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If only you knew how hilarious things are on every front. The heart of our country is going fucking nuts. We're going to begin with the most obvious - trump has been betrayed by the ss twice now, once on jan 6, and once today. Every one of those secret service agents next to him knew trump was supposed to die. Watch their faces, read the words they were saying. Trump was supposed to be kennedy'd, the jews would use this to manufacture consent to ban guns and pretend to say this was a grievous loss. Yes, really, the same liberals that were going to laugh at his death were also going to say this was a grievous loss. Chutzpah, you'd know it when you saw it, pol.

Ever wondered why the media is weirdly quiet about this? It seems like there should be more conversation going on but DC is for the most part hush hush and the media is scrambling to find a narrative. He was supposed to die. If you go onto their media vault (intentionally obfuscating this - anyone in the industry knows what I'm talking about, every press org has pretty much the same passwords, default passwords everywhere or easily guessable names, etc) you'll find plenty of pre-prepped segment bumpers, intros, etc for plenty of scenarios. All possibilities, they had them for "war with north korea," for example, but that psyop failed. Pretty much every major org has these for trump (as a candidate) getting assassinated. I wonder if they have the same for Biden?

Moving right along to the less obvious, recall how I mentioned Trump being betrayed? Yeah, he knows it. Private security will be back like his first campaign. You can imagine how less than thrilled the women at the ss were about this (hint). More surprising? Trump was supposed to recuperate (they were hoping, anyway, once he didn't die, they wanted him dead, make no mistake), be humiliated. But he didn't. He's always surprising them.

"He turned his fucking head!"
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the fact that your political rival decides who is the head of your bodyguard detail, is fucking hilarious. Out of all the retarded things this country does, that one is the funniest.
Pay attention anons - first post is a shill. Why would they have someone at the ready for something I've said?
I really want to read what you wrote I do
It’s just.. tldr
So you're saying Shinzo Abe is Obi Wan and when he was struck down he became more powerful than we could possibly imagine?

Imagine a full length manga about the ghost of Shinzo Abe protecting politicians from assassination and training them in the ways of the jedi. Pretty sick concept. Maybe I should get a AI account and work on it.
DC is shitting themselves. Media wasn't prepared for this. Biden's staff wasn't prepared for this. The ss wasn't prepared for this. Trump is fucking furious.
Be the American the japanese know you can lmao
Takes a few seconds,
>Why would they have someone at the ready for something I've said?
it's the bamboozle
since you can't censor the information
just flood all channels with misinformation
very effective
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All the world's a stage, and we are merely players, performers and portrayers.
msm was clearly caught off guard to some extent as they ran the utterly absurd
>popping noise at trump rally
>trump rushed off stage at event after loud noises
those are so pathetically bad that they must have been begging the owners for a proper script that wasn't ready for the actual missed shot
Yep. Logic would dictate that the only way the shooter could take the shot is through wilful and planned incompetence. He was supposed to die, but didn’t, and this has made (((them))) furious. Mandate of Heaven.
fwiw I dont hate your theorycrafting here -- I'd like a little more credibility toward your insider status.

I had a very surreal experience yesterday (I have many in my life, but this one was pretty fun). I turned on CNN just "on a whim" literally seconds before the president ducked behind the podium. Volume was low, I wasnt really watching yet, just channel surfing and I said to my mom "Yo you should look up, someone just shot him." or something to that effect as she was reading a book at the table.

We then both watched CNN for about 5 minutes. While he was behind the podium they cut to an anchor who seemingly had a fairly lengthy script ready to read. It didn't seem to be revised from an assassination script, but they quickly brought on an expert who just happened to be waiting (mind you, in real life Trump is still on the ground under a huddle of agents -- they have completely pulled the live feed).

While the guest talked about how this is like before the civil war in America or the Irish troubles, I went to fox news to see if they still had a camera on whatever was going on.

Fox did, but it wasn't showing much, just sort of crowd shots or whatever until they picked Trump up and moved him to the car.

My point in all of this is that it was surreal to turn on CNN (a channel I havent watched at all since the start of covid, up until the debate) looking maybe for some Biden information or whatever and to catch a history event live on TV.

As someone who watched live, the whole thing seemed very fake -- but as more info has come out, I could be reasonably convinced that he turned his head magically at the last second due to Abe's ghost and that he was "supposed to die."

In any case, it's an odd time for the American Democracy Reality TV show. I didn't think they could get ratings this high with two 80 year olds, but damnit we're going to sell premium advertiser inventory this October whether the autists like it or not.
>rump is fucking furious.
How do you play golf when you're furious?
don't these high-places DC niggas use astrology and remote viewing and shit? shouldn't they have known this wasn't going to work?
Checked and manga-pilled.
anyone who ever played golf for real has played angry
kek nice gif
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hey, maybe just kill yourself instead
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kike lol
It means that they're lying and trying to hide the fact that they conspired to kill a political leader.
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OK, how does this free the White Man from jewish power? How does all this secure White Sovereignty from the same ethnicity as Trump's grandkids? Barron Trump will be forced to marry an ugly old used yenta.
Out of all the retarded theories I've heard over the past day this is the only one I actually believe. Its either this or the SS are just that laughably incompetent.
I think they planned for Biden to step down, Kamela to take power(she is a total globohomo puppet) and Trump to be shot.
Obviously Biden didn't bow down as they hoped, he is a bit above puppet level, but the plan to kill Trump was already in motion.
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something like pic-related too
secret service in the U.S. is slowly becoming like The Praetorian Guard of ancient Rome which also was involved in countless scandals and conspiracies.

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For God, perhaps. Man's script didn't go according to plan yesterday
They have backup plans for everything (MSM is basically showbiz with a pretend front of credibility) but sometimes they half ass it.
To wit, that's basically it. They were vamping and it just so happened cnn had a decent backup script at the ready. It helps if there's confusion anyway as confusion is good and any inaccuracy will be ignored anyway. If DC was hoping for a miss and everything is going according to plan then it's being hidden excellently, I can tel you that much lmao
Good observation and actually makes sense that certain socio-historical patterns repeat themselves.
Damn right. Every single poster on this site should know this and spam this. The shilling is absolutely insane. There simply aren't liberal types coming on /pol/ to argue with us. It's obviously a demoralization campaign. Half of the threads on /pol/ are trooncuck shill threads. They never stop, these fags. You can try to demoralize us, and spew dogshit out of your mouth on how the shooter was "republican." Guess what? The average American who just watches the news doesn't give a fuck what little details you can spin. They just saw a bullet fly right by Trump's head. He's won and you have lost. The next four years will be a step forward for us.
This gif will be in /pol/ history kek
>Every one of those secret service agents next to him knew trump was supposed to die
doubt it, simply because
1. most of them don't need to know it
2. the less people know, the less likely there will be whistleblowers
>man who stands in place the easiest target survived because he turned his head
lmaoooo holy fuck shooter couldve just went for his chest.
h-hes fast...!!!
I wish I had the video of the live coverage, but it was pretty ambiguous script to my memory. Could have worked fine if he was actually injured, it was just like "something happened, we go now to our expert on civil something happenings" and dude talked about how this is like the heckin Troubles and right before the Civil War when he was definitely alive as a 5000 year old vampire or whatever.

Anyway, interesting insights. I will choose to believe that by turning on the TV at that moment, I flipped into a universe where he doesn't get shot because seeing his head explode on TV would have been traumatic for me even as a non-Trump fan. You're welcome for the chaotic timeline shift, NPCs of my solipsistic realm.
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>The shilling is absolutely insane. There simply aren't liberal types coming on /pol/ to argue with us. It's obviously a demoralization campaign. Half of the threads on /pol/ are trooncuck shill threads. They never stop, these fags. You can try to demoralize us, and spew dogshit out of your mouth on how the shooter was "republican."
as a liberal /pol/ newfag, this seems to be the case. i came here to read some interesting takes, and there have been for sure, but its 90% filler
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So what happens now?
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The amount of shilling here is out of control. You ask "why do they care" realize they don't, then realize they're paid.
I'm not a religious man but I just watched satanists try to kill Donald Trump and the hand of God swatted that bullet out of the fucking way. God said not today Satan. Now the Satanists are shitting their pants in terror. Holy shit, is god real? All this time they thought they could be evil because there was nothing and nobody to punish them for it, but now, they question, is there punishment awaiting me? Oh how they squirm. God opposes them and everyone can see it in plain view. Fate decided NOT TODAY SATAN.
I know, these people are spineless fucking cowards.
Problem is that we’re going to be paying for all their extra security and they will just continue to double down on failed policies.

>I'm not a religious man
Might be time to seriously read the Gospels anon
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>as a liberal /pol/ newfag

Are you realizing that your liberal world is imploding both internally in the US and externally in international geopolitics?
Its ovyir for liberalism.
How do Democrats win against an enemy with a mandate from God?
it was obviously a glow op orchestrated by the CIA that was botched.
There are alternatives?
>israeli flag
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He's got a good eye for the small details but there's a bigger picture not being seen
Trump doesn't care how much the usss beefs up security, he'd rather hire private - his own people.
Every side is scrambling and waiting for someone else to move. 3 letter agencies are playing chicken rn
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sounds like schizo shit but it's exactly spot on
noticed too how weirdo all the Lügenpresse is currently
even here

they ALL knew what was supposed to happen
The sexicracy has defeated logic

We are on the illogicals
Agreed. There are definitely black hats on the SS team. Those guys on the roof literally had the would-be assassin in their sights for at least a solid 43 secs before the first pop. They then stalled and waited until he fired off literally like 8 or 9 more before taking him out. It really is almost as if they were actively trying to give Crooks multiple opportunities to succeed.
>anyone in the industry knows what I'm talking about, every press org has pretty much the same passwords, default passwords everywhere or easily guessable names, etc) you'll find plenty of pre-prepped segment bumpers, intros, etc for plenty of scenarios.
And yet instead of posting any of those, you repost the same graphic we have seen 10000 times.
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Desantis insider is that you? Is Kari Lake still a lock-in for trump's running mate or has he moved on to Vance? Id think tucker would do well as either VP or press secretary,
>Captcha: NGGR
Tired of posting on /gg/ huh?
The sad part? Almost every psyop is this lazy.
just because they have plaintext pws doesn't mean they don't keep logs. Think with your head and not with your mouth.
>why is the media so quiet about this
nigger what
even in foreign countries this shit is 24/7 on the telly
only sane comment in this thread, you and me are the last White men in a sea of rot. Hope is slowly fading for me, save yourself.
This is eerily similar to the Manchester arena bombings. Described as popping balloons
Any clue why haley just received an RNC speaking slot?
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that's a gay image. here take this one
There's been like 8 attempts on Trumps life now look it up
To be clear, I don't think Crooks was "in on it" or anything. I think those who like to stage these sorts of things were aware of hin and what he was planning to do and then they just let it him give it a shot. In fact, they let him take like 10 shots and the blind, creepy faggot still couldn't get the job done. To say that most or all of the SS team surrounding Trump, all of the media, and nearly every world leader was disappointed in Crooks' performance would probably be an understatement. The SS snipers probably would have given him an even longer amount of time to get it done, but I think they knew people in the crowd were already watching them so they had to do something.
I don't know everything - that said, now that you mention it, I wonder if popping balloons is comms?
No, we're different people. Smart cookie though.
>trump has been betrayed by the ss twice now, once on jan 6, and once today
As a famous man once said...fool me once shame on you, fool me- You can't get fooled again
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>Trump is fucking furious.
actually that image is worse it's a bullet hole and 45 because the last two 'dollars' are silver certificates not federal reserve notes. I didn't even notice at the time until just now
the founders never intended people to use p.a. systems
gopro was setup to record the shooter by security before any shots were fired
“They” wanted trumps head to be blown off. It was supposed to be a Kennedy moment. Shooting his chest it’s possible he would survive.
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Also it's 1pbtid
the founders intended the vp to be the guy who lost
they were great men but they did make mistakes
>bullet 4 7
>bullet 4 July (7th month)
I just read the whole thing 3 times
its very good
Lookner was on point though. Shots fired shots fired shots fired!
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Anybody have CNN's live feed from when it first went down? Since when do they cover Trump rallies?
Honestly, it's kind of hilarious how fast the RaTiOnAl LeFt can actually go from zero to Alex fucking Jones when it suits them.
>So what happens now?
you pay your taxes
Take meds, if dems wanted him dead, he will, they will have at least 3 snipers and few drones to orchestrate the attack and make sure it's done
i know what you mean, definitely. each person helps create the reality we all experience. and nobody is greater or lesser than another.
Is Biden really gonna step down (or forced to step down by Democrats) before the DNC roll call in a few days? Who'll take his place if so? Newsom? Harris?
I can't believe they don't use drones to watch rooftops. This is a major security gap.
I have stolen your idea anon. Too bad you were a fag thay never contributed to the mem war.
Are you saying it's like the reporter on 911 who reported the downing of building #7, before it happened?
Mockingbird got them their scripts too early?
that's utterly retarded tho
if they wanted him dead for real there would have been at least 3 shooters
you don't give your best shot to a retard
something is fishy
two ss agents get on stage and scream "shooter down" then trump gets up with blood on his face and raises his fist while the audio gets mysteriously cut out while he yells "fight! fight! fight!" and the crowd gets so loud shouting "USA! USA! USA!" you can hear them, as many people turn towards the cameras and flip them off, screaming fuck you. They knew exactly what happened.
Yeah this tracks, I bet the pentagon is furious and using that faggot crooks as an example of how not to follow an operation. His family is gonna get unmade in the next few days, watch.
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The power of KEK is real.
I read it. Having a problem there, ESL?
i mean they were caught off guard that trump's head didn't explode
he was saved by a sudden turn of his head only
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True, but unless Trump goes full TKD, I have very little reason to not believe that post. It lines up well, better than what OP is claiming.
yes. that's why those "popping sounds" headlines are so telling.
Thanks for doing the hand labor, happy to contribute intellectual effort. Congrats on your new hit comic!

No, it was pretty ambiguous but it was weird that the first thing that happened was some guy talking about le heckin civil war. I was like that seems very... hot. But then since that moment every other person on TV has been like "CALM DOWN EVERYONE" even though no one cares, so I don't really know what to make of it.

It's been an odd day.
Don’t talk about Abby Shapiro like that. Those milkers are still fresh.
That's an astute comparison but not what happened here.
Biden is irrelevant and a distraction from the people around him. Any time you hear about biden specifically something about his staff is being hidden.
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Nothing to do with the founders. The SS was created along with the central bank. This is a civil-war issue. Their (((mission))) is to eliminate counterfeit currency and protect the US Dollar. (In other words, to use violence to ensure the monopoly of the greenback.) Keeping a group of thugs around the president at all times isn't really a part of their charter at all. HHHHHMMMMMMMMmmmmmm...

I'm not an exceptionally religious person, but what happened to Trump was probably the closest thing I've seen to a miraculous event of that magnitude caught on camera. I do think there is a higher power that wants him to persevere, and honestly, I think it's kind of strengthened my faith a bit. The world is filled with Satanists - and that is true whether one believes in Satan or not. It's what THEY believe in and worship - or at the very least, the ideals of.
Google the definition of vamping. Civil war dude was told to say the first thing that came to his mind.
I live in Florida, Desantis has done some good things here.
I don't trust him esp his wife. They are compromised.

> Everyone on the SS detail was in on it
They would have bumped him off by now if true. The only one I'm sure was in on it is the head of security for the rally (whoever it was) who left that roof open.
Good effortpost
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It's funny, I was just wondering what the reactions would be to Trump going with private security for the rest of the election cycle and into the presidency.
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well said fren
I guess dude, idk how being on TV works

As a viewer, the way CNN covered the even was so awkward that I immediately assumed this was some sort of super fake non-event.

Im still pretty much in that side of things cause its hard to ignore your gut and eyes and ears but I like the idea of the last minute neo head-dodge. It's very like... how Kim Il Sung would have dodged an assassin before founding Best Korea.

We're setting ourselves up to build 200 ft statues of this wrestlin' fella.
>Heart of the country
Lmfao I'm not reading the rest of that shit
anyone have a clip of anyone saying "he turned his fucking head!"?
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Read these threads to understand the initial plan (installing Desantis to boost military recruitment rates).
>https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/427500338/#427501457 (original Desantis insider thread)
>https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/428125263/ (DOJ working with the Desantis campaign)
>https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/429305814 (Desantis insider thread 2)
>https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/429836245/ (DC insider)
>https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/435983463/ (Desantis insider thread 3)
Heart of the government I think is what he meant, anyone who hates these faggots as much as OP clearly didn't mean heart of the country
tl;dr: trump was supposed to die so the military industrial complex could ban guns. it was all planned. trump turned his head at that exact moment like neo from the matrix DONT WATCH THE FOOTAGE JUST BELIEVE ME
The swamp is shitting itself right now. Emperor Trump will reintroduce Imperium and bring glory back to the Empire.

How many pieces of silver equals 2$ in silver certificates? A jew like Alex (faggot) Soros would know.
it's just in their nature
Show you real flag
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The only thing I saw was the leftist tried to assassinate their only political rival months before the election

Trump 2024
You're all done.
You should run before you get exiled
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This may be the real motive behind this.
Trump is all about taking down most of the govt.
Getting rid of all the useless eaters who work (well they don't) for gummint.
And go private.
Remember this guy, Erik Prince, from Blackwater. Oh sure, he's just the man to create a private security service.
It was a Rush job
hopefully. thios 4 year term shit is so fucking retardred.
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Reddit spacing. Reddit mind. Sage in all fields.

Correct. All of it.
Whats going on with the project 2025 hysteria?
Looks like the Rubicon crossed Caesar
where is that blackrock video that was supposedly deleted?
Welcome to the hurtbox, newfren. You were actually responding to a shill themselves. Read between the lines:
>I ain't reading your text.
>YEAH! Fucking shills write words.
>Your comment
Yes you're going to encounter an absurd number of bots. (The worst thing about being a newfag is that the bot density only ever increases. You'll never know a clean imageboard full of humans. Poor guy.) But you can tell OP is thinking through what they have to say because they've edited their post (particularly their punctuation) for tempo and flow. Bots don't do that, they just accidentally inherit a shadow of style from the zeigeist. (Bots always reddit-space, for example, because reddit is one of the few sites that sold everything to OpenAI. The bot doesn't know it's a glaring stylistic error - it just thinks most humans type that way deliberately.)
You know they could nuke him if they really wanted him dead. He could not escape anywhere.
Nigga it stands for the 47th president
about 30
Not even close
For all reasons though he did hit his shot, it was divine intervention trump turned his head. I just wonder who put him up to it or even if anyone at all? 2016 pol the autists would’ve already found his furry art page and manifesto, now it’s almost impossible to co-ordinate anything on here and we’ll probably never know
I wonder how that phone call between Biden and Trump went. All of them are recorded. Assuming they don’t delete it, I wonder when we can hear it.
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You won't do shit.

I agree. I actually think the team closest to Trump and who ran over to shield him were possibly not aware of what was happening. They might know, but the more people who know about it, the more likely one of them is going to maybe do the right thing, or at least tell the wrong person about the plan. I think it's quite a bit more likely that the sniper detail on the rooftop would almost assuredly been informed of any such plot. My sense is that Crooks was on the feds radar for awhile and when they found out he was planning to kill Trump, they turned a blind eye while instructing the SS snipers to not *immediately* interfere if the faggot actually showed up and to only kill him after he got in at least 5 or 10 shots. Obviously, I'm just speculating. It definitely glows, either way.
nibba how hard do you think it is to get a gif out of a folder??
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are you actually retarded?
its 47 cause he would be the 47th president.
I actually weep for you kin.
such a gay Redditor post
If they want him gone so bad they would kill him, you really think they will let the election not be rigged? And you faggots will do nothing, like normal.
He wears a vest.
>You can imagine how less than thrilled the women at the ss were about this (hint).
Why were there so many women ss with him? Is that normal? It all looked so goofy, not only their npc look, but more women then men, looking naturally incompetent at a job they were never meant to do. Or is this a result of Trumps choosing them? Is it partly evidence of his degeneracy? He would rather have women ss around him because of "reasons" and since the other side hates him, they'd use that against him. Almost as if there is a whole network based around incriminating and controlling people with youth and sex.
holy shit the lips are perfect
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I have no doubt about any of this as a long time noooticer at this point all I can think of is what is next. As far as narrative-crafting goes the ball is completely within Trump's court and he can do whatever he wants to do with it right now, usually the game is so restrictive I have an idea of what happens next but this could go anywhere Trump wants it to go. Exciting times.
If he was really supposed to die, they would have had 2nd and 3rd shooters to do the job if the 1st guy fucked up. They didn't. You mean to tell me they pinned their grand plan on some 20 year old retard kid with iron sights? No friend. They would have had a ex-special forces sniper in the bushes to make the actual shot.

I'll grant you it is too obvious to be incompetence, but if it was part of their grand plan, they would have had more failsafes, so I fall back to incompetence with a side of malice.
Fuck. 45 by the current system, 47 if the people ever get their way. Pretty explicit.
This is an old gif from the site. Notice how it's not even an updated webm. Clearly part of a shillpost response gif/image database.
holy kek
Someone I know told me they expect some kind of “foreign attack” to happen on US soil so they can declare Marshall law before the election, and honestly I wouldn’t put it past them >>474196837
now this is schizoposting
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It was divine intervention

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alright, here's my question LARP anon: were there ultimately one or two shooters? Is Crooks even real? Maxwell Yearick is getting memoryholed fast- except by that nasty Epstein island sodomite kike Roger Stone who tweeted about him, oddly- and the Crooks character being a Jewish lolbert who featured in a Black Rock outreach commercial while possibly donating to ActBlue is extremely suspect. It's almost too perfect for /pol/ and is excellent bait for partisan normie argumentation about his true affiliation. But Yearick being an arrested antifa militant who was already arrested and in the custody of feds, groomed into the next Lee Harvey Oswald, that's just perfect enough. Take a swing at my confirmation bias, I'm at least a little on the hook so far.
US foreign policy hinges on the notion of democracy and upholding it. If they suspend elections the regime loses all legitimacy.
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>blanks that kill spectators
ok commie
Anyone who plays Team Fortress 2 as Sniper has had this happen
I already know that tranny boy was probably just using irons, but to think- the last thing the shooter saw was Trump magically staring directly at him the moment he took the shot- and then immediately being lit up by return fire. That is the last thing he saw. Fuckin wild. >>474196952
Can you imagine if Trump was shot and killed on live TV, then we all found out the Jews did it and elected Kanye with Fuentes as VP?

This truly is the worst timeline
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The course of events in the last ~10 years seems incredibly improbable and unreal.

9/11 seems predictable in comparison - the WTC was always a target and that kind of attack was in a Tom Clancy book.

For Trump to be elected president and then survive an assassination attempt by inches plus everything else that has gone on? How is this objective reality?
Remote viewing isn't 100% accurate. They could have seen that everything was set up for victory, but they could have viewed an entirely different stream. Even if their techniques now revolve around quantum computing and hyper advanced "AI" well beyond the LLM shit that we have, the rules of the universe still remain.
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At the same time as the dollar is crashing too.
All confidence in that disappearing.
>strengthened my faith a bit
Anyone who saw the frame by frame where he's talking, jerks his head to double-check info before continuing, and *maybe* 500ms later flinch, should share that thought sir. The average person has a physical reaction latency of ~175ms. It means the bullet was already in flight and on target when he turned his head. That's the good lord lookin' out for a bro.
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You want schizo? I got your schizo right here, baby! (This is from 3 months ago.)
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>Generic looking lady angel
>Didn't use St. Michael the Archangel
Protestants are so fucking gay
So is it confirmed that Trump is ok? We haven’t seen any public appearance since yesterday.
Glowniggers knew that tree would block him so they told him to lie on the roof right there.
Even set his ladder up for him next to the dumpster
>Holy shit, is god real?
The question is the answer, fren. Search your heart, you already know the Truth.
He tweeted that he was leaving for his WI rally this afternoon. Don't know when that's scheduled though.
He was golfing earlier too, though that looked like his fatty double.
Good. Fuck the Swamp.
incredible. also if he wasnt so fat and hunched over, then turning his head would have saved him. and the only reason he turned his head was because he went off script. God is mysterious
trips has it
The illusion of democracy died a long time ago.
What holds the US government up is the threat of violence and the fact that the population, for all its grousing, isn't so upset about their standard of living that they'd venture to do anything about it.
This. They need Trump to send his cultists to die for Israel. The party in power sacrifices their followers.
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>survive an assassination attempt by inches
*millimeters. FTFY.
.... oh shit
You're here forever
>When the Jew in you has to subvert the opposition
>When the Democrat in you has to execute the plan
Why do you think they have to cheat and steal elections?
>He tweeted that he was leaving for his WI rally this afternoon
Sure, but anyone can tweet from his account. I don’t doubt that he’s alive but I’m skeptical about how ok a 78 year old would be after getting shot in the ear.
That's a really good point. I hadn't noticed that tree blocked the SS sniper. I'll be sure to add that into my interactive recreation of the shooting.
Now watch this drive
USA is not a democracy its a republic
When Kennedy was killed the news outlets had press releases already done blaming ‘right wing extremists’ yes they actually used that term back then as well.
Eh I’m sure he’s fine, some disinfectant and maybe some stitches is probably all that was needed. Might’ve fucked up his hearing a bit though
He was golfing first thing this morning.
Any word on the beltway for trumps running mate will be?
Yeah, especially when the snipers had the shooter in their sights but were told to Hold Your Fire.
No, Biden is their Big Guy.
This whole Trump Assassination Fiasco has already gotten normies to forget Stupid Joe's full-retard debate performance.
They probably do wish their Antifa Faggot was a better shot though
one problem chief...
if "they" actually wanted trump dead, they would probably hire some veteran sniper hitman instead of an amatuer scrawny 20 year old autistic incel loser...
I have some solid insider information. It's not Moot.
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I’d read it!
Thanks for posting these anon. I took a peak and now can't stop reading.
It’s the only thing that gets ppl to tune in
Not only did I read it, I sent it to my newsletter of over 500,000 patriots to read also.

Then I posted all over Normie Social Media websites for the masses to read, too.

So far, potentially, this post has been read, many times over, by atleast 1,000,000 men and women.

The problem is that you are probably a minority diversity quota hire at the shill farm, so you can't even read.

We The People already know what is coming next and won't be tricked by your Fake and Gay tactics.

Trump will win 2024 and then you will purposely crash the economy, completely collapse it, to make him look bad.

You will fail, I give it 3 maybe 4 months tops, before he fully recovers the economy and then skyrockets it into a utopia.

God bless the USA.
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No the nato fiasco made them forget the debate. Now all anyone remembers is trump surviving.
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Is America the Battle Box?
> Imagine a full length manga

You need to start a family or something
How would this make people want to die for israel? People who voted Trump by and large wanted an end to endless wars
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Not bad, although probably there are anime references I am unaware of.
I wonder what desantis's backers did after he dropped out. Did they move to haley? backing trump reluctantly? all in on biden?
But an innocent Trump rally attendee was murdered.
And Trump's whole top ear was missing.
You didn't drag us here, we were already on this timeline and now you've hopped over.

Trust me, that's a good thing. This is a fun one!

very not based
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Isn't he gonna die anyway then? If they really want him dead and the people supposed to be protecting him are in on it, it's not like one failed attempt will stop them
Take your meds you're crazy OP
I was thinking about the setup. There should have been a curtain around Trump. Just something
so the shooter couldn't take aim.
With unsecured buildings within 1600 yards, yeah the guard was down.
Imagine the funeral for the fire chief murdered.
Now compare that to a typical dem funeral, like can't breav for instance.
That's who they honor.
We have the real heroes.
There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit. (I stole that quote)
It's 3 paragraphs, retard.
shut up, retard
This sounds like Q-anon tier fanfiction
Nice, you have no fucking idea how bad my last timeline was bro, I hope I can be happy here and flourish. Thank you for accepting timeline refugees.
Imagine trusting your political enemy with your security detail KEK
>once on jan 6
yeah okay. what?
Maybe that Mississippi senator was actually trying to help Trump by getting rid of those parasites.
that's not how it works, the best assassin is one that you never even had to interact with for complete plausible deniability. What a real investigation should do now is to look for suspicious mail that he received, e.g advertisements for guns that nobody else on his street got, facebook ads that were ordered for a guy in his exact area targetted exactly for him telling him that Trump is super duper extra evil
One of the private security teams would presumably be primarily tasked with watching the SS
I saw an account of all the sympathy notes sent by all the world's leaders.
Oh, they feel so bad for orange man.
Cuz they know they could be next.
Here's a direct representation of the sight line
Wait til you hear about the FBI, DOJ and IRS
They have advanced technology, heart attack guns etc. If "they" wanted trump dead he would be
before we hit bump limit and get archived, has anyone considered the possibility that the bullet might have completely missed but Trump actually neo-dodged INTO the bullet, but just his ear?
Stfu glow nigger
The panic in the female ss agent's voice was absolutely real
there's no way she knew
These insider links are very interesting. Thanks.
All of that creates a paper trail, whistleblowers, investigations etc. Stochastic terrorism activates trannies as proxies, but you get what you pay for.
capcha S0S GJ
They just made sure the stupidest chicks were there for the duty.
Their incompetence would take care of it.
There's no way they could know, also, if there was another shooter in the crowd.
Too long have the 4chan shills mocked us. Too long have they corrupted our threads. Too long have they slid our posts and consensus cracked us.
Forgot pic
The media is quiet because all their old colleagues that were kicked out for not towing the line are now calling them out for inciting an assassination attempt.
There's not much they can say because it's blatently true
To be fair, the people on the ground did their job and swarmed him
like what the fuck were they gonna be able to do, snipe that bitch with a pistol?
The snipers, however...
Maybe the media focus will turn to the truth about the covid shots.
They need someone/something new to throw under the bus.
right after it happened, it cut to some wide eyed news anchor faggot that didn't know wtf to say
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i know, right? also this nigga didn't duck for cover or anything just stood there like a doofus gawking at the happening
this is true remember when those election resulsts or other outcomes didn't go there way but the media jumped the gun and published the wrong outcome
They all new what the dems, including joe, had said recently about killing Trump.
They didn't expect that to be taken literally.
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You think anyone here who isn't a redditfag is gonna read all that?
Trump never spoke to him. Biden can't dial a phone
So what if he has an inside man? I thought him turning his head for that long was a bit odd. Like they told him when to turn his head? I don't know. Like this is a movie
What an absolute unit. The Jews cannot stop the God Emperor
Republicans pounce in the midst of never before seen crisis of our democracy

Humans have a natural or possibly supernatural 6th sense that can detect if someone is looking at them. Hone the skill consciously and you can detect pretty far if someone is looking at you.
>"He turned his fucking head!"
Did the SS say this or something on the hot mic?
I've seen this reference but not sure of what it is referring to.
>DC is panicking right now
haha yeah i know right?
Based on recent years, NPCs can be gaslit into believing “democracy” can be “saved” with brutally authoritarian and corrupt measures.
>the last thing the shooter saw
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That's JFK JR
Gotta support gay Israel from the Mohammed loving, pedo Democrat backed Palestinians. All a distraction from the actual genocide of Ukrainians ao the the khazars can move back to their homeland.
>INTO the bullet,
the vid shows otherwise
and to the left
its called martial law you ignorant baboon nigger
big earthquake at the new madrid fault line mentioned.
>Is Biden really gonna step down (or forced to step down by Democrats) before the DNC roll call in a few days? Who'll take his place if so? Newsom? Harris?

No. The setup will be like this:

Zombie Biden vs Victorious Trump. Polls show a massive Trump landslide victory coming up. Biden still wins, somehow, with total votes cast being 150% of the available electorate. 2020 repeats but in a much more obvious way. From there, things start to go sideways, as the Biden regime tries to cancel the Trump insurgency by any means possible, legal or not. Tree branches becomes one, and red states start to secede from the union. The the shooting begins in earnest as the Grandest Bootaloo ever begins.
hes been with trump the whole ride
the only real "democracy" is authoritarian populism like the national socialist german workers party
bro have you seen the footage?
man was a literal cunt hair from
death and people are playing it off like the kid didn’t almost just ace the guy with secret service permission
makes sense
We were all born with a 6th sense. We were programmed, convinced and destroyed Pineal gland out of us.
>People who voted Trump by and large wanted an end to endless wars
so does Trump, understand this: Trump may kiss their ass a lot publicly but they still hate him and are terrified of him because he truly is a loose cannon goy and they have NO pedo or otherwise criminal blackmail material on him (but he over-valued his property for a loan! = GAY) unlike pedo Joe and the rest of the DC bigwigs, he pays them a lot of lip service but he won't actually really do what they want if he doesn't want to do it, you know like go to war with Russia, and go to war with Iran, and go to war with etc etc (oh and Trump is known to be very suspicious about 9-11 and they for sure don't want him opening that can of worms)
i know
7/13 I learned rhe $1000 toilet seat is literally just stolen money and there is no anti-bullet laser or whatever.
>ugly old used yenta.
Why would he marry your mum?
Excellent synopsis.

The DeepState had the dead patsy holding an AR-15 because they intended to use that imagery to disarm America. "That a crazed lone white male gunman can use such a weapon of war as an AR-15 shows none of us is safe! We must confiscate all such weapons now!"

And the past months of the statements from "Biden" repeatedly calling Trump a "deadly threat" expose how the DS had long been conditioning the public to accept Trump's assassination. "Trump was a fitting victim of his own violent rhetoric."

Now the DS are shitting bricks (though Biden always does that but doesn't know) realizing their conspiracy and the coup behind it is truly going to be exposed.

They never thought they could fail. And pride goeth before the fall.
SOMEONE PLEASE add the GoldenEye blood-on-the-lense effect at the end
lel that bitch shot herself in the hand
>How do you play golf when you're furious?
Take one club less.
>I do think there is a higher power that wants him to persevere, and honestly, I think it's kind of strengthened my faith a bit.

These "people" occasionally post here, and they think christians are morons. They write posts that appear to be total schizobabble unless you know the peculiars of their world and get what they refer to. Have you thanked father ohm, mother azna and the blue avians yet?
What's with this shit?
>DC is panicking right now
Tell me about it. Glowniggers have started to harass me on my public profiles like my Amazon account.
An Farsi translator named Tom Miller who "works in govt".

They seem to be unraveling and lashing out now.
Get boosted faggot
>Humans have a natural or possibly supernatural 6th sense that can detect if someone is looking at them.

muh pappy sez women know when you look at their tiddies because newborns are obviously unable to communicate when they're hungry

so they stare at dem tiddies until mammy notices and does the needful

this may have evolved over time to any part of the body, which would obviously be passed down to both male and female progeny alike

i say this because both men and women are born with nipples but men's nipples are worthless
True, but my point was that NPCs can go along with insanely authoritarian measures if the (((powers that be))) justify it with “saving/protecting (((our))) democracy.”
you're butthurt they might get them to vote for trump?

And oh yeah, trough the rod and the ring they tell you who they are. They have set up events so that America will fall into a civil war and safely self destruct. They are the people who do the Havana Syndrome. I expect the Havana Syndrome to start happening in Europe after America has been safely disposed of.
Not today, CIA
>yikes, 45 minutes
give us a QRD if you have one please
If Trump was supposed to die and secret service knew about it, then why did they send a fuck up turkey to do the job?

Are they really that incompetent? They being the secret service that planned it? How did the secret service know?
At 666 time stamp The guy says that he had a vision of a bullet whizzing past Trump‘s ear
Trump and friends have always been socially liberal
About time Trump starts his own SS.
It's literally a live miracle witnessed by the world. Why do you think the demon possessed are screeching in agony over it?
I gotta check that out
Yeah, and who's going to really notice.
This is her first event in the campaign.
And she hosts queers.
I'm conviced now glowniggers are the literal epitome of evil and are demonic entities in human flesh. Its not possible to witness Trump, the shit this guy has gone through, come out for the better and still be his enemy without just being a purely evil being.

Whats in it for glows? Is power and money really that important to them? They are just going to burn in hell, the divine providence that occurred the other day as reconfirmed by belief in God.
It's reverse psychology
>trying to give Crooks multiple opportunities to succeed
The dead patsy is just another Oswald/Sirhan/Ray cutout - a dead body to allow the MSM to overwhelm the naive with irrelevant noise while the real perpetrators of the conspiracy escape.
not just glowniggers but basically every single part of the global rules based order(the coalition led by political jewry)

all demons(trump included btw)
"Let him go" Said the jew
this narrative is failing so hard only the greatest of retards will believe it. Anyone who believes it on this board is below 85 IQ or a shill
>Whats going on with the project 2025 hysteria?

Democrat psyop to motivate their supporters as to why the election has to be declared not valid if Trump wins.
I've talked to a few normies, though, and amazingly, they are not fooled.
They can see through this too.
You know who is radio silent?

This is something that the shills and doomers don’t understand. Trump paid a lot of lip service to israel but was working to draw down their dependence on the US and developed cold relations with Net-and-Yoohoo as a result. Also Trump getting back in office isn’t going to suddenly make conservatives want to get involved in another war, there’d have to at least be a false flag.
It's a propaganda phrase, brainwashing. they get their orders and everyone repeats the stupid line.
We're not hearing much from Red Skull either.
He posted a few times last night. But I think this actually took him by surprise too.
still watching it, but seems like it might be worth watching the whole thing for. i'm still skeptical of all things trump, because politics is so lame really. these types of evangelists all support things i don't agree with, but no one is perfect i guess. at about 35 minutes in he says a clown rides the green horse. spoopy.
Jews are demons. They run everything and hate us!
the synagogue of satan must be utterly destroyed.
inflation and crime evaporated? That's news to me.
Blanks don't cycle in an AR without a blank firing device attached to the muzzle
I was thinking about the NSA earlier today. They're patriots but also obedient. They'll follow orders. All the more reason the once-overconfident DS is terrified their assassination attempt failed.

And I'm gonna bet the DeepState kill team didn't follow very strict communications security.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood anon....
was just about to post that. good lookin out.
>there's a bigger picture not being seen
What is that bigger picture anon?
idk, I don't have a real horse in your society's race. Trump is now in favor of totally destroying white collar jobs.

Diogenes of Sinope. picrel.

biden and crew manage to be so revolting I have to vote for Teump. The left are snivveling pigs.

But Trump is not my friend. Obviously.
>I was thinking about the NSA earlier today. They're patriots but also obedient. They'll follow orders. All the more reason the once-overconfident DS is terrified their assassination attempt failed.
>And I'm gonna bet the DeepState kill team didn't follow very strict communications security.
the NSA gets to see everything through their palantir and still do nothing for the polity. I have to assume they're enemies too at this point. how many assassinations, child rapes, etc. has the NSA been audience to?
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OH SHIT he describes it exactly (it's at 11:05) here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey0qVzG8_vU&t=657s
You're black aren't you?

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