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He registered as a Republican in 2021 and only voted once during the 2022 midterms. So you can’t say he registered Republican to vote for Haley, because he literally didn’t participate in the primaries.

Multiple classmates who knew his political views, said he was conservative

He loved guns. He tried out for his school’s rifle team, and joined a gun club at one point for over a year. He was aiming for Trump’s head and almost got him, so clearly he used guns before.
Trump was a democrat
Go be a fag somewhere else.
>Republican copium
every white boy in that area is a gun-loving conservative.
Rightards try to murder people and then pretend they aren't the threat.
He’s a liberal
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>id he was conservative
SHalom Rabbi
He's a jew so not a real conservative and not a real white
This nigga is visibly retarded. Look at his face: failure of vision, distension, and total lack of complex emotion.

I'm sure Oswald killed Kennedy with the same intentions as this zoomer faggot.
no he's a pure appalachian scots-irish
There is a missing angle in all of the analysis so far. Everyone assumes that the secret service was in on it. What if they weren't?
How did he get the angle of attack?
Pretend it isn't an insider for a second.
Secret service has known protocol issues. Those snipers were posted like that for effect instead of function.
What if there is a team that analyzed facts across a number of Trump rallies.
And what if they were communicating with the shooter.
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Right winger are very distrustfull about the media. The killer fall for the covid propaganda and the hatefilled slander against DJT. This is just the most plausibel explanation
forced "registered republican" meme. fuck off and dilate tranny fag. FUCKING JEW
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Sry discord trannies, the narrative is out of your control.
>So you can’t say he registered Republican to vote for Haley, because he literally didn’t participate in the primaries.
But I can say he registered Republican to vote for a candidate to make it easier for Fetterman in the general.
he tried to shoot the president and didnt even leave a note. everything is bullshit
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>Paige Updegraff, 20, said she went to school with Crooks and was in classes with him, including a health class and a P.E. class. She said he had a “quiet, raspy voice” and mainly hung out with and spoke to a couple of other boys.
>Updegraff says they were interested in the military and ROTC as a way to get into college, and they sometimes wore clothing that showed off their interest in the military.
>Updegraff also said she was pretty sure that Crooks himself or one of his friends wore a pro-Trump shirt while in eighth grade.
>”I would almost put money on the fact that I probably had seen him wear a Trump shirt or something along the lines of that beforehand, which is why this is so shocking to me,” she said.

>Former student Max R. Smith remembered Crooks as an intelligent classmate with conservative political leanings. Smith recalled participating in a mock debate in a course they took together, where their teacher posed questions on government policy and had students stand on opposite sides of the classroom to signal their support or opposition.
>“The majority of the class were on the liberal side, but Tom, no matter what, always stood his ground on the conservative side,” Smith said. “That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other. ... It makes me wonder why he would carry out an assassination attempt on the conservative candidate.”

>One of the classmates, Zach Bradford, said he had taken American history and government classes with him, that he appeared to be “incredibly intelligent” and that his views in high school seemed “slightly right leaning.”
Why did he donate to ActBlue then? What was the political strategy behind it?
Hold on this is not how I thought US elections worked… you have to register with a party affiliation to vote in general and local elections like mid terms?
Wow great story, OP. I’m thinking Trump survived. You never be a successful assassin.
He never had the makings of a rifle club member
>He registered as a Republican in 2021 and only voted once during the 2022 midterms.
for democrats
People's opinions can change. I donated to Trump in 2020. I'm voting for Biden in November.
there is no way that kid isn't a communist, furry watching faggot. no chance that kid believes in god or has any other conservative values or is a fan of capitalism. absolutely no chance. I bet he never even voted in his life, the records were just made up by the CIA so they could say look a republican killed Trump in an effort to keep republican reaction to a minimum after their assassination attempt. there is no way this retard wasn't groomed by the CIA and told where to shoot him. they probably even promised his dumbass freedom after being arrested for "show".
Of course these limp dick faggots are doing whatever they can to weasel out of him being an incel republican lmao
He didn’t. Unless he lied about being 69 years old
explain him donating to Act Blue on Biden's Usurpation I mean "inauguration".
I lie about being 69 years old on every form I can because it's funny yeah.
Everyone in rural pa loved guns dude probably shot Trump instead of a school and figured this would make him more famous
His Mom was a Democrat and he lived with his parents. Everyday he had to hear about Trump being a fascist. It’s possible he had mommy issues.
>He registered as a Republican in 2021 and only voted once during the 2022 midterms. So you can’t say he registered Republican to vote for Haley, because he literally didn’t participate in the primaries.
messed with the senate election in 2022
>Multiple classmates who knew his political views, said he was conservative
Students said he was apolitical too
>He loved guns. He tried out for his school’s rifle team, and joined a gun club at one point for over a year. He was aiming for Trump’s head and almost got him, so clearly he used guns before.
Democrats love guns too
>He registered as a Republican in 2021 and only voted once during the 2022 midterms. So you can’t say he registered Republican to vote for Haley, because he literally didn’t participate in the primaries.
Party switching for primaries was a thing long before 2022 you know.
the only logic for doing this is to see if biden will keep squeezing israel or just general accelerationism. any other reason is pure retardation or cope
WHERE are you fags getting this from? fake news
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But the real question is did he cross state lines with that gun? And was it self defense to shoot Trump?
Here dumbass
>source: my ass
You are pathetic
Forgot how fuckable this piece was.
Can someone explain or is pol just all boys now? Why would anyone — of any affiliation — register with a party unless it was an election year with a members only vote, and one intended to vote in said election?
Do you think this narrative is helping you?
It doesn't matter, faggot. Trumps survived.
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How about the video of him screeching about republicans?
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I'm sure you are being honest and also genuinely missed the Blackrock commercial also
But I wonder how confident we are that it was him.
mmm yes a 20 year old strategically placing votes. you’re a special kind of stupid
Retards will still try to say he was liberal or a plant
>Can someone explain
when a party is choosing who they want to run as the presidential candidate they hold primaries, some states have closed primaries where only members of that party can vote for the nominee and the state that kid was from is one of them
It could be someone else hard to id in earnest, but the Blackrock commercial is in plain view
Nikki Haley stood to benefit from this attack

Thomas Crooks was in a BlackRock commercial.

RFK: Blackrock is set to own all of Ukraine's farmland and rebuild the whole country.

Trump said during the most recent presidential debate: "I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelensky being president-elect, before I take office."

Putin responds: "The fact that Mr Trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this completely seriously," Putin said. "I am not, of course, familiar with possible proposals for how he plans to do this. This is the key question. But I have no doubt that he means it sincerely, and we support it (the idea of ending the war)."

If Trump was killed, Nikki Haley (who has ties to the military industrial complex and enthusiastically supports a war against Russia) would probably be selected this week at the RNC by delegates for president.

JFK was killed in part by the CIA because he wanted to pull out of Vietnam and end the Cold War.
retards still try to say he wasn't a commie faggot

I'm sorry for the severe brain damage you suffer at some point in the last four years. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
kek what a retarded republican with shit aim
He was a liberal just not a devout Antifa tranny like you. He obviously had some mental issues.
The only thing left-leaning people can say is the most cognitively dissonant thing I've ever heard in my life. Why would a Republican try to off the current Republican primary candidate?

This. Narrative. Makes. No. Sense.
Obviously a falseflage donation to stir the pot and pin this on democrats
>e was a liberal just not a devout Antifa tranny like you.
He had a "protect trans kids" sign in his bedroom window.
Right… I know that. People are claiming he did not participate; so my question was why register if you do not intend to participate, regardless of your intentions or affiliations?
Any dumb bitch is going to think an incel is a Trump supporter
That's right chuddies, the guy who tried killing Trump was in fact a Trump supporter!
how do you know he didn't participate?
I'm not going to click every number to respond to, but the word you niggers are looking for is "patsy". The boy is obviously of diminished mental performance, nothing he says or did is applicable to who convinced him to take this fall.
Blackrock ad proved he's part of the system and most likely groomed to be a patsy shooter. It's the same as the Christchurch shooting where the gunman dropped random memes to insinuate he posts here.
The gaslighting is off the chart
True American patriots donate 15 dollars to ActBlue.
Is everyone drunk? I said people are claiming. Read the thread…
Man I love making shit up when facts don't line up with my narrative
He was a patsy
They even left a ladder for him to get on to roof.
He shot but he wasn't the shooter.
Republican =/= Trump supporter, doofus. Most dems don’t even like Joe or his nigger sidekick.
Wait a minute....if this is 2024 and he's 20 years old but registered in 2021 which was 3 years ago, he would've registered when he was 17.

You need to be 18 to register to vote...
Why is op taking this guys beliefs at face value? Are you that stupid? Do we just believe all murderers?
She's indian, memeflaggot.
>how do years work
He might've been a libertarian honestly

You can register when you're 17 if you will turn 18 before the next election occurs.
I don't trust 20 year olds to stick with any ideology. It can change as fast as their favorite YT channel. You need more time to develop.
she’s half nigger, half sand nigger. So, a nigger.
He donated to Biden and has connections to Blackrock.
Jeets aren't sandniggers, they're tiger food. Gitgud, racist noob.
where are you guys getting voting information, I thought voting was supposed to be a secret. The only evidence you showed up in voted is some old lady strikes your name off a paper list and you get a sticker. Am I supposed to believe that's fed into an online database Ive never heard of? Make me eat crow fucker
r u retarded? She’s half nigger. Is Obama white now?
Do you honestly believe that your ballot isn't fed into an algorithm?
Have you ever registered to vote? You can opt to register as a republican or democrat to be able to vote in the primaries. That's different from who you actually vote for.
>gen z
>enough attention span to assassinate trump
okay kike
And yet he had an ActBlue donation. Curious.
I mean, the one drop rule is fine, but if you're gonna be eugenic then you have to be accurate. She's indian. A half black Indian is still an Indian. While also nigger, her name is Indian.
Because PA is corrupt for democrats. It wouldn't take more than 2 phone calls to add a voter registration entry for someone ASAP
You're definitely jabbed.
>donates $15 to the democrats so he can cast doubt about his affiliation
>misses trump and fails to start his civil war
kek another failed rightoid attempt
Stop yelling and slow down nigga
exactly. except back then 48% of americans werent cheering oswald on at the same time too
>posts cope
>no no no you're coping!!!
poor lil boy
kek you have a point
3 years ago? sure sure
So this little nigger was a republican that liked Trump and then tried to kill him.

What kind of lib retard zone are we in? This is CNN tier BS.
How dare you compare JFK to that fat pigskin niggerlover, you fat smelly kike?
Have you ever read a sentence? We know he's registered, it doesn't say shit about when or when he didn't show up and vote.
And the fat orange nigger didn’t die. Kikes are so pathetic
lmao you’re so mad one of your own did this. the cognitive dissonance you are working through must be tremendous. it’s too bad your dad didn’t miss your moms cervix but that shit is an ocean after all the dick she’s taken
He was probably a free Palestiner upset that Trump is a zogbot now that he's been woken up to Israel scheming
You faggots are missing the point by debating what party he was affiliated with.
He was probably groomed by a FBI agent on discord.
Real far right conservatives hate trump, but that kike is just looks like a retarded chink.
>Hurr a bunch of retarded kids from his highschool who didn't like him belonging to a generation that hates Trump and has everything to gain from lying said he was a conservative. Why would they possibly lie about this?
Lol. Lmao even.
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>So you can’t say he registered Republican
He was
then he joined the tranny side
6,000,000D underwater backgammon move
No, dumbass. They can easily change a date. Its a mySQL database
Most based post itt
Lmao kike doesn’t want to accept the fact that real far rights hates kikes.
>shows up to call another 1pbtid retard nigger "based"
This board deserves a better class of shills.
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>fuck you, he was a republican!
>no, fuck you, he was a democrat!

grow up
Why the fuck would the FBI or whoever the fuck zero in on this retard whose shot was so fucking bad he was told to leave the marksman club in high school? They’d just have killed Trumps ass from 500 yards away if they wanted to do it right.
because he's vulnerable
Political affiliation of zoomers is extremely volatile. Any young malleable kid could switch from one extreme to another very fast and it happens all the time. I would bet that the kid was one of those faggot "right wing pipeline" leftists. The ones that only liked the 2016 right wing cultural wave because of its edginess and popularity. Then, when culture and "what's cool" began to be subverted into antifa breadtube shit, he switched up. He moved on to the "new edgy." I guarantee it. I have met many people just like this. They are insanely retarded and sheeplike. It takes a single shitty 45 minute youtube video essay to change their entire worldview. These are the people that will say they were corny for watching feminist triggered compilation videos back in 2016.
>FBI are conducting an investigation.
>Better go with what a bunch of dumb kids say because it suits my agenda
>Clearly they know him well enough and it's not like he could have have changed political views since the time they knew him

You guys are fucking retards.
I mean they just foiled their main gambit to get rid of Trump spectaculary, its going to be shill central for months now until they finally have to accept Trump's presidency.

The only cope they have now is to make the shooter a republican, that's the best case scenario for them at this point even though the kid seems to have Blackrock connections which doesn't sound very Republican to me.
Why did he donate to actblue then?
I am originally a leftist. I don't vote, but I have friends who were the primary "orangeman bad" group. They're ashamed of voting for Joe Biden. Even my bleeding-heart aunt is lamentant. The only people who supported killing Trump are mentally ill, paid, or actually retarded. There's no 50%, it's just words. I can write any words I want and you'll read them and accept them because you have no agency. This isn't about you, it's for everyone who isn't an actor.

Blue Team vs Red Team just season 27 of a show that only needed 4.
Actblue confirmed it was him
fair enough
>its going to be shill central for months now
yeah they really ramped up the baka

He didn't slash his own neck though
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Don't ask why a leftist does anything
well well well....
I didn't? I'm comparing patsies, men who are scapegoated as assassination perpetrators. Oswald was mindfucked, in debt, and brain damaged. The boy they're telling me did this shooting is visibly retarded, if you look at his face and think he has thoughts, I feel bad for you.
>donate to Actblue
>wear a mask AFTER mandates end
Yeah, real right wing
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Reminds me of the Troon a festo
Why, indeed?

Maybe they just needed a good show, but couldn't risk shooting an 80 year old man in the shoulder.
MSM confirmed he made a donation to shareblue in 2021
He was a jew recruited by the mossad
>Baseless conspiracy theory.
Speak English you stupid ESL spic, we all would’ve loved trump more if he just deported you ugly niggers.
Yeah you're right nvm where are the voting dates coming from?
>he was right wing reeeeeee!
Kek nobody is falling for this shit
And he looks like a chink, just like you paco. Feel bad for those hideous chinky eyes .
kek it’s a pretty good prank then. They got the literal worse shot they could find and sent him on a one-way mission. Solid bit overall
Take your meds
The timing of the donation is pretty weird. He donated once, on the day of the inauguration. You don't usually donate to help someone get elected on the day they're actually inaugurated. My theory - which I definitely can't back up - is that it's because of a lost bet, given what we do know about his political views. "Oh there's no way Biden actually gets inaugurated" "Bet you $15 he does, and if he does you have to donate it to a dem PAC".

A hole in that theory exists in the fact that he was seemingly a loner irl, so who could he make that bet with? But then again, we know nothing about any online relationships he had.
glad you recognize its a two-way street.
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You still spamming this shit?

>slash his throat!
>slash republicans throats
Your tranny kid grew up and turned liberal.
>friendless loser definitely had many friends across the political aisle and made bets with them
You got this bullshit idea from Reddit. Admit it, retard.
>donated to actblue
Frendo, you're not allowed to admonish someone's English if you use "spic" and "nigger" interchangeably. I feel bad calling latwinks brown because that means Indians now. I feel like you can't cognicize words, but thanks for using my phrases, I guess.
This is entirely possible t.bh. I'm 21 and went down a similar pipeline
You posted some random fuck that was circulating last night, not the same name, and the dude was 20, that means these fags got married at 15? Actual chud moment...
These niggers are willing to die for a mission? He is too young. I doubt they would use a young mossad agent.
>Weird autist had weird autist online friends

I bet even you have some friends online
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>donated to ActBlue
Like all true rebublicans!
I want you to look up what a Crucible is.

You have a lot of heat, will you melt iron or burn the forest?
>registered republican
Like all true bemocrats
The Buffalo supermarket shooter - wrote “Shaliday” on his rifle. Also was confirmed he had a spook grooming him on telegram
>- is that it's because of a lost bet,
you're too new to politics to understand party registration is irrelevant in a close primary state
>thinking a 20 year old is doing this
Objectivity, very funny. Horse-faced retard misses 8 shots against orangeman, cuckservatives rally behind their endangered leader. L his coach for sure.
I did it when I was 21 to vote for Bernie to see if we could fuck over Hillary. A bunch of people in my college did it in PA. Like I said, you're too new to politics to understand.
No, he's not, you lying kike.
might've been 22 actually, but whatever
Not everyone is a midwit, anon.
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>hurr durr he didn't vote in the primaries though?
because Haley and the rest of them had already dropped out by the time of the Pennsylvania primaries.
Or its just another 17-22 year old that got radicalized in his time and attempted/killed a world leader.

>John Wilkes Booth, age 26
>assassinate Abraham Lincoln

>Lee Harvey Oswald, age 24
>assassinate JFK

>Griselio Torresola, age 25 (killed in the attempt)
>Tried to kill Truman

>John Hinckley Jr., age 25
>Tried to kill Reagan, but for some pussy so kind of based
I'm actually 3 weeks off of my regiment. I don't take pharma, but I have 2 weeks off kratom and marijuana, 3 weeks with no caffeine, and almost 3 months without jerking off. Taking my meds would be counter productive at this point.
>assuming I don’t understand this
kek your head is so far up your own ass you’re chewing on your own entrails. Some 20 year old isn’t trying to pull off this 4d chess move for one vote and being identified as a republitard. I’ll write off your anecdote as unverifiable and obviously biased
sure but he'll steal his father rifle, have a bomb in his car, climb up on a building 400 feet from Trump speaking, and only miss Trump's head because he turned randomly.
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Do you have any funny imgs that aren't generated, or are you actually 12 years old?
Bro was literally twelve in 2016 lmao
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>a democrat voter would never register as a republican
>but a republican would definitely donate to democrats
Oswald was only 24? Man everyone had such full lives by their mid twenties back in the day. Now a 24 year old is expected to still be in college getting even more worthless degrees.
Shooter was a registered republican. Eat shit fuckers.
not just democrats, ActBlue progressive voter turnout operation lol
I hope this is a troll or you're unfortunately retarded. hope life is fulfilling with your condition
Cool put there's 48 motherfucking Thomas Crooks in Pittsburgh
Obviously a false flag donation to stir the pot keep up
how long has your discord been at this?
Yes that’s actually more reasonable and potentially more impactful
I'd wear a mask 24/7 if I had Habsburg jaw
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>obviously the donation was a false flag
>but the registration definitely wasn't
can't argue with that logic, braindead nigger
Franz Ferdinand was killed by a fucking 19 year old who after his group of tards failed a nade toss, fucked off for an hour, ate lunch when they pulled up in front of the restaurant after a wrong turn to visit the hospital full of victims of his and he capped them.
Still a viable age and I would argue that the 2016 wave of right wing culture lasted on for a couple more years. It died a sad and slow death throughout 2019. By the beginning of 2020, all cultural momentum was shifted leftward. This was the revenge for what Trump did. It's only now that we're regaining ground.
Appreciate you proving it’s a two-way street of hypotheticals. Really activates the almonds
I wonder if he felt betrayed by Trump but in a Bjork stalker way
>no u
a donation means more than a registration
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The exact same address, keep trying shill

It wasn’t the primaries, it was the midterms. It was Oz vs Fetterman and it was the deciding vote. There’s no general or something to strategically muck up in that situation. If anybody is new, it’s you and the other tards in this threat who don’t know that the primaries and midterms are different things.

your voting record shows the last date that you posted and it public information.
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They're losing their minds
I don’t give a fuck if he’s a democuck or a republitard. And quite honestly it doesn’t matter. Facts are facts though either point requires logic leaps which disqualify them from being verifiably true.
>b-b-but it was the mid terms not the primaries
Trump was the only one running in PA primary, you dumb faggot
Dems panic
I have it on good authority is that this is actually an assassination attempt of our president Vucic.
I love how a top post on retardit right now is deboooking the donation and they literally cropped out the address and city when making (((their))) argument
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Clearly it was a Trump supporter that was brainwashed by Trump into assasinating Trump.

There's no other logical motive
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>no no no they are both the same
lol fucking kys retard, you can easily explain one but not the other
>registering for the opposite party to vote in their primary
>donating to the opposite party for.......reasons?
fucking brain rotted redditors and their aversion to critical thinking
Yeah dude, every republican still wears Covid masks and hates Trump bro, he’s totally a conservative. Believe me, it’s the law.
it clearly does matter to you lmfao
>there are no midterm primaries
You think Joe Biden is inspiring 20 year olds? That faggot old man can barely inspire his own shit to hit the toilet bowl.
he was bulled his whole life and hated bullies, and whos the ultimate most famous king bullie of our times? now it makes sense why he hated drumpf so much!
To make people think a democrat did it. Easily explained. Done. Took less than 5 seconds.
he registered to vote in the primaries for Dr Oz to get Fetterman and easier opponent and then didn't vote for him in the midterms
I just want facts not either side riding lies assumptions and hypotheticals, it’s that simple
Based and pint pilled.
this must be a modern times thing, when i was in high school you never knew what any kids politics were or ever even heard kids talk about politics at all really, this was in the George W. Bush days and pre social media before everyone had to tell you their politics though. i still figured the average high school kid didnt give a shit about political crap though, thank god im not in school today i know id be getting in political arguments constantly with all the liberal pro-tranny faggots that would probably be the majority of the school
>You think Joe Biden is inspiring 20 year olds
Try nearly every major news outlet, celebrity, politician, and influencer for the last 8 years
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Actblue shooter was full-on TDS, he would have followed anyone preaching similar views
>he donated 3 years ago during Biden's inauguration to false flag his future assassination attempt on Trump
Then he registered as a republican and wore a pro-gun youtubers shirt whilst doing it, yes that sounds very plausible.

Thanks for the laugh retard
Anything is possible
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>registered as a republican
To vote against Trump in the primaries
>and wore a pro-gun youtubers shirt
to fit in with the crowd

You guys are losing it
>only 20 in 2024
>registered in 2021
makes grug think
>He was so hecking right-wing he donated to left-wing parties
kys faggot
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Took 30 seconds to verify
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Basically, he knew what we all know.
You retarded bogans are on a 24hr delay, this has been explained ad nauseaum

Only the goodest goys in closed primary states register for the opposite party to fuck with the opposite party's primaries, only to vote for their guy at the actual election.

>but his clothes
Wearing gunfag merch from a gunfag jewtube channel isn't plausible to you? You better be trolling
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Their talking points first distill in echo-chambers then gradually work out to other forums such as this one.

Then critical thinking and redpills kick in and they immediately fizzle out

stop with this pathethic argument
a conservative wouldn't shoot the conservative nominee for president
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I have been saying all along, if someone ever takes a shot at Donnie, we all know it won’t be a liberal.

It’ll be a conservative for whom Trump just isn’t conservative enough. It’s exhausting being right all the time
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>all of a sudden leftists believe in pizzagate
Crazy times we live in
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He was just upset Trump cut Obamas bbc funding

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