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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474213900
Put me in the cap you congressional coons. Ultra MAGA.
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Sometime in 2022 I told a friend that in our lifetimes the Sneed's Feed and Seed joke would be explained during congressional testimony. I stand by that prediction.
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>multiple sources
Anonymous sources familiar with the president's thinking?
God is with President Trump
We need Christ to cleans the degenerates and smite Babylon. Kick the money lenders out the temple and restore America to GOD
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>a fucking senator is breaking rules 1 and 2
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>saving gay shit
haha u gay nigga
PELMOG cluster detecting systematic gamma Overanalyzation, throttle simulations down to 5% power. Beer and hot tub time.

All Bakers Utensils down. I SAID UTENSILS DOWN.
Goodnight, MAGA men. Keep the faith, and never stop fighting!
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It's sad the lengths schizos will go to make their illnesses something portentous and important.
They will do, say, obsess over, and think literally anything that might distract them from getting actual help.
Even more sad is the hospitals are so compromised now I can't even blame them. They need to be institutionalized, and the institutions need to come back.
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comfy general is comfy, but we gotta help all we can
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>rules 1 and 2
Based ancient scrolls reader.
Reposting. This could have all been prevented. There was two minutes of the crowd spotting the shooter, and a over a minute and 20 of people flagging down an cop pointing out the shooter.
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The Anti-Christ tard is NOT going to be happy about this...

trump is becoming the anti-christ
>Useless fagots can't investigate if that is an actual statement from that guy.
Why is it so hard?
It's like these people WANT to be fired.
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luke's schizophrenia is well documented
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inside job sisters? not like this?
I habeeb it
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Impressive statement from Trump after his near death experience yesterday
they will joke and mock saying no one cares

god is watching it all
>you are most stupid and bad

It's not my fault MiraMax made the decision to torture me for the rest of my life because I was the best hacker in the world at age 15 being, amish, white with blue eyes!!

And the worst part, was actually talking to John Mcaffee when I was 15, and the hollywood jews decided to torture him too!!

Then they decided to torture Sandra Bullock as well after making her screen name from the Net the same as my gf's real life name at the time, while snoop dogg was writing rap songs about fucking her!!

1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Nighty night

One of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but now it was well. Everyone on earth marveled at this beast, and they worshiped the dragon who had given its authority to the beast. They also worshiped the beast and said, “No one is like this beast! No one can fight against it.”


I now saw another beast. This one came out of the ground. It had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. It worked for the beast whose fatal wound had been healed. And it used all its authority to force the earth and its people to worship that beast.


This second beast fooled people on earth by working miracles for the first one. Then it talked them into making an idol in the form of the beast that did not die after being wounded by a sword.
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I made this, maybe someone will use it, or improve upon it, I think its a pretty iconic photo and the whole incident deserves to be encapsulated well for a poster. I edited a couple of photos together so his fist is closer and the flag is directly behind.
Ukraine is so fucked. nato is so fucked
Could you show me Trump's horns, please?
Asking for a friend.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

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One anti-demon crucifix for the battle box
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>I didn't see anything worthwhile on 4-Chan
besides the thousands of people dissecting the live footage, the first pics of the failed assassin, the layout of the area, full ballistic analysis, the shooter's name, and a bunch of other more shit
i can't get over that this really happened. When i heard the shots i just couldn't believe it, then trump went down and i couldn't even speak. I'm still sick to my stomach when i think about how close it was.
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Trump is most likely going to win. We need to also focus on down ballot races so that he can get his agenda through congress.

maybe his VP, we will see shortly

not much time left
he was busy getting hyped over a false picture lol
Could you understand what a parable is? Asking for Jesus Christ.
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This new "Trump is the Antichrist" shilling strategy might be the most retarded one yet.
Woah, this is PROOF that Taylor Swift is the Auntie Cripes.
>border around the name
Come on, anon, at least try.
Confucius say "A box is most useful when it is empty". Does battlebox have any anti-Chink measures to destroy heathens like him?
It isn't new. Schizos are the last bastion of the dem base.
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ohh shit my nigger almost went into the light
Maybe Brandon Biggs?:

>i can't get over that this really happened. When i heard the shots i just couldn't believe it, then trump went down and i couldn't even speak. I'm still sick to my stomach when i think about how close it was.

Is he ok?
so you believe someday someone will come with horns?

and a dragon will come?

lmao, ill never understand people who read revelation that way

i assume you are a stanch atheist
I bet anything this faggot said/is still saying "he was just hit by some glass, bro".
Everyone read at least 1 chapter from tome number 22 of the Babylonian Talmud before bedtime. If you do not know where to find the PDF version of this, then you are in a state of sin and rebellion against Baphomet, Remphan, Set, Moloch, B'aal, Hashem and Dionisis the hero of Sodom, Israel.
>non timestamped random 1 ID post as source
Do burgers really?
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Obama is the Anti-Christ
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>Thank you for explaining the original meme, Congressman Anon, but can you please also expound on this variation, entitled "I Can't Sneed"?
>As you can see, the image depicts Sneed's head imposed on nude art of the titular character Broly from Dragon Ball Z's eighth movie, "Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan", with fetishistically exaggerated buttocks asphyxiating George Floyd's neck in reference to his death in May 2020, specifically recalling his repeated claims of "I can't breathe" leading up to his death
So he's LITERALLY the head of the beast, but the parts that don't fit are parables?
I need to get this right.
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why are Democrats saying they are glad "literally Hitler" survived assassination?

did any Democrats congratulate the real Hitler when he survived his assassination attempt?
>This new "Trump is the Antichrist" shilling strategy might be the most retarded one yet.

It has some weight tho desu :/
I have seen it before, but they have apparently gone all in on it since nothing else has worked, not even bullets.
>Put the pipe down turkey
No, it doesn't.
Not really a shill I think, just a home grown schizophrenic that won't shut up. We get those sometimes.
Who else could the dems get to be violent at the drop of a hat other than their schizo voters?
>>474123247 ty anon who edited down >>474066576
Only a complete moron cannot find answers here, are they true or false though? That takes investigation by you.
He's not the only one.
Were you in the audience?
>Not really a shill I think, just a home grown schizophrenic that won't shut up. We get those sometimes.
Probably the same guy as the Canadian Vet who deserves to speak without censorship.
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They backed the wrong horse and are trying to twist the Bible so that maybe some Christians will believe it.
Thing is, per Jesus Christ in his talk with Pontius Pilate, no leader is in power that God did not appoint. Christ is King. God is King. The Holy Spirit is King. All things follow His will. We're just watching failed attempts to break that will with increasing hilarity.
Exactly. Same reason why they're obsessed with cultivating troons. Hence so many tranny shooters back to back.
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I too have nooticed the increase in schizos almost directly proportionate to the increase of obvious shills.
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>when Dems found out Trump survived
>"i post a nude, or mostly nude, as mystery heightens enjoyment more than total reveal, to engage Anons to direct their energy to my request. They won't do what i say, but they might do what i ask if i provide a suitible image or pepe even."
"intriguing, please show more of these payment images."
>No, it doesn't.

You can explain how it doesn't in the context of "Sub-Marine captain goes boom?"

This iv'e got to hear!!
Trump raped kids with his bestie Epstein. You're all kid-fucker worshippers lol
yes, reminder that christ is king and that trump is shaping up to be the anti-christ little horn king to come

many are called few are chosen, to most people christ will come as a theif

but not for those who trust in him, we know his voice and we will not follow another

>luke 21:34-36
>Don't spend all of your time thinking about eating or drinking or worrying about life. If you do, the final day will suddenly catch you like a trap. This day will surprise everyone on earth. Watch out and keep praying that you can escape all that is going to happen and that the Son of Man will be pleased with you.
got any more pixels cocksucker
>Donald the Gray, yes, that was my name. I am Donald the White
Biden isn't even a threat anymore so not a bad move.
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So you do not understand parables. Go back and read Marc Evangelium. Also, the prophesy is not yet finished because YOU ARE FUCKING LIVING THROUGH IT.
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>How many ages hence Shall this our lofty scene be acted over In states unborn and accents yet unknown
No, i was making dinner for my parents and my father was watching it. I heard firecrackers going off and then thought wait this is the trump rally oh shit and then turned to see him go down below the podium. My dad was just staring and could barely whisper out he's been shot.
I hope Ben Carson is Trump's VP because I am not interested in a Peter Thiel shill like Vance.
>no leader is in power that God did not appoint.
yes, this is why god puts the anti-christ in power

you must believe that, as he is the last king of the earth before christ
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Added one industrial lathe hidden in the back there.
do you mind spamming your schizo shit elsewhere
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113 days
>Trump raped kids with his bestie Epstein. You're all kid-fucker worshippers lol

And the jews havn't since 1 B.C. ?

Blow me.
But I'm confused: The parts of revelation that OBVIOUSLY don't apply to Trump are the parables? Is that right? But the rest is to be taken literally?
pretty much this
they all show up at cohencidental times, all the time, too.
is it bothering you?
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Yeah I felt like I was dunked in ice water during the stream. My hands were sweating so much.
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>Verification not required.
Sure, when the time comes so will the antichrist.
Also capitalize the G in God. You're blowing your cover by not doing that, shill.
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God Bless This Man
well put together, anon
Maybe, if I could actually understand what you just said.
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Oopsie poopsie!
>my ideas are so popular i just need to kill my opponent to win -Democrats 2024
No shit it could've been prevented tbats the point
>When i heard the shots i just couldn't believe it
I could. Leftists are all murderers and I knew it was only a matter of time.
The part I couldn't believe is that he wasn't dead.
It's fucking hilarious that you typed all of that out and actually thought I would read it.
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Sweet, but fake.
the anti-christ is come

it is trump, the man of fierce countenance

who can fight, fight, fight against him?
The attempt + convention bump is gonna be wild for the polling
>538 ignores this correction
The Blood of Christ was seen flowing over the face of Donald Trump recently. What can wash away my Sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Seven times perfection. That's what he went through for you and for me.
does that man bless god?
>69 following
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Sub-Marine captain go BOOM!

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When the antichrist shows up, we'll all know. It won't be debatable.
Focus on your health, not your schizophrenia.
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Christianity was invented by Roman elites to artificially insert a middle man in-between Man and the Divine Realms.

This is why Christians' heads explode when you even mention the Nag Hammadi library - containing all scriptures found in canon, in original language, pre-edits, + dozens of additional scriptures that, when combined, absolutely evaporate the official narrative. The Real Jesus was an initiate of mystery schools and was advocating for bringing paradise TO earth while alive.
I was in a parking lot and thought the red Maga hat on his stomach was blood
Anyone have that video from 2016 where it started off with Obama mocking trump @ the dinner and how it lead to him winning the presidency? It was a pretty good meme vid during the shadilay era
>"with a box, you can carry anything" he said to himself, out loud
IDK how much more you can cram in there, but damn fine work.
>gets shot
>not shot at, shot
>makes a point of making sure people know he's up and alive.. and fighting.
this guy is the guy you want leading a country.
Correct me if I am wrong but Ben Carson is the only VP contender who Trump is currently following on Truth Social.

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threads pretty fuckin’ schizo tonight
the boring kind
Yeah, since the Antichrist himself needs to (((imitate))) Christ, like being died by an assassin and rose again on the third day to properly identify.
Gnostics were the REAL Christians wiped out by the cult fanatics of the Catholic church. They were initiates of the real, original texts that we now know existed and were, indeed, the true canon.
anyways go nanners
when he got back up and raised his fist it was insane.
this. I have (with difficulty) managed to remain friends with my old college friends who are hyper libs now and we have a group chat. They were alternating between saying trump faked it to being sad the shooter missed. They really do want all of us dead and they think that makes them the good guys.
commie gobbeldigook
So how long until the media goes back to calling Trump literally Hitler? Calling for violence against their political opponent is like crack to them, so it won't be long I bet.
link or fake
Pour one out for all the alternate timelines where Trump was killed here
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He was once just a simple box...
biden offered to evacuate Zelensky back in first days of the war. that means biden would probably leave us behind if we were invaded lol.
Hearing Trump sound so introspective and self-reflective is wild.
>we will all know
that goes against the teachings of christ

in many places it says few will realize, but those who do will gain their rewords

>many are called few are chosen
>the harvest is great but the works are few
>this day will surprise everyone on earth

only the 'elect' are not deceived and there is only 144,000 of them
Sure looks blasphemous against the Lord to me. Better throw off my faith in Jesus and follow him instead now!
Oh wait, no, actively thinking God for saving your life is neither blasphemous nor faith-shaking. Damn. I thought he was supposed to be the antichrist.
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Don't shoot bro!!

I have nuggies!

My past is behind me. :)
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Thread needs some positivity
>married a 9/10 slavic model
>created an 8/10 blonde
>created a 6'9" literal Aryan super soldier
>eats fast food and drinks diet coke all day
>sleeps 4 hours a night
>now almost 80 years old
>does nationwide rally tour
>just fucking rallies 5 days/week in 90 degree weather and talks for 3 hours straight off rip
>gets shot, golfs the next day
he's really just built different
fuck you for making me check you nigger
>So how long until the media goes back to calling Trump literally Hitler?
A few days. Once the convention is going, they will have to resume calling for his destruction.
As I said, makes Christians' heads explode. The programming in your brain literally cannot even comprehend what I'm saying without going into a panic.
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>like being died by an assassin and rose again
But his ear was grazed, that is basically the same as dying, right?
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Oh my God and double double digits from be bro you just lost XD

Now that you are ASKING you are getting doubles! HAHAHAH! Hope I get it again now bless God.
To answer your questions; yes they can apply to Trump, a parable does not have to be literal, it is a metaphysical message from God, a lesson for you. If it happens physically or metaphysically is none of Gods concern, they are both real, it is up to you to decipher it and understand it. As it is written;
Rev. 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Captcha: HH8x
Heil Hitler Heil Xrist
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in the book of tomboylations

I keep trying to imagine how things would be going if he had died. It's just incredible to think just how close it really was. The coin flip of history all relying on him moving his head at just the right moment.
i dont mind doing it, sometimes people have input to share

not you of course, but you are convenient for replying to me
A lot of the media are getting liver cirrhosis right now
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thank you. in the future include links when you post screencaps or anons will rightfully call your posts fake and gay without proofs
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they could at least make it interesting
so tired of these hoes, of this planet; of being caught in the tangle of their clown wigs
They already tried twisting and mutating the word of God to fix that.
They have no shame.
Rambo 1 vibes
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that's half the fun
>Don Jr or someone like Ted Cruz takes over
>finishes what Don Sr. started
thats my guess
Unimpeachable loyalty
That's what he brings to the ticket
burgum for vp
sorry, im standing up so it throws off my typing

>When you see a fig tree or any other tree putting out leaves, you know that summer will soon come. So, when you see these things happening, you know that God's kingdom will soon be here. You can be sure that some of the people of this generation will still be alive when all of this takes place. The sky and the earth won't last forever, but my words will.
I mean, it just sounds like you're entirely full of shit, ignoring all the parts of your theory that don't apply to Trump by saying "it's parable."
And you might want to get this right, since you apparently failed to notice that my ID is basically Kingdom Come.
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Shut the fuck up coomer sodomite I post as much schizo bible prophesies as I fucking want!!!
it's all conspiracy theories on tiktok lmaoo the derangement is crazy
>Thread needs some positivity
By Wednesday we're going to see by polling data just how much the public is on Trump's side. The absolute faggot lefties are in the minority.
The landscape has transformed into the Right and Center united vs the Left.
Who do you think Trump's VP will be
>sorry, im standing up so it throws off my typing
Sit your dumbass down then you drooling schizo
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Dems seem jelous for 3 cycles now their candidate has been "not trump". but it hasnt been anyone they actually want to elect lol.
i am also dyslexic
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>What are the odds
preeeetty much 100% id say.
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I need the highest resolution version of the photo for my wallpaper.
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i approve of their rasm spanking but greatly disapprove of their berd spanking policy
the cawks are their own issue
no tomboys in aviators ever, they make me think weird
let them flail. we’re approaching what might be the most watched speech in the history of broadcasts
>Unimpeachable loyalty
that list is very short.
I'm convinced that both navarro and bannon are imprisoned to try to prevent their inclusion in an administration.
Why did he want his shoes, was he not wearing them?
Gotta prepare for the chinamen. Smart.

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The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".
No wonder you've been misreading the Bible this hard.
State issued wifu minimum standard along with UBI. I'll have peace on those terms.
What did the current President of the United States mean by this?
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What's his problem?
no one has given a rebuttal to the new information. i was in the 'trump is NOT the anti-christ' camp always, but this new revelation with the ear and the bullet put me into the other corner

i would love to be wrong, but the odds of it lining up this way are literally zero. god must have done this.
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>No wonder you've been misreading the Bible this hard.
Fucking owned!
if these niggers try to pivot to saying 'trump already serrved his tew' i'm going to fucking laugh
they can eat shit too
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He was a CROOK, just like the Paul Mathews news coverage ACCURATELY PORTRAYS!!
He wanted Trump's head exploding to be his new subscription graphic. He's very mad.
Pardon my intentional ignorance of e-celebs. Who the fuck is this nigger?
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Misplaced anger
why do you care about a cuck lib eceleb
Fell off when he was tackled. He heard the all clear and trusted the call so he wanted to take his time.
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Also speaking pragmatically, I think Trump is tired of white skinned vice presidents after Pence considering Pence turned out to be the biggest backstabber in Trump's administration. I also don't think blacks or latinos are interested in someone who looks like Vance.
thats not haw it works, what part did i get wrong.

so far no one has said anything except
Just consider the left's response in the past 24 hours. Presidential frontrunner almost gets his head blown off, at least one supporter dies protecting his family, and the most they can do is scream about how the shooter was maybe registered as a Republican two years ago.
demoshits twitter feeds read like a shooters manifesto....

but now they say "no violence"
>Who the fuck is this nigger?
I think he's a gay atheist activist or something.
His wife cucked him and the internet found out, and it broke him.
He meant don't chimp out like that Pennsylvania kid.
thats a sin

be a man and say shit to my face
Jesus wasn't the creator of this world in Gnosticism, he's considered a separate entity to YHWH of the Old Testament (The Demiurge)
He was the physical manifestation of the Almighty, that created our souls and the Divine Realms, and came to earth the save our souls.
He wasn't here to bring paradise to earth, because earth is considered inherently evil, it's not His. He came to help us transcend the physical world.
He needs to kill himself.
Left wing "intellectual", "debater", and also a literal cuck.
literally nigger tier shit
He can't pick a dei Pence like Tim Scott or Rubio that would be gay
My guess? He was in direct communication with the Antifa cell that planned this assassination attempt and when it failed he needed to take out his anger.
I'm spit-balling but it wouldn't hurt to look into.
Plenty of people said more than that, just nobody you were willing to read. Just scroll up and really read every single reply to you and you'll see. Others have seen.
Fact is you don't want to be proven wrong. That would make you less important and not one of the precious 144,000.
Scary thought, isn't it?
>I think he's a gay atheist activist or something.
>His wife cucked him and the internet found out, and it broke him.
He had a wife? Well, that doesn't mean he's not a faggot. That might explain why she cheated on him.
>Left wing "intellectual"
That phrase is, in my mind, on par with Mexican intellectual.
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>spend nearly a decade insulting and smearing and lying about the president and his supporters
>all the while radicalizing your own base
>president gets hurt
You don't hate these scum enough
What happened to Tulsi
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>be a man and say shit to my face
You got owned. It was very funny.
Navarro desperately wanted the job of Secretary of the Treasury. All his anti-Chinese actions were blocked by former Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin. If Trump is elected again, Navarro would rather be Secretary of the Treasury than Vice President
no one has shown me how the anti-christ MUST die

because it doesnt say he must die

it says he avoids death by gods hands
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>let them flail. we’re approaching what might be the most watched speech in the history of broadcasts
I regret not being able to watch it live but I'm sure /ptg/ can keep me updated until I can watch it when I get home. It's funny because I was just thinking
>this election's so slow, I wonder when /ptg/ is gonna kick into high gear
I did not expect it to happen like this
I really think he realized what a faggot he is and he's trying to antagonize someone into coming and killing him so he can be a political martyr. It won't work, because no one cares enough about him to do it. But still, a very execrable and pathetic cry for attention.
Intellectual and expert are just synonyms for retard or clown now.
is stephen miller still working with the trump campaign?
She's not serious
>trolling is a art
I sincerely hope Joe Biden gets the help he needs and that his handlers are held accountable for their elder abuse
>in the book of tomboylations

I like Tommi Lahrens tatoo :)
See digit Chad again!

You CAN NOT be a Christian or understand the Bible if you don't understand the parables. That's why God sent down Jesus in the first place, to prove how the scribes and the high priests deviated from Gods word by taking shit too literally and not having the FAITH; the Trust in Gods spirit and core message of what he was trying to teach us. We don't even have Bible class in my country anymore and I know more than you who live in the country with the most Christians. Bro you're better than this.

>my ID is basically Kingdom Come
Yeah then mine is basically "Get died sodomite"
how did I never see this, this is gold
why was i owned?

what he said was false.

explain your interpretation or else i will struggle to feel any shame.
The Twelfth Amendment cockblocks Rubio. President and Vice President can not be from the same state.
go home luke you're drunk
Professional bestiality advocate.

Peace, y'all, peace.
>no one has shown me how the anti-christ MUST die
You never asked anyone to show you that.
Everybody's saying that nearly dying doesn't make you the antichrist, even if you're a leader in power. Trump isn't the first world leader to get wounded surviving an assassination attempt and I guarantee you he won't be the last.
Consider that every single time an assassin failed to kill a world leader, every single time, that person was labeled the antichrist and then simply wasn't.

No clue if this is real
Trump could just move his residence to any of the other states he owns property, but I think we would have heard something about that by now.
I hate tim Scott he's like a black version of Lindsay Graham
Reminder that I am still baking.
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>go home luke you're drunk

What's for breakfast babe?
A Crown...... for a KING
I dunno, I made it a while back.
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like sands in the hour glass....
This is the /pol
Yep. That what struck me about him
Personnel assesment will make or break the 47 admin I reckon
Another one I made.
digits confirm
> If Trump is elected again, Navarro would rather be Secretary of the Treasury than Vice President
it would make sense
just like putting dr carson as surgeon general would.
Whoever Trump has picked as vp is going to make real ones happy and niggers kvetch. that's muh bet.
yes dummy
double trips seen
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Everything posted here is fake and gay until proven otherwise.
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does anyone have this pic from yesterday but everyone is replaced by anime girls
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Don't say David Paul Mathew Crooks band peanut butter caligula 14 either because that's Mathew Phillips crooked bone thugs n harmony ft Taylor Swift's album and we all know how R.E.M. played out!! Fuck!!
i approve of all of that however
>You never asked anyone to show you that.
i said that trump dodging a bullet fits with a leader avoiding a fatal wound

its even a headshot which it doesnt need to be, but lines up with the prophecy speaking of the kings as heads and one head as if slain is miraculously healed (saved)

the 'fatal wound' is what is avoided, it doesnt necessarily mean he died. it could, thats the mainstream interpretation, that he would die or almost die and then he is healed. the problem has always been, healed by who? the false prophet? the devil? no, only god heals (saves).
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there's like ten different ones of that which one
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I was waiting on Vaxbo: First Wave Part Two
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kek luke is spiralling out of control this happening might mkultra him
>the 'fatal wound' is what is avoided, it doesnt necessarily mean he died
Well there it is. If it's not the whole thing then I'll safely dismiss it.
For your sake I hope I'm wrong, but I know better.
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>I regret not being able to watch it live but I'm sure /ptg/ can keep me updated until I can watch it when I get home.
lurking is kino some days
>I did not expect it to happen like this
>I really think he realized what a faggot he is and he's trying to antagonize someone into coming and killing him so he can be a political martyr. It won't work, because no one cares enough about him to do it. But still, a very execrable and pathetic cry for attention.
convince him to try to cancel wendigoon and
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If we end up in another timeline of 30 more years of nuclear winter, I'll have to switch energy drinks to that dumb Jack Black energy drink in Tropic Thunder, and I just switched to Pewdie Pies energy drink, G-fuel from the dollar Tree, lol
i was told by dozens of anons that that interpretation does not work, that is what i meant by "no one can show me how im wrong in that interpretation"

obviously there are other boxes that trump checks, but if you dont believe me on this what use is there moving on to other things?
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Babushka Trump sais you thin child
>Eat. Eat grow big and strong
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hey i still laugh at the whole
>BB guns
>why are they freaking out about BB guns
>i have been around guns my whole life and that wasn't anything dangerous
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Meme Magic confirms with Magical Digits. Do you all understand now or do I have to explain it again? Don't make me feel like I'm giving a lecture on calculus to a flock of birds.
You're even dumber than I feared. Come on.


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Answer coward!
alright fags, what food have you made recently?
Kids love my spaghetti with wine and worcestershire sauce. Ive been trying to make pink sauce by adding heavy cream but i either fuck it up and cook the milk by accident or dont put in enough cream. I'm not sure what ive made but its got everything i like in it. Olives, mushrooms, onion and garlic powders, paprika, sauces, peeled tomatoes, meatballs. Its getting pretty good, next step is homemade sauce instead of canned prego base
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I thought it was kind of funny. I put the mask on him and someone made the reply that I ended up throwing in there.
>this is the drawing I used for reference for the mask lol
Stephen Miller has not resigned yet from America First Legal... All of Trump's speeches so far are not written by Stephen Miller
Who is sending me love poetry again in my fan-mail?

I'm the best rapper alive next to my friend twister, also the best rapper alive, and I can't even get one real date :(
One other thing you're heavily misinterpreting.
The beast is a put up show, a puppet of the dragon, and the Bible clearly states that it's the dragon that gives the puppet its power.
The beast was made, in staged (if supernaturally so) theater, to look like it had been fatally wounded, only to "heal" miraculously. This was all set up by the Dragon that brought the beast. God didn't heal the beast because the truth was there was no actual wound to heal. It was a deception.
>And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
> And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
I can't believe you made me read some dumb whores tweet.
Based jucika poster
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This is like a firehose of pure cope.
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>Misogyny [-1]
okay retard
Cream last
Like pepper
>Burns no bueno
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by the way, i know for absolute fact that the thing yesterday got trumo at least one more vote because
>oh fug he must be real if they tried to dome him!
I made shake and bake chicken and leftover spaghetti for my family today. I didn't want the spagets to go to waste. Better today than it was Wednesday.
Checked. Wont someone please think of the broken teleprompter glass!
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some of my favorite accounts have gone fucking radio silent lately i notice for the years and years they spent blasting right-wing conspiracy theories they don't have much to say when the left takes the reigns of it
gee almost like it was never about epistemic clarity and "truth" but about partisan powerseeking like they were frequently accused of the whole while
>lurking is kino some days
/ptg/ has all the vital information for my everyday life
>convince him to try to cancel wendigoon and
and what? AND WHAT????
I will carry you to Valhalla myself
I went to this show Friday night (I'm not the one who took this video) and it was fucking awesome but I haven't eaten a full meal since. I'm ashamed /ptg/ but I've just been eating cold pizza and ramen noodles all weekend because I've smoked so much weed I don't have the motivation to cook kek.
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will they try to kill biden now?
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although i think the lycoris one was the most popular
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>by the way, i know for absolute fact that the thing yesterday got trumo at least one more vote because
>oh fug he must be real if they tried to dome him!
Many, many such cases.
>kek luke is spiralling out of control this happening might mkultra him

I'm almost out of my second bottle of whisky for the day which means I'll have to drive downtown drunk again to people's brewery and spend my whole life savinga drinking until 3am and buying everyone at the bar shots just so I can drive home without getting arrested and still have my car in the morning to go to my first merchants bank gym at 6am lol
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she is a very good waifu
I can't imagine Biden dodging a bullet, even on accident.
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WaPo literally calls Trump Hitler..... then Bezos says hes glad Hitler survived

wild stuff over at that trash heap
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fucking salt cope kino like you never saw before. holy shit why would you try to cancel the guy whos friends with half the fucking internet and most of guntube lol
>Answer coward!

Damn!! Termi ator 2!!

Ohh fuck!!
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Based actually Christian schizo brother. Amen!

me, figuratively, for baked spaghetti (leftovers baked at 350 for an hour and pssoibly broiled lightly for more crust for like 2 minutes. also remember to put in a stick of butter and a pound of cheese, kraft cheddar works fine, might need to add more sauce, also do not rebake meatballs it gets kinda yucky and rubbery)
If you want to live, You must Fight! Listen to me, look me in the eyes. Now my watch begins. We are the watchers on the wall.
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Burger club reporting in
>alright fags, what food have you made recently?
>Kids love my spaghetti with wine and worcestershire sauce. Ive been trying to make pink sauce by adding heavy cream but i either fuck it up and cook the milk by accident or dont put in enough cream. I'm not sure what ive made but its got everything i like in it. Olives, mushrooms, onion and garlic powders, paprika, sauces, peeled tomatoes, meatballs. Its getting pretty good, next step is homemade sauce instead of canned prego base

Sounds good.

I made shrimp w butter(and tonys spice salt) tenderlois, spicy nuggets, with hidden valley ranch dip,milk and crystal light for lunch

Getting hungry again now tho cuz I passed out drunkand slept 5 hours this afternoon lol
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You forgot the N
Are you a Jew?
Rehashed neoplatonism from the 2nd century.
Point of order, sorry, has anyone seen kyle? He's about yay high.

Now we are together. Like your left brain is to your right. FEEL
t. Actual child rapist
Trigger the libs own the libs energy.
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Just think, there are homies right now in the timeline where Trump didn't turn his head.
Anons want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, by a card holding DNA-Descendant of Jesus Christ, and better yet, do it through TransAtlantic Cable at no cost?

You will be the one I love.
Gnostic nonsense, mystery cult garbage. The so called wise and intelligent can't handle the fact that those they despise will find the door to the narrow way. While they are condemned to the lake of fire.
Civil war. But for real this time.
Elon Musk or MrBeast have a higher chance of being the Antichrist than Trump
He is literally human sacrificing himself so he can shift the narrative to right wing violence.
Trump wants to fight the DOJ in Florida in the 11th Circuit. If he moves out of Florida, he loses this advantage.
>Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here this is the Battle Box!

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