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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Destiny bros....we...lost....
Elon gonna save me from hyper tension.
there is no such thing as a Destiny bro, fren
the little cuck deserves to be mocked and laughed at
Down with corporate fascism!!!
>year four

Please rope
Don't know and don't care shill
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Now hes mad. All about the shekels.
Elon is a hypocritical fascist fuck. Fuck you Elon.
First Boogie2998, Now Destiny. Could this day get any better?
The Jew strikes at you as his shekels diminish
>Elon is a hypocritical fascist fuck. Fuck you Elon.
he learned it from watching the left.
did you guys think only you could indulge in hypocrisy?
lmfao. It's just a blue check mark dude. Chill out
He's not mad, he's pointing out the laughable hypocrisy
You make fuck all on twitter ads
Down with the spiteful mutants.
I thought shitlibs like Destiny didn't believe in free speech? What happened? Why is he saying it's important now all of a sudden?
ermmmm freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences sweaty :^)
>o...o...only we get to be hypocrites Elon! You have to have a suicidal adherence to your principles or you're le bad!
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If Elon is a hypocrite for reneging on free speech then you're also a hypocrite for now demanding it.
So I guess we'll call it even.
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he's mad as fuck
>Cuckstiny, cucked again.
Nothing surprising to be honest.
Sad they nuked your bot farm, Moshe?
nigger I don't give a fuck.
Go back faggot
>he’s not mad
The retard has been melting down for 24 hours this is hilarious
>Whuh happened to fuck advertisers.

The ones trying to use their advertising to shape the platform. Those are probably the ones he said fuck you to.
He should be hit with terrorist charges too. He's called for the death of right wingers in the streets.

this is almost as bad as that time the other guy fucked his wife
Welp destiny time to prep the bull again to make them beta bucks
tiny BTFO
libkikes what's going on??
i thought the midge was all about "freedom of speech, but not freedom from consequence"?
destiny won. this is infinite content for his stream and twitter revenue is peanuts
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he is going to get a lawsuit up the ass if he keeps going
eh? is he canadian?
>zion cuck vs a faggot e celeb
Who gives a fuck
We're coming for his stream too. No platform for terrorists.
I've been keeping up
He's got anger but I don't think he gives a genuine fuck about the ads, its gotta be like 1% of income if that
Twitter really does pay out pennies, its why third worlders have 30+ bot accounts pumping out shit memes, pays them pennies in usd but 30x the average wage
Enshittification via monetization
He already owes over a million to his ex lmao
>it's a private corporation they can do what they wan-
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Kek it's that simple
yeah destiny how aboot that? are you canadian now? you maple syrup sucking faggot? eh?
why do you people keep bringing this literal imbecile eceleb cvck why do you give this nigger lover bubble head any relevance at all??

Oh look, he actually does care about his shit getting banned. All the people coping saying this was 4d chess and not to give him attention were wrong. Go after all his accounts, on all platforms. Go directly after his sponsors. These tactics *work* but only if enough people bother to do it.
>He's not mad

lol he's been rage posting on twitter all day

like most beta males he's constantly angry
Typical adderall spergout. Elon said fuck you to advertisers that wanted him to censor certain 'disinformation'. Mental midget that talks fast
agreed, he should not be culturally appropriating leaf lingo
Enjoy a taste of your own medicine, faggot.
Elon personally kicked me off of X because I started the Pelosi husband sex acts hoax. The DM read "you have caused me quite a lot of problems." and I was forever banned.
>So much for the tolerant right!
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Midge Mad
a lot of words to say ive been owned
>like most beta males he's constantly angry
Explains the board
t. Robespierre
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Doing my part
Wipe your tears, sis.
Also, Elon, I know you keep an eye on me... Can I please come back?
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assmad cause he owned your ideology on stream
kek elon btfo
nobody will do shit including (You)
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what happened to free speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences?
freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences
>free speech
>visits you in your home and starts calling you an asshole and then cries like a bitch when you tell him he has to leave
he really is stupid
>Act like an obnoxious faggot with no principles
>Get shut down
>Start citing "muh principles"
The worst sort of person who can ONLY survive in a first world country
is he on drugs?
Underrated post.
fucking leaf
He has no sponsors lmao, all his money us from e-begging and maybe youtube ads
I was told freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences from neoliberal zionist system bootlickers like him
>Unironically shills for jew-controlled corporate facism.
We're going to have a war.
>So much for the tolerant left

Remember when you spammed this all the time troony sisters? Yeah tolerance is no longer on the menu
they need to alex jones him, take away every red cent he ever made, make an example of him since the left thinks it can't happen to them currently.
>black white grey color pfp
>one eye symbolism
Why is he so smol
do you fucking retards realize that elon literally describes himself as a philosemite aka jew lover?
Fuck off Destiny.
Don't care. Can use him as a weapon to hurt someone I hate. This isn't a debate, you fucking nigger. It's purely selfish retribution.
Perfect size for his acting in >Poor Little (((White))) Leftist 12
Aren't you people being hunted right now?
Conservatives literally have no values

Every conservative “value” is defied by Trump. Religion? Trump can’t name a single Bible verse, cheated on his wife with a porn star and broke the law to hide it, embodies every negative quality in the Bible from narcissism to ego to greed and lust

Law and order? Tough on crime? Trump is a literal convicted felon who pardoned other convicted felons who worked with him, then tried to argue in court that the president is above the law, and the conservative Supreme Court agreed with him

Fiscal responsibility? Trump spent more in his term than Obama’s first term and Biden’s current term. Trump’s administration oversaw the disastrous PPP loan program that was filled with corruption and effectively a free handout for the wealthy elite

Family values? Trump separated families at the border

Border control? Trump and Republicans nuked a bipartisan border security bill solely so Trump could have something to run on

And now conservatives can’t even pretend to be for free speech. The only value consistent with conservatives is tax cuts for corporations
Nevar forget - this creepy midget pedo advocated for "ethical child pornography"
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He’s a paid CIA asset, that’s where his real money comes from , like vaush and pool.
I hope no one kills him now, l want him to suffer in the reeducation camps …
Gonna kill yourself about it? Maybe cry a little? Do something about it.
um sorry sweetie, but freedom of speech isn't freedom of consequences. :^)

Oh but it’s okay for Trump to mock McCain for dying from cancer. It’s okay for Trump to mock Paul Pelosi for getting assaulted. But when it happens to Orange Man, NOOOOO MUH HECKIN’ civility!

Like I said. Conservatives have no values.
I remember when he was playing with a loaded gun on his Twitch stream and somehow wasn't banned for it. Glows
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Trump never demanded the death of these people or called for open season and extermination for them. And you are a duplicitous little faggot, being flippant isn't the same as mocking, he never laughed or cheered for these people or their attempts on their life.

Your little faggot cumgluzzing cuck muppet got what he deserved. He should be glad that getting banned from Twitter is the least of his worries instead of the FBI isn't breaking down his door.
faggot isn't banned, he's just not being paid any more. what a dumb cunt. I hope he gets flayed.
Commie fuck doesn't understand Elon can do (and has been doing) whatever the fuck he wants because he owns the website and he can single out whoever the fuck he wants too. He's just angry and having a melty over it being him this time, fucking terminally online cuntbag lmao.
Better start streaming Steven, the alimony payments are due first of the month
Trump’s own supporters literally wanted Mike Pence to get hanged, and showed up in Capitol Hill chanting that with a noose to threaten him. Oh but that’s okay though, only when Orange Man is mocked is when civility matters

Like I said. Conservatives have zero values.
If he's mad about it, he can make his own Twitter.
Destiny is taking on the elites.
And he's winning.
Holy shit.
He deserves to be beaten to death on a livestream. He will get what he deserves.
it's a chameleon))) defensive tactic.
morph into your enemies and adopt their rhetoric to save yourself
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The supporters got what they deserved, many of the people who participated in the Capital Hill were arrested and serving time, and the people who put the noose was out of the control of Donald Trump.

Hang yourself, unironically and right now. Libtroons have zero values and only cry when it is done to them but have no qualms in doing it in kind when their freakshit pronouns get ignored, like EVERYONE apart form just conservatives have been suffering with for the last 10 years. Loonie Troonie lefties are the real fascists and we are fighting back.
why dont (You) do it. too much of a pussy faggot? that's what I thought. take your HRT
This guy just can't stop getting cucked.
is he actually flexing here?
All he had to do was say "No" to his wife cucking him or shut up about this whole thing, but somehow that's "low iq".

Somehow the high iq communist wannabe found a way to be a cuck and soon have no income, that's high iq.
cuckolds aren't people
lmaaooooooo KYS
He’s really displacing all his cuck shame on the right these days, huh.

Go “Touch grass” Destiny.
He changes his opinion just as it suits him best. Thats why we need to have laws guaranteeing online free speech and not a billionaire…
Destiny is a KEK. What a total loser.
Trump is specifically a giant middle finger to the faggot ass leftist establishment. Also you know how hard it would be for a goody two shoes hyper clean soft spoken candidate to win?
You have to get your hands dirty if you're going to control the most powerful country on Earth. It's par for the course. Nobody is acting like they want Trump to be their priest at their local church their grandma attends.
>reaching that hard
>neither case was attempted murder
>muh. heckin. conservatives.
You almost had a point, you seething retard. Almost.
the real thread is over here
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>it's a private company yada yada yada they can do what they want!!!

isn't this the shit the left jerked off about for fucking years and years when twitter banned right leaning people before elon took over? doesn't feel good huh
Stop paying attention to this attention whore. Isn't he a video game streamer? Who gives a fuck
>Stop observing the terrorcow
go the fuck back you worthless pathetic niggerfaggot
you like censorship so it was delivered to you on a platter
Trips of KWABS , bunch of hypocritical faggots, rules for thee not for me and all that.
Destiny is so DERANGED over this.

We need to spread a conspiracy theory that DESTINY HIRED THE ASSASSIN!
qrd on that fat fuck? didn't they find out he was grifting for views by pretending to have cancer (again?)
>hypocrisy is only good when we do it
American principles right there. This is why we call you niggers.
That was recent, yes but idk if boogie commented about yesterday.
his little maggot fans fan out into other parts of the internet and post his crap trying to keep him relevant. OP is probably a member in his discord
>a hero greater than Saint Tarrant has already arrived and exposed more allegedly great men as cowards
Thank you, lord almighty.
Career status: in flames
Go to your goddamn containment thread
It's called "free speech" not "you get paid speech", this retard thought he was owed a platform to make money. Now he gets to say whatever he wants but has no way to profit from it like the rest of us. He basically just become one of us which means you're a nobody now, once you cross the line in terms of advocating for things outside the bounds of what most people find acceptable you no longer have avenues to profit off what you say and might as well be anonymous and probably should be for your own safety
woah le based jannies doing something good for once! the mass report worked!

destiny is mad btw totally salty
The bongs lost the football
Hey Stephen if you dont like it make your own twitter!
>Conservatives literally have no values
I don't care.
>Every conservative “value” is defied by Trump. Religion? Trump can’t name a single Bible verse, cheated on his wife with a porn star and broke the law to hide it, embodies every negative quality in the Bible from narcissism to ego to greed and lust
I don't care.
>Law and order? Tough on crime? Trump is a literal convicted felon who pardoned other convicted felons who worked with him, then tried to argue in court that the president is above the law, and the conservative Supreme Court agreed with him
I don't care.
>Fiscal responsibility? Trump spent more in his term than Obama’s first term and Biden’s current term. Trump’s administration oversaw the disastrous PPP loan program that was filled with corruption and effectively a free handout for the wealthy elite
I don't care.
>Family values? Trump separated families at the border
I don't care.
>Border control? Trump and Republicans nuked a bipartisan border security bill solely so Trump could have something to run on
I don't care.
>And now conservatives can’t even pretend to be for free speech. The only value consistent with conservatives is tax cuts for corporations
I don't care.

I'm voting Conservative in 2025 and the election after that I'm going back to voting People's Party.
is destiny autistic? only someone on the spectrum could believe things are that black and white.

elon said fuck advertisers in regards to companies pulling ads for certain polticial beliefs

not fuck advertisers because “i cant taunt the families of people who died in a shooting”

god i hate destiny.
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Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences for the shit you say, NIGGER.

Also, X is a private company, they can censor anything they want.
both sides are hypocrites but the left are way more vile and subversive about it
thats the real issue here
Bro ree'd over Alex Jones.
Actually, I like Destiny. Not his opinions though, but his ability to challenge thinking even though I think he's wrong.

Why the fuck he's doing this now, I don't know. He's taking massive L's for no reason.
destiny got a point there, Musk should have banned him for being a cunt towards family of fire chief since that was colateral damage. instead musk cucked himself making it about advertisers.
WTF? Is this Destiny? No fucking way this isnt shoped.
I'm sure the Founding Fathers would be proud of this specimen right here. What an intellectual!
>That was all but a given.
Deluded faggots not withstanding.
>Why are they holding us to our rules.
Seriously, more cuck posts?
Who the fuck is destiny? I dont follow /pol/ e celebs nor give a fuck about them. Asking only now because he is getting spammed now and there are 10 active threads of him
Destiny is proof that these limp wristed, city dwelling whites are itching for civil war more then the right has ever dreamed of.
They fantasise about jailing and killing their opposition and you all saw that coming out during the pandemic.
Damn he's really lost it. People who melt and lash out this hard always end up suck starting a shotgun.
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destiny's twitter has been muted for 12 hours
>Boogie goes broke spending like a degenerate millionaire and loses even more on crypto he refused to sell at the top.
>Says he has cancer and has medical bills he can't afford
>Dodgy group of guys with a meme coin approach him to have his name on it and to market it.
>Classic Pump and Dump Ponzi scheme
>Boogie is so desperate for cash he takes their 10k offer to promote it.
>Coin comes out and pumps and dumps as usual.
>People lose money
>Boogie - "Opps, it was just a joke bro"
>Internet drama people start looking at him closer
>Get Boogie to admit on stream he doesn't have cancer and never has.
>"Dude im just so fat I can't afford my medical bills and my lifestyle"
>Boogie is now probably going to be investigated for fraud etc and potentially go to jail

At least he will get his free medial care in jail I guess. The eating for 10 people is going to come to a stop tho.
Be left and cry about Jan 6th
>Trump totally made those people do it!
>he should be thrown off social media and banned
>they get what they wanted

Trump runs again and the left knows it’s going to lose and the left

>proceeds to use their platforms as a mean to suggest someone murder trump
>gets banned and deplatformed
>proceeds to cry and act like they don’t have free speech!

Destiny is even a better example because he’s a “libertarian” which means he believes that corporations and businesses have the right to run roughshod over anyone because of “property rights” So not only does this line up with his beliefs that it’s ok but the added bonus is he’s literally being treated the same as the people who he mocked and can’t handle it
He's gonna get arrested. His bad night is gonna get worse.
That would be hilarious, then he can start his punished Destiny arc.
reminder. everyone is in here.
principles only have value when everyone agrees to follow them
abandonment of fair play is the only and inevitable outcome of one side violating courtesy
The fact of the matter is all this engagement is a win for Destiny unless his account is permanently suspended.
>Puerto Rican mutt
Wrong there. That idea died with the rise of cancel culture.
There's a such thing as bad publicity and it will shut you down.
Anyway he really lost it. He will suicide inevitably when nobody wants to be associated with him anymore. A shame what propaganda does to people. But nobody put a gun to his head and made him act like a lunatic.
So it's just cause and effect
lol courtesy has been saying whites are at fault for everything the past 20+ years and removing them from any positions of power “non elite ones”

When they begin to call you mean words it’s then ok to have zero morality or standards?

You did I miss your intended response point
Spoken like a true degenerate. Don't worry we already knew what you were all along. You never fooled anyone.
not really in destiny's case, he ostracized himself from breadtube for supporting israel and he is a constant annoyance for anyone else. Really we are seeing the. general death of politistreamers in general as breadtube is getting the kumite-like death that it should have gotten 2 years ago.
It's a stupid clemency to spare your enemies that tried to take your rights away.
KEK, okay, this is the only Tiny thread I'm gonna respond to since he lost (again), this guy literally just keeps losing.
all of this and 100% unironically, completely agree with you brother. the pendulum is swinging on these amoral spiteful hivemind goblins, we're finally getting what they call a "vibe shift" and it's better late than never
Which grifter is next?
really don't know why as he was mounting a comeback by forcing himself as the head of the anti-boogie crowd.
disagree. the engagement doesn't ultimately matter since he's already big. what matters is his reputation is tarnished among the "centrist" intellectuals and podcasters he's been having conversations with. a huge portion of the internet thinks he's a deranged hateful piece of shit now which is awesome.

i've watched him since 2017 so i've seen him go through these fake as fuck "optics arcs" where he pretends to want to build bridges with conservatives because he wants to get on big conservative podcasts. i'm glad more people see who he really is.
You can only be a retard so many times before they take your lego blocks away. He's gonna get his toys taken away at this rate, 1 or 2 more chimpouts and it's gonna happen.

Even that's being optimistic, if Elon sees him being a little too gay it's no more clitter for him.
stop shilling
Good, he's worthless
Who exactly tried to take your rights away? Again you dodge the point but it’s implied you are a leftist by your responses and what is said. By your logic if you are that’s a declaration or war a way a coward would do it “silently”.

And your video is a good description of this whole thing, Tiny is pretty much just like the white women who scream about poor niggers and how we have to let them fuck dogs. It's literally all just feminine screeching, don't expect him to act like a male at all. He has a thing he wants and regardless of whether it's wrong or right or the "principles" he wants it.

He literally makes more sense if you watch this webm and imagine some bipolar whore doing the same thing. Completely unhinged to the point where just being around him is a burden for others.
Kinds hypocritical as well when rightoids decide to just cancel the other side the same way, no?
>word salad
anyone who went after people for Jan 6 bullshit tried to strip their political opponents of their rights and has no leg to stand on.
I liked his early Youtube videos with self-deprecating ironic humor, the only kind of humor autistic snowniggers can understand. Maybe the retard act wasn't as much of an act as I thought.
If you're hypocritical, you're hypocritical. You can say that you're doing it to expose the hypocrisy of someone else, but you're still being a hypocrite all the same. I'm just noticing a general trend of hypocrisy season right now.
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>having a mental breakdown
>he's not mad
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Are ya winnin son?
The left started cancel culture! This is ultimately the stick in the bicycle tire meme.

Everyone not larping high IQ but actually having a high IQ told them this was a horrible idea and would bite them in the ass eventually.
Reminder that advocating for and glorifying violence is against X's rules, faggot.
Then ban Nick Fuentes and his faggy Groypers
based anti-bioleninist
>i got to witness the guy who grifted the left for 10 years straight switch to grifting the right and succeed
someone please put the USA out of it's mystery, it hurts to watch
You are trying to shoot your political opponent and that happened before jan 6th but now.

>word salad

This isn’t Reddit fuck off back to that shithole typos happen and nobody is going to spend hours formatting sentence structure for you.
>repeats the same shit he saw in his eceleb streams hoping it will work
Keep reporting him, I think we'll get him banned in a few days if keeps fedposting.
Salt thread here!
Destiny has, for the past 36 hours, spewed the most vitriolic, self-destructive nonsense imaginable. It's clearly one of those suicide by cop cases, he went into a downward spiral asking to be canceled. And not just on x/twitter
Don't get pressed that Welon is boosting groypers while Destiny is on his way to get banned. You faggots still have reddit to see your omegaluls and destinys rageposts.
Dude I won't say anything to avoid doxxing myself but I had Musk reply to me once. I was an early poster, I camp the home page and refresh until I see a fresh tweet so I can get as many views and replies as possible, this one time it worked. I usually get replies from some big checkmarks and known people, which is awesome on its own...but I had ELON FUCKING MUSK reply to me. Dude, I was in disbelief I thought it was a parody acct at first but nope, it was him! Elon, the richest guy in the world, and he read something I thought up and typed out, he actually replied to me. Thats why I love him, he is a man of the people. He feels like talking to one of the guys, a good best friend. I love him so much bros
>hypocritical fuck
Look in a mirror to see a hypocrit you cunt.
It seems as if hes been banned from all mainstream conservative podcasts as well. Now that hes alienated himself from moderates, rightists, and leftists, where will Destiny go to get more clout?
Besides praising the shooter, confronting Boogie was the last time Destiny has been relevant since his wife left him for a half swedish half asian crossdresser a year ago.
Hi Des. Go fuck off back to your corner, your chair is getting cold .
You're right, they are a private company and they can censor anything they want, but once you start doing that you lose all claim of legitimacy of the le ebic centrist act of being the free speech platform, "wow!! looking into this" and "advertisers can fuck off". Musk is a hack and he himself knows that. Retards like you are only ones falling for it.
>begs for attention
>gets it
elon is playing right into destiny's minuscule hands
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Why does anyone care about this literal-who communist or what he thinks? Stop feeding your attention to these weirdos and misfits and they will go away.
>b-but musk tho
nobody cares you dumb nigger
at this point I think they're done playing by the rules too. look what following the rules did to them while their enemy didn't
look at the body of a failed man
Elon is a raging MIGAtard along with all the conservative movement. We know clearly that groypers are allowed to screech about Israel now because, principally, the left and by extension the public opinion turned on zionism because of le heckin colonialism and racism.
You won, but at what cost?
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>Then ban Nick Fuentes and his faggy Groypers
Am I supposed to care about him or his orbiters? Fuck 'em.
>he's pointing out the laughable hypocrisy

Elon isn't being a hypocrite at all actually, because Elon knows it's nonsense. He was just looking for justification to ban destiny because Destiny was acting like a gigantic faggot (more than usual). It's like your kid doing a bad thing so you have to send him in time out in the corner for a bit so they can think about what they did. It's not a REAL punishment or anything like that, it just gives them a chance to maybe re-think being a retard.
Also I think this comparison is very apt to giving a punishment to a child since Destiny is the size of a child himself.
Good, fuck you. You know what's wrong with the right? That most still think of you as people, think argue you in good faith, don't want to hurt you and care about truth - while you do none of this. Leftists should be treated as the vermin you are.
>have the ability to make yourself not look like a midget
>make yourself look like a midget anyway
ecelebs are dumb as shit.
You people turned U.S. politics into a zero sum game. Fuck you and go back. We're done with principles. At least when it comes to the liberal.
>He is a beta
Most betas aren't actual cucks - he is way below beta
t. RetardEra visits /pol/
He cucked someone for Melina. The only reason he got cucked as well is because of divine retribution.
It's a private company chud
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It's not hypocritical. Both sides supposedly agree to no violence and terroristic threatening.
The difference is that the left has repeatedly made up bullshit to claim violence and whatnot as a loophole to enforce their censorship.
When it's applied to actual unhinged terroristic rhetoric then they whine about being censored even though all it takes for the right to get permabanned from everything is just tell a tranny "you will never be a woman".
I guarantee a stupid faggot like you has supported some movement to stop the wholesale destruction of brown people that Mccain himself has personally overseen.
You were cheering on the death of an innocent bystander for being on the other team in a democracy.
No, you deserve torture. All of you.
The Jews will really throw you away like trash when they no longer need you. Be careful not to end up like him.
it looks like a retarded failed abortion...
Destiny making fun of random victims is hardly terrorist rethoric behaviour. Plenty of right wingers said the exact same things Destiny has said but about different situations that involved the left and they didn't get banned.
Also it's clear as day the conflict of interest right now when you have the CEO of X being a total Trump supporter and MIGAtard, you can't say that the balance isn't tipped towards the right wing side on X.
You will never be a real white nationalist. You only attack right wingers, you never attack leftists, you use the MSM as your sources. You are a homosexual man twisted by CIA glowops and leftist dogma into a crude mockery of white nationalism. All the “support” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back right wingers mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your fake persona behind closed doors. Real white nationalists are utterly repulsed by you. A hundred years of honeypots have allowed men to sniff out larpers with incredible efficiency. Even leftists who are “anti-zionist” look uncanny and unnatural to a real white nationalist. Your gay porn memes are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to convince a white nationalist, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your rotting, HIV-infected axe wound. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself you can infiltrate this time, but deep inside you feel the failure creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll write a post about how you’re actually a BernieBro, click send, watch the replies, and run off into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll ban you from the internet from the rest of your life, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a leftist exposed himself online. Your post history will decay, and all that will remain of your legacy is a post that is obviously leftist. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
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GCHQniggers, welcome
>where will Destiny go to get more clout
furry midget footfag gooning Discord tranny servers
anyone using MIGA unironically can be safely disregarded
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>Destiny making fun of random victims is hardly terrorist rethoric behaviour.
It's 1 step away at the least. He's openly dehumanizing "conservatives" in the most toxic manner.
>Plenty of right wingers said the exact same things Destiny has said but about different situations that involved the left and they didn't get banned.
The main difference on major platforms is that you'll see other actual non extremist right wingers come out and call that person a fucking retard while a very vocal left wing mob applauds braindead shit cuck king Steven says like seals.
>Also it's clear as day the conflict of interest right now when you have the CEO of X being a total Trump supporter and MIGAtard, you can't say that the balance isn't tipped towards the right wing side on X.
I personally think Elon is just a powerful autist that fucks up regularly but at least he's doing that shit in the open instead of faggot ass Jack Dorsey and his cronies collaborating with faggots in the FBI and CIA. Also Twatter is still a cesspool where millions of leftists still have bastion. Now that a slight pushback has happened you all flip the fuck out because you're not used to having consequences for any action.
don't be mad the Muslims control France, be happy at the mass migration you're still gonna get.
Ok Elon, you dunked on a literal cuckold. Just stop posting already you balding fuck.
>gets stabbed by Tyrone
t. vee
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Destiny is an ADHD drug addict who's wife cheated on him with an even bigger beta than he is. I don't know why people post that dipshit here so much aside from him now being backed by israeli money of course.
>but enough about France.
lol. you were defending an American midget I believe...
What the emu fucker said.
His ex wife actually broke him because she said her new dude is the love of her life on Instagram. Not even kidding, look it up lmao
If its that pasty lanky faggot my sides will go into low earth orbit.
Like charlie sheen... Winning.
They both do lol
Send fagstiny to the shittiest most crime ridden part of Bulgaria, preferably with no cell signal or internet.
We're all fascists here retard.
Destinybros I don’t feel so good…
Go kick some trashcans, faggot.
Just send him loads of pictures of his wife with the man she actually loves because that’s why he’s gone literally insane
>He's not mad
I mean he has only been posting like every 2 hours for the past 48 hours straight. I'm sure the guy takes a break to sleep in between and maybe touch grass like so many people that aren't mad do...
Fagstiny should pick physical fights, and then have someone [redacted due to GCHQ policy]
Are poonotinloos being paid to defend Fagstiny now?
Nice tits, I can save her.
Fuck off nigger lover
Hey Destiny. You can post here if you like?
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He should have his tongue pulled out
>Conservatives literally have no values
eh lefty, did you just imitate me? you worthless piece of dogshit
Elon is just another psychotic lunatic.
His type isn't saving America, it's ending it.
>h-he's not playing by queensbury rules in a dirty fight which we initiated! h-h-hypocrisy!
Expecting one side to continue to play by a set of rules which your side has no intention of living up to is retarded.
I'd be a fool to be concerned with appealing to someone who'd celebrate my murder.
As long as you hate me I'm still doing ok.
shove your opinion up your ass descuck.
>Try to shut down free speech for 15 years
>Now YOU want free speech
Elon is the hypocrite? Really?
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He got finally and ultimately BTFO'D in that one stream a few days ago when metokur joined and told him to just post his diagnosis from his health app and for some reason he just wouldn't do it, even though he is uncomfortably and unnecessary open about everything else. It was great to watch, fuck that fat retard.

He is a constantly lying and manipulating hedonist and it finally is catching up to him, LowTierGod was right about this fat fuck.

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>Elon is a hypocritical fascist fuck. Fuck you Elon.
But Antifa loves totalitarians like fascists.
>Conservatives literally have no values
If they didn't then why do progressives exist?
dude could do better than a coalburner
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Destiny is a girl's name.
Muh free speech
Elon is in charge of X. Right wingers can very easily enforce the free speech rules and make everybody play by them. Lefties aren't in charge now and even if righto it's played by the rules, Lefties will still be powerless to censor. Now you tell me why would you still censor the left in this case if it's not just out of spite and vengeance.
Destiny is advertiser-unfriendly, that's just a factual statement.
Making stuff up kys cuck
This is what social media brainrot does to a mf
Kikes be seething
Why do you people attach to words and phrases en masse and just start spamming them everywhere, including RL? One of my Democrat friends the other day just annoyed me with some “aww dood like uhhhh does trump represent your VaLuEs”

Who chooses their vote based on such a meaningless term? Shut the fuck up and kys
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Oh noes
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You faggots need to stop jerking each other on this board and start writing to advertisers about how you're not buying their products because they're associated with this cuck. Do exactly what they do to us and get them demonetized.

I cant wait for the cartel like pictures of this cuck soon enough, good riddance
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destiny bros its over.
He's crying because people are going after his advertiser's and he can't go outside. Apparently he thought it was fine when he did it and now is crying because the advertisers are cancelling him.
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>>>474227131 (OP) #
>Now hes mad. All about the shekels.
Oh look, another one who wish to suck e-celeb cock and gurggle the warm cum
He still has a platform to say what he wants, They booted alex jones etc COMPLETELY not just demonitized him
McCain is a stolen valor traitor who should of been executed by the VC.
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>nooooo only WE were allowed to censor people to "appease advertisers" stop using our own weapons
>If anyone supported/voted for X or goes to an X rally, they're fair game and if they get killed should not expect any sympathy.
Clearly this is about Elon being on the Trump train and not about general inflamatory rhetoric that would get you banned if it were any other topic (black, feminist, Jewish, gay).

The Left doesn't give two shits about "the balance" on YouTube, Google, Twitch, Patreon, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Disney, etc. I'll not apologize for the code of conduct being applied equally after only applying to the right for over a decade.
Noooo i need my twitter goy bux
Elon just deleted his tweet where he made fun of the trump supporter who got shot in the assassination attempt.

I really wanna see the fallout of this guy losing his mind on that 1.5 day twitter binge.
Hopefully by niggers as an added insult.
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>DGGer shitlib fellating McCain and Pelosi
McCain is a fucking warhawk demon responsible for the deaths of millions, he might as well be an archdemon from the ninth circle, who didn't get what he deserved and died of an old age. Pelosis are a syndicate criminal family who exploits American legislature to profit from the stock market, which is probably the best thing you could say about them.
You radlib collectivist scumfucks truly stand for nothing, huh? The mask has really come off, clearly for the last time, and you will all get what you fucking deserve.
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Rev those emails to journos up
Piers Morgan, Megyn Kelly, Fox News anchors, etc.


Destiny wants Trump supporters getting shot:

Destiny has moved on to the political violence level against conservatives:

Destiny wants to watch Devin Nunes be killed:

Destiny can't wait to genocide conservatives:

Destiny celebrates the Trump supporter being killed in the assassination attempt:

Endorsed by Youtube and Twitch
Shut the fuck up you pathetic leftist piece of shit. Be happy we havent thrown you in the camp. yet.
you got fucked at full force in your vagina, mouth and anus
How have you not starved to death yet?
gg ez.
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if twitter banned you for acting like a giant faggot they'd lose their entire user base
I somehow might understand him saying that Trump deserved it, since he's deranged lunatic liberal.
But saying the guy that got killed covering his family deserved it? Wtf?
Right wingers are pro cancel culture now grim
Hey Cuckstiny!!
I assume now that your wife left you you have to become the wife, no?
Because he voted for it
Huh, you are right it sure is him.
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you better watch your mouth or you'll catch one on the jaw
>*deplatforms you for saying seven year olds shouldn't cut off their penises*
what an idiot, i already have a mouth on my jaw!
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Fuck you I WILL use the tools of the leftists
Im not gonna strip myself off of the tools because of
>muh morals
Time to fight them head on using their own methods
>tucking his thumb
Yeah, I know
Dude was Mr. Wholesome too
Volunteer fire chief
Good Christian
Dies literally shielding his family from gunfire
Fagstiny's literal only point is:
>He did not vote the way I wanted him to
That's it
Dude is a fuckin loon
He deserves to be thrown off the roof of a building
None of those things are okay. The reality is that the former president was shot and nearly killed as a 100% fact a little over 100 days from an election. Jan 6 and “violent conservative” rhetoric is now completely fucking dead in the water and will not work on all but the bluest of voters.
>He's not mad
Quite mad, ackshually
Nope. Dude’s brand was all about having conversation with all sides and not being a huge extremist loser. He just flushed all that don’t he toilet.
Fuck off my board you worthless sack of excrement.
Still beating that dead horse?
>Alinsky's Rule 4
Yeah... its almost like if you fuck with people hard enough and piss them off, they fuckin come for you
Then a lot of people get killed
Maybe you should not fuck with people?
>You won't do shit
Oh, I see - you think you're safe
Hubris has robbed you of reason
I am truly sorry for your loss, but that will not save you
Either way free speech still loses.
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Too based for shartynigs
So much for the tolerant right
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Destiny is a faggot cuckold. If he gets [redacted] I will pop open champagne.
We need to be using leftoid tactics against him. Go after his sponsors. Get him deplatformed and demonetized on as many things as we can.
Hi Destiny.
Your wife likes how my cock tastes.
Yeah, it's almost like the commie AIDS fags wore out their welcome because they fucked with people too much
Then folks got sick of their shit
Wait till they decided to physically DO something about the infestation of commie AIDS fags
Build ur own Twitter :^)
He has to be making threads and posts here. Just like you get the feeling Destiny is a lone wolf ready fo shoot in public.
Now post your real flag so we can shit on you.
Only reason you’d pick a memeflag is because you’re embarrassed about whatever shithole you come from.
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Rule of thumb:
If they start their post with LMFAOOOOO
They’re mad!
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Yes, we will destroy our enemies and have them driven before us
Yes, we are hypocrites
Heil victory
Weak meme. It only would have worked if Corey said "Mike must go" or something similar. Also, pence is not in office and his political career is over so the idea that "Mike must go" reached it's conclusion successfully.
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You guys need to realize that Destiny is being honest. This is how all leftoids think. He’s mad, partially because he’s a cuck manlet, but recently because the shot that aimed for Donald Trump’s head missed.
They all think like that. Don’t buy this “unity” bullshit. These people would be celebrating in the streets if Donny died.
>If they start their post with LMFAOOOOO They’re mad!
Alinsky's Rule 5
Commie AIDS faggots have not had a new idea in 100 years
Same tired shit
Can't wait till we move into "Beat them in the head with sticks until they cry" phase
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Stick that straw up your ass faggot
He’s mad about the shot not killing Trump. He’s bringing out his hate fantasies against Trumpers by bragging about the father that died.
He’s mad and he’s lashing out because this shooting looks good for Trump.
I wasn’t going to vote until these past few weeks, when I saw all of the kvetching about Project 2025 and fascism and whatnot. This shit has been ramping up. There’s no political solution, but my politics now are to piss off leftoid FAGGOTS. I assume I’m not the only one.
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>thrown off building

With his height, a fall from the kitchen counter is probably fatal.
Then get him kicked off of platforms where he can e-beg enough to support his lavish lifestyle.
I want him languishing in the pits of esoteric websites the way his ilk has forced rightwingers to do.
I own your mom faggot
submitted to fox

Meanwhile, reality owned your ideology every time it's tried.
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Destiny you absolute faggot
Why is this manlet named after a black stripper
I sent it to Piers Morgan, Megyn Kelly, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Hannity, Tucker's network.
We can have fun with it
Make it an experiment
We can do things like solve for time and force
See if our maths are correct - how long it takes for him to hit the ground given the acceleration of gravity at sea level, how much force, etc...
>Cops on roof: What the fuck are you doing?
>Everyone: Checking our work.
if its plastered all over the news surely youtube would ban him for incitement to violence
I don’t like Elon and he banned me from Twitter too for saying that a drunk guy who was tricked into kissing a tranny should knock that tranny’s lights out.
As long as we’re still banning and demonizing people for speech, I won’t lose sleep over Destiny losing 1% of his income.
In fact, I demand more. I want that nigger homeless.
Wow, maybe you should dilate about it, nigger.

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