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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Get in here
Post your worst
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Stop posting about this faggot
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It's his job anon.
Destiny is a literal manlet cuckold
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Destiny is a bad palestinian!
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The right can dish it but can't take it, Destiny is just giving you faggots a taste of your own medicine and you are having a meltdown or trying to take the moral high ground but then champion faggots like don jr who said pelosi's husband was fucking the faggot who tried to beat him to death with a hammer
you are cowardly faggots
Seriously, who the fuck even is that nobody?
t. been living under the rock
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Some twitch faggot.
I think he is most famous for his gf being two leagues above him and obviously fucking other guys even at their home
It's not that hard to get some angry Cubans on Destiny.
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whats the tl;dr of all of this? keep seeing tweets where hes raging. is he basically just some lib cuck who is mad trump is still alive and thinks this was his only chance to own trump supporters and laugh at them? its like his ultimate fantasy was so close but taken away from him
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Some American should shut that cunt up
Checks out ty
Reminder this guy is a pedo and that's how they got him as a fed asset
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Not him but still kek
i mean, this guy cant even dabate for a ball earth...
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hilarious screencaps and polcels reeing
>No YOU'RE having a meltdown!
I'd much rather see him get enriched while "his" gf watches the spectacle
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This post makes no sense.

Why is destiny melting over Trump now? I don't remember him being this broken over drumpf.
Wasn't it Biden's america that banned the cure to diabetes?
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so does destiny still have sponsors? have any of you tried contacting them and letting them know what this guy is saying?
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obvious raid / kike distraction thread

Sage it people

based tiny, he had never baited so many chuds at the same time
even Elon is butthurt
Sooo unbelievably stupid. If i dont want you in my house, i kick you out. Same with my servers. Like… what?
Reminder that Drumpf is controlled opposition controlled by the woke left
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he's an eternally online dweeb

sad to be a richfag but you are still a no life nerd
It probably is but if it gets Destiny banned off twitter it would be worth it
lmao, this is the guy lecturing you about morals and righteousness
>Biden intentionally causes inflation
>Biden intentionally lets in 30 million illegals
>Biden intentionally abandons Bagram airbase closest airbase to China
>Biden intentionally pushes climate and EV so politicians can profit off stocks
But Trump is the Traitor? Someone explain how this guy is supposedly smart?
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Ive done 200+ grams of alpha-PVP/a-PHP/MDPV and I've never been this insane. Just bladder retention.

Opinion discarded.
Lmao he makes a good point and highlights his own deranged hypocrisy at the same time
Yeah, hang on, lemme just sign up for a twitter account just so I can post "ur a faget. lmao" and get banned.
Also, your concept of bravery boils down to constantly paying other people to protect your sensibilities.

Also also, ur a faget. lmao
hes been awake for at least 35 hours straight, raging over this event. longest hes gone without tweeting is 2 hours.
Destiny losing his add revenue AHAHAHAHAHA
He is just intimidated by a man who actually cares for his children rather than drugging, raping, then abandoning them.
I think Destiny is wiki-crutch faggot, but this isn't what salt means. He's literally making fun of dead MAGA with glee.
>For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world but loses his own soul.
he probably had a deep state media role to play in the aftermath of his death and is fucking losing it that his big moment is gone
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lol. How is this midget relevant? I’m not into the whole trans culture as the rest of /pol/ seems to be.
>my 7 figure income while brokie trailer trash retards like you celebrate in the streets and die of diabetes

This is teenage level banter. Again how is this retard known as some genius debater?
>Stop posting about this faggot
Anon he's part of the destiny marketing team. This failed assassination attempt is his last "shot" at staying relevant.
But just like the dead faggot, this guy's shot will fail too.
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I'm gonna kick his ass irl
I got nothing to lose
migrate when ready
Destiny running from twitter space!
He's mostly known for being cucked, bragging about it, then being divorced
Mate, do yanks not give out hidings to little manlets talking shit like this? Dude talks so much shit for someone who is like 5’2” lmao
Another case where an atheist proves they should never be trusted with morality and ethics
Mask is off libtards. No more feigning victim hood. The entire west knows now and your idiotic leftoid with Napoleon complex used his Adderall fueled sperg out at the most possible worst time in history to let everyone know. No more alligator tears. No more pretending your feelings matter more than facts. No more virtue signaling. It's actually over. GEE FUCKING GEE.
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Fuck off dem
Apparently he's un-American because he's not giving enough money to foreign governments
>7 figure income
lmao no. plus he can always donate his money if hes so rich to help all those poor migrants and homeless they always simp for
Well I mean, there was also a time he was a mediocre at best SC2 and briefly league streamer who got trolled all the time by some French-Canadian gigafaggot (who was also talentless in both games) name Deezer who he blamed for ruining his career and sucked the dick of his viewers to get pity donations from for them "ruining his pro career chances!" (yes, some of his old school fans still actually think this.)

Guess he realized Grifting ultra-leftist faggots is much easier and more profitable, which is kind of needed when you're paying alimony to your whore ex who fucked other men including niggers to you and she found him such a gross sub 6' manlet she didn't even bother hiding that.

Destiny is like the epitome of why every leftist is a constant miserable, projecting nigger faggot when you look at him.
Is destiny trump of left now? He’s viral for tweets just like trump
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this was his destiny
He hides inside all day sitting in discord with other lunatics stroking his ego. Destiny is the result of being molded by a reddit like echo chamber. His handlers are nice enough to line up big interviews and viewbot his channel to keep the illusion of fame.
Nice VPN Steven now face the wall
>bragging about being cucked
Lmao why are libcucks like this?
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this needs sound
reading these tweets i now realize this destiny guy is dumb lol
>"She might fuck other guys but she comes home to me"
>"I also get mad pussy"
Nether of these statements he made are true now
Fucking HOW
Go surrender to an Algerian, Pierre
the real thread is over here
Just like all leftoid deranged subinsects they have zero awareness of their own temporarily comfortable lives, never even considering the very real fact that had Trump been killed there would be hundreds, maybe thousands of people hunting down and shooting every leftist they could identify.
Lib cuck (actual cuck btw) who was recently divorced and had his "fanbase" turn on him for supporting Israel. He made a few bad jokes about the failed Trump assassination and doubled down by accusing Trump supporters of being traitors unworthy of empathy. RW twitter got ahold of it and have been harassing him all day.
What a clown
Read this and kekd
Die trannies, you're worthless
Who the fuck keeps posting this e celeb faggot?
We all know they won't.
Fucking virtue signaling nigger faggots the lot of them.
BUMP :))
very relevant thread, thank you for posting this, operator
>Destiny is some twitch/twitter fag who relies on ad money to pay for his shitty ex-marriage.
>Said a bunch of retarded shit about the Bystander that was shot at the Trump's rally that no advertiser in their right mind would support so Musk publicly said he was demonetizing him.
>Destiny is having one of his thousands of autistic manlet meltdowns over losing his zero effort source of Shekels.
>Leftists are projecting, hypocritical niggers.

Ok there you go.
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Destiny wants Trump supporters getting shot:

Destiny has moved on to the political violence level against conservatives:

Destiny wants to watch Devin Nunes be killed:

Destiny can't wait to genocide conservatives:

Destiny celebrates the Trump supporter being killed in the assassination attempt:
he's actually pretty lucky that perfect break didn't tear through any blood vessels so it's easy to repair, only serious risk is infection.
Also as for how the ankle wasn't meant to secure so much force (bodyweight accelerated due to gravity) in such a direction.
By shilling on /pol/ non-stop.
He literally hasn't slept more than 2 hours straight in the last 2 days.
He'll be dead by 45
Even if that first part were true, it's still a regular guy with a family. I bet /pol/ would still feel sympathy if it were a similar dad at a DNC rally.
Hes mad Trump didn't die in the assassination attempt.
He is also mad because he knows nothing about the US Constitution and the Judicial system works.
hot take: destiny is depressed and suicidal and is hoping he can meme a low iq right wing nut job into killing him to try to poison the well
He usually debates people who miss a bunch of chromosomes and most of the time he isn't seething while at it, he's a bit out of his usual environment.
His wife cucked him with a negro on stream, and then left him to fuck some swedish twink
wrong about the chauvin trial how, nigger? he was thrown under the bus to keep niggers from burning the town down. they are animals, nothing more, and nothing less. they do not deserve to live amongst men in a civilized society. they deserve to live in tribal societies in africa, where they can kill and cannibalize to their hearts content. god i fucking hate niggers and lefty/pol/ trannies like you. burn in hell.
Does Destiny actually believe in Hell? I didnt know this.
I thought he was an atheist, why would he believe someone would end up in Hell if he doesnt believe in religion?
Belay climbing>Bouldering
People really underestimate how dangerous bouldering can be
I understand that you're hopeful but he has an ego bigger than the sun
there's no way he's thinking of offing himself ever
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>DES tiny
this retard doesnt know Erdogan or Assad, imagine being this retarded
pride comes before the fall
that's just what seethe looks like. saying anything and everything to try and offend the other party. I want to see Destiny repeat all this to someone's face at Twitchcon. Hell, I never watch Twitch
>millennial fag not Gen Z turbo fag here
but I might go now just to challenge that little manlet to his face.
NGL when you're ok with civilians dying you are terrorist scum. And when you inevitably get treated as such these guys always cry their gator tears about how they didn't meannn it
always has been a fraud
maybe he should stop sucking jew cocks for ukraine's sake and worry more about niggers plowing his wife.
it's more likely he'll accidentally off himself by doing meth
the guy's been awake for 48 hours straight responding to people on twitter
he's due for a heart attack.
true. its why nigger suicide is so low. no matter how shitty their life is, they think they're the shit. the entire theme of rap is literally
>im the shit and everyone else is a bitch
>some swedish twink
he's some sort of south american mystery twink meat
He thinks its fine to kill supporters of ideologies. Surely he wouldn’t be hypocritical if he was challenged to duel.
>ultra faggot that lies and stokes flames, he literally doesnt matter
Go to your goddamn containment thread
Made after mine, KYS
that thread was made after this one, leaf.
The closest he got to being suicidal was his initial divorce papers
I'm personally not that upset about Destiny taking his mask off. It really wasnt much of a mask anyway. Theres actually a problem where both sides, even "rational" people are concluding that pragmatically the other side needs to have less people on it. Down to simply wanting them to die. To fix their problems.
The answer is to have the federal government having less laws and less standards for everyone to meet in the union.
Otherwise there are too many cooks in the kitchen of this country, and sooner or later you will end up with a Caesar that you want, an Octavius that you love, and then a Nero you hate.
Just effin stop it, anyone who wants to stop a dictatorship happening should also want to stop the centralizing of Government power. With banning guns, cap and trade, and market manipulation.
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same as any leftist
What he's doing is what tilted shitters do when they're losing a game of dota. All of it is ad hominem because they have nothing of value to say and know they suck.
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Whoops, bye bye monetization lmao

Reap the whirlwind, destiny.
I feel bad for Steven, hes a smart guy, he realises whats happening. And hes struggling to cope that he was supporting the baddies. So now he wants to burn everything to the ground.
He's right about Zion don being a traitor, he's a Zlonlst after all, these people are trying to destabilize the us, along with Bolshevick leftists that are just antifa and the other branch of israeli atheist leftycucks
Thats literaly all i know about the guy
>Oh no, one less cuck in the world.
Why people are reminding him everyday that the cuck is a cuck.
He may just KYS.
>that thread was made after this one, leaf
Watch me give zero shits and continue contributing nothing to these shitty spam threads
You wanna discuss destiny, do it in your degenerate containment hole.
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How much has this retard gone on about DEI being a creation of anti-OWS bullshit so bankers don't get shot?
Zero? Pure shill behavior.
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threads called destiny meltdown but look at how fuming those chuds are kek what a projection
don't think nor do i care if he does or doesn't off himself, just saying that pride comes before the fall
Steve has no actual convictions. He's doing this for attention.
he literally mind broke /pol/
the bantz are too fucking strong lmao
Destiny raped me.
I just wish people were more willing to admit they'd just rather Destiny be dead just as he's willing to admit he'd rather they be dead.
It's just manners and social etiquette getting in the way, plus the one side thinking they have the moral high ground to shout him down.
We all expect others to be good and honest and hold themselves all the time, but when we get mad like he is, we go rattling off just like he has.
And yet, for some reason, it's considered "wimpy" to just outright gun down someone you dont like, when it always solves the immediate problem of not liking them.

It's like we're all lying to ourselves, it doesnt make sense to me.
Oh rest assured there will be more, many of you dropped your masks after this event. It is curious however how clearly supported this particular slaughter of this particular lamb is, I suppose the ZOG does need a regular feed of sacrifices especially after screwing up the original sacrifice. Hopefully this artificial signal boosting of Destiny's career falling apart is a very clear message to the rest of you that you serve a malthusian death cult that has absolutely no care or concern for you.
Can you imagine how hot Hell is going to be for this worthless little guy?
Jews like him believe that hell only exists for their enemies.
maga tickets are free.
fucking moron faggot cuck destiny.
Destiny says whatever is necessary to win, no matter if he believes it or not. That's partly why he's considered a good debater, because he has no consistent beliefs in the topics he argues. He will happily take inconsistent or hypocritical stances if it means he wins in the moment. Also, he talks very fast and doesn't stumble over his words, so it's hard for someone in good faith to keep up with the tsunami of bullshit he spews at all times.
Sad when your wife gets fucked by a swede autist
People like you wanted to play this game, turns out both you and your idol are dogshit at them. If you knew his past life you would have known better than to sign up to be on his team.
reminder to migrate when ready.
Soooo, this is all bullshit and Destiny is just a Twitter deprived faggot.
Reminder to KYS thread poacher
The cure for diabetes is unironically to dry fast for week and it will go away, dry fast for a month and you will lose 90 lbs and be healthy and cured of everything
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This is very clearly a nervous breakdown from years of being cucked
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Can someone give me a qrd on this?

Is he losing it cuz he knows Trump will almost for sure win the election now?

>flip flopping is a winning strategy
>he's ever been a good debater

Grifters will grift.
This is actually clever on many layers. Only a goober trump voting incel would look at this at face value.
Very influential liberal debater. /pol/ is obsessed with this guy since he destroyed their right wing e-celebs a couple years ago and now this board follows his twitter/youtube to seethe at.
There's no excuse to have 20 parallel threads about him and his fucking twitter posts.
He's known for attention seeking and making nearly to actually outrageous posts online so that he can later backpedal them when it's brought up, and detail some rational opinion that he "now holds" instead of then. It's an avenue for him to show that he can change opinions, make hard opinions, and be exciting. It's his whole show.
Reminder to report his posts for violence
We may be finally free of the cuckold menace
That's basically American-style discourse: a flow of horseshit that puts the other side in the position of having to carefully correct the nonsense points or let them slide, creating a tendentious pile of garbage that overwhelms.

There' was the story of the guy talking with a Nazi back in the day and he said "...but, your argument is invalid", in reply, the thug showed his pistol and said "This is my argument."

Which is where we're all headed, again. The internet is just giving us a look into some dipshit brains as it happens.

Feels like the bottom end of the IQ graph, led by a few psychos, will have to be trounced every century or so. I'm sure the same old families will make bank.
Looks like the left can meme after all. You're just posting self owns. Is this what the right has become? Explains the closeted cucked and blacked fetishes.
J6 charges and lock him in the gulag, yoz can not allow danagerous retorhic such as this manlet pedofile.
Ahh this dude,isn't he the one who convinced his suicidal friend to kill himself?
A fall from 12 feet high converts to an impact velocity of around 18 miles per hour. Disregarding lateral forces and speed, that's still obviously quite enough to mangle.

And he obviously didn't drink enough choccy milk.
>dry fast for a month
....you'll start shitting the lining of your intestines.
Are you really this retarded? Nobody ever posts about this guy. All threads about him are from his discord and he’s farming engagement. You really believe people that don’t like him are the ones making threads ability him??
Here he is celebrating the murder of that fireman
Shut Up Arab nigger.
i don't think that was destiny, destiny is the one to say that child porn is ethical to prevent pedophilia and the one to have his wife openly cuckold him and leave
Why do they add "fuck" or "fucking" to everything? Do they think it makes them appear more big-boy serious or something?
>I'm an adult now, and adults curse a lot, just like in Tarantino's movies!
This is actually the most truth-laden post regarding the whole situation. He was already a feckless streamer with little to no skill or charisma prior to becoming a leftist political talking head. After receiving all that power, money and notoriety to only end up in the exact same position he was in years ago of getting cucked is nothing more or less than pure mesopotamian pottery. To crescendo all of this angst and failure into an event that is also the peak of leftist politick cuckoldry (so close but no pay off) is completely on-point.

inb4 suicide.
You don’t have to use brilliant banter against Twitter retards, he gets the point across in all these tweets

Notice how assblasted the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd is
this Destiny person is spot on
>destiny is the one to say that child porn is ethical

So ehh....he does know CP doesn't just spawn itself from nothing right? Right?
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>Looks like the left can meme after all. You're just posting self owns. Is this what the right has become? Explains the closeted cucked and blacked fetishes.
You guys do know he copes on the whole cuck thing by claiming and probably accepting he was in an open relationship, that criticism just completely flies over his head now. He's too far gone on that subject.
I know you're criticizing him to expose it to other people, so they dont have a chance to forget, this dude actually had multiple people fuck his wife. But, it's not something that bothers him before, he's actually just completely lost.
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legit, this one is painful
>Nobody posts about this guy
>bump limit on every thread about him when he has a debate since like 2017
Retard newfaggot.
> that tweet
Daily reminder Americans murdered the politicians they disagreed with since before the founding of the country, which is supposed to be a conservative value
you have to realize that he and basically every political streamer regardless of affiliation is extremely retarded
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The Israel simping and his wife leaving him for some fag were the last straws.

I see him as a debate bro and I've met people like him in real life. They love to argue and turn every discussion into a competition through debate, but have very little actual life experience, which is why they see debate as a way of dominating those around them in order to feel superior. Without that, they feel empty and realize that they are not that well accomplished.

The thing with his wife and the "open marriage" was such a perfect example of him being a retard in something he actually practices. The other things he debates can be seen as topics he doesn't actually have real life experience with and so he just does these mental exercises in order to win debates, but the open marriage proved to me that the guy is a retard. No man can think that a marriage can be open and still even be considered a marriage.
God damn it. Like the 10th post about Destiny. I'm just gonna have to filter it. Slow ass day I guess.
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Go buy an ad, nigger. Nobody gives a fuck about your favorite e-celeb retard
It's just how history always is, obviously we live in a more civilized world, but even people like Cicero were just outright killed just because someone didnt like them.
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I have no idea who that is but
The one man that can match him in a sub-60 IQ debate.
How exactly is this fag making 7 figures? Must be israel money
>just because

>haha look at this dead bitch
>haha your dad is dead how about some tickets to sit where he got shot at
>lol u mad?

>:'( why do they persecute me so?
You get what you fucking deserve. Stop crying about it.
but that isn't what people were trying to get away from

they were trying to get away from TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, which is now represented by modern American federalist neoliberalism
Not really when you realize this guy is a total creampuff cuckold who has never swung a hammer in his life. These liberal "working-class" faggots are so transparent when they've never done any actual work in their lives, and all they do is throw shade on increasingly disenfranchised working class (white) Americans for internet clout. Basically he's the equivalent of a small, barking purse dog in a post-apocalypse world: has a big bark, thinks way too highly of himself, and would get devoured by the other dogs.
Well, I'm not the one crying about it at all. I'm just simply looking it at academically.
Holy shiiiiit
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I felt that one in my soul so apparently I have one but I stopped supporting Trump because I'm opposed to federalism, not due to anything the left says about him. Progressives are federalist cunts too, they just don't recognize it because corporatists pander to them to distract them and happily gobble up their money. Honestly the right, not the neocuck right but the real right-wing, should stop paying taxes altogether to fuck these people into a smaller government. That's a long shot though, would take someone with Trump's level of sucking all air out of a room to convince normalfaggots to do it and mildly suffer through the process.
his wife was some thot but she seemed sincere at least in that one video everyone's seen with the dancing. All that verbal intelligence and narrative control and he couldn't keep it locked down lmao
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What's with the Greek flag posters today?
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>Destiny is just giving you faggots a taste of your own medicine
DesTINY's wife is giving him a taste of the sloppy seconds from the Bull.
I would love for a tax strike to happen. Sadly I don't think the American people, whatever's left of them, have it in them.
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Ukraine and Russia are both sending men off to get killed by drones or ,"friendly fire" by perimeter guards. Nobody in the warzone is winning anything, apart from the people getting paid to rebuild, and no sane person takes sides with Kikelinsky/Monke. The war will stop when enough conscription officers/border troops (on both sides) get fragged by conscripts. Destiny is a massive faggot and right now he's acting exactly like Jordan Peterson, I don't understand how anyone can take these manchildren seriously when they never shower, chug chug gallons of mountain dew, eat doritos, and play videogames all day.
Thanks slov bro!
This should have been posted way earlier.
lol he got called a cuck and that is his response?

Didn't think I'd see someone mention Dota in 4chan of all places
This is why civil war is a necessity, not an option and is logically the next step but of course people aren't ready for it, not normalfaggots or most anons anyway. Destiny is a complete moron but he is ahead of the curve in this regard by complete accident, at least as far as not pitying your enemies. Your enemies want your way of life wiped out, they "violated the NAP" and so have we, so before long we'll tacitly agree to fight.
you wont do shit
Who is this guy? Doesn't he just stream.games? Why's he trying to do politics
If trump tweets like this you guys coom over it hypocrites
Fake and gay
sorry destiny. doxxing is legal. Stochastic terrorism isn't
>confirms the dox is real
The psychos will though, all it takes is a few that are particularly resourceful and charismatic enough to make the ball roll. It won't be people joining the psycho out of agreement, they'll join him because he is killing the people killing theirs. People only become motivated when their comfort is threatened, rarely do they just go off the seat of their pants over some beliefs.
Trump would actually make it entertaining.
Trumps Mrna jab is kicking in.
bro seriously needs to touch grass. this is embarrassing. doesn't he have a child?
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Streamer, debater, libtard, neoliberal, manlet, jew/cuban, zionist, talks too fast, annoying as hell, literal cuck. Apparent political violence advocate.
Norman Finkelstein recently murdered him in a debate and the internet was loving it.
if that goblin looking manlet ever catches a stray ill visit america just to piss on his grave
this. all the blue collar union guys I know are conservative family men. it's always amusing seeing limp-wristed pale cucks like him pretend to understand the "working class"
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He is such a fucking faggot. I hope cuban midgets like him also get a pot shot taken at them.
there was me thinking they murdered politicians that tried to impose their will on them and restrict their freedoms and disagreements through duels where ones convictions and believes were backed with ones life rather than the taking of the other
kek, completely fucking unhinged retard
I could understand this vitriol if it was at least justified, but Trump did none of those things they accuse him of
I don't like Destiny but man he's making a lot of retards cry and that's funny. Thanks for sharing these OP (I don't have twitter so I can't go look at them easily myself).
Former classmate of Trump rally gunman says he was ‘bullied almost every day’

Kek, he's so based for this response. How is this salt?
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>Again how is this retard known as some genius debater?
just murder him you fucking pussies
This is why 'the shooter was a republican' rings so hollow. Destiny is making the argument for us.
Leftists want to kill republicans and they have been allowed to spew this rhetoric for years. They're going to move onto 'let's have a civil war' shortly.
>call it a "salt" thread
>OP post destiny quips and trolling
cuck faggot
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you wont do shit
I live in /d2g/
>Destiny says whatever is necessary to win
Currently for the left? That's a civil war.
I used to believe that Trump has done nothing outrageous, but I'm starting to doubt that. I actually watched Destiny live yesterday and he obliterated bunch of conservatives on the facts alone. He exposed that their factual knowledge is based on memes...
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To any of Yautja in the universe out there. Act as the apex predators of all of the Cuban midgets of Earth. Eventually, you will hunt Destiny and the universe will be better off. We will all smile in victory.
So what's your point? Drumpf is a humiliation ritual for white Men.
At least Destiny's got a spine.

If leftists actually believed that Trump was going to take over the government and put trannies and niggers in concentration camps and so forth, they ought to feel totally justified in calling for violence against him. The fact that so many of them condemn it proves that they don't actually believe the bullshit they preach.
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Tranny he's just melting the fuck down! He's not "based" he simply realized he lost, everything he believed is exploding around him and he's throwing a temper tantrum
Some Jew nigger loving Christ cuck who thinks Barney’s work hard. Being white isn’t enough.
Can somebody point to me to one thing he tweeted that isn't based?
Damn, the mask slipped
Christniggers are woke as fuck.
So you guys are just as bad as Don Jr?
Who gives a fuck what some "influencer" faggot thinks about anything? He says this shit so retarded zoomers, like the ones on /pol/, talk about him and engage with his content. He literally pays people to post this shit on multiple boards.

Stop talking about this faggot.
What do you mean like actually doing something?
It is amusing to watch vile people meltdown.
If he had stopped at "If only he had gotten trump" I would agree
going after the guy who did get killed for no reason is just unpleasant.
He's got a bougie ass name too
>Steven Kenneth Bonnell II
I never bullied the "man" much due to his deformities, little manlet.
How does he "play video games for a living?" I've never heard of anybody inviting Destiny to their show to play video games. What the fuck does Quartering do for a living? Does he have any kids? Has he ever been married? What does he know about successful marriages? Why did Styx's Russian wife leave him? Was it an open marriage?

Rightoids are worse than kies. Twice the lies, but half the IQ.
he's uncancelable, getting attention is all he wants from this. he loves making people seethe
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Destiny and vaush and basically all other terminally online millennials are turkish prison howard zinn enjoyers
That's wrong. White people don't believe that you need to be evil to fight evil.
Doing a terrorism and J6 laws means that cunt is getting life in the supermaxx.
Counter-intuitively, I would actually respect Bonell a lot more if he actually shot someone himself instead of melting down on twitter.
If all you have are your words, but your words aren't consistent, your output has little more meaning than a random number generator.
The thing about him going mask-off is, why should I or anyone listen to what he has to say about politics or ethics or anything.
>Power comes through the barrel of a gun
ok thanks Steve

For years he tried to have or had the reputation of being this left intelligent reasonable debater, much better than someone like Vaus or Hassan. But he isn't, he and his opinion is as trash and worthless as any of them.
1504 Bay Rd. #2012 Miama Beach
He was a starcraft streamer but sucked way too much dick at it to succeed so he opted to become a leftist grifter. Anyone with an intact family knows how much of a joke "open" relationships are which is why I presume you lack this knowledge.
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polish cuckold no one actually watches destiny's streams unless you're a cuckold yourself
RV dwellers are the most persecuted people in America.
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the only thing I knew about him before this was that he's a cuck and that he's built like a raw chicken. He seems like a horrible malignant narcissist.
Thanks for answering none of my questions. Never reply to me again.
>why should I or anyone listen to what he has to say about politics or ethics or anything.
You shouldn't.
>For years he tried to have or had the reputation of being this left intelligent reasonable debater
>But he isn't, he and his opinion is as trash and worthless as any of them.
Three for three.
>So what is this?
Welcome to the lynching pyre, feel free to pull up a seat we're cooking a megalomaniacal, hypocrital PEDOPHILE that was laughing at the children of a father whose brains was splattered all over them.
what a massive faggot
We are still posting about internet people?

This place is a corpse.
But it wasn't right wing scum. It was feds.
Destiny salty? nah, it's chuds that are salty about his mean words.
Ugly on the inside and out
The white men are waking up.
The Shabbos GOP is going to hate us even more than they already do.
Why do people listen to a fucking cuck?
Stop giving him attention (even putting him on a lolcow pedestal), that's what he craves.
based destiny triggering the fuck out of migatards
This dude is asking to get offed lmao. Some crazy MAGA boomer is gonna end up breaking into his house and blowing his head off. I’m calling it.
He's attention whoring to compensate for being a midget. It's just like the angry bagel guy but forced.
>the trump quote is real
>but rightoids are outraged about a guy saying he's still voting for Biden
You are the bad guys
All his tweets were hilarious and the fact we need 20 threads on /pol/ because of it makes it even more hilarious. So much seething, I love it.
They always have, while non citizens are missing their human rights.
>liberals value rocks on other planets more than their families
>hurr durr
Simply kill yourself you pathetic little internet faggot cock sucker
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Trumpies are chronically online retards, brain rotted from the culture war. Imagine voting for a conman because he's charismatic. Imagine voting for someone because someone took a "epic" photo of them. Imagine thinking Trump is a competent, effective, leader and not a laughing stock on the world stage. His policies are absolutely trash and don't make America a more prosperous place, but hey he makes liberals and trannies seethe, thats good enough. Laughable. Americans deserve the retards that rule over them. Bread and circuses.
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>frog image
>frog opinion
Smell of shit off you
So you're saying that miggers are violent lunatics who kill over MEAN TWEETS?

How in the world can you continue living while simping for this fucking manlet little faggot
Just know if in proximity to me I'd simply fucking kill you
dude is legitimately having a melty because he spend the good portion of last 4 years sucking bidens cock and know he realized that it was all for nothing
and im here for it
You don't deserve anything you ask for dipshit
Tbh this one is really funny
it all makes sense when you look at this. imagine the rage he harbors having to face people with this physiognomy
>Welcome to the lynching pyre

Looks more like he is self-immolating. I'll grab some popcorn.
If your answers would embarrass me, you would answer them. You don't answer because they would embarrass you.
Gamers and shitlibs donate money to him.
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>Looks more like he is self-immolating
Modern lynchings are kind of abstract but here is your complimentary dox and proof of irredeemable monstrosity.
Don't care
Get boosted you pathetic little internet faggot cock sucker
>pfp hides his jawline
You cannot make this shit up.
He's basically saying if you aren't willing to go to war in eastern Ukraine then you're unamerican. That's what all of his comes down to. It's about whether or not you support foreverwars. MAGAs are anti-war so that means they are traitors to the American gay anal sex empire.

Many on the left are already legit mentally unwell.
With so much energy being pumped into this political cycle (US domestic, Ukraine, Hamas supporters, groomer trannies, psychotic feminist abortion fanatics etc etc) it should be relatively easy to trigger many many of them into a full-blown psychotic break. Just keep up the pressure.

Point out the futility of their situation. Point out what will happen in the near term when everything they dont want actually happens. Point out an accentuate the human costs. Point out that (bad outcome) is somehow forever. It doesn't matter that none of that is true... just increase the energy pumped into the system.

Let me ask this, are leftists born or made?
Why is he that passionate about trump especially after the failed assassination?
Even vaush who's even more to the Left is less unhinged.
The reason I don't get it is because destiny is barely a leftist himself. He believes in liberal values and so does trump. They are both so close to each other on the political spectrum so why is he acting like some radical communist or Nazi is gonna take office.
Dumbass hohol
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Onions more maga retards.
Because he is a leftist cuck and every single leftist was simultaneously cucked when that bullet missed trump. You're seeing the impotent rage of millions of cucks screaming out all at once.
Violence isn't evil, it's a means to an end. Every social structure that exists does because of the implied threat of violence.
Naw. If some rando at a rally cheering for third world immigration into white countries got shot, I'd laugh, and so would most of /pol/.
trumps chances to win after the thing are going towards 100%
in his rage destiny is consistent with the past 8 years of democrat talking points while everybody
else pretends it never happpened
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>They were human, once.
>A ruined and terrible form of life.
I think he's the ultimate villain that eventually will force conservatives to do better.
I don't agree with his worldview, but he does score Ws
We're still making threads about this midget nigger's meltdown huh? lmao Pure salt that Trump didn't get domed, what a wounded donkey. You don't just go from trying to be some legitimate debate bro to celebrating the death of innocent bystanders in a fucking assassination attempt overnight. Unless of course you're this ass blasted retard. I mean, that goes without saying at this point, 36 hours of nonstop tweets later lmao.
>die of diabetes
Didn't Trump force big pharma to lower the cost of Insulin while Biden immediately reversed that law, making the US the most expensive western country to have diabetes again? I seriously do not understand how the minds of leftists work... even a political candidate I dislike I am able to see what good he's actually done and acknowledge that. Why can't they?

Biolenninism is real, so there is a link to genetics.
If you are an ugly, weakling, with the kind of personality that means you almost never get any wins (in love, in career, in money, etc) then you are more likely to externalise this as "something is wrong with society" than internalise it and think "I need to be better".

Lefties suffer mental illness at massively higher levels than rightists. There are plenty of studies on this.
t. swings a hammer for 5 figures at best and thinks he’s not the cuck in this scenario
See above
that's the point retard. when lib twitter decided to ban people for saying nigger what did you fucking inbred retards do? seethe about HURDURR HURR MUH FFFREEE SSPPPEECCHH!! colosall fucking retards, every single one of you. now go give your pillhead cigarette of a mother some narcan so she can wake up and go fuck pajeet for free gas you genetic fucking failure
>Didn't Trump force big pharma to lower the cost of Insulin while Biden immediately reversed that law
executive order it blew my mind that trump did that the entire leftist media was silent on it pretended it never happened
because rachel maddow doesnt say it destiny doesn't know it occured
on the blackrock payroll, probably.
shut up turbofaggot go jerk off to the sounds of your sister getting creamed by tyrone like you do every other night
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Am I supposed to feel jealous of a guy that live streams himself getting cuckolded and dommed on live? Who cares about having seven figures when it came at the cost of your soul and self esteem? Especially when you didn't even need to become a public disgrace to achieve wealth.

Seriously, imagine ever feeling jealous of a cuck. Holy shit, how embarrassing.
>while Trump was trying to dismantle the country
seriously what the fuck is he talking about here? no new wars for the mic got him upset?
>be 150 lbs
>dry fast for a month
>lose 90 lbs
>now weigh 40 lbs
>lynching pyre
you faggots literally have to larp 24/7 lmao kill yourself worhtless faggot
Thank you, we will need plenty of salt from your tears for all the popcorn that this event will require. See you in the next thread and don't worry I will of course bring all the pedophilia infographs with me.
he just makes outrageous statements for views. don't worry about it. he just lost his audience and is fishing for a new one.
Yes nigger, /pol/ is the eceleb board.
Former Sc2 player famous for the subterranean anal assault strat.

Got to GM by using winfestors and couldnt cope when they got balanced.

Then did the eceleb debatebro thing
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You are missing the point completely you dipshit.
>political violence is good
If Destiny was rightwing he would be under arrest for his public statements.
He is saying that it's a good thing that Trump supporters are killed.
But because he's a leftist piece of shit he is completely safeguarded by everything and it's totally not a call for violence against political enemies!

The Pelosi's husband situation was an extreme oddity. Tell me how the fuck some random guy got into his home? He was looking for people to fuck on tinder or ordered an escort. That's the only thing that makes sense. You are a total clown.
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Leftists secretly want trump to win, so they can engage in their favourite sport: Playing the victim.

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