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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Rally at Butler, PA 7/13/2024
https://rumble.com/v560lb8-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-in-butler-pennsylvania-71324.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Rally at Doral, FL 7/9/2024
https://rumble.com/v560kfz-live-president-trump-holds-a-rally-at-trump-national-in-doral-florida-7924.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump at Chesapeake, VA 6/28/2024
https://rumble.com/v53g5gg-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-chesapeake-virginia-62824.html (RSBN)
>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>474229533
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without going into too much detail, we can always try to meme a couple billion people into counterclockwise whirling to help speed up our planet's core to strengthen the magnetic field so people don't exponentially accelerate to madness/psychopathy

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anon can you tell me about how trump is now the antichrist somemore

trump is the anti-christ
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>One of its heads seemed to have been fatally wounded, but now it was well. Everyone on earth marveled at this beast, and they worshiped the dragon who had given its authority to the beast. They also worshiped the beast and said, “No one is like this beast! No one can fight against it.”

>REVELATION 13:11-12
>I now saw another beast. This one came out of the ground. It had two horns like a lamb, but spoke like a dragon. It worked for the beast whose fatal wound had been healed. And it used all its authority to force the earth and its people to worship that beast.

>This second beast fooled people on earth by working miracles for the first one. Then it talked them into making an idol in the form of the beast that did not die after being wounded by a sword.
>only god knows when the end times will come
>prideful human declares he figured out gods plan and is trying to lecture us all about why he's right
go to confession, or kill yourself
I don't care witch, you're headed to hell either way with your hubris
Trump passed the ultimate test of manliness. No one knows how they will react under fire until or unless it happens and he passed. Immediately after being shot he puts on his shoes and fist pumps to the crowd yelling, "FIGHT!"

Total chad.
why did he tell us to watch?
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its quinton a known schizo bible spammer
you're blind
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Please don't encourage them!

I'm getting some farage vibes from this shooting. Why is it that farage and trump seem to be interconnected in so many ways?
saul was seen as super manly, yet he hid in the stuff

saul was a coward king

trump is a coward king v2

jesus is daniel v2 (except jesus daniels lord too)
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Seeing as how the Secret Service just tried to kill him, is Trump going to switch to private security?
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RIP, king. Watching the sumo remembering him.
why watch for something we wont see coming?
dementia is fatal.
This is a silly mean but that makes me feels a bit sad
Abe was a seemly nice man.
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I fixed
Am I taking crazy pills? Why the fuck is there no medical report on Trumps injuries?
biden doesnt fit the other signs though, trump does
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i am still on team 22LR i am a true believer to the end
t. Farage
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God protects those who are crucial to His plan
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i don't use tiktok (for obvious reasons), but the amount of conspiracy theories on that site is astounding
and these aren't people that hate trump or anything, it's complete fucking nutters that are getting tens of thousands of likes
please stop paying attention to shills
It's eerie reading Farage's book, when he believed the moment the plane was going down that he was going to die, and him briefly not believing he'd survived until he felt the pain shoot through his body.
They are spiritual bros. The Hono(u)rable Are Nige, MP is coming to Milwaukee.

He doesn't need to release them if he doesn't want to
isnt the anti-christ a crucial piece of the end?
>by a sword
wasn't biden's head opened by a scalpel?
a fatal wound, healed.
Ronnie Jackson examined him and said while he's still bleeding intermittently there shouldn't be any permanent damage to his ear.
there was, he didn't even need stitches. literal divine intervention
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300 memeout larpers have entered the chat
Why do a feel like this was a massage because they feel like they can't kill him outright. Get some patsy who will fuck up the attempt to get it across without getting the full kill.
"We can get you and your family anytime, anywhere. Remember that, so play ball with us orange man."
Yes, it’s also going to be a spiritual movement
retarded take
guns are modern day swords

swords were the self defense weapons

guns are the self defence weapon

swords were the arms of war

guns are the arms of war
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Thread anthem
Nige is a true bro. Trump never forgets loyalty, and Nige standing by Trump during the Access Hollywood incident, in particular, apparently solidified their friendship. Given that I loved Nige years before Trump announced his candidacy, their becoming friends was something I was so happy to see happen.
>guns are swords
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My wife's son just said "it's not fair that we'll lose Our Democracy just because someone missed a shot". I told him not to worry because Mueller is coming back and he has been practicing at the firing range this whole time.
You’d have to be a very good shooter to intentionally graze your target’s ear. And of course, even if you hit the target…there’ll be bad consequences.
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Listening to Biden gives me a headache. His mumbling.

Brainrot Biden.
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Guys, I think we owe it to the tinkyposter's mother to help her clean up every once in a while. I'm starting to feel bad for the woman.
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i'm not that familiar with the /k/ memes but i just want the 22lr just i think it'd be the funniest option that some retard tried to pull that off with a plinker, and it would explain the shitty accuracy at what should've been an easy shot
the zionist christians are going to encourage trump to sin against god

he doesnt know they are compromised and this whole picked by god thing will go to his head

david loved saul

jesus loves trump

but... sad!

you know the story, kikes
Did everyone clap when you told him that?

the equivalent
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Creepy Porn Lawyer will return for his revenge!
im being dead serious

mommy say



baby cry

baby crap more on floor
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Blessed and highly favored
I'm not saying the plan was to graze him, but that they got a guy who would probably fuck up somehow and get wasted.
god will not be mocked
Abe shifted the timeline
This is the best video I've found that describes what actually happened
It also describes the security fuckup in detail
If Trump's supposedly the Antichrist, what does that make Joe and his Satan-worshipping pedo followers?
apparently assassins like 22lr to cap two into the back of peoples heads so i dunno
How big is this conspiracy? This building is a super obvious target for SS.
He got way too close to not fucking up. So far attempts to bankrupt Trump, jail him, and outright take him off the ballot have all failed. Killing him is, in fact, the next logical leap.
that guy works for the government, just saying
He's going to push Joe down the stairs after he finishes taking the oath of office.
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The bumbling secret service cunts is the funny yet sad
If the attack was close the would have been able to do shit.
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i think it was just too fucking hot
nothing? idk
one of the 3 kings conquered by the beast?

im only arguing the translation of the killing blow lines in rev 13

later i will make cases for other points

i wanted good arguments against me, but i got the regulars just spamming
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I don't know man, maybe they think that just outright killing him would be way to on the nose, so they try and scare him like this. I mean, the shooter did get kicked out of his gun club if I remember correctly or if that was even verified.
Just boggles my mind that nobody was securing that roof.
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post picrels
What the fuck do you mean it was just too hot?
The 2020 Dem primary and 2016/2024 Rep primaries taught me that neither party really has a strong bench post-Trump.
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>My wife's son
deus vult

every word of the lord comes true
There won’t be any arguments against you because you’re not here to argue. You’ve made up your mind and will stick with it. Firstly, because it allows you to continue your bizarre concern-trolling. And secondly, because posters on here would rather die than admit fault.
Well they missed outright killing him by about an inch or two.
Golbohomos need both dead or otherwise canceled at any cost and by any means necessary.
they didn't expect to miss
it doesn't matter if people know you did it, if the guy you did it to is dead.
the line can be interpreted that he escaped a killing blow by divine grace

so far "nuh uh!" is all ive gotten back
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it was fucking sweltering anon
His name was Corey Comperatore.
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A divine wind.

A kamikaze if you will.
Larplad skitso so that makes 304
Nobody has said, “nu-uh.” People have made replies that showed thought. If you can’t even honestly represent your opponent’s argument, then…shit, what’s the point. Besides, I’m not Christian, so all this shit is pretty irrelevant to me. If your god is real, judging by the state of this earth, he has long since chosen to withdraw. But I do not have such a luxury. I can’t just vanish in a puff of smoke when the going gets tough.
Why didn't the angel also protect the firefighter who was an actual hero and died shielding his family?
I know it was hot. There was like one area for SS snipers to keep their eyes on. This is 101 basic shit

I'm not buying this argument "dude the temperature was hot lol."
yes, everyone marvels at the beast and says "who can FIGHT him?"

the fight fight fight line

like thats in the fucking verse, wtf

you people are nuts
Did you guys see that pastor predicting the assassination attempt perfectly as well as other things months ago?
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It's very sad
That faggot ruined people's lives.
Why didn’t he stop anyone and everyone on the planet from dying? Come on, now. These are like entry level theology questions.
why can't I post you faggot jannies I'm not a bot.
I got no off topic warning I broke no laws wtf.
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He posted here LOL
I wasnt planning on voting because it's fake and gay but I'll put one in for this guy
We love our great law enforcement, don’t we, folks?
lol, they spam at me and offer no arguments when confronted

"nu-uh" is exactly what they did

they dont even care, they admit to not caring

so, by admission, they are just "nu-uh"ing in spirit

god is not fooled
They often are.
Which was definitely lucky. I mean, to be fair if he dies it would be him removed off the board and if he lives they might scare him enough that he is off the board anyways. They don't need him to back out, just scare him enough to play ball with them. Maybe they had hoped he would fuck up but were ok if he did the job fully. Really it's all about making him not a threat, and threatening him and his family with death is a good way of doing it without killing him so obviously and outright.
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like as some people pointed out, 100m isn't really a pro's distance, anyone with basic shooting experience shouldn't have missed several shots. but for 22lr that is stretching the normal range people use it at, and would explain how he was close but couldn't land
it's smaller and quieter so there are benefits but not at ranged shooting, and this guy was clearly not a pro because he failed and also he was just 20, not exmil or anything
i think for all the motive speculation the exact choices he made for the prepwork tell you a lot about the headspace he was in for preparing for this, and if he just grabbed a shitty unsuitable gun for it just because it was onhand i think we can assume it was something non-ideological and more personal (like grand suicidal intention without regard to success)
because it also doesn't seem like he really planned to escape and he made no social media posts that would give some indication of why (most young extremists these days, left and right, like to leave a manifesto or stream or other warning for happening to their compatriots)

anyway i'm definitely arguing against common sense which says 556 but I AM STILL A 22LR TRUE BELIEVER
People have talked about killing Trump for years but the Alphabet agencies don't do shit.
Bad mouthing a beak nose sheriff or a governor lead to action while during his entire reign as president people were constantly making threats, joking about killing him, others killing him, assassination and so on.
You're arguing that poorly translated fan fiction of Hebrew mythology is behind the actions on Saturday rather than the simple explanation, that this retard kid got psyopped into doing it by the media. Pointing at words and shouting BUT MY BOOK SAYS does not constitute proof.
corey comperatore
be less retarded
Well, it appears that their plan totally failed. Badly.
Because the real absurd thing is thinking divine intervention would exist at all if God was just going to pick and choose where to apply it. As far as I know, Judea is the only nation of man he's given his endorsement to so I don't know why he'd bother with an American politician. Unless...
revelation was written in greek
>like as some people pointed out, 100m isn't really a pro's distance, anyone with basic shooting experience shouldn't have missed several shots.
did you hear about the local police? i'm not sure how much you heard since you were SLEEPING. he was probably rattled and rushed it
Check from 10:30 onward. He claims there's going to be a new wave of patriotism. It's actually bizarre how right he was.

Don’t forget, 22LR would have bounced around in Trump’s skull!
RIP to the legend, one of the real ones. He protected Donald
even if larp, this was a fun read
jew astroturf thread
I see you're both stupid and partially illiterate, wonderful combo.
i heard but there's a lot of bullshit going around so i am filing that under "i am ignoring reality because i want to be right"
to a universalist it makes perfect sense

look up universalism versus annihilationism, in relation to christianity
Ok. Your post has nothing to do with "it being hot outside". Just stop posting.
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It's definitely a larp. Multiple people got hurt behind Trump along different trajectories.
He can do whatever the fuck he feels like. He doesn’t answer to you or me. Hell, I don’t have to make sense. And if I don’t have to make sense, he definitely doesn’t have to make sense.
>errr…excuse me, Mr. God, you’re not being RATIONAL and acting LOGICALLY
definitely a larp but i have seen a lot of second shooter arguments, especially from the "staged" conspiracy
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We've all read about and each have known casualties in this war, victims of the fucking science juice, depression and isolation, getting murdered by golem, sometimes even murdered by the state without proxy

just is what it is. for now.
i'm sorry, I thought i was responding to someone who could infer things.
my mistake.
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the tl;dr is
>people reported a suspicious guy around the rally
>local police went to investigate
>couldn't find him
>hey maybe he's on the roof
>cop climbs up ladder left by shooter
>as he goes to climb up, the shooter aims his gun at the cop
>cop drops down (no gun in hand at the time)
>shooter opens fire
>his killing blow was healed
>his killing blow was avoided

both imply god intervened

i didnt make this up, im parroting very old arguments

i have argued these points for years

until yesterday i was not convinced trump could be the guy, but after yesterday i need heavy convincing otherwise

trying to shame me wont cut your own holy shit
This has that vibe.
>Do you know why I laugh?
I kind of hope that is the case and he knows something we don't because, man, the pressure of yourself or most importantly, your family being in the crosshairs of an organization like theirs has to be a lot of pressure. Maybe next time they won't pick a guy who got kicked out of gun club for being such a bad shot.
universalism is the most practical explanation of divine grace

why does god help bad people and hurt good people, universalism answers that.
is the traffic too high or am I being filtered?
what's going on?
No they don't you retarded schizo. The miss was caused by the shooter not adjusting his sight picture for the crossbreeze. He did not do this because he was stupid and not well trained.
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Boy were you wrong in assuming things. Don't bother with cryptic ramblings or incoherent connections. I pointed to an obvious failure. And you pointed to the IRA like I'm a fucking historian who's going to investigate your bullshit
many people claim this was divine grace

im not blind
Crazy to think this kids assassination attempt will launch him to re election. If the kid stayed home playing video games he'd be alive and Trump would still win but it would be a lot closer.
yes i am sorry to report you have been shadowbanned
>South Sudan, the newest country in the world, is currently facing an economic crisis unseen in its history. The conflict in Sudan and the disruption of the oil pipelines from South Sudan to Port Sudan have exposed South Sudan’s financial mismanagement, corruption, and decades of lack of development.
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the shooter had some cute hats
You don’t have to adjust for wind at that distance. Definitely a combination of LIL DONNIE turning his head, and probably incorrect placement of the finger on the trigger.
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Put Kyle in charge of Trump's security
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There are images of a secret service agent hiding BEHIND the president
for what?
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new id
same op
you know what.
>South Sudan peace talks face collapse over a new security law as country gears up for first election
Maybe the catholics were onto something for not letting midwits read the bible.

Retards would have clambered over each other to call King Charles VIII the anti christ.
hold the phone, if it was 556 at around 150m, wind wouldn't affect it THAT much at such a small distance
the picture the other anon posted at you was an example of something being hot, because it was a terror hit, instead of it being because the stove is on.
I just posted an article relevent to their image.

do you not understand what hot in in a crisis context means?
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you can't find anything funnier than this
Protestantism was the biggest fuckup. Sure, letting the common man read the Bible comes with some problems. But then you have Martin Luther who shows up and basically tells everyone you can just create-a-church every time said plebs have a new interpretation of the Bible. Now you have retards like the Mormons and SDA.
A stack of these as story cards and you can shuffle your DND brains out
Elon is demonetizing Destiny over his funposts this weekend.
no I don't.
>stupid dispensationalist or catholic
those versus are about Rome and the emperors and the popes
I think they know they can't cheat enough to stop him after the debate, so they either want to kill him, but would rather scare him to the point they will work with them since it would be less on the nose if they were to just kill him, but would be ok if that happened also. I'm not convinced he was just some crazy with a gun, or at leas there wasn't some kind of involvement from the higher ups. Been lied to a bit too many times to take the gov''s word for anything.
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>post jams
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true or not i kinda doubt that'd be a big impact on his ability to aim
he was very close so it wasn't like he didn't know how to line up a shot or was really rattled, but i am convinced the errant placement of all of them was due to low caliber inconsistency at that range

Чтo этo тaкoe?
Meh. It's not like the catholic church is immune from corruption.
>revising history
kys pole faggot
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Get back on more podcasts to tell people how to hate marxists more better John!
Well now I do. But I didn't eat breakfast this morning (I never really do). I don't catch every figure of speech. My question is how big is this conspiracy? Obviously it was a massive failure of law enforcement (bordering on impossible) or likely a criminal conspiracy.

How big is this criminal conspiracy? What do you suppose?
Not at all. Quite the opposite, even. But it and the Orthodox Churches are the only ones that can claim any sort of legitimacy. They can trace their roots back to the old church. Protestants? They go back to some G*rman monk in the Middle Ages.
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Almost certainly goes high up. Don’t consider it in a vacuum. They’ve already tried to jail Trump, bankrupt him, remove him from the ballot. Those aren’t the sorts of moves that some random disgruntled discord troons can pull off. The assassination attempt was almost certainly tied to the same group. So it stands to reason that they are immensely powerful.
you are not even a christian...
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im a post-trib pre-wrath universalist
It’s a matter of historical record. And in any case, I enjoy theology as a hobby.

If they compromised SS (which is more likely than police failure) than they should be pretty fucking powerful
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i mean, think about it
>20 year old
>carrying out his plan to [REDACT] a former president
>it's fucking HOT
>as you army crawl you hear people start to yell
>you realize you have been spotted
>as you crawl closer to your perch a police officer discovers you
>not knowing when you will have your head burst open by the secret service you take your shot
anyways he failed lmao what a loser
this is what always rubbed me the wrong way, you larp as a christian when you want

but you are ashamed of jesus because he was a jew
they all try to tie their culture to the hebrews.
even though the nazarene spoke aramaic.
maybe, we shall SEE
i will be VINDICATED
i would like to know if any of the trump supporters that got shot, unknowingly took a bullet for trump. someone mentioned on another thread that maybe they got shot because they were in the way, like in between the shooter and trump.
>mocks god by not capitalizing god
lol u are so retarded
god is easily mocked because there is no one there.
mock santa claus and the tooth fairy while you're at it.
ohnoes they will visit hellfire and damnation upon you now!
better kill yourself retard
Don’t forget who the secret service answers to.

>luke 9:26
>If you are ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of you when he comes in his glory and in the glory of his Father and the holy angels.
The US has a history of killing or kidnapping political actors and even presidents both foreign and domestics. The usual suspect is the intelligence agencies and the bureaucrats and politicians that support them or vis versa. The deep state is what this refers too usually. Trump has a lot of enemies in very, very high places.
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(also he was so incredibly fucking lucky to even make it as far as he did what a terrible fucking plan)
hey do you think he was alive long enough to know his plan failed?
trump laid it all out on october 13, 2016.
it's still true today.
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>get shot
>trump is pandering to blacks
Judging by the angle, it’s almost impossible.
I literally look exactly like this but I was born male
the guy that died was a jesus lover whose family loved him

nothing was lost, hes with christ and will get much rewards
Yeah but Joe Biden is really fucking old and stupid. It not necessarily him. What rat fucker order this?
>brainwashed as a child into a levantine doomsday cult.
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not bad no cap frfr
Naw DHS are good zim/zers and their boss is completely trustworthy with a track record
the polish flag anon is not a christian...

its not a secret, he just enjoys commenting when it favors his goals
he was a jesus lover because his ancestor's culture was washed away by kikes telling their kings they were bloodlines of david.
im jealous of him

he died for the kingdom, no questions
Mayorkass is head of DHS
Secret service doesn’t actually answer to the President. It also doesn’t answer to DHS, last I checked. Look up who the secret service is subordinate to. It’ll blow your mind.
And the first writings on transgenderism were written in German. Does that mean troonism is Aryan truth, or is it still judaic fiction regardless of what language it was written in?
Either way Cromwell was in the right for doing what he did. The Churh was corrupt to its core at that time and was a boot on the neck of England and much of Europe
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Its pretty much confirmed that this was an inside job and the SS was supposed to let it happen.
It only didn't happen because Trump turned his head randomly.

What happens now?
>hes with christ and will get much rewards
>hey thanks for dying as a pawn in my plan.
>No your family can't join you but here's a mansion filled with cool shit. You play ps5?

In a round about way of course they do. The head of the SS can be fired by the President. Same with head of DHS
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i think he was alive long enough to see the first shot miss so maybe
would be even weirder if the last thing he saw was blood on trump and thrown down before getting permabanned from real life
It's very suspicious. I think there is a good chance SS is compromised
because what they are doing to trump, they intend to do to everyone.
no it was just hot lol
Marx was a German, you know. The guys who sacked Rome? Germans. Yiddish? Offshoot of the Germanic language. WW1? WW2? Started by Austrians, who are, wait for it: Germans. EU? Controlled by Germans.

Yeah, he was just doing what he had to at the time. And I guess nobody can really blame him for defending his convictions and those of his countrymen.
She should be at home being a comfy wife doting on her baby and enjoying peace and security. Women don't belong in the line of fire.
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i know this might be hard to answer, but how much do you think this helps trump?
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>Чтo этo тaкoe?

The commercial you dumb fuck
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>I am a huuge faggot, a cuck, a retard, and a giant pussy.
>p.s. I am also a stupid ass niggerfaggot.
I see you have no idea how stupid you look about now.
Good going, retard. Your lame attempt to throw random bible verses at me just failed to do whatever you thought it would do.
>son of man
jesus was a nigger, a faggot, a foot-fetishist, a child-molester, and a massive fraud.
If you could go back in time you would see this very clearly, but would be so butthurt over discovering the truth you would probably kill yourself.
Oh, how I wish we had time machines!
It would show how stupid and gullible you are, which would be very satisfying, lol.
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Turns out I was wrong. As of 2003, the USSS is no longer subordinate to the Treasury Department.
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no, just that the kjv english isnt definitive
no greater reward than dying for your family and friends
Dude people were yelling at them for 5 minutes that there was a guy up there on the roof with a gun.
There are so many suspicious movements and actions right before it happened too from the agents.

And it was the most obvious spot.
The roof was right there.

Inside job.
>I see you have no idea how stupid you look
>jesus was a nigger, a faggot

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The ULTRA MAGA Rap Clique is coming along nicely.
>link related is two anon verses we threw into AI
its been confirmed that russia and china has an army of bots online telling people that every american tragic event is an inside job.
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Thanks anon.
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The corruption runs deep.

Hand picked police and SS agents? Who's the villian who gave the order? Was it Biden or another figure?
Potato kotz
Not a damn chance Biden is anything more than a figurehead now.
I don't usually post in these threads but I just wanted to say God bless you Trump
There that's the most serious I have ever posted on this website in the last fourteen years. Bye
that explains the "so openminded their brains fell out" xpol types believing it
Yeah but is any group of police officers and SS officers this bad at their job? Tough sell man
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reminder still baking
the op pic its.... beautifull. Trump will make america great again in 2024. Thank you Americans thank you Trump thank you all in this thread.
i dont hate trump, i love him as david loved saul

but... its very obvious what is happening

its sad, everyone shoup weap manly tears for trump

>lake of fire, outer darkness, weeping, gnashing of teeth

hard shit
why didnt the angel do something cool like make the shooters head explode before he took the shot or stop the guy in the crowd dying
pretty lame the plan was to make trump slightly turn his head
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and yes the shitty plan is bonkers and that is why 22lr will make it even funnier, it is a massive indictment of the surveillance state and security theater if some loser can just grab a wal-mart tier rifle and stroll up to a vantage point right at a president in full knowledge of the cops and SS and crowd and still get some shots in
while i am a NEH chad one of the accounts i watch is arguing that this is the Beginning of Happenings and is making a strong argument that, similar to j6, it dispels notions that some things are untouchably hard. i think there's more mental barriers to leviathan than just the perceived unassailability of power, but i cannot deny that is one delusion people still harbor. i seem to recall someone saying something similar four years ago
Something far deeper

I don't know man. I don't think Biden runs anything.
Security gets tweaked heavily in some way for Trump for his next rally or guest speech.
SS gets egg on their face but it's ok because this just proves they need more diversity and cowering fat women who can't holster a pistol.
FBI determines, officially " IDUNNO LOL" after investigating the incident.
Anyone who is still backtheblueing has an existential crisis of faith realizing they were wrong.

These can be positive events.

God could have intervened or it could have been crazy luck
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I mean, they kinda have a point lol
That has nothing to do with anything, nigger-lover sama. You said Revelation was written in Greek, as if to imply that this somehow means it isn't jewish fiction. But as transgenderism proves, jewish fiction can be written in any language. The bible is every bit as jewish and fictional as transgenderism, and equally as terrible for white people. Christianity is nothing more than making "race traitor" your religion.
yeah i can't respond to this on the internet sorry!
depends on how well democrats can thread the needle of maintaining
>trump is literally hitler destroying democracy he's the worst thing possible and everything is on the line this election
>political violence is bad you must NEVER do it, we are one people and one nation under god we have to tone down the polarized rhetoric
going too far either way is a big losing scenario for them, whereas previously (like biden's red september speech) he could go as far as he'd like into le dark brandon territory and only get approval from democrats
the kjv and more modern translation that incorporate the dead sea scrolls differ in places

are you saying the kjv is the word of god and the greek is no good?
This is crazy, dude.

This. The state is incompetent. It uses fear to keep everyone in line. The threat that it is omnipotent usually is enough to make people keep their heads down. This makes their justifications for a surveillance state all the more silly.
What makes you so sure you're one of the 144,000 that are redeemed?
Yes. You.
Anon with the face.
>And the ears lol
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they are the elect, dont put words in my mouth

there are too many theories on that specific topic for you to assume my stance
yes, you hear it allll the time, law enforcement incompetence is a thing and it happens.
Both, as well as all other versions of jewish fairy tales, are jewish and fake. You worship the jewish race and lick nigger feet for yeshua hamachiach.
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Nice work! I like it!
Having watched the MSNBC feed for fun during all this, it's notable that all their most partisan people suddenly vanished from the airwaves after Trump was shot. I haven't seen Maddow or Reid or Hayes yet. I know it's been a weekend, but surely those hacks have been called in for breaking news stories before?
>im not a christian

then dont stick your nose in this, unless you admit to such right away

rat boy
it's okay our resident joe poster is coming back monday so there will be updates asap!
They probably won't be let on the air for a few weeks.
If they say a single bad thing unscripted the network would be screwed.
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I played it without the sound. I think the feeling made it more profound.
>Dnt play games with muh heart anon. It was beautiful
God, capital G.
You're a Christian. You should know that very basic thing.
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Shit's gonna be so cash, just need to figure out how to make it sound like Trump and Bidet
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Why the fuck is Jill Biden campaigning? No one's fucking voting for her.
Remember to lurk in the shadows to hunt the shadows.
im a sinner, anon

god is more worried about other things with me

but, yes, God deserves all honor and respect

you are obviously correct
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okay then how about this somewhat related but not quite as dangerous argument
do you think the conspiracies of staging are related to deep-seated need of some people for the system to be unassailable as proof that their theories of society were not made impossible by their own incompetence and cowardice? or in other words
>communism hasn't been achieved because capitalism is just that powerful and all-encroaching into everything
>it certainly isn't that we're gay retards
there's some big boy words about this topic that i should pull out from one of these books but i keep procrastinating on workout because politics is too much fun
This is kind of interesting. It's the BBC reporting about the assassination attempt.

There you go.
They knew if Maddow and Reid opened their disgusting sloppy pie holes on camera over the weekend they'd be dead by Monday.
Trump now understands how nuts the situation is so he has a better chance to mitigate it's happening again through multiple means. That helps.

As for helping his popularity; There were people who had been saying they hated Trump for usual things, until after the guilty verdict they said they are voting for him out of spite for how bullshit the trial was. I can't imagine what I'll be hearing next week. There's probably going to be a flood of volunteers for Trumpforce47 or open conspiracy theorists at bars now saying I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN.
i will 'make an effort'

because i was rebuked
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>drops mic. drops pants. drops
We're only human. I wish I was rebuked more when I was younger.
What, you just thought I was gonna help you engage in your favorite vice of petty bickering between jew worshippers about who worships the jews correctly and who will be tortured forever for not worshipping jews correctly? Lol no. You worship the jewish race, and when niggers present their filthy black feet, you slurp them up for the circumcised rabbi yeshua ben pantera of israel. Like a Muslim's pilgrimage to the Kaaba, or a jew's pilgrimage to Israel, the most sacred rite in all of christcuckery is kissing nigger feet and sucking the toes.
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This is nothing more than the monarch's cry. Freedom exists only in the shadows. Lie in the shadows and hunt the shadows. This is how a patriot lives.
However, the government here has a history of shady shit, like every other government really. It's not like doing this sort of thing isn't its MO. Don't know why people know the gov fucks with other countries, especially in south America or the middle east or Africa but then go "oh no no, they couldn't possibly do that here, even if they are threatened."
Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords

God The Father LORD Almighty Creator of heaven and earth

pour out Thy Spirit on us

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>takes off towel in roman bath
>starts washing *cough* the feet of fellow faggots
>pretends he is doing nothing wrong
>defends being naked and washing feet
many such examples abound in every version of the bible of jesus being a degenerate disgusting nigger of a jew.
just sayin.
>let the children come unto me
>parents and adults are mad
creepy child molester vibes
>sees nothing wrong with a whore
>says to 'sin no more' without saying what sin that is.
much hilarity ensues, oh yes
>travel from town to town, avoiding the ones who want to have him arrested
>gets revealed by own brother who just wanted some money reward
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>do you think the conspiracies of staging are related to deep-seated need of some people for the system to be unassailable as proof that their theories of society were not made impossible by their own incompetence and cowardice?
I think that's true of a lot of "right-wing" conspiracy theories too.
Even if the jews or illuminati or whoever really rule the world, they're not some mystical and invincible force that can't be beaten.
But believing they are is a convenient excuse to stay out of the trenches of practical politics.
>but i keep procrastinating on workout because politics is too much fun
don't forget formatting!
okay at this point you have to suspect god himself is preventing me just look at the politics!
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Love the lyrics kek
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>sucking the toes
eww gross
This is true. I see it in my own family. It is the deferment of responsibility and a willing learned helplessness because things are easier that way.
see >>474237777
checked XD

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