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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>UK politicians react with shock to attack on Trump

>Second child dies in house fire

>Dogs seized in raid of suspected XL Bully breeder
This one looks and feels like the proper one
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actual thread
not gloaty porridgewogs degenerates
why does keir starmer always look like he desperately needs a poo lads
This is the thread and has been blessed with trips thereby verifying its primacy as the best thread.
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>You really need to get a grip. The blacks and browns are here to stay, so you might aswell get used to it and think of something more productive to do.
Occams razor: he's got bum problems
All they can do is seethe at us or gloat at someone else victory.
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I've given up on the immigration issue. It's dead. This frees me up to vote left wing as in general left wing policies are better.
will be funny is starmer decides to fuck him and other mudslimes over.
>This frees me up to vote...
Your vote never made a difference in the first place, though.
It's home.
in a way, england won the moral victory tonight.
Eyo Britbongers I just heard it’s not coming home. F in chat we Dutch sucked major cock during our game. Don’t even know what happened didn’t watch the game myself. Just here to show some solidarity my frens <3
Nobody's individual vote makes a difference on its but we are all given one so we might aswell use it.
I agree. We can take pride in the detail that again the white lads were the best players
there's no "home" for it to come back to.
Cheers mate, hopefully one day we'll have a team of English players play against a team of Dutch players
>We're all given one so might as well use it.
Same could be said for penises but it doesn't happen much here.
Britbong slags of roses more like: HE IS COMING HOME
So who won the wog ball game?
>Craving a place that no longer exists
Thats why i wanted the english to win
The Spanish wogs rather than the African wogs playing for England
OMG is this real?
Great vid btw, saved
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Diversity lost
Which AI?
Don't worry mate one day we both can shine.
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#ResignNOW #ElectionNOW #LabourOUT #RestoreDemocracy
Thank God.
I fucking hate the muh niggers.
Fuck everyone that watches it.
All these football wins will just be robbed by the fact that leftists will just gaslight europeans into supporting mass immigration because a couple players have immigrant origin.
Didnt stop them last time retard
no gay headlines for the traitor media tomorrow
every cloud
Labourites are in shambles now that Starmer isn't always lucky.
While all the leftist normies in Spain will now highlight their immigrant players.
BAMES cost games
He is a pescatarian and his family are vegetarian so he eats no red meat and probably has an unbalanced diet. Heammaroids or whatever
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wish we were like the Italians and had a homogenous teach of slow moving, but tactically astute and technically solid patriots. Instead we have various iterations of Ngubu scampering up and down the field while Arry Kane looks as if he's about to off himself.
kek, no way, again?
Immigration cost the nation.
I don't even think I'm the same species as this thing, never mind the same nationality.
Khan had the kompromat on kier. They were Xhuman rights lawyersX together in the 90s. Khan knows about the coke nights piers Morgan alluded to.
>The life of Josh
Series 1 Ep2
Josh is sat in his little room. The internet has been disconnected. He's looking at cat pictures from a library book. He smiles forlornly.
Theres a knock on his door. It's his best mate, Mohamed the Somali postman. Mohammed whistles cheerfully and greets josh in a jovial manner "you still a nonce, josh" they both laugh but Mohammad senses his sadness.
"Here you go you fat nonce, maybe it's some good news" he hands josh a brown envelope. He's being evicted.
Josh cries in pain "how could landlordanon do this to me, I thought he was my best mate"
Mohammed consoles him and says working isn't that bad and he might even enjoy it. Josh is too bereft to speak. He closes the door slowly while looking glumly at the floor.
Mohammed says a quick prayer for josh and slaughters a goat outside his door as is his custom.
We later learn Mohammad is a world renowned physicist in his country
Fuck you you sad pathetic twat.
Haven't you got some warhammers to paint or some gayming to do?
football mongs i so fucking gay i was in the pub and when england scored they were all scrambling to kiss and hug the nearest nigger it was disgusting
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why does he look like a niggerfish
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because unlike rishi, he has to wait to go to the toilet and not just squat on the spot
Based Ngubu-lover hater. Fuck wogball fags.
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He single handedly saved Europe from pro nigger propaganda TWICE
Didn't watch the football, did we lose badly?
Mexicans use too much gas
When realisation that niggers are not the same species, it all starts making sense. If white man evolved from niggers, why hasnt Africa evolved itself whiter? They should be in zoos or safari parks / reservations. Our government should have left Africa when they discovered niggers and not one should have been brought here. Who ever brought first ones here was a massive cunt. Sigourney Weaver had the right approach in the alien film. She saw what niggers had done to civilisation and saw the rosk another species would do.
every single member of that team deserves our respect and appreciation.
Ngubu mogs you with his £200k a week salary and Ferrari on the driveway.
You a little bit jelly belly?..lmao.
you on the team then are you
Gas reserves would last twice as long without minorities
Worse all the centrist types on twatter would go on about how England wins under Labour and so on.

Best case scenario england wins 2030 and 2032 under a Reform government.
you the manager then eh
He's using it in the same way that your dad said "we will never recover from this" when your child rape charges were made public
he's a puff
>seething gay football cunt makes sick nonce jokes
hang yourself you freak
Material possessions are nice
Wouldn't actually place my worth on shiny trinkets however
top kek
It's crazy how the mainstream, PC opinion is that whites literally evolved from blacks (though they'll say "adapted").
>we're all African
>the first humans were black
>Europeans just lost their melanin
I'm racist and I don't even think that, I just think we evolved separately from a common ancestor.
Struck a nerve didn't I, off to bed mongo
we would use up twice as much of it getting rid of them though
Based wog-wrangler Chiellini
>no u
thick gay cunt drunk off wog spunk
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Water companies wouldn't havevto discharge sewersge into the sea. How many BAMES are driving around fucking up our roads faster? All our public services are falling apart and its because they cannot cope with the migration numbers. Instead, everything is going to fuck and the country is becoming more like the third world shitholes the invaders left. They dont complain because our shithole is still better than what they left behind and the decline doesn't matter to them
Bent insults from the bent child rapist, typical
>The life of Josh
>The backstory
I'm thinking episode 3 is about right time to flesh out josh and his family history.
It's too horrific for a comedy show.
Need to work on an alternative
>wouldn't havevto discharge sewersge into the sea
That's just one Indian.
he stitched you right up lad
At least we got to the finals lads, also we had a couple of great games and we scored a couple of good goals.
Hopefully next time we can bring it home
So did football come home or what? I figure I should know in case someone asks me tomorrow.
Why does watching something "live" feel "better" than watching it later on.
No, thankfully Spain won.
>solar flare earlier in the year switched the timeline
>Correct timeline was supposed to be Reform victory, Trump assassinated, Euros coming home

imagine what should have been
Yes mate England won 3-0
We lost mate, we just didn't play as well as they did. We'll do better next time
The amount of those cunts that have appeared in my town over the last year is very concerning
The ayys are playing games with us. Probably watching us and laughing at it all
Not really, England had some chances, but Spain played better overall. A fair result.
what did you do?
the wogs are coming home
The only constantly high birth-rates in the first world are the upper class Whites. so as mud slime birth-rates go down across the world then it may be a very White future
I didn't even know there was an American psycho 2, I bet it's excellent
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jock bro's....
I dont feel so good
We played alright mate but we just didn't have that winning performance needed, I think some of us played well, think we deserved second place anyway
You did well lad
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So how do we do better next time? Kick it in to the back of the net harder or something?
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oh so you're on the team then
Dinghies are waiting at Calais for them
We mindraped your nation into eternal bitterness, you knew that already though you subhuman porridgenigger
Next time we play we really need to come together and play as a team so we can win more of the matches we play
Cringe and cope. The wogs are shite. Simpul as.
what flavour of autism is this?
Subterranean jews were bad enough
This is a whole new horrifying subgenre
i'm not the one pretending i played in the final tonight
We did alright mate, we got to the finals so we couldn't be that bad could we
Top down totalitarian state control is better now that youve given up on the state being in the control of your own people? Seems smart
They did well to get get to the final
the boys can be proud of their team
You're just misery
We need to get the ball and when we have the ball we need to get the quality and make sure we don't lose the ball, it's a game of two halves
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Football message from the King regarding the loss.
>shitty union jack opinions suddenly make sense
It's only just dawned on me that Scots post on here. We really need the English flag and something else for the northern barbarians. A wild haggis or some shit.
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It's not autism to recognise that a team called england isnt english if its not english. Autism is just "recognising tautology" now? lol
God save the King
England mate
What king? I didn't vote for 'im
Yeah we as in England
Everyone I've met who's got autistic over >we has been a proper grotty little spack
The lads done well, you see, he's got the ball, and he's kicked it, is just, they're pressing in the low block, it's too high on the low pressure so they've blocked it just over the line and they just need 'eart, go on son
it’s goon o’clock and im sippin on a light beer
you've got them on the ropes
England is the home of the english people. The english people are defined by their ancestry as being english
england isn't a football team
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So who won the footy?
Yeah we
is it nebula3 cos damn me too
not we
We didn't
The England football team is.
ok but, 'we' has always been used when referring to the team someone supports. this guy seems to think you have to be on the team to refer to them as 'we'. as >>474187997 said, i'm sure we all remember the little speccy neek that would have autism fits about >we back in highschool thinking he was being really clever and observational.
He's relentless
He has them on the ropes and isn't letting up any gaps.
>This is a fucking execution!
That's a very womanly way to try and make a point. Criticise the argument rather than trying to make irrelevant inferences. I bet you're a tiny basemented virgin who has had never had sex and is gay and had sex with your sister who is also your tiny mother. Checkmate kid. "If you want your country to remain your country you are a spotty little spack". I see, I see. Tell us more
Was he just not happy with our performance or something?
Your local supermarket is more english than the football team
Bigger. I mean like just wow.
We are
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The Godless nation keeping up the status quo. Standard.
Jesse owens
Oh shit, he indents the first line of a paragraph. Forgot that was even a thing.
I live in Leicester mate, this sadly isn't true
Kier HAS to step down after todays events
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Holy quads
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heh...you utter fool...you've fallen right into my trap...step back ladies, i'm about to open up a can of arse kicking
If we won they wouldn't stop with the muh nigger propaganda would they?
we do joined-up writing too son, weird innit
Yeah our performance lacked the discipline skill and aggression to win a top trophy, we just weren't good enough on the night, our boys gave their best we were just outmatched
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>not immediately declaring war on Spain
Charlie boy has no idea how to be King.
All PMs need to reject the score in accordance with the Online Safety Bill.
Have to subtract a point though for starting a sentence with "but".
my condoleezer ricenses geezer
>joined-up writing
are you 5?
it's called cursive
>picked last at lengthy protest from the cpt
why are you talking to someone you think is a 5 year old on the internet?
cursive is an american word, if you only heard about joined up writing from the internet youd call it cursive, hence you just got hoisted by your own petard as actually being sub-5 year old level. Soz kid game over
terminally sperged, aren't you pal
im asking the question. why is that the first thing on your mind? you a paedo?
>cursive is an american word
no. "joined-up" is primary school talk.
Americans call it "cursive" here it's just called "Handwriting", writing, joined-up writing is the phrase used to imply its transitioning from the basic shapes of pre-full writing writing into just normal writing. It doesnt need a special specific name like "Cursive" because joined up writing is just the default writing. Tl;dr stop being an american. Fun fact did you know most americans cant even READ before theyre 6? what the actual fuck
gM+uhyJz just got fucking smoked
and it's hoisted "with" his own petard.
stop trying to sound smart, you're not.
let’s have a peek
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Its joined up writing
This: >>474189247

I've only heard yanks calling it "cursive". At my school we called it joined-up handwriting.
>Words in the English language before america existed are mutt words
lol. no.
Read my other post mate >>474189354
Cursive is like "soccer" and "joined up writing" is like "kick about". The equivalent of "football" is "writing" because non-joined up handwriting isnt yet handwriting. Nobody in real life says cursive unless theyre a 20 year old copying tiktoks
>The term "cursive" comes from the Latin word "cursivus," which means "running," referring to the flowing style of writing where letters are connected.
oh dear.
it’s not just American you spacker
cursive isn’t just ‘joined up letters’
you’re all wrong I win
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it is.
Not once in my life have I heard a British person call it "cursive"

But I have heard multiple yanks call it that, because it's a yank expression
It gettin got in hurr
Im a jock
Latins didnt get this far norf mate
It's a general idiom not a quote, you can phrase it however you like if the mechanic is the same. Unless you dont think you can be hurt "by" an explosive. I was referring to him in a different tense than "with" so technically I was accurately more correct to say by, but, you probably dont care
>Latin derived phrases that existed before America did are ackshually mutt words
it might have started over here but the point is that it fell out of favour 200 years ago and he is obviously not emulating his ancestors from 250 years ago lmao
its fancy-shmancy wiggly writing actually
>it's a general idiom
yes. and you got it wrong.
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Footy not on
I just took a vote with myself then asked myself to confirm, so it's peer reviewed and sorry you don't win. No hard feelings
Did Scotland win anything
it's a subtle joke
the original poster made an observation regarding a common practice in formal letter writing
a light jab was made at his expense; "we do joined-up writing too son" (we participate in other big boy activities, also)
unbridled autism ensues
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im hench
best drunks
Never forget that the UK and USA are the biggest proponents of White displacement and genocide right now. Go to sleep with that fact.
No seriously though, how do we save these isles?
Shmancy is actually a jewish word, you've just exposed yourself
No, its a general idiom meaning you dont have to repeat the phrase exact pat. The mechanic is what makes it work. Do you understand the mechanics of language
>It's a general idiom
>one well known, and used in literature
>but how i said it is right even though it's not used like that. ever.
lol. lmao even.
Sorry about your nipple location lad, think of what could have been
Yes. You need to learn when you've lost the argument.
2-0 against spain last time spain lost
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The corpses of Football pundits crushed by bulldozers
If your nipple is migrating to your armpit your willy must really stink.
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>Mechanics of language.
i think he means semantics.
>durr im smart.
lol. I can't get a well-repeated phrase right.
no. you're just plain wrong, and you're doubling down on the stupid like the retard that doesn't know the petard idiom.
it’s not as bad as that pic looks ffs I’ve been through this
>out out, brief waxy thing on fire
>it's an idiom, you don't have to repeat it verbatim.
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have some footage from victorian england in 60fps and restored in colour to make up for it
Only time I heard it called cursive was from my kids teacher and I didn't know what she was on about. She explained it meant joined up writing. I asked her why she just didn't say that. She apologised and said it's a new name from America.
I'm not the sort to sugar coat things, just want to let you know that I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope you manage to find a way to live with it
>Things that didn't happen
>Latin phrases are actually mutt words
>Doesn't matter it existed hundreds of years before america.
>White genocide
You're so thick that you actually think a yank expression is used in Britain.

So either:
1) You don't live in Britain which is why you don't know how English is used here
2) You're just unimaginably thick
>brown envy
it’s not even in the armpit ffs it’s just a trick of the light
stop trying to deflect from my henchness
I'm just repeating what happened with my kids teacher. Imagine being so salty about fighting a losing battle.
>I used the kids phrase.
>no you're wrong.
>Mechanics of language
Exactly, you're right. That other anon is wrong but he is coping monumentally instead of taking the L because he's clearly a pathetic freak with no actual life.
>be me
>single guy
>live in a major city
>have an ok job but the pay is only £28,000
>cant afford to rent privately, rent is too high and lack of available properties
>cant get a mortgage

how the fuck am i supposed to move out of my parents?
Cursive is 100% a yank thing, this is a severe case of redditspeak we're dealing with
Imagine being completely fucking wrong, and making shit up and doubling down on the stupid.
Keep talking like a thicko, you're in good company apparently.
Why you got an armpit nipple?
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps?
i forgot, council house waiting list is LITERALLY 8 years
I was about to ask that, the fuck is wrong with that? Is it a shoop?
Its joined up writing
Yeah, we know
Dodgy photoshop?
Why are you so upset at my innocent anecdote that slightly brings into question the point that you are trying to make? You seem irate and possibly a bit insane.
It's joined up writing.
>No see akshually it's Latin and
Move outside the major city?
Couldn't agree more.
Argie says there magnetic
a more detailed scientific diagram proving that you are all coping
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that's £538 a week, you really can't find a 1 bedroom flat for around £200 pw?
The situation really is grim.
Sir Keir won it for ENGLAND
Indians don't have rights to speak about others coping.
cursive sounds like something a witch would cast, real voodoo shit
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I think you’ve got just one big arm.
He thinks we're coping?
Why so many of the secret service were women? They were make up artists. They painted his face with blood and used the prosthetic ear. It was hidden partially under his hat. He acted a bit odd mid speech, almost nervously expecting something. It was all a psyop. Same nation that took down the twin towers and tested on their population.
why you screenshotting my sexy body man
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I'm sorry but your body can never be sexy with a migrant nipple.
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To show that the rest that is not the arm.
Fucking bunch of petards itt
I'm back...

i have to be slow with typing, i'm not here for small talk or bullshit. I want to talk about how we are going to fix this country and get people back into work aka neets like me.

If you talk bollocks i will ignore you
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the maddest thing is if you look properly it’s just the shadow of my massive bicep making it look like my chest blends into my armpit
looks like I stay winning
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>i'm hench
>need map and understanding of calculus to see it
im hench mate
Imagine how surreal it would have been to see his head explode like a watermelon in 4K HD.
it’s you who needs the map you just can’t read
perhaps i will save for the new thread, but i will touch upon what I feel would work and is fair for all. All neets whether they have mental health issues are given 1 years grace. I'll leave it at that for now.
By monday morning all books even in the UK would be burning
I bet his pecs are really short to, like even tho he's in okish shape he still looks dysgenic and weak
Knew it, one armed bandit.
Working out with one arm, phone gagging on Brit/pol/.
Fucking addict.
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im hench dench trim handsome slim and beautiful and it makes you seethe
what the fuck is a short pec
post fizeek copecel
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Im so fucking bored, I have nothing to do in my evenings. Ive moved to Ireland and can't even get lost in video games as ive left my computer behind. What should I do?
Why is there a sink in your bedroom?
Important message, I'm not sure if this is going out. Every product in USA and Canada recieves it's labels from the same exact source. They are using depictions on products for mass psychosis. If you accidentally notice the number 666 on your toothpaste, you will be surrendering your systems. We can avoid this by telling you to investigate your fridge and make a mental note. The supply line is trying to kill your girlfriend. But they couldn't do it immediately. This is a plan that takes a long time. We can stop it now actually.
If they'd taken out trump we'd have a mandate to end cultural marxism by force
Write a novel.
Do what the Irish do? Get drunk.
If you are talking about Trump, then it would be a civil war and it would have split into Europe and that also means the UK.

do you think we should rejoin the EU? I voted to leave but I said in my mind or breath to others that we could rejoin but EU needs reform.
Like they are short in the vertical, you know bad insertions from the low quality genes
to wash my cock and balls after they’ve been a mile deep in your sister
Puny waist, unathletic build. Small chest cavity so likely small heart and definitely small lungs. Sorry to break it to you but your genes are average. Bang average.
Already done that, small one thats only 130k words, and posted it on the internet.
ain’t nobody who has sex ever used those gay ass words you just said buddy
What an extremely strange young man.
Must be from an alternate dimension.
By myself? Ive just moved and have no friends.
It’s the kitchen
He's also on the bulking powder so he's insecure too, very unmasculine. But what can you expect from a person with a sink next to their bed
are you all going to start posting your cocks now? because i think i'll leave if you are.
wtf you incels talking about genes for? im hench while you larp
Go outside n sing the sash
we would have done many things they would rather pretend does not exist. They should be very careful not to trigger us, we are alarmed and saddened that these people resort to these barbaric tactics in 2024
Play Max Dirt Bike all day.
I've had sex and I've got long pecs
How many times have you pissed in it?
I’m guessing you only use the bog to shit.
Where's dago
The incel meme was a psyop for genocide. The reason it works so well is because the average man on 4chan is between the ages of 14 and 25, white and from Canada or USA. They don't own houses or have a wife yet usually. They are being targetted with psyops meant to hurt them. This is resulting in less white women being printed, which is a massive profit loss for a rancher..
but you can’t even post one picture ?
next you’ll say
>durr you want to see my body your gay
face it you’ll never be hench like me all you do is regurgitate /fit/ memes you learned from being a spectator
I'd feel fraudulent sadly Ive never been able to accept religion.
perhaps just be a better government for its people? There is a whole entire universe out there for fucks sake, are you people fucking evil, should we start treating you like evil?
They're brown too roflmao
the rhetoric on both sides has been disgraceful.

old skool ways. got to have it.
Fk religion
You’ll either make some friends or get your cunt kicked in
It is pretty gay to ask for pictures of a man’s body, and to post your own.
If I did this to any of my friends they would think I was a weirdo.
Government isn't 'for its people'. Government is for government, it just requires people to fund it.
Won't, plus you've no timestamp so it's a larp, but why you'd larp have really strange pecs and brown bizarrely placed nipples is just beyond me, the things people do for attention I guess
It's a bedsit
struggling to believe you have friends at this point
this, if it was Biden i'd fucking condemn it why? because I am human after all. i do not want people fighting, its so dumb, we are better than this.
It’s an old house.
i never said i was athletic or had superior genes i just said i’m hench slim yet muscular and handsome (all undeniably true) and this mf can’t help but bring his pathetic racist incel larp into it lmao
i was talking about the football
Creepy victorian land lady
Bedsit manlet drinking his bulking powder and pissing in the seat, takes a picture of his weird nipple in the communal shower, thinks this is an own.
Odd guy
ok, this is /pol/ sir
just unboxed my new barbell

shits rated for 700kg
oh look it’s the timestamp copecel
not surprised you’re also an incel eugenics larper mate just disappointed
would it have been funnier if i said
>i was talking about the cursive/joined-up-writing debate
it was a toss up
Plenty but I rarely show my power level. Most of them can’t do anything fun without drugs or booze being involved. So I see them less and less these days.

will never be dench (can barely lift a finger)

know the difference
neu faden
I have normal pink nipples tho?
did you just assume my gender omg reeeee.... You are all dumb as fuck, this is not your personal space for you blog about football that hardly any of us likes, there is a board for that but i hate the damn thing so much i do not know it...

make brit/pol/ great again, ban all these off topic fagots. or at least they understand their place and not attack me for not knowing their football...

I refuse to be productive and so should any white British person. When the country collapses the rats will be the first to flee back to their own shit hole country.
> Most of them can’t do anything fun without drugs or booze being involved
yeah same and i get invited to my mates group chats with people i dont even know and i send out ab shots as an introduction

its not weird man you're weird

you're probably a chubby little fucker with spots on your face thats why
Sink, surely?
thank you
mfs will really see a picture of someone hencher than they could ever be and immediately start frothing at the mouth spewing their intricate knowledge of different tit muscle lengths and their attributes like it’s top trumps
checked and welcome
Nobody of any worth lives in a bedsit.

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