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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Putin completely BTFO

It got destroyed the first day it was deployed
They blew up 4 of those near Kharkov. Absolute graveyard of Ukrainian artillery, no wonder they’re losing ground near Toretsk now, they are completely spent.
It was a game changer for one precious hour. And then it exploded.
>"secret weapon"
You’ve been fighting for 2.5 years and you’ve still not taken anything significant. You’re stuck in your former industrial heartland grinding down the already dwindling youth of your dead empire, while you’re being replaced by Muslim migrants in your cities.
>putting a high value target on a soft skinned vehicle

what could possibly go wrong
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https://youtu.be/JhWMsBgT8lc KolomolskyZelensky
https://youtu.be/mWvsZngCBsE sodomy
https://youtu.be/5ESiqANzNpk Zelensky snoring cocaine from dick

Bio weapon labs in Ukraine

Kike is high !
Always enjoy russhits cope. It's amazing you guys think anyone believes this, you know we can watch ziggers die on hd daily?
It's a good source of videos where you can see russian boys die in entertaining ways. Yes.
I'm sure this will turn the tide
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>secret weapon
>youtube video about it
What tide? Russia bogged down and getting decimated daily.
They build 200 of these a month. It's no secret. Meanwhile Russia can't build anything.
You're a sick sack of shit,
a typical scumbag Brit.
Pakis know what to do,
soon you will be gone too.
Nothing sick about watching invaders get blown to pieces.
Should've stayed home.
>soon you will be gone too
You and whose army you fucking faggot?
* an artylery fire land a shell 20 m away from it
all wheels on one side are now flat, drivers is dead because shnarpel pierced glass like butter
engine disabled
there is a reason why spg are on tracks and have armor that can stop shrapnel even from 7 meeters
Twenty more boats arriving today,
filled with immigrants who will stay.
Now that Labour is back in control,
the grooming gangs will fucking LOL.
You have fun watching Russian kids dying,
I have fun watching Pakis multiplying.
Soon you'll begin converting to Islam
scolding your women for being haram.
It's not like you still have a choice,
you'll convert without any noise.
The United kingdom is in demise,
soon New Pakistan from will rise.
Many are horny and will fuck Bong kids,
But that's fine because Bongs are shits.
Ah, you're a shitskin. Opinion disregarded. Kys.
>Ukraine achieves the high technology of 1960's Czechoslovakia
Truly grim. They're going to flatten us, aren't they, zisters?
>Sven complaining about other country's muslim problem
Please don't. You are fucked beyond redemption.
>while you’re being replaced by Muslim migrants in your cities.
Kek, they're gonna be like Sweden soon!
y-you too
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How many more weeks until Crimea fella xister?
Won't be long now.
at least write the proper letter in latin alphabet hohol faggot
....May we see it?
whyd you leave your family ivan, go back and get drafted
get some glasses canada cuck
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this one is from day one of the Kharkov offensive
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Lancet hits an Ukrainian army SPG 2S22 Bohdana in Kharkhov region
Posted on: May 14 2024
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>ukies build a cool gun that shoots farther than ziggers
>ziggers seeth
You're supposed to show the evidence just like we do.
>seriously responding to the lowest form of life known to a man
Why waste your time?
Sane people already know what’s going on. Insane people can’t be convinced.
Look >>473235016
They actually believe this, while they’re watching Ukrainians getting abducted from the street. They are mentally ill.
Show flag and post hand shitskin.
You're supposed to show flag pajeet.
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No flag but another webm for ya.
Footage of the Lancet kamikaze drone hitting another wheeled 155-mm self-propelled gun 2S22 "Bogdana" of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on a Tatra 158 chassis in the Sumy region.
Published on: May 28 2024
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The Swiss have amazing artic cat ones. If they weren't overrun with immigrants and niggerdom, I'd jerk off over it.
>haven't jerked it in decades
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Defeat of another Ukrainian long-range 155mm 2S22 Bogdana SPG by means of the Lancet-3 Kamikaze UAV (Product-51).
Video published on: May 27 2024.
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Kharkov direction, Sosnovy Bor.
The soldiers of Group North identified the 2S22 “Bogdan” self-propelled gun and destroyed it with Lancet.
Video published on: May 17 2024.
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Video from the enemy side with the destroyed Ukrainian self-propelled gun 2S22 “Bogdan”. The second one confirmed in 2 days in the Kharkov direction.
Video published on: May 11 2024.
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Ukrainian howitzer got hit
The 2S22 Bohdana self-propelled howitzer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was struck by the Lancet suicide drone.
they made a knockoff of the Caesar canon?
>secret weapon
>youtube video
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Destruction of the Ukrainian 155-mm self-propelled gun "Caesar" based on the Tatra T815 8x8 Chassis by the Lancet kamikaze drone.
It also said that it could be a 2S22 "Bohdana 3.0" self-propelled gun on a Tatra chassis.

Video posted on: February 26 2024.
>Lancet suicide drone
that's awfully specific choice of words
Cause he’s copy-pasting from Telegram.
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our boy L-ACKs! a sense of self-preservation, yeah
Any estimate when there‘ll be a visible collapse of hohol lines ?
>new Wundewaffe
It's from like 2018
You literally have a pookistani flag yourself
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No need to post this, believe in the ZSU.
As do you. I'll be back in Vienna in a couple of weeks if you want to fight about it? I'm taking my teenage daughter to the Korn concert there.
Come put your hands where your mouth is?
very nice
at least they don't speak german
Why would we need to. Germs all speak English.....
>It's name is the banana
On a scale from 1 to 10 how demolished are you right now
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>like we do
Who's we?
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Russia lost 66 artillery pieces yesterday. He's posted 4.
On a scale of 1-10 how demolished is the russian military?
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Here's a hint newfag.
But they already have Archers, PHZ 2000 and Paladings? How is this different?
They build them in Ukraine, currently about 200 a month.
Well okay shit. And I guess lacking in armor isn't that big of a deal if you're actually able to shoot and scoot. Does anyone know what the setup time for shooting is with these things? How about the time it takes up to bail out after shooting?
They're basic but effective. You'll note all the pics he put up are from may when Ukraine was low on AA ammo?
Lancets no longer take them out.
Yet another wonder weapon that we won't hear about anymore in a few weeks when all of them have been destroyed?
Just like the Leopard and Abrams tanks, how come we don't hear about them anymore, uh?
>when all of them have been destroyed?
This is a Ukrainian only weapon, they build them. They're not going to be running out, quite the opposite.
Only idiots think weapons are indestructible.
Yeah but uparmoring against EFP drones is a losing game in the long run anyway. I'd guess the biggest threat you could armor against with an SPG was counter arty. That being said, there was an interview with a PHZ crew who claimed they were hit by a lancet twice and suffered no damage. Probably a mix of luck in combination with the armor. The amount of metal you need to repel an EFP is crazy.
the only Chad in this war
How come we don't hear about oil refineries anymore? This one's been burning all night.......
>On a scale of 1-10 how demolished is the russian military?
About as demolished as they were six months ago when this was still largely a stalemate conflict, and six months before that.
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Call me back when a river catches on fire.
am i supposed to believe these numbers
Why didn't Macron send Leclercs to Ukraine? I know at one point it was the most expensive MBT but with the way Macron was yapping a few months earlier, you would have believed he would at least send 5.
Kek. Slava Novorussyia. Death to the army of homosexuals.
They don't care. Just send more money.
We do, and if you followed russian telegram channels you'd hear a lot more. They absolutely hate Leo 2, Abrams, CV90 and Chadleys. There's a reason they throw and everything they have against them. And there's a reason russian armor won't go head to head with western armor unless they absolutely have to.
Yes, they've been consistently correct since the zigger hordes crossed the border.
Thank you for your taxes.
Ok a mobile artillery cannon. What's the problem with that?
They don't even have the modern Bradley's and Abrams lmao
Joke's on both of us. I don't make enough money to pay taxes.
Remember the chalet fucking up the t-90 one on one?
Russian gear is utter shite.
That's nothing. The way it's designed it's obvious they make a lot of these.
I hope your life improves lad.
Ukrainians are fucking retards and so is anyone else that consumes their desperate propaganda slop.
It won't, but thanks.
Because of the smart anti-tank landmines and suicide drone making armored vehicles and maneuver warfare obsolete?
Yeah and they are still superior to the soviet shitboxes russia has kekaroo
Get out of my country.
Numbers are saying you are right.
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>secret Wundervaffe
Hahhaha, we're speedrunning to the end, aren't we?
I wonder when they introduce Vergeltungswaffen.
You think that the russians are not deploying armor? They are, and the depletion rates are crazy high. They just rather blow them up on mines and/or mines and SMRT shells from above than against western armor. I don't know how much of that is because they know that they'd lose bc of the mismatch of firepower and ability, or bc they are afraid of the propaganda value footage of western equipment inevitably destroying the top of the line russian vehicles. Or if it's just the fact that the crews are too afraid. But they are afraid for a good reason.
UURRRA! based lancet, they fitted it with thermobaric in their latest version.
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>And there's a reason russian armor won't go head to head with western armor
Spoilers: All those mothballed T-55s they pulled out of storage are being used as self-propelled artillery. If they're not doing math to hit their targets they're too damn close.
Get a load of these digits!
Your country is India, Shitar.
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>Russian losses?
>No, I've got something better, it's drawing of Russian losses
I can't fucking STAND this guy.
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I've been to your country. Why do your menfolk sleep in the city flowerbeds?
Respect the numbers or get out of here newfag.
Watch your mouth numbers have spoken.
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Reminder that the soviets were paranoid and aware of the western satans, therefore they built all their critical infrastructure underground, even capable of withstanding a full nuclear blast. There are entire military cities inside mountains and underground connected with a complex underground train and subway system, all of these were modernized and used today. Therefore Russian infrastructure for war is well and thriving. Western homosexual demons are going to live the same faith as (((hitler))) inshallah.
>Ukraine's Secret Weapon of War
oy vey, so secret, so weapon, oy vey!
to the last goyim, oy, i mean hohol
Impressive numerals. Hohols iodine efficiency confirmed.
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I can't hear you over the sound of cow piss gargling Shitar. Speak up!
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theyve wasted equipment, stolen it, and money as well
but russia will be crushed regardless
and ukraine, you will be held accountable for the stealthily stolen money and lies about equipment
Reddit and /k/opium jannies won't allow him to see anything that goes against the narrative and therefore it does not exist in their brain fog addled minds.

They genuinely believe in a 1000/1 K/D in favour of ukraine and if you even mention that one without a death warrant signed by zelensky himself they have a hysteric breakdown about imaginary Russians in their walls.
/k/opium is a meme it's like reddit section on it's own.
Neck yourself you div
how hard of a meltdown do you think they would have if they realized that a significant percentage of reported "Russian casualties" were actually Ukrainian Donbas Separatists?
Nice cope. Shame it's not true.
>Wunderwaffe #986 will turn the tide!
>1000/1 K/D
It's about 8/1 actually. The Russians are REALLY bad at war.
Get out of my country.
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Shitar still thinks he'll get (You)s in this thread.
Prove him wrong lads.
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Sven, some self awareness please
> An Artillery Cannon
OOoooo. Russia is doomed now.
Fucking please.
Wunderwuffen confirmed.
Is the balkanized Soviet Union still killing off their men that they planned to kill Americans with? Thanks CIA!
They build 200 of them a month while they destroy around 50 russian tubes a day.
Do the maths kiddo. Russia can't produce anything.
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kekked, that was a short conversation
I'm not a russian bot but are the russians even really trying to take more of the ukraine at this point? the ukrainians talk a lot about holding the front lines but it's less impressive if the russians were just holding theirs as well. I imagine russia in theory could easily flatten kiev if they actually wanted to.
I don't think it matters as long as Soviet men are dying.
>I imagine russia in theory could easily flatten kiev if they actually wanted to
You'd imagine wrong kiddo. Russia is barely hanging on at this time. It won't be long before they turn and run home.
I thought eastern Europeans were great at just cranking out cheap tanks almost 100 years ago. Why don't they do that again?
what makes you so sure about that?
the international bankers makes those decisions, not some engineers
Cheap tank is not enough if you are in defense against strong artillery

Remember how puccians thought they can take Kijów with their shitass cope-caged tanks?
You replied to Shitar. You lost.
Thank you for playing.
Remember when the Soviet Union was a rival to the USA? Now it's balkanized and the USA is getting them to kill each other. Lol. I'm sure it's just a coincidence
I've been closely following the war for years. The Russians are broken. They are out of equipment and morale is so low you'd need a scraper to find it.
They are being fought out of Vovchansk as we speak, when the new northern advance fails I expect things to start happening.
Now let's see yours gypsy scum?
The last thing we want is for former Soviet states to be at peace. We need Russia to think they have a chance so they don't jump out of the pot like the dumb frogs they are.
Having a jew blow up children making sand castles on the beach at noon on a christiam holiday was a great motivator for the troops, no press gangs needed!
you have been saying this for 2 years now, they're broke, got no ammo, etc. etc. why would I believe you now?
Cool story Shitar, too bad you speak Poojeet tier English.
Russia was never crushed historically and today Russia is stronger than ever. All logic and reason tells us, Russia will defeat the western homosexual war mongers and push them nato faggots till Poland’s border. This will take time but it will be completed by 2030 at a small pace without taking western Ukraine which is Ukrainian but eastern Dnipr and up is rightful Russian clay.
Going on holiday to a war zone is so very russian. More fool them and good riddance.
>They build 200 of them a month
With what ? 5% their access to electricity? With 5hours a day of electricity ? With what they build 200 a month you homosexual western paki.
But if there are like 10,000 fast moving. cheap tanks against 2,000 artillery emplacements shouldn't that be irrelevant?
> Once it's done balkanizing and killing itself it'll be stronger than when the Soviet Union existed and wasn't at war with itself.
If you kill yourself your enemies lose.
I don't care what you believe Fritz.
Cows look perplexed.
I dont know why wunderwaffe entered the zigger vocabulary. They’ve been losing most objectives in the war, and outside of it they haven’t even battled a single NATO country, and their military is wasted.
>barely hanging …
Hang on there FAB 5000 and FAB 9000 are next on the floating bomb menu. It is going to OGRE. FAB3000 are already scaring hohols to the point of refusing to go to the front lines.
Nowhere near the front line. Why not shell the base at night . It was a jew making a point.on a christian holiday
Just like he closed and looted the churches. 1 million ukrainians couldnt even go to churches thier families have spent generations in to mourn loved ones dead in combat.
Next level evil shit.
>you’ve still not taken anything significant.
Jewlinsky is scrapping the barrel hard enough to send 60+ old dudes and making equipment so 7month-pregnant women can stay in the trenches.
Meanwhile Russia is still mostly sending non-ethnic russians.
No one is winning, but one side is still clearly losing way less than the other, unless you seriously believe the "7432 orcs killed for a single Ukrainian" K/D data, but if so then I have a bridge (in Crimea) to sell you.
Isn't it just a howitzer? Haven't they had these the entire time their country has been shrinking?
>be Serb
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I though the secret weapon was kindergarden busses
>done balkanizing ?
What are you on mutt? Jewish cum ? They aren’t balkanizing themselves which is a mutt jewish slave wet dream, they are EXPANDING their borders and pushing Nato faggots out of the Belly of Russia which Ukraine.
They are effectively killing their enemies. Also Russians are like muslims they aren’t scared of death. The spirit of sacrifice is strong in the Russian Federation. You western faggots by being warmongering faggots are uniting them like never before. Also pushing Russians in China’s arms, where today they are ETERNAL friends, as per Xi’s own words.
You fucked up mutt jewish slaves, also 20 subs (Russian, Chinese and NK) are around your shores as we speak, the moment Russia sees F16’s over Ukraine they will take that as a nuclear armed Nato plane and will proceed to the complete annihilation of the United States of Israel and the world will clap for it.
Death to western jewish slaves and jewish masters.
Stealth transport vehicle, it cost them 50 mil $ each and they can build 2000 of them a month.
>be mutt
>chugs jewish cum by the barrel loads
>asks for more
ah yes this is what "good guys" do
F16 will soon put a stop to the spaff. As will the new patriots.
Not that it matters, they've been spaffing these at Vovchansk but they are still retreating there, the ones not kettled in the aggregate plant getting hammered by french bombs that is.....
>Ran away from Kyiv
>Ran away from Kharkiv
>Ran away from Kherson
But Puccia is totally winning because they take a single small town every half year after running away from the 3 largest cities in Ukraine along with thousands of miles land and hundreds of towns and cities the size of Bakhmut
>guys defending western values…
They dont need school buses anymore all the children were shipped to their jewish masters for adronochrome extractions, rape and torture.
The only thing expanding is the muslim population in Russia, so bad they're still getting mass shootings years after Europe's ones ended
>Nowhere near the front line.
It was aimed at Sevastopol. It was an ATACMs missile, they're not designed for the front lines.
Russia shot it down apparently causing it to land on the beach.
Not that I care, I'd aim it at a nursery if it was full of russian toddlers.
Total zigger death means total zigger death.
Fuckwits should have stayed home.
>ran away
>continues to occupy large swath of enemy territory years later
>after running out of supplies in three days and collapsing
>and taking Bakhmut with human waves of convicts wielding shovels
to the last hohol
Theyve had that for months youre slow.
When they lose they will be lucky if they have a civil war. It's that or they get nuked.
You really have no comprehension of how badly Russia is losing, do you?
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Nonsensical response, come back when you can type out a coherent argument tyrone.
I'm making fun of you, genius.
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Damn bro. You got cooked. Consider rope.
Russia said:
>as soon as F16’s fly over Ukraine they will take it as if it was Nato nuclear armed F16, they will then proceed to nuclear strikes all over jewish controlled western territories.
This is why 20 subs are around mutts and around 7-8 subs are around the UK, there is one spotted north of the UK, but there are much more.
Im praying they launch the nukes on jewish controlled western land desu. Im tired of western jewish slaves, it’s time for an end.
>wunderwaffen Patriot
They will burn like all the wunderwafen supplied AA. In SU57 we trust the only true stealth plane in existence.
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You type so bad I couldn't tell, you just sounded like your grasping for copes more than anything
A french speaking 100% Frankist breed was arrested in Moscow attack on the same day, he surrendered and spoke how the UK, France and Nato orchestrated the whole operation.
Just know you will pay for every terrorist act you western jewish slaves are conducting for your jewish masters.
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Two more weeks!
Oh no.
>You type so bad
You mean "badly" retard.
You really that dumb. Support for Russian leadership is at all time high. Economy is growing thanks to the war. Russians are mobilizing and volunteering to join the war and kill homosexual westerners in Ukraine.
And TODAY we are closer to a european civil war and an mutt civil war because of economic depression due to the war then Russia is. You delusional nato nigger.
Copium delirium. I already prayed for it. And my prayers always get answered. You fucked around for too long, it’s time to cleanse your brown ass faggots.
>Economy is growing thanks to the war.
Russia just crashed out of the top ten economies you spacker. Do your homework.
Do you know how long I've been living under threats of russian nukes?
Since the 1970s kiddo.
You stupid shill, their economy is expanding and yours is shrinking. They are selling their products regardless. Even we bought Russian oil and diesel and sold it to you faggots at a mark up. Thanks for the gibs, keep the sanctions that’s good business, happy nuking too.
This time is for real, be insured your fear will not be in vain this time.
>They are selling their products regardless.
What products? Their oil terminals are burning and the entire world can see how shit their weapons are so they're not buying.
What else can they sell? Aids?
Then Russia will get glassed.
You are a 40 post faggot who cant stop lying


PPP GDP measurement is preferred by many economists, as it takes into account the difference between local prices and nominal prices similar to The Economist’s famous Big Mac inde> despair index has fallen to its lowest level ever this year – the sum of inflation, unemployment and poverty.
When you have to explain your metrics then you're lying.
After the fall of the soviet union, the US and EU swept in and looted the entire manufacturing sector of soviet-aligned eastern europe. If you talk to anyone old enough to have been around when it happened they'll tell you stories of entire factories just being completely gutted of everything in them.

It wasn't until the mid-2000's that some of this manufacturing started to come back to deeply western-aligned eastern nations like Poland, and it's been a very slow buildup regardless. The fact is, eastern europe can't manufacture anything anymore because it was all looted by the americans, and the vast majority of eastern europeans actually blame their post-soviet poverty on the soviet union, rather than the looting that washington et al did.
Russia is as big as a continent and the world largest Gas supplier, the world cannot produce without access to Russian energy. These are facts. Even the US have LIFTED Russian sanctions on energy and banking in April 2024 but this your jewish masters did not broadcasted to you in your licensed Talmud Vision.
The US is buying rocket engines, Uranium fuel, and gas and oil, from Russia with no restrain, while imposing YOU to sanction Russia. Mutts are destroying europe as we speak that’s why i believe it’s only fair for mutts to be nuked, European will beg to suck Russian dick once mutts are obliterated. Maybe one on the City Of London as one Russian General said. But the rest of europe could be spared.
Don't talk shite, we didn't go and take their primitive shit. Russian oligarchs cleaned it.
I did that because your nato troon talking points tell you to mock PPP.

See , I short circuited your tranny brain
With what? Your wunderwafen navy ? Russian subs have all your nuclear armed delivery vehicles targeted constantly, while the nuke suitcase is with Putin at all time. According to them they launch nukes on your faggots and mutts within 5 mins. I hope some misunderstanding happens and they nuke mutts, even if it’s by mistake it will be worth it.
>The US is buying rocket engines
And fitting them to missiles to give to Ukraine to kill Russians with?
Based I guess.
Russian subs are so loud they are permanently shadowed by NATO. We have subs parked 1 mile off Russia's coastline ready to fire should pootin ever fart too loudly.
You are clearly retarded. It's obvious to anyone that Russia is as technologically advanced as a cabbage.
Okay im talking to 67 IQ nigger, even a monkey is smarter than you.
The rockets sold to mutts is the RD-180 space rocket for Nasa mutts have failed to build their own for decades, they can only go to space with Russian rockets.
I would stick a bomb on it and fire it into a Moscow school.
Hybrid hydrogen/diesel electric subs exist and those are black holes. But in general the west always failed to locate Russian subs just look at how panicked mutts got in Florida they still didn’t find it and it’s right there within 20 miles of their coast.
Russia isn't fighting a war of conquest like NATO constantly wants you to believe. Putin said day 1 he just wants the eastern regions of Ukraine and will slaughter the Ukranians that attack it.
Delusional cope.
And monke let them record it's signature going into harbour. It can now be tracked automatically. Lmao.
Pootin 4d chess.
He's not laughing these days kiddo. He knows he's a walking dead man.
>49 posts constantly bitching and crying about Russia
Why would some random british trash even hate Russia so much? Aren't the pakis turning your little girls into kebabs a more pressing issue for you?
>record its signature
Titanium haul and special coating would prevent any signature recording. Plus a frequency shield is produced around Russian subs just like the SU57 his stealth shield through electronic measures, they are undetectable by western jewish means. They even have missile torpedos that go at an incredible under water, and much much more stuff they can use to slaughter western devils.
Just don't like 'em. Simple as.
Oh shut up you retarded mong. You're a fucking idiot.
He is laughing with frens. And Zelensky is more a dead man.
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>year 10 and a half of the two week counter-terrorism operation to take back Donbass and Donetsk.
I know im talking to a 67 IQ monkey you are not even understanding my posts.
That's a WW2 flak truck.
You're just jealous of them. You're jealous of any European country that has some level of success and you go to war with them. Britain has destroyed Europe so many times it's insane. All the Napoleonic wars were driven by Britain, and so was WW1 and WW2.
SU-57 have already more than 20 kills confirmed.
But enough about Sweden.
They're safe and effective numbers, trust the science, Goy.
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>this time it will work this new weapon will win us the war
>slovo eukraini
Poet laureate of /pol/
>Britain has destroyed Europe so many times it's insane.
Yes. They've learned to stop fucking with us.
Their own pilots.
>secret weapon
The faggot of Avdeevka?
Not again
Apparently yes you can
an artillery gun on a truck... its joever for russia
You are the worst nato shill i ever interacted with, you dont deserve your pay, i want to talk to your supervisor, they need to fire you.
Idiot. WW2 seemingly destroyed your empire and your nation forever. A war you started by the way.
>be mutt
>see a nigger/jew
>A war you started by the way.
We didn't but we should have.
>Russia lost 66 artillery pieces yesterday.
May we see them?
>Yawns in superior...
You did start WW2.
Oh no we didn't.
I only save videos of russian boys being exploded. Go to /uhg/ if you want to see russian losses. They post a lot.
>that fucking jew on the right
God really is an artist.

wow, what an utterly delusional post from an obviously slobbering mongoloid
Oh, he gets better. Wait till you read about the su57. I haven't laughed so hard in ages.
This shill
Became this shill :
Samefagging with different IP

I still want to talk to your supervisor you dont deserve your pay.
And now he is talking to himself. You suck at his.
Why would I change my id?
>they build 200 a month
Kek they built a total of 30 in 2023.
In April they increased production to 8 per month, accirding to official Ukrainian sources
Because you have been exposed as a paid shill.
Seamus can you explain to me why bongs are among the most ardent Ukraine shills on /pol/ and the biggest fella trannies on twitter?
Now show the screws on the flight surfaces.........
bongs have had beef with russia for centuries now I don't really understand why

most of the bong posters are probably troons shilling on payroll
You didn't watch the video. It cleaned the mongloids off snake Island.
even on jewtube, the most prolific Ukraine copium comes from bongs
I saw some video with 1M views last summer during the offensive of cope
the dude went off poetically for 10 minutes about how hope is what matters and how NATO armor was actually doing it's job by being destroyed and we just have to believe
they all ate it up, I can see why the avg normie unionically still thinks Ukraine is winning
Let's be honest though. Zelensky's regime probably dresses Ukrainian boys in Russian fatigues and then blows them up for the cameras.
You should see how the F35 loses its skin over Mach 1, it can’t even keep supersonic speed.
Su-57 isn't heavy enough to fly with a Kinzhal and it would nerf the RCS, they would have to make a Su-34 type fighter-bomber version.
That was the flight test models, the serial version is seamless.
The drone damaged Su-57 was one of those, a T-50.
It is actually a very nice airplane, with a lot of innovative systems such as the multiple sensor fused radars for counter-stealth, the side looking radar and the MAWS/DRICM to defeat IR guided missiles. These are all firsts.
I'm not sure why they haven't implemented flat engine nozzles, they've had the tech since the 1990's but it is likely that the Su-57M will have them.
It isn't as stealthy as a F-22, but then again it doesn't have to be and if the Russian stealth coat is more durable there is a major advantage for fighting a sustained war.
Why does ever mongoloid on payroll think everyone else is on payroll? Not everyone is like you, ya know?
Except they can't build them anymore so that's all moot.
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>be me, Putins strongest mobik
>2 years in to Anti-Bandera war
>had to give up Kyiv
>and Kharkiv
>and Kherson
>but hey we got 2 bumbfuck towns and a handful of villages in exchange the population of half my oblast was turned into 400's
>Airsupport doesn't do CAS, only bombs civilian apartments from hundreds of km away
>Tank is recycled T-55 from the Afghanistan war, remains of the last crew still plastered on the interior hatch
>Supply is delivered in golf carts, half get blown up by drones other half is requisitioned by chechens
>CASEVAC is conducted by mopeds, they take 6 hours to get to the injured by which time the casualty has shot himself in the head to prevent having to live in Russia again
>Squad twink got his ass blown off by drone, can't even enjoy that anymore
>Chechens scream at us to mount up and attack the forward positions that half the division died at in the past week
>Do so with enthusiasm as the Russian instinct to grovel at the feet on strong and loud men has been drilled into me and my bloodline since the Tsars
>Convoy gets moving with only 60% casualties to drones as we organise, a record low loss
>As we pass the blackened fields chocked full of blown out Tanks and APC's with faded Z's I briefly wonder about the futility of both the war my being here before the thought is erased from my presumptuous skull, King Monke commands and we obey, over the hills and far away
>The next thing that goes through my skull is a piece of shrapnel as the t-55's turrent combusts into a miniature sun and rockets my corpse higher and higher into the sky, the only thing above me in that moment the sky, god, and the pasted remains of the last crew under the turrents shell, still flipping end upon end, somehow sharing their feeling of ghostly camaraderie as I go to join them as a red splatter on a sunflower field
>Such is life in Russkiy Mir
hope he sees this bro
are you a child?
Hey! That rhymes!
send /k/ and r/noncredibledefense my regards
They only resorted to using those huge (old) inaccurate bombs because their missiles are so worthless at hitting actual targets.
No. I'm almost fifty. Newfag..
How funny that Russia's premier "stealth" fighter has the same radar cross section as a ... fighter jet.
>It isn't as stealthy as a F-22
It's about as stealthy as an F-18.
You think globohomo lend-lease will be paid off with monies?
They miniaturized the Khinzal to fit in the SU57
The cope is exquisite. The inaccuracy of 20 meters was on the first one, then the later ones were much more accurate.
Also FAB1500/500/250 are 100% accurate, i saw the blasts it’s kino.
Russian idea of stealth revolves around an electromagnetic shield produced by special equipment and not the shape or the skin.
Plus US stealth are detectable by old S band radars from the 50’s and not so detectable with the newer X band. In all all US stealth fighters are detectable and targetable for Russians.
Are we talking about the russians or the West here? Because that applies to both.
>Also FAB1500/500/250 are 100% accurate, i
Why do they routinely drop them on Belgorod?
You are ignorant Russian advances of stealth technology, they have a dedicated yt channel on the topic. You should check them out.
Happened once. You are the worst shill the mutt shill actually have more neurons than you.
Russians lie a lot.
NAFO tranny got destroyed in seconds lol
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You're more destroyed than the assholes of Colonel Ravage's subordinates
I said routinely. They drop them on Belgorod all the time.
Western faggots enslaved to jewish mutts are the liars. So far Russians have proven reliable and not bluffing on all their moves and promises, the next promise is nuke western homosexuals, may Allah allow that.
Amazing how globohomo will just invent some stupid made-up stories about Ukraine, while their army and people are being raized to the ground by the russians every single day
Again shill, it happened once, show proof if happens ROUTINELY.
Shitskins gonna suck pootins cock.
Ukraine is enslaving his entire populaiton, women and elders included, so it will be like in 2026 at best
>to the last hohol!
>we the good democratic clan!
>send them children and women here
>dips in adrenochrome
There you go.
Are you aware Muhammed was a pedophile?
Why are we talking about Sweden in a Ukraine-Russia thread?
Allah will make you pay for what you did to Gaza. And the Russians are just Allah’s army.
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I would argue the "secret weapon" that nobody is talking about are the drugs being given to hohol conscripts. they put them in impossible to win positions and let them fight to the death.
After Russians, Muslims are next.
pretty nice. but how does it fair against an 80 dollar drone with a metal coat hanger and some explosives taped to it
settle down habeeb
two or three vids of a russian dying while degenerates see it all day means nothing if Ukriane loss two-three settlements and hundreds of their men and equipement get obliterated every single day
>jewish mutt produced source
>Washington post
You are truly enslaved and have no sovereign media they are all controlled by your jewish masters
Russia controls the land actually important to them (oil fields, Crimea and Black Sea access) and can only lose if they somehow get defeated, as such the best strategy is to keep a minimal skirmishing force and just wait until Ukraine ceases to exist
I posted my hand, kindly show yours ranjeesh.
Based, bongs are fucking subhuman. If only Napoleon or Hitler had annexed them…
>and can only lose if they somehow get defeated
That's happening.
The only source for that story is an anon defense person in Kiev.
pure propiganda and not worth discussing
that's a solid third of the russian army whiped out, I wonder why they are still advancing and Ukriane just doesn't mop out the remmaining russians in ukriane
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Why do they always look like this?
After Russia your damned island will be under water. In Poseidon nuclear drone we trust. One on every cardinal point inshallah.
Rich coming from a haitan.
Inventing Russian losses means nothing when russia is just advanging in 6 ukrainian oblasts every single day
>Poseidon nuclear drone
Already proven it can't work. Retard.
Please feel free to try though. Could use another laugh.

you have to go through 3 articles before you get the actual source : Zelinski said so.
Physically impossible, the entire Russian army stationed in Ukraine could vanish overnight and it still wouldn't lose them the war
I don't care about political narratives i just do the math on troop deployments and assets
Hes bald because low test, he has the beard to compensate for his Asmongold hairline. I bet he even dies his beard to cover the early grays in his mid 30s.
Clearly. Russians citizens are actually allowed to show damages done by bombs and missiles. That incident happened once in 2 years of war.
Doing what? Is that a gay thing? I do see them doing gay things a lot.
Just like the Khinzal that was proven to not exist.
>the entire Russian army stationed in Ukraine could vanish overnight and it still wouldn't lose them the war
Please explain how that works?
or Bayraktrs, Hymmars, Migs-29 (not the ones russia have, but somehow only the ones that poland give), javelins, etc...

hey agents lurking and posting - see this: >>473225902
>They're not going to be running out, quite the opposite.
How about when the Russians bombard the improvised factories when they are built?
You're just a liar. Shouldn't have expected anymore from a filthy mudslime. Go fuck your mum with a pork sausage.
>This is a Ukrainian only weapon, they build them. They're not going to be running out, quite the opposite.
How about when Russia bombard their improvised factories? they will run out of that or just magically build them by hope and dreams?
You dont deserve your pay i hope they fire you from the troll farm.
Ukraine have electricity 5 hours a day the coming winter is going to be frosty let alone build any shit wunderwafen.
It exists, it just isn't hypersonic. More russian lies. Even china laughed at that.
Around 20-30% of the Russian army is in Ukraine, that is active forces without any general draft
Russia is using a tiny fraction of their manpower
When will they do that? It's been 2 years......
It's been 2 years......
Oh, keep going, this cope is so great I can masturbate to it.
The Nato base under Kiev can testify it’s very hypersonic and very bunker buster. Your 100 Nato officials and several Generals can also testify.
Lvov too can testify that they are indeed hypersonic and unstoppable by any western homosexual means, no dildo in their inventory seems to be able to intercept the based Russian Khinzal cock.
You are getting raped and there is nothing you can do about it.
They took Sokol, two other villages in summy and Toretsk, a good chunk of Niu York, Yasov Char and the city i forgot the name in Kharkov, and are advancing in donetsk, kharkov and summy as we speak
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They have destroyed the entire industry of ukriane several times, every time the ukrainians improvise a school into a drone factory the russians sends a kalibr and obliterate them
2.5 years of ukrainian men nedlessly dying in drove and russians killing them with a 5:1 k/d ratio, like a colonial power fighting an african nation in the 19th century
that british flag think Ukriane is an industrial power house that will pop out entire modern armies to destroy the tribla nation of russia that fight with shovels and arrows lol
Are they really? Because I've been watching Chasiv yar and the Russians have been getting butchered there for months.
Ukies finally pulled out of the canal district due to it being flattened so no use for defence. Russhits ran in thinking they'd take it just to find it's indefensible.
Ukies aren't just winning there, they are winning convincingly.
deniable plausibility. a tactic favored by russians to manage perceptions, ambiguity, and flexibility in strategic messaging
you watch propaganda, russians are grindgin the ukrianians in Yasiv Char, killing the hohol in droves every single day, yesterday and today they took a big chunk of it
>They have destroyed the entire industry of ukriane several times,
Have they really? My, that's interesting, yet they still can't stop them building drones, boat drones, artillery and Neptune missiles?
How odd.
Considering they sank half the black sea fleet with no industry....
They don't die for no reason. Every russian boy killed is worth it.
you are one sick fuck
you going back to sucking cock for living when this war is over?
They home produced the Neptune missiles that sank the flagship of the black sea fleet.
Now stop embarrassing yourself, retard.
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Hohol propagandists be like
>We lost al lthe battles
>Ukraine have been bombarded all day all days since day one
>But russia is about to implode and we are about to win
>Ignore that in all NATO countries our population are rebelling agaisnt the ZOG rule and electing nationalist leaders that side with russia, in any time our masters will kill them as well
You're misguided kiddo.
Based. The sweet spot is making enough for a decent life but not enough to fund these globalist kikes.
I didnt know Ukraine even had a military industry, it seems more lke everything they have is donated and produced by other countries.

Fighter jets

They make nothing themselves its a literal 3rd world country that buys equipment
Ukraine built nothing, all their gear is given by the west, they may made like one or two boat or drone, but the places where they are made is inmediately destroyed by a russian missile that week
I would kill your mother if you put her in a russian flag.
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Just ignore the Moroccan, I've seen him before and all he does is regurgitate whatever pro-Russia propaganda and hallucinations he sees, no matter how insane it is.
If Russia claimed to have landed a man on the sun, you'd see him reposting that for the next decade.
I don't even think he's a paid shill, they usually try to have a mask.
Ukrainians die for nothing, at the end of the war Russia will be larger, richer and more powerful while the smaller Ukraine will be a rag tag corrupt shithole when the local population are actively replaced by their jewish overlords
Go read what happened to the Moskva and don't wander into conversations you know nothing about.
The Moskva was sunk due to an accident, stop spreading lies
btw them tell me why there is still a blockade and why the russian navy is firing missiles to urkaine all days non.stop? just made more Neptunes and sunk the entire russian navy then lol
Let me guess, it was sunk by something produced by another country
Is that what that flag is? Didn't think they even had internet yet. Have they stopped fucking goats?
You are fed with jewish zog propaganda
they don't have an industry, their improvised factories (former schools and hospitals made in the soviet era) are destroyed the moment russians get notice of what they are doing there
it was sunk by an accidnet in the cargo department of the ship due to the negligence of the admiral (who is in jail right now)
No. It was sunk by Ukrainian produced Neptune anti ship missiles.
Other ships were sunk by Ukrainian built sea drones.
The submarine (always makes me laugh) was one of ours though. Well, 2 actually.
>are destroyed the moment russians get notice
Cope. Go back to fucking goats Ahmed.
>Ukrainian produced Neptune anti ship missiles.

Let me guess, they bought a rocket motor and changed the sticker on it?
go back to street shitting pajeet
The pajeet is afraid russia is gunne win and west being weakened so his cousins cant immigrate to UK and rape english women
I posted my hand, care to reciprocate?
Yeah they've had internet services and such for awhile. One of the better countries on the continent, which isn't a high bar to clear but whatever.
idk the fuck is up with this particular idiot but arguing with him is like arguing with a Jew, all washes off and forgets every point by the next day.
I've shown him the research papers on deep underwater nuclear explosions that show they don't do squat, but its a Russian wunderwaffle so he must shill it.
Come on then shitskins, let's be seeing those hands?
Yeah, I'm not even trying, just watching F1 and phone posting. They really don't send their best. Was better when prighozins shills were active.
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Meanwhile, russian assault vehicle...
At least they made it themselves unlike Ukraine who can't even make their own dishwasher machiens without importing them from a foreign country
You know there are countless videos of Russians looting basic plumbing?
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More russian 'technology'
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Nah its an improved variant of the Soviet era Kh-35.
Ukraine's issue is inability to properly put a design into mass production. The design->prototype->DFM->tooling->mass serial production pipeline for em kinda stops at DFM.
Russia has a similar issue, but kept enough old Soviet tooling around to keep the basics functional. Its new shit that is the issue for them. My jaw fuckin dropped when they released that T-90M factory video, and they're being hand welded like its the fucking 1930s. Track welders were a thing even in the 1940s. T-72's used automated welding, the fuck happened to them?
Not today.
I miss Prigo, he had crazy uncle energy, added some levity to the whole thing
I hope the frontlines of both sides somehow collapse at the same time, would be very funny
His shills were much better than these clowns.
I wonder how many people will commit suicide if their favorite side loses?

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