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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Donald J Trump is a pedophile.
I thought /pol/ hated pedos, yet supports one???
i see glowniggers are still not posting proof while Joepedo is still raping kids
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no no it's Joe Biden that is, you're confused
Wtf are you talking about lahey ?
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Fuck off glownigger. You lost.
69 entries in Epstein logs, multiple flights, said how hot his daughter is, witness testimony of someone who was raped by Trump.

Rich coming from trannys grooming kids
They were teens. Teeny pussy is back on the menu, boys.
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Yea about that the SDNY ran by democrats has all the files and hasn't released them. Why?
Gonna need a little more that the left's no u to condem trump.
People will go above and beyond to hold onto the last vestige of optimism they have left. They really need to believe in this false idol because otherwise they'd have to finally come to terms their false religion consumes them. It's known by the powers that be, that a religion is needed by all, whether it's real or not, and for most their religion is the anti one, driven by pursuit of false currency, worshiping false idols. All play into the evil of falseness, and of course an actor playing the game on the cameras, the cameras owned by the owners of propaganda platforms....of course he's an actor.
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>69 entries in Epstein logs, multiple flights
None to pedo island.

But you already knew that, didn't you?
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Sorry bro, Trump is 100% a pedo. Way too much evidence.
and no proof while you pretend joepedo is not. when given proof
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If you want to go after pedos there are millions of them all around you
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What are your thoughts on nuking the largest concentration of pedophiles in the world to send a message?
Dems panic
Why are the words censored?
easiest way to spot a pedo is if they use the word hebe
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Aww, OP left? Must have hit too close to his congregation
>I-it's totally real guis!
Did you ever stop to think about this for even a minute? Donald Trump so much as farts and they want to run him up on charges. If he was a pedophile they would have already prevented him from running. These threads you retarded faggots keep spamming isn't going to change anyone's opinion.
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It's because they're not thinking just reflexively reacting.
No leftist cock sucker is ever going to use virtue as a political weapon against me ever again.
we’ll never fix the problem unless we take the first steps
I thought pizzagate and Lolita express were a retarded and dangerous qanon conspiracy theory and that anyone posting about it needs to be banned from all social media platforms, removed from commerce, force vaccinated, and then put in a fema re education camp.

Where’s Nina Jankovicz ? She needs to stop this dis mis mal information at once.

Take ur meds OP.
>actual documented evidence of trump being a pedo is now considered a conspiracy
>ring wing evidence is just trust me bro
>look at dis pizza i saw on instagramm!!!
Why are you defending pedophilia? It's clear your party is sick of it, and are trying to assassinate trump.
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I'm in favor of nuking large concentrations of pedophiles.
Your schizophrenia must be kicking in.
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glowies fucking seething all over the board today

fuck you niggers you took a shot at the fucking king and you retards MISSED

eat shit and die
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triggered snowflake detected
You lost the election. You should find a place to lay low.
It's amazing how many baseless claims are made about trump
Why yes fellow pedo-hater OP why don't you post some anti-pedo memes featuring Joe Biden sniffing and molesting little girls on cameras for years?
Never will you see one of them post a pizza or jewpill
The fact that you defend him with a mountain of evidence showing he's a pedo means that you defend pedophilia.
he never molested any girls
sniffing them is harmless
there is a clear difference between going to epstein's island a forcing young girls to do sexual things to eachother than sniffing them
that comparison makes no sense you should feel ashamed
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>deflects yet again
All pedos regardless of party should be executed. Slowly.
Agree or disagree?
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Their reaction and deflection makes sense when you realize that they're not anti-pedophile, just anti-trump
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Abhorrent. I sometimes wonder why I bother punching "/pol" into my urlbar, guys. Don't mean to come cross as some schoolmarm or bigboy-policeman, fellows... really now. Now listen closely to the cadence of my mental delivery. Keep reading, Anon, for you are now reading all about virtue and deliverance from here on in.
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A vote for Trump is unironically a vote for cunny rights.

He literally had the girl-hoarding Epstein and his whole network exposed and people lost their shit so hard they call anime pedo.

many such cases.
>I thought /pol/ hated pedos
What the fuck gave you that idea? Everyone here will shit on you if you say dating a 16 year old is weird
Shills have no response to this
Oh shit, the DNC posts here now. This low effort projection reeks of DEI failures. 4chan’s made it!
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Why do lazy leftists always bail from their own threads?
How come the default insult whenever you hate somebody is just to falsely accuse them of being a pedo.
You cant just pretend everyone you don't like is a pedo.

Not even Joe Biden is a pedo but his son hunter Biden is. Like for real. Lol.
My point exactly, don't need to spell it out, it's a litmus test and tranny pedos fail, because they are obviously projecting.
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Potato drumpf-level retardation with a frosting of self-imposed censorship makes for one fucking cumguzzling OP. So I am going to reply without a hint of irony in wishing this thread didn't exist.
>nose-fucking kids on camera
He also pinches that little girls nipple on video
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so is PDF file better or worse than being called literally Hitler? The loonies aren't clear on the name-calling rankings.
Besides actual court filings against DJT, or his copious outings with Epstein, or that DJT was friends with no less than 10 sexual predators/pedophiles? Yeah, Donald fucks kids.
Lol cope
>actual court filings against DJT
And zero police reports or criminal investigations or charges lmao
Is this supposed to be homophobic or something? HIV dies insanely quickly outside the body and has a zero transmission rate via oral if you don't have open sores in your mouth.

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