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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>473239133
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Ultra MAGA.
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No cat picture day breakfast bread?!?!?
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Actually yes.
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>dems really nominated a candidate with dementia
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Ultra Caturday MAGA !!!
Why did you retire your famous copypasta? Is it because Ukraine lost?
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I don't understand what goes through the mind of a nigga when he goes to a thread just to seethe and mald for an hour while getting made fun of by everyone in the thread.
How are they covering up the trembling?
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Kitty isn't my favorite sanrio character but I appreciate the hustle.
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That's a big fucking ominous for demofags, isn't it!
Good morning, sir!
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Morning frens, I hate niggers.
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He's old, it's what old people do.
They die.
oh boy, you should probably look in a mirror...
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>Good morning, sir!
Good morning, sir !!
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the best part is Biden wont step down
Why doesn't he want to save democracy?
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>Morning frens, I hate niggers.
Every decent White person hates niggers, anon! They are subhuman animals. Hating them is your God-given duty!
Hey ptg...
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Green MAGA!
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new baker kneaded btw. Probably a new bread will be ready around traditional lunch tiem
Biggest proxy campaign in history about to commence
The gait and pauses are quite characteristic of parkinsonism type disorders. This was fairly obvious a couple of years ago for him but blatant now. Carvidopa/levodopa works for a while to slow progression and make daily life manageable for a while but this sort of thing is inherently progressive, and when it gets worse it can happen quickly. In addition to parkinson's type disorders parkinson's itself can present a variety of ways independent of progression.
My emphasis is on how distinctive the shuffling gait is. Most physicians and those who work with these disorders can pick it out even without a formal workup. It's not enough for a diagnosis by itself but it's an obvious flag.
How do you guys not see this headline as 100% manipulation? How many times do we get to know what specialists a sitting President's physician meets with? This whole thing is scripted.
tiny balls?
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Yes but the thing I HATE about it is they shrug it off like it’s nothing and say “still better than Trump.”.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

It seems that they're becoming less acceptable again.
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Robbers are at it again
correction: carbidopa/levodopa
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I'm trying to be nice lately, and you make it so hard.
I got it.
What's the latest wacky?
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>>473250788 checked
>the best part is Biden wont step down
The hilarity continues.
Makes them force him out.
Or kill him.

Meanwhile, MSM stumbles over which is the correct talking point.
My suggestion is that it's beginning the process of public disclosure of a medical condition that he's had for years now.
Ayyy what's poppin?
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Based God making nigger-hating my duty.
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this might be more entertaining than 2016 desu
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Wow me too!
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>This whole thing is scripted.

Of course it is. Joe is either refusing to leave so no they have to make it uncomfortable and even impossible for him to stay.
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I'm just here to test you on this Caturday
lots of little things can be contributing (recent-ish diagnosis, brain surgery to help, genetics), but as someone who had a grandparent with parkinsons for effectively my whole life, joe probably doesn't have it and it's some other brain failure disorder
joe trip comes waddling in like a down-syndrome orangutan shitting up the thread with his 'epic owns' as if I don't immediately forget about the thread when I close it and move on with my life while he spends every moment of his life being a dribbling retard that Does It For Free
I made some bacon and eggs and now I'm watching 4 news channels at once. Hopefully something happens today.
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Oh the salt
morning akari anon
Morning, Biden not fundraising in Texas or Philadelphia.
>also you might want to check the last 3 breads for whefyus
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I am now mad at you for not making it a breakfast thread, Michiru.
>I'm watching 4 news channels at once
Holy shit.
>getting mad at putting politics in the OP of a thread on the politics board
I think you want >>>/b/ there buddy
>What's the latest wacky?
There was a 'mass shooting' on the 4th.
Not much news coverage.
They had a 'peace rally' at the location yesterday.
Even the worthless nigger Mayor showed up.
I'm sure it will fix everything.

Average level of traditional holiday niggerdeath overall.

There's a race car race in Chicago this weekend.
I'd rather see a race war.

Sounds like you had quite the day yesterday.
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why is that, Dr. Eggman?
watching 4 channels, retaining no knowledge.
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>I am now mad at you for not making it a breakfast thread, Michiru.
Did you know Michiru is bald?
It's nothing special. It's just YouTube TV. There's a hurricane in the gulf of Mexico. They haven't acknowledged Biden's fart from last night that I proved was not a shart using forensic audio analysis.
you did not prove anything...
Well, yeah. Except I did prove Biden farted and didn't shart. Other than that little fact, you're correct.
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PvP zone, do not enter.
It's all kabuki theatre. They said the last 4 years he was strong as an ox and could win the tour de france.
Now he (((suddenly))) is on death's door.
Watching him fall off that bike is always worth a laugh.
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Hi Serasposter.
Hi newfren.
You know what you did.
That sounds like somebody else I know.
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>It's all kabuki theatre.
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Gm fren. We all do.
not at all! you never provided the source audio for the second and third audio clip! therefore it's impossible to validate your claims!
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>Parkinson's linked to Serotonin issues
>Vax linked to Serotonin issues
Kwab, killed by the trump vax. My boy Kennedy is safe from that poison
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>kabuki theatre
I prefer kayfabe.
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What do you call that wrestling move?
hey did you know he never went to sleep after not providing those pieces of audio?
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oh no! that's terrible!
that's like a double concession!
Verses in the Bible where God Himself expresses His hate for something or someone:
Deuteronomy 17:22
Psalms 45:7
Proverbs 6:16
Zechariah 8:17
Malachi 1:3
Malachi 3:16
Romans 9:13
Revelation 2:6
Revelation 2:15
The Bible tells us over a dozen times to HATE evil and wickedness. This is probably why libfaggots are always denouncing "hate."
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At least that's behind me now.
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let them say that. biden will lose badly in November.
You just keep moving the goalposts. I could've had my face glued to the seat cushion and you would've said I needed to run a test three more times to be sure.
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We in the biz call it a rib.
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>It's already egg-o'clock in the morning!
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who ran a better campaign. Hillary 2016 its HER turn. or Biden 2024 Mumble in the Jungle?
i have not moved the goal post a single time! i asked you to upload proof of your claims and then explain where you got that proof!
you uploaded
but then never explained what that something was or who it was from!
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how many more concessions until he receives a free sub?
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>"too smart to win"
That headline will always make me laugh!
seras is hiding in your closet
why yes
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I like Coffee and I like tea
But I don't like robbers.
No siree.
Why are like this? Why must you be an enemy of the truth knowing there's an archive...
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Got a couple things on your mind this morning?
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>At least that's behind me now.
My day yesterday was kinda sucky as well.
I got through it tho.

Maybe today will be a good day !!
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It was a great time.
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it def shows how stupid liberals think lol
no, YOU are the enemy of the truth! you made a claim
>X is not Y, but Z
but refused to define where Y or Z came from! that's fucking terrible! that's a desecration of words, logic, and arguments....
>But look! Trump once mispronounced a word!
Parkinson's is is bullshit - if they shop around for a diagnosis and get it they'll claim he has no cognitive infirmity.
The man has Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer's type.
did you see iranian results very interesting
Are those kids or midgets?
Might could
>wins all the skelegates
>becomes a skeleton
>loses nomination
It will be an election first!
>trump really has dementia trust us! -white house media
debate happens
>holy fuck biden has severe dementia and needs to step down!

will the white house and media appologize for the biggest political coverup in decades?
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I prefer the muscles on my women in ink
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I think it will.
If you took a second to lift your snout out of the swamp of lies you live in like a dum alligator. A dumgaytor if you will. You would know all these variables come from the same area on a person. There's no tricks to the sphincter and glutes. They're the same.
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Japs and Latinas are tiny people.
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its not parkinsons cause he has no trembles, parkinsons would be unmistakable and presenting

its just run of the mill FTD
a heart doctor has been elected because iran is full of loving, caring people <3
They will pretend his dementia is Parkinsons and bring Michael J Fox out. He won't back down. The DNC has no emerging talent either.
The great Chinese firewall stops the Chinese from accessing western internet

We need one for India. A billion indians on the internet is a problem, it is invading our digital sovereignty.

We should ban India from our internet
Maybe the CIA superdrugs are too good?
I member this.
thats all good news. biden wont win in novemeber. enough voters know his condition is bad and will only get far worse over the next few years.
that's deflecting from the main point! there are so many things you need to know before certifying that you made an accurate comparison!
1. gender of person
2. age of person
3. race of person
4. medications the person may be on
5. angle the person is sitting or standing
without you explaining ALL of these variables the analysis you did is meaningless!
fair but ai doesn't count as ink now does it lel
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>"If Joe can't be president, then no one can."
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i have to apologize to those of you im about to redpill here but i cant keep my silence any longer.
if youve eaten literally any product at a long john silver’s in the last 12 years that is stated or implied to contain a seafood meat of any kind you’ve actually been eating the flesh of the things they trawl up in what they call “the sea of hatred”.
i never did figure out why they call it that, id have called it something like “maritime zone 39c” or something because “the sea of hatred” is only going to bite you in the ass eventually. i remember thinking it was a weird joke when i first saw it in the official fishing logs but thats the name. i dont know why and im not retarded enough to go find out because what kind of fishing trip requires an nda to go on?
and why go well past alaska’s frozen asshole for seafood? it seems like you would spend way more in fuel than you save, but i dont claim to be an expert or accountant.
sorry for rambling, just dont eat any seafood at long john silver’s ok? im speaking directly to the 2 of you who even know they didnt go quietly bankrupt back during the dotcom bust. avoid the cheesecake too, its basically pure seed oils.
anyway i thought going off on the name instead of the meat was funnier, still voting lake and trump, happy caturday, gm and gn
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My money is on Lewy body dementia...
>the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer's disease. >Protein deposits called Lewy bodies develop in nerve cells in the brain.
>The protein deposits affect brain regions involved in thinking, memory and movement.
Once it ramps up it can accelerate and turn you into a vegetable in 1-2 years.
t. an old fren of mine, his dad died from brain rot
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It sounds like you've stumbled upon quite a conspiracy theory about Long John Silver's sourcing practices! While it's always good to be cautious about where our food comes from, it's important to have credible evidence before making such bold claims. If you have specific concerns about their seafood, it might be best to reach out to the company directly or consult food safety authorities for accurate information. Remember, spreading unverified information can cause unnecessary panic. Stay informed and critical, and have a great day!
gn catto
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There's more Indians abroad than actually live in India. Scarry!
The only thing this retard is good for is splitting the vote.
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Not that pedophile...
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im not saying that author is braindead (like biden) but who does he think appoints all the people who "run the country"? the president.

those positions dont magically staff themselves without an elected president.
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Good morning!
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very impressive!
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I found the video of when Stella came out to his parents. It's really damning.
Oh look neet weeabo who hates niggers number 48593965
years of practice
mmmmm, nigger paste
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Biden 2024
One of Warren Buffet's sons is using his money to fund a border militia. Wow.
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Cancelled election bros, we are so back...
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gn and gm, long john silver never been there but i have seen america personified joey's world tour do one of his reviews. He once thought breakfast would solve american civilization.
See how you are?
For one county in Arizona. Cochise county.
oh no... refusing to respond is a major concession...
Moving the goalposts after proving Biden farted instead of sharted was the first concession.
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Kek @ this gem from last night!
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Good morning Serena, I suppose you're here now...
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Kind of unsurprising with anti-war sentiment of public. Pretty expensive to keep funding so many proxies and they want a return to European trade.
Does Long John Silvers still exist? They went out of business a while ago in my town and the building just sits there aged and decrepit.
Why are we so fat? Should we exercise more often instead of posting about Donald Trump and anime girls or whatever we do all day?
Help me out, I can't find the Biden general.
>overrule millions of voters to replace Biden as the nominee with someone the rich donors and party insiders want! to save democracy!

they are losing the plot lol
you did not prove ANYTHING, that's the major issue here
abs are made in the kitchen. its a meme that americans need to move around more.... we need to consume less calories every day.
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/broken down pile/ gen
It's not an issue at all. Presidents fart. It happens. They're not like Kim jong un who doesn't even have an anus.
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once but joey in rage devoured an entire preschool and shopping center. He was banished for 1 month in a restored silvers, with the exception of the basement people being torn apart and the seat sniffing crew revolting. Joey returned to normal.
We might as well be the Biden general, since we're the only ones cheering for Joe to stay in the game.
oh my god now you are just babbling nonsense to try and deflect from your multiple concessions
ugh. 2022 changed you for the worse.
Then Scarborough really got rolling.

>“Start your tape right now, because I’m about to tell you the truth,” he implored his viewers — and, conceivably, the media who cover the media. “And eff you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden, intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I’ve known him for years.”
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>We might as well be the Biden general, since we're the only ones cheering for Joe to stay in the game.

>Biden is obsessed with Morning Joe
>Morning Joe is basically made for Biden
>Biden and the white house world view is 100% out of touch with reality
uh oh

Apparently, but in Florida there are only like 11 locations? kek
They are moving overseas by the looks of it.
Good MAGA morning.

I hope sleepy Joe stays in so we don't have a woman President for even a nanosecond.
I didn't see the interview, did Biden fuck it up or hold it together
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It all comes full circle.
it did not assuage any fears of the democrats
He might be pulling out of Pennsylvania altogether, it's entering unwinnable territory for him.
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It was barely 15 minutes or so long. ABC had to pad it with commentary from an Asian woman named "Juju" and her name was the funniest part of the whole thing for me. Biden didn't do anything to assure people he isn't about to die.
They're okay food wise, but everything always felt way too oily and the store in my town was always cramped and a bit dirty, my mom was sad to see them go but I don't miss them at all honestly.
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>I voted for the liberals but I didn't know it was going to vote in Justin Treadeu
>Also the world is going into a poverty spiral but you are lazy for not having a job or owning a house yet
>Also migrant open borders shit isn't a problem
I'm in the fucking twilight zone
anon if biden pulls out of PA the election is lost
that would be a death sentence for his campaign that won't happen
Howdy and yes, Joe denying a wahmen president by any means necessary is a win!
There was an audible wet fart.
It was a normal fart.
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Saving her.
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My mom would take us to a local seafood place during Lent if we were well behaved.
Rarely went out to eat so it was a treat even if fhe food was subpar but was sad to see them go.
The hall of coughs and inflation is starting to make wendy's, burger kings, and other goyslops close down here now.
Even a McDonalds will be practically empty on an afternoon.
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oh no it looks like hamas might actually agree to the peace deal
He did great, and all is well!
hey what was your question
i am going to go back to sleep after this i am just awake due to a very odd and bad dream
They have to dig in there like the goat fuckers did to win in Afghanistan.
Probably another fake out treaty at the last minute.
you going to working out extra hard for her?
ah so the other leaf has returned.
yep plenty here has been shutting down; corner stores, movie theaters, etc..
oh no it was a long political one you should just sleep dummy we can talk later
also dream analysis later too
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The strategy is probably switching to printing millions of ballots in a few counties and ban any attempts of an audit.
No need to campaign, kek.
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no it was a little too personal, the only detail is it involved driving through extremely exotic landscapes on a very long and unhappy trip
>did you watch your debate?
>i dont think so, no
and now I took my medical vodka so help with my raging headache this morning

It's strange how they never attack Is Real again or any other place for that matter.

Between the high prices of everything and people boycotting places for only hiring pajeets its going to be a mass grave in leaf land. Even liberals are coping about boycotting pajeet infected places with phrases as "they just got bad customer service".

Extra effort is for Patty.
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it was all fried in grease, always made my tummy hurt
i love seafood but damn
fish n chips at the local pub is way better
>politics is nothing but happiness
>dream world brings you back down
how fucking rude
anyways try to get some sleep, you should be healthy for the amount of politics that will happen this week
>Spoke this eve, post-Madison event, w/ two top national elected Democrats. There are two things that are true at once, they both said separately:

>1) They are beginning to accept Pres. Biden is not considering, at all, leaving ticket and few if any want to publicly push him
>2) Biden's determination to stay in hasn't stopped talk of trying to get him to reconsider that position, especially after hearing from voters/donors on 4th and talking among other elected Ds. There is also growing sense VP Harris is nominee if Pres. Biden goes (which he says he won't do). Why? In order to avoid political war & let fight be over running mate. No one is making any moves, even priv, to prepare to challenge her for nom this summer, in such a scenario.
>But again, as of 6:10 p.m. ET ahead of ABC interview, sources around WH and Biden family say he's as determined as ever, confident he can beat Trump, and believes democracy is on the line with this election and is confident Dems will ultimately see it like him as debate fades.
Brandon isn't going anywhere and the media is just doing Trump's work for him.
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its fucking over

Once Dems bring out the big gun celebrity endorsements, Dems win in a landslide
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stpuid forced meme was never funny
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I hope he is going to spend the weekend putting lids on his lids
hey military guys - see this it's fucking important: >>473225902
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>his fanbase is full of redneck White supremacists
>surely a "diss" track made by a nigger will make them not vote for him
These people are beyond retarded.
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>muh nigger music
It will take a lot of work to shove half the country into a volcano but it will be worth it beyond all measure.
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ah i see, you've ever tried to convince your gf to workout?
collapse upon us for all the system of the western world
>Kendrick would convince young people to vote....... for brain dead biden?
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that explains a lot with /ptg/
Reminder: Israel is not worth supporting.
Israel is the most wicked nation on earth.
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>BREAKING: Judge Cannon just granted Trump's motion to pause some deadlines in FLA doc case to consider SCOTUS' immunity opinion and potential impact on the case. Trump's lawyers filed the motion yesterday
There will never be a ground invasion on the US by a foreign power. Ever.
The cartels and lone-wolf terrorist attacks is slightly more believable.
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i can't wait to see how the left complains abut this they hate her so much
Also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvzVOPYY5lw
I keep getting ads on xitter with these.
>Does Long John Silvers still exist? They went out of business a while ago in my town and the building just sits there aged and decrepit.

Idk, I tried to pay my bill yesterday and they ONLY accept collect calls, was on hold for 5 hours and gave up... :/
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This shit never ends, he will be president and just two more weeks Jack kike will still be at it...
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>ah i see, you've ever tried to convince your gf to workout?
Sure. With no success so far.
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Maybe Orcs are based off of jews all along
>no Keroppi, Pompompurin, or my nigga Cinnamoroll
Probably sooner than Khameni starts complaining about how my friends on xitter sent him death threats.
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Not all Jews are like this. Only the Zionist ones.
They literally ran a scan on his brain 6 months ago and found no evidence of Parkinson’s you retard. They found his gait was due to his foot being broken ages ago and his arthritis
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When are you sending your homemovie to Tay?
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Reminder that I am baking. Worry not and be just.
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Redditors cannot formulate any thoughts that don't include some form of pop culture reference. They lack the free thinking and creativity to hold organically created thoughts in their itty bitty brains
A ground invasion in the United States is a suicide mission
Niggers speaking any language other than their bantu shit, lmao.
So desperate to be White they try and copy White languages.
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You're testing to see if I'm a fan, aren't you?
1 2 5 4 3
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>When are you sending your homemovie to Tay?

If she wants the rights, she has to ask me in person, NOT send little kids to walmart to plat fortnight and try to steal everything and wear my shirt
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Is there some fucking reason every retard middle age man is wearing a dress now? Did they all get some sort of orders from up top?
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They do it for fun
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More or less, erode all trust and humiliation of all institutions.
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When nigger says thing, how will Trump EVER recover?
if she's been experiencing soreness, you could tell working out is a cure. A jog together might entice her to further exercise.
thanks fren
checked, not bad
checked, man pull out of the middle east and stop giving these fuckers money.
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Canadian poo

When I have my day it will be year zero

What has to be going on in your brain to do something so stupid
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baking breakfast i hope
And I hope you spend yours putting a hat on your hat
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Old AGP faggots are the ugliest sight on this planet..
Im trying fren, lord knows im trying.
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Is there some new meta behind clownmaxxing? As a straight White male everything discriminates against you, the only way to even the playing field is to identify as some alphabet group so you're now part of the diversity quota and can get hired again. It's basically what that teacher in Canada with the gigantic tits did. You clearly aren't taking it seriously but they can't call you out on it because that would call into question all the other balding middle aged men wearing dresses too.
It's just so hard to tell if they're doing this because they seriously think this way or are just being clowns to fit into this clown world.
As part of Parkinson's Disease and its treatment, hallucinations, illusions, delusions, and paranoid behaviors occur in over 50% of patients.

Sure glad we have Biden’s Parkinson-ridden brain deciding whether to launch that nuclear strike.

I am sure that Crack Head Hunter is giving Joe good advice on this.
>Also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvzVOPYY5lw
Yikes !!!
That was weird.

I'm guessing he was visiting my neck of the woods.

There are many small cities and mid-sized towns that are quite surreal.
What in the hell happened here ??
Not really. Just stating my favorites.
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I think the spike in LGBT+++++ representation is because men realized they can only get hired by saying they smoke cock. The only call backs I got was when I said I was gay
Looks like it came from a ghost town.
>There are 540 Long John Silver's restaurants in the United States as of December 21, 2023. The state and territory with the most number of Long John Silver's locations in the US is Texas, with 77 restaurants, which is about 14% of all Long John Silver's restaurants in the US.
I shoot thought they went broke
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I see
Shill bros...what happened? I thought the sham trial would be the end of /ptg/ and the breakfast breads would forever disappear from the spotlight however the exact opposite occurred and /ptg/ raised almost 999 million tomboys. /ptg/'s support is growing by each day, I don't think deleting and pruning the thread is an option anymore...are jews and traitorous abc agencies inbred retards? WHY WON'T THEY DO SHIT?!! Perhaps they should have focused more on Trump instead of a japanese basket weaving forum.

/ptg/ is a pretty cool guy tho and perhaps maybe, can give the shills some advice on the seige against Trump.

Any ideas /ptg/????
>Looks like it came from a ghost town.
It sure did !!
Like I said...
There's quite a few 'ghost towns' around here.
Most of them are in varying levels of obvious decay and abandonment.

I always try to stay within the White zones.
There's life there.
Cool bot post bro
5/10 for a bot. Knock off the Reddit spacing and you’d be slightly more believable
What do Trump Diamond Club members get?
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I think a found one of the few wikihow pages that isn't batshit insane. The playing games/sports and asking for help on a fitness plan are smart ideas.
I mean you could keep claiming you're a gay or pansexual, on the form. What are the businesses going to do, test if your gay? Maybe try to come up with a super rare diverse sexuality like "phantom sexuality" or some bullshit
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>do xyz, get pay check or else
These (((people))) have nothing much else on their mind than power and pleasure.
become the first member and find out!
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I was going to say "just with less monsters and spooks since niggers exist", but I do not know if freaky weird stuff moves into places niggers turn into a ghost town.
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2 possibilities:

1-There were too stupid to realize that Joe is brain-dead.

2-They knew Joe was mentally gone, but tried to conceal it.

Either way...
It's bad.
Stupid. Evil. Or both !
A 4chin pass, kek.
political emails truly cater to the lowest common denominator on both sides, it's crazy
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>I do not know if freaky weird stuff moves into places niggers turn into a ghost town.
The only occupants of those areas are literal 'zombies'.
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I am cumming in the overflow room, Can't imagine a convicted felon winning this election.
Believes that spacing makes one more believable.
Thinks gatekeeping is a valuable service.

Jesus Christ you’re dumb.
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>What are the businesses going to do, test if your gay?
That's why it's so stupid. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT OR WHO YOU HAVE SEX WITH. Loudly stating what your do with your genitals is so fucking annoying, I don't want to fucking know and IT DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR JOB.
But if you claim that you have sex with a certain type of person that you don't have sex with, it magically opens all sorts of doors (hopefully not the backdoor). Making people's sexual proclivities public knowledge is really cringe.
I already donated for the Mystery Gift.
Just with less rotting.
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Idea: If you have 50% or more African DNA, you can receive reparations and ONLY if you get sterilized first.
maybe the mystery gift is an invitation to the diamond club!
I hope so!
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>Just with less rotting.
I don't want to imagine the smell.
Living beings who smell about the same as a rotting corpse.
The convicted felon is 20+% above the others, so prepare your anus.
The only men I see working now are either boomers or flaming faggots.
I can't wait for you to be dissapointed when they just import mexicans to the poll booths like last time you absolute retard.
Jesus Christ its like literal video game gibs
Oh, and migrants but they hardly count as "men"
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More or less the same. And I still believe the super freaky spooky things hate niggers just as much as anyone else. Niggers love to get involved into the occult with predictable results.
Trump raped kids. It’s over.
>look, if we finally beat Medicare
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Well /ptg/
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well my idea still makes sense just saying...
yeah it's a thing you learn if you ever connect with someone and even then.
What kind of environnement are you living in? I talk to normal guys at the gym sometimes and they really have jobs in all fields.
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You mean he raped the DNC and it's nigger voters?
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>Trump raped kids. It’s over.
You have to go back.
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>And I still believe the super freaky spooky things hate niggers just as much as anyone else
Everything hates niggers.
Supernatural/Paranormal Things.
Inanimate Objects.
Metaphysical Concepts.
Other Niggers.

Everything !!!!
They worked hard to earn that hate despite being so lazy.
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>What kind of environnement are you living in?
Helltown full of hicklibs who love migrants and boomers who run everything. Instead of voting for liberal they are voting for NDP this time around.
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I love the memes it produced.
Dumb fucking nigger lol
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his daughter? in the shower, that she wrote down in her diary?
New thread
I am the last to awoo
Just take him to an innercity public pool.
What a tragedy; that poor engine and the jannies who had to clean it up.
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>merchandise liberators

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