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Patsy's synagogue works with ActBlue, BlackRock, and US Army Psyops. Connected to another shooter from a few years ago.

I think the idea was pretty simple.
1) Pro shooter to take out Trump (maybe inside the building directly under the patsy)
2) Patsy to provide public story and motive (he had been told he'd live)
3) Leadership is captured and gives frustrating stand-down order "intel unit is investigating don't act"
The plan might have been to cause outrage and follow up with fake right-wing retaliation, leading to partial martial law.
This would lead to a de facto canceled elections with the following format:
Hasty GOP convention that elects a nobody compromise candidate.
Martial law limits on campaigning.
Turbo mail in voting.
"Should we have this election at all?"
"Well of course we should, now let's all turbo mail in vote now that Twitter is censored again."

But here's why it failed:
1) crowd sees the patsy, and agitates for minutes in spite of rebuffs due to leadership stand-down order
2) SS not "in" on it are now focused on the patsy, so the psyop window is very tight, but the stand-down holds
3) Local cop - AGAINST ORDERS (he was later fired) - gives into crowd agitation and confronts patsy
4) The window in which the patsy would plausibly take a shot is rapidly closing. If he engages with cop, snipers will act of their own initiative.
5) If the pro shooter keeps shooting after the patsy is down, it will be forensic proof of an operation. He must fire while the patsy still lives.
6) Pro is ordered to do hasty shot on Trump, with non-ideal head angle. It was just as likely to scrape the edge of Trump's skull as nick his ear, and more likely to just miss.

Massive insert CYE credits.
I like this story
Thx anon it directly resolves about 7 different questions asked in as many more threads on the catalog tonight.
watch it fall off in like 3 seconds, though :(
You're too caught up in thinking they care if it's a democrat who wins. Not so. They're just fine with the dems getting obliterated in a post-assasination election as long as the republican who gets in is compromised. In this case, it would've been Haley since she had the biggest claim to the nomination and is a massive deep state slimeball.
Nope you're missing the value of civil unrest as an excuse for bullshit. The election doesn't matter as much as the conditions.
Please keep thread alive while I take a shower.
Good theory-crafting but that still leaves the question as to how the pro got away, or what they were supposed to do if worst case scenario (ie patsy engages police) occurs.
How did the pro get into position and would they get away after firing, essentially?
The whole area would be locked down and secured the moment shots are fired, pro wouldn't be able to exfil using the crowds if they were inside the building.
you can see another gunman from this angle
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Pro might have shot through these windows.
If patsy engages police, patsy dies, but no shot. That's why the last minute shot was so hasty, explaining the ear nick.
See pic:
For where the pro was and why they probably just left through the building.
The election matters because Trump's allies are planning to untangle all the unaccountable bureaucracy currently shackling the executive branch. They have spent the last century castrating the presidency, and you can bet they're scared of it being undone.
Well that strengthens the case, so sure.
There was a getaway vehicle waiting and no pd in area
All assassinations since before JFK use the Patsy as a decoy while the real shooter is elsewhere.


At 5:10 in this ancient YouTube video, deceased 1980s conspiracy researcher John Judge talks about the attempted Reagan assassination which used a "razor fleshette C02-propelled" bullet that struck Reagan in the lung. Doctors were confused because no bullet/bullet hole was found on Reagan. But the entry wound was just a few millimeters.

This was a specialized weapon that was used by military/intelligence agencies as far back as 1981.
I knew co2 funs were the future of assassination
Yes, of course. 9/11 as well. It's just basic operational proficiency. Technical person requires years of training, but patsy has to sell the op.
>All assassinations since before JFK use the Patsy as a decoy while the real shooter is elsewhere.
The rest of your post aside, don't we have a photograph of the bullet flying from roughly where Crooks was? I'm not denying the possibility that the shot was someone else, but I'm going to need to see some sort of coherent argument.
Well the pro would have simply been right below him.
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Source: Trust me, bro, my dad works at Nintendo.
My two cents put that AR on one shot and aimed carefully but the two snipers on the roof covered both sides and officer was faster

Trump distracted him enough to shoot luckily annoyed the sniper first
I dont think the gunshots would sound the same if one was fired from the roof and another from inside the building.
Basically proof we're onto something and a free bump.
This image is how they wrote season 4 of the boys.
Above a 99% chance that you're posting left wing conspiracy theories and xitter cuck screenshots in other threads. Hope you get paid 5 cents for every (You) bro
Thx. There's a lot to dig in here but I guess shills worked the algo for a page 5 doldrums.
wait, picrel is true
every time
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Back to the CNN comment section you go pussy boy.
You will be tortured to death in front of the kids you rape.
fuck jannies
It's strange that 'catalog' isn't the standart format
and one of the very few good threads today
Could be suppressed subsonic rounds
You make a good point in that if it was truly an inside job, with their goal of assassination, they wouldn't leave it all up to a groomed 20 year old for that task. There would have to be at least another sniper, a professional marksman. The patsy provides the cover story. A troubled, mentally ill uninteresting nobody lone wolf. It cuts that loose end while giving their chosen assailant cover to conduct their heinous act
>Could be suppressed subsonic rounds
The picture with the bullet... can we use that to figure out its speed?
rip bread
Sounds like the harder-to-pull-off part would be faking enough nationwide right-wing retaliation of the scale necessary to justify declaring martial law. Like, why not just do that in the first place, since it pretty much worked with covid.
that's the easy part.
You wouldn't have to fake it if Trump's head exploded on live TV like it was supposed to.
Who owns the building (also location access, shooter's car, ladders, property, LE) thread >>474186328
>>474186328 <--Bump it
So then why the shooting if it's so easy?
Not to mention normies are like tourists with their eyes on a map as they wander down a dark alley. They don't see the real world, only what they're told.
>how to fake retaliation
that's easy
>then why do you need to do the thing ti spark retaliation?
i am intrigued by this theory
This is how it was supposed to work.
>Explode Trump's head
>Dem's act like it was a travesty and clutch pearls about political violence (they're still trying this it seems) trying to imply that it was Trump's violent rhetoric that inspired it.
>RHINO's call for "unity" with democrats but republican base is outraged
>Compromised individuals "rise" to lead republican base and insight more violence. This time completely controlled by CIA blackmail.
>Martial law declared, election rigged etc...
They could just make something up. Not like they don't control the media. Worked with Covid, Floyd, Brianna Taylor, and the Kenosha guy. Riots nationwide.
You still need a supposed inciting incident. Popping trumps head is something they wanted to do anyway. Plus it WOULD incite violence. There wouldn't be a need to fake it, although they could if they wanted to. It would be better for them if they can just let dissidents start popping off, because now those people are losing their lives to low level golems.
The reason Trump needed to die in order to enact this plan is that he has too much power over the republican base. He can simply endorse a different candidate than they'd intended and ruin their plans again. Him being dead both enrages the already disgruntled republican base while eliminating his control over who can they can force into positions of power.
to clarify, yes, they want civil war. yes, they want ww3. They are dumb enough to think they can win both.
honestly this makes sense. fake retaliation plan could center around removing Biden and maybe the plan all along was not to shoot to kill Trump. rev up his base, create an excuse for a right win retaliation scheme Biden being the target. then throw big mike in the ring with Trump. after that debate it probably became a scenario of can it get any worse? Ok so what we charge up his base worst case scenario he wins like he is most likely going to now or we get rid of Biden and toss in someone we believe might actually have a chance.
I disagree. The election doesn't matter, but Trump does need to go for their plan to work.
I wasn't gonna bump the thread till I saw your post. Good job.

Depends on your definition of winning.
I doubt they would care who "won" any more than a kid playing ultimate battle simulator.
> George Soros
> Is Arming
> Illegal Aliens
> To Overthrow Capitalism
Where it all falls apart for me is all this effort just to win the 2024 WH? If the plot was to trick the public into a 51% referendum to repeal 1st and/or 2nd amendments, I'd say it would be worth that much effort. But a presidential election?
They're literally replacing our military with foreigners.
Ultimate battle simulator won't peel the skin off of your face when you lose, but I guess they don't consider such things.
>Where it all falls apart for me is all this effort just to win the 2024 WH?
Election irrelevant. Already stated. Stop trying to make "the election" be a thing. see
Yes. It is supersonic.
>Election irrelevant.
What are you talking about? It's literally the gist of the OP. Start another thread if you want to move the goalposts that much.
Nigger, you are trying to move the goalposts and have been doing so every post. "The whole point?" No mention of what OP said about martial law or censorship? Get the fuck out of here.
agreed. not sure how you can say the election is irrelevant when Trump winning the election would almost instantaneously shutter the war in Ukraine. the Washington war machine can't have that
It's irrelevant to the conversation because Trump would obviously not be campaigning from the grave, hence everything about censorship, martial law, narrative control, etc, would be unnecessary. It's also irrelevant in the sense that their goals are obviously about more than 1 election. No one has ever said this is about 1 election. Clear case of strawmanning.
Originally police reported that they arrested someone
>HURR-DUR, I'm the deep state, and my biggest concern is the 2024 election!

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well thx, case solved. this is why I still browse this shithole. missed the whole thing and got a tl;dr in 5min.
give this man a box of the coldest beers!
Based Russians. Behead all satans. I will not fight you.
I'm gonna gtfo for tonight. People in other threads asking me how to save a fucking picture ffs
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>Patsy's synagogue
The OP was certainly about the election; scroll to the top to read it. Fake riots to declare martial law, pretend to cancel the election, ban dissenting voices from Twitter (apparently, Twitter is how elections are decided itt), then snap elections with mail-in ballots only. Yup, didn't miss anything. If you want to widen the conspiracy theory then, as I said, start a new thread. But don't just make things up and accuse me of straying off topic. Good stuff, just the same.
The "pro" was already dressed in the correct uniform.

"Buildings clear." He mutters to the local police as he walks calmly out of the hide tucking his still slightly warm rifle under his arm. As he heads to regroup with his co conspirators, he can't help but think that there would be hell to pay for this fuck up.

Get creative, your enemies have been at this a long time.
No, you make your own thread, and even then, you don't get to censor other people. This isn't Twitter or Reddit. If anyone on here is your employee, feel free to boss them around, but that's not me. Go fuck yourself.
Patsy's father is a psychiatrist. I've always speculated that after the exposure of MK Ultra, the program was moved to an outpatient basis. Bet you dad was medicating the shit out of his sprog with all kinds of wonderful psychotropics and SSRIs. Send the kid to therapy, ends up in a DOD funded clinic where he is subjected to hypnotism, brainwashing and who the hell knows what else.
>This thread is about the 2024 election, make your own thread
lol jk
this fits together with the general theory. Patsy was possibly not even related to "dad". Its just a shell family made to hold together just long enough for the op to progress.

Explaining away the highschool history is harder though, but they might not even be the same person.
Wow a post worthy of 2016 pol almost, genuine discussion, seems like actual human beings in this thread. Now watch it disappear
there actually isnt really anything shackling the executive branch

trump could have deported every single illegal (around 90k per day)and ended birthright citizenship and maybe even revoked the citizenship of already existing anchor babies(not sure on that one)
but he didn't want to

there was also like 5 laws he could have used to build his wall, up to 10 billion no questions asked for "fortifications" such as a wall

trump is not who you think he is

Doctrine says snipers positions are beat taken from within the confines of a hide, then you shoot and move. You sit back in a room and fire from within so that the muzzle flash is concealed and you are in cover and concealment. It also makes it much harder to pie your position.

If the shooter was wearing USSS gear or local police gear, this would be easy to enter and exit the site under the pretenae of looking for the "suspicious person".
They use private adoption for their child sex trafficking, incidentally. I found out because in 2010 I worked as a robotics intern for someone who bought a teenage Ukrainian girl and I looked into it after I noticed their oddly sexual behavior.
Sex trafficking isn't the end all be all of slavery.

Child soldiers, sacrificial lambs, labor. There are many uses for captures flesh outside of merely the sordid carnal themes that clog up popular media.

What if the patsy in this situation was one such "grey man"? Raised from a young age to fulfill a specific purpose?
The pro shooter might have entered 2 days early leaves 2 days late.
Maybe, but it might be overthinking it. I know they do get really crazy with the grooming kids for a purpose thing. Just look at Greta Thunberg. But in the other hand it probably wouldn't be necessary, since the world is full of brainwashed useful idiots.

Gonna get off now. Night, all.
Bro, what part of Trump's head exploding on live TV as a meaningful catalyst is beyond your comprehension.

This "op" would have had
1) the patsy
2) a pro shooter
3) no more than one in leadership to call for stand-down

3 people only on-scene
They might still pull the trigger on their overall plan like they did with COVID but it would be way harder to do now that Trump is going to give his speech at the convention.
blue guy was trying to control the narrative.
but yeah, sleepytiem
There are many factions and power clusters and Trump is a node for a lot of them to safely assert influence without getting in too much trouble. He fucks up what one large, specific faction wants to do.
Not replacing our military, just supplying and arming an ethnically and linguistically united group when whites will be exposed to starvation and unemployment and anarcho-tyranny.
The illegals are there just to counter balance any possibility of a white uprising. Like a counter uprising to check it.
And with credentials too.
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>there was a patsy and a real shooter
>but it was actually to shoot trump!

You're fucking dumb or a Zionist.

The idea IS pretty simple:
1) We want Zionist Republicuck with heavy personality-cult following in office when we get into war-shit for Israel and global jewry
2) We bring in a schizo patsy with his dads gun, tell him where to go, and assure him he'll have a chance
3) Our actual shooter is just one of the secret service detail
4) Shooter dumps several rounds into crowd
5) Patsy gets popped before ever getting a shot off
6) Trump responds to pre-arranged signal of gunshot, grabs his ear like a WWF wrestler and suddenly there's blood, old stage acting trick of cutting oneself or removing the covering of an already existing wound

>patsy dead
>Trump gets to pretend he got shot at
>victims in crowd to offer plausibility; ballistics reports will never be available to anyone outside secret service-level operations, easily falsified to boot

And there you have it, a completely reasonable explanation wherein Trump is simply a willing asset in a Zionst ruse, expending several innocent gentiles in the process.
Your boy loves Jews, they aren't out to kill him - but they are willing to do LITERALLY ANYTHING to try to make it seem more legitimate when he shuffles his fat old kosher ass into office to kick off some war-mongering for global Zionism.
Yeah outpatient Monarch makes sense for a lot of these weirdos from odd families with absent jew dads who are inexplicably rich and disappear.
there is no reason not to be able to calculate the point of origin of the shooter based on the impacts. Those rounds all ended up somewhere.

Ballistics reports need to be foied, but I expect them to never be done. The thing that gets me is that this was supposedly a rushed shot, because the supposed shooter was panicking because that cop came up the latter and spooked him.

U ever try to take a shot like that while under pressure? How about when you know your going to die? This kid was using iron sights, makes it even harder. Did he have training?

Despite that he scores what by all rights, should of been a perfect kill shot on the very small target that would of been trumps head.

Bullshit. That was done with a scope.

How many shots were fired? 9? 3 supposedly by him, then SIX by counter snipers? Or was it 3x3 and 3?

Someone needs to do audio forensics on the gunshots to compare volume levels, the counter snipers were much closer.
Well, yes, Trump could be in on it but we have the photo of his ear. Still he could be in on a small scale conspiracy too. There would still have to be a second shooter to hit the crowd member and make sure to miss trump.

I don't know, a "oh my ear got scratched" isn't as big a deal as a head pop.
Jew dad might not of even been biodad. Lots of kids go missing every day. Programs like the finders weren't just about sex trafficking. Children are resources to the state, just like everything else.
Second shooter would have had at least a suppressor and probably would not fire after the patsy is down.
Ideally the patsy's rifle already has 3 rounds missing and he's instructed not to fire it at all. There're no cameras on the shooter to prove otherwise.
Seems pretty plausible to me. Have a bump for an actual quality post.
Theoretically how hard would it be to hit Trump with some kind of low speed razor pellet? He wouldn't even have to be in on the act.
It would have been caught on the picture that captured the bullet.
Unless trump was willing to die for the cause, this is probably bullshit.ya don't just "graze an ear" on purpose and not expect to probably die. As for saying he faked his injury, I mean I guess, but when the injury is stitched we'll be able to tell if its an incision or an laceration made by a bullet ripping away flesh. He didn't have a bandage on earlier either, so be would of had to slice his ear with something sharp the exact moment a shot rings out. Yeah I dunno.
they didn't care about collateral damage, so why not just let the patsy shoot? Otherwise he wont have gunpowder residue on hands, trick is to make sure he doesn't fire too much and risk too many shots being fired. Unlikely, but it would actually give a longer time for the second shooter to continue firing. Except they got compromised by civvies and local Leos, so they had to rush it like op said.
If you are shooting from within a hide, you don't really need a suppressor. Muzzle flash is already hidden from your positioning within the room.
audio forensics
From long range? Almost impossible. Anything moving that fast to cover a long distance would still have a risk of killing him. More likely if it was staged he just cut himself when he clutched his ear after the first shot like he said >>474217903

Problem is with that, he doesn't really make a slicing motion that we can see and it would of had to be done quick. Most people can't just cut themselves on command, let alone quickly. Trump has nerves of steel if he cooly just did that, while immediately dropping down.

Plus no one in the crowd saw him do it, plus the image of the bullet passing by.

Injury looks more like ear was ripped, not so much cut.

Suppressed weapon would still be audible and would only differentiate the second shooters weapon even more from Patsy's, so no, you don't want a suppressor.
Then it was three shots and the middle shot was the pro.
I don't necessarily trust that picture.

It just looked like a wrestling move the way he ducked down and then came up with blood. I can't decide if the conspiracy was to actually kill Trump or to create an "attempt event", but it was obviously a conspiracy and this retarded kid was a patsy either way.
Anything is possible. We don't know how many shots the patsy fired. But the money shot seems to be that second one , so that lends credence to the second shooter. Usually your first shot is the most accurate, due to adrenaline and your breathing pattern.

Also we have to look at the bullet fall and trajectory more closely. 5.56 goes up out of the barrel and then crests at a certain distance, then begins to fall. I forget the exact distance, but i think its 300m where it comes back down to be on target. Closer, you need to aim down from target or your shots will be high, especially elevated. 140 or so meters from shooter to trump would still be on the rising side.. Amateur patsy didn't know this, shot high, killed crowd members. Pro, shooting from a lowered position, gets on target.

Pro shooting from ground level

Like I said, this could all be clarified by a proper investigation. But when the investigators are compromised, well the truth is fucked.

Kennedy got a senate investigation. Those files are the ones that never got declassified to this day. Will this event even have that level of oversight? My guess is no.

The leas forensic evidence released to the public, the more likely this was an inside job this becomes
yeah I get it. could it be kikes ensuring trumps victory by getting him to fake an assassination attempt? sure.

But let's be honest, he was probably going to win anyways. This just seems reckless and if it backfired, it would lose him the election.

If one person in the crowd behind him said "hey BTW trump cut his own ear, I watched him do it as a man died next to me in this gay faggy false flag", I mean he'd be fucked.

Is there something to be gleanedfrom the blood streaks on his face? If he cut himself while on the ground, blood drips would be straight forward? Idk just spitballn, need better minds than mine to look into it.

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