planet. We are currently in a cool period. Earth is way better at adapting to high CO2 than low CO2 because high CO2 can be absorbed by photosynthetic life and stored in carbon molecules where as low CO2 must be addressed geologically through erosion and other extremely slow processes. For all these reasons it is a nothing burger. There are very real ecological crises: Loss of biodiversity, loss of top soil, monocropping, poison in air, water and food supply, xenobiotics. You will hear the blob talk little about these because they are the part of their business/agricultural model which they do not want to change. By contrast they talk endlessly about climate change because they can use it to grift more money into their pockets and more power into their bureaucracies.
jewish trick to trick retarded white people to donate money to a thing that doesnt exist
>china is making the most off of renewables btw.
oh yeah, they build the junk for us to fuck over our society. they don't rely on any of that shit for themselves.

you dipshit
What sort of worthless nigger cares what internet strangers think?

Oh right, gen z/millenials brainwashed niglets
Thanks alot chatgpt.
Royer, D. L., et al. (2007). "CO2-forced climate thresholds during the Phanerozoic." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(2), 469-477. This study analyzes the relationship between CO2 and temperature over the past 540 million years and finds that, while there is a weak general correlation, the relationship is not as straightforward as claimed by many alarmists. The authors suggest that other factors, such as changes in solar luminosity and continental configuration, may also play a significant role in climate variability.
Yeh isn't pattern recognition a nuisance. You should try it sometime. Actually, don't try it and just take your boosters instead
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no, you, you are here talking to me right now, I'm just exposing facts and logic and you don't believe in that, you are mentally handicapped and retard anda nigger
yes they do
>didn’t pan out exactly as expected?
No. They were wrong, dead wrong, completely wrong, 100% wrong.
>calling climate scientists scammers
thats what we call people who take taxpayer grants to fund "science" they know ahead of time is JUNK
if we had a real justice system, they would be charged with FRAUD

>or liars
but they did LIE. they lied on multiple occasions. they deliberately made statements which they KNEW were false. they have made some of the most ridiculous claims imaginable, claims which are not supported by any evidence. They also falsified the evidence on several papers. And its not just a few cranks in the community who have done this. So of the most prestigious Universities have engaged in this behaviour.

>That’s how science works: it gets better over time.
But thats not what is happening. we get the science we fund, adn right now all the virtue signalling "scientists" are promoting the "climate change" for extra big bucks

>Many so-called "failed" predictions were based on "if-then" scenarios.
And many werent, they were just bad science by low IQ grifters chasing soem grant money

Its long past time to defund these so called "scientists". If they are so smart, they should have no trouble making some money.
Fortunately the opinions of brainwashed niggers like you are not relevant
>Climactic cycles are the norm on this planet.
the sunspots determine our warmth or coolness.
that's why in the 70s there were honest scientists warning us of an impending little ice age. they review the centuries old record of sunspots that directly correlate with the warming and cooling cycles. we call them grand solar maximums and minimums

it was Michael Mann's job to erase the history of warming and cooling. going so far as to say that Europe was an isolated warming and cooling spot on the whole fucking earth if anyone questioned his retarded flat hockey stick graph which is still the foundation for all IPCC claims
-gate is NOT a suffix that means scandal.
Watergate had nothing to do with water.
in a few years or maybe even right now you could ask any retard off the street what "Watergate" was a scandal about and they'd guess some kind of water scandal
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noble cause, just cause
she tries to rise against the system that is raping the planet and deranged people on the internet bully her for it.
sad state of affairs
your fragile ego digging in so hard right now
Climate denial shills are literally all bought and paid for by big oil. They are good enough at their job to convince gullible tards that the climate change they can observe with their own senses aren't happening.

On pol they seem numerous because pol attracts fringe nutjobs. But in the real world the majority of people acknowledge that climate change is real and manmade due to CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels.

The fossil fuel industry itself along with pols idol Elon are all investing in solar and electric. Because even they see the writing on the wall. The petroleum is running out. Climate change is happening and sooner than later we just won't be able to burn anymore fossil fuel due to scarcity and environmental breakdown.
>yes they do
meanwhile, British Columbia is selling record amounts of COAL to China.

fuck off you dipshit
>I think that you're a low earning, low iq loser that's shilling for a trillion dollar industry.
You mean like you did for Pfizer for three years straight? Uh huh
for some reason most of them are fat, too. what's the deal with that?
also conveniently they always ignore solar activity,volcanic eruptions,Orbital Changes, Albedo Changes etc pp.
actually they are, you're in the echochamber nigger. come outside and you'll be bullied for 90% of your idiot low iq takes
Nah I'm good, my well honed jewdar won't let me down. By the way, don't be shy, tell us what your pronouns are
I care even less what fags irl think

You gen z millenial nigs are all weak sheeple lol

Go get your 11th covid booster you easily led cunt
you make how much a year? what is your pant size, fatty?
why would you presume to know more than people who are better and smarter than you in every way?
you've literally aligned with known shills of a trillion dollar industry. hahah you are exactly waht you think youre fighting. you're a failure
Im whiter than you pajeet
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climate change is real, but its mainly because people are degenerate. Driving cars is just a favor of degeneraccy, just like using 17kcal of energy to grow and harvest 1kcal of energy.

Great and all the other retards are just a countermovement to control and ridicule enviromentalist and and industrial ideas. The latter are directly created by God himself.
>easily led by exxon mobil and trillions of dollars of shill money
your facebook educated fat idiot
He will brush it off
irrelevant ad hominem and distraction from the real problems.
excess energy accumulated as fat can be burned off
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>calls others low IQ
>believes we should eat ze bugs and live in ze pod cause otherwise earth will become an uninhabitable fireball cause jews and scientists funded by jews say so
I kek'ed
didn't ask. read the room
turns out that the CIA independently raided the watergate hotel. Nixon had zero knowledge of that. the 'coverup' was Nixon trying to deal with kikes in the CIA running amok.

in the end we now know that the whole scandal was kikes forcing Nixon out because he ended the 'forever war' in Vietnam that was killing 'the best of goyim'. kikes put a man at the Washington Post and kikes had their man Felt (FBI) handing documents to their man at the WP.
dont you see the psychology? you're a loser and you're desperate to find any way to look down on others. this is all your damaged ego.
>big oil
oh no, scary big oil
keep taking your boosters from Big Pharma you fucking retard
>useless adhominem formed on baseless assumptions
lmao what a nigger
why are you shilling for big oil though? when were you compromised?
You dumb nigs will never get it

Never even had a failbook

Your detective skills are as poor as your sanity
Climate change is a symptom of Overshoot. That is, our inability to understand the consequences of exploiting resources. We have exploited fossil fuels to the detriment of our environment. The consequences are coming and our civilization may not survive it. The 1.5C increase is a measure of energy in the system. We are headed for 3C by 2100 and 3C will not be double as bad as 1.5C. It is a non-linear system and you fucks are about to find out what that means.
>yes goy focus on this persons fatness when the obesity rates are all time high, don't focus on raping the planet
sad blind man you are
it's easy to psychoanalyze people who are desperate and wrong about everything.
you were a causality of information warfare. you were had by BIG OIL. all you have is contradictions and hypocrisy. you literally just posted some lie + jpg and are pretending it didnt happen minutes later
Left wing faggots and jews use incorrect climate models to try and pass more taxes on people
Climate "science" is literally the opposite of science since they're only looking for and funding the results they desire
Simple ass
it's completely normal for there to be a rise in temp after a grand solar minimum that ended around 1850

you know, the point in time that climate scammers won't go beyond
Nah youre a dumbass who believes bullshit lies

Crazy fucktards like you psychoanalyzing anyone is the blind leading the blind
I LOVE oil and its benefits
I don't need to be paid to understand that the rise in Carbon Dioxide plant fertilizer is amazingly great for life
You are coping pretty hard "wrong about evrything" lmao, says the nigger who probably believes there are more than 2 genders. You are doing nothing but projecting, you think youre "morally superior" by listening to jews while being a midwit and a retard serving evil at the same time.
why are you getting in my hair. this is a fucking pol thread, not a debate. do you know where the fuck you are? incredibly low iq showing from my team. i dont stand a chance!
Indeed eco niggers is a code word for gullible NPC’s that chugged jewish cum to the point of self-delusion.
see.. again, you're conflating BIG OIL with
boosts, genders, etc.
it LITERALLY proves my point. it's all ego and lashing out against people that are better than you
stop drinking
You've let in too many shitskins. They absorb more heat.
"better than you" in what way? better at worshipping bullshit big jew media tells em? Maybe.
what? the only reply you got was mine, and you're giving me shit. you don't know how to hang on pol. you dont have the iq required to stir up these little faggots. leave it to me, son. go do something else.
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Does she know the Sun is sentient?
LOL yea. more generalizations. anything but facing your lack of worth
This fagtard only drinks semen
have any more lies + jpgs to post?
you're still seething around me, but not at me. did i buckbreak you that bad?
here are a few papers that have been published by climate skeptics that have been challenging for mainstream scientists to debunk

including the following: Lindzen, R. S., & Choi, Y. S. (2009). "On the determination of climate feedbacks from ERBE data." Geophysical Research Letters, 36(1), L0170-L0174.
Spencer, R. W., & Braswell, W. D. (2010). "On the diagnosis of radiative feedback in the presence of unknown radiative forcing." Journal of Climate, 23(15), 372-382.
Soon, W., & Baliunas, S. (2003). "Proxy climatic and environmental changes of the past 1000 years." Climate Research, 23(1), 89-110.
McKitrick, R., & Michaels, P. J. (2007). "Quantifying the influence of anthropogenic surface processes and inhomogeneities on gridded global climate data." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 112(D1), D11106
Lol this male attention whore is butthurt
answer my question
>"lies" cause they dont adhere to your jew narritve
Jewish semen indeed by the barrel loads delivered straight up from his closest synagogue.
>In 70s by 2005 NY and LA will be under water
>In 2000 by 2013 LA and NY will be underwater (Al Gore)
>In 2013 by 2023 there will be 1 billion climate refugees (WEF)
>In 2014 the world will end in 2026 if we don't stop climate change (AOC)

The world is always about to end 10 years from now.

From Christians who live in "the final days" since the roman empire, to Aztecs who's world will end if the government stops human sacrifices, to acid rains and ozone holes that were about to kill everyone until getting memory holed..

Awaiting the imminent end of the world is the default state of existence for most of humanity.

If climate change is about to kill everyone, why worry that your son is taught to cut huis dick off and your daughter to be a prostitute? Who cares that you're poor and being replaced by migrants? The sea levels are about to kill everyone soon anyway! (But not so soon that you could call them on it) To young people, when they hear this for the first time this is very convincing. It's an effective means of distracting them from real world issues and handing all power to bureaucrats. Greta came to the UN and angrily yelled about how the default viewpoint of the UN is correct and they should get more power, and charge everyone more climate taxes.
if you sin a lot it gets warm and penguins cry... you do not want a penguin to cry do you?.. of course not... they are too cute... so we have to make sacrifices, eat bugs and pray to the green god to give us rain and let the sun rise every morning...
but most importantly we have to kill all the heretics who do not believe in science...

Lindzen & Choi (2009): This paper argued for low climate sensitivity, but it has been heavily criticized for methodological flaws. Subsequent studies, including a correction by the authors themselves, found errors in their analysis.
>Subsequent studies, including a correction by the authors themselves, found errors in their analysis.

Spencer & Braswell (2010): This paper also argued for low climate sensitivity, but it was criticized for cherry-picking data and using an oversimplified model. The editor-in-chief of the journal that published it resigned over concerns about the peer review process.
>The editor-in-chief of the journal that published it resigned over concerns about the peer review process.

Soon & Baliunas (2003): This paper challenged the hockey stick graph of temperature changes, but it was widely criticized for methodological flaws. Several editors of the journal resigned in protest over its publication.
>Several editors of the journal resigned in protest over its publication.

McKitrick & Michaels (2007): This paper suggested that land-use changes, rather than greenhouse gases, were responsible for observed warming. However, subsequent analyses have found flaws in their statistical methods and data interpretation.
>However, subsequent analyses have found flaws in their statistical methods and data interpretation.

so your boys were paid by BIG OIL, got their money, have shills like you to carry the torch.

>inb4 science isn't real when contested, only when i post it on 4chan
Eco nigger brainwashed fags always move the goal post

Gas every last one of them
Green god is jewish btw.
>>Several editors of the journal resigned in protest over its publication.
nice argument
>hasn't contributed a single thing other than acknowledging he's tied his ego to the debate
why do you think youve done this to yourself? you were feeling insignificant in society, so it's society that's wrong?
your failures are on the system? yea? you ever take responsibility for being a fucking loser? no
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>you make how much a year?
ahelavu lot more then you
I have a 34 waist

>why would you presume to know more than people who are better and smarter than you in every way?
because I have a degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in machine design .... a REAL science

>you've literally aligned with known shills of a trillion dollar industry.
No. you have. you have aligned yourself with frauds and grifters who use junk science to push a global marxist agenda, often to the economic gain of the planets worst polluters, and the destruction of civil rights.

the junk science you morons benefits countries like China. When you shut down things like canadas oil and gas, you make everythign more expensive here. You hamstring our economies to China and russias benefit. Why do you think China is funding people like trudeau ... you think they have some benevolent altruistic function? Whos being naive. Canada produces the cleanest oila dn gas in the world, but you and your misguided friends want to shut that down while enabling the planets real polluters to build another coal plant everyday.

You want to talk about pollution, lets have that discussion. Lets talk about the mountains of plastic being pumped into the ocean. there can no discussion about pollution without discussing "per capita". and thats a discussion you dont want to have, because it means ending .... ending TODAY any global migration from countries that are overpopulated.

But the people who are misleading you dont want to have that discussion .... because it involves real problems, problems which require they make some really tough decisions.

and no one wants to talk about overpopulation. because (1) all the religious nutcases will claim jesus doesnt approve adn (2) and the brown people will claim they have a "uman rite" to flood the earth with unlimited jeets. Das racist.
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The earth gets warm and I want to get rich off of it, the end.
so not only were these controversial if not outright wrong, but they are cherrypicked papers in a sea of MANY
and this is all you have?
>The editor-in-chief of the journal that published it resigned over concerns about the peer review process.
Not a good debunk either
the quantity of experts who support a particular view, and there are indeed instances where the majority of experts in a field have been wrong about something. The history of science is filled with examples of theories and ideas that were once widely accepted but were later overturned or revised in light of new evidence or discoveries.
climate change has been a concerned before 'green energy' existed. and im not even arguing for green energy. im not aligned with them.
im for nuclear.

why you are shilling for exxon is something else entirely. you got fox news'd
Lol reddd1t tier faggotry

No one gives a fuck what you think eco nigger
Listen we are gonna drive our cars, eat our meat and use airplanes no matter what your jewish masters say.
i've already debunked your idiot shit. and the spanish guy shit on your jpg earlier.
you could either learn from this, or pretend it didnt happen
>I won bc i told him I won

Get the fuck out

same? you think im going to stop? i said i was for nuclear in other comments.
so... why not be based to begin with? instead of feeling guilty and tryiing to warp reality around your refusal to change.
the difference between you and me is that im not LITERALLY shilling for a trillion dollar industry though. you are.
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I also question OP's motives. He has an unusual bump on the side of his head; and science has concluded that this is a sign of secretiveness
bullshit there is no correlation between co2 and temperature in the long run.
Your alarmist eco bullshit however has been utterly pathetic.
arent you doing the same?
you've yet to argue anything? you see this as winning/losing? you're an annoying little gnat that doesnt have the iq to hang. you just get trampled by me every few comments why i talk shit with other adults
>you think im going to stop?
exactly, also idc if my electricity is produces with coal or anything because it wont cause an apocalype
it's not part of my identity to lash out at people that are trying to prevent the world from dying. im not the contrarian shilling for big oil.
other than that, yea im the same.
My sides

This newfag niglet is fucking clueless

Go glue your balls to a road queer
but there wont be an apocalypse because of co2, let alone human emitted co2
>it wont cause an apocalype
it will. you either accept that youre contributing, or change your lifestyle. your 'lifestyle' change doesnt have to be not eating meat. you could vote for nuclear (or green) in instances where you have a say.
you could litereally also just stop shilling for BIG OIL.
you dig?
Nah man human co2 emissions are a nothingburger, accept it
it's not just co2, nigger.
and humans have already caused MASSIVE ecological disasters. im talking entire regions.
were you not aware?
The world is literally going in a direction we've never seen in human history. Global warming, droughts, rising water levels, the clearing of nature for unlimited economic growth are going to cause major change on our planet. Migration, chaos, loss of animal and plant diversity, and unprecedented additional problems that the previous things cause will all bode ill for life on our planet. And when someone comes out and says that this is bad and that our leaders should do more about it, here's the prize for your troubles:
ok it's an othing burger so you're going to save a bunch of jpgs and shill against it, 'just incase its fake'. what a good dude. it;s surely not because your ego is on the line.
>more the sky is falling niggotry

Hurl yourself off an elevated surface into oncoming traffic
unfortunatley for you the earth has been much hotter than today, like 250 million years ago when mammals evolved the average gloabla temperature was almost double the average of today, and life flourished.
not "in case" it is fake due to conclusive evidence beyond the shaaow of a doubt
except for all the doubt that you can easily find if you understood critical thinking and confirmation bias
just admit. you were swayed by big oil when they tied their campaign to right wing politics.
I mean the fact that leftists hate "cliamte deniers" is another good indication that they're correct, im not gonna deny that.
This worthless nigger cattle huffs gretas' farts
>The claim that CO2 and temperature don’t correlate is simply not supported by the evidence. Here’s the lowdown:
>Long-Term Data: Ice core data going back hundreds of thousands of years show a clear correlation between CO2 levels and temperature. When CO2 levels rise, temperatures follow, and vice versa.

CO2 levels lag behind temperature changes in the ice core record, suggesting that temperature changes drive CO2 changes rather than the other way around. This argument is based on the observation that, in some cases, temperature increases precede CO2 increases by a few hundred years Fischer, H., et al. (1999). "Ice core records of atmospheric CO2 around the last three glacial terminations." Science, 284(5411), 195-198.
Caillon, N., et al. (2003). "Timing of atmospheric CO2 and Antarctic temperature changes across Termination III." Science, 299(5603), 172-175.
>RCP8.5: If we keep burning fossil fuels without any real effort to change, we’re heading straight for disaster.
You're probably just a parrot copy pasting this shit but that's a lie. RCP 8.5 was an almost impossible bullshit scenario when it was conceived back in 1980s already. It's 40 years later and none of its assumptions hold anymore. Yet you dumbass bimbos keep scaring the children with it. Fuck you.
>Anthropogenic CO2
>The claim that only 4% of atmospheric CO2 is anthropogenic is misleading. Here’s why:
>Natural Cycle vs. Human Addition: The Earth has a natural carbon cycle, where CO2 is exchanged between the atmosphere, oceans, and land. However, human activities (burning fossil fuels, deforestation) add extra CO2 to this cycle, which the natural systems can't fully absorb.
>Impact of 4%: Even if human activity is responsible for a "small" percentage of the total CO2, it’s the tipping point. This additional CO2 disrupts the natural balance, leading to increased greenhouse gas concentrations and warming.
LLM served by Perplexity Labs
As a skeptic scientist, I would argue that the impact of anthropogenic CO2 on the climate is often overstated, and the natural carbon cycle is more resilient than many climate models suggest. Here are some points to consider, along with relevant papers:
Natural Variability and Absorption: The Earth's carbon cycle has significant natural variability, and the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems have the capacity to absorb a substantial amount of the additional CO2. For instance, a study by Sabine et al. (2004) found that the oceans have absorbed about 30% of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions since the Industrial Revolution. This suggests that the natural systems can absorb a larger portion of the human-induced CO2 than is often acknowledged.
Sabine, C. L., et al. (2004). "The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO2." Science, 305(5682), 367-371.
Uncertainties in Climate Models: Climate models have uncertainties and limitations, particularly when it comes to simulating the complex interactions between the atmosphere, oceans, and land. A study by Knutti et al. (2010) highlighted the challenges in quantifying these uncertainties and their impact on climate projections. As a result, the precise contribution of anthropogenic CO2 to climate change remains uncertain.
Knutti, R., et al. (2010). "Challenges in combining projections from multiple climate models." Journal of Climate, 23(10), 2739-2758.
Other Factors Driving Climate Change: While anthropogenic CO2 is a significant contributor to climate change, other factors, such as changes in solar radiation, volcanic activity, and land use, also play a role. A study by Lean and Rind (2008) suggested that natural factors could account for a substantial portion of the observed warming in the 20th century.
Lean, J. L., & Rind, D. H. (2008). "How natural and anthropogenic influences alter global and regional surface temperatures: 1889 to 2006." Geophysical Research Letters, 35(1), L0170(1-L0170(5.
Adaptation and Mitigation: Even if anthropogenic CO2 is a significant driver of climate change, it is essential to consider the costs and benefits of mitigation efforts. A study by Tol (2009) suggested that the economic costs of reducing CO2 emissions could outweigh the benefits, particularly in the short term. Instead, focusing on adaptation measures could be a more cost-effective approach to addressing climate change.
Tol, R. S. J. (2009). "The economic effects of climate change." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(2), 29-51.
>It's tough but achievable with massive global cooperation

See all we have to do to save the world is create a one world government and enact strict controls on the activity of every human being

How do you fall for propaganda this obvious?
Gen z/millenials are all govt asshole licking nigger cattle
15-17c outside for the past week. Really fucking weak global warming considering it used to be around 30c around this time of year in the 80s and 90s when I was a kid.

Also, how do you know this is all bullshit? NO ONE is protesting china or OPEC.
Guys, dont be mean.
Greta is cute.
>Greta is cute.
No she is an old hag now.
Funny thing: No one cares about Greta now that she is over the age of 18 and not in school anymore.
when it comes to science or trade more or less every communiqué of the people's daily mentions climate change
Climate change is real.
why is she so fucking ugly?? is her parents inbred?
Alcohol fetal syndrome. Check here: >>473180182
CO2 is .01-.04% of the atmosphere. 100-400 ppm. 30% of that is manmade, 30-120ppm. Reducing that even by 50% will do nothing. And India, China & Africa aren't changing. 1 cargo ship = 50Million cars. There are >6000 cargo ships. Why not solar power some of those? Problem solved.
i am seeing a change in sentiment on libtard twitter accounts toward nuclear but this is because anthropogenic climate change is definitely real
C02 is 4%, not 0.04
Good idea about cargo ships- this is being developed.
Reddit, it's that way.
.0004x1,000,000 = 400
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>bode ill for life on our planet
mind-nigger... the planet is not our friend and is never has been. your beloved planet is in many cases responsible for several mass extinction and "climate changes" in the past also... let me just point out 3 simple points what the planet did to get rid of your ancestors but failed (sadly):

1) siberian traps (similar in now today india)
2) gondwana mega continent, desertification causes one of the major extinction even (which means climate change)
3) putting antarctica on the southpole and closing the gap between north and sout america: global heat exchange into the trash bin (ice age, mass extinctions.. and your still living in one).

never again try to depict this shithole planet as something holy - its not. it tried to kill us numerous times since we made it into DNA. we are not family. we are enemies. mortal enemies. its just that we managed to tip scales in our favor for once - but no, idiots like you advertising return to monkey and get fucked by the planet once again.
i am yelling right now
>30% of that is manmade
did oyu learn that in al gore's climate-crisis youtube university? channel sponsored by economic eco-fascists?
4-5 % at max is man made and the planet is officially getting greener!
Oh yeah it is .04%
My bad
we must increase the concentration of oxygen and carbon in the athmosphere

I want to see mosquitos the size of a hand and cockroaches the size of dogs, EATING liberals alive
no one denies changes in climate, mind-nigger - but that its man-made alone. this is the axiom all their eco-facist "measures" depend on. its a mega psy-ops.
wat the fuck an entire Greta thread without sexiness of Greta just Red dit blog posting
I would pay an astronomical amount to see her Hawk Tuah.
>This additional CO2 disrupts the natural balance, leading to increased greenhouse gas concentrations and warming.ecosphere cant compensate.
yeah nigger, and thats why the planet is getting greener - according to official UN sources... and that means we got more plant growth. also you fuckes never ever put the clouds albedo into your "models"!

ever compared a fish tank with and without CO2 fertilizer? i bet you didnt...
>according to official UN sources
the max planck institute
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Anyone else want to blast that Swedish retard's pussy?
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for you, fren.
Urban heat island. Thermodynamic equilibrium, ideal gas law. The oil companies are profiting the most from green energy, also why not regulate the shipping industry? Do they somehow produce more " greenhouse gas" than a 2 stroke chainsaw? Hmm.oh and positive feed back loops are not real.this has been proven time and time again. Cargo cult
>why not regulate the shipping industry?
oh i dunno they only move 80% of the stuff you eat
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>scientific consensus.
>primarily due to human activities.

imnot going into the topic of this fake "study" OP is trying to point at without naming it. its the "cook study". cook et all just invented a comfy way to caclulate EVERY STUDY they included which didnt explicitly denied human influence into the "yeah its the humans!"-cluter. and this way they got 97% "consensus". itts magic. look it up, anons. and its still "sauced" to this day. usually without actually naming it.

right, mind-nigger - so where did this "excess" CO2 hundred of thousands of years come from AFTER the temperature has risen? there was no "china" back then, not even humans.

and dont start babling "volcanos and shiieet" - that wouldnt explaint the proportional rise of CO2 AFTER temperature started to rise.

go back to feggit and dont forget to cash in your greta-cheque next monday.
Clearly you missed that point, and no they don't but why regulate lawn mowers and not freighters? Climate change is a hoax btw
the world is getting warmer so naturally carbohydrates will break down more easily
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Thermodynamic equilibrium is not possible with the current model of climate change. Earth's equilibrium cannot be changed by positive feedback loops from ir scattering. This would violate basic conservation laws.
>The correlation between CO2 and temperature is well-documented and robust.
do you even know what youre copy&pasting here? this thread s about "man-made climate change" and the best you can do is come up with "correlation" and ages old folk-wisdoms? according to your implication we could also state that the rising in global piracy correlates with "climate change" and therefor human piracy is, at least somewhat, responsible for "man-made climate change".

also, why dont you post the sources of your claims? no? fearing they could be refuteable already?
>the world is getting warmer
or is it?
this is a pretty chilly summer baka
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>> Glacier national park has removed the signs which said that the glacier would be gone by 2020 due to climate change.
yeah, what these mind-niggers also dont tell the public is that the "glaciers" grew and receeded multiple times in the last 3-400K years... a while ago they even found the remnants of adult trees high above todays tree-line in the alps.. receding glaciers unearthed them... which means, blunt and short. its all a panic psy-ops to get more taxes out of us and installing a globohomo daily life regiment NO CULTURE IN HISTORY would have tolerated.

>troons are women.
>diversity is strength.
>climate change is man made and evil.
what if we convince all the libtards to go (voluntarily, of course) to climate justice camps

where they can eat bean paste and do crystal yoga until they waste away and are forgotten about
>when you purge and defund all skeptics and contrarian researchers from the field over
they reference to the iinfamous "cook study" from the 90s. cook et al just put every study into "man-made" which didnt explicitly denied that influeance. thats how they could "calculate" the "overwhelming consensus". its fake but still references today, usually without naming it as source.

tehy also told their minions to "hide the decline" - which means they not only fabricated the end-result according to their agenda but also manipulated parts of the data input. in this case tree-growth data..

its a fucking psy-ops. a mind-war. nothing more.
at least a grpah which didnt start at the end of the "small ice age" in the 19th century... usually the main stay of this borgs to "prove" humanity is the cause.
You just have to speak over them like they aren't there -- can't fix their stupid unfortunately. But there is a smart fraction on here who assess everything regardless of who/ what tribe said it.
This guy knows. Overshoot. Plus dysgenics evident by the retarded right and crazy left majority mobs that can't string a coherent political platform to save either their environment or their population from ecocide or democide.
rediculous... climate change is real. it always has been real. whats the whole shitshow is about is "prooving" "man-made climate change". thats what all their shit is about. thats their major axiom. their self contrued "legitimacy".

also associationg "the jews" to the "contra-man-made" movement is a psyops in itself to ridicule their efforts.

up until the 70s all the temperature was written down by some nerd in a lighthouse somewhere eyeballing a mercury thermometer
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guilty as charged - now eat our bugs and rot in our pods.
Climate change is real but some people are retarded enough to think Humans have a duty to control instead of letting nature run its course.
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>carbohydrates will break down more easily
still doenst explain the massive rise of CO2 after temperature change. the truth is: it gets warmer -> more plant life, more animal life -> more CO2 in the end. also gassing out CO2 from the warmer oceans.

but still not china, not even mentionworthy "human acitiviy" in it all...
Read about the coldest years of the little ice age.
1658. and 1659. being very cold.
The kikes that were buying up grain before the markets imploded and earned huge profits on hungry population and when grain prices skyrocketed after several weak and failed crops.
Of course they had information about the incoming cold period from astronomers and astrologers and other learned men of the time.

Plebes had no idea in 1649. that in just 10 years it will be such a disaster.
Thats how you capitalize on having information about climate and its eb and flow.

Now we have lots of fags in green parties and even more in academia and politics that push those shitty agendas. But the shtick is fundamentally the same.
KIkes are abusing the knowledge of incoming warm period to get profits and grab land and power.
that's the face she makes when she tries to shit out all that tofu she ate
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>the world is only 25k years out of an ice age
we are not out of the ice age... as long as there is ice on the poles - we are in an ice age. thats the official definition.

remember: earth was most of the time life existed ICE FREE. at least we didnt ding any evidence that there was ice. that very early "snow ball earth" dont count into it obviously.
I would relieve myself on her face and use it as a toilet napkin
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>where they can eat bean paste and do crystal yoga until they waste away and are forgotten about
that would take to long and also poisons the planet with even more set free CO2. according to their own ideology and agenda they should be killed and buried high up in the north and frozen there. metres below ground.

remember: every human alive is responsible in their own shitshow-agenda to further climate-change. even if they would just sit naked on the gras 24/7 and eat flowers - they still exhale and fart CO2 (and worse)... quick kill and then burial in perma-frost on some arctiv island. thats would do it.
>free CO2
plants crave it 1200 ppm the world is a fuck
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yeah. thats why i personally prefer weather chronicles which described the reaction of nature... like fruit trees having a SECOND harvest in FEBRUARY for several years... and farmers reporting they did a second seeding in JANUARY... which means: no winter - fruit trees went from first harvest straight into growing the next one.. no leaf dropped to the ground.

but sadly also reports of massive droughts for 1-2 years at other times. also the quite opposite: wet summers and rotting grain...

they couldnt measure anything 500 - 100 years ago but you cant fool mother nature.

(im from central europe, so it doesnt mean the US or any other part of the world)
Anyone have her deepfakes or the folder with the collection?
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>You just have to speak over them like they aren't there -- can't fix their stupid unfortunately
spoken like a true borg. you should contact the IPCC. i personally will write you a letter of recommendation so you can take part in the one and only purpose of the IPPC - to "proof" the "climate-change" is "man-made".

go back to plebbit, mindslave.
Your whole life revolves around winning arguments on the Internet that dont matter on positions you know are objectively wrong, by playing word games.

Keep wasting your life.
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>but some people are retarded enough to think Humans have a duty to control
ohnononnonono, my friend, its not just that... i wish it were. its about fat money gains in a totally saturated market situation (for at least 3 decades), political power grab and never before seen social control paradigm.
the principal agent in this tragicomedy seems to be the united states
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>human activities are the primary cause of global warming.
Exactly. See picrel.
Basic physics is the law of partial pressures. Water vapor swamps any and all contributions of CO2, methane, etc., humans are natural too and we need to adapt to the new reality, not waste time trying to stop something we cannot. See King Canute and the tide...
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calm down, anon - my uncle (and i) had a fish tank. i had no CO2 fertilizing - he had on his much bigger tank. it was as obvious as day an night. his plants grew so much i regulary could have some for my own tank. my own plants grew real slow but at least didnt started to wither.

its true, today CO2 part in the air is basically a starving diet for most plants.

tehy even proofed it by comparing ancient plant relics with current ones of the same species. the acient ones had much less leaf opening than the current ones. which means: currently they have a much harder time to get CO2 out of the air than they had back in the good old days.

but you cant "argue" that with "climate-sect acolytes" - its a faith for them. the mind-war ruined their brains...
Este negro brilla.
>encourages the radicalization of an autist who barely even understands the world and human interactions and puts her on display for people across the entire world to hate on
Why are parents like this?

>onlyfans when?
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US-farts thinks he knows me.. even when never even spoke a word to me before. i advise a nuclear winter resulting from an all out nuclear strike on you wsteful shithole meme-nation. that would do great to keep your own exorbitant CO2 emmission in check for the next, lets say, 100 years. better get ready - cause your government is pressing it for decades.
One effect of climate change will be mass migration away from areas that become unlivable. This and a lack of fresh water will cause wars.
Humans try to solve problems and prevent problems-- it's what we do.

But you keep sitting on your arse in your bedroom staring at a little rectangle.
its not my problem their ancestors stayed in their shitholes for millenias. its called "risk of life" or "natural selection". i wont welcome these fucks in my lands. let them deal with it like their acestors did it. its not the first temperature rise since "modern humans" hit the stage!

what do you think all these.. "poor, sad, climate victims" did during the roman warm period or the medieval warm period?

i bet they tried to create something like the IPCC and blame it on the romans or europeans instead of getting ready and adapt their lifestyle.

and please, mind-nigger, dont even try to pack out the wetbulb-temp shit-show... local shorttime extremse doesnt make a region inhabitable. i know. cause we were close to this here last year for 2-4 weeks! and shits still working today here.
Climate change will kill your family. You got red pulled too late, sorry
another confused redditor mistook this for his usual plebbit enviroment.
fuck you, climate change is real you traitor of humanity
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another borg-drone straight out of MSM/plebbit. just for you retard in very simple spelling:



"MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE" is an agenda nothing more.

CLIMATE-CHANGE ist real. as it always was real for the last 1 billion years, you lobotomized fuck.
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It's cold right now in July, nigger. But you are half-correct, "Climate Change" wants to kill us all.
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I think I just felt a climate change in my pants!
goddamnit, nigger... its NOT ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE!


thats their narrative! thats their AXIOM! thats their "legitimacy"!. thats what all their "measures" are causal connected to! ALL. OF. THEM. yes. also: eat-the-bugs. live-in-a-pod. own-nothing-be-happy. 15-minutes-cities. global-digital-ID. E-V-E-RYthing. its like the promise of heaven or hell back in the middle ages.

noting more.
you got this now?!
in short: you are the "carbon" they want to reduce and control.
I loathe incels
how do you punish your wife?
Nufag detected xD
Stfu kike. Funded by commie trash who don’t want cheap energy for anyone.
Oil keeps the Weat involved in the desert and that’s exactly what you heeb niggers want.
Can’t wait to bury you all in the sand where you belong.

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