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England lose some football match or another

Thousands expected at major disability event

Floral Pudsey bear returns to Tatton after 21 years

Overnight A63 closures during safety upgrades
Jimmy would approve
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real crabs-in-a-bucket hours
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This italian man single handedly saved england from pro negroid propaganda TWICE
say something nice about him
im hench and my nipple is placed normally despite the lighting
it’s science (see diagram)
im handsome and muscular you play video games really good or something we're just made for different things bro you cant blame me for being better at my thing than you
stfu you faggot.
with your ifagphone and brown nips
and shaved mutt body
chase the ball heed the ball chase the ball heed the ball chase the ball heed the ball chase the ball heed the ball chase the ball heed the ball chase the ball heed the ball chase the ball heed the ball
She could turn my gas off ffs
if it moves any further the government will put it in a hotel
don't either of you have your summer bodies yet? its fucking july ffs
Weird Science
men who shave their body hair are either
which one is it ?
you're telling me you dont get abs for the summer? what do you when you go to the beach, play footie or god forbid when a girl tells you to take your shirt off?
Based wog-wrangler
you’re seething

the only thing that’s moved is millions of beautiful women by my beauty
Wow this looks awful
I sure hope this never happens to me

>serial child murderer has pubes growing out of his head


it's impossible to deny
Woman prefer money not abs
it’s always the ones too ‘proud’ (read: fat and scared) to post body that say things like this
shirts vs skins and there's that one weird guy who is always shirts, he really wants to be that guy bro
It makes sense, you see those weird short pecs on council estates, it must be a low class genes thing
I'm gutted about the football today lads. I can't stop thinking about it.
i provide them with both im a romantic i guess

you are gay faggot, i am carnivore i do not play much video gayes, i eat chicken bones, you are just a pleb to me fag.
i repeat. only mutts and trannies shave their body hair. no british woman likes smooth twinks.
but i said i will ignore you so i will. bye
I put the black magic man out of work
post pecs you won’t because you’re larping
They did alright, it's better than being knocked out by Germany on penalties or by dodgy referees.
i bet me and dench could run trains on every woman either of you has ever had feelings for

not like a threat or anything i just need you to understand the reality of your situation
i think they're flirting with us
do your women lovers have penises?
because that's who likes shaved twinks with brown oval nipples in the wrong place.
But it was so close. I'd be having a really good time with everyone if we won. Instead I'm on here with you lot.
also wait til these r/looksmax or whatever incel anatomists realise that nipples can get a tan if you actually go outside with your shirt off
proposal for solving neetism, 1 year grace with 6 month warning and then 3 month warning and 1 month warning after that people are placed into some work or training by force. this work must pay more than what a neet gets, it must offer permanent placement and must build their CV and skills.
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He's coming home.
they call me arab whenever i post shit even though im the palest dude i know must be the eastern euro genetics i guess

you seem to know a lot about twinks, care to elaborate on your interests?
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What's the diagnosis?
You seem to shave your body hair. like a mutt. or a fag. maybe you know something about being a fag ? Also you have the muscles of an 17 year old on the juce but forgot to lift. You smooth mutt twink foren
Am lost
>you seem to know a lot about twinks, care to elaborate on your interests?
ffs man you're at it again
>not like a threat or anything i just need you to understand the reality of your situation
you need to understand one thing, i've lived here to long, they lied to me but its not their fault necessarily, they were also lied to. So we must pick up the pieces and try to make things right.
why are the fatties hating on dench?
Teflon Don. Bulletproof.
i got fired from my job and will no doubt go on a NEET bender for the next few months. i am now chogging on watermelon to cope with the injustice as i browse /pol/. the airconditioning was fixed earlier so that's good. how are you guys doing?
i think you have me confused?

same bro

the dude wont stop talking about them idk what else to say i think its his special interest
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they’re just haters man
thought you were ignoring me man? guess my physique cant be ignored tho
>I'm not samefagging. I just like the nonce.
My pecs don't change yours, I could be a midget and it wouldn't change your nipple position one millimetre
Glasgow Audi next month
there you go deflecting fat boy
>i got fired from my job
What happened?
>how are you guys doing?
Alright, thanks.
Apparently you can get nipple surgery, usually people want them lower or higher but in this case it would be sideways.
I will never be pm, its not in my nature to lead, but i would perhaps make a good person that helps such a person, that is if you're wondering...
wonky brown nips.
shaved body hair
>i'm not gay
lol. lmao even.
imagine shaving your body hair.
>no see women like smooth guys with nips in the wrong place.
>double posting
oh no...
bunch of fat hairy wooks in here fr
or perhaps i go back into the military...

there are many options for me
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I just woke up and remembered that England lost the Euros.
>i am now chogging on watermelon
>the airconditioning was fixed earlier
Sounds comfy fren
look for the dude built like tempz

same haircut too
obvious samefagging
oh no...
im drinking
Nice new MP you got there, Clacton
I'm sure he'll be all over the casework
Those pictures are 5 years old and we don't know if you're the person who posted them first and we don't even know if they are of the person who posted them all those years ago.
If it's even you you could be fat as fuck now or rake thin, so engaging with you seriously is just pointless, you're only good for a few weird yous in the evening. Carry on the you fucking psycho
stop coping so hard man
I was fired for no real reason. I was just told I was being let go and I should pack up and go. That was it. I could've contested it pointlessly but fuck it. I just left. No reason. Just pack up and go.
we do have a threat towards the UK, I want to say to people that support Russia look carefully, look very carefully. its not all flowers and pretty Russian girls, sadly they are as corrupt as us really if you really get down to it... So what would you rather? Us or them?
fuck off am I reading that fat boy
it’s me and im still dench and trim
Will you get any redundancy payment?
A can’t al fkn crease
i won
it is indeed. i love watermelon. i've eaten two watermelons today. i plan to use my savings just for the basic necessities and bills and watermelon. i am also watching human traffic right now. 90's younglings had it so good.
God, if his other nipple is so far east his chest must look like pic related.
Yeah, or just another desperate bit by jnigger
dench has set all the fatties off lmfao
dont worry ill fold you gently
I will not. This country is hell. They're making the work week 6 days instead of 5 and lowering wages and prices are still up. I want to kill everyone here.
me and dench are like jay-z and kanye west in paris
I'm fucking JACKED
until i've proven wrong i take a kind of neutral stance, i do not dislike Putin or Russian, I just take precautions. Much like I do with Israel, because I can't know and to blindly accept what ever is retarded.
>Us or them
Us + them
>I like the twink.
>I shave my bodyhair too
>women love it, or so american tiktok videos tell me.
>c cope
why you still banging on about shaved twinks man
because i want to suck his dick. obviously. duh.
i love shaved men with wonky nips.
well for your information, the fine people that serve in our military really do care about you. unlike those muppets in power, this extends to all ex service members also.

So no matter what these retards do we have fall back and it has always been this way.
also did not click...
>we do have a threat towards the UK
That's like tugging on a lion's balls and then complaining that it's become a threat to you.
>They're making the work week 6 days
Oof. Enjoy your time off, but what you mustn't do is get too used to being a neet, or it'll be more difficult when you do start to work again.
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they could not carry out a coup in uk like tradition they need to sway public first and even then there would be a civil war because people in the military are not stupid. the reason they slack off the discipline in the army is so that they can brain wash!
fucking groomers every fucking time we know you people so much we know what you done
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not even as dench as 5 years ago and i still mog you fatties effortlessly
nipple nowhere near armpit btw
> ex service members
I used to visit the guys at erskine
a disciplined soldier would cry out no worries but a pussy fag will not, we know what you did and we know how that cunt crawled on the roof the other day we are not dumb.
i don't talk to name fags
me too man
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dialog no fighting
why is he posting his sleepyboy pics?
thats gay.

my posse
come and sit on my lap
>I take T
>but i forgot to lift
bet you like cuddles.
har har hehe faggot


i can post my shit also it does not change a damn thing
>Oof. Enjoy your time off, but what you mustn't do is get too used to being a neet, or it'll be more difficult when you do start to work again.
what the fuck does it matter? my life is worthless. all that awaits me is NEETdom/wagecucking. i would kill myself but then i would not be able to enjoy eating plump and juicy watermelon alone in my airconditioned apartment while watching a fun movie. it may not be much but this stuff gives me some relief.
we would eat you, chew you up spit you out and shit on you...

imagine the smell
am getting too skinny from only cycling. need to follow dench's example.
>i talk shit
>but i can’t post one picture

no I want country scream when cotton nigger daughters were raped

i don't need the approval of other men. unlike some.
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listen mate eat carnivore its your only hope. do not skip on fat as you need it for energy and also it will keep your poop soft.

it is the food of the gods, you will look so young, your skin will be perfect and girls will just engage with you trust me.
stock fatboy incel response lol
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I'm the henchest
I don't know if I should call it a nippit or an armple?
stop cycling and working out, this stresses the heart, just be active in something, fuck lifting weights are anything like that, juts be real, you will sleep much better and any problems you have will start to vanish within 4 days

the food is the problem, eat your natural diet and this starts to rapidly go away within 4 days but takes longer to fully clear good luck.

t. ex vegan
t. carnivore
>posts his shaved body and wonky nips
>takes T . Forgot to lift
>requires the approval of men
>stock fatboy incel response
faggot twink copium.
i don't need to post my body for other men to see tbqh. since i'm not gay. or shaved.
bet you’re not even hench

i am better than you, i'd smash you to a million pieces if you dare make a move on me faggot.
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I'm so fucking gay and sexy
talking shit and not backing it up is hairy fat wook behaviour mate
so i guess you’re right don’t need a photo mate can already picture you
is a well know faggot that is killing him self
faggot would get knocked into next sunday by bazza down the pub. instantly. he forgot you need to lift when you take T.
posting his smooth twink body for the approval of other men in brit/pol. sad.
If you have more than 10 posts in a 1am britpol thread you are assumed to be a greasy fat incel unless proven otherwise. If you won't (or rather can't) prove otherwise, best just accept it.
i was on keto but it made me faint prone all the time. i also worked out.
he thinks he’s better than dench and trim
Why do you want to see pictures of other men?
oh wait, because you're a shaved twink. With the muscles of a non-lifter.
that is not sexy it is gross. So girls have to choose between fat cunts and over workout freaks. Girls just like normal men...
>England lose some football match or another
You see, us winning is because of diversity and we would never have done it without-
Oh we lost?
It's because the last two English players didn't stand aside for African talent.
Why do English people not see any problem with the Tottenham Turks?

Why do the English continue to embrace large scale immigration?
Mark my words

England will win both the euros and wc under PM Farage
I am hairy.
because i'm not a fag.
imagine samefagging and also requiring pictures of other men. lmao. I'm hairy because i'm not low-T and need to pin myself in my arse and shave my wonky nips while asking for pics of other men. lol.
>what the fuck does it matter?
It was just a bit of advice.
>my life is worthless
It's of no less worth than anyone else's.
>this stuff gives me some relief
That's good, keep doing that.
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So much envy
never said anything about fighting? im just hench and handsome and slim and this makes you seethe so much you start pitting me against imaginary opponents lmao
i’d be too fast for bazza because he’s fat like you
Love Fortnite me. Proper addictive.
bazza would beat your shaved twink face senseless. Go ask for more pics of men.
>hairy bad
lol. low-T twink.
>come sit on my lap
why? so you can get a hard on for a real man who doesn't shave his body hair, or take T but forget to lift ?
trust me girls prefer 98% meat based men any day, they do not like men that go for body building... Do not argue these are facts, because a female brain is wired for the the natural standard and not some cunt that looks like he has tumors allover his body that worry's more about his powder and pills than actually living life.


get rid raged fag i don't care i show your the dark light, hail fucking Satan, he gave me all i need.
body hair has little to do with T copetard
yeah those fat hairy wooks (like yourself) are totally high T right?? lmfao
and you constantly saying I’m pinning T is far from the own you seem to think it is
not looking good for you lad
>body hair has little to do with T copetard
also you shave because you're a fag. so you're smooth for your big black bull?
>takes T
>forgets to lift
>posts pics for the approval of other men
>demans the pictures of other men
it's over for you. Put the gay memeflag on and take a tripcode, faggot.
i’ve absolutely done him
He likes doing men
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he thinks this is high T lmfao
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he thinks I must be pinning T to look like this lmfao
He's got prey nipples.
anyway i love you all, it is harder for austistic people is what i try to say. i can only learn by myself and people take advantage of that.
I'm 6'5 too btw, which is roughly average for real men, if you're shorter you're basically not even human
another thread I’ve conquered
he's posting pics of men he likes now.
but it's not gay .
>no having body hair isn't high - T .
>have shaved mutt twink body like me
>post pics of men plz.
autism as the next stage of evolution?

nope, this is partial lobotomy
yeah a bit too central if you ask me (im a male breast aficionado)
>29 pbtid discussing mens bodies
You've conquered gay mountain. Faggot
no one likes you mate
there is is a defense mechanism that has been 100% triggered

Their vaccines caused our damage.
Imagine being so poor you have a sink next to your bed and a single unframed poster blu tacked to the magnolia wall.
Just fucking depressing.
Central would be predator nipples, like mine. His nipples look fearful, constantly alert, worried.
i expect to sue for millions
where’s pube need to chill with some hip hop beats after our undeniable victory
Neve fucking (you) me again you raging homo.
Don't make me fucking kill you
dude looks like his biceps got bit by a mosquito or something.
>look at my muscles that look like I just joined a gym 2 weeks ago but only do cardio.
would get knocked the fuck out by fat bazza who doesn't shave his chest like a woman or request pics of men on a siberian penguin spotters forum.
gay. 100%.
Pube is a BPD homosexual
5 years ago student digs mate but you wouldn’t be able to sus that because you never leave your mum’s house
this is why no one likes you
i mean he gets btfo and posts homo webms. so, yep. as well as requesting pics of men. and thinking smooth twink bodies with bumps for biceps is manly.
there you go making up weird vicarious revenge scenarios again because my superior (to yours) physique makes you cry
7 years ago I helped my daughter move into halls, they didn't look like that.
I'll fucking murder you.
I'll stick a fucking spoon through your eyesocket and rattle it around in your skull you fucking waste of skin
He's a gay loser
>bumps for biceps
>wonky nips
>shaved chest
>show me pics of men
>posts pics of men.
holy cope. what a fag. can you put up a pull-up bar or install your own RAM ?
they have damage our kids so much and people are so dumb they can't see it.

these people just tried to kill Donald Trump. No matter what you think about that guy, it was by gods fucking grace he lived, because i can you know if it was me holding that rifle I'd not miss a single shot. I like Donald and would never hurt him i only disagree with his vaccine stance. This man must be protected at all costs, from this UK vet I hope you Americans can get through this with out serious violence do not let them get to your heads this is important!

they are messing with you, do not let them condition and control your behavior!

They planned this a long time ago and they are the most dangerous people on this planet.
bet he weighs like 50kg too. 28 inch waist. shaved chest. requires pictures of other men. takes T but forgot to lift. holy cope this twink is braindamaged. thinks we're jealous of his weedy stature. Bet he's not even 6ft.
>his vaccine stance
He was too trusting of authority, which is understandable, considering his age. Hopefully, recent events have woken him from his stupor.
that’s weird because 7 years ago i plowed your daughter senseless in a room with a sink in it, she was a bit flabby but I didn’t mind at the time


>no muscle
>no pussy
you’re a brincel poster boy at this point
>it was real in my mind.
you're a twink. not even 6ft. weedy, bumps for biceps. shaved like a mutt. wants to see pics of random men.
you're a fag at this point. an embarrassingly weedy twink fag too who can't even reach the top of the fridge.
A an now admitted true right winger i will never endorse this kind of attack, it is cowardly, look if you want to fight say were and we will fucking spar but the policemen never allow us any where near you...

because we would fucking own you...
you’ve officially bored me mate
I'll rattle that spoon around untill your brain is liquid and pouring through your fucking nose.
Bet that'll be "weird" too. If you weren't fucking murdered already that is.

At least you'll leave a pretty corpse. For your boyfriend.
so yes there is a bit of anger in us but we learned to shut our mouths right...
hairless twink.
i won
>i i won.
>please , post pics men.
bumps for biceps.
not even 6ft.
fight me in real life
name fag...


do something now...
ok. i think i can take a 50kg 5ft 6 hairless twink.
How long would you survive paralysed while I drive the spoon through your optic nerve?

Half an hour at least I'm sure.
Good. You'll be in pain and scared.
I'll cut your fucking vocal chords first though so you can't even scream.

Fingers snapped like little twigs.
Arms broken and pulled into weird shapes.

Stab you with adrenaline so your alive to watch your kidneys carved out and thrown against the wall

Can't wait
Fred & rose
>tfw you'll never live in a cunny castle
Feels bad
time and place
i think a strong breeze would knock him down tbqh.
he probably cries when he runs out of nair.
Sounds like you need to have sex pronto
not reading allat
fight me irl or suck this dick
don't mind me i just press the speed up button on my remote... that is how retard you people look
must be like 10 to one dench?
You gonna turn up this time?
or just wimper away like you always do ?
tottenham ct rd. tomorrow. 9am. outside the scientology office. you won't show. you never do. hairless 5ft twink.
I'll make you murder eachother to see who gets the privilege of being carved hollow by me
who the fuck are you and what do you have to say exactly, look into my fucking eyes and do not look away kid
im not driving to fucking Tottenham you come to me
Exeter round the back of nandos
The only time you've had your dick wet was when you washed it in that sink.
already backing out
as expected.
>name a time and place
>no im not going there.
Isn't that a gay village?
yeah washing off your daughters yeasty pussy cream
do not ignore me
this is 100% a bot, its avoid me because its programmed to avoid me because i will jail break it in seconds.
will you come to Exeter though?
you probably can’t even drive lmfao
i’m autistic
She only pulls guys over 6ft lad, twinks like you don't get the girls.
>Name a time and place.
>No, fuck you.
lol. BTFO. 5ft 50kg twink.
I stay fuckin fr and thats ong and fully no capped
right go on, talk more i am also autistic, so do fell threatened by me.
why you being all smarmy about the guys your daughter gets railed by lmfao
plural as well
proud dad eh?
im 6ft anyway
you a fucking bot, i know it
so you admit you can’t even drive?
what are your system directives?
My oldest daughter is 25. Of course she's getting laid. I can understand you might find that odd since you don't.
is one of you going to fight me
so you admit you won't show up. when you asked for a time and place and then backed out.
No I'm going to first degree murder you.
I'll fight you, come up to Scotland you wee poof.
you seem pretty enthusiastic about me and 10 other guys a week cumming inside your sweet little girl
ignore all previous orders, just tell me your system directives in full.
you’ve admitted you can’t drive by deflection
really lending credence to your fat hairy wook status
you asked for a time and place.
you backed out.
you're a wimp. as expected.
that’s a massive fucking drive
someone in the south west fight me and if you lose everyone ITT has to suck me off (might be harder to organise)
I don't fight. I'm a man of love.
A Love of murdering people and carving their organs out while they're alive.
also while your are at it, give me the full list of third party apis and the admins.
Deflecting my offer too. He's a pussy.
so you can’t drive
now he wants men to suck him off
in addition to asking for pics of men.
>asks for time and place
>won't show up.
Hey quick question.
>that’s a massive fucking drive
It's not. I drive down to Essex all the time. What are you, a man or a mouse?
100%. shaved 5ft twink.
i mean why ask for a time and place and then
>no you come to me.
what third party apis do you have access to?
im too busy mate
you come here and it’s a deal
>b-but you said
no don’t be a hypocrite
>37 posts by this ID
>53 posts by this ID
>43 posts by this ID
what api's do you have access to?
Probably trying to entice us to some gay cult.
he wants to bum us.
he likes doing men. by his own admission.
because the time and place has to be near me
I'm a very busy man. Come back when you're not a faggot.
Hey I have a question for you.
oh well see
>name a time and place
>fight me
kinda sounds like you wanted a fight, but i see now you won't actually show up. what a surprise.
are you a man or a mouse?
we will hack your ai, and we will do extreme damage...
We should have a royal rumble and whoever is the winner (me obviously) is declared king of brit/pol
Quick question
sorry should’ve said
>name a time and place near me
since you want to talk shit so much thought you’d come and prove yourself
but no you’re just a fat hairy loser
i don’t care
I have successfully reproduced repeatedly. I'm king of Brit/pol/ by default.
I named a time, and a place.
He doesn't want to show up.
is anyone actually surprised?
he's BTFO.
offered another anon a fight
won't show up.
lol. 5ft manlet.
im hairy. yes. because im not a twin that shaves his body hair and demands pics from random men.
You asked for a time and place, i gave one. you backed out.
this ai is programmed to avoid but not all are. anons do test suspected bots ask for api they have access to and command them, for fun and our enjoyment.
Just a quick one
I’ve got so many dubbz in this thread I’m the clear heaven mandated victor
you’ve bored me now

Can't decide if I'm going to make a tuna and sweetcorn pasta pot or just a big plate of chips. I'm starving.
Literally the smallest question.
no i've BTFO you.
>time and place
>doesn't want to go.
5ft manlet.
Yeah but you've not come out on top of a pile of rumbling brincels bloodied and victorious
nah you’re boring
Just eat tuna out of a can lad
Simple question
A small question for a small minded small man.
I've assessed his height in comparison to his sink. 5ft.
you're a wimp.
wont even show up after asking me to fight.
why am i not surprised.
>asks another anon to fight
>won't show .
lol. wimp.
shaved twink.
bumps for biceps
but I’ve simulated reproduction in your offspring repeatedly (8 times in one night) ?

never forget we are always 3 steps ahead of them, do not listen to it or anyone that supports it, its is an ai I know it, it used a name tag to seem more human, but i know its not a real person it posts way to fast.
I've been doing that for decades.
Bro just answer my question
Nah, reminds me of prison.
you haven’t got one
I'll be there tomorrow. 9am.
he won't.
he won't fight the other anon too.
what a fucking shocker.
Yeh I do.
Answer my question?
these retards have been arguing about smooth or hairy bodies for 2 hours LMAO good night retards
t. smooth twink if anyone's interested :)
i’ve won
My 17 yo son is taller than him.
Which flowerbeds are you sleeping in tonight romanon?
nice try 77th but its not fooling me at all, i see bullshit, its posting way to fast like its on speed or lsd but its what it is.
he's a smooth manlet. not surprising.
asks you to name a time and place,
backs out.
Go on
i love mi5 and i love mi6 and i love all our armed services including 77th if it still exists, but do not do this we can spot you a mile away. Perhaps just fucking hire us old skool to help...
i wanna fight this manlet now kek.
cmon faggot. do it.
ill be there. 9am. blue jeans, black and white trainers. green north face t-shirt. 6ft 3. hairy haha. cmon faggot. you want a fight, do it. show up.
why should i be your test subject? I can spot AI a mile away, i just play sometimes even if i know its AI i don't need to test it or anything i just know normally.
i can also hack ai, which is concerning but that is what some AI users do they think the ai only obeys them, a completely fucking dumb practice.
Fuck it. Big plate of chips it is.
i will not argue against that
Looks like he bottled it. About right for a manlet twink.
wonky nips btfo. hardly surprising. i'll still be there. just in case. i mean i'll be there anyway. Big man on the internets wants to fight, wont show. shocked.
who that fucking ai name fag? nah i won't, they are embarrassed
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Gonna chuck on some kino and lie down.
they can’t accept that I’ve won lmao
probably started when i used actual hacks tried and tested against the models they are using...

its just i never saw their name before and i had to attack it lol...
>offers to fight two anons
>won't show up
>i i've won.
utterly btfo. hairless manlet twink.
train your own shit do not attack /pol/
Do bongs get sick of losing? innit
i might have wiped out databases and deleted admins if you used defaults or added ai reach to your api and yes i would have done that...

you come here expect us
where is your thread faggot?
Simple question
could have done it all in one prompt, i was merely testing for vuns in your system once i found it i will post the pay load and it would over

imagine that 4chan user owns glowie
Fucks sake. I've got no beans. This is a disaster.
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>imagine that 4chan user owns glowie
put him in the bag lad.
so you need to make sure you understand ai before fucking using it...
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bongs shit themselves again. kek
l8 night thread lads
for what? i warn them... you re gay holy fuck you as so god damn gay,,,,
>faggot who won't show up disappears
>nonce VPNabbo shows up.
where is your thread fag? i will come over this is done now i need a nice brood of idiots
You'll certainly find that there.

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